HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 17- 480, Regulates Construction, Alteration, Maintenance, Etc., of Buildings and Prescribes Fire Limits and Repeals Ordinance 398 as Amended by Ordinance 430. and Repeals Ordinance 410
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Section l.
The Mayor sh,all, at the time of apPointing other city
officers, apPoint an Ins'Pector of 3uildings, whose term of office shall
be two years, or until his successor is appointed and qualified; but, if at
any time such Inspector proves to be incompetent, dishonest or in any way
unsuited to the office, he may be removed by the Mayor or City Council, and
upon such removal the Mayor shall appoint an Inspector to fill the unexpired
Such Inspector shall be a practical builder or arcLitect, who has
been engaged in the active duties of his occupation for at least ten years.
Section 2.
$25.00 per month.
Section 3.
The.lnspector of Buildings shall receive a salary of
He shall, before he enters upon the duties of his office,
take and subscribe an oath before the City Clerk, to faithfully and im-
partially execute the duties of his office, and shall give a bond in the
sum of One Thousand Dollars, with two or more sufficient sureties, to be
ap~roved by the City Council, conditioned for the faithful performance of
his duties.
He shall keep a~ office at the City Hall, or at such other
place as shall,be furnished at the expense of the City.
Section 4.
It shall be the duty of said Inspector to keep a'record
of all permits issued, whieh shall be regularly numbered in t'he order of their
Also, a record, showing the number, description and size of every
building erected in the city durinR his term of office; of what material
construdted, the aggregate of the number, kind and cost of all buildinp;s,
and the sanitary condition of all bUildin"'s.
It shall be the duty of said Inspector, upon bein~ served with a
notice requiring him to vi si t, and inspect a building, upon, or in which"
work is being done I under ~ny of tree provisions of this Ordinance I to dO so.,
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It shall be the duty of the Inspeotor to sign all certifioates, per-
mits, and notioes required to be issued under this Ordinance; to make oom-
plaint of all violations thereof to the Police Court of the City of Bozeman.
To keep in proper books for the purpose, a reRleter of all transactions
of said office, and to submit to the City Council a monttly statement in
detail of all such transactions.
Fees for permits issued by the Inspector shall be as follows:
For each building or structure, costing from $25.00 to $500.00, a
fee of $1~00 shall be charged therefor.
The fee for any work costing 'from '$500.00 to ~l,OOO.GO, a fee of
$1.50 shall be charged therefor, and f07 each.$11~VQ0.00 Or fractional part
thereof, an additional fee of 25~ ahall be charged therefor.,
The,fee for a moving,permit for a building where anyone or more
o~ the streets Bre occupied and used for such moving, a charge of $5.00 shall
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be made therofor, and any person or persons operating under a moving permit
shall be held liable for ~ny damage to streets, alleys, cross walks, vlires,
or any other property whatsoever.
The fee for a permit to install any furnace, heating or power plant,
a charge of $1.00 shall be made therefor, excepting eleotricpower.
Any permit that has been obtained under a misrepresentation as to
the approximate cost, or on failure to execute such work in accordance with
the application, vIans and spectfications, shall constitute a violation of
this Ordinance and the permit so issu&d shall be ,null and void.
The Inspector shall examine all buildings upon, or in which work is
bein~ done, under the provisions of this 0rdinance, as ~ften as practica~le,
an~ make a record of all violations, if any, of the several provisions of
this Ordinance, together with the street and number where such violations
are found, name of tte owner, lessee, occupant, architect and builder, and
all other matters relative thereto.
It shall be the duty of the Inspector to examine all buildings
reported dangerous, or damaged by fire or accident, and to make a record
of such examination, including the nature 6:f such damage, vii th the name of
the street and the number of such building, and the name of the ovmer, and
to examine all building-s under application to be moved, raised, enlarged,
altered or built upon, if considered neoessary, and to make a record of
the condition of the same.
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Said records shall always be open to the inspection of the public.
Section 5.
The Inspector is hereby given authority to enter any buil-.
ding in the City of Bozeman in the performance of his duties, und to order
and compel the suspension of any work being done in violation of the pro-
visions of this Ordinance, and to prohibit the use of any material or the
maintenance or operation of Bny machin~ry in violation of the provisions of
this Ordinance, and no person shall continue the construction of any build-
ing,.or use anY,material in or about any building, after said Inspector
of Buildinf!'s has directed, in wJ;'iting, the suspension thereof.
Section 6.
The Inspector of Buildin~s shall not, during his term of
office, be emploYQd or engaged, directly or indirectly, in any builqing
business, qr enter into any contract for building for others, or for furnish-
ing material for buildings for others.
Section 7.
No wall, structure, bill board, building, or part
thereof, platform or staging, shall hereafter be erected, unless it be suf-
ficiently stron~ for the purpose intended, end also in\strict.conformity
to the provisions of this ordinance. No building already erected, or
hereafter erected, shall be raised, altered, moved or built upon in any
manI1;er that ,vould be in violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance,
or of the permit iosued thereunder.
Any existing frame building within the fire limits, which may here-
after be damaged, by fire, decay or otherwise to an amount greater than
one-quarter of its present value, exclusive of the foundution, shall not
be repaired or rebuilt, but shall be removed.
Section 8.
No work or repairs shall be done upon any structure,
buildine or shed in the City of Bozeman, except as hereinafter mentioned,
without a permit from the Inspector of 3uildings.
Section 9.
Before proceeding with the erection, enlargement,
alteration, repair or removal of an7 building in the City of Bozeman, a
permit for such erection, enlargement, alteration, repair or re moval,
shall first be obtained by the owner or owners, or his or their agent,
from the Inspector of Buildings, and it shall be unlawful to comm~nce or
proceed with the erection, enlargement, alteration, repair or removal of
any building', or structural part thereof, ,vi thin the O-i ty of Bozeman, unless
such permit shall first have been obtained from the Inspector of Buildings,
or as hereinafter provided.
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When any person or persons shall. be desirous o:f' erectThg, repairing,
changing or altering, or moving any building or structure within the limits
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of the suid City, he, or they,shall make applioation at the office of the
Inspector of Buildings, for a permit for that purpose,.and shall furnish
said Inspector with a written statement, upon a blank form furnished by
said Inspector for that purpose, together with the plans and specifications
of the same, when rer;uired, which shall be delivered to the Inspector of
Buildings, and shall rema~in,his custody a sufficient length of time to
allow the necessary examination to be made of the same, after which, if it
shall appear to said Inspector th\t the laws and ordinances of such City
are, and are contemplated to be, complied with, he shall grant such permit.
, ~
If the said Inspector shall so resuire, copies of said plans and specifi-
cations shall be filed in his office until the completion of tLe building
or structure in question, and no ownerj architect, builder or other person
shall make any change in any of such plans or specifications, or in the
structural parts of any such repairs, buildings, or alterations, for which
a permit has been granted, without the consent of the Inspector of Buildings.
Section 9A.
,All buildings which may hereafter be cons tructed or
moved upon any lot or lots in the City of Bozeman shall be placed not less
than twenty-five feet back from the front property line Of said lot or lots,
provided, however, that in case any building shall be erected or moved
upon any lot or lots in any block upon which one or more bu.i Idinp.:s have
already been erected, such building shall be constructed 'the same distance
back from the front property line as the nearest adjacent building: in such
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Section 10.
Repairs of buildin~s or structures, the cos~of which
will not exceed twenty-five dollars, may be made without notice to the.
Inspector of Buildings, but such repairs shall not be construed to include
the cuttinp away of any stone or brick wall, or any portion thereof, the
removal or cutting of any beam or support, or the removal, chan~e or closing
of any staircase, or the construction or change of.any chimney.
IJ othing in
this section shall be construed to prevent the Inspector of Building's from
granting a permit for the erection of any part of a bUilding, or any part
of a structure, ~here the plans and detained statements of suid building
or structure have been presented for the same before the entire plans and
detailed statement,s of st:id builclinf,' or structure have been submitted.
RO~JGbj by OrJ}:~J:~~a i:Or~.'~".,~iI'
Any permit which maybe issued by the Inspector of 3uildings pursuant
to the provisions of this section but under which no work is commenced
within one year from the time of issuance, shall expire by limitation.
Section 11.
Whenever required by the InsTIector of Buildin~s, the
architect (if none, the b1lilder), shall state on the plans, or in'the
specifications, what each floor is designed to oarry as a safe load per
superficial foot of floor area.
Section 12.
In case piers are faced with pressed brick, they must
be so laid as to nave full bearing of mortar under the entire surface of
each of the pressed bricks.
~he laying of pressed brick in piers, merely
with the ,joint around the outer edge of the brick, shalll,e unlawful.
Scction 1;:->.
Cap-stones not less than seven (7) inches in thickness,
or iron plates, pronortioned in either C8ee to the weight to be carried,
and of the full size of the pier, shall be set.under all columns or girders
bearing on said piers.
~he walls of all brick buildings shall be of the
thickness not less than the following'table.
Outside Party Rubble Brick 1st. 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
and Basement Basement Story story Story Story dtory Story
Divieion Walls I
One Stor~{ 18 12 l2
Two Story 20 16 l2 12
Three Story 20 16 16 12 12
F 0 J..U' Story 25 20 16 'l6 12 12
J!1ivc Story 30 24 20 lc 16 l2 12
Six' Stor;'7 30 24 20 20 16 16. 12 12
Section 14.
It shall be unlawful to construct any brick or s:tone
veneered build~n?!' for any purpoce within the fire limits of tLe City of
Bozeman, and no such building shall be constructed at any place within
said City over one story in height, including gables.
Section l5.
All basement or foundation wialls not resting on solid
stone, shall have footings to extend at least six inches on either side,
of the wall, and not less than eight inches in thickness, for buildings
three (3) stories and over in height.
This footing shall be of flagsd;:ane
or cement concrete, and in all CBses shall be proportioned to tte sustaining
~alue of the soil.
Concrete for reinforced concrete construction shall consist of a
wet mixture of one part of Portland cement to not more t: an six parts of
a~gregate, fine and coarse, in such proportions as to produce the
greatest density.
Section 16.
'Rep~JbJ by Ordinance Nn '6 b :L
Hollow blocks of t~rra cot-l'a or cqn!~eLt:J..iJhlM!ll.U6Eid,"for
bearing walls shall have not more than 50% of qellular space.
cement only shall be used in the manufacture of concre.te blocks. The
Qoarse aggregate ,shall be of suitable material graded in size, b~t in no
case shall the maximum dimension exceed one half the minimum width of any
section of the finished block.
Concrete blocks shall not be used in
construction until they have attained the age of 28 days, or developed the
strength reruired in this section.
Portland cement mortar.
All building blocks shall be laid in
~he compressive stren~th of building blocks shall in all cases be
calculated upon the Rross area of the bedding face.s, ho account being taken
of the cellular spaces.
'::he average ultimate compressive strength for
terra cotta blocks laid with cells vertical shall be not less than 1,200
pound.s per square inch; the average for concrete blocks laid with cells
vertical shall be not less than 800 pounds per square inch.
Concrete blocks
shall be not more than 36 days old when ,tested.
The aver~ge strength of
the blocks as here given shall be obtained by testing ten blocks of average
The allowable working stress of hollow building blocks shall not exceed
100 pounds per square inch of gross area for terr~ cotta blocks, or 75
pounds per squarG inch of gross Srea for concrete blocks. If a wall be
built of blocks with the cells horizontal, the allowable working stress shall
not exceed 30 pounds per square inch of gross area.
Section l7.
Hard burned hollow brick may be used for the inside
course of walls for buildings, when well bonded into the solid brick walls,
and may be included in the measurement of the thickness of such walls,
provided, ~owever, that the strength of the walls so built, shall be suf-
ficient to properly support the dead and live loads they may have to sust'ain.
.Section 18.
In all cases where a wall i~ finished with a stone
cornice, the ~reatest weight of material of such cornice shall firmly
balance upon the wall.
Section 19.
All heading courseS shall be of good, hard, perfect
brick, provided, however, that if the face brick are of such shape and size
that it is not practicable to bond them as above required, then a metal bond
shall be used, of a make, size and patte~n approved by the Inspector of
Buildings, such metal bonds to be put in,at least every fifth (5th) course,
one (1) bond to each face brick in said fifth course, and closer when
required by the Inspector of Buildings.
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Section 20.
Floor beams or joists shall have a bearing
of at least
four inches at each end.
Section 21.
The butts or ends of all floor beams and rafters enter-
in? a brick wall shall be cut on a p18~ of four inches in their width..
The ends of all floor, ceilinR, or roof beams, entering a party or
fire wall from opposite sides, shall be &eparated by at least 8 inches
of solid masonry.
Such separation may be obtained by corbelinf' the wall.
or staggering the beams, or the beams may be sl~ported by steel wall hangers,
but no wall shall be corbeled more than 2 inches fOD this purpose.
The ends of all ~ooden beams which enter wolls shall be cut to a bevel to make
them self -releasing.
Section 22.
Every trimmer or header more tr:an four feet long ,
used in floors of any buildings, except in dwellings, shall be hung in
stirrup irons of suitable strength for the wei~ht to be supported.
All wooden girders shall extend not less than eight inches onto
or into wall.
All floor beams, joists a~id headers shall be kept at least one inch
clear of arlY wall enclosing a fire flue or chimney-breast.
All rubble masonry work shall be thoroughly bonded wi. th three-
quarter or full bond.
Led~es will be permitted to support joists or beams, but shall be of
sufficient strenp'th to carry the load hnposed U:ereon.
Section 23. ~o opening in an interior masonry wall shall exceed
8 feet by 10 feet. If the openinf be in a party or fire wall it shall
have a standard automatic fire door on each side of the wall.
If an
openin~ in a fire wall is made to serve as an emergency exit, it shall
not exceed 48 square feet in area, and a self-closing fire door shall be
substituted for one of the automatic fire doors.
The total openings
in a fire wall shall not exceed 25% in linear length o~ the wall..
Every building within the fire limits, except churches, dwellingst
tenement houses, dormitorie~, and lOdging,hOU~es~shail have standard
fire doors, shutters, or wired elass in incombustible .frames and scsh
on every exterior opening above the first story, except when fronting
on a street not less than 35 feet wide, or where no other building is
within 35 feet of such openin~.
The wall of a building in the same
plane 8S that in which the onening is situated, shall not be considered
as coming within the intent of this rule.
All openings in the side and
rear walls of the first story, except show windo~s, shall be protected
as nrescribed in this section when within 35 feet of another buildinr.
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All windows more than 75 feet above the curb shall have incom-
bustible frames and sash glazed with wired glass.
Oocupants of buildings shall close all exterior and interior fire
doors, shutters, and windows at the close of business each day.
Section 24.
In all buildings hereafter erected, whioh are 11se4
above the first floor for business purposes or for public assemblage,
or for any purpose ,whatever if over three stories high, except.private
dwellings, the stoir shafts shall be separately and continuously enclosed
by incombustible parti~ions.
Elevator shafts in all buildin~s hereafter
erected shall be enolosed in the same manner. ~he partitions shall be
oonstructed of brick or other fire-res1$tive mat~rial approved)by the
Chief of Fire Department or other designated official, and all mortar
used in the construction shall be oement mortar.
No suoh hollow partition
shall be leas than 6 inohes thick, no brick partition less than 8 inches
thick, and no other sol~d partition less than 4 inches thick.
bxcept as herein stated, the stair, elevator, or hoistway shafts
in all existing buildings over two stories high, of the class described
in this seotion, shall be separately enclosed by incombustible partitions
as above specified; or the shafts may be enclosed by approved hollow or
solid partition blocks not less than 3 inches thick, set in Eortland
cement mortar; or by 4~inch stud partitions, covered on each side with
nbt less than 3/4 inch of Portland oement plaster on metal lath; or by
2-inch solid metal lath and Portland cement plaster partitions. '::he
metal framework of such partitions shall be securely fastened to both
floor and ceiling.
Ali lath used for suet partitions shall be of gal-,
vanized steel weighing not less than 54 ounces per square yard.
Wire lath shall be not less than No. 20 guage, Dnd sheet metal lath not
less than No. 24 guage.
All such partitions erected in existing
buildin~s shall be fire-stopped with incombustible material the full
depth of the floor beams at each floor level.
All door openings in stair and elevator enclosures shall be pro-
tected by fire doors mounted with wrought iron or steel h~~dware, and
shall be securely attached to the wallar partition, or to substantial
incombustible frames anchored thereto. If glass\panels be used in such
doors, they shall be of wired glass not exceeding 720 square inches in
Interior shaft windows shall not be permitted.
Doors onening into 'stairw~~ shafts shall swing in the direction
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of exit travel, shall be eelf-dTtlsing, and shall be at least 36 inches
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The enolosure walls for all ele~ator shafts shall extend at least 3
feet above the roof, and at least three-fourths of the area shall be
covered with a skylight constructed as specified in Seotion 25.
If in the opinion of the Chief of Jnre lJep"crtment, or other designated
official, it is necessary to preserve an open elevator or hoistway in
existing buildin~s, the floor openings through which they pass shall be
equipped with automatioally olosing trap doors not less than It inches thick,
made of two thicknesses of motched boards, covered on the under side with tin;
the trap doors when closed, shall extend beyond tre openings on all sides.
Such trap doors shall be protected by a substantial guard or gate, which shall
be kept closed at all times except when in actual use.
Section 25.
Where a stairway, elevator, or dumb-waiter shaft,
extends through the roof and is covered by a ~kylight, the skylight shall
be constructed with incombustible frame and sash, glozed with ordinary
thin glass, and shall be protected by a galvanized steel wire screen with
a mesh not exceeding one inch, and the wire not smaller than lIo. 12 guage.
The screen shall have ~etal supports and be nlaced not less than 6 inches "
above\the skyligh~. Instead of a skylight, c window may be placed in the
side of the sYaft above the roof which is farthest removed from a property
~he window shall have incombustible frame and sash, and be glazed
wi th thiu glass.
Section 26.
At each floor level in all buildings ~ereafter erected,
all stud walls, partitions, furrings and spaces b,-tween joists where they
rest on division walls or partitions, shall be fire-stopped in a manner to
completely cut 9ff cOllll!}ut;~tion~ b;V' fire tl:rouRh Q.oncealed. sp~ces. .
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;:;uch fire-stoppinp: shall exten~alYoveeach floor level. Stair carriages
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shall be fire-stopped at least once in the middle portion of each run.
Section 27.
All clothes chutes, dumb-waiters Bud all small chutes,
for any purposes shall be built of incombustible material.
Section 28.
Hereafter, it shall be the duty of architects and
owners of buildinRs erected within the City of Bozeman to provide suitable
halls or exits to fire escapes for all buildinrs TIhere fire escapes are
Section 29.
All builci.inp's in the City of Bozeman, over one; story in
height, except buildings used exclusively as private residences, shall be
provided with metallic fire escapes extending from a point ten (10) feet
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from the level of the street to and \above,
and on the outer walls thereof. provided,
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the roofs of such buildings,
however, that wooden stajrway
. -
fire excapes may, in the discretion of the Building Inspector, be permitted
to be used on two-story buildings.
And the Inspector of Buildings is hereby authorized to notify and
compel the ovmer, lessee, or occupant of any such building, to erect such
fire escapes as he mey determine are necessary for the protection and
safety of the occupants of such buildings.
After such determination by said Inspector of Buildings, he may,
at any time, by notice in writing, served upon the owner, lessee, or occu-
pant nf any such building, by leaving with such owner, lessee, or occupant,
or at his or their residence or place of business, a copy of such notice,
requirin~ such owner, lessee or occupant, or either of them, to cause
such metallic fire e~cape or fire escapes to be placed upon such building
within thirty (30) days after the service of such notice.
In case such owner, lessee or occupant, or either of them, so served
with notice as aforesaid, stall not, within ttirty (30) days after the
service of such notice, upon h1m or them, place or cause to be placed,
such metallic fire escape or fire escapes upon such building, as required
by this Section and the terms of such notice, he or they, or either of
them, shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of not less
than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars (~lOO.OO)
and to a further fine of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each additional week
of such noglect to comply with such notice after the expiration of tLirty
(30) days from the service of the s~me.
No person shall place any obstruction.upon any fire escape, and it
shall be the duty of any owner, lessee, or occupant of any building, to
kee~ the fire escapes thereon free and clear of any and all ice, snow,
and anything whatsoever which would obstruct or endanger the free and
immediate use of such fire escapes in case of fire.
~ny and all openings or doors leading to any fire escapes shall
not be locked, and all such openin?s or doors, shall be lighted by red
lights of not less than four (40 candle power, each and every night from
dark to dayligtt, which ligl:t is to be enclosed in a glass case with the
words "Fire Escape" printed or painted on the faoe of such case, and fire
esoape notices shall be hung in a conspiouous place on tr~e inside of all
sleeping rooms of such buildings, all of which shall be prescribed, in-
spected and approved by Said Inspector.
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Any person ~uilty of any violation of any of the provisions of the two
last precedinf paragraphs shall be sUbject to a fine, of not less than $5.00
nor more than ~25.00.
Section ::50.
If any chimney, flue, fire place, or heating apparatus
on uny premises in the City of Bozeman, shall, in the opinion of the
Inspector of Buildings, be dangerous or unsafe by reason of endangering the
premises by fire or otherwise, the Inspector of Buildings shall at once
notify, in writing, the owner, agent or other party having an interest in
the suid premises, and shall re(1uire him, them or any of them, to make the
same safe.
Section 31.
In the buildings hereafter erected, altered or repaired,
all chimneys shall be built of ~rick, stone or other incombustible material.
Brick chimneys shall have. outside wallS\ at least six inches thick, unless
cast iron or tile linings are used, in ~hiCh case outside walls may be four
inches thick.
And no person shall construct, use or maintain any chimney or
other conduit for smoke, except the same be built of brick or other fire-
proof material, other than sheet iron, and approved by the In~peotor of
Provided, however, that this provisionl does not prohibit the
USe of sheet-iron smoke pipes leading from stoves or other heating apparatus
to chimney.
All chimneys or smoke flues occurring in masonry walls shall have a
wall eifht inches thick at the back, and when corbeled out shall be supported
by at least five courseBiOf brick, and if supported by piers the same shall
start from the foundation on the some with the chimney above.
All chimneys
occurring in brick walls shall be bonded to the TIalls at every fifth course
from the bot.tom to the top in regular bond.
The inside of brick flues Shall be built of hard brick, Dnd shall have
either struck joints or the flues plastered, except whBn lined with cast-
iron, or tile where circular flues are built of bric~ with mortar lining.
No.chimney in any buildinp shall have wooden supports of any kind.
Supports shall be incombustible and shall rest upon tte g-round or the foun-
Stone chimneys shall have walls not less than eight inches in tbickness,
including linings, and shall have linings four inches thick of brick; or
linings may be of cast-iron or tile.
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Sheet metal smoke flues enclosed in vent flues are prohibited.
All chimneys shall be topned out at letist three feet [: bovc the top
of the roof at the voint of contact, if a flat roof, and at least two feet
above the ridge of a pitched roof.
Section 32.
Every bllildin? hereafter erected or enlarged within the
fire limi ts shall be enclosed on all sides vd th walls constructed wholly
of stone, well burned brick, terre cotta, concrete, or other equ1lavent
incombustible materials; and shall have the roof, top, and sides of all
roof structures, including dormer windows, covered with'incombustibil:e mater-
ial. All cornices shall be of incombustib~m&terial. '
Section 33.
No uerson or persons shall bb allowed ar permitted to
use or operate any steam en~ine within the limits of the City of Bozeman,
wi thout ample security to the satisfa'etion of the Inspector of Buildings
against any danger from sparks or cinders from the furnace, smokestuck or
chimney of the same.
Section 34.
Beforo any person or persons shall efect, construct or
install any furnace, heating' or -power "plant wi thin any building 110Vi or
hereafter erected within the City of Boz~man, they shall obtain from the
Inspector of Buildings a permit to perform such work, and ~hen reeuired
shall furnish plans and specifications of the V!ork to bo done, and shall
also furnish the suid InsDector such other information in regard to the
work as may be required by him.
Any and all hot. air pipes used in connection with any furnace, heating
or power nlant shall be comnletely and securely covered with asbestos
known as "14 ounce" asbestos.
~ll such work shall be inspected, and if the Inspector finds the same
safe and froe from danger of causing fire, the some shall be passed and
an inspection taR nluced thereon; and when such work shall be ready for
inspection, the owner or contractor thereof, before covering and using
any such work , ,shall g1 VB three days I wri tten notice for inspection to the
said Insnector,who shall have charge of, inspeot and exe~cise general
supervision over all such work.
Section 35.
~he gutter or wate~-way of any street, avenue or alley
shall not at any time be obstructed by any building materials in such a
manner as to prevent the free pass~ge of wetcrin and along said gutter.
Vr>'l',f\"","l,ifi h..l n cT'''''-'''' n.., j, / 2-
1'" """\' I'."',' ., .,~~......-_~
Se cti on ~)6.
Any Ylerson or 'Persons having the use of' any portion of the
street or sjdev:alk for the 'Jurpose of erectiYlp' or repairjnp-' Any building-, or
for any other nurpose, shall cause red J.i~hts to'be placed in a conspicuous
place in front of such ob~)truction from dark until sunrise each nif'ht during
t:Ge time such obstruction remains.
Secti on 37.
Every buildinp- in the City of Bozeman used to accommOdate
public assemblies, includinp' churches, schools, theatres, -pulJljc halls, or any
building- of like character, shall have the oflcnin"" for irwress and e~ress there-
of furnished with doors that swing outwardly from the rooms, and from the main
building itself.
Section 38.
A sidewalk or passage-way at least three feet wide shall be
maintained in front of any buildings durin?:' the prooess of its construction.
Said temporary sidewalk shall at all times be kept clear for the passage of
persons over the same.
The respecti VB ends of sard' temporury sidewalk Sf-all
be laid even with
th~\ s i de Via lk
Any person
desirous of utilizing the area under tLe side-
to which it is attached.
Section 39.
walks in front of any buildirw owned by him shall construct a sufficient
wall, not less than two feet thick, to retain the roadway of tLe streets, which
shall extend to the side, uivision or party walls of such curb-wall.
Section 40.
That all that nortion of the City of Bozeman included
within the boundaries hereinafter mentioned shall constitute the fire limits
of said City, to-wit:
Commencing at the intefsectionQcf 14endenhall Street with ]J1ifth Avenue,
thence esst along the south line of said ~endenhall street to its intersection
wi th Bro4dway, t:r~ence south along th~ 'west line of Broadway to its intersection
with Babcock Street, thence west alonR the north line of Babcock S.treet to
its intersection wi th ]j'ifth Avenue, thence north aloy1R' ti:.e east line of said
?ifth Avenue to the place of beginning,'
Section 41.
Uo person or nersons shall he~cafter, within the fire
limits, erect, enlarge or construct any'building other than that which is of
"Fire Proof Construction."
The walls of every building hereafter erected, or enlarged within the
fire li~~tsi shall be built of brick, stone, iron or other incombustible
materials, provided, that any po~tion of any exterior wall built of and
covered with iron, tim or zinc sholl not be deemed sufficient within the
meanin~ of th!s Ordinance.
RO~SO~:Dj bI Ord;nanca- No..._. --nz . -
Section 42.
Tem~orary frame sheds may be erected within the fire
limits for tie use of builders, adjacent to buildinps in course of erection,
but shall be demolished upon completion of said buildings.
Section 43.
Outside stairs constructed of wood and in a substantial
manner, if approved by the Inspeotor of Building's, may be erected on the
rear of buildings within the fire limits~
Section 44.
All receptacles for ashes within tte fire limits shall
be of incombustible material.
Secti on 45.
The continued violation 'of any provision of this'
ordinance, shall be, and constitute a separate offense under this ordinance
for each and every day such violatfon of any provision hereof sholl con-
tinue, except as otherwise herein provided.
Any person who shall violate any provision of this ordinanceishall,
'unless heroin otherwise provided, be subject, upon conviction thereof,! to
a fine of not less than Five Dollars ($5.00), nor more than One Hundred
Dollars ($100.00), for every offense.
Section 46.
Ttat Ordinance No. 398,of the Oity of Bozeman, entitled,
"An Ordinance to Rep,:ulate the Cons truction, Al teration, i.lai ntenance ,
Repair- and Rel'1oval of Buildings Vii thin the1imi ts of the City of Bozeman,"
as amended by Ordinance 110. 430 of the Oi ty of Bozaman, enti tIed, "An
Ordinance Amending Sections Four, Twenty-four, Twenty-six, and TVilenty-
eight, of Or'dinEi.noe No. 398, Entitled, "An Ordinance to Reg-ulate the
Constructi on, .b.l terat,i on, 'Maintenan~e, Repair and. Removal of Buildinrs,
Within the Limits of the City of Bozeman~,-and all other ordi~ances and
parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance, are
hereby repealed.
Section 47.
That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force
thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication.
Passed Sep. 6, 1917.
Approved Sep.6, 1917.
1. Vi. Tr ui t t
Harold S. Morey
Acting City Clerk.
The State of Montana.
County of Gal~atin.
I, C. A. Spieth, City Clerk of the City of Bozeman,
said COl:mty and State, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is the
original of Ordinunce No. 480 of the City of Bozemon; that said Ordinance
was passed by the City Council of Boze:1an, said County and State, on tl:e 6th
day.of Septembor, A.D., 1917, and approved by the Mayor; that true and correct
copies of suid Ordinance No. 480 were posted, one each in the following named
Ci ty Hall, Ellis Brandley &" Co., Old COllrier Building, Bon ~on Bakery,
and Courier Building Bulletin Boards.
III \'JIT1;ESS VlHBRiO.1!', I have tereunto set my h~nd and affixed the Seal
of tho City of Bozeman, Montana, this 11th day of September, A.D., 1917.
.,(~" ',".'"
c. .i~. Spieth,
City Clerk.
_." """4'"~~."."'~'