HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-13-2015 Archive City Commission Minutes I THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Monday,April 13,2015 Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Present Deputy Mayor - Carson Taylor: Present Commissioner - Chris Mehl: Present Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: Present Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Present Staff Present: Anna Rosenberry, Director of Administrative Services, Karen Stambaugh Assistant City Attorney and City Clerk Stacy Ulmen. A. 06:01:17 PM Call to Order—6 p.m. —Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Mayor Krauss called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. B. 06:01:20 PM Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. 06:02:11 PM Changes to the Agenda Mayor Krauss asked Acting City Manager Anna Rosenberry if there were any changes to the agenda. Ms. Rosenberry stated no. D. Public Service Announcement- Bozeman Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District Community Meeting (Kramer) E. 06:02:34 PM Minutes — Approval of Regular City Commission Minutes from March 23, 2015 and August 18, 2014 and December 1, 2014 Executive Session 06:02:35 PM Motion and Vote to approve the Regular City Commission Minutes from March 23, 2015 and August 18, 2014 and the December 1, 2014 Executive Session Minutes as submitted Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Mayor - Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Page 1 of 16 April 13,2015 City Commission Minutes Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner - I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve F. 06:04:04 PM Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services (LaMeres) 2. Authorize the City Manager to sign, as co-applicant with the Montana State University Innovation Campus, the Economic Development Assistance Program Federal Funding Opportunity for Investments for Public Works and Economic Development Grant Application(Fontenot) 3. Provisional Adoption of Ordinance No. 1909 authorizing the City Manager to enter into a 12-month Ground Lease with Bill Tatarka for the Lease of the Mandeville Farm [North Park] Property for the Purpose of Farming (Fontenot) 4. Accept a Quitclaim Deed to allow the Transfer of property to the City in association with the Bridger Peak Construction, LLC Subdivision Exemption Application E14015 (Brekke) 5. Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with Tetra Tech Inc. for work on Previously Installed Mitigation Systems in Bridger Creek Phase III (Hixson) 6. Resolution 4591, Intent to create Special Improvement Lighting District 725 for Partridge Downs Subdivision(Clark/Neibauer) 7. Resolution 4585, Intent to create Special Improvement Lighting District 724 for Norton East Ranch Subdivision Phase 3 (Clark/Neibauer) 06:04:08 PM Acting City Manager Anna Rosenberry Ms. Rosenberry gave an overview of the Consent Items. 06:06:3 8 PM Public Comment on Consent Mayor Krauss opened public comment on the Consent items. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 06:06:51 PM Motion and Vote to approve Consent items 1-7 as submitted Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: 2nd Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy MqXor- Carson Taylor: pprove Commissioner - Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner - I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve Page 2 of 16 April 13,2015 00)Commission Minzttes G. 06:07:12 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened General public comment. 06:07:54 PM Jan Strout,Public Comment Ms. Strout spoke on behalf of the Bozeman Business and Professional Women's Legislative Committee and highlighted equal pay for women. She spoke in support of the Commission acting on a resolution. 06:12:02 PM Todd Wilkinson,Public Comment Mr. Wilkinson spoke regarding the demolition at 402 West Koch. He stated that the home has been raised and has concerns regarding proper protocol not being followed. 06:14:49 PM Louis Gordon,Public Comment Mr. Gordon spoke regarding the demolition at 402 West Koch. He urged the Commission to reclaim the project and all applications. 06:18:22 PM Ms. Herrin,Public Comment Ms. Herrin spoke regarding women's wages being less than men. She spoke regarding the Bozeman BPW mission and the sample resolution that was provided to the Commission. She asked that the Commission add this to a future agenda. 06:21:38 PM Amy Mcklemier,Public Comment Ms. Mcklemier spoke on behalf of the Bozeman Community Foundation and the Give Big Gallatin Valley Project. This is Community non profits and how this program connects non-profits. 06:25:02 PM Bridget Wilkinson,Public Comment Ms. Wilkinson spoke regarding the National Give Big America project. An event on May 5th will take place in Bozeman. Generous gifts will be stretched by a match pool of funds created by local business sponsors. The goal is to raise $100k in 24 hours. Give big. She spoke regarding the process. The goal is to engage the entire county. This is to inspire giving in the community. There will be a finale at the Baxter Hotel. The event is gaining momentum. 06:28:07 PM Frankie Wilmarth,Public Comment Ms. Wilmarth spoke on equal pay for women. Education is not a guarantee for higher pay. She spoke in support of the Commission considering the proposed resolution. 06:31:28 PM Barbara Brown,Public Comment Ms. Brown spoke regarding AARP and that they have been champion in fair pay. Her concerns are Senior citizens and her clients are 24% women and 13% men. Women have less in their pensions. The majority of her clients are women. She spoke in support of the Commission acting on the proposed resolution. Page 3 of 16 April 13,2015 City Commission Minutes 06:33:50 PM Jannie Grannie Seeseth,Public Comment Ms. Seeseth spoke regarding honor, disbelief and enthusiasm. She is spearing out of retirement on the issue on equal pay. She spoke in support of the issue being addressed by the Commission. 06:37:13 PM Joe Ludwig,Public Comment Mr. Ludwig spoke regarding Legends. He supports not having a bathroom there and urges the Commission to consider alternatives. 06:3 8:12 PM Rabi Ed Stafman,Public Comment Mr. Stafman spoke regarding the equal pay resolution. There is still a lot of work to do on social justice. He recently marched in Alabama in the MLK event. He continued to speal regarding his organization that have many religious denominations involved. In Bozeman we come together on the issues we agree on. He spoke in support of the proposed equal pay resolution. 06:40:59 PM Phillis Block. Public Comment Ms. Block spoke in support of the proposed equal pay resolution. 06:41:28 PM Erica Boyle,Public Comment Ms. Boyle spoke on behalf of Haven and stated that a good paying job is one of the most difficult steps. She spoke in support of the proposed equal pay resolution. 06:42:36 PM David Atkinson,Public Comment Mr. Atkinson stated that he is a student at MSU. He spoke regarding sadness that his women family members make less than him. He spoke in support of the proposed equal pay resolution. 06:43:29 PM Reverend Nina Gray,Public Comment Reverend Gray spoke in support of equal pay for women. In all her jobs she has noticed the gender gap. Take the gender gap seriously. 06:46:51 PM Lindsey Murdock,Public Comment Ms. Murdock spoke in support of the proposed equal pay resolution. 06:48:25 PM Jill Davis,Public Comment Ms. Davis spoke in support of an equal pay resolution. 06:51:37 PM Diane Peterson,Public Comment Ms. Peterson spoke regarding the light at Baxter and Davis Lane. They live there and over 40 years they have seen many changes. She spoke regarding improvements to their property and the different changes related to growth around their home. She spoke regarding access to their property and the difficulties of it. 06:55:19 PM Clark Sherman,Public Comment Mr. Sherman spoke in favor of a proposed resolution for equal pay. Page 4 of 16 April 13,2015 City Commission Minutes 06:56:58 PM Denise Pomquist,Public Comment Ms. Pomquist spoke in support of the proposed equal pay resolution. 06:58:00 PM Emily Billow,Public Comment Ms. Billow spoke regarding the equal pay resolution. Equal pay is a family issue. She spoke in support. This is a community, state and national issue. 07:00:46 PM Ann Shrader, Public Comment Ms. Shrader complimented the City Commissioners in being great listeners. She spoke in support of equal pay. She is a consultant. She spoke in support of the proposed resolution. 07:03:51 PM Jane Schumaker, Public Comment Ms. Schumaker stated that she is with child care connections. She spoke regarding equal pay. We need compensation worthy of the work. 07:06:45 PM Julie Cherinzia,Public Comment Ms. Cherinzia spoke regarding equal pay. Bias is built into institutions. It is subtle. 07:08:15 PM Elizabeth Hyrum, Public Comment Ms. Marum spoke regarding the equal pay and social security income. Women have more health issues in aging years but live longer. Social security is a huge part of MT Economy. 07:11:23 PM Deb Larson Public Comment Ms. Larson spoke in support of the equal pay resolution. 07:13:24 PM Elsilia Enada,Public Comment Ms. Enada spoke in support equal pay. She is excited about this. 07:14:16 PM Pat Simmons,Public Comment Ms. Simmons spoke in support of equal pay. 07:15:56 PM Public Comment Closed Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 07:16:05 PM Commission follow up. Cr. Andrus encouraged the Commission to add to the agenda. The Commission agreed to do so within the two month time frame as suggested by the public comment. 07:17:44 PM Break. Mayor Krauss declared a break. 07:29:19 PM Back to order Mayor Krauss called the meeting back to order. Page 5 of 16 April 13,2015 City Commission Minutes H. 07:29:30 PM Action Items 1. 07:29:32 PM Cash in Lieu of Parkland Dedication for the Majxner Residence Site Plan, 306 East Story Street,Application Z 15 019 (Davis) 07:29:33 PM Staff Presentation Staff Planner Heather Davis gave the staff presentation for the Cash in Lieu of Parkland Dedication for the Majxner Residence Site Plan, 306 East Story Street, Application Z15019. 07:33:51 PM Commission questions for Staff The Staff and Commission discussed the averages and market values. 07:36:47 PM Applicant Presentation The Applicant gave their presentation for the Cash in Lieu of Parkland Dedication for the Majxner Residence Site Plan, 306 East Story Street, Application Z15019. It doesn't fit in with the City Code. The Planning department helped them figure out a way to do this. 07:38:03 PM Commission questions for Applicant The Applicant and the Commission discussed the costs related to the plans. 07:39:11 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 07:39:15 PM Motion that having considered the information provided by staff, considered public comment, and considered all of the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings included in the staff memorandum for application Z15019 and accept the provision of $1,045.44 cash in lieu as meeting the required parkland dedication. Deputy Mayor - Carson Taylor: Motion Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: 2nd 07:39:45 PM Commission discussion on the Motion Cr. Taylor wants to look at ways to work things like this out. Cr. Andrus agrees with Cr. Taylor. She supports the motion and this is well served by other parks in the area. Cr. Pomeroy agrees and supports the motion Mayor Krauss wants something written to the effect of when we have something like this; why bother. 07:42:46 PM Vote on the Motion that having considered the information provided by staff, considered public comment, and considered all of the information presented,I hereby adopt thefindings included in the staff memorandum for application Z15019 Page 6 of 16 April 13,2015 City Commission Alinutes and accept the provision of$1,045.44 cash in lieu as meeting the required parkland dedication. Deputy Mayor - Carson Taylor: Motion Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor - Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner - Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner - I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve 2. 07:43:24 PM Resolution 4587, amending the Fee Schedule for the review of Zoning, Subdivision, Annexation, Growth Policy Proposals and other Planning related Review Processes (Thomas) 07:43:26 PM Staff Presentation Community Services Director Wendy Thomas gave the Staff Presentation for Resolution 4587, amending the Fee Schedule for the review of Zoning, Subdivision, Annexation, Growth Policy Proposals and other Planning related Review Processes. 07:52:45 PM Commission questions for Staff The Commission and Staff discussed the regulatory changes to the growth policy amendment, review in the future, an inflationary update in late December) in depth of another analysis in three years, effective date two weeks away and staffing. 07:56:11 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 07:56:26 PM Motion that having reviewed and considered the fee study, public comment, and all information presented, I hereby move to approve Resolution 4587 adopting a new Planning Fee Schedule, withh an effective date of April 27, 2015. Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner- Chris Mehl: 2nd I 07:56:52 PM Commission discussion Cr. Andrus stated that she appreciates the effort of bringing this back. The fees are fair. She feels that we are looking at efficiency and believes we will be looking at that. Cr. Mehl supports and appreciates that staff took the suggestions by the Commission. Mayor Krauss stated that we are not striving for a self sufficient planning department. He spoke regarding complaints and trusts that staff will come forward. Keep them I: informed. i Page 7of16 April 13,2015 City Commission Minutes 07:59:55 PM Vote on the Motion that having reviewed and considered the fee study, public comment, and all information presented,I hereby move to approve Resolution 4587 adopting a new Planning Fee Schedule, with an effective date of April 27, 2015. Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner- Chris Mehl: 2nd Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Approve Depu�Mayor - Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve 3. 08:00:24 PM Resolution 4590, establishing Rates for Stormwater Service for the City of Bozeman(Rosenberry) 08:00:29 PM Staff Presentation Administrative Services Director Anna Rosenberry gave the Staff Presentation regarding Resolution 4590, establishing Rates for Stormwater Service for the City of Bozeman. 08:07:27 PM Commission questions for Staff The Staff and Commission discussed the public comment, the reason behind the increase, credits, HOAs, timeframes, compliance, the differences between water, sewer and stromwater, concentration on interaction of water ways, the final destination, pollution, minimum amounts, residential, why we are not waiting for the data before taping the leap, Lamme and Rouse cleanup and a public outreach program. 08:23:14 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 08:23:31 PM Motion to approve Resolution No 4590 Establishing Rates for Stormwater Service for the City of Bozeman. Commissioner - Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd 08:24:07 PM Commission discussion Cr. Mehl stated that we care about our waterways and this is the right thing to do. The DEQ visited and they found problems with our stonnwater system. He spoke regarding credits for performance. The Commission has picked the most modest plan. Cr. Pomeroy stated that our community has had a need for stromwater for a long time. We just need to find a way to pay for it. Cr. Taylor stated that this is a step in the right direction, a lot of the water goes into the stormwater into the creek into the river. The idea of a credit is a fair one. Page 8 of 16 April 13,2015 City Commission Minutes Cr. Andrus stated that stormwater was added as a goal. Examples of shining stars, how do you go out and educate, the staff and the Commission listened to the public and she is proud of this as a Commissioner. Mayor Krauss stated that the simple answer is that you would not be proud of what you are doing to Bozeman Creek. It is like an oil spoil coming out of the creek. We have been incrementally dealing with this. He is impatient about cleaning up Bozeman Creek. He encourages landowners to look at how they are capturing storm water. These are strong vegetables. 08:37:59 PM Vote on the Motion to approve Resolution No 4590 Establishing Rates for Storm)vater Service for the City of Bozeman. Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor - Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve 08:38:20 PM Break Mayor Krauss declared a break. 08:49:46 PM Meeting called back to order. Mayor Krauss called the meeting back to order 4. 08:49:55 PM Baxter and Davis Lane Intersection Improvements and consideration of increases to the Project Budget (Murray) 08:49:57 PM Staff Presentation Staff Engineer Bob Murray began the staff presentation for the Baxter and Davis Lane Intersection Improvements and consideration of increases to the Project Budget. The retained Engineer continued the presentation. 09:03:31 PM Commission questions for staff The Commission and staff discussed that this area used to be County, the fact that this is i a residential area, the concern of constant traffic with a round-a-bout, the costs of a round-a-bout, safety, eminent domain, right-a-way, size comparison to the round-a-bout on College and lltl', pedestrian signals, the traffic signal analysis, guidelines related to approaches, funding, performance at peak hours, Billings examples of round-a-bouts, our CIP schedules, high bids, the WTI contract that is in place, the presentation regarding of developing efforts of creating a model, bidding processes and cost estimates based on basically no engineering work. 09:31:53 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. Page 9 of 16 April 13,2015 City Commission Minutes 09:32:03 PM Terri Braw,Public Comment Ms. Braw spoke regarding a round-a-bout and how effective they are. She asked the Commission to support a round-a-bout. 09:35:35 PM Public Comment closed. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 09:35:46 PM Motion that having considered the information provided in written and presented materials, I move to approve the installation of a signal at the intersection of Baxter and Davis and authorize an increase of the project budget to $1,125,000 in street impact fees and$725,000 in community transportation (local share)funds, to be incorporated into the Fiscal Year 2016 (FYI 6) City Manager's Recommended Budget. Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: 2nd 09:36:31 PM Commission discussion Cr. Pomeroy stated that this road used to be quiet and it is used a lot. The signal is less. She feels that the signal is a better option. Deputy Mayor Taylor prefers roundabouts but in this case, some of the opportunity for this is lost,the signal is the best choice. Cr. Andrus stated that roundabouts are preferable however a signal is a better way to go. Cr. Mehl spoke regarding roundabouts and supports the motion. He spoke regarding costs. Mayor Krauss stated that we paid a lot for a roundabout. There was a willing public partner there on College. He spoke regarding increased design and the increased land need impact to the existing residence. Figure out a way extending Ferguson and how to pay for it. 09:46:11 PM Vote on the Motion that having considered the information provided in written and presented materials, I move to approve the installation of a signal at the intersection of Baxter and Davis and authorize an increase of the project budget to $1,125,000 in street impact fees and $725,000 in community transportation (local share) funds, to be incorporated into the Fiscal Year 2016 (FY16) City Manager's Recommended Budget. Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: 2nd Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy Approve Mayor Krauss extended the Meeting to 10:30 p.m. Page 10 of 16 April 13,2015 City Connnission Minutes 5. 09:46:50 PM Amendment to the Effective Fiscal Year 2015 Transportation Impact Fee Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to increase the Transportation Impact fee Funding Allocation for Project SIF48, widening of Cottonwood Road from Fallon Street to Alpha Drive, by $484,989.12 to provide for a total street impact fee allocation of $2,410,989.12 for the project (Heaston) 09:47:05 PM Staff Presentation Staff Engineer Brian Heaston gave the Staff presentation regarding the amendment to the Effective Fiscal Year 2015 Transportation Impact Fee Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to increase the Transportation Impact fee Funding Allocation for Project SIF48, widening of Cottonwood Road from Fallon Street to Alpha Drive, by $484,989.12 to provide for a total street impact fee allocation of$2,410,989.12 for the project. 09:56:17 PM Commission questions for Staff The Staff and Commission discussed the staff estimates,the current market,the merits of this project and the reiteration that the Commission wants to address items like this. 10:03:15 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 10:03:26 PM Motion that having considered the information provided in written and presented materials, I move to increase the transportation impact fee funding allocation for Project SIF48, widening of Cottonwood Road from Fallon Street to Alpha Drive, by $484,989.12 to provide for a total street impact allocation. of $2,410,989.12. Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: Motion Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: 2nd 10:04:19 PM Commission Discussion on the Motion Deputy Mayor Taylor stated that we have no choice. Staff needs to figure this out. From a safety standpoint this is a better choice. Cr. Andrus stated that this option is least of the bitter pill to swallow. Continue to work on this. Cr. Mehl stated that he appreciates Town pump. The County isn't helping and we have no sales tax. We are an economic engine in the county. Cr. Pomeroy stated that she is tempted to wait for better bid but she will support. Mayor Krauss thanked Town Pump. Schedule 0 gives him heartburn. Talking about major road work here. Cr. Mehl nailed it. 10:12:57 PM Vote on the Motion that having considered the information provided in written and presented materials, I move to increase the transportation impact fee funding allocation for Project SIF48, widening of Cottonwood Road from Fallon Page 11 of 16 April 13,2015 City Commission Minutes Street to Alpha Drive, by $484,989.12 to provide for a total street impact allocation of $2,410,989.12. Deputy Mayor - Carson Taylor: Motion Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner - Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner -I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve 6. 10:13:15 PM Legends at Bridger Creek I1, Phase III Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat P 14022 Condition of Approval Consideration (Rogers) 10:14:39 PM Staff Presentation Director of Community Development Wendy Thomas gave the staff presentation for the Legends at Bridger Creek II, Phase III Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat P 14022 Condition of Approval Consideration. 10:17:03 PM Commission questions for Staff The Commission discussed opening this back up, whom is asking for this, the HOA's rights of having this taken up again, the two options as proposed by the City Attorney, and re opening the item verses just acting upon Condition no. 24. Meeting extended to 11 p.m. 10:33:20 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. 10:33:29 PM Mike Wiseman,Public Comment Mr. Wiseman spoke regarding liability concerns , use patterns, the fact that this doesn't seem to be a park that warrants a restroom, the Home owners Association concerns and then provided some options for the Commission to consider. 10:37:21 PM Dan Caveny,Public Comment Mr. Caveny stated that he is building a house in the subdivision and the home owners want to be creative in regards to the park. 10:38:30 PM Public Comment closed Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 10:38:41 PM Commission questions The Commission and staff discussed the costs related to the construction of a restroom, donating the area to the City, time constraints for the developer, the need to look at the options, legal direction on process, flexibility and the consideration of waiving the fees. Page 12 of 16 April 13,2015 City Commission Minutes 10:46:51 PM Commission Direction The Commission agreed that a motion was not needed on this item. They agreed to not direct the City Manager to add the item to the agenda but instead entertain an application fiom the Developer and waive the application fee within 30 days. 7. 10:47:58 PM Appointments to the North Seventh Urban Renewal Board (NSURB) (Michalson) 10:48:05 PM Motion and Vote to appoint new applicants Austin Rector and Tracy Menuez to the non-voting January 31, 2018 expiring vacancy terms on the North Seventh Urban Renewal Board Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: Motion Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Mayor - Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor - Carson Ta loy r: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner - I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve 8. 10:49:24 PM Reappointments to the Trails, Open Space and Parks (TOP) Committee (Michalson) 10:49:26 PM Motion and Vote to reappoint Doug Chandler and Sandy Dodge to the positions that are expiring April 15, 2015 and will then be updated to terms ending April 15, 2018 on the Trails, Open Space and Parks Committee. Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy Mayor - Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor - Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve 9. 10:49:52 PM North Grand Street Reconstruction Special Improvement District Survey Results and direction to Staff regarding conducting an additional Survey to evaluate the interest of owners in creating a Special Improvement District for every street being considered for Reconstruction (Woolard) 10:50:45 PM Staff Presentation Director of Public Works Craig Woolard gave the staff presentation regarding North Grand Street Reconstruction Special Improvement District Survey Results and direction to Staff regarding conducting an additional Survey to evaluate the interest of owners in Page 13 of 16 April 13,2015 City Commission Minutes creating a Special Improvement District for every street being considered for Reconstruction. 10:56:42 PM Commission Questions for staff The Commission and Staff discussed dropping this street to the bottom of the reconstruction list, having a community meeting, finding a way to express the alternatives and the possibility of 3-4 streets being invited to a group meeting. 11:08:07 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 11:09:20 PM Motion and Vote that North Grand Avenue be moved to the bottom of consideration for street reconstruction. Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: Disapprove Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve 11:10:14 PM Motion to direct Staff to evaluate the interest of owners in creating an. Special Improvement District (SID) for every street being considered for reconstruction. Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd 11:10:37 PM Commission discussion Cr. Mehl stated that he is trying to leave options open. He spoke regarding the threshold amount and that it should be set in the future instead of now. Deputy Mayor Taylor stated that the motion means to do something different than what you did with North Grand. He will support the motion. Mayor Krauss spoke regarding North Wallace, collectors, 50150 Streets and the expense of design. 11:15:38 PM Vote on the Motion to direct Staff to evaluate the interest of owners in creating a Special Improvement District (SID) for every street being considered for reconstruction. Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Approve Page 14 of 16 April 13,2015 City Commission Minutes Deputy Mayor - Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner - Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve 10. 11:15:53 PM Consideration of Reclaiming Review Authority of Applications for Development located at 402 West Koch Street (Thomas) 11:15:56 PM Staff Presentation Director of Community Development Wendy Thomas gave a staff presentation regarding the Consideration of Reclaiming Review Authority of Applications for Development located at 402 West Koch Street. 11:18:12 PM Commission questions for Staff The Commission and Staff discussed noticing and what it contains, reclaiming the entire project, violations, stop work orders,taking over applications verses enforcement. 11:26:26 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 11:26:42 PM Motion to reclaim review authority of applications for development on or at 402 West Koch Street including the STUP and future development. Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner- Chris Mehl: 2nd 11:27:26 PM Commission discussion on the Motion. Cr. Andrus stated that this action sets a precedent, and it is important development applications are approved and followed and complied with. She suggests that we move forward on this. Cr. Mehl spoke regarding the motion and clarified that it is not limiting. Deputy Mayor Taylor spoke regarding neighborhood disputes, emotion and policy of doing things transparency instead of leaving it up to staff. Cr. Pomeroy spoke regarding the future possibilities. Mayor Krauss spoke regarding sanctions and referred to the written codes. He spoke regarding sanctions and that the Commission cannot do them. He spoke regarding alternatives that other people have pursued. He spoke regarding the unfairness of putting this all on staff. 11:34:17 PM Vote on the Motion to reclaim review authority of applications for development on or at 402 West Koch Street including the STUP and future development. Page 15 of 16 April 13,2015 City Commission Minutes Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner- Chris Mehl: 2nd Mayor - Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner- Cluis Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve I. 11:34:34 PM FYI/Discussion 1. Public Testimony on the water compact. J. 11:35:13 PM Adjournment Mayor Krauss adjourned the meeting at 11:35 p.m. effrey K.Krauss lV ^' e AT F- S;k P�,EPARV-J?,B YC v 4 Stacy Ulmen,CMC 6 City Clerk Approved o 4 Page 16 of 16