HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 19- 500, Creates Vacation of Alley in Block 19 of Capitol Hill Addition and Establishes an Alley East and West Through said Block 19. _ 21_ 2 ORDINANCE NO. aee'. AN ORDINANCE VACATING THE' ALLEY IN BLOCK 19, OF CAPITOL HILL A])D~ 1!101 TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, AND ~STAHLISHING AN ALLEY EAST AND WESt THROUGH SAID BLOCK, 19. SAID ADDITION. I ---~~-~~~-~--~-~~--~----~.~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF BOZEl.lAB: Section 1- That the alley in Block 19, Capitol Hill Addition to the City of Boseman, according to the PlB.t .....of, be, and the seme is hereby discontinued and vacated; Seotion 2- That this vaoation is had and made on the p.titi~ tn"writing, of R. R. Fihlay , Gertrude R. Finlay and Lydia G. Briggs, who are the owners pf all the lots in said ~look 19; that due notice the..of has been given 8S required by Section. 3480, of the Political Code, Revised Codes of Montana, 1907, bJ' postl1n~ end, that said vacation oen be hed and done without det- %iment to the public interests; Seotion 3- That t~Ee be, and there is hereby 8stablishe4 a:b.alley.running eBst and' west through 8aid Block 19, of' ssid Capitol HiUAddition , that said alley BO established is 14 feet wide; I Seotion 4- That tJ1is alley in said Block 19 is established at the req~est of s8id R. R. Finlay, Gertrude R. Fin l8Y and L7di8 G. Briggs, who are the owners of ell the lots in 8eid Block 19, thetthe said R. R. J'lnJ.81. Gertrude R. Finley and Lrdi8 G. Briggs, for the purpose of establishing 8aid alley have deeded to the City of, Bozeman. the south seveh (7) feet of Late Si~ (6) and Nineteen (19) and the north seven (7) feet of Lots Seven',i,(''7) and Eighteen (18) in 8aid Block 19 of Capitol Hill Addition,'belp,g . strip of land through the center of said Block, east and west, 14 feet in width, whioh deed is of record in the office of the County Clerk and Reoordal of the County of Gallatin. in Book 59 of Deeds, Page ]jO/199. I I Passed by the City Council at a regular session c.r.of~h.ld this 6th day of November, 1919. A~proved this 6th day of November, 1 Attestl ~f~~ I Introduced "n4 read for the first time at the regular sesston of the City COU1\oil. held on the lith day of Oct- ober. 1919. Final pa,Bsage fixed for the 6th day of'"'>Bovembert 1919. "J"',O, I I I I I .., .",,'....,. .-,..,... .. CERTIFICATE OF POSTING. It C. A. Spieth, the duly appointed, qual- ified and acting City Clerk of the City o! ~ozeman, do hereby certify: That 1 did on the 7th day of November, 1919, post a true, correct and compared copy of Ordinance No. 500, in the following public nlaces in the said City, to-wi t: ~st- Rohers Grooery 2nd- Courier Building Bulle tin Board 3rd- Ellis Brandl,,. Corner 4th- City Hall Bulletin Board IN WITNESS tHiREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of the City of Bozeman, t}:lis 21st day of November, A. D., 1919. c. A. Spieth City Clerk .. Proof ReM. and Ohecked --..---. .- - ~<!I..-...... ,..'11.,:11_