HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 19- 490, Regulates Travel and Traffic and Amends Sections 6 and 8 of Ordinance 445 and Repeals Ordinances 476, 477 and 484. ,I I , . ~ ~ . '~ c= ~ ~"j ~ . = c:;) . T"'..... . ..- = c,:,,;., c:' ~ (.;'f") (\:) c..,;) c:n ~ ~,i c::.1 ,~ C.._) -d I C1 P."""', . . ,'.. ~ c::::> 1'1 I I ~'~~~ ~ 't--~ ' .~ 't:t' ~ .. e:> ~j CL-:~' c.-:,. C::';,.. ~ ~S ~ ,"".,~-. ~ r:-' ".". "'" " j (. .) ~ CL;) ~ ... 153 ..,49.0- - ORDINANQE NO. 490. AU El'IERGEITCY ORDIN11NCE REGULATnm THE mliA VEL LITD TRAFFIC UPON THE STREETS OF THE CITY OF BOZErillT /lND PROVIDIJ:lTG PEU.AT_TIES FOD. THE VIOLAT10N THEREOF, M:IEHDING SECTIONS SIX .dIm EIGHT OF ORDIlTAHCE" HO. 445, OF TEE CITY OF BOZEI.illIT, ElTTIT LE:D , 1111.N OR:DI1IANCE REGUJ....ATIlIG TRAVEL .AND TRAFFIC UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS OF ~HE CITY OF BOZEI..l.AII" .!iIrD REPEALING ORDINAlTCES NOS. 476,477 iUm 484 OF THE 01 TY OF BOZEi'\1AN. BE IT ORDAI:NED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOZE1l1UJ, STJ.~~1E OP MONTil.NA: _ Rep8al_. bY Ordina. No. ,.s-t? ( Section 1. That Section Six'~;f Ordinanc~I'No. 445 of "the City of of Bozeman, Entitled, 11,An Ordj,nanc0 regulating travel ana. traffic upon the puolic streets of the ctty of Bozeman, 11 be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follrws: Section 6.(a)T That no ~erson, firm or corporation, shall, /' hereafter, mperate or drive, or permit to be operated or driven any vehicle of flny character, over, u.pon or across any street vrithin the limits of any of the Tr8.ffio Zones within the City \~j i. j ,\;, "; of Bozem8.ll, as herein defined, at a~ rat!~ of spee d grea tar than ten (10) miles per honr, nor ~ver, upon or across linin street, nor any part thereof, in s::i deity of Boz eroan, at a rate of sl'Jee!l greater than fifteen (15') miles per hour., 1101' o\7er, npon ."'~ ":'.'\, .' '",' ........... ~ or across any stre~t, or part thereof, in the said Citj of Boz- ............' \: '.;". er.H3.IJ., other than :Main stret and the streets within the limits of the Traffic ,,:Zones~ hereinafter defined, at a rate of spee0 greater than twenty (20) miles per hour; Section 6.(b)- That there are hereby created in .the said City \. '>i '<' ' '"\ .~ , '1 .,~C~' ~, ... 'J " o:f Bozer:lan, Traffic Zones, the limits cf \'7hioh are herein de- fined, wherein the speed of all vehicles'is limited as hnrej_n- '--""'" ') 11c:f'orc oruc..ineu, to a speed nO't greater than ten (10) miles per hour, to-wit: CITY PArtie TRAFFIC ZONE. All that part of Koch Street between t}Je East line of Sixth Avenue and the West line of Eighth Aven- ue; 211 that lJart of Eighth Avenue, between the South line of Kocli Street and the South line lS'f story street; all that part o:c Storp: street between the East line of EL;hth Avenue ;"ml1 the East line of Sixth Avenue; all that part ,of Si:<::th Avenue 11e- tween the North line of Story street and the South line of Koch street, ana. all that part of Seventh AV'enue betl'leen "'che South line of Koch Street and the North line of Story street; ~490- _. DEACONESS HOSI)IT1~L THATITIC -ZOHE. All th::,t part of Tracy Aven- u.e between the Horth line of ,Lenu.enhall Street ",lir} the South I line of Villard street; all thct lv;',rt of Crmtral Avenue lJe- tween t}"!8 Harth line of 1.Ienuenhn11 street and the Sonth line of Vill3.rt1 street; 311 tJ1I.o.t part of J.Jcmme street betvieen the West 1 ine of Black Avenue and the East line of Grc:nd Avenue and nIl that part of Beall street l)etween the West line of JUnek Avenue and the Wast line of Grand Avenue; EIG-H SCHOOL TRAFFIC ZONE. All th t lmrt of Llain street between the East line of Fifth Avenue and a line 150 feet East of the I East line of Tl'Jirc1 Avenue; all tly,t part of Tillrd Avo:': '-e bet"ween the Sounh line of Main street an(1 the North Line of Ba:bcock Street; all that part of Babcock street between the East line of Fifth - . Avenue and a line 150,feet East of the East line of Grand Avenue; all that part of Grand Avenue between the Bouth line of BalJcock street and a line 150 feet Snuth of the South line of Olive Street; - all th<:lt :part of Olive street between a line 150 feet East of the . - East line of Grsnd Avenue Gnd to a line 150 feet West of the West line of Fourth A venn e JaIl th:d part of Third AVeTJ.1'e between the line Son tl{ lof Olive street ana a line 150 feet South of the Sout-h line of Olive Street and all thDt pc:."rt of P01~rth llvent,_e oet'doen the I South line of Babcock street and a line 150 feet South of the South line of Olive street; IUWTHORNE SCHOOL TRAPFIC ZONE. All tl1iiti"1: Dart of Church Avenue ), between a line 150 feet South of the South line of Mendenhall . street, and a line 150 rlfeet north of the North line of Lamme street; all that part of Lamme Stree t 1jetVieen the West line of Church Avenue 8.nd the East line of House Av"enue flnd all tl12t part of Men- (lenhall street between the West line of ChurchAvenu~ and the I East line of Rouse Avenue; ZOnE LOHG]lELIJOVl SCHOOL TR.AJPFl9'. All that part of :cru.cy Avenue South betv!een the Sonth line of,"iest story Stre0t at tbe West corner of Block 6 of IJ\lri vielll Addi tien, a11(1 a line 150 feet SO'~th of the South line of We:,'t .Alderson Stre,-t; all that part of West Dickerson Street between the ~est line of TrOcy Avenne and the East line of Cel1tral ,:\venne; 0,11 thnt part of West .Alderson street I t55 -- ,--4.~Q- ,-- - I betYleen the East line of Tracy Avenue and a line 167 feet East of the East line of said Tracy AV811re and a i,l that part of the West story Street between the East line of Tracy Avenue 2.nda line 167 feet East of the, East line of !racy Avenue; Section 6.(c)- That no person, firm or c~rporation, shall operate or drive, or permit to be Qperated or driven, any vehicle of any character, at a rate of speed greater than ten (10) miles per hour when turning a corner at any street intersection in the City I .. 0.2 Eozeman, 01.' Ylhen pass ing any stationary street-c2r, no 1" shall ;Jny :pel"SO n, finJ or corpoI'ation, operating or driving an~~ vehicle upon l'.'112in street wi thin the City of Eozeman. turm the same at any point thereon e::{;cept (1) at street corners,and (2) where Idndley Place projected, and (3) Fourth Avenae projected, intersect Main street. , Section 6.(a)- That no -erson. firm or corporation, shall oper- ate or o1"1ve, QT permit to be operated or driven, any vehicle of any character over,.upon or across any sidewalk or parking in the City of Bozeman, except at regular drive ways, nor over,~ upon or across ~ny platform about any passenger depot in the City of I . :Boz eP.l2.n; Secti-n 2. That Section Eight of Ordinance lIo. 445 of the City of Bozeman, Entitled, rYAn Ordim:m.ce regulating travel and traffic upon the public streets of the City of Bozeman", be, and the same is hereoy, amend- ed t~ read as follows: I Sect-ion 8. That any ,person, firm or corportaion, violating any of the Provisions of this Ordinance, or any of the rules, reg- ulations, laws, rmles of the road and streets, adopted anu pro- mnlgatet1 by th is Ord inane e, shall, upon eonviction there of, be punished by a fine of not :.ess than 15.00 for the first of- fense, and by a fine 'of not le::':!s that $10.00 nor more than $100.0 :for each sUbseque-nt offense, or shall Le punished by imprison':" I :(\:'11' in the Oity -jail for a period not exceeding Thirty (30) '~'.L;YS, or 'by 'bo.th -such fine and imprisonment; Secti on 3. That Ora inance No. 4'7~, 47'7 and 48'4, ;'and all OrtUn- ainance:c:r or parts of Ordinances, in conflict 'wi th the provisions of th is , Ordinance, be, and the same are hereby, repealed; I -,19Q-:::. Section 4. Tha t it is innned ia tely necesf3ary, :for t11_e preserva- tion of the safety of the resid-ents of the City of 13ozc;ran, anli the school children of s2i d City, that regnl ations be ))rovi de dgo"Veriling the speed of vehicles oh the streets of said City. and ~articularly on the streets th~ wi thi~rj.,raffi'c Zones, herein created; that by ress-on t'hereof an Emergency is hereby -declared to exist; that this Ordinance is hereby spec- ificall~l de~lared to be an Emergency Ordinance and that this Ordinance shall I take effect and be in full force irnmerJ iatelJT tlpon i t8 1)8ssage and approval. Pus.sed by the City Council of the Cit<J of 'BOZ8,-n.an by Two-thirds of the voters of all the members "the,t8 of duly elected,. th is 20th day of Jj'ebrtury. 1919. I Approved this 20th day of Febrwiry, 1919. (SEA.L) L. Vi.. rp'Y'ui tt ,. - lJicyor Attest: C. A. Spie'th City Clerk state of Montana I ss. County of Gallatin) H. H. Howard. being duly sVlorn, deposes'end says: !fhat he, is }?l:1Jlisheil' of the :Boz.er:i1l1. Daily Chronicle, a ne','ispaper of general circnlc\ tion, printed and lJubl isheo, in Bozemap, 1<:,,118 tin County, Montana : and- that the no~ ice herennto annexed (Ora inanc e I:J o. 490';'An , . . em8rgeJ1_cy Orc i'::ance regl11a t,ine; ~:he Travel 2nd Tr:-dfic u-oon the streets -of the City of Bozomcm) has been correctly publishe(1 in theregnl!Er , . and .ent ire iaB ue elf every ntnl~ber of ,s~iit paper Daily!'or one day,. th& first of 'V"/hich rn1bli.c3tion vms n1<:H1e on the 26th daya-f Februc;-:,ry, 1919 I . and the last on the ____ day of 191. H. H. Howard S1J.bscri bed D.Y~ d SiYOrn to this 26th day of FebruElry, 1919. L. D. HO\7nrd ..'... !,"'''':. (SEAL) Notary Publtc for the state of 1do11t21.na, -Res ia ing at Eoze-linn, Idl!:LYJ'tana My Corrr"'ission e):pires Dec. 4th, 1920. Proof read and ~';O' '~e.cted. ., / It#' 2/28/19 I