HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 18- 486, Amends Section 2, Ordinance 477 and Repealing Ordinance 476 I I I 139 o R DIll A NeE NO. 486. AN ORDIllANCE AUEliDIlJG Sl.CTIOH 2 Oil' ORDIHAIWb; no. 477 0]' TEE CITY OF BOZEUi-\.lJ, MOHTAliA, EnTITLED, "AU E:JERGUWY ORDINANCE REGULATING THE US~ OF VEHICLES UPON THE PUBLIC ,sTREETS OF TUB CITY 0]' BOZ-EMAN, PROVIDING PBUl~LTIl2:S FQR THE VIOLATIon OF THIS ORDIHAIWE AIW REPEALING ORDIlJAlICE no. 476 OF TILe CITY OF BOZBMAn, ENTITLED, "AIJ ORDIIJAHCE AIAEI1DING SECTIOH SIX OF ORDIHAIWE NO. <145 OJ<' TEE CI TY Q}' BOZEUAlJ EnTITLED, "AN ORDIlJANCEREGULA'1'IlJG TRAVEL AUD TRAFFIC upon THE PUBLIC STRBbTS 0]' THE CITY Or' :aOZLlvlAlJ", AND FROVIDIlW PBHALTIES FOR THE VIOIJ.TIOlJ Ot' THIS ORDIHANCb. BE IT ORDAIHED OF THE CITY 0]1 BY THE CITY COUNCIL ' BO<XIWl, MOl!RA~IR1l ~ Onllll8llCll No. 51 b of Ordinance No. 477 of the City of Section 1. That.Section 2 Bozeman, Montana, entitled, ".n Emergency Ordinance Regulatin~ the Use of Vehicles upon the Public Streets of the City of Bozeman, Providing Penalties v. for the Violation of This Ordinunce and Repealing Ordinance: No. 476 of the City of Bozeman, Entitled, "An Ordinance Amending Section Six of Ordinance No. 445 of the City of Bozeman, entitled, "An Ordinance Regulating Travel and Traffic upon the public streets of the City of Bozeman" be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 2. When turning a corner at any street intersection in l' the City of Bozeman, or while passing any stationary street car, no person shall operate or drive or cause to be operated or driven eny vehicle of any character at a rate of speed greater, tha~ te~ (10) miles ner hour; no Pfr'sC1n shall turn any motor vehicle upon'Main Street wi thin t1:e City of Bozeman, at any point tterBon except at street corners and in turnin~ at said streot corners the driver of said vehicle shall pass to tte rj~ht of ~nd beyond the centor of 'the street intersection before turning." Section 2. A.ny -pe~son vtolating ony of the prov:tsions of thls Ordi.nonce shall, npon conviction thereof, "be punished by a fine of .wIO.OO for the firzt l1ffense and by a fine of not less than $25.00 and not more than $100.00 for (,Boh subserruBnt offense, or shull be punished by imprison- ment in the City jail for a ~eriod nat exceeding thirty days or by both such fine and imprisonment. T1:is Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force in thirty days from and after its passBP:'c and approval. Passed t~is 8th day of MaTch, 1918. Approved this 8th day of March, 1918. L. r.-. 'X'ru i t t Mayor. Attest: C. .... ,lSpieth. City C:t,erk. SEAL. . -486- The State of Montana, County of Gallatin. . ) ) sa. r. c. A. 3"01 eth, 01 ty Clerk of the Oi ty of Bi5zeman, said County and, State, do hereby certify thnt the above en(~_ foregoing is the original of Ordinance No. 486 of the City of B6zem.Qn; that said Ordinance was passed by the 01 t;"T Conncil of Bozeman. sai d County and state, on the 8th day of March, A.D., lSle~ and approved by the Mayor; that true and correct copies of Bsid Ordinance No. 486 were ~osted, one each in tte fo11dwinv nemAd nlaces: Oity Hall, Ellis Brandley & Co., Old Oourier '3uilding, Bon '1on Bakery and Courier Building .Bulletin Boards. IV \7I~li,GSS VlH.i;;;;:EOF, I have }1crCllnto set my hand and a:::c"ixed the Seal of the City of Bozeman, Montana, this 9th day of March, ~.D., 1918. C. A. Snieth City Clerk. SEAL. -- ~ " ~~"":!"". -"""".'".'. 1'_;",. I I I I I