HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 16- 463, Directs Form of Water Works Bonds of Cityv ORDIRAUCE 1W. 463. I AN ORDINAliCE DIRECTING THE FORM OF THE WAThR WORKS BONDS OF THE CITY 0]' BOZEMAN, M01JTAHA: BE IT ORMINED BY THE CITY COUIWIL OF THE CITY OF BOZID~N, MONTANA: Section 1. That the water works bonds of the Qit~ of Bozeman, state of Montana, issued pursuant to a, vote of the taxpayers of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a speoial election held on the 3rd day of , April, 1916, and in pursuance of Ordinanc~ No. 456 directing the issuance thereof, passed and adopted by the City COl'lnc i 1 of said Oi ty on the 7th day of April., 1916, for the purpose of extending, improving. and enlarging the .presentwater works system and to acquire an ,auxiliary or additional water works system ,from Bozeman Creek for the 01 ty of Bozeman,. shall be in substJ;l.ntia.lly the' following form, to-wi t: I "UNITED STAT~S OE AMhRICA STATE OF ~O~TA1JA CITY OF BOZEMAN No. iloao.ao I WAT~R WORKS BOND. KNOW ALL MEl~ BY THESE PRESENTS : That the (Ia ty - of Bozeman, a municipal corporation of the state of Montana,. for ve,lue received, promises t,o pay to- th,e' pearer on the first day of Jul;r .A.D., 1936, the principal sum of One Thousand Dollars with interest thereon at the rate of fi va per cent per annum" payable semi-annually on the first days of January and July of each year, as evidenced by and on \ the presentation 'and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as they ~ ., severally beoome due. Both principal and interest are payable in I lawful money of the United states of America, at the offioe of the Oi ty Treesurer in the City of .Bozeman" Montana, or at the option of the holder hereof, at a bank in New York City which may be designa~ed by the said City Treasurer. The City of ,Bozeman reserves. the right to redeem this bond at any time after July 1, A.D. 1926 upon payment of the principal sum with accrued interest upon notioe published in one newspaper published in said City of Bozeman and mailed to the bank in New-York City, which the City Treasurer has designated as the bank at which the 'bonds and interest thereon will be paid, if any such l;lmk has been I so designated, th/;~t the Oi t~l J:1reasurer will in tLirty days from the date of such notice redee~ this bond; and if at the expiration of 55 463. . I thirty days, the holder of this bond fails or neglects to present the same_ for payment the interest will Qease, but the Ci t:r Treasurer will be ready at all times to redeem the same on presentation. . This bond is one ofa serieS of one hundred thirty-five of I like date, tenor and amount, numbered from one to one hundred thirty- five, both inclusive, issued in pursuance of an Ordinance duly and regularly passed by the ,City Council of theCi ty of Bozeman, on the 7th day of April, A.D. 1916, and pursuant to the authority of a vote of the taxpayers of the City of Bozeman, at a special election held on the 3*d day of April, A.D. 19l6, for the purpose of extending, improving and enlarging the present water works system and to acquire an auxiliary or additional water works system from Bozeman Creek for the Ci~Y of Bozeman, and in acoordance with and by authority of lub- Division 64 of Seotion 3269 and se..otions 3454 and 3464, inolusive, . of the Revised Codes of Montana, 1907. It is hereby certified and recited that this ~ond is issued in strict oomplianoe with and in conformity to the l~ws and oonstitu- tion of the State of Montana, an~ that all acts, oonditions and thin~s required to be done preoedent to and in the issuance of this bond I , . have been ptoperly and legally done, had and performed, and the full , faith and credit of said City are hereby irrevooably pledged to 'the \ punctual. 'payment of this bond according to its terms. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Cit1 of Bozeman, Montana, has ,caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor and City qlerk and lithographic fac-similes of the signatures of its Mayor and City Clerk tO,be a~ixed to each ooupon attached to this bond and the corporate seal of the City to be affixed hereto in, the Oity of .Bozeman', Montana, the first day of July, A~D. 1916. Mayor. Attest: " -, Registered in the office of th~C1ty Clerk of the City cf Bozeman, Montana, this first day of July, A.D. 19l6". ~ 01 ty Clerk. I Seotion 2. That the interest coupons attached to said bonds shall be in substantially the following form, to-wit: .." 463. . "No. $25.00 I On January 1, A.D. 1917 THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA Will pay to bearer, the sum of $25.00,at the offioe of the City Treasurer of the City of Bozeman, Montana, or at the option of the holder, at a bank in New York City to be designated by the City Treasurer, being six month~s ~nterest on its water works bond No. due on said date. .attest: Mayor.. City Clerk". I Section 3. That each of said bonds will have as many of said cou- -pons attached thereto, bearinp.: the number of such bond, as there are in- stallments of interest payeble on said bond. Seotion 4. That the number of said bonds mentioned in Section One of this Ordinance shall be one hundred thirty-five, or as many thereof as shall be required, each of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars. Section 5. The.tthis Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Passed this 1st day of June, 19l6. Approved this 1st day of June, 19l6. I John A. Luee, Mayor. Attest: C. A. Spieth City Clerk. SEAL. I I 463. I The State of Montana, Oounty of Gallatin, City of Bozeman. ) : as. ) I It C. A. Spieth, City Olerk of the City of Bozeman, said County and State, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is the original of Or.dinance No. 463 of the Ci~y of Bozeman; that said Ordinance waspassed by the City Council of Bozeman, said County and State, on the 1st day .of' June, A.D., 1916, and approved by the Mayor; that true and oorrect oopies of sa1~ Ordinance No. 463 were posted, one each in the following named places; C1 ty Hall, 'Ellis Brandley & Co., Old Courier Building , Bon Ton Bakery,and Courier "Building Bulletin Boards, and that the same re- mained posted for the time required by law for such publication. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the City of Bozeman, Kontana. this 9th day of June, a.D..19l6. C. A. Spieth, City Clerk. SEAL. I I I