HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 18- 488, Appropriations for 1918 I o R DIN A N 0 EN O. 4 8 8 . AN ORDINABOE MAKIlfG"TIlli'AmnJAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE' CITY OF BOZEMAN,' KON!i'ANA, FOR THE FISOAL YEAR OF 1918. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE OITY OOUNOIL OF THE .0' OIT~ OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: 148 , I I \ Seotion"l. That the following ,'amo~t8 'are 'hereb)T appropriated from I the General Fund -for the Fiscal )Tear oommencing on the first Monday in ll8J, 1918, to-wit: EXEOUTIVE DEPARTMENT: 1st. For the annual salary ofthe'llayor ,t the rate of .26.00 per month.................................................. 2nd. For 'the -salaries of eight Aldermen at the . rate of .6.00 eaoh per month...................................... 3rd. For the expenses of the Executl,ve Department...... .'.. I REMAINING CITY OFFICERS. '~ ~ OITY CLERK. ........., 1st. For the salary of the City Clerk at the rate of 125.00 per month......................................... 2nd. statiOnery Expenses of printing, postage and of City Clerk...........,............................... CITY EJJGINEBR. ; '}' 1st. FOl" the salary of the 8i ty IJlgineer at the -I ra te of $50.00 per moil th. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,. .l. I 2nd. Printing, postage and stationery for the office of the City Engineer ................... .-. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 3rd. Miscellaneous expenses of the office of Oity Engineer.................................................... 4th. Wages for extra offioe help.......................... CITY TRRA~URER. 1st. For the salary of the 8ity ~rea8urer at the rate of i166.66 per month................ .~....... ~..... ..... 2nd. For printing, postage and stationery for the office of City Treasurer................................. 8rd. Other expenses of the ~1ty Treasurer's o~ce....... I . 300.00 . 676.00 i 100.00 . 300.00 . 20.00 i 600.00 $ 50.00 . 250.00 , 600.00 i2000.00 50.00 lOO.CO -488- CITY ATTORNEY. rate 1st. For the 8al8iry of the City Attorney at the of "." 5'.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . 2nd. Printing, postage and stationery of office of Oity.Attorney, and miscellaneous expenses..................... POLICE COURT. 1st. ,blor the salary of thePolioe Magistrate at the rate of iSO.OO per month...................................... 2nd. Printing, postage and stationery of offioe of Polioe Magistrate, and Miscellaneous expenses.......~...... 1st. at the rate 2nd. the rate of 3rd. 4th. at the rate 6th. 6th. 7th. POLICE DEPARTMENT. For the salar7 of the Ohief of Police of f150.00 per month.............................. For the salary of three policemen at illO . 00 ' per month....................'...... ~ . . . . . . For salary of speoial polioeman.'.................. For the salary of Janitor and Jailor of tllO.OO per month.........................~.... For the salary of Assistant Janitor.............. Supplies for the Po~ioe Depertment................ For the board of City prisoners.................. 8th. For miscellaneous expenses of Police "Dep(:.~ rtmen t ." . . . . . . . . . .'. .' ~ . . . . . . . ....' . . .' . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .'. .. . . . . . . . . . . . 1st. at the rate 2nd. 3rd. of Isolation' 1st. HElLTH DEPARTMENT. ~or the salary of the City Health Officer of $75.00 per month............................... Miscellaneouaetr;penses. .'. . . . . ..... . .'. . . ... . . . ~ . . . . . . For Qu.a.r.antihelif ,ixpell:se,B ,and Ma.1:nt,enance ' Hospital... .... "...~............................. GENERAL MISCELLANEOUS EXPEUSES'. Salary of Janitor (See Police Departmentl 2nd. Se.lary of .aul1ding Inspector at the rate of ~50.00 per month....................................... Zrd. Other salaries, including the salary for autiding books by the State .(\udi t'or.'. '. . . . .... . . ., . . . . . . . . . .. · . . . . . 4th. at the rate 5th. For the salary of the City Stenographer of ,188.00 pe r month'..'..........'.................... , Maintenanoe of Oi ty Hall~ilding................. 6th. Expense of heating plant for the 01 ty Hall Building....................... e...................... 7th. '.~ .', Expense for lighting City Hall ~u1lding........... I . 900.001. $ 100.00 11720.00 $ 50.00 I $1800.00 t't3960 .,00 $ 300.00 '1320.00 %' 200.00 $ 30.00 I $ 100.00 $ 200.00 . 900.00 if 10.00 t 500'.00 I $ 600.00 $ 100.00 $1056.00 , 300.00 I $1000.00 i 600.00 I I I I I .~...-"y -488- .~-- 8th. Pr in t 1 ng. . . . . . . . . .. . .' . . · · · · · · · · · · · · .. · · · · · · · · · · · 9th, Eleotion eJ[pensee other than.printing............ Expenses for 1(un1oipal ])and Conoert............. loth. Seotion 2. That theCfoLlaaing 8~Ounts are hereby appropriate4 from the Street Fund for the Fiscal Year commencing on the first Monday in May, 1918, to-wit: STR..:.ETS AND SEWERS: SEWEH DEPARTMENT. 1st. Wage s, tor 18 borere. . . . . . . . l' .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .'. · · · · · · · · 2nd. '1'001.8 and materials................ . · · · · . · · . · · .. · · · · · s'rHEET DEPAR'r1fbiH'l'. 1st. at the rate For the sslarY' of Street Commi8s1,oner of $126.00 per m,onth........-......'....................... 2nd. Wage a for 18 b orere. . . . . . . . . .'. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 3rd. Koving and construoting of ooncrete cross walks...................................................... 4th. Miscellaneous expenses ~nd supplies, 'includin'g .nai.ls 'and lumber..... .....-... · · · · · · · · · · · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · '. 6th. 6th. Tools, b1aeksmithlng and repairB.~.................. ]'or snow plowing...................... ..,.............. 7th. Par expenses for Street Llght*g..................... S.otion 3. That the following amounts are hereby appropriated $1000.00 . 150.00 '1000.00 '2000.00 :J? 100.00 .1500.00 '5000.00 I i 500.00 . fl000.00 $ 500.00 '1000.00 $8500.00 from the Fire Fund for the Fisoal Year commenolng with ,the first Monday in May, 1918, to-wit: 1st. For the .sa1arlof the Chief of the Fire ])ep8rtm~~t at the rete Of 1137.60 per mon~y.. ~'..................... 2nd. For the salarie'S 'Of two firemen for the .}!''ire Department at the rate of $110.00 _aoh per mOfith................... 3rd. For the salary of one ad,ditlonal fireman for the Fire Department at the rate of $110.00 per ~~nth.............. 4th. For the maintenanoe of the Fire ~epBrtment at the rate of $15.00 per month.................................... 6th. For misoa11aneous expenses of the Fire Dep$r tmen t . . . . . !' . . . . . · . . . . . · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · $1650.00 $2640.00 $1320.00 $ 180.00 $li80.00 . .....ea - Seotion 4. That the following amounts are hereby appropriated from the Library Fund for the Fiscal Year oommencing on the first Konday in May, 1915, to-wit: I 1st. For the salary of the Librarian at the rate of $110.00 per month......................................$1320.00 2nd. For the salary of the Janitor at the rate 0 f i40. 00 pe r month........................ '.. . . . . . . . . . · . · . . . . . . . . 3rd. For the purohase of books for the Pub 1 i 0 L 1 br a ry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . 4th. For other expenses. inoluding heat and light........... Section 5. That the following amo~~B are hereby sppropria- ted from the Water li'u.nd for the Flsoa1Year canmenoing< on the first Monday in May, 1915, to-wit: 1st. et the rate For the salary of Water 101lector of i150.00 per, mOXL.th..,................................. .... $ 480.00 . 900.00 ,$ 900.00 I tisoo.ao 2nd. . .l!'.or ,the salary .of the Deputy Wa:ter ' . qol1ector at the rate of f110.00 per month............... .'........... $1320.00 ...... ~ 3rd.. F"T the salary of theQi ty1.ngineer . at the rate of $200.00 per month................'.....'..."...'.............. 4th. For water extension, labor..........,...................... 5th. "or. maintenanoe .and repairs of plant........ ... . . . . . .,. . 6th. Forsupp.11es andma te,rials for ., water extensions..................................................... 7th. 8th. . . For materials for maintenanoe and repairs.... n......;.. $2400.00 .2500,.00 $3500.00 I f2500.00 $1500.00 ~xpense of Water COllector's of;Eice.....,.......,........ $150.00 9th. 1 Postage, printing and stationery for Water Collector 8 office ................................~....~ . 550.00 loth. Tools for Oity J:!Ingine.r..................,~.......~...... . 250.00 11th. For .repairs and eq~ipment for . C1 ty Engineer' s office............... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,' . ... . .. . . . . . .. $ 500.00 12th. For miscellaneous expenses and.general uti1it7. office of City bngineer.................................... ~ 500.00 I Seotion 6. ,The following amounts are hereby appropriated from the Park.Fund for the Fiscal Year Qommenoing on the first Monday in Kay, 1915, to-wit: 1st. For paving assessments, '.eluding interest........... ..... .. ............ ............. .................. $4500.00 2nd. '.or maintenance of Parks.... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. $ 'SOO. 00 3rd. , Misotllaneous expenses, extensions and improvements............."...................................... .1200.00 I -488- I Section 7. That the folloWing amounts are hereby appropriated from the Water Sinking Fund for the Fi.cal Yea~. oommencing on the first Monday in May. 1918, to-wit: 1st. For the payment of One year'a" interest on the Water Bonds...................'................................$11,760.00 Seotion 8. That the following amount is hereby appropria- tea fram the City Hall Sinking Fund for the Fisoal Year commencing on the first Monday in May, 1918, ,to-wit: I 1st. For the payment of interest on the City Hall Bonds and the redemption of suoh Oity Hall Bonde as there may be tunds for the redemption"thereof............................... 3500.00 Section 9. That the following amount is hereby ,ppropria- ted from the Funding Bond Sinking Fund for the Fiscal Year commenoing on the first Monday in May. 1918. to-wit; 1st. ]lor' the payment of the interest on such outstanding bonds and for x-edemption thereof.......................................9300.00 Seotion 10. That the following amount is hereb.1' appropria- I ted from the Sewer Sinking Fund for the Fiscal Year oommencing on the first Monday in May, 1918, to-wit: 1st. For the payment of interest on the Sewer Bonds and to oreate a 'Sinking .l!'und for the redemption thereof.............. .$5250.00 Seotion 11. This Ordinanoe shall be published by posting at fiTe public plaoes in the City of Bozeman and shall take effeot and be in full foroe from and after the first Monday in May. 1918. Passed this 2nd day of Kay. 1918. ApproTed this 2n4 day of Kay, 1918. L. W. Truitt, :Mayor. I A.ttest: C. A. Spieth, City Clerk. I The State of Montana, <Jounty of Gallatin. ~ I , ) : BS. ) --4S&- .-......,..".-....- ~._. ..,~,,~~,..~~........_.~-.-. ,. '.'-"-.""'''' ',iii '"- . ~ " I I I I I