HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-11-15 Martin Attorney Handout at Meeting Lonn�rl i�i'o� a L� r t I N To: City of Bozeman Department of Community Development and City Commission P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 I write to give my strong approval to the amended application request for Z-14060, 402 West Koch, concerning the placement of the house in the same footprint location as the previous house. I live, and have lived for 49 years, in the neighboring house to the west at 408 West Koch and strongly object to the new house footprint being moved to the west to satisfy the current building code of the 15 foot setback along South Fourth. South Fourth is an unimproved street,no curbs, gutters nor sidewalks except on a very few lots. It serves as an"alley-street", being partly both,having mostly garages, driveways backyards, gardens and garbage cans facing the street. It's a much used walking,jogging and biking pathway through this part of the city. I feel the 15 foot setback is not needed. My garage and driveway are situated on the property line between our two lots. If the house at 402 were to be moved to the west to satisfy the 15 foot setback on Fourth,there would only be several feet between the 402 house and my garage and driveway. My house is located - right along the west side of the driveway which would make our houses very close together. In addition,moving the 402 house to the west side of the lot would be unappealing aesthetically. The current footprint has worked well for close to 100 years, and I urge the City Commission and Department of Community Development to keep the new house on this original footprint. Sincerely, Julie Videon 402 West Koch Street Bozeman,MT 59715 406-587-3704 fandjvideon@gmail.com May 5, 2015 May 8, 2015 Dear City Managers and Council Members: My husband and I live at 401 W. Koch,directly across the street from the Martin residence at 402 W. Koch. The Martins have been communicating with us regularly regarding their build plans and the concerns over the 15ft setback for city code. We have seen their house plans and we are fine with the previously approved house plans and footprint of the new construction. 4th is obviously a very unique street in town; Part alley, part street and does not have any sidewalks. The house as it is drawn up today will not interfere with anything or impede access.Visually, it is fine as well.We will be looking at it everyday and we have no concerns over the footprint extending past the 15ft setback. Thank you for your help in getting this resolved. Sincerely, Gina Werner& Ken Bartley 401 W. Koch, Bozeman MT 59715 Dear Mayer Kraus & City Manager Kukulski My wife and I live at 401 S. 3rd Ave. Our garage backs up to the Martin home and we are probably one of two of the homes most affected by the current situation that the Martins are facing. First let me say that the Martins have been very up-front with us and their plans. They made an appointment with us in the early stages to share their house remodel plans inciudin�theirADU. We liked what we saw and felt good that they were willing to improve the neighborhood (was a rental) and that this improvement would increase overall property values. Before getting to the point of this email, I would first like to address what the city seems to allow in our historical boundaries. I can site a number of historical homes that have just addedADU's that have absolutely no tie to the existing structure. This to us is much more of an eye sore than what is taking place across the street. Keep the old neighborhood looking like the old neighborhood. The Historical Preservation Department should be focused on truly 'worth saving' homes which are many throughout Bozeman. The Martins house was not one of them. If any of the complaining neighbors or city officials had actually visited the interior of the Martin house before hand, I'm convinced that they would all agree that their were not-any redeeming qualities worth saving. The Martins had an approved plan with the City showing a few framed walls(no windows or siding) of which even the remaining walls needed additional re-framing. Lets get real -the completed Martin home will look just like the City approved but will be better built (life/safety) per current building codes applying. Applying the current set backto their new structure also makes sense to us and we are one of the most affected. Any change to the current set-backs causes more problems that it solves, especially to the western property owner. In short, we are hoping that the city will move on to much more pressing problems and allow the Martins to start their home ASAP (do not want to see a hole in the ground all summer) and on the same footprint as the City approved. I won't comment at this time on the Martin's ADU issues but hope again for City common sense. As for a few complaining neighbors, please ask them to 'GET A LIFE' Regards - Hap and Gail Parks Gerald F. Wheeler, PhD �ri-tusP ro ess�Physics --- Montana State University gwheeler@nsta.org 407 South Third Avenue, Bozeman, Montana S9715 (406) 451-4288 Council Members of the City of Bozeman Dear Council Members, My wife and I reside at our personal residence on 407 South Third Avenue. We bought this property in 1981 and extensively renovated the house 2007-2008. We also replaced the garage on South 4th and built a new,larger one in roughly the same location. My property is directly adjacent to the Martin property, across South 4t Avenue. I have talked numerous times with Mr. Martin about his plans to build his garage and residence.- I am been impressed by his concern for the impact of the building on the neighborhood, even to the point of sweeping down South 4th at the end of a working day. Mr. Martin has informed me and my wife that there are two issues about which he seeks our opinion. First,there is his desire to use the second floor of his garage as an Accessory Dwelling Unit(ADU). Second,he desires a set-back variances to be consistent with the previously approved plan. Mr. Martin has shown us on his property what these set-backs mean. My wife and I have no problems with either of these requests. Sincerely, ald F.Wheeler arc ristin ache 407 W.Story St. Bozeman,MT 59715 May 8, 2015 To:Jeff Krauss,Mayor Dear Mayor Krauss, We are writing this letter of support on behalf of Brian and Anne Martin, our neighbors who reside across the alley at 402 W.Koch St,Bozeman,MT. Over the past year,we have witnessed the construction of their recently completed garage and ADU and were impressed by the style and nature of the project from start to finish. The design fits well with the overall design qualities of the neighborhood and through the entire construction phase they were extremely sensitive to the impact on their neighbors. Although we are only acquaintances, the Martins went out of their way to keep us apprised, limit excessive noise and keep an extremely neat construction site. We have been owner/builders in our lifetime, and appreciate the amount of energy and care it takes to keep neighborhood construction sites contained so as not to negatively impact the neighbors. The Martins have proven to be extremely thoughtful and caring homebuilders. It was admittedly a poor judgment call not to have reached out to the city when discovering the structural problems during the final phase of demolition, but knowing them to be people of integrity, we believe that it was an unintentional, honest mistake made in the moment. We know that they regret it greatly. We strongly encourage the commissioners to find a resolution that allows this project to move forward as previously approved by the City- in its original location as in design, size and scale a historical facsimile of the original home. This is the outcome that is most appropriate for the neighborhood as a whole, much more so than the alternative, which would seriously impact our other across-the-alley neighbor,Julie Videon's property,sight lines and"feel".That outcome feels to us unreasonable and unfair. We have confidence that the commissioners will reach the right decision, and allow the project to proceed,as being in the best interest of the neighborhood we all love so much. Thank you for taking our points and this letter into consideration. Sincerely, Mark&Christin Tache 407 West Story Bozeman,MT Cc: City Manager, Chris Kukuluski Susan A.T. MacGrath Martin Zabaleta 319 South Third,Bozeman MT 59715 April 25th,2015 Mayor Krauss, Deputy Mayor Taylor and Commissioners Andrus, Mehl and Pomeroy, We are writing the City in support of both an A.D.0 permit and a new building permit to proceed with the project at 402 West Koch, items which we understand are on the May 41h and May 1Ith agendas. As we live diagonally across Koch from this property,we have a clear view of the lot from most of our house. The sooner the Martin are permitted to proceed with building their new home,the better for us all (the neighbors,the City and the Martins). Precedent for an A.D.0 exists up and down 4th, including those units of my neighbors directly to the South(across Koch) as well as those directly to the North. Those to the North have had renters (college kids)since their unit was constructed. Additionally, Brian Martin has always been forthcoming with his us regarding his plans for the A.D.U. He showed us the plans for this unit and we have visited the finished product several times. It is quite nicely done,fits in well with the surrounding homes and so we support this use. That the Martins may rent the apartment above the garage, we also support. From an infill perspective, affordable housing downtown is welcome and there are many folks renting both A.D.U's and apartments next to us, across.the street from us and down the street from us. This would be no different. As for the main residence, for aesthetic, safety and property value reasons,it needs to be built as soon as possible. Brian showed us the plan for this house long ago so we understood the extent of the original remodel and never have had an issue with it. Furthermore, it is our belief that the new home Brian intends to build will bring more value to the neighborhood and look better than the one previously there. We also encourage the City Commission to approve the same set—backs they previously approved. While I understand that a different permit now needs to be issued,the blue- prints remain the same. If there was no issue with the set-backs before, it should follow that there should be none now. Thank you Susan MacGrath Martin Zabaleta