HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 18- 489, Amends Section 6, Ordinance 300 and Repealing Ordinance 227 I~ ~ ~\ \) =~ c::> ~ . ....j~ Q.:) ~i ~d I -I I I ..~ ~~,~"~,. "."-,,.. --"",..,.... ,., ",.,"'" ~.-. ,. ",-- ~."._._" ~. -~,--- Repeale~ by OrdinallCl No. {P 1 ~ ORDINANCE NO. 489. An Ordinanoe amendinr, Seotion Six of OrdinanoeNo. 300 of the City of Bozeman, entitled, "An Ordinanoe regularin8 and governing plumbing and the use of sewers in the City of Bozeman; and the providing for the appointment of a Plumbing Inspector and defining his suties; and 8 Board of Exam~ners and . providing a penalty; and repealing Ordinanoe llo. 227, entitled, "An Ordinance regulating the use of sewerS and drains and the plumbing and drain laying in connection therewith, and providing for the appointment of a Sewer 60mmissioner and defining his dutiea." BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUl'iCIL OF THE CITY 0]' BOZ"l(eli J MONT1IHA: Seotion 1. That Seotion 6 of Ordinanoe.No. 300 of the City of Bozoman, an:titled, "An Ordinanoe Regulating and Governing Plumbing and the Use of Sewers in the City of Bozeman; and the' ~roviding for the Appointment of a Plumbing Inspector and Defining His Dutie.s; f!lnd a Board of ~amlners and Providing a Penalty; and Repealing Ordinance No. 227, Entitled'''An Ordinanoe Regulating the Use of Sewers and Drains and The Plumbing and Drain Laying in Connection Therewith, and Providing for the Appointment of a Sewer Commissioner and Defining His Duties." be, and the same is hereby amended to real as follows: Section 6. All a~plic~tions for permits must be made in writing and signed by the owner of the property to b(:L drained. or his authorized egent, and must be aQoompanied by a plan showing the whole course of the drain which it is desired to construct, together with the size of the same, and the size and looation of any and all branches to be conneoted therewi,th; said plan or a copy thereof to be left witb~the application in the office of the plumbing inspeotor. Application and permit blankS to be furnished by the Oity. The City reserves the right to make (doing neoessary work and furnishing necessary materia11 all conneotions from the main to the curb; charges for same to be paid by the property owner, or by plumber in charge of the work, to the plumbing inspector, and to aocompaD1' the applioation for a permit. ,', -489- The oharges for making such conneotions shall be as follows: On Main Street from Traoy Avenue to. Rouse Avenue and on Rouse Avenue from Main Street to Mendenhall street, for six-inch pipe, $30.00; for four-inch pipe, $28.00; on all other streets and avenues on which city Sewers are laid, for six-inoh pipe, $22.00; for four-inch pipe $20.00. This Ordinance shall take effeot and be in full force in 30 days from and after its passage and approval. Passed May 16, 1918. Approved May 16, 1918. I liI. J. O'Connell, Acting Mayor. I Approved: c. A. Spieth, City Clerk. SEAL. I I . I ...4891- I The State of Montana, ) : as. County of Gallatin. ) I I. C. A. Spieth, Oity Clerk of the City of Bozeman, said County and State, do hereby certify )thot the above and foregoing is the original of Ordinance No. 489 of the City of Bozeman; that said Ordinanoe was pawsed by the City Counoil of Bozeman, said County and State, on the 16th day of May, A.D., 1918, and approved by the Mayor; that true and correot oopies of said Ordinance Ho. 489 were posted, one eaoh in the following named plaoes: City Hall, Ellis Brandley & Co., Old Courier Building, Bon Ton Bakery, and Oourier Building Bulletin Boards. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the Oity of Bo.eman, Montana, this 17th day of May, A.D., 1918. C. A. Spieth, Oi ty Clerk. SEAL. I I I