HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 16- 468, Regulates Jitney Busses and Autos for Hire '.'"1, ; o R DIN A N C E NO. 4 68 . I . AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE JITNEY BUSSES AND AUTOS FOR HIRE. "- t:-.... ~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE , 01 TY OF BOZEMAN, :MONTANA ~ J , ' RSOIated by Ordinan~a" No. t/I/<S' , -' Se,otion l. Defini fions. The word "person~ sitlll mean "..' ,)/ and include person, firm or oorporation. The words "automobile for hire" shal1,mean . ~ c:::z.:> ~ ~ c:-d .8 "= ~~ ~. i ~I ==- and include any motor vehiele engaged in oarrying passengers 'for hire which is( or are operated over and upon the publio streets of tr.,e Ct ty of Bozeman, excepting motor hearses a.nd motor ambulances. I Seotion 2. Every person engage~ in keeping and usin~,any automot11e or automobiles for hire~ the license shall be fifty dollars per annum for each automObile, payable quarterly in advance to the' City Treasurer of the City of Bozeman. Seotion 3. Before any a'(1tomobile shall be used for hire, it shall be equipped. with a metallio automobile-fore"'!'hirelioens~ tag, ~f the oharaoter and s'ize ,preso'ribed by the C1 ty Treasurer. Seotion 4. In order to insure the safety of the'Publio, it shall be I , . unlawful for any person to drive or operate suoh automobile for hire or to obtain a license therefor unless the pe.rson, firm ,or corporation owning the Bae shall have given and, there is ill ,full force and effect at all 'times while suoh person is drt ving or operating suoh, ,automobile orautombbilee for hire and on file with the C~erk of the O~~cil of ,the,Qity of Bozeman, ~ either ~ (a) A bond of the owner or le'ssee of said automob~le or ,automobiles for hire, with suffioient sureties ,or with a responsible surety Q'ompa.ny or d J;I!:; (":) u fW3 ~, .... c:;:) :~. ,~ 1l c.'~ ,:=a assooiation authorized to do business under the laws of 'the- State of Montana, in the sum of Three Thousand Dollars (#3,000.00), conditioned that the oowner or lessee of said automobile or automobiles for hire for whioh a license has been applied for'(giYing its manufaoturer's name and number and state lioense number) will pay all loss or damage that may result to any person or property from the negligent operation of 'or defective construotion of said automobile or automobiles for hire, or which may arise or result from any violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance or the laws of I the State of Montana. The recovery upon said bond shall be limited to ' Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) for the inJury or death of one person. and to the extent of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for the injury or I destruction of property! Suoh bond shall be given to the City of Bozeman, .,:, 79 , 468. I . ' Repeale1. h': Ord!nanCl, No. ~,,~ and shall by its terms inure to the benefit of any and all persons suffering loss or damage, eitherto,peraon or property as herein provided. and shall provide that suit may be ,brought in any oourt of competent jurisdiotion upon said bond b~'any person Or perso~s or corporation suffering any loss or damage aa herein provided~" ,:taid bond shall oontain a provision that ::j,r~':'i' L:.:?~1.d~.i.tt~~,~~, ,. <" ':'"::'(. there is a oontinuing 1iabiii tyU the're'li:nder ,notwi thstanding any reoovery t~ereon. and if at any time., in the judgment of the Counoil, Baid bond is not sufficient for any cause. the City' Counoil may require the party to .1,', I , , whom & lioense is issued as herein provided to replaoe said bond with another bond satisfactory to the Counoil. and in default thereof. said lioense may be revoked, or (b) . A .policy of, insuranoe in a oompany authorized t,b do business . in the State of Mont8:na, insuring said owner or lessee of said ~utomobile or automObiles for ,hir'e, against losS by reason of injury or 'damage that may result to any person or persons or property from th~ operatlonlb!' said automobile or automobll-es for hire" said polioy o~ ,i;nsuranee to be in limits of Three Thousand Dollars (.~.OOO) for anJ' ~neperson injured or I killed. Said :policy of insuranoe mus't also, provide ,insurance to the I extent of One Thousand Dollar,s ($1_000) for the injury to or destruction of any property of third parties. 8aid policy shall guar8nt~. payment to the person or persons suf- fering injury or damage or to the personal representatives of such persons, of any final judgment re~dered agains,t:' the 'owner or lessee of said auto... mobile or automobiles for'hire within the,limits herein pr~vided', irres- peotl ve of the f.inanolal resp,ons~ bili t1 or any act or omission of the owner or lessee of said automobile for hire. If '. at any time. said polio1 of insuranoe be cancelled by the issuing compaI17. or the authority of said issuing company to do business in the State of Montana be revoked, the City Counoil shall require the party to whom a license ~s tSRed. as herein provided, to replace said policy with another ,polioy satisfaotory to the Council, spd in default thereof said lioense may be revoked. Suoh bond or polioy of insuranoe shall be approved by-the Council of said City, and the ~ermiesion granted by said Counoil, as herein pro- vided, shall recite that the license is issued upon condition and in con- sideration of the filing of said bond or polioy Of insuranoe in the form as herein required. Provided, however, ,that said bond or pOlicy of insuranoeshall be in double said amounts if the number of automobiles for hire operated by such person, firm or corporation shall exoeed two in number. and shall I - 468. __,"'.'.'W~. _." '.,_."'.~ R;ealod ~ Onlinanca No. .~.~ be treble if the number operated by said person, firm or exoeed five. corporation shall Section 5. It shall be ,unlawful to drive' or operate any automobile for hire. while ~uch automobile .is carrying or sustaining the weight of two Or more persons in, excess of the rate~ seating capacity thereof, acoording to the statement thereof oontained in the applioation upon'which the lioense to operate such automobile for hire was granted, or to permit any pasesnger to ride upon the running board of such automobile for hire or to sit upon the fender or dash or doors thereof, provided, however, that firemen of the City of Bozeman may ,ride f~ee upon such automobile, or any part thereof,on their way to or from fir~s~ (For the purpose of this sub-division ohildren in ~s shall not be considered as persons.) SeQtlon 6,. It shall be unlawful for any person operating such auto... , , mobile to drink.intoxiQating liquors of any kind, while engaged in trans- porting passengers for hire, or While enga,e4 in the service of transporting passengers for hire, as herein set forth. Section 7. . J.n:1 p,erson who shall violate any of the provieio:r1s, of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon oonviction thereof shall be'pun1ehed by -8 fine not to exoeedthe sum of One Hundred Dollars ($10~.OO). or ,by imprisonment 'in the City Prison for a period aot exoeeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. S~ction 8. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in oonflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. This Oi'di:nance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication. Passed Sep. 21st 1916. Approved, Sap 21st 1~16. L~ w. Truitt ATTEST: MaJor. C. A.. Spieth City Clerk. SEAL. I I I I I