HomeMy WebLinkAboutDuncan Associates Submittal for UDC Revisions duncan associates May 22,2015 Stacy Ulmen, City Clerk 121 North Rouse Avenue Suite 202 Bozeman MT 59771 Dear Ms.Ulmen: On behalf of Duncan Associates,CodaMetrics and The Lakota Group,I am pleased to submit this cost proposal and accompanying Statement of Qualifications for the Bozeman Unified Development Code project. Our negotiable lump-sum fee for completion of the work described in the city's RFQ and our Statement of Qualifications is$43,000 for phase 1 (North Seventh Street corridor plan) and $199,000 for completion of phase 2 (unified development code). The Grand Total proposed budget is$242,000,which includes all professional service fees and (out-of-pocket) direct expenses. Please contact me (kirk@duncanassociates.com,312-527-2500) if you have any questions or additional requests.I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Kirk R.Bis p Principal 116 West Illinois I Suite 70OW I Chicago IL 60654 p. 312 527 2500 1 f. 312 268 7418 1 www.duncanassociates.coin N Cover Sheet Project Summary Team Description/Capability 5 Duncan Associates 5 CodaMetrics 6 The Lakota Group 6 V Informational Content 7 Kirk Bishop 7 Richard Grice 8 Leslie Oberholtzer 9 Carolyn Reid 9 Scott Freres 10 Daniel Grove 11 Nick Kalogeresis 12 References 13 Outline of Services 27 Phase 1 : North 7th Avenue Corridor Plan 27 Phase 2: Citywide UDC 30 duncanlassociates Statement of Qualifications to prepare BOZEMAN submitted by Duncan Associates CodaMetrics The Lakota Group Photo:Bozeman Project Summary This Statement of Qualifications is submitted on behalf of Duncan Associates, CodaMetrics and The Lakota Group.It represents our expression of(great) interest in assisting the City of Bozeman with successful completion of the Unified Development Code project. We understand that the city desires to complete the UDC project in two phases.The first phase will involve creation of a mixed-use,infill redevelopment plan for the North Seventh Street corridor.The sec- ond phase will focus on creation of an updated unified development code that: • implements and ensures consistency with the city's comprehen- sive plan and other relevant functional and special area plans; • is richly illustrated and easy to understand,use and administer • accommodates mixed-use development,as well as desirable infill and redevelopment activities; • applies appropriate and modern regulatory tools and techniques to address priority zoning and land development issues. Among our team's many strengths: • We have a solid base of directly relevant experience—including zoning,planning,historic preservation,and urban design—that we will call upon throughout the project to offer time-tested alternative strategies tailored to Bozeman's needs and commu- nity values; • Each of our team partners has prepared plans,ordinances and planning studies for jurisdictions throughout the U.S.; • Duncan Associates has built a national reputation on drafting concise,comprehensible,and common-sense development reg- ulations that are visually-appealing,user-friendly and written in"plain English;"and • Ordinances,plans and studies developed by team members have received awards throughout the U.S. In summary,we have done this type of work many times before. Our multi-disciplinary team has a mix of public and private-sector experience,and we are committed to ensuring the project's overall success.We are very excited about the possibility of working with the city,and we welcome the opportunity to discuss our approach and qualifications in greater detail.Please contact me (kirk@ duncanassociates.com,312-527-2500) if you have any questions or additional requests. Bozeman Unified Development Code Proposal Page 3 • • Bozeman C/ I { Team Description/Capability Our team has the skills, experience, and resources necessary to successfully complete all phases of the Bozeman unified development code project. Our multi-disciplinary team is comprised three firms: Duncan Associates, CodaMetrics and The Lakoto Group. We joined forces in pursuit of the Bozeman Duncan Associates has built its reputation on project after careful consideration of the city's identifying local issues,exploring alternative expectations,as presented in the request for approaches and transforming conceptual qualifications. recommendations into zoning regulations that Our team partners specialize in planning, zoning, work...and stand the test of time.The firm is historic preservation and urban design. We have built around a base of former local government prepared zoning ordinances, unified development planners and code administrators, individuals codes,form-based codes and other plan who have administered and enforced regulations implementation tools for jurisdictions throughout and know about the real-life challenges of code the U.S.. Each of our firms has a solid base of administration that arise on nearly a daily basis. directly related experience that we will call upon as The firm has prepared code updates for dozens of needed throughout the project to offer time-tested local governments throughout the U.S., including, alternative planning and development strategies. Missoula (MT), Prescott(AZ), Mesa County(CO), Chicago, Kansas City, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Duncan Associates Our project director for the Bozeman project Duncan Associates, a firm that specializes in will be Kirk Bishop. Kirk has been with Duncan updating and revising zoning and development Associates since 1987 and has led most of the regulations,would serve as lead firm on the firm's development code work over the years. Bozeman UDC project. From offices in Chicago and Duncan Associates will serve as the overall project Austin, Duncan Associates has provided zoning manager for the ordinance update assignment and and planning consulting services to over 120 cities lead the ordinance drafting process. The firm is an and counties in more than 30 states.The firm was Texas S-Corporation, with a five-person professional founded in 1977 and is a nationally-recognized staff. leader in the field, as evidenced by numerous awards from the American Planning Association. duncan�associates + + + •+ +gyp + JVF + JL* + + +, + + + + + + ems+ fl � • _ _r{ Offices •� ( + Development Regulations _ • Impact Fees • Special Assignments Bozeman I Unified Development Code Proposal I Page 5 Team Description/Capability CodaMetrics The Lakota Group Founded in 2013, CodaMetrics staff has a long The Lakota Group is a multidisciplinary team of history of form-based code work,employing professionals providing services in planning, innovative techniques to help guide and prioritize design, landscape architecture, historic development.The firm's work ranges from over- preservation and community engagement. lays for neighborhoods, nodes and downtowns to Founded in 1993, Lakota has earned a reputation comprehensive development code updates. for providing creative solutions to complex CodaMetrics staff includes designers and planners. problems for public-and private-sector clients. This ensures a real-world For more than 20 years, perspective on develop- o� �?� Lakota has completed ment,as well as exposure y '.. ` � consulting assignments for to leading edge sustain- over 300 local governments. able site development and �, r Projects have included design practices. Coda- 7�t 1883 �� comprehensive plans, Metrics staff are constantly a�`N•co. o�' master plans, streetscape immersed in the best ideas programs, park,trail and of sustainability metrics, greenway plans, campus gained from service on the plans, and historic downtown USGBC and Star Communi- plans.The firm has provided ty Rating System Technical comprehensive planning and Assistance Groups.This Main Street revitalization expertise allows CodaMet- services for clients in more rics to apply and incor- than 75 communities porate key metrics into " ' ' throughout the U.S. codes,thereby advancing Freres ogeresis Examples of past work place-making and walkabil include the State of Oregon, ity. (planning,preservation, Chicago,San Antonio and Examples of past form- dozens of Chicago area based code work includes municipalities. Billings(MT), Hartford (CT< The firm's approach Duluth (MN), Boulder(CO),to name just a few. is reflected in its name,"Lakota,"which is a Firm principal, Leslie Oberholtzer serves on the Native American word meaning"allies."Their Resource Council for the Form-Based Codes Insti- professionals share a strong respect for the tute,an organization dedicated to advancing the land and community—and work to bring people best practices of form-based coding. together as allies for positive change. Leslie will help assess the possible application of The Lakota Group will lead the phase 1 work on form-based coding approaches as part of the Boze- the Bozeman project and be available to assist with man unified development code project. She will also design standards,public involvement, mapping and assist with design-and sustainability-related provi- other activities during the prc ject's second phase. sions. Page 6 1 Unified Development Code Proposal I Bozeman Informational Content Informational Content Kirk Bishop duncan associates Kirk is a principal with Duncan Associates. During his nearly 30 years with the firm he has served as a zoning and development code consultant to local governments throughout the U.S., including several in the Inter- mountain west. Kirk's substantial portfolio of development cod work includes revisions and updates for big cities,suburban communities and rural areas. In recognition of his big city experience, he was invited by Harvard University and the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy to serve on a three-member panel that presented zoning research to planning directors of the nation's 25 largest cities. He is currently wrapping up a comprehensive zoning ordinance update for Tulsa (OK). Previous Client Assignment Kirk's Role Missoula(MT) Zoning+Subdivision Project Manager Mesa County(CO) Development Code Project Manager Aspen(CO) Growth Management Project Manager Kirk's experience includes Aurora(CO) Subdivision Code Principal Planner development code updates Portland(OR) Zoning Assessment Principal Planner for jurisdictions throughout Tulsa(OK) Zoning Ordinance Project Manager the U.S. Kansas City(MO) Development Code Project Manager Before joining Duncan Associates, Kirk was a senior research associate with the American Planning Association,where he served as principal researcher for studies, reports and training workshops. His examination of zoning strategies that enhance the visual quality and functional operation of road corridors was published as a Planning Advisory Service Report, Designing Urban Corridors. Early in his career, Kirk worked as a senior planner with the City of Austin (TX),where he was responsible for zoning and subdivision case review, land- use studies, historic preservation and staff support for a council-appointed citizens'panel charged with reviewing amendments to the city's land development code. Kirk is a frequent speaker at conferences and training workshops and a regular guest lecturer in the University of Illinois at Chicago's Urban Planning and Public Affairs program. Education M.A., Urban and Regional Planning, University of Iowa B.A., Political Science, University of Iowa Bozeman I Unified Development Code Proposal I Page 7 Informational Content Richard Grice duncan associates Richard has been associated with Duncan Associates since 1999. His career as an urban planner includes over 37 years of public planning experience. Early in his career, Richard served as chief current planner for the Aspen/Pitkin County Planning Department where he participated in the development of cutting-edge planning tools for preserving local values in a politically active, resort-impacted community. He was also instrumental in developing Aspen/Pitkin County's affordable housing program in the early 1980s and served as the first staff liaison to the Aspen/Pitkin County Housing Authority in the program's formative years. As Planning Director for San Miguel County(Telluride), Richard drafted the jurisdiction's first comprehensive plan and land use code, both of which are still in use today.The countys comprehensive plan plays an important role in protecting the integrity of the Telluride National Historic District by reinforcing the"hard edge"around the town. Building on his affordable housing experience in Aspen/Pitkin County, Richard designed San Miguel County's innovative, market-driven, affordable housing program.The program continues to be among the most successful middle-income, affordable housing programs in the high-cost areas of Colorado. On behalf of tiuncan Associates, Richard has completed ordinances for cities and counties in 16 states, including Santa Fe County, San Juan County and Farmington (NM); Prescott(AZ); Shawnee(OK); Baytown(TX); Deltona (FL); Lincoln County(NC);Alexandria (LA); Benton Harbor(MI);Waynesboro (VA); and, most recently,Arlington County(VA). He is currently serves as Duncan Associates' project manager on a zoning and subdivision ordinance update for Fairfax(VA). Richard specializes in plan implementation and modernizing outdated land use regulatory systems with a user-friendly, integration of traditional subdivision and zoning regulations into a unified development ordinance format. Each of Richard's ordinances is user-friendly;specifically designed for ease of use by citizens and administrative staff. Richard understands the cost of time to development,and seeks to expedite and otherwise create a path of least resistance,for desirable development. His codes are frequently"hybrid codes", and include a combination of traditional, performance,form-based and sustainable elements. Richard is a frequent speaker at planning and environmental protection conferences on community planning,affordable housing and environmental protection programs. He currently resides in Telluride. Education B. S., Management, Mississippi State University Page 8 1 Unified Development Code Proposal I Bozeman Informational Content Leslie Oberholtzer CODAMETRICS Principal Leslie Oberholtzer is a national zoning expert and form-based code leader, adopting neighborhood and full city codes across the country for over ten years. She has worked over the last two decades to promote sustainable development through the availability of alternative transportation and housing choices,green construction,community building,and preservation of community tradition and character. She was a contributor to the EPA Essential Smart Growth Fixes for Urban and Suburban Zoning Codes. In addition to being a registered landscape architect,she is certified by AICP and NCI(National Charrette Institute). Leslie serves on the STAR Communities Rating System Technical Advisory Group and on the U.S. Green Building Council's Location and Planning Technical Advisory Group. She also serves on the Resource Council of the Form-Based Codes Institute. Sample Projects • St. Louis Park(MN) Form-Based Code for Light Rail Station Areas Duluth (MN) Form-Based Code Districts Dublin (OH) Bridge Street Corridor Form-Based Code • Salt Lake County(UT) Form-based Code(Template) • Boulder(CO) Form-based Code _ Education M.S., Community Planning, University of Texas at Austin B.S., Landscape Architecture, University of Texas at Arlington Carolyn Reid CODAMETRICS With an academic background in architecture, urban planning, and design, Carolyn's work has been dedicated to creating vibrant,walkable places. She has two years of consulting experience working on a range of projects across the U.S., including comprehensive plans,small-area plans,zoning code assessments,and zoning regulations. Over the last few years,Carolyn has developed specialized expertise in evaluating zoning regulations and writing form-based codes as part of project teams in Missouri, North Carolina,South Carolina,and Tennessee. Sample Projects • Downtown Form-based Code Waxhaw, SC* • St. Charles Transit Station Area Form-Based Code Pagedale, MO* • Grand Station Transit-Oriented Development District St. Louis, MO* • Germantown SmartCode Germantown,TN* • Sherwood Town Center Plan Sherwood,OR* • Tacoma Avenue Station Area Plan Milwaukie, OR* *experience with previous firm Education M.S., Urban/Environmental Planning,Arizona State University B.A.,Architectural Studies, University of Kansas Bozeman I Unified Development Code Proposal I Page 9 Informational Content LA "TA SCOTT FRERES, PLA, ASLA President 11993-Present Scott is the principal and co-founder of The Lakota Group,and has nearly 30 years of experience in design and planning projects.As an industry leader in sustainable urban design,Scott has spoken at numerous conferences for various planning,recreation and conservation organizations.Scott's ability to take a fresh and inclusive approach to problem solving has establish The Lakota Group's reputation as a creative leader in the industry. SIGNATURE PROJECTS MIXED-USE,TOD&TOWN CENTER PLANNING EDUCATION • Village Center Master Plan-Wilmette,IL University of Wisconsin-Madison • Central District Land Use&Urban Design Study-Highland Park,IL Bachelor of Science-Landscape Architecture • Main Street Assistance Program-State of Oregon Madison,W(1986) COLLEGE&UNIVERSITY CAMPUS PLANS • University of Notre Dame Campus Town Planning-South Bend,IN ORGANIZATIONS • Illinois College of Optometry-Chicago,IL American Society of Landscape Architects OPEN SPACE,RECREATIONAL&TRAIL PLANNING American Planning Association • Irish Green of Notre Dame-South Bend,IN American Institute of Architects • Quad Cities Mississippi RiverWay Trail Plan&Wayfinding- Quad Cities, Wisconsin Alumni Association-Alumni Park Illinois&Iowa Design Committee • Skokie Play fields Master Plan-Winnetka,IL Lambda Alpha International Urban Land Institute INSTITUTIONAL&CORPORATE CAMPUS PLANS Illinois Park&Recreation Association • Resurrection Health Care:St.Joseph's Hospital-Chicago,IL Society for Environmental Graphic Design • Mount Carmel Campus Master Plan-Dubuque,IA Village of Winnetka Plan Commission& Design Review Board(former member) STREETSCAPE MASTER PLANS&DESIGN • Marion Street Urban Design Plan-Oak Park,IL ACCREDITATIONS • Uptown Redevelopment Master Plan&Streetscape Design-Park Ridge,IL Registered Landscape Architect-State of • Lockport Street Streetscape Design-Plainfield,IL Illinois SENIOR&AFFORDABLE HOUSING • 'Presbyterian Homes Senior Campus Planning/Landscape Design-Lake Forest,Evanston&Arlington Heights,IL PAST EXPERIENCE • Mercy Housing:Lakefront Lodge-Grayslake,IL Stockham&Vandewalle(1986-87) • Thompson Dyke Associates(1987-89) FORM-BASED CODE& DESIGN GUIDELINES Lohan Associates(1989-93) • Commercial District Design Guidelines-Winnetka,IL • Downtown Form-Based Zoning Code-Glenview IL • Northeast Neighborhood Guidelines-South Bend,IN • Strategic Historic Preservation Plan-San Antonio,TX COMMUNITY BRANDING&WAYFINDING PROGRAMS • Downtown Community Branding Program-Evanston,IL • Illinois Medical District-Chicago,IL • Community Wayfinding Master Plan-Elmhurst,IL RESPECT FOR LAND AND COMMUNITY. Page 10 Unified Development Code Proposal I Bozeman Informational Content LAKQTA DANIEL GROVE, RLA, LEED-AP Associate Principal 12001-Present An urban designer and landscape architect,Daniel has worked on a variety of projects including land planning and design for downtowns,transit-oriented developments,mixed-use developments,residential subdivisions,parks,streetscapes,and signage systems.He is particularly skilled at quality control and"value engineering'projects to balance design goals with budget targets and funding. SIGNATURE PROJECTS THORNDALE CORRIDOR MASTER PLAN I WOOD DALE,IL EDUCATION Served as project manager for the transit-oriented design project that focused on University of Wisconsin-Madison business and office use along the proposed Elgin-O'Hare extension.Design led to Bachelor of Science-Landscape Architecture a form-based code for the corridor that was adopted by the city. Madison,WI(1998) MARION STREET URBAN DESIGN PLAN I OAK PARK,IL An award-winning project that involved working with various stakeholders to guide ORGANIZATIONS an authentic streetscape design reminiscent of the 1920s.High-quality materials American Society of Landscape Architects were used,such as natural stone,brick street paving and custom site furnishings. Urban Land Institute ROOSEVELT ROAD STREETSCAPE DESIGN I CHICAGOLAND Prepared a corridor plan and form-based code for a roadway that borders ACCREDITATIONS three municipalities—Berwyn,Cicero and Oak Park.Worked with community Registered Landscape Architect-State of stakeholders to develop key concepts for this busy commercial corridor,such as Illinois parking,pedestrian safety,visual character and business access. LEED Accredited Professional • Project Management Seminar,PSMJ KENOSHA MASTER PLAN I KENOSHA,WI Resources,Inc.(2006) As project manager,coordinated a downtown plan for the city and Kenosha Area Business Alliance.Conducted multiple community workshops,stakeholder interviews and online outreach.Final plan identified implementation roles and PRIOR EXPERIENCE responsibilities,as well as case studies to help move the final vision forward. Lannert Group LAKE COUNTY SUSTAINABILITY PLAN I LAKE COUNTY, IL Chicago,II(1998-2001) Developed a sustainability plan that examined municipalities'ordinances and how they address sustainability practices.The final document provides guidance for removing barriers to sustainable practices or developing new code. BRANDYWINE REVITALIZATION&PRESERVATION I MARYLAND Hired by the Maryland-National Capital Park&Planning Commission to prepare initiatives for preserving the character of this unincorporated community 40 minutes southeast of Washington D.C. SKOKIE PLAYFIELDS I WINNETKA, IL Project manager that led the development of a master plan and first phase of construction documents for this$1.4 million,163-acre park.The park uses best stormwater management practices while simultaneously addressing the community's heavy demand for useable fields and synthetic turf sportsfields. FERNDALE SIGNAGE PROGRAM I FERNDALE, MI Through an intense public process,developed a wayfinding master plan to serve as the roadmap for all future city signage projects and advanced plan details to a first-phase construction project;served as project manager. RESPECT FOR LAND AND COMMUNITY. Bozeman ( Unified Development Code Proposal ( Page 11 Informational Content NICK KALOGERESIS, AICP LAKOTA Vice President 12008-Present Nick brings 18 years of experience in historic preservation planning and traditional commercial district revitalization.Previously,Nick worked for the National Trust for Historic r Preservation's Main Street Center where he consulted with clients across the United States. Nick is also a frequent writer and has presented at conferences for the American Planning Association,Congress for New Urbanism and New Partners for Smart Growth,among others. SIGNATURE PROJECTS STRATEGIC HISTORIC PRESERVATION PLAN I SAN ANTONIO.TX EDUCATION Worked with a 30-member steering committee to prepare a strategic plan to enhance Elmhurst College the city's historic preservation program;developed guidelines for creating resource Bachelor of Arts-Urban Studies&History surveys and established processes for landmark designations. Elmhurst,Illinois(1988) MAIN STREET TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM I STATE OF OREGON Provided revitalization services to 11 participating communities involving management University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign consultations and training in the Main Street Four-Point Approach@,a tool used for Masters of Urban Planning revitalizing downtown districts by leveraging a community's assets. Urbana,Illinois(1991) ENOS PARK NEIGHBORHOOD MASTER PLAN I SPRINGFIELD,IL ORGANIZATIONS Drafted a master plan for the historic neighborhood located north of downtown and American Planning Association within the Mid-Illinois Medical District.Recommendations called for creating a cultural American Institution of Certified Planners walk linking downtown with the Springfield Art Association campus. National Trust for Historic Preservation • Village of Oak Park Historic Preservation MACARTHUR BOULEVARD MASTER PLAN I SPRINGFIELD.IL Commission2003-09 Developed streetscape concepts and signage/branding strategy for this commercial Society of Architectural Historians corridor that connects a major highway to the downtown.Redevelopment scenarios DO.CO.MO.MO International focused on converting vacant commercial properties to residential mixed use. Chaddick Institute of DePaul UniversiVs HISTORIC BUILDING DESIGN&RESOURCE MANUAL I NAPERVILLE.IL Municipal Design Review Network Prepared design guidelines for the National Register and locally-designated Historic District that contains primarily residential resources and a college campus.The PUBLICATIONS document is used by the Naperville Historic Preservation Commission for its Certificate • Main Street Now,'Incorporating of Appropriateness review processes and for preservation education activities. Sustainability Into Downtown Master Plans and Codes."May/June 2011. CREATING ENERGY EFFICIENT MAIN STREETS GUIDE I STATE OF IOWA • Revitalizing Main Street,`Chapter 16: Conducted training to eight Main Street Iowa communities focusing on adapting Master Planning,"`Chapter 17:Zoning and sustainable design and energy-efficient practices for historic commercial buildings. Other Land Use Regulatory Tools."2009. • Main Street News,"Form-Based Zoning: DOWNTOWN MASTER PLAN I MOMENCE.IL The New Urbanism Comes to Main Street' Served as project manager for planning process where majority of the district is listed March 2008. in the National Register of Historic Places.Two conceptual r'nrerfront schemes were prepared to provide direction for future improvements,including a new riverwralk, ACCREDITATIONS community facilities,an Interpretive tail and a landscaped amphitheater. AICP CERMAK HISTORIC ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY I BERWYN,IL PAST EXPERIENCE An intensive level survey of architectural and historic building resources;included National Trust for Historic Preservation (1998- in-depth archival research,field documentation and evaluation of 155 properties for 2008) potential eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places. State of Illinois Main Street Program(1995-98) SIX CORNERS MASTER PLAN I CHICAGO,IL Plan included recommendations for increasing density,improving mixed-use shopping environment,providing meaningful public spaces and building upon the historic Portage Park theater as a focal point for a new entertainment district. RESPECT FOR LAND AND COMMUNITY. Page 12 1 Unified Development Code Proposal I Bozeman References Wauwatosa Zoning Ordinance i duncan associates Scope Comprehensive zoning ordinance update Highlights Consistent with new comprehensive plan Implements small area plans New overlay district for North Avenue Promotes sustainability Prime Duncan Associates The City of Wauwatosa(WI)retained Duncan Associates to prepare Manager a comprehensive zoning ordinance update in 2010,following Kirk Bishop completion of a new comprehensive plan.The new ordinance, Subconsultants which was adopted in 2012,represents a complete overhaul of None the city's 1972 zoning ordinance.It eliminates and consolidates Status several obsolete zoning districts,modernizes the zoning district Adoption 2012 nomenclature and establishes several new base and overlay zoning Reference Paulette Enders districts.A new overlay for North Avenue serves to implement Community Development Director a series of form-based controls for the city's main east-west City of Wauwatosa corridor.The new ordinance also provides increased flexibility for 7725 W.North Avenue Wauwatosa WI 53213 nonconforming situations and reduces minimum off-street parking (414)479-3531 requirements. penders@wauwatosa.net Bozeman I Unified Development Code Proposal Page 13 References i Zoning Ordinance Duncan Associates recently prepared an update of the Downers Grove(IL)zoning ordinance,the first comprehensive overhaul since the mid-1960s.The update focused on: • Implementing relevant goals and policies from the village's award-winning comprehensive plan; • Protecting the character of stable residential neighborhoods; duncan associates • Incorporating provisions that are supportive of compatible infill and redevelopment; Scope • Accommodating sustainable development practices;and Zoning ordinance update • Creating provisions that are well-organized,illustrated and Highlights Public/institutional zoning as easy to use,administer and enforce as possible. Administrative variances Contextual infill regulations Illustrations/graphics I I Medical cannabis zoning ® I I Prime Duncan Associates ® I Manager buildable buildable area I area I Kirk Bishop :® Subconsultants None Status Adoption 2013 Reference QD Minimum lot area ®Minimum street setback Tom Dabareiner ® Minimum lot width ®Minimum interior side setback Former Community Development Director QD Minimum streetfrontage ®Minimum rear setback (630)346-4764 O Maximum building coverage Dabareiner@gmail.com Page 14 Unified Development Code Proposal I Bozeman References 9iity unUD & ustaina Audit Duncan Associates prepared Lake County's first unified development ordinance in the late 1990s,resulting in the consolidation of multiple land use ordinances into a single unified document.In 2011,the firm assisted in preparing a sustainability audit of the UDO,watershed development ordinance and building code.The resulting report included recommended actions and sample ordinances that addressed: Energy Conservation+Renewables;Land Use,Transportation +Mobility;Open Space+Natural Resources;Water Quality+ Quantity;Stormwater Management;Redevelopment+Reuse; Construction-Phase Pollution Control;Outdoor Lighting;Indoor duncan�associates Environmental Quality(IEQ);and Food Supply. Scope UDO and sustainbility audit Highlights Consolidation of mutiple ordinances Updated lot and building regulations Streamlined procedures Sustainbile practices research Sample ordinances and recommendations m Prime Duncan Associates:UDO = The Lakota Group:Sustainbilty audit Manager 6r Kirk Bishop Subconsultants Primera Engineers Status UDO adopted Sustainbility audit complete Reference Eric Waggoner Executive Director Lake County Dept of Planning,Zoning and Building 500 W Winchester Rd Libertyville IL 60048 (847)377-2600 EWaggoner@co.lake.il.us Bozeman I Unified Development Code Proposal Page 15 References Hi bland Park Do ntown Zoning �a `f. duncan associates Duncan Associates prepared a series of downtown zoning text and map amendments for the City of Highland Park(IL).This work Scope occurred as the final stage of a downtown plan update.The text Downtown zoning amendments amendments address(reduced)parking,urban design,increased Highlights residential density and maximum building heights.The amendments Implements new downtown master plan Form-based controls follow a form-based approach,promoting walkable urban Reduced minimum parking development patterns. Higher density mixed-use allowances Prime The Lakota Group Manager Kirk Bishop Subconsultants Duncan Associates Status Completed January 2014 Reference Lee Smith Senior Planner City of Highland Park 1150 Half Day Road Highland Park,IL 60035 (847)926-1612 Ismith@cityhpil.com Page 16 Unified Development Code Proposal Bozeman References TIJIJS Zoning Code Updating Tulsa's 40-year-old zoning code was identified as a top priority in the city's groundbreaking comprehensive plan,PLANiTULSA.The new zoning code prepared by Duncan Associates is a hybrid,incorporating conventional and form- based zoning provisions.One of many key enhancements included in the new code is the inclusion of mixed-use zoning tools and context-sensitive infill regulations for built-up areas of the city. duncan assoclafes Scope Comprehensive zoning code update sLsraeueur - /. uUlEPLSE iKFaL Highlights PLANitULSA �� New Mixed-use districts CLM Context-specific parking °FG4NWT0N New housing types FONMAT � ZONING "� Administrative variances `vnacouas CODE New small lot residential district UPDATE Prime Duncan Associates pd,le Mxess and s��gested ch:nyc Manager Kirk Bishop Subconsultants Connie Cooper Status Adoption 2015(est) Reference Theron Warlick,Project Manager City of Tulsa Planning Department 175 E.2nd St UlSa Suite 570 Tulsa OK 74103 (918)576-5677 twarlick@cityoftulsa.org Bozeman I Unified Development Code Proposal Page 17 References KANSAS CITY Development Code On-Line Work Sample Duncan Associates prepared a comprehensive overhaul of Kansas City's zoning and subdivision regulations. This important update—the first in nearly 50 years— incorporated dozens of new and amended regulations and procedures,including provisions designed to incentivize open space and conservation-style development through duncan associates provision of density bonuses and reductions in lot area and setback requirements.Neighborhood-serving retail uses are Scope now allowed within residential districts,allowing residents Comprehensive development code update to walk to nearby retail and service uses.The new ordinance Highlights also includes new riparian buffer provisions,a pedestrian Pedestrian-oriented overlay New downtown districts overlay zone,innovative parking and access management Riparian buffer regulations provisions,and streamlined approval procedures.As the Open space development final stage of the project,Duncan Associates oversaw Prime deployment of a fully computerized,map-linked version of Duncan Associates the new zoning and development code. Manager Kirk Bishop Subconsultants I Dyett&Bhatia Talifero&Brown Patti Banks Associates Status �^ Adoption 2010 ' ! Reference Patty Noll City of Kansas City y s _ F i� {ii �1 'J Planning&Development Department -'�t PLiuoili�J Pry I 414 E.12th St.,15th floor Kansas City,MO 64106 (816)513-2864 i� dt.d - Patty_Noll@kcmo.org Page 18 Unified Development Code Proposal Bozeman References Fort Worth Zoning Ordinance Duncan Associates updated Fort Worth's zoning ordinance in the late 1990s,the first comprehensive update since 1953.The update focused primarily upon making the new ordinance a more contemporary and user friendly document.The Fort Worth zoning ordinance project received the annual current planning project award from the Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association and remains contemporary to this day. On-Line Work Sample Chapter l District Regulations City of Fort Worth Zoning Ordinance duncanassociates 4.705 One-Family(-A3")Diafrid ! 0.Puryoa ad Mont Bu1Fe Wp>m erd o••:eritl Ue QVFanMy(AS)pchidbpc+tleasxcl mrs:vr..Benitrvn/at c=ed Scope B.5.'J00 aoare)etl b V'e de+eoprnent a a ore-Ivriay Mt]•O on esNi M erq soxssary ueea °a' Zoningordinance reorganization and reformat In Ve Ore-FaeN/('hS)DrtriX ro laddrg tt 1aM 4u1 Ba useo ati rq Euarg sha,p!Mrtltln eroded, 9 nxastidee aettM rr edaryytl mr eFaaa C.stnmmdOoaterry Ee swoO,evoepltiamordarep viPi'M .<..In ta ai r A N tdea,,ar se 8 an0 Ue x,Wm .alWd Clr)e 5 crr -Yv,IIpdandvds tIvO—Fm,F&T)D v Highlights a—va`"'vta"e Reorganization and reformat °aereetnin—seee(Cra Tables,graphics,illustrations Wd LW Ara 6,000 sµaa leel rrinmm ((7wger 6'Lbvekpr.M 5la�tbrb sect 6 S01 ltl Area nd senvtlay Santay Senei aaGM1lab7A'amV idm.sedan �)f06 fFormMmag(K dRemd) Lest Yadth s5latl mrt.emtla=xdrq ene Prime Lol Covmfle SO PerrM mmcrrs=n Fr—Yard— 701cc1mrrvn(bal Wed)151H nrirsm(irticd bos'cuai) Duncan Associates Ras,Ysrd 5fetl ni4rr=n Btds Yud• a=�a 51e"na.aan Manager �,�lat•• ;,nleeln;rJ.,.naga�„faawx,rextare g 5 fexl n'rvnsn la inarlor fol 6N HYpM (15 red risamm(aeeGrerlr6M•abp"MSxtlaVs.xectrn6i00NegM) James Duncan Notes: •See(Ch.gw 6 tcve4 1S.n�Sector It IND Ym )11 by ya,,/W s)r mq,& ayes ••away wsrF•ac* y d(S—e.101G)_ SubconsuItonts ca<p-1p.-.-h..a-+ —In�aa aa-andBarc)�al"«d=�« ^,anima(saaaa�seswa�n Duncan Associates Use Sardu2 5sem 5311 Anmuy&�hqs an Rc�irJLYlsys a•=Y CN�'eS Dernepnerl S' 6rts Sector F YarGY) ences-2fcet Hghn e t t h fo yd(dSae Cpnb5Supm Ua d St 5W*Fea fI-req—rtslalenoaIII op ¢ N Status F-ee-M eeGepe,6'0ntxSbs%d.Ssm807Sqe Fay Resifaf•• Adoption 2001 .r Reference Fernando Costa, �E I j _E f LaT Assistant City Manager (Former Planning Director) ati:�oGww , v•_�-- 1000 Throckmorton Pxmr: 120 OlrQ=14 Fort Worth,TX 76102 (817)392-8042 fernando.costa@fortworthtexas.gov Bozeman I Unified Development Code Proposal I Page 19 References Rik Plano Zoning Ordinance a j . - I 'i Duncan Associates conducted a review and anlaysis the Plano(TX) zoning ordinance,as well as a complete reoganization of the document.The firm was recetly selected to be the official codifer and publisher of the reorganziaed ordinance. duncan associates Scope Zoning ordinance review and assessment Zoning ordinance reorganization/reformat Highlights Fully hyper-Inked ordinance Status Complete index Ongoing Prime Reference Duncan Associates Christina Day,Planning Director Manager City of Plano 1520 K Ave.Suite 250 Kirk Bishop Plano,TX 75074 Subconsultants (972)941-7151 None chrisd@plano.gov Page 20 1 Unified Development Code Proposal Bozeman References LT Al IUD i SALT LAKE COUNTY Template Code,currently being calibrated in three communities For Mandatory,Integrated Codes Intended for use mainly in Infill locations A template code was crafted for complete transit centers and transit corridors in the Wasatch Front.Funded by a HUD Sustainable Communities Grant,the Model Code is a direct result of the Wasatch Choice for 2040 planning initiative,the region's comprehensive land use and transportation vision. The Model Code is centered around six"catalytic , S site"master plans that represent a range of com- It"i lie■ 'r munity types and transportation modes common to other TODs in the region. The lessons learned with -- -• • Its100 ! ■ these plans will be transferred to future locations. �'���■ am The model TOD code was written to be calibrated by 1 I —-- ,___ ■ _ individual communities based on their transit place ;j'J Milli 11 type,as transit stations have different intensities and ■®N land use contexts.These place types were developed '"" °" to be useful for both existing and planned transit a ON; stations. David White,Principal Planner Salt Lake County(801)468-2072 / iIle1 DDWhite@Dslco.org Salt lake County Place Types. prepared by Leslie Oberholtzer as a Principal with Farr Associates CODAMETRICS Bozeman I Unified Development Code Proposal I Page 21 References Station Area Codin ST. LOUIS PARK, MINTSOTA =1CD a: FRONTAGETYPES "�_m ® _ 1.13hopfr BMNne ® L J��_., 9wpfm Wooddale r.®���� r® a 15hopfmnc Mkneronkn 1./ShoptronL lake 3 fID71��� ®r�w®!��_ ®® r 'Am ?� ssnopnoneoRrow l ID ,1`'\�4�—' tl"- 21 General,Bulness Park �_^ ® CD �9 ' 22 GeneratWaaddale alp, _ I i'-fill 1 ` �.e.� 23Genmit Neight-hood I1�STI� ' �• � >< 24GenelaL LoulAana/Oxford ® 3.1 ApartrnerwRoxhause: ■f 1 1 Be i- � ,% SY 11>•3 � 0000 i 3z Apartmem/Rowfious: l® ®�/ BekNnr 33APartmenURMt-W: �I ®_ _ Mwxiemnkn j' ; - 41T-Tt.../Y•ardhwde Rmemnka ® / 4.2ToNnhwSNYardhww W4.00ddale ono ■■pNT q 115RI:®111f II■1111111� - '�,. mead rOmusWar@rwse; HE + �11� ■ BELRNESTATION 51 worAgeop Warehouse O Camb edge 52 Y,6rk9mp Warehww Gorham/ Repubk . ®aD INFRASTRUCTURE ® 'ter R!• open Spare N-ABey �® ® Excerpt from the regulating map for Beltline Station showing application of Frontage Types CodaMetrics'staff recently drafted a form- Seconcary based code for three future station areas to be Build-to Zone Side Setback lines located in St.Louis Park,an Inner-ring suburb of I IrT Minneapolis,on the Southwest Light Rail Transit ! ll.L--------i I Setbd(k METRO Green Line Extension. url After completing a set of community workshops ' i o utilizing Image Preference Surveys to solicit stakeholder input about the future ofthe three a areas,CodaMetrics used this information to o i develop a set of regulating forms,defined as w Prima Frontage Types specific to each station location : :............ I-4,BL,nd-o and the desires ofthe community. I L Zone More information:httpl/www.stlouisporkorg/zoning- code/form-based-code-development-undenvay.html PRIMARY STREET Building must tUUCh the intersection ofthe two Build- Client:City of St. LOUTS Park to Zones at Corner Date Prepared:Fall 2014 FIGURE 36-338-1 Build to the Corner Approximate Cost$125,000 This diagram illustrates how buildings on comer lots must occupy the comer in order to anchor the Intersection.As in all form-based codes that Reference:Ryan Kelley,Project Manager CodaMetrics writes,the use of build-to zones and designation of primary 952-928-2841 and secondary streets is an important element of framing the public realm. www . codametrIcs . coln CODAMETRICS Page 22 I Unified Development Code Proposal I Bozeman References LA TA STATE STREET CORRIDOR PLAN Columbus, Indiana �rA .�" ��- /� ��\\ �`.\ , may, ^ ;�• dr, Fijii t Ut, CHI �i j;• �� .. r. as, HOUSE _ I __ ART. I .if •IY Ak DESCRIPTION Lakota,along with the Troyer Group and CLUE Group,prepared a new master plan PROJECT STATS for the State Street Corridor,a two-mile thoroughfare that includes a significant Start Date:April 2013 concentration of light and heavy industry along with a mix of residential and Completion:May 2014 commercial land uses.Goals of the Corridor Plan include understanding the market potential for new commercial and residential development,creating options for urban design and streetscape enhancements,exploring changes to the roadway to incorporate new parking and bicycle lanes and considering effective business development strategies for encouraging new start-up retail and light-industrial PROJECT REFERENCE enterprises to locate on State Street. Jeffrey R.Bergman,AICP,Planning Director City of Columbus-Bartholomew County The Corridor Plan is scheduled to be completed in November 2013,Lakota is being Planning Department assisted by the Troyer Group,Mishawaka,Indiana,and the Community Land use 812-376-2550 and Economic Group from Philadelphia,Pennsylvania. RESPECT FOR LAND AND COMMUNITY. THE LAKOTA GROUP. Bozeman I Unified Development Code Proposal I Page 23 References LAKOTA NORTHEAST NEIGHBORHOOD + EDDY STREET CORRIDOR MASTER PLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES South Bend, Indiana I�- �� s l PROJECT STATS DESCRIPTION Start Date: 2003 The Lakota Group prepared a redevelopment plan and design guidelines for a Completed: 2005 deteriorated,underdeveloped neighborhood located between the University of Updated: 2008 Notre Dame and downtown South Bend.This effort focused on creating a mixed- use community that includes new single-family homes,row homes,condominiums, apartments,shops,restaurants and hotels to serve local residents,faculty,students PROJECT REFERENCE and visitors.Lakota worked closely with several governmental and non-profit entities Greg Hakanen,Director of Asset Management to create the future vision of a dynamic new"old"neighborhood.The guidelines and Real Estate Development included a range of urban design,landscape,streetscape and architectural images University of Notre Dame that illustrate the new development's desired character,as well as maintain building 225 Flanner Hall preservation.Lakota also assisted the University with recruitment of the master Notre Dame,IN 46556 developer.Two phases of the redevelopment plan,the mixed-use Eddy Street 574-631-9979 Commons and the mixed-income,Triangle Neighborhood,have been constructed. hakanen.l@nd.edu RESPECT FOR LAND AND COMMUNITY. THE LAKOTA GROUP. Page 24 1 Unified Development Code Proposal I Bozeman References LAKOTA WILLOW ROAD CORRIDOR PLAN Northfield & Winnetka, Illinois �•' , fit. �,4 I1Y:.�t'FhF�"; ',}. I L � PROJECT STATS DESCRIPTION Start Date: May 2007 The Willow Road Context Sensitive Enhancement Plan was an eight-month Completed:May 2008 collaboration between the villages of Northfield and Winnetka,a steering committee and The Lakota Group/Christopher B.Burke Engineering.As a major east-west strategic regional arterial roadway that passes through both municipalities,Willow Road has been a major community character and planning issue for decades.The joint effort between the municipalities was initiated to study solutions for achieving an improved roadway that meets both communities'character goals within the framework of a new PROJECT REFERENCE IDOT roadway planning process called Context Sensitive Solutions.Lakota's final Stacy Sigman,Village Manager corridor plan ultimately created a shared vision that was used to guide the final design Village of Northfield and reconstruction of the roadway. (847)441-3852 RESPECT FOR LAND AND COMMUNITY. THE LAKOTA GROUP. Bozeman I Unified Development Code Proposal I Page 25 References LAKOTA SOUTH MAIN REVITALIZATION STRATEGY Rockford, Illinois y iitl®SOs Q!m ®m27 � AA- -r PROJECT STATS DESCRIPTION Start Date: October 2010 Lakota,along with the CLUE Group,TY Lin International and Arc Design Resources, Completion: December 2011 led a team in preparing a revitalization strategy for Rockford's South Main Street.A land use framework,transportation enhancements,market strategies,streetscape and signage concepts and implementation steps were developed for the main gateway corridor located south of downtown Rockford.Development opportunity sites were identified for new commercial,office and residential land uses.Strategies include reusing vacant buildings,creating a new district brand,improving physical conditions PROJECT REFERENCE and reconnecting to the adjacent Rock River with new public amenities.Streetscape Patrick Zuroske,Capital Progam Manager concepts were also designed as elements of continuity throughout plans for a soon-to- City of Rockford be reconstructed]DOT roadway. 815-987-5570 RESPECT FOR LAND AND COMMUNITY. THE LAKOTA GROUP. Page 26 1 Unified Development Code Proposal I Bozeman Outline of Services The scope of services outlined in the city's RFP reflects a logical and straight forward approach to completion of the Bozeman assignment. It aligns with an approach our team has used successfully on dozens of similar projects. The outline of services presented here reflects our time-tested methodology for successful completion of similar projects. It can be adjusted to meet the specific needs of the city. Phase 1 : North 7t h Avenue conditions, and land use issues.The culmination of these efforts will prepare stakeholders to move Corridor Plan into the Visioning process. Several key tasks included in this task include: Task 1.1: State of the Corridor Project Start Meeting and Corridor Tour This task will include a comprehensive review and A project start meeting/workshop with City staff analysis of the following: and Steering Committee will be conducted to introduce the Team and discuss plan mission • Previous Plans/Studies and goals, issues and challenges,work plan and • Existing Land-Use Mix schedule and available data and resources. • Existing Roadway, Urban Design and Field Work and Base Mapping Environmental Conditions Collect available digital base maps, Comprehensive Plan and other studies,aerial photos for use • Transportation Conditions/Plans/Studies during the analysis task,and Geographic • Market and Development Trends Information System data, including parcels, rights- of-way, building footprints, easements,curb-line, • Existing Zoning Code and Development edge of pavement,walks,vegetation,and zoning Standards and general topography for use in planning • Recent/Pending Private Developments and analysis. Public Projects Steering Committee and Stakeholder Listening • Development Opportunity Sites and Key Sub- Sessions Areas Conduct a focus group discussion with a Project Steering Committee and local stakeholders • Building Permit Trends to review land use, market, real estate, • Real Estate Inventories,Tax Rates, Residential transportation, and infrastructure conditions and and Commercial Prices/Lease Rates, Major opportunities affecting the Corridor and to discuss Employers,and other Economic Development potential planning and urban design strategies. Information Land Use and Urban Design Analysis • Corridor Business Directory Analyze existing land use,zoning, physical conditions,streetscape and ROW,wayfinding and • List of Active Community and Neighborhood signage,and road networks to establish a baseline Associations of information for the planning process. This task The first task of the process will include City staff will include the production of necessary drawings review,Steering Committee meetings and focus and exhibits. Based on the analysis,the Team will groups,and key stakeholder interviews.The develop transects or sub-areas of the Corridor in analyses and meetings will be summarized in a order to better understand specific land use and State of the Corridor Report,which will include a development conditions. review of policies,existing conditions,development Transportation and Infrastructure Assessment strategies,transportation issues, market Assess infrastructure and roadway conditions; Bozeman I Unified Development Code Proposal Page 27 Outline of Services general traffic,truck freight,and transit issues,and community workshop will be conducted to bicycle and pedestrian facilities. gain public feedback and further refine the State of the Corridor/Existing Conditions Report development concepts,generate additional Prepare a report that summarizes the analyses planning/design ideas, and prioritize an overall regarding land use, urban design, infrastructure, land use,transportation and design direction for transportation and development issues and the corridor. opportunities.The report will be well-illustrated To go beyond basic land use and market thinking, with graphics, photos and images that document and assist stakeholders visualize the physical existing conditions. development potential of the Corridor,this task will include a series of design and development Task 1.2: Corridor Visioning studies. Lakota is known for its"Min-Mid-Max" During this task, concepts that address land approach,which involves presenting multiple use, urban design,wayfinding and streetscape concepts and scenarios to help area leaders and enhancement,access and circulation, parking and residents visualize the physical scale, character, potential development opportunities.The goal of and context of potential development and Task 1.2 is to solicit input from local stakeholders enhancements to the Corridor. This task will also on potential corridor planning strategies. A too • •loam- wrau i I l c, afc a; %Vvp • V4 t. t 'S 5 r list' . WON .w Photo:North 7th Avenue,circa 1970(Bozeman Community Plan) Page 28 1 Unified Development Code Proposal I Bozeman Outline of Services address Corridor planning goals, policies,and Corridor Plan transportation and infrastructure needs. General A Corridor Plan will be prepared incorporating tasks include: plan drawings, design concepts/graphics, overview Land Use Strategies and Urban Design/ narrative,development capacities,and an Transportation/Development Concepts. Implementation Strategy.The Corridor Plan will Prepare a range of site specific and Corridor include the following components: general land use/urban design and development Land Use, Urban Design Plan. Refined land concepts that address: use strategies and an overall urban design • Streetscape/intersection improvements enhancement and signage plan will becreated focusing on public improvements, • Land use mix and development density streetscapes, public spaces and general • General building and parking massing redevelopment opportunity sites. • General road/street network improvements Transportation Recommendations.A transportation enhancement plan component • Bicycle and pedestrian paths and connections will be prepared that optimizes vehicular, • Open space and greenway linkages pedestrian,and bicycle access and movement. The plan will recommend pedestrian • Area physical character/image improvements and roadway treatments and • Infrastructure improvements the Team will provide a general magnitude of costs, including any system management • Transit facilities upgrades to traffic signals or street network Community Visioning Workshop/Open House#9 operations and traffic flow orientations. Conduct a workshop/open house with Corridor The Implementation Strategies will outline the stakeholders and the community at large to review specific tasks,timeframe,and the roles and the alternative land use strategies/development responsibilities of public and private sector and design scenarios; options according to their participants in implementing key Corridor Plan short and long-range potential for accomplishing strategies and objectives. Implementation plan goals and objectives will also be evaluated. strategies will focus on: With an open house format,stakeholders Zoning and community residents will have additional time to view drawings and concepts,answer Catalytic projects questionnaires and discuss plan strategies during Priority level,time frames,and parties roundtable discussions. responsible for initiating key actions Workshop Summary Key interrelationships/dependencies between Prepare a memorandum that summarizes input from the workshop for City,Steering Committee projects and stakeholder review. Land assemblage strategies(public sector, Task 1.3 — Corridor Plan facilitated private sector, and joint ventures) Based on the input from Tasks 1.1 and 1.2,a more On-site and off-site public improvements and specific Corridor development and revitalization urban design enhancements framework will be prepared. An implementation Timing and phasing of development within strategy will also be created to address policy and among the priority sites and zoning changes as well as public and private actions that can be taken to advance the goals Public financing tools the municipality and objectives of the Corridor Plan. General tasks may need to consider to achieve targeted include: objectives Bozeman I Unified Development Code Proposal Page 29 Outline of Services • Developer recruitment strategies or small groups to further explore issues related • Business development assistance programs to existing zoning regulations and procedures. • Organizational development strategies/funding Public Kick-off Meeting • Performance indicators and program We will lead an evening project kick-off meeting monitoring intended for the general public.This meeting will be used to announce the project and signal Community Workshop#2 the beginning of an open and transparent A second community workshop will be conducted process leading to adoption of the city's new to review preliminary plan recommendations and unified development code. During the public implementation strategies. Like the first workshop, meeting,the team will describe the overall work the workshop will be conducted in an open house plan/schedule and identify opportunities for format. public participation and input over the course Final Plan and Report of the project. Other agenda items and meeting A Final Plan and Report will be produced based activities will be identified in consultation with city on comments and direction from the City and staff. Steering Committee. Media Plan Commission and City Council Presentations We will work with the city to obtain media Duncan and Lakota will assist the City in preparing coverage of the update project, including presentations to the Plan Commission and City participation in press conferences and preparing traditional press releases. Council. We will also use social media,such as Twitter and Phase 2: Citywide UDC Instagram,to broadcast information about the Task 2.1: Mobilization project and solicit public involvement. Website Kick-off Meeting We will design, host and maintain a project We will begin the project by meeting with city website,which will serve as one key outlet for staff to identify information sources, refine disseminating information throughout the responsibilities, discuss overall goals and project. Examples of Duncan Associates'previous scheduling, and discuss priority issues to be ordinance update websites can be viewed at: addressed in the new UDC. • zoningfairfax.com Document Review/Data Collection westchesterzoning.com We will conduct an preliminary review of the comprehensive plan,existing development planitulsa.og regulations and other relevant documents before our initial kick-off meeting. During the kick-off meeting,we will work with city staff to identify and collect other documents,studies and information. Field Surveys I We will supplement our existing knowledge of the , city with additional field surveys.These walking and 1 driving tours will be used to gather photographs, conduct site analyses and further explore specific zoning issues identified during the project. ' Listening Sessions We will conduct listening sessions with individuals Page 30 1 Unified Development Code Proposal I Bozeman Outline of Services Task 2.2: Project Direction and After delivery of each module,we will attend Ordinance Outline meetings with staff and the advisory group to discuss the drafts. Outline and Directions Report Based on our technical review of the city's Task 2A Public Review Draft existing plans and regulations and the other During this task,we will prepare a public input received in Task 2.1,we will prepare an review draft of the new development code that Outline and Directions report that recommends consolidates the modules prepared in Task 2.3 key substantiative and organizational direction and reflects the comments and direction received for the new UDC. Our objective in this task will from the project advisory group. be to identify key substantive, procedural and After allowing time for citizens to thoroughly organizational issues to be addressed in the review the public workshop draft,we will facilitate new ordinance.The task 2.2 report will include a public review workshops, open houses,focused proposed outline for the code. (small group) review sessions and other activities Advisory Group Review to present the draft and receive comments After allowing time for thorough review of and recommendations for further changes and the draft Outline and Directions report,we will refinements. meet with the project advisory group staff to discuss the document and solicit comments and Task 2.5: Hearing Draft recommendations for changes. Based on this Following additional input received during Task review,we will prepare a revised version of the 2.4,we will prepare a public hearing draft of the report for public review. new UDC. Public Review Task 2.6: Hearings We will present the draft Outline and Directions After allowing time for city staff and officials to report in a public meeting or workshop.This thoroughly review the public hearing draft and presentation will focus on the types of new provide required notices,we will present the draft or revised regulations that will be necessary at public hearings and meetings of the planning to accomplish the goals of the rewrite/update commission and city council. project. Task 2.7: Final UDC Task 2.3: Internal Draft Based on the final action of the city council,we will Task 2.3 will culminate in the delivery of a produce a final, adopted version of the new UDC, preliminary(in-house review)draft of the new including any changes made during the hearing UDC.The initial draft will be prepared in 3 process. Documents will be provided in paper modules, breaking the overall document up into copy and digital format. An Internet-ready, hyper- smaller,functionally related components for easier linked version will be provided. review. All draft modules will include types of changes and a DOS ' new provisions identified in Task 2.2, as well as ,••` •,:; ► general editing and technical changes. Because of the preliminary nature of the initial internal review draft,we will likely delay creation of at least most * _ illustrations until the second (public review)draft. In preparing the draft development code,we �, `•.,,i8$3 �� will identify substantive amendments to existing CO. O regulations through footnotes, editor's notes and conventional legislative formatting techniques. Bozeman I Unified Development Code Proposal I Page 31