HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 19- 495, Grants to 495, Gallatin Valley Gas Company an Extension of Time to Finish Gas Plant and Amends Section 15 of Ordinance 470 and Repealing Ordinance 492 ~I .' I I I I ~ . ~ 0 ~ -. -.,... * == c::> . .,.u.'" . ....- ~ <..';:) ~ ~ U-) ~ ~ ~ ! ~ c:.-= C'.L~) EJ -4 -=::...~ -) .. ORDINANCE NO. .9.' A1f ORD:mA.NOE, GRABTUG !O THi iU T.LA!D Y..A.LLIY W COJIPABY. mE SUCCESSOR AND .ASSIGN OF ROBEa! 1f. J.YSLE. AJlTlIU.iIOlf IF !DIE WITHIN WHICH , l' TO COMPLEE ABD EQUD .1- cu.1 ..... FOR Tim JAUlJJ'40!UBE ABD DIS- TRIBUTION OJ' G.A8 WI!HIli THE OITY OJ' ]!()~... .AI]) .AJlElTDDG DOItIO.N 15. OJ' C8])D.UOE 110. .'0, DTItI.D. II .An Ord1na~Q' granting to R. W. Jq'sle. hiB suooessors or 8ssigna, 'he right - to erect" I quip" Operate and maintain a ga8 plant for the purpose of making! pro- duoing, di8t~ibut1Dg and .a11illl: in thl!>> Oity or Bos- eman "including eaoh and every addit10n thereto, in the Oounty of Gallatin, state of Montana, and J .', 1a7, extend, maintain, operat., repa1r, and removI Jla~nB -.4 pipeI!' in, through and under the stre.t. .Avenue., .1l1e78 ani Publio Groua4a of the eai4 cat7 for the "tr.-.portation and npP17 of manufaoturedor natural gal fer fuel, illuminat1ng, haating, oooking and power purpose. 'for the lai4 Ci1iY and 1'ts iJ1hab- i tantrl. "_ \. . and repealba_ Ordinance No. 492. WHEREAS, the r.'148n1; ireeholters of the Oit7 of Bosemaa, County of Gallatin, stat., of KontaDe, clid at. ",Oi81 t3:..t1011 . .;; held in laid City on the 218t of lOT_bel', 1916, b7 a maJority vote or the lai4 resii..t'freehold.rs of 1.14 Oity, grant to Robert W. Lyele, his SUGC.B8ora or a8signa,., a franohise to ereot, equip, operate and maintain a gaa ,lant in the Bai4 01t7, ant ~ ~ thereafter the C1ty Oouncil of the ..1d 01t7 414 at a relUlar ..ssion thereof, held on the 8,th lIT of loye.ber, 1916, pass Ordinanoe Bo. 4'10, entitla4: " .Aa Oreli.anoe gZ'antizag to a. 'I.. :L181e, hi. Bucceseora or assigns, the right to era.t, ....ip, .perate and - maintain 8 gaa 'plant'l for the pv.rposeof malting, pro- ducing, diat:n.buti~d .elliu in the 01ty of .Bo.._ inc1ud1.i1g eaoh and 8'ver7 aelclitloD. thareto. in the Count7 of Gallatin, state of Jlontana ..... to 187, extend, maintain, operate, repair ,lml rem.vo llaiua ani p1p.. in through and U1l4e:r tJ1e stro.t. ,ATenUB, Al181'. ana Publio Grounds of the 8aid Oi t7 :ftir the tranlportatlon and 8uppl;y of manufaotured .r utm;'al ga8 for fuel, ill.f-.t1ng, heating, oook1JlB and power purpo8e. for the lai4 Cit;y and 1ta 1Dhab$.t..tl,- w and 8ai4 Ordinanoe was thereafter, on the 27th day o:faoy_lJu, 1916, duly approve" bY' the llayor of ea14 01 ty and. i8 now 1n full foroe and effect, and 199. ,I' ~') ;(\0 0" '",' -2- 1HERE.lS, Seotlon 15 o:fBsid Ordlnanoe Provides .e :followa, .. s....tton .xv. Th. seid,R. \f. Ll'81e, his suoceSBora or 888igne shall wi tJUa*-1'd7 C 60 I dS78 :from the p...age anti approTal ,-~*he :KaTor ot thi8 ordinanoe , and fraDahiee, file wfth .the Cit7 Clerk of 8aid City a writlugexpre8817 acoepting thia hecht.e.! and @'greeing to eomplete and eg,ui p 88id gas plsn1i for the -~ufaoture ant di.strIbution of ga~ wl th1a eight.en months trom 'and. atter su.oh aooeptanoe.. her.in provided;. WRImlU.8,on the 4th 4ay of January, 1917, the sald Ro.bert W. 1.781e, did file .with the Cit7 Olerk hls acoeptanoe Int writiDg, ; 'the 8s14 frenohis., 88 proTIdea. by Seotion 15 of ssltCb:'diQn~.. in ..... and fi~.8, BS follows: "January ,4, 191'1 ., Hon. Kayor and Cit7 Coun.eU, BoBeman, Montana. . ~ ,. GentlemeaJ - I her. by 800.pt all ter.. aad e <.nil tions BS ina1ude" 1Jl the ]tranohise tor Gas, pa8.84 by 70ur Council and .pproved b7 the ~t.r8 ~t the apecial eleotloa h.11 tn J~vemb.r, 1916. Respeotfull1', Root... 16ple,-aJUl 'IHERBA'. b7 the terma of the 8aid.Ordlnallo8 Bo. "'0 the lald Robert W. 1.781e, hie Buccessors ~or,-, assigns, ,werere- quired t.o ooaplet. and equip said gaa plant ,for the m8Jl11faot- ur. aM distribution of sas wi thih eight.en (18) montha from and after suoh aooeptanoe, and WlDIREA.S. the said Robert W. Lysle. thereafter assigned all his right, title and interest. 1;0 and in e.1el tJ'uchla of . the Gallatin Valley Gas Company, a oorporation,. orgenl..d and exII1;ing under and b7 V1:rtue of the Laws at the stat. of Mon- tana, 81lcl 1rBIIRlU.8, the time w1thiJt. which the .~14 Gas Plant , .hou1d have been .,uippet ant ooapl.ted, was thereafter, ex- tellded b7 theC1t,. OOUBe11 of 8a14 Citr for the period at e1ght- ee. (18) month. frolDthe 21st 4ay of by. 1918. peTitta that 1 I I ~ .1 I .' 201 -3- I the oonatruotioJl of 8a14 8'. p1811.1; .hal.l have b..n oommenoed by the Gallatin ~l.yG.. O~8R7 wlthtaaae y..rtroa and after the 21at day of )(a,.1918, aD4 'I1flim'R'-S, by rea80n of the "1'. oondl,'t_lo:n8 and other- wi.e, it haa been iapraotloa1 an4~'8aibl. ~ar th. ..14 Gallet:111 Vall.y Gas COJDp81l7 to 00__ oonstruction. .on- th8_ 21st day of Kal', 1919 I'ow Therefore, :as n DImAiUlD BY mB OI!Y' cOul'eu. 01 f.B:E CI!!Y 07.. BOIEIWl; ',\ ...... ~ I ,,- , - Section l-!hat the'aliatia Valley Ga8 COJQany, a oorporat1oJ1., organised and exlsting UJ1der au b7 ..1l"'" of the Laws of j;be" state of Montana, lIhe suoeseor e~ur assign of Robert W. Lyele, be, and it ia he.reb., granted lUltl1 the o. (. -II 218t 4a7 of February, 1921, wi thin whioh to ereot, equ1p, operate end m.a1ntalJ1 8 gas plat 1D the 01117 of :Bosem., pro- vided tha t t,he 8a14 Cpmp8D7 &hall on or'befor., the 21st 4q of )[ay, 1910, ". oommenoethe oon.tnot10n of 8sid GaB Plant, .. prOVided .1. 8ald OrdlnlUlOe JTo.4r'lG I proTided that in' o.ee the a.id Galletla Vallel' Ga8 CoapaB;Y, Its 8U....S80r8 .r aaalgns, ahaU fall to o....no.'o_1;notlo>>.' of eai4 g8S plant, on or before the 21,t "'7 .f Kay, 1920. or shall fail . ,--. to. oO\lmlete the 00118truotlo& thereof 011 or _fore. the 21st ..- / ds1' of Februarl'. 1921, then and in th&'t .vent, or e1 ther of them, all rlghts under 8a14 Ordlnanoe Bo. 470, Shall be, and the 8ame are. forfe1 ted I Seotlon 2- That Seot10n 16 of ordlnanoe JIo. 4'0. be and the same ie :t1er....,. ..en4e.4 a. _her.ln prn14e4.j .nd Ordinanoe Bo. 492, i8 hereby repealed. Seotion 3- Thia Ordinanoe.blll be in fuJ.l , foroe and eff.ot from and after thirty (1O'c1a78 after its passage and approval by the )(eyor, and &hall 'b, publiShed 1Iy posting. I I I 202 .... )"\,, -4- I ,. - Att.st; . c ~~..~~~~ "" I CER~D'IOATE OJ!' POSTmG. I, C. .1. Spieth. anA acting City O~erk of the oertify: the dul1 appointed. qualified . Oity of BosemalL, do hereby tember, ~hpt I,J did, on the 4:th" day ofiepe./ 1919.. post .'"...... correot Ind oOJlptlred oopy of Ordinanoe No. 496 , . in the follOWing pu'bli~ plaoes, in the slid Ctty, to"'wi t: Ist- Rohers Grocery 2nd- Courier Bu11~ Bulletin Board. lil:m:if8R:rfJlM!reifin~~ard . " I IN, WIT.f\ESS WE:ERBOI. I herev.nto set my hand anel aff~.x the sea], Of \h. City of Be z amen , this 2nd'dayof . September, 1919. C'&{{;l~ - I I ~