HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 17- 484, Amends Section 1, Ordinance 477 and Repeals Ordinance 476 which Amended Ordinance 445 I I I .... I I ........ · t'-... ~' t'-- =~ c:-> .~ ........ c...) -'" . '. ....'". ) V") Cor) ~ == c:.. ,.) ~:'J ~ ~ '. ~~ c:L:> c..,j ~ ~ ... <:::> \ ~ ~ d1 a=1 C:.') c.....,) ,.~~ r:;j e:..J. . ..... . "t.:. . l ' ~ <.:::> t;:~, .., ~ "'= c........ -n:J c .~ G' =::a 1 ~ 135 o R DIN A N C E NO. 484. AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION OUE O:B; ORDIHAIWE NUMBER 477 OF THE CITY OF BOZEUUJi ENTITLED "AN EMERG~iCY ORDINANCE RhGULATING THE USE OF VEHICLES UPON THE. PUBLIC STR~E~S,OF 7HE CITY OF BOZEMA11, PROVIDING PENAL7IES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE AND REPEALING ORDINANCE no. 476 OF THE CITY'OF BOZEMAN EBTITLED, "All ORDINANCE .A.Ml!lliDING SECTIOH SIX OF ORDI11ANCE NO. 445 OJ!' THE C~,TY OJ!'BB&.iMAN ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE RBGULATING TRAm, AND TRAFFIC UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN", AlWPROVIDIlW PENALTIES FOR THE VI04ATION OF THIS ORDIUANCE". BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 01 TY OF BO ZEWUI. MONTANA: ( Repealed byOrdinanc8 Ho. 4L?c; That Seotion One of Ordinance No. 477 of the Ci~ Section 1. Bozeman, Montana, entitled, "An emergency ordi~ance regulating the use of vehi'cles upon the publiC streets of the City of Bo~eman ,~' providing penal ties for the violation of this ordinance and repealing Ordinatlce No. 476 of the, . , " Oity of Bozeman, entitled "An ordinance amending seotion six of ordinance No. 445 of the Oity of Bozeman entftled, "An ordtnance regulating traveland traffic upon the public streets of the Oity of Bozeman, and providing penal,ties for tl:e violation of this ordlnsnoe" " be 'and the same is hereby - amended to read as follows: "Seotion 1. No person shall hereafter, o,~~~ate ordri ve or permit to be operated or dri!en any vehicle of anY. op$racter, over, upon or across any street or part thereof in the Gity of Bozeman, Montana, at a rate of .; speed greater than twenty (aO) miles per h,our, nor on or across any part of Main Street in the 01 ty of Bozeman, at, srate of speedgre,~ter than , , fifteen :f;15) miles per hour, nor by any sohoolbuilding in said Oi ty of Bozeman at a rate of speed. greater than ten',t'i1;O) ,\:lI1iles per hour". ; ~ . ,Seotion 2. Any person violating $ri:y,'()fth~ provisions of this 1,:;,1 Ordinance shall. upon conviction thereof, ~,'~ls~ed,;;by a fine of Ten Dollars ($10.00) for the first offe~ee'. and. by' a finetl',e,I' not less than .- ."",,,1 '. "'~"",:,,; Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) and not'more than' One Hij,bf,it_dDollars for each ,-- , subsequent offense, or shall be,p1ln1sbed'by Imprtsonment in the Oity Jail fora periOd not exceeding thirty'days. or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 3. Whereas, it is immediately nec9ssa,rY. for the preser- vatioD of the safety of the school children of the'.'(U lY of Bozeman that regulations be provided governing the speed of vehic~eBwhen passing school J... buildings in said city, therefore an emergency is hereby declared to exist, '# ~1 and this ordinance shall take effect-and be in full force immediately upon the passage and approval thereof and said ordinanoe is hereby speCifically declared t~ be an emergency ordinance/ '~ -484- Passed this 20th d~yof Decembe1:", 1917, ,.,. :'......11" i" :'\:< ~"."f' ': ~ ~ ,.,~; '+, ~', ~.. .." Approved this 20th day 6f December, 1917. I L. W. Truitt Mayor. . c. A. S'Pieth, Oity Clerk. ;~: SEAL. The Stat.e of Montana, ) : S'B. County of Gallatin. ) I I, a.A. Spieth, Oity Clerk of tt6 City of Bozeman, spid County and State, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is the original of Ordinance No. 484 of the City of Bozeman; that said Ordinance was passed by the Oi ty Council of Bozeman, 'said County and state, on the 20th day of December, 1917, and approved by the Mayor; that true and oorrect oopies of said Ordinance no. 484 were posted, One eaoh in the following named places: City Hall, Ellis Brandley & Co., Old C~lrier Building, Bon Ton Bakery, andConrier Building Bulletin Boards. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the Oity of Bozeman, Montana, this 18th day of January, A.D. 1918. I c. A. Spieth . City Clerk. SEAL. I I