HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 19- 496, Relating to Concealed Weapons and Prohibiting the Carrying; Repeals Ordinance 18 and Section 2 of Ordinance 108 201 .. ..' .._~.,....,,~'"" " " , ..__.,~.M'''_~"'""",,'' ~I" ~l ORDINABCK NO. 49'. Repealed by Ordinance No. ~~t. .u ORDIBAlIOE RELATING TO CONCEALEDWI.l.)OBS, PiORIBITIBG ~BE CABRTDiG TDREOJ' AND RE- PEALING CERTAIB OBDI1lJ.BOES PERTAINING THERETO. BE IT ORDAIliED BY THB OITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OJ' BOZllUI, -" STATE OF MORTANA-: \ . Sectlon 1- Bo person, Shall, within tbe limits of the 01 ty of BoI~, oarry or bear oonoealed upon hie peraon a dirk, dagger, pistol, revolver, slingshot, aword, oan., bill;y, kDaoklea, made of an7 .etal or hard substalloe, knife, having a blade four1aohe.a 10ng or longer, 'Z'a:sot, not including 8 safetF razor, or other de8d17 .8apoa. Seotlon 2- n Concealea .eapons" ahall mean any ..eapon mentioned in the :foregoing Seotion, whioh shall be whol17 or partially Qovered by the clothing or wearing app- ar.l of the peraon' 80 oarrying or bearing the .eapons. seotion 3- The provisions of till. Ordinanoe ahall not .,p11 to the persons designated in Seotion 3 of Ohapter '''. 11.... of Kontana, 16th Legislative Assembly, 1919, nor shall it .pp17. to 81loh pereOD.e 88 may be granted permi8a- ion to 081'1'1 or bear ooncealel .e.pons 88 provided by Seo- tiDn 5 of'.sid Chapter. S.ot10n 4- Any person violating the provision. of thi. Orl:lneae Bhall b. punished b7 a fine of not more than !:aREE HUlfDREJ) DOLLARS '$300.00). ot 'b7 imPlrlsonaent in the Oounty or Cit7 Jail for not more than Blnet7 (90) laY8, or b7 both fine and imprisonment; provided, that in 08se the fine of suoh p.rson is not pall, sa.oh pueon shall be ill... 'pru-d in the Oounty or City J~il until said :tine be a.'- iefied in the proportion of one (1) 4.ay'. 1mpri.oDDlen1i.for every !fO DOLLARS, '12.00) of' aaid fine. !bat Ordinanoe Bo. 18 and Seotion 2 of Ord1a8lOe Bo. 108, and all Ordinance. anA parts of Ordinanc.. in oon- flict With this Ordinance . be'., ani the S8lUt are, here.,. repe@lel. 'It'''. I I I I I -,- I :." . " I I I ~. I "~" 20.5_ ~ ,.' ,~. --~.... Pa...4 by the City Oouncil of the Oit, of Boz- eman, at a regu1~r .essl0D th.r~f. till. : 6th da, of llQy.dtbe~, 1919. J.ppro....di}11..'J 6th 187 ot Iolft...;- ,1919. Att8Bt~ < ~(f.rfv.~ 01 t7 - er 1\ ( ,- . IntrGdueed and read for the first time at , the regular '88810n et the CitY'Counoil, held on the 16th day of 5ovember, 1919. Final passage fize4 for , ( i- Thursday, November~th. 1'19. _ CERTIFICATE OF POSTING. I, C. A. Snieth, the duly appointed, qualified and aoting City Clerk of the City of Bozeman, do hereby oertify: That I did on the 7th day of November, 1919, post a true, co~reot and oompared oopy of Ord+nance No. 496, in the followl'np- public plaoes in the aaid City, to- wit: lst- Rohers Grooery 2nd- Courier Building Bulle1;"in Botlrd 3rd- Ellis-Brandley Corner 4th- City Hall Bulletin Board. IN WITHESS WHEREOF, I hereunte set my hand and ... affix the seal of the Oi ty of Bozeman, this 7th "day of Nov- ember, A. D., 1919. O. A. .Spieth City- Clerk