HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 17- 482, Regulates Certain Amusement Enterprises and Prohibiting Female Employees " , '......'... .....7~.i.." ,"lrh 'Jr'~C"- 131 I o R DIN A N C E NO. 4 8 2. AN ORDINANCE REGULATINrr CERTAIN AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISES IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN AND PROHIBITING THE EMPLOYMENT OF FEMALES I LJ OR ABOUT THE SAME. BE IT ORDAJ:NED BY THE C1TY COUUCIL OF THE C I T'y OF BO ZEMAll,' MOll TAUA : Section 1. That from and after the passage and approval of this I Ordinance, it shall be unlawful f'or any proprietor, keeper, manager, con- / ductor Or person having the control of any public shooting gallery, billiard or pool hall, ten pin or other alley, or anY public amusement enterprise wherein slot machines, doll racks. or the like, or striking or lifting scales are operated, to procure or employ for hire or gain any female in or about any of the public places herein named, or t01permit any female to wait, loiter obout or otherwise exhibit herself about any of said pUblic places. Seotion 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this I Ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof. be punished by a fine of not lese than Ten ($10.00) Dollars nor more 'than Two H~dred ($200.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment in the Oity jail for not to exceed thirty (30) days, or by both. such fine and imprisonment. Each day's oontinued violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall constitute a separate and dis- tinot offense subject to like punishment. Passed this 4th day of Ootober, 1917. Approved this 4th day.of October, 1917. I L. W. Truitt Mayor. Attest: C. A. Spieth City Clerk. SEAL . I- l,. ~:" - 482 - The state of Montana, County of Gallatin. ) : SSe ) I I, C. A. Spieth, City Clerk of the City of Bozeman, Said Gounty and State, do hereby certify that the above and fore- going is the original of Ordinanoe NO..482 of the City of Bozeman; that said Ordinanoe was passed by the CityCounoil of Bozeman, said County and State, on the 4th day of Ootober, A.D., 1917, and approved by the Mayor; that true and correct copies of said Ordinance No. 482 were posted, one eaoh in the following named plaoes: City Hall, Ellis Brandley & Co., Old Courier Building, Bon Ton Bakery, and Courier Building Bulletin Boards. IN WI~NESS WHERBOJ, I have hereunto set my hand'and,affixed the Seal of the City of Bozeman, Montana, this 6th'day of October, A.D., 1917. I c. A. Spieth, . City Clerk. SEAL. I I I