HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 16- 467, Fixes Form of Refunding Water Works Bonds of City; Repeals Ordinance 462 ~- ~~.~- ~...,",~,' "~' . .. I ~ I ~ , - JiIIIIi; I ~ I I I o R D~I Ii A N C'E N 0 . 467 . AN ORDINANOE FIXING THE FORK OF THE RBFUNDING WATER WORKS BonDS OF THE \CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. BE IT ORDAINED ,by the City Council of the C;l.ty,of Bozeman, Montana: Section l~ That the bonds author1zed to be issued by the City Oounoil of the City of Bozeman, by virtue of an ordinanoe passed April 17, 1 g.6, for tl:.e purpose .of providing funds to pay the outstanding Water, Works Bonde of the City of Bozeman to the amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars (.lO~,OOO) -which are now optiO~l, shall be of substantially the following form: No. . . UBITEJ STAT:ES Of AMERICA STATE OF MONTANA OI!1'r OF BOZEKAN BEFUNDING,OITY ,BOND. $1900. I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRl!.iSBBTS, that the City, of Bozeman., in the OOUXlt,. of Gallatin and Stf,\.te of 1I0ntana, for value received promises to pa.y to bearer on, the first day of Augu~t, 1936; the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ('1000) 'lawful money o,f th~Unl,ted Sta.tes, wi th in.terest thereon a.t, the rati3 of five tp.)" per oentum.'p~r annum, payable semi-annually on the I . c. "ji)~:, ,~. first day of January and of J~~1n' eaoh year, except the last installment, whioh beoomes, due. at the maturity of this bond., on presentation and sur- render of the.annexed interest ooupons a.s they severally beoome due. B~th pr~ncipal and interest of this bond are hereby made payable at the of1:ioe of the Qity Treasurer in the Q1t7 ()f B~zema.n, Montana, or, at the option of, the holder hereof, at a bank in the 01 ty. of New York, St<:-.te of New.York, whioh may be designated ~y the City Treasurer. '~ The City of Bozeman reserves, the right to redeem this bond at any time after August 1, 1916, up,on payment 'of the .p~i~Cip~l sum wi th aoorued interest upon aotioe p1;Lblished in one .newspaper-published in said Oity of Bozeman and mailed to~ the Bank in 'said City of New York whioh may .be designated as the bank at whioh said bonds and interest thereon will be paid. I I This bond is one of a Beries of like tenor, numbered from one (1) to one hundred (100), bothinolueive, and this bond is issued for the purpose 467. of providing funds to pay red~emable outstanding Water Works Bonds of the City of Bozeman under the authority of Seotions3454 t-o 3464 inclusive of the Re'Vissd Codes of .Montana. It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions and things neoessary to be done preoedent to and in th~ issuing of this bond have been properly and legally done, and that the in~ebtedness refund,ed into this bond was and is a valid, binding' and subsisting oblige.tion of the Oi ty of Bozeman, and that the total debt of ,said City, "including this bond, does not. exoeed the statutory or cbnsti tutiona1 'Jlimitations. IN TESTIMOny WHEREOF, the City Council of 'the Oi ty -'of . BozematJ., -)lontana, has caused this bond to be 'si-gne,d by the Mayor and .atte'sted by, the City .. ' I I Clerk with the c~rporate eaal,hereto affixe~, and has oausedthe,annexed interest ooupons to be exeouted with the faosimile signatures of said officers this first'day of August, 1916. At~est: Mayor. <"'" -City Clerk. I C 0 U P 0 N . _ . January On the fi~st day of Ju_.l,;y, 19 ,the City of Bozeman, .Montana, " prllDlises to pay to bearer'the sum of Dollars ; at" the offioe of the City Treasurer of the ;Oity of Bozeman, Montana, or at the option of the holder at a bank in the' City of I~ew-York>> State of :New York, deaign,ated by said City Treasurer, for.semi-annual interest on ita Refunding Bond dated August l, 19l6, No. . . '. I Attest: 'I Mayor... ~ City Clerk. , On the back of ~ach of said bonds shall be printed the follow- ing certificate: "Registered in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bozeman, :Montana,this day of , 1916. Oity Clerk. I " 77 467. ..-.--. . -. ,.,"---~ I Section 2. Ordinance No. 462 of the City of Bozeman, Montana., fixing the terms of Said bonds i~ hereby repealed. This ordinanoe shall be in full foroe and effect from and after its passage, approval and publioation. Passed July 26, 1916. Approv~d July 26, 19l6. . John A. Luoe, Mayor. Attest: I .~,.,' c. i:.. Spieth, ~ The, St,ate of Montana, Oount7 of Gallatin, C1 ty of Bozeman. ) : Ss. ) I It c. A. .-Spieth, 01 ty Clerk of the 01 ty of Bozeman, ) said Oountyand State, do hereby oertify that the 'above 'and foregoink is the original of Ordinan~e Ho. 467 of the City of Bozeman; _that said Ordinance was passed by the Q1 ty ,_counf3iI of Bozeman, said County and state, on the 26th day of July. A.D., 191~, an~ approved by the Mayor; that true and correot,oopies of said: Ordinance No. 46.7 were posted, one eaoh in the follow- ing named pl~ces: Oity Hall, Ellis Brandley & Co., Old Oourier Building, Bon Ton Bakery, and Courier Building BuliLetin'Boards, and ths.tthe same will remain posted , J' for the time required 'by 'law for suoh'publioation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Jl haye herewnto Bet my hand and a~fi%ed the ,seal of the.Olty of Bozeman, Montana, this 27th day of July, A.D., 19l6. " .?""" I C. A~ Spieth, City Clerk. SEAL. ;I~ . ... I ORDINANCE NO. 4 6 ,8 . I ....., ,'< , AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE JITNEY BUSSES AND AUTOS FOR HIRE. ....... ~ ~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ... , cr TY, OF BOZEMAN. MONTANA ~ ;./ , RSDRalad by OrdinalWs-' No. 1'<1'.. Se,otion 1. . 'DefiJli f{ons. The word "person!' s~ll mean and include ~ Q;) f..;;> ~ C"d = .~ ~ .~ ~ 1:3 ,~ ~I ==- person, firm or oorporation. ,The words "automobile for hire" shall, mean and include any motor vehicle engaged in carrying passengers .for hire which iSI or are operated over and upon the public streets of the C,i ty of Bozeman, excepting motor hearses and motor ambulances. I Section 2. Every person engage~ in.keeping and using ,any automobile or automobiles for hire, the license shall be fifty dollars per annum for each automobile, payable quarterly in advance to the' City Treasurer of the City of Bozeman. Section 3. Before any a~tomobileshall baused fa!' hire, it shall be equipped with a metallic automobile-fore"'!'hire,licens~ tag. of the charaoter and stze preac'ribed by the 01 ty Treasurer. Section 4. In order to insure the safety of the'Public, it shall be I , . unlawful for any, perBon to drive or operate such automobile for hire or to obtain a lioense therefor unless the pe-rson, firm or oorporation owning the alJUJle shall have given and, there is tn . full force and effect at all 'times while such person is drl ving or operating such. ,automobile orautomObilea for hire and on file W1~h the C~erk of the O~~bil of the ,Oity of'Bozema.n. ~ either ~ (a) A bond of the owner or le'ssee of said automob~le or ,automobiles for hire, with sufficient sureties ,or with a responsible surety cfompany or . ~ association author1zedto do business under the laws ,of the' State of Montana, in the sum of Three Thousand Dollars (.3,000.00), conditioned that the oowner or lessee of said automobile or automobiles for hire for which a lioense has bnen applied for'(giYing its manufacturer's name and number and state license number) will pay all loss or damage that may result to any person or property from the negligent operation of 'or defecti1e construction of said automobile or automobiles for hire. or whioh may arise or result from any violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance or the laws of I ~, U fw; -a, "'" <:::) ~. ,13 1i '-.;I ~ the State of Montana. The recovery upon said bond shall be limited to ' Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) for the injury or death of one person. and to the extent of One Thousand Dollars (.1,000.00) for the inJury or I destruotion of property~ Such bond shall be given to the City of Bozeman. ,