HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 19- 493, Prohibits Making or Disposing of Spirits in City and Repeals Ordinances 439, 438, Section 2 of Ordinance 437, 375, 357 I t-..\9 ~ ~ f'V)""- I ~, ~ ~t't)~ ~~lY) Q} =;1 ~. ~! ...... : C::>' ~ ~ c;.~ I ~ ()\t) ~<<~ ~'<<\<< ~, {'\'.('\'" ,~~ , ~ ,~ . ,~ " -49.3~ .. ORDINANCE NO. 493. net>ealed by ,- OrClinance no. 526. .AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE IN~ODUC~ION INTO. ~HE MANUFAOWURE OF, liND IJ:HE GIVING, EXClDmGIHG. BARTERIBG, SELLING. OR DISPOSING OF ARDENT 5pmITS . ALE, BEER, WINE OR INTOXICATING LIQ~ORS WITHIN THm.CI~Y OF BOZEMAN! STATE OF MONTANA.! ,AND REPEALING CERTADT ORDI:NANuES PERTilINING THERETO. _~_______WIII / BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OOUBCIL OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, : STATE OF MONTANA: . . Repen!:1 IT; Ordinanc8 No. ~2:,~ Seotion 1. Every person who sells. exchanges, gives. barters or disposes of any ardent spirits, or any compound thereof oapable of use as a beverage, or any ale, beer. wine or intoxicating liquors of any kind. to any person, persons or ass~oiation or corporatfon in tHe ditt of Boze- man, or who manu:facture's , or intr'DdUoes :blto, or attempts to introduoe into the City of Bozeman: any ~rdent spirits, or any compound thereof cap- able of use as a beverage, or any ale, beer, wine or intoxioating liquors of any kind. shall be guilty of a mis4emeandr and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not mOTe than THREE HUIDlREDDOLL.ARS ($36:0.00), or by imprisonment in the County or City Jatl for ,not more than Win~ty (90) days, or by both fine and imprisonment; PrOVided, that in case the fine of such , person is not l?ai~ such person shall be imprisoned in the County or Oi ty , , , Jail until said fine be satisfied in the proportion of one (1) aay's im- prisonment for every T'{O DOLLARS ($2:00)" of said fine. e . sEetion 2. Nothing in this Ordinanoe shall apply to the manu- facture. or the sale of denatured alcohol. nor to wine intended for sac- ramental purposes, nor to alcohol intended for soientific or manUfacturing purposes. Seotion 3. That Ordinances No. 439, No. 438. Section 2 of Or- dinance No. 437, No. 375, No.- 35'1, Seotion 2 of Ordinance No. 320, Seotion 1 of Ordinance No. 263, Paragraphs 15. 16, 17, 18. 19, 20 of Seotion 2 of Or- dinanoe No. 201 and No. 146 and all Ordinanoes or parts of Ordinances in con- fi10t with this I Ordinanoe. bel and the same are, hereby repealed. Section 4. That for the preservation of the good order, morals, welfare, safety, peace nurl health of the residents of the City of Bo zeman , ani! the proteotion of :their property, it is immediately necessary that this Or,dinanoe be passed; that by reason thereof an Emergency is hereby declared to exist, that this Ordinance is specifioally declared ~o be an Emergenoy Ordinanoe, and shall take effeot 'and be i n full force immediately upon its passage and approval. Passed by the City Council of the City of Bozeman by two-thirds of the votes of all the members thereof duly elected this 17th day of July, I, , < It.! -A"t j,tfo. ~.rn'J"". C,.!;.". ~.... ".1.1'....... ,'f"..,R1 .:;' it 'tIll b.:t:~.~ -is..:-"...>,.. '... "."." ,~;', i.."'~''''''.''I,;~..''.'.,,,,, Ulo. 1. lr.',,:..io, ~~l. /. . ~ ,....',.:<!".1t~ "" 1919. . Approved this 17th day. of July, 1919. . C. W. Sweet Mayor. .. ~ ( SEAL) ATTEST: C~. .A. Spieth City Clerk. . CERTIFIC1\TE 011 POSTIlIG I, C. A. SPieth, the duly appointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Bozeman, do hereby ,certi fy: t That I did on the 18th day of July, 1919, post a true, correct ,and c,omp8,red OO'I)y of ,Ordinanoe No. 493 in the following public places, in the said City, to-wit:. Ist- Rohere Grocery 2nd- Courier Building Bulletin Board 3r4- Ellis Brandley Corner 4th- City Hall Bulletin Board m WITNESS WHEREOF, I thereunto eet my hand and affix the seal of the CIty of Bozeman, this 18th day of July, 1919., c. A. Spieth City CIeri. (SEAL) . '''' ~ . u..a.~ ~.., ".:""" ,.,~ ,.~'~ t ~~ .' of<l ; ;~~~ I I I" I I