HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 16- 469, Repeals Section 4 of Ordinance 468 82 , ~ ~ . C> ~~ (:..,~ <..~ ~ ~~. 0<:::> \!j '-II en ~ c:d c:.::. 6.... ==1 "'" ~ ~ ~ . ~ c.:> c..,;) ~ c-;;:s .~.:~ ~;3 , ~ <:> ~. ~ <....J 'rd C~ ~ c.;. ==a OR DIN A NeE NO. ,4 6 9. ~ I AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL SEOTION 4, OF ORDINAliCE NUl4BER468 RELATING TO JITNEY BUSSE~ AND AUTOS ]'OR HIRE. BE IT ORDAIUED BY THE CIT~ CO~CIL OF THE c.~'ty OF BOZEMAN, MOliT.ABA: llealed by Ordinn~II' ~o~ tf tf~~, , Section l. That Section 4 of Ordi-nance No. 468 of the City of Bozeman, .sta.te:~Qf Montana, be, and the Bame is hereb:y repealed. Section 2. , This Ordinance shall be in ,full force and effect from I . f;~ ", and after its passage, approval ,and publi~ation. Passed Nov. l6, 19l6. . E. J. Hines, Aoting MaiY or. c. A. Spieth, , City Clerk. SEAL. ~ The State of Montana, County of Gallatin, State of Montana. ) : se. ) I I, C. a. Spieth, Oity Clerk'of the City of Bozeman.. said County e.hd State, do hereby oe:ttify tha.t th~ above and forego1~is the original of Ordinance No. 469, of the ~i ty of BozemSll.., that said Ordinanoe was pa.ssed by the Oi ty Qouncil of Bozeman, said County and 'State .,an the 16th day of November, 1916, and approyed by the Aoting Kayor; thattzne and correot oopies o.f sa.id Ordinanoe No. 469 were posted, on~ each in the following named places: I . City Hall, Ellie Brandley & 00., Old Courier BUilding, Bon Ton Bakery, and Courier Building Bulletin Boards, and that the sl.::me remained. posted for the time required by law for suoh pubJ:1cation.' . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the City of Bozeman, :Montana, this 17th day of Nevember, A.D., 1916. ~ ~ ~ c. A. Spieth, SEAL. OJ, ty Clerk. I