HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 17- 472, Prohibits Having or Consuming Spirituous, Malt, Vinous, Fermented Liquors in Certain Places 94 o R DIN A NeE NO. 472. AU O~;DINAIWE PROHIBI':2IlW TAlfIlW, H.6. VIl~C, DRIHKIHG OR CONSUMING ANY SPIRITOUS, ~iL~, VINOUS, DISTILLED OR FBRMBNTED IJIQUORS OR ~lInES,. AT OR ILJ CERTAIN :PLl.CES IN THE CITY OF BOZLMAll, AND PROVIDING PUNISffitENT FOR THE VIOLATION T~EREOF. - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - ~ - BE IT OrtDAINED BYTHE CI~Y COUNCIL 0]1 TEE CITY Ob' BOZEM.An: Sect ion 1. Every person withiri the li~1ts of the City of Bozeman, who shall take. haveJ drink, or consume any spiri tous, malt. vinousJ'! distilled' or fremented liquors or wine;" in any dance hall, publio pall, hall used for baaketba.l:l-.,billiard or pool room, shooting gallery, bowling alley, ten-.pin e.lley"~ skee ball alley, any hall or place used for roller skating, ice' rink, p'ublic park, plbJ~ ground, cemetery, or railway sta- tion or platform and grounds used in connection tl:erewi ti., shall be deemed guilty of a Viola~ion of tcis Or~inance, and upon conviction shall.be fined not less than Ten Dollars ($10-,) . nor more' than ]'ifty Dollars ($50.) Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect ahd be iniorce from and after thirty (30) days after its passage and approval. Passed February.8th, 1917. Approved February 8th, 19l7. L. W. Truitt Mayor. Attest: C. A. Spieth City Clerk. Seal. ,. _ _. __ ... n.. _ _.. . .~., . -... I I .. I .' ~,.. ,.' I I 472. _n. ....;t- I The State of Mbntana, Copnty of Gallatin, City of Bozeman. ) : ss. ) I, G. A. Spieth, City Clerk of the' City of Bozeman, !=luid County and State, do hereby certify that the abvve and foregoing is the orip:i.nal of Ordinance no. 472, of the Ci ty of Bozeman; that said Ordinanoe was passed by ti"e 01 t~r Council of Bozeman, sa~d Oounty and State. on the 8th day of,February, A.D., 1917, and approved by the Mayor; that true and cnrreat copies of said Ordinance no. 472 were posted, one each in the following named I places: ,.. City Hall, Ellis Brandley & Co., Old Courier Building, Bon T011 .Baker;l, and Courier Building Bulletin Boards, and that the same remained posted for the time required by law for such publioation. In Ti,'I TlIESS, WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed ti~e Seal of the City of Bozeman, Montana, this 81h day of February, A.D., 1917. C. A. ~pieth, Oity Clerk. 'it SEAL. I I I ... - ,...,...M""" .....