HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 16- 461, Fixes Annual Salaries of City Officers I I I I I " ;: . ;1 " ;: " !i o R DIN A N 0 E NO. 461". AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE ADUAL SALARIES OF THE "OFFIOERSOF THE. CITY OF BOIElU.N. JlONTAB.i)., un !eRE PER DID OF THE ALDEIUIEJI OJ' SAID CITY.. .' BE IT ORDAiNED BY THE CITY 00UI01L OF THE'CITY OF . BOZEMAN, KONWA. ~ection 1. The annual salary of the Mayor is fixed at the sum of $300.00. Section 2. Baoh alde~man shall reoeive $3.00 per diem for each day 'of session; but no alderman shall be paid for more than two day's servioes during any one month. . . Seotion 3. The annual salary of the iity Clerk 1sflxed at the sum of $300.00 per annum an~ the Bal~y of the Water $olle"tQr shall \e the sum of $1500.00 per annum. Section 4. The annual sal.'9f the deputy water collector is fixed at the Bum of $1200.00. Seoti'on 5. T:p.e annual Baler1 of the Gity Engineer is hereby , fixed at the sum of $2100.00. ~nd for the fiscal year fram May 1, 1916 ___ to Kay' 1, 1917 t the additional s;um of t300.00. Seotion6. The annual salary o,fthelity Treasurer is hereby t1xed at' the sum of $2000.00. Seotion 7. The annual salary of the Q'1 ty Attorney is hereby fixed at the sum of $900.00. Section 8. The annual salary of the Police Judge is hereby fixed at the Bum of $720.~0. Section 9. . The annual sala,ryof'theOCh1ef of ' Police 11;1 her~by fixed a.t the Sum Of'.~O.OO~ " .Section 10. The a.nnu4:"sala:r;l of each of tbree po1ice- ,,>., -\ , j. men 1a h~reby fixed at the sUm of $1200.00. leotlon ll. The ennl1al salary of the Jan1tor a.nd 'e.11or " .;:. :,; ~. is hereby fixed at the sum of $1200.00 < Seotion 12. . The a.n.nl1ala8J.ary of. the City Health Officer who is &. ph,sician, is hereby fixed IILt'the sum of t900.00. Section "13. The annual a~7 of the Building Inspeotor is hereby fixed at the sum of .300.0~' ~< '.I.', 49 ':'j"'.. ~! 0" !! .' ~i '. ri ji he".)),,: i' .j :i It !1 ~ i it ~ I: " ;. y . :1 '. .... ~ 46 n. ~"_,.__~___,._ ,. _'"", ., Sftot1on 14. ~e annual sale,ry o.t the Sewer, Commissioner is hereby fixed nil the 8Q of .30~ .00.. SeOlian 15. The MUlUA1 eal-ry of the' Street .cc:muUss1.anfr'le fixed At the aum of .1,.900.00. Seott on 16.,. , ' The "A,MTtPl .B.l~rYQf the Chief ot'.~eFi..,~~,,_nt ia hereby fixed nt the sum of$1f50Q~()O. Seotion.l7. 'Tn...AnDUAl RfllAryof .ea'ch Of two firemen in' tl;l~ Fire Depe.rtment, ilt J1el"'eby t:t~.4 g.t the liilum of t12qO.OO. ' S.eti:01'l 18. Tl\e.1lJlJlP], .,,:l~rJ' oftbe 11. br~r1.n is hersby fixed pt t.he sum at tI200.00. Seotion 19. ,The "nnnCll 8.lf\r;VQ~, the L1btFl.rS'ffYlitO'r is' li1er,ebY fixed pt .the aum of $4.t'O.OO. Seotiori 20. ~.- _J).:q.Al sAl'try ofthfil. W~ter Utility miJ!n ieller.., fixed filIt the sum of $1080;00,,' Section 2l. All OrdinAnc,eB And pRrts of.Ollldin'ilI1oes. .1noonflict h.re~tlh are herebY'Nrpealed.. Seotian82. Th1eOtdin~~o~ ehQ.ll take effeot and be in .force'from e.ndafter its p~saa.p:e ,8.l)proyAlipa ':,.o3:,loation. .i~..a.-cl lI'11t8 18t4~", Of :M.a.y, ,q 916. .A~o..d thla 1st day ~f :Mnv~ 1916. John .A. LUbe Attest: :,.c.A. ,Sllleth C1:ty Clerk. l(.:I'o:r SEAL . ...". Thei' Stat. of.llo1$.t!...:,.) Coun.t!If e:fGe.ll.<,t.1n I :@_.i 01 ty of, Bo zemAn. ) "'. . . . l. C.J~ ~Snie1ih, ,Ci"iJ7 Clerk ..ofth,:,'Gi ty,- of' BOZ8DlJ\Il ~ SR.id County.,nd81iete; o.41h..,.'bzr oert!fY: .th~t 'theA-boVe ',.4.,.'t'Q:Jft... "-'81M. 1$ _,the 01\~g1nal of O,,~fJl~O~,N'o,.,46'1,of- the C1t~ of BO'.~'1!}t-h*t ~e1d 'Ord1 n~noe W~Bp$SS.4'b,,'h. City Oogo 11 of ;Bo'3$ma.n ,8a!d:'d'_y1and dS1mte" ,on the 18t,A~'Y"of Kl!t:\f.;~ A.D. , 19:\.'6,,' Ana.6~'Prov..d -by the~~t,t~.,. t.X'Ue~ioo'lt.otiqcm1~aof sEL14 Ord1nftJ10e lio,. 461wflrepoBte.(1.O_'...OA,.""*:n the f()11ow1ng nAJnedp1;.o..B: . . .' l} ,; . ........ g1t:v .R~l1.,)'.E~.~$ j3randle:t .~CO! )....:O~4.Courler ,:a~~("t~, .BO:Q'~,.:,,~......, 't;l1!t.4 '~..<?O'F..,. .iere."...._...'" '.' ....l..,i;....,"........:,..."..t4...ll.., ...BO..~'i'dlJ.". ,,_..,.4 ..th. !lit. the .'em.r.~in.4.. ~",.,..... :,<, the ~ "t'lu.b.4',,:1~",. for such 'J)ublloa.tion. . [UWI!rli~aH~F" Ik8~ he1:'eunl;o eetm:v hana. 'a~daf'i'1;x.41~e,~fll . ~f,~';.I:IQl,..t Bo",~,;Uont~nfl thie 5th 4a:v of Krt.y, A.D., 191.6., ,'" ",' :>,. ~ " " , c. A. 8~ieth, .City Olel'~.' .;,...-:.....:_~...."... 11 j~ 'i l'" 'I h !,~ .B 1-1 ... 'I il ;:f ." iI" :i t: ., il ~ tl' r i; ;'l II II ~j !I ~\ Q'1:iI.A. . T.., ~. -- ,."' '. "~-,","' -""~'".~,.._. I I I" ...'.......~.~.' to ::'~ I I.