HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 17- 476, Amends Section 6, Ordinance 445 ~ ~ .1 .. .~ tg '" Q:> Cj 'I~ &.)~ !1cs \ ~ ~ d' ~ c';) f..j f:~. r~, -~~ ;S '---e c:::> R ~. c:......>> ~ ~ 61 ==a . I ORDINANCE NO. 476. AN ORDIUANCE AMEIIDIUG SbC~IOLJ SIX OF ORDINANCE NO. 445 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE R1GULATIlW TRAViL AND TRAFFIC UPON TEB PUBLIC S~.EbTS' OF THE CI TY OF BOZEMAN", AND PROVIDInG PENALTIES FOR THB VIOLATIon 0]' THIS ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY Trill CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: ... Section 1. Tha~ Section Six of Ordinance No. 445 of the City of I Bozeman, entitled An Ordinance Regulating travel and traffic upon the public streets nf the City of Bozeman, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section Six. No person shall h-ereafter operate' or drive 'or permit to. be operated or driven any vehicle of any character over, or ac~oss any street or part thereof in the City of Bozeman at a rate of speed greater than twenty miles per ,hour, nor shall any person operate or drive or permit to be operated or driven any vehicle of any oharacter over, on or across any part of Main Street in the City of Bozeman, 'or by any school building, at a rate of speed greater than fifteen miles per hour.- When turning a corner at any street interseotion in the City of Bozeman, or while passing any stationary street oar, no person shall operate I I or drive, or permit to be operated or driven any vehicle of any charaoter at a rate of speed greater than ten miles per-hour; no person shall turn any motor vehicle on any street within the City of Bozeman at any point thereon except at street corners. Any person violatin~ any of the provisions of this Section shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this Ordinanoe and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of $10.00 for a first offense, and for eaoh subsequent offense shall be punished 'by a fine of not less than $25.00, nor more than $lOO.OO, or shall be punished by imprisonment in the City Jail for a period not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprison- I ment." Section 2. Whereas, it is immediately necessary, for the preserva- tion of the safety of the oitizens of Bozeman, that regulations be pro- vided governing the rute of speed of vehicles within the limits of said I l\.; .. -476- ...... -~,'~,,"'..- ._~ -,.,..,-~,.... .. _ ~n _ _...,......_. I City, therefore an emergency is hereby deo1ared to exist, and this Ordinanoe is hereby declared to be an Emergenoy Ordinance, and said Ordi- nance shall take effect immediately upon the passage and approval thereof. Passed this fifth day of July, 19l7. Approved this fifth day of. JUly, 1917. Attest: L. W. Truitt Mayor. I v. A. Spieth, City Clerk. SEAL. The Stateof Montana, Oounty of Gallatin~ ss. I I, C. A. Spieth, City Clerk of the City of Bozeman, said Oounty and State, do hereby certify that the above and foregtling is the original .of Ordinance No. 476 of the City of Bozeman; that.said Ordinance was passed by the City Council of Bozeman, said County and State, on the 5th day of July, A.D., 19l7, and app~oved by the Mayor; that true and correct copies of said Ordinance No. 476 were posted, one each in the following named places: City Hall, Ellis Brandley & Co., Old Courier Building, Bon Ton Bakery, and Courier Building Bulletin Boards, and that the same remained posted for. the time required by law for such publication. IN WITNESS WHEREOJ!', I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the S~al of the Oity of Bozeman, Montana, this 16~h day of July, A.D., 19l7. C. A. Spieth City Clerk. SEAL. I I t'