HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 19- 494, Defines Industries and Pursuits Which May be Carried on in City and Providing for Licensing, Control, Etc I I I 0\ -'i 8i i cs. \ I '-'1 --~~ \,........ ""i.~ ~ d~ -= ~ ~'" j~ tJ..~ ~ c" c..-r~ C3 V',) j' ~...'. CL~-. . e ,~ ~-= ~ .;g ~ c:='''-' C, I......... t <to V') . c:. Zi B ~~ ~~ ,~ cS " "''!i'!r'"'Il''~-''''''''~''''--;' r ~ ~ btManS8 No. ~~s- t~g o R D I li A NeE NO. 494. ANEMERGElWY ORDINANOE D]!;FIlIIlJG THE IllDUSTRIES.PURSUITS , PROFESSIons, OCCU?ATlvJ.~::; AVOCATIons AND BUSI.tIESSES, WHISH l'i~Y BE CA..'U\IED OH n~ THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STA~E OF MONTANA, :rnOVIDlliG ,FOR TH.h: IliSl'EC- . . TIOl~, REGUL.ATIOn, CONTROL AND LICEUSING THEREO:E', FIXIHG _THE . AMOUliJ"T, TERM, 1IA.l:IlJlffi OF ISSUANCE AND REVOCATIoN OF LICENSES . . THEREFOR, PRBSCRIBING Plli~ALTIBS ]IOR VIOLATIONS A.I;n REPEAL- ING CERTAIN ORDllIAlWES RELATTIW THERETO. BE II}! ORDAI1lED BY THE CITY C,OUHCIL 0111 THE CITY Oh' BOZ~,rLH: ,~, J. R TIC lLJi 1. e In General) PtJRl>OSE. Section 1. That for the p~pose of defraying the cost and expense of the inspeotion, regulation and oontrol of certain ; .' industries, pursuits, professiona, oooupations, avocations . and businesses within the City of Bozemun, State of :Montana, .' and enforoing the provisions of the Ordinances of the said, ". City relating to the inspeotion, regulation and control there- . > of J each and all of the industries, pur sui ta, professi on.~ ' , occupations t avocations. and businesses, in the said City, here- inafter described and enumerated, shall pay a license, as here- in provided; WHO SUBJECT TO AND ~OUliTS. . Seotion 2- That no person, firm or corporation shall conduct, operate, transact. engage in, or oarry on, any of the industries, . pursuits, professions, occupati.ons, avocations or businesses, , ; ~.. within the City ofBozem~n, heteinafter described and enumerated, without first obtaining a l1cense therefor 'from the said City as herein provided, and for suoh license shall pay, as follows, to-wit: 1- AUTOI.IOB,IT1E, TAXI, MOTOR TRUCK FOR nmE,. Each automobile, taxi," motor bus, motor truok or transfer for hire, either passenger, freight, express or dray, $6.25 per quarter. ,1 '..~ -'; -.- .. ," 7(~ # Repbal8d~~by~~8i.flCC' '.N~~~~.' .-;r ,,':. ,',," '.:, ~2- 2- AUCTIONEER:. .. ...,' Auotioneer, $5.00 per quarter. 3- BILLARD, POOL OR BAGA~ELLE TABLE. Eaoh billard, pool or bagatelle table, not kept exol~sively for family use, $3.75 per quarter. 4- BOWLIHG ALI,EY. Bowling alley, $5.00 per quarter for each all~y. 5 - BOTTLIlJG WORKS. ll.anufaoturat or 'bottler of pop t soda water, or other light and soft drinks, put up in bottles, $15.00 per quarter. 6- ~AKRR OR BAX]L~Y. 'l1'~ I I I I I. ,. ~ l'l':"l':.~.~"I"~ Tri::~"':'~.' ..- " ~ '. ~ I" . " t'rt B8paaII\t~\by)1Mii1i1:1W~~ :, ',.~.J .. .,\...._~,..,_.._~.~. ".. . -3- 1 b. Bill boards or frontage of any building or struct- ure used as bill board, t cent per square foot of the front surface, per quarter. 10 - BUT CRER SHOPS AnD MEAT MARKET S. . ' Eaoh butoher shop or m~~t market, $6.25 per quarter. 11- BAHKRU}tT OR FffiE SALE. 1 Engaging in, conduoting, or carrying on, or ad~ertis- ing a. bankrupt, or fire sale, of goods, wares or merchan- dise, $25.00 per quarter. 12- BATTERY REPAffiS. . Battery repair shop for rep~irB of stor~ge batteries, generators, starters, magnetos, not in conneotion-with a garage, $2.50 per qu~rter~ 13- COW~ISSION MERCHANT. Handling ffesh fruits, vegeta~les. eggs~ meats and other perishable products at wholesale at a fixed place of businesa, $6.25 per quar;ter. 14- CREAMERIES. ',I Creameries or manufacturers of butter or ice cream or other like products, $6.25 per quart~r. 15- BROXE:R. 1 Who" whether acting as Principal oragep.t buys or sells or otherwise deals in stocks,' or bonds . or buys or sells for future delivery. grain, provisions., or produce, of any sort, when said grain, provisions or produce are .not act- uallydelivered, or who buys or 'sells, or .otherwise deals in futures or options on stJ:loka, bonds, gr(sin, provisiQtlS or, produce o~ any sort, or who receives, transmits, or places order a or oommiaa1ons ~o buy or sell any bonds, stocks, grain, provisions or produoe,of any sort, or who aots as the agent of ~ny oOmmission hOUBe~ broker ~r firm. trad- ing in, buying orse1ling, plaoing or in anywise dealing in any bonds, stocks, grain, produce or provisions, options, or futures, of any kind, or pretends ~o to do, whether or not ,I ': 172 ,/- Re.pealadby DrdlRaRceNol"~~~ 'f" I:, -4- suoh comcission house operates, or pretends.to operate in,or<on any market or Board of Trade of any sort, $6.26 per quarter. I 16- CIGARETTIIS. Selling cigarette.fJ I cigarette pepers, or material, ex- oept tobacco used in making.cigarette~,$6.25 per quarter. 17- COLD STORAGE PLANT. ! for hire, , Cold storage pla~i' $26.00 per quarter. . 18~ CONFECTIONERY. a. A confeotionery store, $2.50 per quarter. b. Manufacture1" of oonfectionery, $6.25 per quarter. 19- CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. I Contractor or builder, J6.00 per qu~rter. 20- CmOUSES, :MENAGERIES, AI:D OTHER SHOWS. a. Cirop,ses, menagerieS, dog f:lnp; pony shows, wild . animal shows or circuses, inclUding side shows,.transported on more than 50 oars, $125.00 per "da1. b. Same, transported on more than 26 and less than 50 oars, ,trz5.00 per day. o. Same,transporte~ on less than 25 cars, $25.00 per day.. d. And shall be subjeot to regulation" inspection and con1;:JHEi'"as provided in Section 2 of Artiole III of this I Ordinanoe,. 21- CARNIVAL, STRE:B..'T FAm OR TENT SHOW. 8. Oarnival, street fair or ,tent show, incJ.t1ding side shows, ot.her than circuses, menageries, dog and' pony shows, wild animal shows or circ,uses, $26.0U per day. b. Chautauquas', $15",,00 per day. c. Sing,le tent show nototherw,ise her,ein projfided for I I $5.00 per <i8y. d. And shall be su.bject' to regulation, inspection and ;controlas provided in Sectio~ 2 of Article III of this Or:dinanoe. .~ I I~ ' 4 Repealed by Ordi~ance" NiO.~ ~ . .~ .,. ,',"..:-"~""'-'~.. .', -, - ~. .,,,-"- t7~ . '. r'. _ ... ._~."'"_~~' ,_...~'...__'.. '",'~'."M'__,' ...,. _, ..,,~',. "'..,,^' I COAL, SEE 85 DEALERS 22- DAlBUS. 8. Eaoh place within, or within three miles of the -6- City limits_selling milk~n 8aid city. 13.00 per q..arta.. b. Eaoh wagon. or .ehi_+8 ueed in delfveriD<< mllkl $5.00 per quarter. c. Provided that this licen.e shall apply only to suoh person, firm or oorporation owning more than two oows; I d. PerBons owning on11 one or two oows and selling ~ilk therefrom~ no license; but subject to inspeotion. 23- DRAY, TRUCK, CART, WAGON, ETC. a. Dray, truok, oart, wagon, haok, "bUB or transfe>> used for hir., whether on wheels or runners, drawa by one horae, $a.50 per qu,rter. of'" ~'..o b. Same, drawn by two horses, '6.00 per quarter, 24- DETECTIVE AGENCY. I , Deteotive ageno7. 110.00 per quarter. 25- DANCE HALL, PUBLIC. ~n7 publio danoe hall. 125.00 per quarter, provided however, that no lodge hall wherein are held only lodge daDoes shall be considered a publio dance hall within lo(\ the meaning of this seotion. I 26 - DOLL AND CAB.B RA ex,' ETC. Doll and oane racks or any devise for testing skill or . strength for the purpose of gain, .6.00 per d87. 27- DEMONSTRATIONS AND EXHIBIT lOBS. I . Demonstrations or ezhibitions of eny utensil, article, impl,.nt, goods, ..1'.. 01" .>>ohaDdise' for the purpose ofadvert18ing the asm. upon the publio streets, or upon any vaoant grounds, f3.00 per quarter. 28- ELEOTRIO,;' J,lGHT OR POUR COJIP.dY. Electrio Light or Power Coapan" 150.00 per quarter. I '174 __~IJ"alml,by OnJinaDCa -6- 29- EXPRESS COJIPABIES. E%pre8. Cpmpany, .12~60 per quarter. 30- ELECTRIO WIRIIG. Eleotrio wiring, .6.25 per qu.arter, aB4 shall be su.b- jeo1l to resulatioD., inspeotion and oontrol a8 prov- ided 1n Ord1nanoe 10. 441. 81- ILICflIC 11&I0S. Eleotrio pianos, for profit, 15.00 per quarter. ""-.&QlIt&I! AIDCY. Bmp1o,aent .,en07 or intelligenoe offioe, 15.00 per quarter. I I 38- lPILLIlIG STAtIO.S. All plaoe8 or Stati0.08 within the City, other than garase8, looated within the walls of a store room or bUilc11nc, or otherwise, oonstruoted andaaat.1ned 1D r . . . aooorclanee with the, Buil.ilDg Ordinances_and regulat 1 oa. of the Oit7, in or. at which i8 oarried. OB, or con1luotel the b..lne.s of .UPP17in8 au.tomobile., motor oyole. or other motor vehicles with gasoline, oi18 or other UJIll14a :required in the .peratioD of automobile., motor 0701.. or motor vehiole., 120.00 per qllarter. ,M- FOR!rl1l1E !ELLDG, ETC. I . i'ortuna tel16%!, 8strologer, olairvoyant, palmist, ptlre..legiat, itinerant ma4ioal praotitioner, bypaoti8t, .10.00 per 487. ft- &WIll. < a. hlld1ag or plaoe u..d ill whole or ill part for the storage, for hire, orre,slr of .S.tODlob:ile., motor 0101e8, eleotrio 081'8, and9ther ,1D0tor vehlel.s, .6.,25 per quart- I er; b. Same ,with filling station,: in conneotion, $10.00 perquar'ter. 86- GROCERY S~C8L Grocer1 atore, $6.25 per quarter. I RDn~~~i"\'" . .{i~~~~:-,):!... . ,.\.. . ""~"" , ~ ~'J~.' rmoo. Mln~O~~. . .W . " ' . ,.' , . , " .... . ,,, J. _,~ jI'~",~"J ,'; ~,." \ ". l .,' , _ in : " ,.. -,...,"'-' ..........- .~ .. -.-- ~,.- '-,c." .."."...., :J.7.5 . ',~,."-,.,.:':",.';",,...;,.' -7-'" I 37- GAS C01~ANY. Gas Cpmpan;v, $25.00 per quarter. 38-' HARDWARE STORE~ '. , , Hardware store handling gasoline, powder, or other ex- plosives, $5.00 per quarter. . 39- HIDES, PELTS, ETC. . Buying or selling, hides, pelts or other similar products, '$5.00 per quarter. 40- HOUSE MOVER. I License and regulations are provided for in Ordinance No. 480. 41- ~OTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES. . . a.Any hotel, lodging or roomtng house, with more than five rooms, $.25 per room, per quarter. IIr . .. b. Same, with' dining room, lunch counter, restaurant, , or cafe attached. $2.50 per quarter, additional. 42- ININERANT VEHDER, PEDDLER OR HAVJKER. a. If such itin~rant vender travels on foot and sel1~, I . offers or exhibits for sale only such goods. wares or . , merchandise as he carries upon his person, the S11rn of $12.50 per "quarter. b. If such itinerant vendet travels, or carries and sells, or of'fars. or exhibit's for sale any goods, wares or . . , merchandise, by any 'other mode than walking and carrying such eoods, ware's, or merchandise upon his person, the sum I of $100.00 per quarter. c. And shall be subjeot to regulation, and control as . < provided 'n Atticle II of this Ordinance. 43- INSTALLATION OF HEATING PLAlIT. . . Installation of l:eating plant, $2.50 per quarter, ~nd shall be subject to regulation and control as provided by Ordinance No. 480. 44- ICE. Putting, up, manufacturing and dealing in ice, $5.00 per quartet. I 116 R / 'I.'" '- '. .,..., . epealed! ;tuY ):;Ofdinaooe \NON,:~rF~ -8-_ .. 45- JUNK SHOPS Llr~ JUIJK DEALERS. a. ~ying or selling or dealing in junk, rags, old rope, I I paper, bagging, old iron, iron bars, copper, brass, tin, empty bottles, rubber, or any oth~r Brticler or thing that is ordinarily bought or dealt in by person commonly . called ffJunk dealers", $60.00 per annum. b. And shallne subject to regulation, inspection and l , oontrol as providod in Ordinance No. 455. 46- LUNCH STANDO:q W,AGON. Lunch stand or wagon on the streets or sidewalks, $6.25 per quarter. I 47- LIVERY AUD FEED STABLES. Livery and Feed Stables, $2.50 per quarter. 48- LA ill1DRY . I:! . a. steam Laundry, S6~25 per quarter. b. Hand Laundry, $2.50 per quarter. c. Provided tLat this section shall hot apply to women engaged in tbe laundr~" bus iness, where not more than two i " women are so employed. 49- LUNCH d OUNTER AND BOARDInG HOUSE. I 1/ ; ,;:.,/-'".,\:-.......... I..:J Lunoh oounter and Boarding Rouse, $2.50 per quarter. 59- 1illSSENGER OFFICE. Messenger office, $2.50 per quarter. 51- 1~~rnFACTURE OF PATENT 1U[DICINE, ETC. Manufacture of patent medicines, drugs, toilet articles, etc. , $5.00 per quarter. 52- MJDDICIIIE, DRUGS, nOSTRU1!S, ETC. Advertising, selling, or giving away medicine, drugs, nostrums, etc. $25.00 per day. Lic.ense and re~ulG.tions are provided for in Ordinance No. 364. I ;t 53- IiIERRY GO ~OUI:ID. Merry-go-round, $5.00 per day. 54- OIL COMPAlJIES. . Oil, kerosene, and g~s companies, other than filling stations, garages, and stores, vending or dispensing oil, I ~~ R~peaI8~~Y HfJldigguoe ~JQr' , ~ 177 ."....._- .--...;;,." .-..: ;;.:,",_.~:..... '--9-' I kerosene or gas from vmgonB or other vehicles , elcr.OO per .quarter. 55- OLEOYARGARIBi,ETC. Manufacturing or selling. . Oleomargarine or butterine or imitations of cheese, or butter \ $6.25 per quarter. 56- FLlmBnm. Either as master or employing ,plumber, including installation of heating plants and gElS service; $6.25 per quarter. I 57 - PEIHIY ARCADE. Exhibitions with phonographs, kinetoedopes, vitascopes, or other simial instruments , by '\7ha1Jsoever mame ca-lled, $25.00 per quarter. 58- PROI.IOTERS OR SELLING ST-GCK OF COHPORATIOIJS. . Promoting or selling or offering for .sale stock of corporations, ~25.00per quarter. 59- POPCORN AND PEAUUT STAl~DS. I Popcorn and peanut stands on, stroets or ,alleys, $6.25 per quarter. 69- PACKING HOUSE. Wholesale packing house, $10.00 per quarter. 61- PAYiN:BROY~. Pawnbroker, $25.00 per' quarter. 62- PED:9LERS. (See Itinel'Gnt Venderil) 63- PHOTCGRLEEERS. I I . LIaking and printing pictures and photpgrcphs for sale or compensuti.;l1, without fixed place of business, $10.00 per quarter. 64 - EUSH CLRT, OR ICE CREAM WACON. 5elling upon the streets of the City from a push cart, 'wagon or other vehicle, ice cream, soda pop, chewing cum, fruits; etc. ~5.CO pel'l quarter, per oart, wagon or vehie;le. I -. .....,.".....'!'r"~'..:.l"'-' "r;..: t7R ~ Repealed by Ordinance No. - -f.-i~ t . .. "\' ...lQ.- 65,- RES,TAURANTS. Ci~FBS. AIm E.,\ T lliG HCUSBS. Restaurants, cafes and eating ho~ses, $6.25 per quarter. I 66- P.AILROAD AUD RAILWii.Y COIJPAIHES. , Hailroad and Ra~lw8Y Com:poni~s, other than street, $12.50 per quarter. &7- STALLIOnS, JACKS AIJDBULLS. stallions, Jacks and ]Ulls, propagation for Uire, . $2.,50 per quarter. 68- SLAUGI-IT:&1. HCUSBS. Slaughter house, within three wiles of the oity 1im- i~s, $6.25 per ~uarter. 6S- SKATINGRIltK. Roller or Ice Rink, $15.00 per quarter. . . 7Qe SOFT DU,IHK PLACE OR P"l!'.LOR. I a. Soft drink place Orf)srlor selling ~ offerinp: or keep- ing for sale, any' near beet, ma~t bever~ges, ginger ule, grape juice, soda water,. root beer, milk, cream, b11.tter milk, or similar beverages, commonly known as soft drinl:s, either by the glass or bottle, ~cluding bar, ~ara tables, I lunch counters, cigar st:s,nd, etc. an,d cigarettes, Q.ommonly :unown and designpted as soft drink place or parlor, $50.00 per quarter. b. Other .establishI:1ents .oper' ting soda fount$ins, se11- ine confectionery, fruits, cignrs, :i.ncl uding restsllrant, cafe, or lunch counter, and ci.gare'tte~, $25.00 per quarter. c. Any other establishment sellinesoft drinkEi" not here~ before provided, for, $6.25 per quarter. d. Selling soft drinks, at retail, in oase o'f bottle, not hereinpefore }Jrovided for, $5.00 p'er q,11arter, e- Selling soft drinks at wholesale, in case or bottle, not herei1hbefore provic\ed for, $10.00 per quarter. 71- SHOOTING GALLERY. Shooting g&llery. $10.00 pe~ qu~rter. I 72- STREET RAILW.AY COUP..t\NY. street Railway Company, $25.00 per guarter. I . 1,79 . . . ...... 4 -, r '" ,. . , ,', ' .,. .... , ,. .____.8_e_Dealed ~btQrdlnm~_",NjJl /'~~s- .,' "",..., '. ...,., '""'"...,~''', ~.H' .. .," . -11.... .. I 73- SEOOND HAND STORES. Dealer or keeper of second hand atore, $6.00 per quarter. 74 - SIGB HABG IBG. Sign Hanging, .2.50 pO' quarter. 75- SLOT MAOHlBE. Slot Maohine, for 8ale of merchandiae, f2.50 per quarter. 76- TELEGRAPH OFFICE. Telegraph Offioe, '5.00 per quarter, per inatrument. 77- TELEPHONE COMPAN'f I Telephone oompany, $50.00 per quarter. '18- TAILOR SHOP. Tailor shop where dry 01..ning 1s done or gasoline 1s used, t2.50 per quarter. 79- THEATRES, ETC. a. Theatre, not variety or oonoert, '100.00 per annum. b. Moving picture show house, $86.00 per annum. c. Theatre and moving pl.~ure house oombined, $125.00 per annum. I d. Moving pioture show house with vaudeville or other performance or exhibition, $2.00 per day extra for suoh J. other vaudeville, performanoe or exhibition. e. Variety snd concert the.tree, whether admission fee ie dharged or not. '100.00 per annum. f. Minstrels, or legerdemain when not in theatres pajring regu1az license, $6.00 per dq. g. Opera b1' conoert singel" or concert en'tertainment not in regulai theatre, $3.00 per day. I I h. But no li.oense must be oollected from. any amateu. exhibition or conoert for school or charitable or religuous purposes. I rot Q ()' ~ hJ~3~~30~J Ordinance. r~oQ..~s- ~ ~12~ Tannery, $2.50 per quarter. I 80... TANllERY. 81- WAREHOUSEMEN. storing goods, wares or merchandise for compensation, $2.50 per quarter. 82... WBESTLDGlIIHIBITIOB OR MATCH. Wrestling exhibition or matoh; '10.00 per d.ay. 'S3- nIGHING SCALES OR pUBLIC PLATFORM SCALES. Weight scales or p1lLb1'1o platform scales, '2:;60 per quarter. I 84... WATER OR SEWER SERVICE IBSTALLING. Water or .ewer service installing, $2.50 per quarter. 85- COAL DEALERS. Coal Dealers. $2.50 per qperter. 86- LIDIBER,' COAL. WOOD & MATERIAL DEAT..TilaS. Iiumber, c081,.004 and material dealers, .6.26 per quarter. A B TIC L B I I. (Itinerant Vlmcler) WHO IS AND :nCEPTIONS. Seot101l11- Every person, oompany or corporation, who at ten por- ary.quarters, sells or offers or exhibits for ssle any goods, wareS or merchandise, and every person who trave~s about" from plaoe to plaee and transports by any mode of conveyance and sells,. offers or exhibits for sale. any goods, wares or merchandise, and every orders person who persomally soiicit!./for 'the future delivery of. any goods, wares or merohandise,:,; either b7 or without sample. inc~d... ing peddlers, and hawkers, 1BJ: an itinerant vender within the mean- ing of this Article of this Ordinance; provided,liowever, that thi8 seotion shall not apply to who18ss1e dealers selling to dealers or merchants nor shall it apply to any person or tne representative of any person. vompany or corporation, doing business at a fixed place business and taking orders for the future delivery of any goods, wares or merohandise, kept at or in conneotion with and handled through suoh fixed pleoe of business, nor shall it apply to the sale of books. papers or school supplies ,or the ssle of any fruits, vegetables. meats, or other farm produce I I I Repeal~~ by Ordinance No. ~.cf 1,,81 -:1.3- I when sold by the grower or producer thereof. FIXED PLACE OF BUSInESS. I Section II. A person, company or corporation doing business of-buSiness, at a fixed plactJwithin the meaning of this ~ticle of this Ordinanoe, is any pei"son, oompany or corporation who keeps, offers or exposes for sale to the generel publio" in a build- ing of permanent nature, any goods', wares or merchandise of any description; provided, however, that this definition must not be construed as inclUding any person, oomp~ny or corpor- ation keepibg any goods, wares or merchandise, or transact- ing any such business in any rented apartment or apartmants, in any hotel, boarding house, lOdging house or private res- idence, or in any other building or structure not designa- ted for or commonly used as a store or Shop. LICENSES. I Seotion 3- Every person, company or oorporation desiring an to do business in the City of Bozemw;, a~Atinerant vender must before oommencing such'business, obtain a lioense from the Treasurer of said City, for which he will pay the fee and amount as provided in Paragraph 42 of Seotion 2 of Art- iole I herein. OBTAINING LIOEN,SE. I Section 4- Any person, compan.y or corporation desiring to obtain a license under the provisions of this Artiole of this Ordi:clsnoe must file with the City Tr~asti.rer of the City of Bozeman, an application, in writing, subscribed and sworn to by such applioant ~etore an officer of this City authorized to take oaths, whiiclsh appliostion shall set forth the name of the applioant, his residence and principal place of doing business, the business for whioh he asks the license, whetl~r he is acting as principal, or as an agent, and if acting as agent, the name and place of' business of his principal" and such apPlioant must at the time of filing suoh applioation I 1.82 I;" .. i ,. ..;.,~<"I1,..:.,.,..1.,.,..~" ".,!., ~"", Ii'",:! I ~,: \.i t::.,;: ~~ ;,1ljj\*.,ji\~\i.- ~E , ., ,. ,,~ :\ t~ \rl; '/ ~~~\;, '~. ~ ~:.^:',""ll~ '.; :',~ f":\ \ ~ ,""" ;"I~"m"dflii""\',>'!>"""JJ.,.,,. '. !, ;" " " ::;, )~j"'~ i', ';,en,' ..',,::,{ ..t:;,. ,j,jfiJ:~~~U:[.:~{ -14- '- ae above pr9vided, pay to the Cit7 Treasurer with whom such applicatlQn is filed the sum specified herein as a quarterly license tor conducting and transacting such business. I ISSUANCE OF LICENSE AND TERM. Seotion 5- Upon filing the applicetion required by this Article of this Ordinanoe, in proper from, and upon the , . payment to him of the sum re~uired, the, City Treasurer shall issue such applicant a license to carryon the business described in such applicat~on, in said Cit~T, for the quar- terwithin whioh the said license is granted; that the term of said license,sha~l be as hereinafter provided; that the said lioense shall be non-transferable and shall have printed across the face thereof in large letters the word . I "Non-transferrable"; and the City Treasurer shall endorse upon such application the date of the issu~nce of the license and number thereof and shall file the same. EXHIBITION OF LICENSE. Section 6- Every such itinerant vender doing business under the provisions of this Ordinanoe must, upon demand of any oitizen of this City exhibit his license an4 permit I .. the same to be then and there read by the citizen making such demand ahd any such itinerant vender who shall \viI- fully refuse or fuil to exhibit his license as above prov- ided shall be deemed guilty of a violation ,)f this Section of this Article;'ot this Ordinance and upon conviction shall be punished as hereiafter provided. PEHALTY FOR VIOLATIOn. I 3ection 7- Every itinerant vender as herein defined, doin~ ousiness without first obtainiag a license in any oase where a license is required by this Art.101e,;; J shall ]Je deemed guilty of a violation of this Artiole of I ~ Jlnli!!aDClJ~o~ .,? 4 ______ 183 ... . ..... __"-.0' . ,~.. ~""~"""'.'-~' ~,.._,.~.~-,.. -1-5- I this Ordinance and upon conviction, shall be punished as hereinafter provided. IHlER-STATE COl~n'nCE~. w.;,J.1. Article Section 8.. Nothing in this_I; contained is intended to operate so as to interfere with the power of the Congress of the United States to regulate commerce between states as such power is defined by the Supreme Court of ~he United States. I ART I 0 LEI I I. (Inspection, Regulation and Control) DUTY OF OFFICERS. Section 1. It is hereby made the duty of the City Health Officer, Chief of Police=' Building Inspector. Chief of the ,F ire Depert!nent and Oi ty Engineer, (Ex-offic~o Sewer Comm- issioner and Street OOffiLlissioner), to inspect al~ indus- tries, pursuits, professions, occupations, aVQcations and businesses, licensed hereunder, and eBforce the provisions I of the Ordinances of the City,relating to the inspection, refulation and cQntrol thereof and to see and require that \~ ~ -every person, ~ firm or corporation conducting , . opereting, transacting, engaging in or carrying on any of the said industries, pursuits, professions. occupations, avocations or businesses, within the City of Bozeman, here in enumer- 1 atea, conform to 8nd comply with the Ordinanc~s of the said 01 ty, the laws of the state of Montana and the rule's and rellUlations of ' the state Board of Health and the City Bosrd of Health, and that each and all of said industries, pursuits, ~rofessions, oocupations,.avocations and bus1neeses sre conducted, operated, transacted and carried on' with re- gard to the best interests, health and safety of the reSidents of the City of Bozeman. ~ .1 ~'8,4 , ." " '''. ,,/ Ottli...^." . '." UA....'.'..'.;'.,....'.. ~. "'. ....', 'nu;,:'~l"I" "" ." tmnea._,".r'.:~~.- . ...16- ,= cmCUSES l~nD TEHT SHOWS. I . Seotion 2. It shall be the duty of the City Health Officer . to inspect or CDuse to be inspected Gvcr'":JT" location or site where any exibition is to be given by Dny circus or menagerie and it shall be unlawful for any circus or menagerie to give any exibition at any place or site without first obtaining the approval of the City Health Officer. Managers of circuses or menageries occupying any site or looation for showS, shall keep the same in a sanitary condition satisfactory to the Health'Officer. and for that I pnrpose take such precautions ani! malte '3uch arrangements as the City Health Officer may require. The Ci~y Health Officer sh~ll require everY,ctrcus or manager ie ,afte:r' its ,tents and wagons have been removed, to clean up Bnd move from the location or site used or occup- ied by it, all straw, manu~e, rubbish snd other debris. INSPECTION .. Section 3. LA) ~efore, or at the time, any license shsll I be issued by the City '.l.ireasurer to any person. firm or oorporation to conduot. ope-'ate, transact" engage in, or carryon tiny of the industries, pursuits, p~ofessions, occ- upations, avocations 9t businesses, for the transacting or - oarrying on of whioh a licenm is required by this Ordinance, the room, apartment, tenement or b1.lildinp: to be us~d or occupied for the purpose of conducting, operating, transacting, engaging in or oarrying on such industry, pur sui t, "()r ofe ssion, occupation, avooation or business, $hal~ be inspected by the City Health Officer,. the' Cheif of Police, Building Inspect- I or, or Chief of the Fire Department as th~ ease may require and the Ordinances and rules, Find regulations of the C1 ty of Boze:r.1lJ.n provide.,. for the pur;9se of ascertaining and de- termining whether the snne is in a sanitury and proper condition for the transacting or carrying on of such indus- try, pursuit, profession, occupation, 8vocution, or business I 1R,~ ReolleW ".~",~1."."t. , ...~1'"!CJ. -17- I therein, Dnd in compliance \:lth the Ordinances of the City of Bozenan, laws of the state of Montana, and the rules end regulationsof the State Board of Health and , the City Board of Heolth relating thereto, and no 11c- cnse shall be issued to any person. firm pr corporation for the transacting or oarrying on of any such industry, pursuit, profession, occupation, ~vocation, or business, I therein if such inspection shall disclose the f~ct that such room, apartment, tenemant or bUilding is not in a sanitary or proper condition for the transacting' and currying on of such industry"p1~suit, profession, occu- pEtien, avoc~tion or bti~1ness therein. . ~ (BJ- The 01 ty Heslt h Officer shall inspect at Ie, st I once a month every theatre and place of business in the City of Bozeman, including dairies and sKaughter houses within three (3) miles of the Oity limits, which, by the Health Otdinanoes~ rules Dnd regulations of the state Board of Health and the City Board of Health, are re- quired to be inspecteda~d controlled, for the purpose of asce~taining and determining whether the same are being kept and maintained in a proper, sanitary. heal th;y and safe condition and that suoh industries, pursu~ts, pro- fessions,' ,occupations, avocations and businesses are being carried en and conducted in Bccordance with the Ord- inances of the Oi ty of Bozeman. laws of the state of Mont ana and the rules and regulations of the State Beard of Health Hnd the City Board of Health relating thereto. (C) - The Oi ty Health Of:i'icer, the Chief of Police, '"'- ~."" I the Or..ie:!: of the ?ire Depprtment and the Building Inspector und any ot'her o~ficer who is 9harged with the enforecement of the Ordin8l1ces of said City, shall at the cnd of ewch quarter', or at ,any time when required' by the Order of the 01 ty C euncil, report in vlri ting to the Ci t;y'" Tressurer of the I 186 , . "lfd" .lI,,, ... ~...' , ....... ~'111h'H ,;"', ... {l RBPeated'bYt;.... .:1,:,,: li(,;~.,;.J' -18~ Oi ty, the naIi1es of all :9c::'sons, firms or corporat ions cbnduoting, operating, transacting, engaging in or carry- I ing On any of the industries, pursuits, professicns, occu- pations, QVO~ations or businesses within t~e sbid City~, within the praticular jurisdiction of such officers, as defined by the Ordinances of the City, and for which a 'license is required und~:t the provisions of this. Ordinance. ART I C L E l'V. (Issuonce, Revocation and Hegulation of Licenses). I ~EPARATION OF BLANKS. Section 1- The 9ity Clerk shall prepare and have printed blank licenses in triplicate for the signature of the City '.:;retHmrer. The licenses iSf'ued under and by virtue of this Ordinance shall be numbered co::,6ecutive~y and shall set forth $he industry, pursuit, profession, occupation, avoc- ation or business for which 6uch lice::t;Lse is issued, the name of the person_ firm or corporation to whom granted, the amount Dnd the amount paid, tLe irrnne(liate place of I location where the businesc is to be carried on, and the dates upon TIhich the license cnnTIJences and expires, ,rov- ided, that all licenses issued hereunder, unless otherwise provided, shall expire quarterly on July 31st, .October 31st, January 31st Dud April 30th. All lice:l1ses shall be secure- ly bound in books of either 50 or 100, at the option of the City Clerk. ISSUANCE OF LICEIJSES. Section 2; Upon application to the City Treasurer and the peymer,:,t to him of the fee required, any person, firm or. corporation, conducting, operating, transacting, engag- ing in or carrying on any( industry, pursuit ,,;rofession, occupation, avocation or business for which a license is required, shall receive irOtil the Ctty Tt'e&sl1rer a license I therefor. I Repealod bvJJlLd~~f~"" ~.~ri~!!!!!f";;;~; ___. .. .Uf"1Jf,,__~f~~~_,~.~_~ ...._.-,.,~_ : . ,-"- ."~;. ,,~-". "'. -19- I The Pity Treasurer shall fill in the bod,y of the license, sign the same &nd deliver. the original and duplicate to the licensee, who shall present the original and dup- licate to ~he uity Clerk for his, signature and the Seal of the Oity. The City Clerk, having signed the original and duplic~te ond Bealed the same, shall deliver the origin~l to the licensee and retain the dlipl-1cate. ;...'he C~ty Treasurer Shall retain the triplio~te coPu of each license issued. I RECORD. Section 3. a. Ci t,Y Clerk. TLe City Clerk shall registe-c' the licenses in a book, designated IT. License Register" , which book shaJl contain the number of the license, date of issuance. name of licensee, the industry, pursui t, profession, occup'ation,: avocation or business, for \vh1ch the license is granted , the date vihen I such license was granted, the date of the expiration thereof and the amcunt paid. b. City Treasurer. The City Treasurer shall . ieeued l~oep and r:18intain a record of all 1icense~setting fOl.'th the number of the license, date of issuance, name of licensee, the industry, pursuit, profession, occupation. avocation or'business, for which the license is granted, the dc:te uIien such license was gr,mted, tJ;1e dDte of I the expir~tion thereof and the amount paid, such record shell st_ow the licenses issued to each person, firm or corporation alphabetically.arranged, according to such person, firm or corporction and also according to the several classes of industries, pursuits~,p~ofess~on8, OCCU1)a tions, avocat! one or busines.see licensed hereunder. MORE THAU em:; BUSI1TESS, BY SAME LICEnSEE. Section 4- In every case ~here more ~han one of the I . ' Be".?,., "<"'1~' -20- lndtistries" purs~its, professions, occupations, avoc- I ations or busineeeeSRsre conducted, o~erDtad,trensacted, engaged in or car]ied on in tho Bame place or location 1'1 the s me person, firm or corporL<.ition, at the a,me t lme, for' which e. j,.lcense is 1'e ~'U ired under and by v'irtue of the provislton of this Ordinance, a license must be procured for each of said industraes, pursuits, professions, occupations, Dvocetion or businesses, unless hthe1'wise herein provided. REFUSAL OF LICENSES. I Section 5- The 1tayor, may at llny time forbid the issuance of a license until the applioatinn therefor has been acted apon by the City Co~cil, when in his judegefficnt thebilsiness, pursuit, cccw",ation or exibi ti on sought /\ ../ ,to be license~ will be detrimen~al to the public motals or public health~ or liabl~ tD provoke a ~reach of the peace'. Notice pf such denial of a license, signed b;y~ the ~\layor shall be served upon the l.'l:pplicBnt hy a police officer at le2st five days before the meeting of the (;1 ty Counoil at vlhieh the S~jme shall be rep orte d b;1 the 11Dyor to the Uity lJoUY'.cil for its action, theron I and snch denial of a license shElIl be considered and acted, upon by the,City Co~cil at its ne~t meeting aiter such five days notice has b~en given; provided thst the Conncil, I1WY ad.journ such he,c-:ring from time to time. Upon such hearing the Council may refuse to issue the,license ~ppl1ed for when it may deem the public interest. it best for RJ;VOCA TION OF JJICElJSES. Section 6- Any license which has been issued by the Ui ty of Bozeman, may be reYoked by tl'+~ Mayor by an ord.er of revoc~tion, at dny time when in his jUd,geraent the 'Jmsiness, pursuit, occupation, or exhibition v/tich has I I "a~. . 'f.~' "~.'~'.. .... BI }'~ ::' .'. ., "",. .. -,',"' '. Baled; .." .',>>' ..,. '. . ,..' .'_.~-' .~-'" .~~_." '~"'~' ".~. '~., ,."'~'~'~ " -- ,_."~.,.,~-,.,-,.,,,,,,,..,. , "" .,,',' '"~,, , , ,,~. , . , ","" ",,,. """. -21- I been licensed is detrimental' to the public morals or the public health or liable to proNoke a bre~ch of the ;')eace t . , or when the licensee, 0;: any officer., agent or emplo~ree thereof, hes been convicted of a violation of t~~is ord- inance, or of any ordinance of the City_of Bozeman, or , ~ statute of the sta~e of Montana,. A copy of such order of rcvocDtion, vdth a notice stating the time when the w some will be submitted to the, Ci tyC01:mcil shalt. be served by a police officer, on the lice~see, or any officer or I mcnaging agent thereof, or person in 9harge of the business, pursui t, occupation or exhibition licensed, at le~Jst five days before such Counoil meeting, whioh shall De the first neeting of the City C01U1oil after such five days notice has been given at the Council meeting so designated, such order of revoc;,tion shall be submitted by the Mayor to the City Council, and such revocation shal~ take effeot only if tatified by a vote of a majority of the menbers of the Ci~y Council present, at the meeting; provided, that at the I time of making such order of :r:evocstion the J.1ayor ,TI18Y SUS- pond snoh license until euchre-vocation has been acted on by the City Counci}. in whi ch event, suoh suspension shall be i~cluded in the order o~ revocation. < ' ,!!'ORFEITURE OF FEE FOR LICENSES. Section 7- Whenever any linense is revolted, the money paid therefor, shall. be deemed ::orfeite4 to the City, and shall not be refunded, ape no license shall be is.s:Led to the same person, firm or corporation for the so:ne pers on, firm I or corpor~ t,i on flT the s8m~ purpose for six months thereafter. J?AYMElrT OF LICENSES. Section 8- All,licenses shall be paya~le querterly in ad- v~,nce, on or before July 31st, Ootober 31st, January ~lst, aI}d , April 30th. unles80therwsie herein provided; provided that I 1~O ftepeal8d ....bJ,y..}8rdinanc8...~.\Ntlt~4 . .. ;-. -22- in case an~T license is issued' during a stated quarter, theI;l, 8{',d in the t event, the full license for th& t quarter shall I be, :paid and collected, provided, furtl:..or that for &11 lic- ~nses now grante! and issued unde,' und by virtue of the Crd- inances heretofore in effect, the City ~reac;urer shall, llLp.on tl:e renewal of IFlld J.i'::lCru:>N;, a:i:ld ecch a:: 1:1::81". f.:djust the payment therefor a!ld the term thereof to conform with this Section. . TEPJ.I OF LICENSE. Section 9- He, license 6h8l1, be granted for u longer I period than one year, nor for a less period than one ql.lsrter. 1Ulless otherwise herein provided, and for such purpose the fiscal year iD divided into four quarters en(ing on July 31st, October 31st. January 31st, and April 30th, pro- vided, that the t~rm of licenses now iri force shall be adjusted as set forth in the preceeding Section, and prov- ided further, thotany'l'ioense issued during a stated quarter such ~:1ognse 'shall :expire at the end of such quarter. UULAWFUL BUSIHESS. I Section 10- The provisions of this Ordinance'shall in 110 case be conotrued to grant permission to any persoll, firm or corporation to cobduct, operate, transact, engage in or carryon any unlawful industry, pursuit. profession, Occu- pation, avocation or business within the erty of Bozeuan .(' " ,r"- I:' or to conduct or carry on the Sf.me in an;, unlaw,ful :'lanner .. v' or to grant indemnity to any industry, pursuit, profession, occupation, avocati on or business :from being oontrolled, in- spected or suppressed or otherwise regulated. NOTICE BY CITY Im.EASURER. Section 11- It shall be tLe duty of thef Ci tJ7 Treasuror to notify Ifcensees, within the City at least five. days before the expiration of any quarterly or annual license, I ,,/, - " I I I I I I :191 Re,paaled hYH'rdin81lU8:~1 ." ',' . .., ~MW",'~",.~~,. __,.J.~,~,..~,.,_...,_~.___. _.. no _,"" ...'.~"' ~.."....~ ...23- stating. in such notice. the character of t:.e business, the date of the expire t ion of the license and the amount vvhich will become due, which notice shal]. be served on e& ch licensee by mailing; 'provided. however, that no failure of the City Treasurer to so notify any licensees I shall reliayCit such licensees from paying for the license nor from any of the penalties provided in this Ordinance. REPORTS. sact-ion 12- The City Trea::::urer, sha~l on the.i'trst day of each month present to the City council, at its first session thereafter, a statement showing in full a com- plete list of all p.~fbns, firms or corporations doing , ,Ij,,i business of any kind 1:h the C~~~,,, during the -p':ceceeding ,4~~;,- month for wh:i;.,cl;1 a license .is bfl'this Ordinance required to 1I).,',:' :~:, be taken out~nd paid. such list shall b~ in two div- isions and shall show: a. The names of' all persons, firms or corpor~:tions, who have paid a license during the proceeding mo;-,th, the industries , pur sui ts , professions, oC>Jupations, a~tions or businesses for which the same has bl:en paid and the amount paid, ala 0 tIle names of all other persons, firms or corporations whose lic6nses are then in force, stating the industry, pursuit, profess- ion, occupation, avooation or :buE3iness for v:hich the / SDne has bee)n paid, the amount paid and the date ':~ L-"L:P on v.hich the license will ~J:Pire . , b. Under the head of "Delinquent Licenses" ,. the Hamos of all persons, firms or corporutions conducting, operating t transacting, e,ngagingin or carrying '~ on;)r industry , pursuit, profession, occupa ti on J 8VQC- stion or bu~iness witliin s8~d City for which a lic- ense is required J and then remains u,npa.id", the:criod I..:,_L l:kJ~~..:.:' . for which u license is due,. the am'~t due,; and the '", industry, pursuit , profe El;:,d on , 'occupation, avocation \"\ (f. ii' ~~ I. ",'" (iM.:, '~,,,. ( 192 ....""._>~dby/4IJr_ntlti'{: ~~ .~,' """ ""':'"'-'''-''''''''''~'-'''''''-'~.~'' ~."i""""""""'''' ." -~- - IlJSPECTIC'l; EY ':;llE, CHIEP OF POLICE. I 'Or business for which said license is required. Section 13- The Chief of Police shall c[lrefully incpect the list o:f licenses :provided: for in the preceeding section:, :paid and delinqnent, t3nd it 8h2l1 be Lis ,dut~T to a.iligently inquire and. ascertain \vhether such list includes every in- i dustry, pnreni t, professi mf, occupetim avoce.ti on or , " business, carrted on in this City for.which u license is required by this Ordinaance and ~e shall, before the lOth ing whether or not the St'-ffie includes tl:e nbmes of ell pcr- I day of each month endorse his certificate on such list, stat I"" sons, firms or corporations, 'conducting, operating, trans- actin,'?:, engaging in or c~n'rying on t.:ny industry, pur sui t , profession, occllpation, avoceti on or business in said City. for which a license is required, .~nld if such certificate shall show that Eaid list does ncit include all suoh pe~- sons, firms or corpor~jtions, the Chief of Police shall endorse on said list the naTI~S of all such persons, firms, l or corporatfons not :i.nclud.ed therein and shall return the ~id list end. report with rils endorsement thereon to the I City Treasurer. CITY TREl~BURER lIUS~ BRIITG SUI~~, V1REIT. Se(ction 14-' If upon the reoeipt o'f t1:e certific<:lte of the Chi~f of Police, provided for in the pruceeding I I t. ",," ..~" _>;~~~;1~ ~' :, '. ' ~, :\. .'~.'.... .... '..'. }':,'..'. (.., ....,..,. '};/'" 193 Repe~,.b>>,tlrtlin.8'1;1~~:f__ ... .._.."."~,. .--".....-..--"-. ~.-.............-...............-,-" .. ..", ,., '. ,..:.,'._-_.;.::,' .~~',_::"., ......- -25- I or more days , if tie licensee therein named is still carrying on the industry, pursuit, profession, occupation, avocation or buainess theroin Darned and such licensee fails wi~hin 24 thereafter to obtain another lioense therefor, it shall be the duty of the City Treasurer to notify such person, firm or oorporation to procure another lioens'8.:f'orthwith, and if such licensee shall not have obtained another'license within 12 hours after service of such n'otice, it shall be 'the duty of the City I ,:,~~' , Treasurer to make obmplaint of such :r,o:b b-efore the Polioe Judge. In the event that the City Treasurer fails to make suoh complaint, he shall become liable and be held to account for and pay to the City the amount due for one quarter's license so unpa if\ (/ \XII J"TLIEN OJ!' LICENSE. ~ Section 15- Every license required for conducting, operating, transacting, engaging in or carrying on any industry, pursuit, profession, oocupation, avooation or business by the provisions of tb,t$__OrdJlJ8tlOe shall be and become a lien upon all ~oods, wares, merohandise, furniture, fixtures or other implements used in conducting, operating, trans8cting, engag- ing in or carrying on suoh industry, pursuit, profeSSion, I ',,- oocupation, avooation or business and "11 lioellses issued as herein provided shall be so granted and issued with this express understa.nding and agreement on the part Of the lic- ensee'" and all goods, wares, merobai1disq,furni ture, fixtures, I .""', I ,If" "', ~,. ~"".~":"" ,.,. ,"' ..;ft~;a;..a"tJ'"':i(.l"." ',rl-~~:':{:'Wi"J'i::" IIIpIIIIIU.JUfU~ur"'l~..=!7'" ",/f,;:;'t,\':.;;' ': . , . . ,~~;'"" '_.'1 -26- Judge with Prooess of Attaohment, if deemed ex- pedient by the City Treasurer. LICENSE J'EESOREDlfED TO TEE GENERAL FUND. Seotion 16- All money pai4 to the City of BOBeman under the proTisiona of this Ordinance shall be oredi ted to t~e General Gund, unle.8 otherwise. ordered by the City Council. DOn' OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE. I Seotion 17- It i8 hereby made the duty of the Chief of Police to aid the City Treasurer in the \ oollection of all licenaes required by this Ord- inanee aDd to make sueh investigation, reports and personal demands at the ~eflll.8'tL of the City Treas- urer, therefor if 18 is deemed necessary. I A8SIGNJ.BILITY. Seotion 1$- lio lioen.e hereunder shall be asslDg- able or shall be transferable Bave and exoept upon applioation to the Ci~y Council, ita approval thereof an4 order ~herefor. UIrERSTATB "~.~'~OE.. Seotion 19- Bothlng in this Ordinanoe contained 18 intended to operate 80 as to interfere with the power of the Congress of the United stateato reg- ulate commerce between Stat.. a8 suoh paller la. defined by ,the Supreme Court of :the of the United states. I I I ;.. ,.. , " , .. ft r~,"~ ":...'...........,..!<"~--- 19.5. -2?- I ART I C 1 E V. PBHi.L~Y FO:\ vIOLATIOlJ. I Section 1- Every person, firm or corporation and the agents, servants or employees of such ~)e:rson, firm or corporation ,.. conducting, operating, transacting, enf!8g- ing in, or carrying on any of the industries, pursuits', professions, occupations, avocations or businesses de- scribed or e:dtElerated in this OrdinBlllloe, for which a lic- ense 'is required and all persons who shall aid or assist in conducting, operating, trensascting, engaging in or - carrying on the s&me, without first procuring a license therefor as herein provided, for every business,' trcns- . action therein, and every such person, firm or ,corporation, and the agent', servsnt or employee of sU.ch person, firm I" I or corporation, who shall fail, neglector refuse, wil- fully or otherwise, to comply with the terms and prov- isions of this Ordinance, shall be dee~ed guilty of B viol- ation of this Ordinance rmd upon ,conviction shall be pun- ished by a fine of not lese than $10.00 and not more than $300.00, or by imprisonment in the County or City Jai~ for nJt less than five (5) days and not more than ninety (90) days, or by both fine and l,mprisomment; pr~t'rded, , that in case the fine of such person is not paid, cuch person shall be imprisoned in the Couhty or Oi ty Jail unt il S8 id fine is satisfied in proportion' ~. to one (1) day's imprisonment for every $2.00 ofs&;f.d fil:le. REPEAL. ~ · ":J...'~~.i:<L ,L i , v ,/~-'rr' . Ordinanoes No. 4?l, 469, 468, 439,.~ v 'Y' v. 357, 320, 319. 287: and 201 and all I Section 2. That 419 437, 421J 400, 3?5, -/ Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance, are hereby repealed; that Section 11, in so far as it affects licenses, Sections 25 and 68 of Ordinance No. 104 and Section 2 of Ordinance No. 132 are amended as herein provided; that nothirigherein contained shall I "\", ! ~~k" ",' , .,~~i&,,:, , . ",' : R~Hij:""OrU11llllR,.tt'~~~ -28- /:. ? be held or corstrued to repeal Ordinances Ho. 364, i~~. ' 452, 455 and 475, or any part thereof; that any lic- enses issued under the Ordinances hereby repealed, shall:' remain in force for the time for which thay w~re issued respectively end" that thereafter the City Treasurer shall issue suoh licenses to conform with tho provisions herein. EMERGENCY AND ~~FECT. Section 3- That for the preservution of the good safety order, morals,welfar~i peace and health of the residents of the City of Boze~an, and'the protection of t~eir property, it is immediately necessary that this Ordinan oe be passed; that by reseon thereof an Emergency is hereby declared to exist; thst this Ordinance is specifically declnred to be an Emergency Ordinance, 'and' shall take effect and be in full 'force immediately upon its pass- age, approval and publio8tion by posting. Passed by-the C::ty Council of the City of Boz- eman by two-thirds of the votes of all the members thereof duly elected, this 7th day Approved t:Pls" 7th day of Augus't, ... .A.ttest: . G, a 4/;A'~ : Ql ty Clerk I """"'....' .c :1 "> I I I I I I I I I . " 1,97 .,},.\l<,..,..,....'::,:.i.:lii,~. .iItI1. . ,.'" 'o' :~ ~.~~t:: .'.~f~: f:'~r,y. '-,~ n . . ~~_~'''''~'M:-':- ;T~:\>.:".":,: CERTIFICATE OF POSTING I, C. A. Spieth, the duly appointed, qualified end ecting City Clerk of the City of Bozeman, do hereby certify: That I did on the 9th d87 of August, 1919, post B true, correct and compared copy of Ordinanoe No. 494 in the follow- ing public places, in the said Uiiy, to-wit: lst- Rohers ~rocery 2nd- Courier Building Bulletin Board 3rd- Ellie Brandley COEner 4th- City Hall Bulletin Board IUWITN.ES8 WHEREOF, I hereunto Bet my hand and affix th~~ seal of the City of Bozeman, t~iB 9th day of August, 1919. c. A. Spieth City Clerk J..