HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 19- 498, Repeals Ordinances 356, 359 and 363 20Q_ I ORD~NABQI BO.498 ,/' ,;' AN ORDI~B REP&:LIB9 ORDINANCES IJO. 356, 359, AD 3631 ORDIBAICES RBLA!IBG fO fHE ISSUANCE OF BOIDzs D !r HE SUI( ~ .21 ,000 .00 FOR TRI ODB- S!RUOTIOB or G .A.DDI!IO.l~ PUBLIO SDER, PROV- IDIIG lOR fHE 'aRM 01 BOBDS Aln CREAfIBG A SIIKING PUB>> THEREFOR. - ~- - ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ - BE I! ORDAIlfG BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOZ1I4.AN: I Seotion 1- Tha" Ordinanoe Ho. 356, entitled" An Ord1- I , nanoe providing for ,the Oalling of an Eleotio&. and Subtpi ttlng to the Qualified Ileotors of the Oit1 of BOs.8man~ Montana, the Question of 8aid City Isauing the Banda of iai4 City iD the ....' Sum of $25,000.00, tht prooe.de from the eale--theret11' to b. ue.d for the Purp.se of Construoting an A44i tional PQ.blic Sewer for 'lhe 8a1d Oity, aDi E%tending the Outlet of its S.werage System ". be, and the 8ame is hereby. r.p.al..... S.ot1on.2- That Ordinanoe !fo. 359, entitl.d, " An Ord~ inane. providing 8 Form of Bend for the $25,000.00 of " Sewer Bonds" of the City of BO..lIan, Kostana, (Her.llofore Vot.d". be. and the 8ame is hereby, rep..ltt; Seotion 3- That Ordinance 10. 363, entitled" An Ord- inaDoe Oreating a Sewer 'Sinking lund and 8 S..erPund for the City of Bozeman", b., and the 88me il hereb7, r.p.aled; Section 4- That the for.going Ordinanoes .ere dulY and regularly passed by the Oity Oounoil of the Oity of Boz- eman, and provided for the it.lJtU8nce of Sewer Bonds in the ,sum of $26,000.00 and a sinking tund therefor, for the purpo.. of oonstruoting an additional public 8...." far the City of Bozeman and extending the outlet of the Bew.~a88 By~tem 88 de- fined by Ordinanoe 10. 362; that tbt eleotion ... held therefor, I . - the bonds issued, the sinking tubd oreat.ed aDd. the bonds 801d to the Union Bank and Trust Company; that by reason of . lr.eguleritiea ttie Union Bank and fru.~ Company refuled to aco- ept the bonde and that b;y reason thereof nothing :f\u'ther .8. I 'I' done for the eale of ..ld bands; that Ordinance No. 362 was th~reafter amendea b1 Ordinanoe Bo. 3'9 and 40., end the oonstruotion of 'said publio sewer and the extension thereof had under the provisions of Ordlnence lIo. 45'7. Passed by the City Council ata regular sesBion thereof. thie.I.6th day of No:v,ember" 1919. Ap'proved this::.6th dal of lfovembfl2;, 1919. .':'" .A tote st: V\ ~(/ '1<~ 01tl Olerk Introd~.ed and read for the fir*t time at the regular session of the City Council, held on the 16th day of October, 1919. Final passage fixed for the 6th day of November. 1919. CERTIFICATE OF POSTING. I, C. A. Spieth, the duly appointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of the uity of Eozeman, do hereby certify: That I did on the 7th day of Novmmber, 1919, ~ost a true, correct and compared copy of OrdinBnce No. 498 in the following public place~ in the said City, to-wit: lst- Rohers Grocery 2nd- Coutier Bulletin Board 3rd- Eilis-Brandley Corner 4th- City Hall Bulletin Board IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand erid affix " the seal of the City of Bozeman, this 7th day of November, A<~ D.-, 1919. c. A. Spieth City Clerk !'mot ~ and ~II~ ..IIII._...._..._-.._-~ - ..~~__"'~__..:::l!_. fl, "~:, I I I I I