HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 19- 492, Grants to Gallatin Valley Gas Company an Extension of Time to Finish Gas Plant and Amends Section 15 of Ordinance 470 I Ir~l_ ..~.; , ..-"....,.../1'" .', I / v~: I' t i ,. '. ~ ( ~, ~ ." ..-:? : --. C',;) (..,;>> ~ . C~~ ~g :a , .. <::,) ~ ~ " .,., . .' c.....>> ra ~ c=c c.:..:a CCI, 168 .,,~.- . --"...... ORDINANCE No. 4'2. .AN ORD J:JLmCE Repealed' by Ordinance No.. ~'f~ GRi,NTING TO THE G.ALL.~:TIN Vi"LLBY:,GAS,.OO1lllPABY:,THE SUQOESSOR' .AND .ASSIG1!T OF ROBERT W. LYSLE, AN EX!llENSIOn OF TIME WITHm WHICH ( TO COMPLETE _4ND EQUIP .A Gl'S ELANT FOR THE MANUFACTURE .AND DIS':'- TRIBUTION OF GAS WITHDl THE CITY OF BOZEMAN .AND llMEllDINH SECTION . . 15, OF 'onnDliUlOE NO. 470, lmTI,TL1ID: , ( " An Or~inance grunt1ng,to ~. W. Lyele, his suo.ssoza or assigns, the right to ereot equip, pperat. and maintain a gas plant for the purpose of makIng produoing, dist.1buting and selli~ in the Oit7 of Bozeman, {noluding each and ever,v addition thereto,' inth. County of GS.Llatin, state of'l(ontana. and to la1, extend, ma"1ntatn, opera te, repair, ana remo'M iiams and pipe s :Ln Itbough and under the streets Avenues, Allels, and PublIc Grounds of the said Cit7 for the transportation and supply of maav.faetured or natural gas for fuel. 'illuminating, heating, -<<coking and power purposes for the sa1d City a.nd ita inhabit~ts." WHEREAS, tp.e resident freehol(\ers of the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, state of Montana, did at a speoial .ele:otion, , held in said City on the 2l~t of l'lovembe.T, 1916; by a majority vote of the said resident freeholder. of said tit" grant to Robert W. L7S1e, his successors or assigns, a franchise ,fo ereot,t equip" op- erate and maintain a gas plant lnthe said City, and thereafter the Oity Oouncil of the said City, d~d at ~ regu~hr session thepeof, held on ~he 27th of November, 1916, pass Ordtnanoe WOe 470, entitled: "An Ordinance granting to R. W. LJsle, his sucoessors or assigns, the right to ereot. equip, operate and maintain a gas plant for the pirpose of making pro- duoing, distributing and selling in the 01tYo~ Bozeman, inoluding eaoh and ever1 addition thereto, in the County of Gallatin, state of Montana, and to la1, extend, main- tain, operate and repair, and remove Mains and pi~B in, through and under tpe streets .Avenues, .Alleys and Pub- lic Grounds of the said Oity ~or the transportation and . supp17 of, manufactured ornatnral gas forfue1.- illuminat- ing, heating, cookiBg, and power purposes for the_ aaid C i~y and its inhabitants." and said Ordinanoe was tpereafter, on the 27th day of November, 1916" dn17 approved, by the Mayor of said C!t,r and is now in full force and effect, and WHEREAS, Seotion 1$ of said Ordinance provides as follOW.: t "Section x:v. The eaid R. W.'L7s1e. his successors. or assigns. shall within sixty (60) days from the pa ssage a:i1d approval by the Mayor of this ordinance and franchise, file with the City Clerk of said oity a writing expressly accepting this franohise, and agreeing to complete and equip said gas pl~nt for the manufacture and distribution of gas within eight- een months from and after" such acoeptanoe as herein pro- vided." WHEREAS, on the 4th day of January, 191'1, the sa:J.d Robert W.Lyele did file ~i:h the City Clerk hie aooeptance .!n writing, the 8aid fr~ne~i$8, as prf;)vided by Seotion 15 of said Ordinanoe, in -- , , ~ ". wOre~S-..,and figu;J;"es. as follow.s " Jalluar7 4, 1?17 Hon. Mayor and Oity OOUliOil.: .~. Bpzeman, _ Montana. :,,~,;, · f' ,. """," -_4 ~~~__ I - , WHEREAS, by the terms of the said Ordinanoe No,., 470, the said J ROb~rt W. Lysle, hie equip said- gas plant .. (18) ,,~1ghteen/m~:>nths from and after such aoce"ptance, and " ~ BREREA,S',- the said R'obert W. Lysle, th:erea:fter. assigned~ s'll ~ ." ,.. sucoessors or assigns. were required to complete an! , . ( ." for the manufacture and d).stribu,tion of gas within hie right, ti tIe and interest,~ to and "in said franohise of the Galla tin -Valley I . . Gas, Company, a corporation, organized and existing under and by virtue of the La~s of the state of Montana, and . WHEREAS, the time within w}1ich the said Gas ':plant should have been equtpped and compleJed wa~, thereafter, 'extended by the City Oouncil of the sllid City for the pe,iod of eighteen (18) months from the 21st day of -May. 191B.. provided that the construetion of said gas plant. shall have peen commenced by th~ Gallatin Valley Gas Company within one year from and ~fter the 21st day of Ma.y, 1918", alld ~, py reason of the waf cond~tions and otherwise, it has been impractical and impossib1, 'for ~he. said Gallatin Valley Gas Company to commence construc~ion on the 21st" day of May. 1919 Bow Therefore BElT ORDAlEED BY 2.':BE CITY 'cOUNCIL OF TBJ: . CITY OF 'BOZEM.AN:. Ar.mn,,'~d J... "..J!~"'''~1''n~_ .SEotion 1-. That the Gallatin Valley Gas Oompany. acor:pora.tion. I I I 165 ..~~ . "_..,,- I Passed by the City Council of the City of Bozeman. at a regular session thel'eof. held on the 19th day of June. 1919. Approved by the Mayor of said Oity on this 19th day of JUne, 1919. C. W. Sweet Mayor. (.SEAL) :ittestl O. A. Spieth City Clerk. I CERTIFICATE OF POSTING I I, O. A. Spieth. the duly appointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Bozeman. do hereby certifys That I did on the 19th day of June, 1919, poet a true, correct and compared copy of Ordinanoe Bo, 492 in the following publ10 places, in the said Oity, to-wit, lst- Rohers Grocery 2nd. Oourier Building Bulletin lGar4 Zrd- Ellie Brandley Corner 4th- City Hall Bulletin Board IIi WIT:NESS VlHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of the City of Bozeman, this 19th day of June, 1919. (SEAL) o. A. Spieth City'Clerk. I I