HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 19- 497, Establishes Alley North and South Through Block 25, West Park Addition W20R ""~,"-'..,,~~ .....~"'..,.."'.-"."'., ORDINABOE 10. 497,.' I All ORDINANOE BSTABLI8HING AN ALLEY NORTH UD SOUTH THROUGH BLOCK 25! lIES~ PARK A.DDIT ION TO THE CITY of BOZEJU.N. - ~ - ~ . ~ - - ~ - - BE It ORDADtED BY THE OITYCCUNClL CF THE CUl OF BOZEJ.Wi : Seotion 1- That there be, and there is-hereby established an alley, running north and scuth th~ough the oenter ,t,.t Eloct 26 of West Park Addition to the Cit)' of Bozeman; that the 8ai4 alley 80 established is fottr'tetn,L (14) feet wide; Section 2- That this alley in s8id Bloek 25 i8 established at the request of A. S. Brost, who is the owner of all the lots in aaid Block; that the 88id A,. S~ Brost. t,or the purpose of establishing 88id alley, has deed- I . . ed to the City of Boseman, Seven (7) feet off the weet end . ' of Lots ane (1) to Twelve (12). 1noluaiy., and Seven (7) feet off the east end of Lota Thirteen (13) to Twenty-four (24.1, inolusive, whioh deed is recorded in the office of the County Clerk and #ecorder of the County of Gallatin. I (61 of Deeds, on Page 20. Pa.eed at a regular session of the City Council this _.6th day of )Jo"embe~,19l9. in Book Approved this _6th day I Attest: - '~tl~ dlty ~C erk' . Introduced and read for the ti.at time at the regular session of the Oity Council. held on the 16th <<ay of Ootober. 1919. Final passage fixed for the 6th day ot November. 1919. I 207 . . ,..., .~' ,. J .'", ~~~"'^,"" I CERTIFICATE OF POSTIlm. I I, C. A. Spieth, the duly appointed, qualified and acting citi Clerk 0f the City of Bozeman, do hereby certify: That I did on the 7th d~" of Hovem ber, 1919, post a true, correct and compared copy of Ordinance No. 497 in the following public places in the said City, ,to-vdt1 Ist- Rohers Grocery, 2Rd- Courier Building Bulmetin Board 3rd- Ellis-Brandley Corner 4th- City Hall Bulletin Board II; WITNESS \7HEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of the City of Bozeman, this 7th day of Nove~ber, A. D., 1919. :. C. A. Spiej;h City Clerk I I I