HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 17- 475, Amends Ordinance 468 as Amended by Ordinances 469 and 471 ~" ~. ~~ o ~ Iii!!:4 ~ eO) Q.;) e", = ~ m = lo- t:: ~ c:,) =-- c:; ~ ..oC:I "'CI CD en 1- ~ CD CII::: ~. , ,:::c:Il "'_r'". ~ :1"" -. f'> Rid h'f 0',.:.,........:" ~OO~t:~,~ ,~' lIo.~ ORDINANCE NO. 476. AN o.RDINANCE TO AMEND o.RDINANCE NO. 468 As AMENDED 'BY o.RDINAlWES NO.. 469 and 47l. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL o.F THE CITY o.F BOZEMAN, MONTANA_.. Seotion l. The words "automobile for hire" shall Definitions: Section 2. 'Every person, firm, co--rporation or association at any time charging, asking, demanding, receivinp,: or accepting compensation for th~ c~rriage of p,ersons or passengers by automobile wi thin the 01 ty of Bozeman shall be deemed to be using an ftautomobile for hire" within the meaning of Secti'on 1 of this ordinance and shall pay a license to said City of Bozeman in, the sum of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars per annum for each automobile so used, which lioense shall be payable quarterly in advance to the Oity Treasurer of the said Oity of Bozeman. Section 3. Before any automobile shall be used for hire, it shall be equipped with a metallic automobile-for-hire license tag, of the character and size prescribed by the Oi ty Treasurer. · Section'4. It shall be unlawful to drive or operate any &utomo- bile for hire while such automobile is, carrying or sustaining the weight of two or more persons in excess of the rated seating capacity thereof, according to the statement thereof contained in the application upon whioh the lioense to operate suoh automobile for hire vias granted, or to permit any person or passenger to ride upon the running board of such automobile for hire or to sit upon the fender or dash or doors thereof. provided, however, that firemen of the City of Bozeman may ride free upon suoh automobile, or any part thereof, or their way to or from fires. (.or the purposes of this section children in arms shall not be oon$idered as persons. ) ,',..,.."".F; ...t-_'~'"".......,",",.~^._.. I I ~~~~,/':' ~>" ~. \ , " i '\ . I I I I 105 Rn!l'V\....'.... .... n,....:..."'..ftl'f In.___Sl1__ -475- I Section 5. It shall be unlawful for any person operating such auto- I ,1'~ .I r . 'f { 'l, ;.- '."'''~,..... mobile' to . drink fntoxicat'ing liquors of any kind, while engaged in trans- porting persons or passengers for hire, or while engaged in the service of transporting persons ,or passengers for hire, as her~in set forth. Seotion 6. Any person who shallviole.te any of the provisions I of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof in the City Police Court, be punished by a, fine not exceeding the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment in the Gity Prison 'for a period not exceeding ninety days, or by bOoth such fine and impr,.sonment. Secti on 7. All Ordinanoes and parts of Ordinanoes in oonflict with the provisions of this Ordinanoe are hereby repealed. This Ordinance shall be in full foroe and effect from and after its passage, approval and publioation. Passed June 21, 1917. Approved June 2l, 1917. L. W. Trui t t ~ ATTEST: Mayor. I c. A. Spieth C~ty Clerk. The state of Montana Oounty of Gallatin. ) : SSe ) 1 I, C. A. Spieth, Oity Olerk of the City of Bozeman, said County and State, do hereby oertify"that the above and foregoing is the original of Ordinance No. 475 of the ca ty of Bozeman; that said Ordinanoe W6,8 passed by the Oity Counoil of Boseman, said County and State, on the 21st day of June, A.D., 1917, and approved by the Mayor; that t,rue and oorrect oopies of said OrdinanoeNo. 475 were posted, one each in the following named places: " ,Oi ty Hall, Ellis Brandley & Co., Old Courier Building,' Bon Ton Bakery and Courier Buil~ing Bulletin Boards, and that the same remained posted for the time required by law for such publioation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hani 4m4 affixed the Seal of the City of Bozeman, Montana, this 26th day of June, A.D., 19l7. c. A.. Spieth, Cit1 C~erk. _Seal,. " I. " ....., ~-' 'I' 'I' .~f