HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 16- 464, Directs Form of Sewer Bonds 463. ~_ .N,. .......", I The State of Montana, Oounty of Gallatin, City of Bozeman. ) : BS. ) I I, C. A. Spieth, City Clerk of the City of Bozeman, said County and state, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is the original of Or~lnance No. 463 of the Ci~y of J3ozeman; that said Ordinance waspassed by the City Council of Bozeman, said. County and State, on the 1st day 'of' J1Ule, A.D., 1916, and approved by the Mayor; that true and oorrect copies of Bai~ Ordinance No. 463 were posted, one each in the following named places; City Hall, Ellis Brandley & Co., Old Courier Building, Bon Ton Baker;V,and Courier .Building Bulletin :aoards, and that the same re- mained posted for th~ time required by law for such publioation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the City of Bozeman, Montana, this 9th day of June, a.D.,1916. C. A. Spieth, City Clerk. SEAL. I I I .~..~..._ __...r_ .........\.. _'.' ".. ,~,,""~. ~. ~~-^~,.... ,~.~-~ I o R D I BAN C E NO. 464. AB ORDINABCE DIRECTING THE FORM OF THE SEWER. BliNDS OF THE OITY OF BOZEMAN. MOliTANA. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COlJ.NCIL' OF THE CITY OF BOZEMIB. MONTANA: Seotion 1. "" That the sewer bonds of the 'Oity of Bozeman, state .. , of Montana, issued pursuant to a vote of the taxpayers _of the 01 ty of Bozeman. Montana, at a speoia.l eleotion held on the 3rd day of April, 1~1G, and in '})11rsuanoe of Ordinance No. 457 direoting the issuance thereof~ passed and adopted by the Oity Council of said Oity on the 7th day of April, 1916, for the purpose of extending. improving and enlarging the present sanitary sewer system and storm Sewer system of the City of Boseman, shall be in substantially the following form, to-wit: I No. "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATB OF MONTANA O:rTYOFBOZEMAN I .1000.00 ..;~ ,; severally become due. Both principal.and interest are payable in I lawful money' of the United States of America, at the office of the City Treasurer in the Oityof Bozeman, Montana, or at the eption of ~he holder,~ereof, at a. bank in ,Hew York City whiOh ma.y be designated by the said Oity Treasurer. The City of Bozeman reserves the right to redeem this bond at any time after Ju.1Y,l, A.D. 1926 upon payment of the principal sum with aocrued interest upon notice published in one newspaper published in sai4 (11:tY of Bozeman and mailed to the bank in :New York City, whioh the City Treasurer has designated as the bank at which the bonds and interest thereon will be paid, if any such bank has been so desig- nated, that the Oity Treasurer will, in thirty days from the date of I 4r64. I I suoh notice redeem this bond; and if at the expiration of thirty days, the holder of this bond fails or neglects to present the same for payment the interest will oease, but the City Treasurer will be ready at all times, to ~edeem the same on presentation. This bond is one of a series of seventy of like date, tenor and amount, numbered.from one to seventy, bBth inclusive, issued in pursuance of an Ordinance duly and regularly passed by the Oity Council of the City of Bozeman, on,~he 7th day of April, A.D. 1916, and pursuant to the authority of a vote of the taxpayers of the Qity of Bozeman, at a speoial election held on the.3rd day of April. A.D., 1916. for the purpose of extending, improvin'~ and enlarging the present sanitary sewer system and storm sewer system of the Q1ty of Boz,man, and in aocordance with and I I... . by authority of Sub...Div1:siQD' 64 of Seotion ~259 and Seotione 3454 and 3464, inolusive, of the Revised Codes of llont~a, 1907'. It 1s hereby oertified and recited that 'this bond is issued in strict complianc& with and in conformity to the law8 and constitution of the state of Montana, and that all acts, oonditions and things re- quired to be done precedent to. and in the issuance of this bond have been properly and legally done, ha~ and performed, and the full faith and credit of said Ci~y are here~ irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of this bond acoording to its terms. ;IN WITNESS WHEREOF ,. the Cl1;1' of Boz,eman. )lontana, has caused this bond to be signed by its MQ'or and 01ty Clerk and lithographic fao- '" s1mfles of the signatures of its lIa70r and City Clerk to be affixed to e80h coupon attached to this bond and the oorporate sealo! the ~ity to be affixed hereto in the OitY,Of Bozeman, Kontana, the first day of July. A.D. 1916. I Attest: 14Iqor. Oity Clerk. Registered in the offioe of the tH ty Clerk of the Qi ty of Bo,eman. Montana, this first day of July. A.D. 1916". .......' Section 2. That the interest ooupons attached to said bonds shall be in substantia.lly "he following form, to-wit: I ...."._._,~.,.,.,'''!-to'--".,.". ,i ".0. $25.00 III On January 1., A.D. 1917 The City of Bozeman, lIontena Will pay to bearer, the sum of $25. ~O at the office of the C'i ty Trdasurer of the City of Boseman, Kontl;ma, or at the option Of tbe, holder, at a bank in .New York City to be designated by the City Treasurer, lieing six months interest ~n its sewer bondHo. due on said dalte. Attest: Mayor. City Clerk- III . Section 3. That each of said bonds will have as many of said coupons attuched thereto, bearing the number of such bond, as there are installmentaof interest payable on said bond. Seotion 4. That tlte number of said bonds ment:l;oned in 8e~tion Oile of this Ordinance Shall be seventy, or as many thereof as shall be requir- ed, each of the, denomina~ion of One Thousand Dollars. Seotion 6. That this ordinance shall take effeot and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Passed this '1st da10-f June, 19l6. ApproTe~ this ,1st day of June, 19l6. I John A. Luce Kayar. Attest: C. A. Spieth City Clerk. SEAL. The State of Montana, Oounty of Gallatin, Qi ty of Bozem~. ) : 8S. ) III I, C, A. &pieth, City Clerk of the City of Bozeman~' said County and State. do hereby oertify that the above and fore- going is the original of Ordinance .No. 464 of the Ci't;y of BOI~man; that said Ordinanoe was passed by the Ii ty Counoil of Bozeman, said C,ounty and State. on the 1st day of June, A.D., 1916, and ap:proTed by the Jltqor; that true and correct copies of said Ordinanoe No. 464 were posted, one each in the following named plaoGs: Oity Hall, Ellis Brandley & Co., Old Courier Building, Bon Ton Ba.kery, and Courier :Building Bulletin Boards. and that, the same remained posted for the time required bl law for such publication. IN WITHES. WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the City of Bozeman, Montana, this 9th day of June, A.D., 1916. SEAL. I