HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 17- 481, Regulates Dance Houses I o R DIN A N C E NO. 4 8 1. ,N) ~ AD ORDINANCE REGULATING DANCE HOUSES, A~D PROHIBITING THE 1 MAINTENANCE OF DANCE HOUSES, DANCE HALLS AllD ROOMS FOR THE conDUCT ..,,~ OF PUBLIC DANCING, WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF T:H.E CITY OF BOZEMAN, MOIUrAliA, WHLN ^ OPERATED IU CONNECTION WITH RESTAURANTS, CAfES, \' conFECTIONERY STORES, DEDIUTESSEB STORES AND ICE CREAl1RDLORS, ",v\~ AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCb. "... I,J ,J ,J '\:, BE IT ORDAn~ED BY Tllli CITY counCIL OF THE I . C'\ 0,. '.\"j~ 1 \ ~ i ., h \:--- ..,.,) Seotion 1. CITY OF BOZEMAN, M01ITANA: That R~~W~J' ~ ~~s::::~ approval ! i .'~',q of this Ordinance, it shall be unlawful for ani persen or persons, firm, oompany .or oorporation to oonduct, operate or maintain, or permit to be conduoted, operated or maintained any dance house, dance hall or room wherein public 4ancing is nermitted to be ~eld,when adjaoent to or in oonneotion with or . as a part of any public restaurant, oafe, confeotionery store, delioatessen I store or ice cream parlor within the corporate limits of the D1ty of I Bozeman, Montana. Seotion 2. Any person or persons, firm, ooml1sny or oor'Poration who shall conduct, operate or maintain or permit to be conducted, operated or maintained any dance house, dance hall or room for the oonduat of dancing mentioned in Seotion 1 of this Ordinanoe, shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this Ordinance and upon oonviotion thereof, shall be punished for each separate offense by a, fine of not lees than Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollurs, and not more than Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars, or by imprison- I ment .in the City jail of the City of Bozeman, for not to exceed thirty (30) ~ I days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day that any of suoh establishments are oonduoted, shall constitute a separate and distinct offense,snd shall be subject to like punishment. This Ordinance shall take effeot and be in full foroe in thirty (30) days from and 'after its -passage and approval. Passed $eptember 20, 1917. Approved September 20, 1~17. L. W. Truitt Kayor. Attest: I y,'~ C. A. Snieth, City Clerk. SEAI,. -481- The State of Montana, County of Gallatin. ) : 88. ) I I, C. A. Spieth, Oity Clerk of the City of Bozeman. said County and S~ate, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is the original of Ordinance No. 481 of the Oity of" Bozeman; tLat said Ordinance was passed by the Qitydounoil of Bozeman, said Oounty and State on the 20th , day of September, A.D., 1917, and approved by the Mayor; that true and correct oopie~ of said Ordinanoe No. 481 were posted, one eaoh in the following named plaoes; 01 ty Hall, Ellis Brandley & Co'., Old Courier Building, Bon Ton Bakery, and Courier BuildinR Bulletin Boards. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal , . of tl:e City of Bozeman, Montana, this 2lst day of September, A.D., 1917. I C. A. S-pieth Gity Clerk. SEAL. I I I