HomeMy WebLinkAboutA3. Comp Sign PlanZ15077 Element Hotel Comprehensive Signage Plan Variance Page 1 of 14 Application Z15077 Staff Report for the Element Hotel Comprehensive Signage Plan with Variance Application Public Hearing Date: City Commission meeting is on June 8, 2015 Project Description: A comprehensive signage plan application for the Element Hotel at 25 East Mendenhall Street. Two variances are requested to the Bozeman Municipal Code: 1) To Section (Table) 38.28.060.A, row 1 to exceed the maximum allowed 250 square feet of total signage for a lot in the B-3 district. The application requests 483 square feet of total signage for the lot and 2) To Section (Table) 38.28.060.A, row 10 to exceed the maximum allowed area for a projecting sign of 12 square feet. The application requests two projecting signs, each 75 square feet in size. Project Location: The property is zoned B-3 (Central Business District). The property is generally located NW of the intersection of East Mendenhall Street and North Black Avenue and is legally described as Lot 6A, Block G of the Bozeman Original Plat, Section 7, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. Recommendation: Denial Recommended Motions: Variance #1 to the overall signage allowed on the lot: “Having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application Z15077 and move to approve the variance to Section (Table) 38.28.060.A, row 1 to exceed the maximum allowed 250 square feet of total signage for a lot in the B-3 district and allow 483 square feet for this lot.” Variance #2 to allow larger projecting signs: “Having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application Z15077 and move to approve the variance to Section (Table) 38.28.060.A, row 10 to exceed the maximum allowed area for a projecting sign of 12 square feet and allow two projecting signs, each 75 square feet in size.” Comprehensive Signage Plan: “Having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application Z15077 and move to approve the comprehensive signage plan application for the Element Hotel.” Report Date: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 Staff Contact: Brian Krueger, Development Review Manager 252 Z15077 Element Hotel Comprehensive Signage Plan Variance Page 2 of 14 Agenda Item Type: Action (Quasi-judicial) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Unresolved Issues Staff finds that the variances requested in the application do not meet the criteria in Section 38.35.060 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. The comprehensive signage plan cannot be approved as proposed unless the variances are granted. Project Summary The owners of the Element Hotel have submitted an application for the approval of a comprehensive signage plan for the hotel building. The hotel includes a tenant space for a restaurant use. The Unified Development Code requires that a comprehensive signage plan be approved for any new building that includes more than one tenant prior to the issuance of any sign permits for permanent signage. The application proposes variances to the signage regulations to allow more signage overall for the lot and to allow larger projecting signs than permitted by the code. No public comment has been received. The City Commission is the decision making authority for variance applications, a public hearing is required prior to a decision. Alternatives 1. Approve the application with the recommended conditions; 2. Approve the application with modifications to the recommended conditions; 3. Deny the application based on the Commission’s findings of non-compliance with the applicable criteria contained within the staff report; or 4. Open and continue the public hearing on the application, with specific direction to staff or the applicant to supply additional information or to address specific items. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ 2 Unresolved Issues ............................................................................................................... 2 Project Summary ................................................................................................................. 2 Alternatives ......................................................................................................................... 2 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES .......................................................................................................... 4 253 Z15077 Element Hotel Comprehensive Signage Plan Variance Page 3 of 14 SECTION 2 – REQUESTED VARIANCES ................................................................................. 7 SECTION 3 - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ............................................ 7 SECTION 4 - CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING CORRECTIONS ................................... 8 SECTION 5 - RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS .............................................. 8 SECTION 6 - STAFF ANALYSIS and findings ............................................................................ 8 Applicable Comprehensive Signage Plan Review Criteria, Section 38.28.080, BMC. ...... 8 Zoning Variance Review Criteria – Section 38.35.060 ...................................................... 9 APPENDIX A – PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY..................................... 13 APPENDIX B– DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND .................... 13 APPENDIX C – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT ......................................................... 13 APPENDIX D – OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF ................................. 14 FISCAL EFFECTS ....................................................................................................................... 14 ATTACHMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 14 254 Z15077 Element Hotel Comprehensive Signage Plan Variance Page 4 of 14 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES 255 Z15077 Element Hotel Comprehensive Signage Plan Variance Page 5 of 14 256 Z15077 Element Hotel Comprehensive Signage Plan Variance Page 6 of 14 257 Z15077 Element Hotel Comprehensive Signage Plan Variance Page 7 of 14 SECTION 2 – REQUESTED VARIANCES Two variances are requested to the Bozeman Municipal Code include: 1) To Section (Table) 38.28.060.A, row 1 to exceed the maximum allowed 250 square feet of total signage for a lot in the B-3 district. The application requests 483 square feet of total signage for the lot and 2) To Section (Table) 38.28.060.A, row 10 to exceed the maximum allowed area for a projecting sign of 12 square feet. The application requests two projecting signs, each 75 square feet in size. SECTION 3 - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Recommended Conditions of Approval: 1. None. 258 Z15077 Element Hotel Comprehensive Signage Plan Variance Page 8 of 14 SECTION 4 - CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING CORRECTIONS A. None. SECTION 5 - RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS A variance application is under the authority of the City Commission. A public hearing is required before a Commission decision. The City Commission will hold a public hearing and review the application on June 8, 2015. SECTION 6 - STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS Analysis and resulting recommendations are based on the entirety of the application materials, municipal codes, standards, and plans, public comment, and all other materials available during the review period. Collectively this information is the record of the review. The analysis is a summary of the completed review. Applicable Comprehensive Signage Plan Review Criteria, Section 38.28.080, BMC. In considering applications for comprehensive signage plan approval under this title, the staff and City Commission shall consider the following: A comprehensive sign plan shall be submitted for all commercial, office, industrial and civic uses consisting of two or more tenant or occupant spaces on a lot or two or more lots subject to a common development permit or plan. A comprehensive sign plan shall not be approved unless it is consistent with this article, the underlying zoning regulations applicable to the property and any discretionary development permit or plan for the property. The plan should include the size and location of buildings and the size and location of existing and proposed signs. The purpose of the plan is to coordinate graphics and signs with building design. The coordination shall be achieved by: 1. Using the same type of cabinet supports or method of mounting for signs of the same type; using the same type of construction for components, such as sign copy, cabinet and supports; using other types of integrating techniques, such as common color elements, determined appropriate by the review authority. 2. Using the same form of illumination for all signs, or by using varied forms of illuminations determined compatible by the review authority. The comprehensive sign plan demonstrates coordination by signage mounting, construction, lighting, supports and common color elements. Staff finds the applicable comprehensive signage plan review criteria have been met. The comprehensive signage plan cannot be approved unless the variances are granted as the plan submitted shows signage that exceeds the underlying zoning regulations in both overall amount for the lot and the size of projecting signs proposed. 259 Z15077 Element Hotel Comprehensive Signage Plan Variance Page 9 of 14 Zoning Variance Review Criteria – Section 38.35.060 The location and scope of the requested variances are shown on Pages 5-7 of the staff report and within the applicant’s materials. In acting on an application for a variance, the review authority shall designate such lawful conditions as will secure substantial protection for the public health, safety and general welfare, and shall issue written decisions setting forth factual evidence that the variance meets the standards of MCA 76-2-323 in that the variance: 1. Will not be contrary to and will serve the public interest; Staff presents combined findings for this criterion for both Variance 1 to Section (Table) 38.28.060.A, row 1 to exceed the maximum allowed 250 square feet of total signage for a lot in the B-3 district (The application requests 483 square feet of total signage for the lot) and Variance 2 to Section (Table) 38.28.060.A, row 10 to exceed the maximum allowed area for a projecting sign of 12 square feet (The application requests two projecting signs, each 75 square feet in size). The variances to exceed the maximum allowable signage and nearly double the allowed amount of signage and to install two projecting signs, each 75 square feet in size, are contrary to and will not serve the public interest. The intent and purpose of Article 28 “Signs” in the Bozeman Municipal Code outlines the public interest in the regulation of signage including the overall amount of signage allowed per lot and the regulation of projecting signs to limit the size to 12 square feet in size. The proposed increase in maximum allowable signage and increase in projecting sign size does not preserve the Bozeman area’s natural beauty and character expressed in adopted city plans and policies. The character of downtown Bozeman is unique and does not include a recent tradition of large signage on building facades. The majority of downtown signage is small and pedestrian oriented, allowing the focus to be on the diversity of building architecture and the natural beauty seen beyond downtown. The proposed increase in maximum allowed signage and increase in projecting sign size does not give all businesses an equal opportunity to have a sign that will help people find the services they need. The application requests nearly double the overall signage allowed on any other lot within the B-3 District and two projecting signs, both six times larger than allowed. Other businesses compete in the marketplace and draw customers with the existing signage regulations that have specified the maximum cap of 250 square feet per lot and projecting sign size since 1991. The proposed increase in maximum allowable signage and increase in projecting sign size does not encourage beautification through creative, interrelated design of signage, landscaping, buildings, access and parking that enhances the community’s built and natural environment. The increase in maximum allowable signage and increase in projecting sign size does not encourage beautification downtown. The application references the maximum signage cap in the B-2 Community Business District as a comparable signage amount to the downtown hotel. The B-2 District signage per lot maximum is based upon the location of most B-2 zoned lots adjacent to 260 Z15077 Element Hotel Comprehensive Signage Plan Variance Page 10 of 14 large arterial streets and the I-90 corridor. The signage in the B-2 district is allowed to be larger in order to be seen from longer distances and from vehicles at a speed of travel that is generally faster along arterial streets and state highways. The downtown district does not require large signage as most buildings are seen from limited viewpoints. Larger signage on a building downtown similar to a hotel along a highway frontage does not present creative, interrelated design of signage, landscaping, buildings, access and parking that enhances the community’s built and natural environment. Staff finds that the variances are contrary to and will not serve the public interest. 2. Is necessary, owing to conditions unique to the property, to avoid an unnecessary hardship which would unavoidably result from the enforcement of the literal meaning of this chapter: a. Hardship does not include difficulties arising from actions, or otherwise be self- imposed, by the applicant or previous predecessors in interest, or potential for greater financial returns; and b. Conditions unique to the property may include, but are not limited to, slope, presence of watercourses, after the fact imposition of additional regulations on previously lawful lots, and governmental actions outside of the owners control; The findings in this section apply to the variance requests and are related to hardship and conditions unique to the property. This review criterion strives to eliminate self imposed actions and financial considerations from being the source of variance support. Variance 1 to Section (Table) 38.28.060.A, row 1 to exceed the maximum allowed 250 square feet of total signage for a lot in the B-3 district (The application requests 483 square feet of total signage for the lot). The site of the Element hotel is similar to many other developments in the B- 3 zoning district. The site arrangement is simple, one building on one lot. The building has street frontage on two streets and has adequate area to place signage so that it can be viewed from the public ways. The downtown district, while allowing automobiles, is primarily a pedestrian oriented district. As additional infill occurs in downtown the vehicular traffic will continue to slow in speed and the pedestrian traffic will increase. Due to the narrow street sections downtown and the construction of buildings at the property line along the streets larger upper story signage is ineffective as it cannot be seen from multiple vantage points as the views to the building facades are obscured by other buildings or building elements. This is typical of downtown districts everywhere, where signage is most effective at the lower floors of the building and oriented to the pedestrian and vehicular traffic at the ground level. Staff does not find the increase in overall signage is necessary owing to conditions unique to the property and does not find that the increase in overall signage is to avoid an unnecessary hardship which would unavoidably result from the enforcement of the literal meaning of this chapter. Variance 2 to Section (Table) 38.28.060.A, row 10 to exceed the maximum allowed area for a projecting sign of 12 square feet (The application requests two projecting signs, each 75 square 261 Z15077 Element Hotel Comprehensive Signage Plan Variance Page 11 of 14 feet in size). Projecting signs in the City of Bozeman are primarily used on the ground floor in pedestrian oriented situations or areas where buildings are close to the street and the street section width is narrow. This is the case in downtown Bozeman where projecting signs are used effectively by many businesses to attract both pedestrian and vehicular customers. The Element Hotel’s proposed projecting signs are large (75 square feet) and proposed on the upper stories of the building. The application states these signs will be seen from some distance allowing viewers from a block away to see the signage. While the larger projecting signs harken back to a Bozeman era when larger projecting signs and marquees were allowed, the same general exposure could be attained today with wall signs of the same size without a variance. The Element Hotel is similar to many buildings downtown as it is located close to the street, has street frontage on two streets and includes pedestrian facilities along the street frontages. The building, nor site is atypical. Staff does not find the increase in projecting sign size is necessary owing to conditions unique to the property and does not find that the increase in projecting sign size is to avoid an unnecessary hardship which would unavoidably result from the enforcement of the literal meaning of this chapter. 3. Will observe the spirit of this chapter, including the adopted growth policy, and do substantial justice; Staff presents combined findings for this criterion for both Variance 1 to Section (Table) 38.28.060.A, row 1 to exceed the maximum allowed 250 square feet of total signage for a lot in the B-3 district (The application requests 483 square feet of total signage for the lot) and Variance 2 to Section (Table) 38.28.060.A, row 10 to exceed the maximum allowed area for a projecting sign of 12 square feet (The application requests two projecting signs, each 75 square feet in size). Staff finds that approval of the requested variances will not observe the spirit of Chapter 38, the Unified Development Code as well as the adopted growth policy and will not do substantial justice. The project is not consistent with Bozeman Community Plan goals and objectives including: Land Use Principles: Sense of Place-“The preservation and strengthening of the unique features and building environment which gives a sense of place is important for Bozeman’s individual identity to continue in the future… The sense of place will be strengthened through development which fills in existing gaps in the City and helps to reinforce the compact pattern of historic Bozeman” (Page 3-3). The proposed increase in maximum allowable signage and increase in projecting sign size will not reinforce the sense of place in downtown Bozeman. The proposed increase in maximum allowable signage and increase in projecting sign size will change the character of downtown, where small unique projecting signs are the norm and where larger upper story wall signs are rarely seen. The sign package proposed for the Element Hotel may be appropriate for an arterial corridor or interstate frontage but does not strengthen the important place that is the historic core of Bozeman. 262 Z15077 Element Hotel Comprehensive Signage Plan Variance Page 12 of 14 Land Use Principles: Urban Density-“Fundamental to the efficient and cost effective provision of urban services, multimodal transportation oriented development and a compact development pattern is a concentration of persons and activities…Quality site and architectural design will materially affect the success and acceptability of urban density and scale of development.” (page 3-5). The proposed increase in maximum allowable signage and increase in projecting sign size changes the architectural appearance of the building, decreases the quality of the architectural design and exaggerates the mass of the building with large signage on the front façade and projecting off the building. Objective LU-2.3 “Encourage redevelopment and intensification, especially with mixed uses, or brownfields and underutilized property within the City consistent with the City’s adopted standards.” (page 3-7). The growth policy supports redevelopment and intensification, but expects that projects will be developed consistent with the City’s adopted standards and not request exceptions or variances to those standards. Objective C-1.3“Support compatible infill within the existing area of the City rather than developing land requiring expansion to the City’s area.” (page 4-3). While the hotel is an infill project within the existing downtown area of the City, the proposed increase in maximum allowable signage and increase in projecting sign size is not compatible with the downtown district as noted above. The Downtown Plan, a growth policy subarea plan, expects that the buildings constructed downtown be the greatest in height and intensity. At the same time, the plan anticipates that the buildings downtown will be designed to the level of permanence and quality appropriate for a downtown setting. The plan addresses signage only in a corollary way, but emphasizes the preservation of unique signage on the Historic Main Street. The plan goes on to say that Bozeman should encourage new and unique pedestrian scale signs. “Artistry, detail and even playfulness should be encouraged in new signs to promote energy and activity in the pedestrian environment.”(page 31). The proposed increase in maximum allowable signage and increase in projecting sign size do not meet the intent of the design statement nor will the variances enhance the pedestrian experience downtown. As noted in criteria no. 1 above the proposed increase in maximum allowable signage and increase in projecting sign size does not comply with the intent and purpose of Article 28 “Signs” in the Bozeman Municipal Code and does not observe the spirit of the Unified Development Code. The UDC states that any variance will “do substantial justice.” The dictionary defines justice as the process or result of using laws to fairly judge; the quality of being just, impartial, or fair and conformity to truth fact or reason. The requested variance to increase the allowable signage and exceed the projecting sign size requirement would not do substantial justice as it would allow one property that is similar to many others to have more signage. Such a result would not be fair and equitable to the other businesses and commercial developments within the City that have signage that conforms to code requirements. 263 Z15077 Element Hotel Comprehensive Signage Plan Variance Page 13 of 14 APPENDIX A – PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY Zoning Designation and Land Uses: The property is zoned as “B-3” (Central Business District). The intent of the B-3 district is “to provide a central area for the community's business, government service and cultural activities. Uses within this district should be appropriate to such a focal center with inappropriate uses being excluded. Room should be provided in appropriate areas for logical and planned expansion of the present district. It is the intent of this district to encourage high volume, pedestrian- oriented uses in ground floor space in the "core area" of the city's central business district, i.e., along Main Street from Grand to Rouse and to the alleys one-half block north and south from Main Street. Lower volume pedestrian uses such as professional offices may locate on ground floor space in the B-3 area outside the above-defined core.” Adopted Growth Policy Designation: The property is designated as “Community Core” future land use in the Bozeman Community Plan. The Plan states “The traditional core of Bozeman is the historic downtown. This area has an extensive mutually supportive diversity of uses, a strong pedestrian and multi-modal transportation network, and a rich architectural character. Essential government services, places of public assembly, and open spaces provide the civic and social core of town. Residential development on upper floors is well established. New residential uses should be high density. The area along Main Street should be preserved as a place for high pedestrian activity uses, with strong pedestrian connectivity to other uses on nearby streets. Users are drawn from the entire planning area and beyond. The intensity of development is high with a Floor Area Ratio well over 1. Future development should continue to be intense while providing areas of transition to adjacent areas and preserving the historic character of Main Street.” APPENDIX B– DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Project Description The Element Hotel was entitled as the Hotel at Block G in December of 2013. The Element Hotel replaces the Kenyon Noble Downtown hardware store and lumber yard that was demolished. The hotel is five stories tall and includes 104 rooms. The parking for the hotel is provided via lease in the Downtown Multimodal Facility parking garage. The hotel includes a tenant space for a restaurant use on the ground floor at the intersection of East Mendenhall Street and North Black Avenue. APPENDIX C – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT Noticing was provided pursuant to Section 38.40.030, BMC. Notice was sent to property owners within 200 feet of the exterior boundaries of the property via USPS first class mail at least 15 and not more than 45 days prior to the expected decision by the City Commission. Notice was 264 Z15077 Element Hotel Comprehensive Signage Plan Variance Page 14 of 14 published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle and the site was posted. No public comment has been received. APPENDIX D – OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF Owner/Applicant: G25 Holdings, LLC PO Box 1109 Bozeman, MT 59715 Representative: Intrinsik Architecture Inc., 111 North Tracy Avenue Bozeman, MT 59715 Report By: Brian Krueger, Development Review Manager FISCAL EFFECTS No unusual fiscal effects have been identified. ATTACHMENTS 1. Applicant’s submittal materials The full application and file of record can be viewed at the Community Development Department at 20 E. Olive Street. 265 Element Bozeman Comprehensive Sign Plan with Variances 25 East Mendenhall April 2015 266 Page 1 Appropriate Review Fee Submitted CITY OF BOZEMAN FEE APPLIES- $ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION 1. Name of Project/Development: 2. Property Owner Information: Name: E-mail Address: Mailing Address: Phone: FAX: 3. Applicant Information: Name: E-mail Address: Mailing Address: Phone: FAX: 4. Representative Information: Name: E-mail Address: Mailing Address: Phone: FAX: 5. Legal Description: 6. Street Address: 7. Project Description: 8. Zoning Designation(s): 9. Current Land Use(s): 10. Bozeman Community Plan Designation: 11. Gross Area: Acres: Square Feet: 12. Net Area:Acres: Square Feet: G25 Holdings, LLC PO Box 1109, Bozeman MT 59715 208-661-9990 Intrinsik Architecture, Inc., [contact Susan Riggs] Lots 6-12, Block G, Plat of Bozeman City and Amended Original Plat C-1-F 25 East Mendenhall Street Comprehensive Sign Plan with variances - see attached for more information. Element Hotel Comprehensive Sign Plan with Variances sriggs@intrinsikarchitecture.com 582-8988 111 North Tracy Avenue, Bozeman MT 59715 B3 Hotel and restaurant under construction Community Core 0.7 29,891 0.7 29,891 aholloran@homebasemontana.com [same as above] 267 Page 2 (Development Review Application – Prepared 11/25/03; Amended 9/17/04, 5/1/06; 9/18/07, revised 11/14/11) 13. Is the subject site within an urban renewal district? Yes, answer question 13a No, go to question 14 13a. Which urban renewal district? Downtown Northeast (NURD) North 7th Avenue 14. Is the subject site within an overlay district? Yes, answer question 14a No, go to question 15 14a. Which Overlay District? Casino Neighborhood Conservation Entryway Corridor 15. Will this application require a deviation(s)? Yes, list UDC section(s): No 16. Application Type (please check all that apply): O. Planned Unit Development – Concept Plan A. Sketch Plan for Regulated Activities in Regulated Wetlands P. Planned Unit Development – Preliminary Plan B. Reuse, Change in Use, Further Development Pre-9/3/91 Site Q. Planned Unit Development – Final Plan C. Amendment/Modification of Plan Approved On/After 9/3/91 R. Planned Unit Development – Master Plan D. Reuse, Change in Use, Further Development, Amendment /COA S. Subdivision Pre-application E. Special Temporary Use Permit T. Subdivision Preliminary Plat F. Sketch Plan/COA U. Subdivision Final Plat G. Sketch Plan/COA with an Intensification of Use V. Subdivision Exemption H. Preliminary Site Plan/COA W. Annexation I. Preliminary Site Plan X. Zoning Map Amendment J. Preliminary Master Site Plan Y. Unified Development Ordinance Text Amendment K. Conditional Use Permit Z. Zoning Variance L. Conditional Use Permit/COA AA. Growth Policy Map Amendment M. Administrative Project Decision Appeal BB. Growth Policy Text Amendment N. Administrative Interpretation Appeal Other: This application must be accompanied by the appropriate checklist(s), number of plans or plats, adjoiner information and materials, and fee (see Development Review Application Requirements and Fees). The plans or plats must be drawn to scale on paper not smaller than 8½- by 11-inches or larger than 24- by 36-inches folded into individual sets no larger than 8½- by 14-inches. The name of the project must be shown on the cover sheet of the plans. If 3-ring binders will be used, they must include a table of contents and tabbed dividers between sections. Application deadlines are Wednesdays at 5:00 pm. This application must be signed by both the applicant(s) and the property owner(s) (if different) before the submittal will be accepted. As indicated by the signature(s) below, the applicant(s) and property owner(s) submit this application for review under the terms and provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code. It is further indicated that any work undertaken to complete a development approved by the City of Bozeman shall be in conformance with the requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code and any special conditions established by the approval authority. I acknowledge that the City has an Impact Fee Program and impact fees may be assessed for my project. Further, I agree to grant City personnel and other review agency representatives access to the subject site during the course of the review process (Section 38.34.050, BMC). I (We) hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my (our) knowledge. Applicant’s Signature: Date: Applicant’s Signature: Date: Property Owner’s Signature: Date: Property Owner’s Signature: Date: X Comprehensive Sign Plan w/variances X variances Table 38.28.060.A (row 1), Table 38.26.060.A (row 10), 38.28.060.A.4 X X X X X 268 COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN CHECKLIST A comprehensive sign plan shall be submitted for all commercial, office, industrial, and civic uses consisting of two or more tenants or occupant spaces on a lot(s) subject to a common development permit or plan. The purpose of the plan is to coordinate graphics and signs with building design. All signage must be within the permitted square footage as described in Chapter 38.28, of the Bozeman Municipal Code The plan should include a written narrative explaining how the signs coordinate with each other and with the building design. The coordination could be achieved by: 1. Using the same type of sign supports or mounting. 2. Using the same type of design components such as: a. Font b. Color elements c. Materials. 3. Using the same form of illumination, or compatible forms of illumination. 4. Placing the signs in a balanced or appropriate location to reflect the building design. 5. Other types of coordination approved by the Planning Department. In addition the following are required: YES NO N/A 1. The name and address of sign approval authority (landlord, developer, property owner, design committee, or no approval necessary.) 2. The total square footage of signage allowed for the building(s) or development 3. Building elevations showing all proposed buildings and the size and location of existing and proposed signs. 4. Any special rules on temporary signs The plan should also include a statement that the approval authority agrees to the following: 1. Apply for and receive sign permits and/or approval from the City for all signs before they are erected. 2. Remove signs when a business leaves 3. Maintain all signs in a working and attractive manner. _______________________________________ Project Planner or ADR Staff _______________________________________ Director of Community Development X X X X No special rules regarding temporary signs are proposed as part of this application. 269 Page 3 (Zoning Variance and Appeal Checklist – Prepared 11/26/03; revised 9/22/04) ZONING VARIANCE AND ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL CHECKLIST The appropriate checklist shall be completed and returned as part of the submittal. Any item checked “No” or “N/A” (not applicable) must be explained in a narrative attached to the checklist. Incomplete submittals will be returned to the applicant. A. Zoning Variances. An application for a variance shall be accompanied by a development plan showing such information as the Planning Director may reasonably require for purposes of this title. The plans shall contain sufficient information for the Commission to make a proper decision on the matter. The request shall state the exceptional physical conditions and the peculiar and practical difficulties claimed as a basis for a variance. In all cases, the application shall include, and shall not be deemed filed until, all of the following is submitted Zoning Variance Information Yes No N/A 1. A site plan drawn to scale showing the property dimensions, grading, landscaping and location of utilities, as applicable 2. Location of all existing and proposed buildings 3. Drive accesses, driveways, access roads, parking spaces, off-street loading areas and sidewalks as applicable 4. A clear description of the variance requested and the reasons for the request 5. Justification, in writing of the following: a. Will not be contrary to and will serve the public interest b. Is necessary, owing to conditions unique to the property, to avoid an unnecessary hardship which would unavoidably result from the enforcement of the literal meaning of this title c. Will observe the spirit of this title, including the adopted growth policy, and do substantial justice 6. Evidence satisfactory to the City Commission of the ability and intention of the applicant to proceed with actual construction work in accordance with said plans within six months after issuance of permit B. Administrative Project Decision Appeals. All appeals of Administrative Project Decisions shall include: Administrative Project Decision Appeal Information Yes No N/A 1. A description of the project that is the subject of the appeal 2. Evidence that the appellant is an aggrieved person as defined in Chapter 18.80 (Definitions), BMC 3. The specific grounds and allegations for the appeal, and evidence necessary to support and justify a decision other than as determined by the Planning Director C. Administrative Interpretation Appeals. All appeals of administrative interpretations shall include: Administrative Interpretation Appeal Information Yes No N/A 1. A description of the property, if any, that is the subject of the interpretation appeal including: a. A site plan drawn to scale showing the property dimensions, grading, landscaping and location of utilities, as applicable b. Location of all existing and proposed buildings c. Drive accesses, driveways, access roads, parking spaces, off-street loading areas and sidewalks as applicable 2. The names and addresses of the owners of the property and any other persons having a legal interest therein 3. Evidence to prove that the decision or action of the official for which an appeal is made was incorrect or in violation of the terms of this title 270 NEIGHBORHOOD RECOGNITION ORDINANCE COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE On December 10, 2007 the Bozeman City Commission adopted the Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance as part of the Bozeman Municipal Code. This new ordinance contains the following requirement: Section 2.05.1230, Responsibilities of Individuals or Entities Submitting an Application to the Department of Planning and Community Development. A. In order for the City Liaison to effectively perform their duties executing the intent and purpose of this chapter, as defined in 2.05.1230, the following shall be performed: 1. As part of any application to the Department of Planning and Community Development, the applicant shall provide written notice via certified mail, e-mail, facsimile transmission, and/or personal delivery to the City Liaison if notification guidelines (BMC 38.40) require that notice be posted “on-site”, published in the local newspaper or mailed first class. 2. Such notice shall contain a complete set of application materials as submitted to the Department of Planning and Community Development. B. Failure to provide proof of such mailing via certified mail, e-mail and/or facsimile transmission report to the most recent City Liaison address, e-mail address and/or fax number of record, or an affidavit attesting hand delivery, shall result in an incomplete application. I, , hereby certify that I have delivered via certified mail, e- mail, facsimile transmission or hand delivery written notice and a complete set of application materials for the project known as in compliance with Section 2.05.1230 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. I further understand that failure to comply will result in this application being deemed incomplete and may result in a delay in the review of this project. Signature Date (Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance Compliance Certificate – Prepared 1/7/08, revised 11/14/11) NEIGHBORHOOD RECOGNITION ORDINANCE COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE On December 10, 2007 the Bozeman City Commission adopted the Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance as part of the Bozeman Municipal Code. This new ordinance contains the following requirement: Section 2.05.1230, Responsibilities of Individuals or Entities Submitting an Application to the Department of Planning and Community Development. A. In order for the City Liaison to effectively perform their duties executing the intent and purpose of this chapter, as defined in 2.05.1230, the following shall be performed: 1. As part of any application to the Department of Planning and Community Development, the applicant shall provide written notice via certified mail, e-mail, facsimile transmission, and/or personal delivery to the City Liaison if notification guidelines (BMC 38.40) require that notice be posted “on-site”, published in the local newspaper or mailed first class. 2. Such notice shall contain a complete set of application materials as submitted to the Department of Planning and Community Development. B. Failure to provide proof of such mailing via certified mail, e-mail and/or facsimile transmission report to the most recent City Liaison address, e-mail address and/or fax number of record, or an affidavit attesting hand delivery, shall result in an incomplete application. I, , hereby certify that I have delivered via certified mail, e- mail, facsimile transmission or hand delivery written notice and a complete set of application materials for the project known as in compliance with Section 2.05.1230 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. I further understand that failure to comply will result in this application being deemed incomplete and may result in a delay in the review of this project. Signature Date (Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance Compliance Certificate – Prepared 1/7/08, revised 11/14/11) Susan Riggs Element Hotel Comp Sign Plan w/variances 3/4/15 271 CERTIFICATE OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS LIST I, , hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the attached name and address list of all adjoining property owners (including all individual condominium owners) within 200 feet of the property located at , is a true and accurate list from the last declared Gallatin County tax records. I further understand that an inaccurate list may delay review of the project. Signature (Certificate of Adjoining Property Owners List – Prepared 11/20/03; Revised 9/22/06) CERTIFICATE OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS LIST I, , hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the attached name and address list of all adjoining property owners (including all individual condominium owners) within 200 feet of the property located at , is a true and accurate list from the last declared Gallatin County tax records. I further understand that an inaccurate list may delay review of the project. Signature (Certificate of Adjoining Property Owners List – Prepared 11/20/03; Revised 9/22/06) Susan Riggs 25 East Mendenhall Street 3/4/15 272 PLANALP J ROBERT & REIDA STEVEN W & SOUTHSIDE PROPERTY LLC PO BOX 1 BOZEMAN, MT 59771-0609 ETXEA HOSPITALITY LLC PO BOX 370 BUFFALO, WY 82834-0370 AMERICAN FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK PO BOX 4999 HELENA, MT 59604-4999 CUMMINGS JAMES A & SANDRA K SIX DOT DEVELOPMENT LLC 111 N TRACY AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59715-3523 KILBRIDE DANIEL D TRUSTEE KILBRIDE DANIEL D & RICHARD L LVG TRUST 2849 WESTWOOD DR BILLINGS, MT 59102-2655 R&B HOLDINGS LLC 869 BROOKDALE DR BOZEMAN, MT 59715-0690 KENYON NOBLE PO BOX 1109 BOZEMAN, MT 59771-1109 COLVIN PETER H & ROBERTA N 1501 WILDFLOWER WAY BOZEMAN, MT 59715-8385 CITY OF BOZEMAN AND CITY PARKING COMMISSION PO BOX 1230 BOZEMAN, MT 59771-1230 SOPER CHARLES 124 N BLACK AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59715-3606 HINMAN TOM H & LINDA L TOMS ALIGNMENT 116 N BLACK AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59715-3606 JOHNSON LIANE S PO BOX 848 CUT BANK, MT 59427-0848 RIDGE LLC 151 MCGEE DR BOZEMAN, MT 59715-8094 FIRST SECURITY BANK OF BOZEMAN PO BOX 910 BOZEMAN, MT 59771-0910 CITY OF BOZEMAN PO BOX 1230 BOZEMAN, MT 59771-1230 CWP INVESTMENTS PO BOX 1105 BOZEMAN, MT 59771-1105 CHOW HOUND LLC 24 N TRACY AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59715-3555 JOHNSTONE WILLIAM & ANDREA 114 VILLAGE DOWNTOWN BLVD BOZEMAN, MT 59715-3815 ELVRON RYAN & MANDY 14 E MENDENHALL ST BOZEMAN, MT 59715-3631 10 SPEED LLC 30 E MENDENHALL ST BOZEMAN, MT 59715-3631 CITY CENTER COMMERCE LLC 34 E MENDENHALL ST BOZEMAN, MT 59715-3631 SNOWY LANDS LLC 40 E MENDENHALL ST BOZEMAN, MT 59715-3631 THINKTANK DESIGN GROUP INC 33 N BLACK AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59715-3632 273 NARRATIVE The Element Hotel was approved by the Bozeman City Commission in 2013. Construction is currently underway. Throughout the Preliminary Site Plan and Certificate of Appropriateness entitlement process, conceptual signage was discussed and supported as an integral part of the overall design; however, no actual signs were approved. Likely variances were identified during those discussions. At this time, the property owners would like to propose a formal Comprehensive Sign Plan with the following variances: Variance #1: Overall Sign Area Increase Table 38.28.060.A (row 1) sets the maximum square footage for any sign plan in the B3 zone at 250 square feet. This application requests 483 square feet of signage. Please see the written justification on the following page. Variance #2: Increase in Size of Projecting Signs Table 38.28.060.A (row 10) sets the maximum allowable square footage of projecting signs at 12 square feet for the B3 zoning district. This application proposes projecting signs that are 75 square feet. Please see the written justification on the following page. Note that Section 38.28.060.A.4 allows one projecting sign per tenant “unless otherwise approved through a comprehensive sign plan.” Staff has indicated that a variance is not required to allow the hotel to have two projecting signs if the request is approved through the sign plan. Overall, the Element Hotel is proposed to have approximately 417 square feet of signage and the future restaurant tenant is proposed to have 66 square feet of signage for a total of 483 square feet for the property as a whole. This signage will be broken into several different sign types including projecting signs, wall-mounted signs and awning signs. No free-standing (pole or monument) signs are proposed. Window signs, directional signs and incidental signs are all exempt from permit requirements in accordance with Section 38.28.050. The following additional notes pertain to signage: · No free-standing signs are permitted. · All signs must first receive building owner approval prior to obtaining the necessary sign permits from the City of Bozeman. Please refer to the attached review criteria, spreadsheet, graphics, plans, elevations and specifications for additional details. Note that more detailed sign specifications will be submitted with subsequent sign permits. The intent of this comprehensive sign plan is to approve overall signage concepts and the variances. Also, note that the restaurant tenant has not yet been determined; therefore, conceptual signage is included as placeholders, but may be adjusted according to that tenant’s individual signage needs. 274 WRITTEN JUSTIFICATION FOR 38.35.060.C A. Will not be contrary to and will serve the public interest The requested variances will not be contrary to and will serve the public interest as follows: Variance #1: Overall Sign Area Increase · Clear legibility and ease of wayfinding, or the way that visitors will navigate spaces to find this destination hotel, are key to serving the public interest. The increase in sign area will allow different portions of this building to include signage that is large enough for both pedestrians as well as drivers to clearly see and read. Overall, having appropriately proportioned signage of a high quality that is integrated with the architecture can improve downtown by promoting economic development and tourism which is all in the best interest of the public. · The use, scale and mass of the Element Hotel justify a larger overall sign package. Based on the building size and location on a corner, the calculation (without the cap) equates to 524.5 square feet of signage. 483 square feet is proposed with this application. This is comparable to what a typical similar sized Entryway Corridor hotel in the B2 zoning district could receive with a twenty percent deviation. The many existing hotels in the B2 zoning district in Bozeman provide evidence that having such signage is not contrary to the public interest. Variance #2: Increase in Size of Projecting Signs · Again, improved legibility is key to the request for allowing larger projecting signs on the hotel. The building is five stories tall and the overall mass, scale, corner orientation and location on East Mendenhall Street justifies projecting signs that are more proportionate to the building at approximately 75 square feet each. The signs will be professionally designed and engineered to ensure public safety is maintained. · Throughout the site plan review process, the Staff and the DRB were all generally supportive of the concept of the proposed larger projecting signs. A typical 12 square foot projecting sign is extremely disproportionate on the approved hotel elevations, would be difficult for the public to read, and would not serve the public interest. 275 WRITTEN JUSTIFICATION FOR 38.35.060.C B. Is necessary, owing to conditions unique to the property, to avoid an unnecessary hardship which would unavoidably result from the enforcement of the literal meaning of this chapter. a. Hardship does not include difficulties arising from actions, or otherwise be self- imposed, by the applicant or previous predecessors in interest, or potential for greater financial returns; and b. Conditions unique to the property may include, but are not limited to, slope, presence of watercourses, after the fact imposition of additional regulations on previously lawful lots, and governmental actions outside of the owners control; The requested variances are necessary due to the following specific conditions unique to this property and building: Variance #1: Overall Sign Area Increase · The property is located on the corner of East Mendenhall and North Tracy Avenue. The location of the lot adjacent to one part of a two lane couplet street network justifies an increase in signage to be able to be legible to both pedestrians as well as vehicles. Note that because of the scale of the approved hotel building, specifically the brick corner element, a significant portion is also visible down North Black Avenue from Main Street. Allowing additional square footage will help both pedestrians as well as drivers (many will be inherently new to the area) safely identify the building from the adjacent and nearby street network, in the central downtown location. · The City’s Design Guidelines require a strong building presence at the corner which contributed to the L-shaped building concept where the L opens to the interior of the block. This creates a unique situation where the porte-cochere, main entry and branding above for the hotel is setback approximately 44 feet from the street edge and essentially screened by the corner element. The corner will be occupied by a restaurant at the ground level as desired by the City to activate the outdoor seating and plaza area. The majority of the parking is provided across the street in the parking garage as opposed to on site. A key aspect of the proposed signage plan is to have clear legibility at an appropriate scale from a variety of vantage points. · The sign code for B-3 currently limits the total signage for a lot to 250 square feet regardless of the size of the lot or building. This limitation works well for smaller lots and buildings on Main Street where the majority of the customers are pedestrians; however, the proposed 72,278 square foot, 104 room, five-story hotel building with two tenants on a 29,861 square foot lot, combined with all the other conditions unique to this property, together justify a larger overall sign package. Variance #2: Increase in Size of Projecting Signs · Again, the City’s regulations require a strong corner presence of significant scale. The typical 12 square foot projecting signs set 8 feet above the sidewalk, as seen on Main Street, work for the typical 2-3 story Main Street building; however, the mass and scale of the approved building on Mendenhall is much greater in this case necessitating a proportionate increase in the size of the projecting signs for improved legibility. · As the property is located one block off of Main Street, the larger projecting signs will allow visitors to clearly see and read signage. 276 WRITTEN JUSTIFICATION FOR 38.35.060.C C. Will observe the spirit of this title, including the adopted growth policy, and do substantial justice. Approval of both variances will observe the spirit of this title, including the Bozeman Community Plan and the Downtown Bozeman Improvement Plan, and will do substantial justice as follows: Variance #1: Overall Sign Area Increase · The Bozeman Community Plan includes the following statements which support the proposed variance for the increase in overall sign area, especially for a destination hotel building: ⇒ “A Scale and context should be the beginning point of any discussion of community quality” (Page 4-3). ⇒ “...To give all businesses equal opportunities to have a sign that will help people find the services they need” (Page D-3). · The Downtown Bozeman Improvement Plan (2009), has “legal status as a guiding document for downtown development as a part of the Bozeman Community Plan, the City’s growth policy” (Page 5 of the Downtown Plan). Besides specifically calling for a hotel, the Downtown Plan also seeks to add vitality to key streets, including Mendenhall, and to add a sense of connection and entry to the Downtown. “The existing sign code for the downtown district should be reviewed to determine whether unique sign designs are being unnecessarily curtailed, or whether incentives could be offered for unusual graphic design” (Page 31 of the Downtown Plan). · The proposed sign plan will further the goals of the Downtown Bozeman Improvement Plan including constructing a well designed and central Element Hotel that activates the adjacent and nearby streets, provides vitality and interest to our Downtown and promotes tourism and economic development. Variance #2: Increase in Size of Projecting Signs · The Bozeman Community Plan includes the following statements which also support the proposed variance for the increase in size of the projecting signs: ⇒ “A Scale and context should be the beginning point of any discussion of community quality” (Page 4-3). ⇒ “...To give all businesses equal opportunities to have a sign that will help people find the services they need” (Page D-3). · The proposed projecting signs are not standard Element Hotel signs and would be custom to Downtown Bozeman which also furthers the Bozeman Community Plan’s goal to promote “sense of place” and the Downtown Plan’s emphasis on “local and unique.” 277 ZONING VARIANCE CHECKLIST 1. A site plan showing signage that is keyed to both the spreadsheet (1-9) and the sign specifications is included with this application. Note that all signage will be attached to the building. A copy of the Civil Site Plan and Landscape Plan are included for reference. Additional detailed plans for the hotel are on file with the Department of Community Development. 2. The site plan shows the location of the building which is currently under construction. 3. See site plan. 4. The requested variances are detailed in the narrative. 5. Written justification for the variances are detailed on the previous page. 6. The hotel is currently under construction and is planned to open this Summer, well within the six month timeline. COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN CHECKLIST 1. The name and address of the sign approval authority is the same as the property owner— G25 Holdings, LLC PO Box 1109 Bozeman MT 59715 406-661-9990 2. The total square footage of signage allowed for the building is proposed to be 483 square feet. Note that variances are being requested as part of this application. 3. Building elevations and signage sizes are all included. There are no existing signs. 4. There are no special rules proposed regarding temporary signs. By signing this application, the approval authority agrees to the following: 1. Apply for and receive sign permits and/or approval from the City for all signs before they are erected. 2. Remove signs when a business leaves. 3. Maintain all signs in a working and attractive manner. 278 Element Hotel Comprehensive Sign Plan w/variancesSite StatisticsZoning: B3Central Business DistrictCommunity Plan Designation: CCCommunity CoreLot Size: 29891SF0.686acresTotal Floor Area: 72278SFALLOWED SIGNAGELinear FeetFactorEast Mendenhall Street - Total Linear Feet195First 25 Linear Feet25250SFRemaining 170 Linear Feet1701.5255SFNorth Black Avenue - Total Linear Feet 138First 25 Linear Feet25250SFRemaining 170 Linear Feet1131.5169.5SF ALLOWABLE SIGNAGE (WITHOUT LIMIT)524.5SFB3 MAXIMUM250SFTOTAL REQUESTED SIGNAGE483SFVariance 1COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLANPercentageAdjustmentSign Allocation Hotel 69110SF95.6%86.4%417.31Future Tenant Space3168SF4.4%13.6%65.69TOTAL72278SF100.0%100.0%483.00PROPOSED SIGNAGETenantSign StyleSign TypeSign CopySFSouth Elevation (East Mendenhall Street)Sign 1HotelProjectingcustom"element by Westin" 75SFVariance 2 Sign 2HotelWallA4"e"196SFSign 3HotelAwningA3 (doubled)"element by Westin" 21SFSign 4RestaurantWallcustomTBD26SFSign 5RestaurantWall or AwningcustomTBD26SFSUBTOTAL344SFWest ElevationSign 6HotelWallA6"e" + "element by Westin"46SFSUBTOTAL46SFEast Elevation (North Black Avenue)Sign 7Hotel Projectingcustom"element by Westin" 75SFVariance 2 Sign 8Hotel AwningA3"element by Westin" 6SFSign 9RestaurantProjectingcustomTBD12SFSUBTOTAL93SFTOTAL 483SFHotel SignageRestaurant SignageSignageBuilding SF279 280 EAST MENDENHALL STREETNORTH BLACK AVENUE ALLEYONE WAY ONE WAY FIREPIT -10"-5"GRILLRAMP UPRAMP UP-10"-5" +0"+0"-10"-10"+0"+0"SCORED CONCRETE.16"X48" SAW CUTPATTERN TYP.184 SQ.FT.ARCHITECTURALPAVERS TYPE 35/L1.3TRANSFORMERPADCONCRETEDUMPSTER PADPOOL ROOMBIKE RACK5/L1.6NO PARKING SIGNMOTORCOURTSCULPTURE PAD. FOR MIN.27 CU.FT. OF SCULPTURE /ARTRAISED ANNUALPLANTERANNUALPLANTERBENCHTRASHBIN BUILDING SETBACKLINERAISED PLANTER, 18" H-10"DECORATIVESTEEL RA ILING STEPSDECORATIVESTEEL RAILING9" WIDE CONCRETE WALL.6" HIGH ON PATIO SIDE.9" WIDE CONCRETE WALL.6" HIGH ON PAT IO S IDE.2'x2' CONCRETE SCORING PATTERNSLOT DRA IN GROUND LEVEL PLANTERMIXED PERENNIALSGROUND LEVEL PLANTERMIXED PERENNIALS+18"LOWER PLAZAPLANTER WALL 6/L1.5STANDARD TREEGRATE 3/L1.6ARCHITECTURALPAVERS TYPE 1.2/L1.3290 SQ.FT.+0" = ALL ELEVATION MARKSARE IN REFERENCE TO HEIGHTABOVE OR BELOW FFE-10"-10"-10"+0"+0"+0"+0"+0"+0"+0"+0"+0"HANDRAIL SCORED CONCRETE.16"X48" SAW CUTPATTERN TYP.660 SQ.FT.SCORED CONCRETE.36"X36" SAW CUTALTERNATE PATTERN875 SQ.FT.6' CMU WALL W/CONCRETE CAP4/L1.6 (SIDEWALKREDUCED BY 9")CMU BAR WALLAND RAISEDPLANTER1/L1.6CURB HEIGHT ANNUALPLANTER W/ DECORATIVESTEEL RAILING TOMATCH RESTAURANTPATIO. 7/L1.6111.5 TO 2" MinusWASHED ROCKBETWEEN BU ILDINGS1.5 to 2" MINUSWAHED ROCKBETWEENSIDEWALK ANDBUILDINGELECTRIC CARCHARGING STAT ION 6' CMU WALL W/CONCRETE CAP4/L1.6222222FRONTBOULEVARDPLANTER(WIDE)1/L1.5UPPER PLAZAPLANTER BED 5/L1.5LIGHTING CONDUIT333LIGHTING CONDUITPROJECT: HOTEL @ BLOCK GARCHITECTS: GH2CARA HALL / JOHN GRAHAM320 SOUTH BOSTON, SUITE 1600TULSA, OK 74103(918) 587-6158PLANNING: INTRINSIK ARCHITECTUREROB PERTZBORN / SUSAN RIGGS111 N. TRACY AVENUEBOZEMAN, MT 59715(406) 582 8988LANDSCAPEARCHITECT: DESIGN 5, LLCTROY SCHERER4249 COVER STREETBOZEMAN, MT 59718(406) 600-O342LOCATION: LOTS 6-12 OF BLOCK GZONING: B3EUONYMUS ALATUS 'COMPACTUS'BURNING BUSH1 GAL4LIATRIS SPICATA 'KOBOLD'KOBOLD GAYFEATHERPER PLANPLANT LEGENDBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMESYMSIZE TYPE NOTES#GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOSHONEY LOCUSTPICEA PUNGENS 'GLOBOSA'DWARF BLUE SPRUCE2-1/2"14'B&BB&B45 GALPOTCORNUS SERICEARED TWIG DOGWOODPERENNIALS AND ORNAMENTALGRASSESARONIA MELANOCARPAGLOSSY BLACK CHOKEBERRYSHRUBSTREES1 GALPOTCALAMAGROSTIS X ACUTIFOLIAKARL FOERSTER GRASSBETULA PAPYRIFERAPAPER BIRCHB&BPOTTAXUS X MEDIA 'TAUNTONII'TAUNTONS YEWJUMIPERUS SCOPULARUMSKYROCKET JUNIPER7 GALHELECTOTRICHON SEMPERVIVENSBLUE OAT GRASSFESTUCA GLAUCAWINCHESTER BLUE FESCUE1 GAL POTNEPETA FASENII 'WALKERS LOW'CATMINTPEROVSKIA ATRIPLICIFOLIARUSSIAN SAGE5 GAL5 GAL5 GAL5 GALPOTPOTPOTPOT1 GAL1 GAL1 GAL1 GALPOTPOTPOTPOT3316018201741311695143POTSALVIA NEMEROSA 'CARADONNA'SALVIA CARADONNA1 GALPOT47DESCHAMPSIA CESPITOSATUFTED HAIR GRASSHEMEROCALLIS 'BAJA'BAJA RED DAYLILYPOT132HOSTA 'ROYAL STANDARD'1 GALPOT1HOSTA HADSPEN BLUEHOSTA SIEBOLDIANA 'ELEGANS'1 GALHOSTA KIWI BLUE BABYPOT1 GAL1 GALPOT1POT11 GALPER PLANPOT19PER PLANPER PLANPER PLANPER PLANMULTI-STEMPER PLANPER PLANMULTI-STEMPER PLANPER PLANPER PLANPER PLANPER PLANPER PLANPER PLANACER GINNALAAMUR MAPLEPER PLANPER PLANPER PLANPER PLANPER PLANTILIA CORDATALITTLE LEAF LINDENB&BPOT5PER PLAN-8-3+4-3-1-2+4YARD8 ORNAMENTAL TREESPROVIDEDMINIMUM OF 27 CUBIC FEET OF ORIGINAL SCULPTURELANDSCAPE POINTS - HOTEL @ BLOCK GB3 ZONING: 13 REQUIRED LANDSCAPE POINTSPOINTSCOLUMN ACOLUMN BLENGTHWEST SIDEYARD150'6 ORNAMENTAL TREES 18 DECIDUOUS SHRUBS513 TOTAL LANDSCAPE POINTS22 DECIDUOUS SHRUBS PROVIDED355 POINTS ARE AWARDED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF DROUGHT TOLERANT SPECIES FOR 75PERCENT OR GREATER OF THE NUMBER OF TREES AND SHRUBSTOTAL TREES & SHRUBS = 104TOTAL DROUGHT TOLERANT TREES & SHRUBS = 88PERCENTAGE DROUGHT TOLERANT = 84.6%STREET LIGHTS: PHILIPS LUMEC "SIDE ST"S55-90W49LED4K-ES-ACDR-LE3-VOLT-SFX-BKTXHOTEL @ BLOCK G BOZEMAN, MT TMS 2/20/15 HOTEL - BLOCK G HOTEL - BLK G c://design5/clients CHECKED BY: FILE: DATE: PROJECT: DIR:4249 Cover Street, Bozeman, Montana 406.600.0342L1.0MASTERLANDSCAPEPLANFEBRUARY 2015OVERALLSITE PLANSCALE 1:1010020'NORTH 12/23/14REVISIONS:DATE:11/16/1521/26/153281 EAST MENDENHALL STREETNORTH BLACK AVENUE ALLEYONE WAY ONE WAY FIREPIT -10"-5"GRILLRAMP UPRAMP UP-10"-5" +0"+0"-10"-10"+0"+0"SCORED CONCRETE.16"X48" SAW CUTPATTERN TYP.184 SQ.FT.ARCHITECTURALPAVERS TYPE 35/L1.3TRANSFORMERPADCONCRETEDUMPSTER PADPOOL ROOMBIKE RACK5/L1.6STREET LIGHTS (TYP)NO PARKING SIGNMOTORCOURTSCULPTURE PAD. FOR MIN.27 CU.FT. OF SCULPTURE /ARTRAISED ANNUALPLANTERANNUALPLANTERBENCHTRASHBIN BUILDING SETBACKLINERAISED PLANTER, 18" H-10"DECORATIVESTEEL RA ILING STEPSDECORATIVESTEEL RAILING9" WIDE CONCRETE WALL.6" HIGH ON PATIO SIDE.9" WIDE CONCRETE WALL.6" HIGH ON PAT IO S IDE.2'x2' CONCRETE SCORING PATTERNSLOT DRA IN GROUND LEVEL PLANTERMIXED PERENNIALSGROUND LEVEL PLANTERMIXED PERENNIALS+18"LOWER PLAZAPLANTER WALL 6/L1.5STANDARD TREEGRATE 3/L1.6ARCHITECTURALPAVERS TYPE 1.2/L1.3290 SQ.FT.18" CONCRETE BANDING.4/L1.3+0" = ALL ELEVATION MARKSARE IN REFERENCE TO HEIGHTABOVE OR BELOW FFE-10"-10"-10"+0"+0"+0"+0"+0"+0"+0"+0"+0"HANDRAIL SCORED CONCRETE.16"X48" SAW CUTPATTERN TYP.660 SQ.FT.SCORED CONCRETE.36"X36" SAW CUTALTERNATE PATTERN875 SQ.FT.6' CMU WALL W/CONCRETE CAP4/L1.6 (SIDEWALKREDUCED BY 9")CMU BAR WALLAND RAISEDPLANTER1/L1.6CURB HEIGHT ANNUALPLANTER W/ DECORATIVESTEEL RAILING TOMATCH RESTAURANTPATIO. 7/L1.6111.5 TO 2" MinusWASHED ROCKBETWEEN BU ILDINGS1.5 to 2" MINUSWAHED ROCKBETWEENSIDEWALK ANDBUILDING LIGHTING CONDUITELECTRIC CARCHARGING STAT ION 6' CMU WALL W/CONCRETE CAP4/L1.6222222FRONTBOULEVARDPLANTER(WIDE)1/L1.5UPPER PLAZAPLANTER BED 5/L1.5LIGHTING CONDUITPROJECT: HOTEL @ BLOCK GARCHITECTS: GH2CARA HALL / JOHN GRAHAM320 SOUTH BOSTON, SUITE 1600TULSA, OK 74103(918) 587-6158PLANNING: INTRINSIK ARCHITECTUREROB PERTZBORN / SUSAN RIGGS111 N. TRACY AVENUEBOZEMAN, MT 59715(406) 582 8988LANDSCAPEARCHITECT: DESIGN 5, LLCTROY SCHERER4249 COVER STREETBOZEMAN, MT 59718(406) 600-O342LOCATION: LOTS 6-12 OF BLOCK GZONING: B3EUONYMUS ALATUS 'COMPACTUS'BURNING BUSH1 GAL4LIATRIS SPICATA 'KOBOLD'KOBOLD GAYFEATHERPER PLANPLANT LEGENDBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMESYMSIZE TYPE NOTES#GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOSHONEY LOCUSTPICEA PUNGENS 'GLOBOSA'DWARF BLUE SPRUCE2-1/2"14'B&BB&B45 GALPOTCORNUS SERICEARED TWIG DOGWOODPERENNIALS AND ORNAMENTALGRASSESARONIA MELANOCARPAGLOSSY BLACK CHOKEBERRYSHRUBSTREES1 GALPOTCALAMAGROSTIS X ACUTIFOLIAKARL FOERSTER GRASSBETULA PAPYRIFERAPAPER BIRCHB&BPOTTAXUS X MEDIA 'TAUNTONII'TAUNTONS YEWJUMIPERUS SCOPULARUMSKYROCKET JUNIPER7 GALHELECTOTRICHON SEMPERVIVENSBLUE OAT GRASSFESTUCA GLAUCAWINCHESTER BLUE FESCUE1 GAL POTNEPETA FASENII 'WALKERS LOW'CATMINTPEROVSKIA ATRIPLICIFOLIARUSSIAN SAGE5 GAL5 GAL5 GAL5 GALPOTPOTPOTPOT1 GAL1 GAL1 GAL1 GALPOTPOTPOTPOT3316018201741311695143POTSALVIA NEMEROSA 'CARADONNA'SALVIA CARADONNA1 GALPOT47DESCHAMPSIA CESPITOSATUFTED HAIR GRASSHEMEROCALLIS 'BAJA'BAJA RED DAYLILYPOT132HOSTA 'ROYAL STANDARD'1 GALPOT1HOSTA HADSPEN BLUEHOSTA SIEBOLDIANA 'ELEGANS'1 GALHOSTA KIWI BLUE BABYPOT1 GAL1 GALPOT1POT11 GALPER PLANPOT19PER PLANPER PLANPER PLANPER PLANMULTI-STEMPER PLANPER PLANMULTI-STEMPER PLANPER PLANPER PLANPER PLANPER PLANPER PLANPER PLANACER GINNALAAMUR MAPLEPER PLANPER PLANPER PLANPER PLANPER PLANTILIA CORDATALITTLE LEAF LINDENB&BPOT3PER PLAN-8-3+4-3-1-2-2+4YARD8 ORNAMENTAL TREESPROVIDEDMINIMUM OF 27 CUBIC FEET OF ORIGINAL SCULPTURELANDSCAPE POINTS - HOTEL @ BLOCK GB3 ZONING: 13 REQUIRED LANDSCAPE POINTSPOINTSCOLUMN ACOLUMN BLENGTHWEST SIDEYARD150'6 ORNAMENTAL TREES 18 DECIDUOUS SHRUBS513 TOTAL LANDSCAPE POINTS22 DECIDUOUS SHRUBS PROVIDED355 POINTS ARE AWARDED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF DROUGHT TOLERANT SPECIES FOR 75PERCENT OR GREATER OF THE NUMBER OF TREES AND SHRUBSTOTAL TREES & SHRUBS = 104TOTAL DROUGHT TOLERANT TREES & SHRUBS = 88PERCENTAGE DROUGHT TOLERANT = 84.6%STREET LIGHTS: PHILIPS LUMEC "SIDE ST"S55-90W49LED4K-ES-ACDR-LE3-VOLT-SFX-BKTXHOTEL @ BLOCK G BOZEMAN, MT TMS 12/23/14 HOTEL - BLOCK G HOTEL - BLK G c://design5/clients CHECKED BY: FILE: DATE: PROJECT: DIR:4249 Cover Street, Bozeman, Montana 406.600.0342L1.0MASTERLANDSCAPEPLANJANUARY 2015OVERALLSITE PLANSCALE 1:1010020'NORTH 12/23/14REVISIONS:DATE:11/16/152Sign #1 (Projecting)Sign #5 (Wall or Awning)Sign #4 (Wall) Sign #3 (Awning) Sign #2 (Wall)Sign #6 (Wall)Sign #8 (Awning)Sign #7 (Projecting)Sign #9 (Projecting)element hotelComprehensive Sign Plan - Sign Index282 Floor 1 0" Floor 2 18' - 0" 19181512108641 Floor 3 28' - 6" Floor 439' - 0" Floor 5 49' - 6" Roof Sheathing 60' - 0" Level 7 63' - 0" Top of Parapet 67' - 0" B A213 B A210 Level 9 70' - 6" A A211 B A211 B A240 3 2 12 5 13 17 17 13 18 9 TYP 2 16 21 13 4 1 17 17 17 13 13 17 912 912 912 3 3 10 5 7 1 11 11 11 15 17 15 1 1 4 18 9 9 9 9 10 9 9 9 9 18 TYP TYP 4 4 4 88 8 8 88 14 14 17 17 Floor 1 0" Floor 2 18' - 0" C ARFGJLNQ Floor 328' - 6" Floor 4 39' - 0" Floor 5 49' - 6" Roof Sheathing 60' - 0" Level 7 63' - 0" Top of Parapet 67' - 0" A A210 Level 9 70' - 6" C A211 A A213 7 12 9 12 13 13 4 4 6 9 9 1 1 11 11 13 114 4 9 6 PANT CMU TO MATCH EIFS ABOVE 2 2 4 4 4 18 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 5 19 19 4 4 15 14 14 BRICK VENEER - MODULAR RUNNING BOND MUTUAL MATERIALS "PACIFIC HANDMOLD" MODULAR BRICK1 EXTERIOR FINISH LEGEND EXTERIOR FINISH AND INSULATION SYSTEM (E.I.F.S.)COLOR - BENLAMIN MOORE 1468 WILLOW CREEKFINISH - SANDPEBBLE FINE TEXTUREJOINTS - HORIZONTAL: 1" DEEP x 1 1/2" TOP RIGHT ANGLE/BOTTOM SHALLOW SLOPE - VERTICAL: 1" DEEP x 1" WIDE - RIGHT ANGLES 2 ALUMINUM STOREFRONT SYSTEM WITH DARK BRONZEANNODIZED FINISH AND CLEAR, LOW-E, DOUBLE PANE GLASS. INSIDE FACE OF PORTAL BOX WILL BE HORIZONTAL 5/4 x 6IPE (WOOD) WITH MESSMER'S UV PLUS NATURAL STAINFINISH. "ELEMENT" SIGNAGE. (SEE MASTER SIGN PLAN) FINE BLADE ARCHITECTURAL LOUVERS. AT VTAC UNITS,PROVIDE BLANK-OFF PANELS IN AREAS OF LOUVER NOT REQUIRED FOR HEAT EXCHANGER OR MAKE-UP AIR INTAKE. DARK BRONZE EXTERIOR FINISH AND INSULATION SYSTEM (E.I.F.S.) COLOR - BENLAMIN MOORE 1468 WILLOW CREEKFINISH - REFLECTITJOINTS - ALL: 1" DEEP x 1" WIDE - RIGHT ANGLES 3 EXTERIOR FINISH AND INSULATION SYSTEM (E.I.F.S.)COLOR - BENLAMIN MOORE 1478 HORIZON FINISH - FINESSE JOINTS - ALL: 1" DEEP x 2" WIDE - DOUBLE SHALLOW SLOPE 4 EXTERIOR FINISH AND INSULATION SYSTEM (E.I.F.S.) COLOR - BENLAMIN MOORE 1478 HORIZON FINISH - REFLECTITJOINTS - ALL: 1" DEEP x 1" WIDE - RIGHT ANGLES 5 EXTERIOR FINISH AND INSULATION SYSTEM (E.I.F.S.) COLOR - BENLAMIN MOORE 1470 BEAR CREEK WITH STRATOTONE ADDITIVE FINISH - SANDPEBBLE FINE TEXTUREJOINTS - ALL: 1" DEEP x 2" WIDE - DOUBLE SHALLOW SLOPE 6 EXTERIOR FINISH AND INSULATION SYSTEM (E.I.F.S.) COLOR - BENLAMIN MOORE 1486 WINTERWOODFINISH - FINESSE 7 EXTERIOR FINISH AND INSULATION SYSTEM (E.I.F.S.)COLOR - BENLAMIN MOORE 1470 BEAR CREEKFINISH - REFLECTIT JOINTS - ALL: 3/4" DEEP x 1" WIDE - RIGHT ANGLES 8 DARK BRONZE ANNODIZED ALUMINUM WINDOW WITH CLEAR, LOW-E, DOUBLE PANE GLASS.9 10 11 METAL CANOPY SYSTEM WITH SWAG RODS TOBUILDING WALL. 12 13 14 15 16 EXPOSED CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL WITH RUBBED FINISH 17 AUMINUM STOREFRONT SYSTEM WITH DARK BRONZE ANNODIZED FINISH AND OPAQUE SPANDREL GLASS TO MATCH LOW-E VISION GLASS. 18 EXHAUST VENTS: DARK BRONZE 19 CAP FLASHING/ COPING. PRE-FINISHED ALUMINUM COLOR: MATCH ADJACENT WALL COLOR. PRE-CAST CONCRETE LINTEL / SILL. COLOR TO BE SELECTED ISSUE DATES: © 2013 COPYRIGHT GH2 ARCHITECTS, LLC PROJECT #: SHEET NUMBER: 320 South Boston, Suite 1600 Tulsa, OK 74103 T: 918.587.6158 GH2.COM A SPECIALTY PRACTICE OF GH2 ARCHITECTS, LLC A200 20130178ELEMENT by WestinBozeman, MTExterior ElevationsStarwood Hotels and Resorts 1/8" = 1'-0"A SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"B WEST ELEVATION 05/09/14 Addendum #4 08/01/14 CCD #309/12/14 CCD #7 11/25/14 CCD #10 02/06/15 CCD #12 15 15 Sign #6 (Wall) Sign #9 (Projecting) Sign #4 (Wall) Sign #1 (Projecting) Sign #7 (Projecting) Sign #3 (Awning)Sign #2 (Wall) 283 Floor 1 0" Floor 2 18' - 0" 20 19 1143175791113 Floor 328' - 6" Floor 4 39' - 0" Floor 5 49' - 6" Roof Sheathing 60' - 0" Level 7 63' - 0" Top of Parapet 67' - 0" B A213 B A210 Level 9 70' - 6" A A211 B A211 4 6 9 TYP 2 6 12 TYP 444 4 44 9 13 1621 13 16 16 4 9 TYP 2 4 19 11 7 19 19 19 2 4 12 18 5 4 44 4 2 2 2 2 6 Floor 1 0" Floor 2 18' - 0" B CA D E H K M P R Floor 3 28' - 6" Floor 4 39' - 0" Floor 5 49' - 6" Roof Sheathing 60' - 0" Level 7 63' - 0" Top of Parapet 67' - 0" A A210 Level 9 70' - 6" C A211 1 9TYP 3 9 TYP 2 2 A A213 4 2 11 1 11 16 1 12TYP 7 16 6 1111313 9 13 11 11 7 9 NOTE: QUANTITY AND SIZE TO BEDETERMINED BY TENANT DESIGNFOR MAKEUP AIR AND EXHAUST 414 15 18TYP 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 19 2 5 19 19 6 15 BRICK VENEER - MODULAR RUNNING BONDMUTUAL MATERIALS "PACIFIC HANDMOLD" MODULAR BRICK1 EXTERIOR FINISH LEGEND EXTERIOR FINISH AND INSULATION SYSTEM (E.I.F.S.) COLOR - BENLAMIN MOORE 1468 WILLOW CREEK FINISH - SANDPEBBLE FINE TEXTUREJOINTS - HORIZONTAL: 1" DEEP x 1 1/2" TOP RIGHT ANGLE/BOTTOM SHALLOW SLOPE - VERTICAL: 1" DEEP x 1" WIDE - RIGHT ANGLES 2 ALUMINUM STOREFRONT SYSTEM WITH DARK BRONZE ANNODIZED FINISH AND CLEAR, LOW-E, DOUBLE PANE GLASS. INSIDE FACE OF PORTAL BOX WILL BE HORIZONTAL 5/4 x 6 IPE (WOOD) WITH MESSMER'S UV PLUS NATURAL STAIN FINISH. "ELEMENT" SIGNAGE. (SEE MASTER SIGN PLAN) FINE BLADE ARCHITECTURAL LOUVERS. AT VTAC UNITS,PROVIDE BLANK-OFF PANELS IN AREAS OF LOUVER NOTREQUIRED FOR HEAT EXCHANGER OR MAKE-UP AIRINTAKE. DARK BRONZE EXTERIOR FINISH AND INSULATION SYSTEM (E.I.F.S.)COLOR - BENLAMIN MOORE 1468 WILLOW CREEK FINISH - REFLECTIT JOINTS - ALL: 1" DEEP x 1" WIDE - RIGHT ANGLES 3 EXTERIOR FINISH AND INSULATION SYSTEM (E.I.F.S.)COLOR - BENLAMIN MOORE 1478 HORIZONFINISH - FINESSEJOINTS - ALL: 1" DEEP x 2" WIDE - DOUBLE SHALLOW SLOPE 4 EXTERIOR FINISH AND INSULATION SYSTEM (E.I.F.S.)COLOR - BENLAMIN MOORE 1478 HORIZONFINISH - REFLECTIT JOINTS - ALL: 1" DEEP x 1" WIDE - RIGHT ANGLES 5 EXTERIOR FINISH AND INSULATION SYSTEM (E.I.F.S.)COLOR - BENLAMIN MOORE 1470 BEAR CREEKWITH STRATOTONE ADDITIVEFINISH - SANDPEBBLE FINE TEXTURE JOINTS - ALL: 1" DEEP x 2" WIDE - DOUBLE SHALLOW SLOPE 6 EXTERIOR FINISH AND INSULATION SYSTEM (E.I.F.S.)COLOR - BENLAMIN MOORE 1486 WINTERWOOD FINISH - FINESSE 7 EXTERIOR FINISH AND INSULATION SYSTEM (E.I.F.S.) COLOR - BENLAMIN MOORE 1470 BEAR CREEKFINISH - REFLECTITJOINTS - ALL: 3/4" DEEP x 1" WIDE - RIGHT ANGLES 8 DARK BRONZE ANNODIZED ALUMINUM WINDOWWITH CLEAR, LOW-E, DOUBLE PANE GLASS.9 10 11 METAL CANOPY SYSTEM WITH SWAG RODS TO BUILDING WALL. 12 13 14 15 16 EXPOSED CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL WITH RUBBED FINISH 17 AUMINUM STOREFRONT SYSTEM WITH DARK BRONZEANNODIZED FINISH AND OPAQUE SPANDREL GLASS TOMATCH LOW-E VISION GLASS. 18 EXHAUST VENTS: DARK BRONZE 19 CAP FLASHING/ COPING. PRE-FINISHED ALUMINUMCOLOR: MATCH ADJACENT WALL COLOR. PRE-CAST CONCRETE LINTEL / SILL. COLOR TO BESELECTED ISSUE DATES: © 2013 COPYRIGHT GH2 ARCHITECTS, LLC PROJECT #: SHEET NUMBER: 320 South Boston, Suite 1600 Tulsa, OK 74103 T: 918.587.6158 GH2.COM A SPECIALTY PRACTICE OF GH2 ARCHITECTS, LLC A201 20130178ELEMENT by WestinBozeman, MTExterior ElevationsStarwood Hotels and Resorts 1/8" = 1'-0"ANORTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"B EAST ELEVATION 05/09/14 Addendum #4 08/01/14 CCD #3 11/25/14 CCD #10 02/06/15 CCD #12 15 15 Sign #8 (Awning) Sign #7 (Projecting) Sign #1 (Projecting) Sign #9 (Projecting) 284 Sign 1Sign Style: Projecting (South Elevation)Sign Type: CustomSign Copy: "element By Westin"Sign Size: max 75 SFNote: model images show schematic design and approximate dimensions for comprehensive sign plan. Detailed sign specifications will be provided with future sign permit.~pro~5'-0"~3'-6"~21'-4"projection285 A3 A4 A4 logo sign at portal see arch. drawings and detail A3 & A4 3 4 Entry Portal & Canopy ID - A4 Sign Type Location 12 A4 - 1.0Drawing: Date: Client: EXTERIOR SIGNAGE &WAYFINDING: These drawings outline the design intent and basic specifications for the aloft brand sign package. These sign drawings are not to be used for construction. Sign fabricators are to produce final, owner/city approved shop drawings "for-build" and if necessary, structural engineering by a state licensed engineer. All sign drawings and sign construction are subject to local governing codes and zoning laws. Materials, finishes, electrical and construction methods that may alter the sign design must be approved by Starwood / aloft brand development. Building IdenticationEntry Portal Logo ID EXTERIOR24’-0” 14’-0” dia. logo14’-0” dia. logo38’-4” per forated alum. face LEDs system in t e rn a l struc tu reperforated alum. face L E D s s y s t em internal structure support system for center section TBD alum. welded const. logoshape painted greenwith perforated alum. faceinternally illuminated withLED’s alum. welded llogo innershape painted green with perforated alum. faceinternally illuminated withLED’s see dwg.A4.2 se e d w g . A4 . 2 1/8” perforatedmetal faces painted low voltage LED’s exterior use rated, min. 3 rows 1/2” thick steel platescut to shape of logo,front/back TBD9-3/4”glass storefront system10’-0” 14-3/4” 9-3/4” 4’ - 2 ”BBAASign Type A4 - Main Logo ID Front Elevation/Section Detail (1) required Main Logo ID - End View/Section 2/23/073/21/075/16/079/06/073/15/08 One Starpoint Stamford, CT 06902 01/15/0905/15/0905/15/1007/15/1004/15/1112/15/13 Sign 2 Sign Style: Wall (South Elevation) Sign Type: A4 Sign Copy: "e" Sign Size: 196 SF 3 4 n Dra C14’-0” dia. logoper forated alum. face LEDs system in te rn a l stru ctureperforated alum. face L E D s s y s t e m internal structure support systemfor center section TBD alum. welded const. logoshape painted greenwith perforated alum. faceinternally illuminated withLED’s alum. welded llogo innershape painted greenwith perforated alum. faceinternally illuminated with LED’s see dwg. A4.2 se e d w g . A4 . 2 1/8” perforated metal faces painted low voltage LED’s exterior use rated, min. 3 rows 1/2” thick steel plates cut to shape of logo,front/back TBD9-3/4”glass storefront system10’-0” 14-3/4” 9-3/4” 4’- 2 ”BBAASign Type A4 - Main Logo ID Front Elevation/Section Detail (1) required Main Logo ID - End View/Section 286 A overview entry ID logo/sign at portal/canopy structuresee arch. drawings and details 1,2,3 steel canopy structure by others. see arch. drawings1 qty: 1 required Sign Type A3 - Section / End View Detail Sign Type A3 - Channel Letter Sign - Elevation Dtl. Sign Type A3/A4 - Entry Portal & Canopy ID Elevation 2 alum. reverse channel letterspainted brand color pms 7490 greenand matching trim, with white translucent acrylic faces and LEDs - pin mounted to alum. raceway-aligned to edge of canopy alum. reverse channel letterspainted brand color pms 7490 greenand matching trim, with white translucent acrylic faces and LEDs - pin mounted to alum. raceway-aligned to edge of canopy 1-1/2” x 6” alum. tubing usedfor electrical feed and letter support paint fin. to match canopy color 1/4” alum. cutout letters painted white, flush pin mount to structure10”5’-7”EQ.(center of overall canopy width) EQ.3-1/4”21-1/2” 3/8” threaded rods for pin mounting of letters with 1” offset to alum. raceway 3/8” threaded pins to bottom of letterswith 1” offset to raceway - paint to match U.L Sealtite conduit to primary elec. feed LED power source Electra white LED’s welded tabs inside letterto secure removable metal backsalso painted to match letter 4” 11 A3 - 1.0Drawing: Date: Client: EXTERIOR SIGNAGE &WAYFINDING: These drawings outline the design intent and basic specifications for the aloft brand sign package. These sign drawings are not to be used for construction. Sign fabricators are to produce final, owner/city approved shop drawings "for-build" and if necessary, structural engineering by a state licensed engineer. All sign drawings and sign construction are subject to local governing codes and zoning laws. Materials, finishes, electrical and construction methods that may alter the sign design must be approved by Starwood / aloft brand development. Building IdenticationEntry Portal/Canopy ID EXTERIOR 2/23/073/21/075/16/079/06/073/15/08 One StarpointStamford, CT 06902 01/15/0905/15/0905/15/1007/15/1004/15/1112/15/13 A3 A4 Sign 3 Sign Style: Awning (South Elevation) Sign Type: A3 Sign Copy: "element By Westin" Sign Size: 21 SF 11'-2"20"43"6.5"287 Sign 4Sign Style: Wall (South Elevation)Sign Type: CustomSign Copy: TBD by future restaurant tenantSign Size: 26 SF (exact dimensions TBD by future restaurant)Note: model images show schematic design for comprehensive sign plan. Detailed sign specifications and exactlocation will be provided with future sign permit by future tenant. Note that a wall or awning sign is allowed by thiscomprehensive sign plan. Signage for the restaurant is intended to be flexible. ~8'-8"~3'Restaurant!288 Sign 5Sign Style: Wall or Awning - TBD by future tenant (South Elevation)Sign Type: CustomSign Copy: TBD by future restaurant tenantSign Size: 26 SF (exact dimensions TBD by future restaurant)Note: model images show schematic design for comprehensive sign plan. Detailed sign specifications and exactlocation will be provided with future sign permit by future tenant. Note that a wall or awning sign is allowed by thiscomprehensive sign plan. Signage for the restaurant is intended to be flexible. Restaurant!~10'~2'-7"'289 One StarpointStamford, CT 06902 01/15/0905/15/0905/15/1007/15/1004/15/1112/15/13 16 Building Main Wall Sign EXTERIOR A6 - 1.0Drawing: Date: Client: Notes EXTERIOR SIGNAGE &WAYFINDING: These drawings outline the design intent and basic specifications for the aloft brand sign package. These sign drawings are not to be used for construction. Sign fabricators are to produce final, owner/city approved shop drawings "for-build" and if necessary, structural engineering by a state licensed engineer. All sign drawings and sign construction are subject to local governing codes and zoning laws. Materials, finishes, electrical and construction methods that may alter the sign design must be approved by Starwood / aloft brand development. Project: Sign Type A6 - Building ID - Front ElevationA qty: 1 required Sign Type A6 - Building ID Sign - Front Elev. DetailB qty: 1 required 2/23/073/21/075/16/079/06/073/15/08 Building Sign wall mounted see location elev. dtl below andsection dtl. on A5-1.1 22 sfproposed sign area element 4 sfproposed sign area by westin 16 sfproposed sign area 42 sfproposed sign area total 13’-0”eq.eq.8”9”7”20-1/4”4’-10” logo self-contained channelpost mount for green halo andwhite face lit; logo to have whiteacrylic faces, clear lexan backswith green vinyl internally illuminated - dtl. 1 on A5-1.1 wall mounted channel letterswith white acrylic faces internallyilluminated with white LEDs per sectiondtl. 2 on A5.1.1 identifier under logoare fabricated metal letters pin mounted to wall painted white/dtl. 2 on A5.1.1 2 1 (green halo hereonly for dwg. reference)4’-1”21”SIGN A6 AREA DATA Sign 6 Sign Style: Wall (West Elevation) Sign Type: A6 Sign Copy: "e" + "element By Westin" Sign Size: 46 SF 4'-0"29 sf 4 sf "element" = 29 SF "BY WESTIN" = 4 SF [Logo] = 12.5 SF Total = 45.6 SF 290 ~proSign 7Sign Style: Projecting (East Elevation)Sign Type: CustomSign Copy: "element By Westin"Sign Size: max 75 SFNote: model images show schematic design and approximate dimensions for comprehensive sign plan. Detailed sign specifications will be provided with future sign permit.~5'-0"~3'-6"~21'-4"projection291 A overview entry ID logo/sign at portal/canopy structuresee arch. drawings and details 1,2,3 steel canopy structure by others. see arch. drawings1 qty: 1 required Sign Type A3 - Section / End View Detail Sign Type A3 - Channel Letter Sign - Elevation Dtl. Sign Type A3/A4 - Entry Portal & Canopy ID Elevation 2 alum. reverse channel letterspainted brand color pms 7490 greenand matching trim, with white translucent acrylic faces and LEDs - pin mounted to alum. raceway-aligned to edge of canopy alum. reverse channel letterspainted brand color pms 7490 greenand matching trim, with white translucent acrylic faces and LEDs - pin mounted to alum. raceway-aligned to edge of canopy 1-1/2” x 6” alum. tubing usedfor electrical feed and letter support paint fin. to match canopy color 1/4” alum. cutout letters painted white, flush pin mount to structure10”5’-7”EQ.(center of overall canopy width) EQ.3-1/4”21-1/2” 3/8” threaded rods for pin mounting of letters with 1” offset to alum. raceway 3/8” threaded pins to bottom of letterswith 1” offset to raceway - paint to match U.L Sealtite conduit to primary elec. feed LED power source Electra white LED’s welded tabs inside letterto secure removable metal backsalso painted to match letter 4” 11 A3 - 1.0Drawing: Date: Client: EXTERIOR SIGNAGE &WAYFINDING: These drawings outline the design intent and basic specifications for the aloft brand sign package. These sign drawings are not to be used for construction. Sign fabricators are to produce final, owner/city approved shop drawings "for-build" and if necessary, structural engineering by a state licensed engineer. All sign drawings and sign construction are subject to local governing codes and zoning laws. Materials, finishes, electrical and construction methods that may alter the sign design must be approved by Starwood / aloft brand development. Building IdenticationEntry Portal/Canopy ID EXTERIOR 2/23/073/21/075/16/079/06/073/15/08 One StarpointStamford, CT 06902 01/15/0905/15/0905/15/1007/15/1004/15/1112/15/13 A3 A4 Sign 8 Sign Style: Awning (East Elevation) Sign Type: A3 Sign Copy: "element By Westin" Sign Size: 6 SF 292 Sign 9Sign Style: ProjectingSign Type: CustomSign Copy: TBD by future restaurant tenantSign Size: 12 SF (exact dimensions & shape TBD)Restaurant!Note: model images show schematic design for comprehensive sign plan. Detailed sign specifications and exactlocation will be provided with future sign permit by future tenant. Note that a wall or awning sign is allowed by thiscomprehensive sign plan. Signage for the restaurant is intended to be flexible. 293 One StarpointStamford, CT 06902 B2 - Parking ID Sign - Front Elevation NOT TO SCALE alum. tubing frame welded to sign panel paint pms 449 3” sq. alum. tubing framepaint fin. pms 449 - extend3’ for direct barrial Ground Parking ID decorative graphic bandin vinyl to match pms 449apply on two sides A B2 - Parking ID Sign - End View B2.1 Low Emitting & Fuel Efficient Vehicle Parking Panel NOT TO SCALEB EXTERIOR 17 B2.1 - 2Drawing: Date: Client: 3” provide properconcrete mix andwire rods reinforcementfor direct barrial methodper local engineering Notes EXTERIOR SIGNAGE &WAYFINDING: These drawings outline the design intent and basic specifications for the aloft brand sign package. These sign drawings are not to be used for construction. Sign fabricators are to produce final, owner/city approved shop drawings "for-build" and if necessary, structural engineering by a state licensed engineer. All sign drawings and sign construction are subject to local governing codes and zoning laws. Materials, finishes, electrical and construction methods that may alter the sign design must be approved by Starwood / aloft brand development. Project: LOW EMITTING & FUEL EFFICIENTVEHICLESONLY LOW EMITTING & FUEL EFFICIENT VEHICLESONLY ELECTRICVEHICLECHARGINGSTATION 22”56-1/2”16” B2.2 Handicap Parking Panel2-1/2”5”2”EQ 18” EQ 22”3”1/2”10”3”3” 18”1-1/4”1-1/4”1”2”text/graphics to be white vinylon center left/right apply one side .090 alum. sign panel secured to cleats with set tamper proof screwsand neoprene layer painted pms 7490 3” SectionView Detail1 alum 3” square tubing with welded cleats tosecure sign panel - cuttop to align/match signpanel angle18” 1-1/2” 1 HANDICAPPED PARKING ONLY 1-1/2”B2.4 Car Pool Parking Only Parking Panel CAR POOL PARKINGONLY 18”1-1/2”TYP.22”5”3”1/2”B2.5 Van Pool Parking Only Parking Panel VAN POOLPARKING ONLY 18”22”18”22”18”22”B2.3 Vehicle Charging Panel 62”2/23/073/21/075/16/079/06/073/15/08 01/15/0905/15/0905/15/1007/15/1004/15/1112/15/13 Examples of Exempt Directional / Incidental Signage 294 B3 - Parking Notice Sign - Front Elevation NOT TO SCALE alum. tubing frame welded to sign panel paint pms 449 3” sq. alum. tubing framepaint fin. pms 449 - extend3’ for direct barrial Ground Self Parking &Valet Parking Notices decorative graphic bandin vinyl to match pms 449apply on two sides A B3 - Parking Notice Sign - End View B3.1 Self Park Notice NOT TO SCALEB EXTERIOR 18 B3.1 - 2Drawing: Date: Client: 3” provide properconcrete mix andwire rods reinforcementfor direct barrial method 55”Notes EXTERIOR SIGNAGE &WAYFINDING: These drawings outline the design intent and basic specifications for the aloft brand sign package. These sign drawings are not to be used for construction. Sign fabricators are to produce final, owner/city approved shop drawings "for-build" and if necessary, structural engineering by a state licensed engineer. All sign drawings and sign construction are subject to local governing codes and zoning laws. Materials, finishes, electrical and construction methods that may alter the sign design must be approved by Starwood / aloft brand development. Project:28”49-1/2”18” EQ 21” EQ 28”2-1/2”2-1/2”B3.2 Valet Park Notice2-1/2”1/2”EQ 21” EQ 28”2-1/2”1/2”12”3”3” 21”1-1/4”1-1/4”1”2”.090 alum. sign panel secured to cleats withset tamper proof screwsand neoprene layer painted pms 7490 3” SectionView Detail1 alum 3” square tubing with welded cleats to secure sign panel - cut top to align/match signpanel angle 21”1-1/2”1 SELF-PARK NOTICE THIS CONTRACT LIMITS OUR LIABILITY.IF YOU CHOOSE TO PARK HERE YOU ACCEPT THE TERMS THAT ARE PRINTED ON THIS SIGN. You agree to use this parking facility at your sole risk. We are granting you only a license to park; no bailment is created. The owners and operators of this parking facility are not liable, under any circumstances whatsoever (including their negligence or the negligence of their employees), for loss or damage to your vehicle or its contents. The parking attendant, if any, is on duty for collection of fees only and does not ensure the security of your vehicle or its contents. YOU AGREE TO INSPECT YOUR VEHICLE AND NOTIFY A PARKING ATTENDANT OF ANY DAMAGE BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE PREMISES. IF YOU DO NOT PROVIDE SUCH WRITTEN NOTICE, IT SHALL BE IRREFUTABLY PRESUMED THAT THE DAMAGE OCCURRED WHILE YOUR VEHICLE WAS NOT ON OUR PROPERTY. Please remove all valuablesand lock your vehicle. text to be white vinylon center left/right apply one side 2/23/073/21/075/16/079/06/073/15/08 One StarpointStamford, CT 06902 01/15/0905/15/0905/15/1007/15/1004/15/1112/15/13 SELF-PARK NOTICE THIS CONTRACT LIMITS OUR LIABILITY.IF YOU CHOOSE TO PARK HERE YOU ACCEPT THE TERMS THAT ARE PRINTED ON THIS SIGN. You agree to use this parking facility at your sole risk. We are granting you only a license to park; no bailment is created. The owners and operators of this parking facility are not liable, under any circumstances whatsoever (including their negligence or the negligence of their employees), for loss or damage to your vehicle or its contents. The parking attendant, if any, is on duty for collection of fees only and does not ensure the security of your vehicle or its contents. YOU AGREE TO INSPECT YOUR VEHICLE AND NOTIFY A PARKING ATTENDANT OF ANY DAMAGE BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE PREMISES. IF YOU DO NOT PROVIDE SUCH WRITTEN NOTICE, IT SHALL BE IRREFUTABLY PRESUMED THAT THE DAMAGE OCCURRED WHILE YOUR VEHICLE WAS NOT ON OUR PROPERTY. Please remove all valuablesand lock your vehicle. VALET-PARK NOTICE THIS CONTRACT LIMITS OUR LIABILITY.IF YOU CHOOSE TO PARK HERE YOU ACCEPT THE TERMS THAT ARE PRINTED ON THIS SIGN. If you choose to use this parking facility or our valet services, as partial consideration for such use, (a) you assume all risk of loss or damage arising from using this parking facility or our valet services, and (b) you waive all claims against the owners and operators of this parking facility for loss or damage to your vehicle and its contents (including loss or damage caused by our negligence or the negligence or our employees). If your vehicle or its contents are damaged or destroyed while in our possession and control (for example, while your vehicle is parked in our lot or is being driven by a valet), we are not liable for your loss, even if your loss is caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employee. No employee or agent may alter or enlarge our liability hereunder. YOU AGREE TO INSPECT YOUR VEHICLE AND NOTIFY A PARKING ATTENDANT OF ANY DAMAGE BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE PREMISES. IF YOU DO NOT PROVIDE SUCH WRITTEN NOTICE, IT SHALL BE IRREFUTABLY PRESUMED THAT THE DAMAGE OCCURRED WHILE YOUR VEHICLE WAS NOT ON OUR PROPERTY. Please remove all valuablesand lock your vehicle. Examples of Exempt Directional / Incidental Signage 295 natural species tall grass Tall grass around sign base as planter element to be specified by landscape architect. All work to be coordinated with installation of planter and supplied by others Brand Icon/Letters complimentary materials font Exterior Signage Standards dark brown/green grass green color option 1- preferred color palette used in signage All signage colors at each propertyshall be consistent in color Please note, these are not the element brandcolors for the logo. A complimentary color palettehas been developed here to best compliment the logo colors, day/night legibility effectiveness and overall site applications PANTONE416 C toupe MP #20356 brown met.(Matthews Paint)MP #20147 toupe met.(Matthews Paint)MP #23395 green met.(Matthews Paint) PANTONE7490 CPANTONE449 C PMS 7490 CPMS 449 C color option 2 PMS 416 CPMS 449 C 02 Futura DemiATT ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 The above logo proportions are for exterior signage only.For collateral, interior signage, and other use of the elementlogo, see Brand Standards. Icon to appear in white in all exterior brand signage,using white translucent acrylic or fabricated alum,painted white depending on application. Always use the typography for element and thecorresponding tagline ‘By Westin’ as shown. Any local requirements to create another sign ormodify the above depiction for exterior signageshall follow Brand Standards and must be approved by Starwood Hotels. Vector artwork of the logo /copy & graphics used in signageis available on Starwood Document Center. Typography andColor Palette / MaterialsUsed in Signage EXTERIOR TCM - 1.0Drawing: Date: Client: Notes EXTERIOR SIGNAGE &WAYFINDING: These drawings outline the design intent and basic specifications for the aloft brand sign package. These sign drawings are not to be used for construction. Sign fabricators are to produce final, owner/city approved shop drawings "for-build" and if necessary, structural engineering by a state licensed engineer. All sign drawings and sign construction are subject to local governing codes and zoning laws. Materials, finishes, electrical and construction methods that may alter the sign design must be approved by Starwood / aloft brand development. Project: 2/23/073/21/075/16/079/06/073/15/08 01/15/0905/15/0905/15/1007/15/1004/15/1112/15/13 One Starpoint Stamford, CT 06902 296