HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 16- 460, Appropriations for 1916 I "'~1 II :1 I I I I " o R DIN A H C E N Q . 460. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE CITY OF BOZEMAN FOR THEFISOAL YEAR COMMENqING ON THE FIHST MONDAY IN. MAY" 1916. " _' .... ~"".. .... IIIIiI .... _ _ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUliCIL OF THE or TY OF :aOZEMAlf: . Beotion 1. That the following amounts ar,e hereby appropriated from . the General Fund for the F1soaJ.- ;yea:-, eommenoing on the, first .Monday in . ~, 1916, to-wit: )":,.. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMEUT.. 1st. ' :E'or the annual salary of the Kayor at the rate. of $<2~.OO . .. .. .$300.00 . ~ . ~'. 4, 4. . . . . . . .......... . . '.fI.', ..2nd. For the salaries of eight aldermen at the rate ,~' " ii " . of to. 00 each per 'month . .'.... . . .. . . . .. .. .... . ... . . ..".:,...... . . . . . ,. $676.00 . "'&rd." For the expenses of :the Ezecutiv'e ;Depart.ant... ....... $100.00 REMAINING CITY OFFICERS. Q,t,ty Clerk. 1st. For the salary of the Qity Clerk at the rate of $25.00 per month ............................................. $300.00 ... . .. .. "" - ... 2nd. Expenses for printing, postage and stat"ionery . of City Clerk......... ...................................'........ . 20.00 3rd. Other expenses, inoluding salary for assistant . ..; 1>... III <I.: . in perfeoting the boaks and bookkeeping system for the Oity Ole"rk 1 B office..'.......... .'. . '. . . . . .",. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4>525.00 G"tyingineer~ . 1st., For the salary of the Oit)' Epgineer at the rate / ,. of $50.00 per month ............"....,....... ...~.....'............ $600.00 2nd. Printing, postage pd Btationery for the offioe .. ~ of theC1ty Engineer ..'........'....'.............................. . 60.00 -. . '3rd.M:1:soel1aneous expenses of the offioe of Ci.y Engine er ................ ,. . . . . . ,'.". .:~ '.'.., ,_ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ., . . . . . '200.00 .I I~.--'-.. 460. lst. Oity Treasurer. . For the salary of t:teCity Treasurer at the ra.te of $166.66 per month.....................................~.........$2000.00 2nd. For printing, postage and stationery for the office of City Treasurer............'................................ t 50.00 3rd. Other expenses of the Oi ty Treasurer I s offi ce. . . . . . .., $ 200.00 Qlty Attorney. 1st. For the salary of the City Attorney at the rate () f $ 7 5-. 00 pe,r month. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ..' $900.00 2nd. Printing, postage apd stationery of office of City Attorney...................................... .'.............. $ 5.00 3rd. For stenographer hire and telenhone... .'. . . .'.. . .,.... . .,$.600.00 Police Court.. 1st. For the sala.ry of the Police. Judge at the rs,te . . of $.60..00 per month.,....,.......,..........,........,........,....'.................... $7'20.00 2nd. Printing ,postage and stationery of office of . ~ Police. J."l1A1.ge.,. .....'. .'....... .,e..... ~,.,... "'. .:. .,.,...,..,.~,.:.................." .-.'.-,.* i 5.00 ,3rd,., . Dther expenses ofPolioe Judge.. including bond.,...... tl0.00 Police Department. lst. For the salary of the Chief of Police at the rate of $126.00 per mo~th.................................'.......$1500.00 2nd. Ji10r the salary of three policemen at tp.e rate of $lOa .00 each per month.....................................:. ..600.00 3rd. For salary of speoial, policeIDftIl.. ~....... ............$ 400.00 " .\ ... , 4tp.. For the salary of janitor and 4ailor at the' rate of $100.00 per mont~............................... ~ . . .' . . . . .$1200.,00 6tt. luppliesfor the Police Dep&rtment........:........ .t', 30.00 6th. For thebo~d of Oity prlson~rs........'....."...... .iP."~OO.OO 7th For miscellaneous expenses of Police .i.Jept.............$'ioa.oo Real th Department.. 1st. For the salary of the Oity Health qfficer at . the r.ata of "75.00 per month.....~..........,.....,....................."OO.0.0 2nd. :t4isc:ellaneous expenses........ ~............... ... ~...$ 10.00 - >. >" , . ~ ~ General MiBcellaneou~ Expense.. 1st. Salary of Janitor' (See Polioe Department) 2nd. Salary of Building Inspeotor at the rate of $25..QOper month.....................;................... .'. .. .. .. " 300.00 ;;; I I li- 'I :1 I i ~ [I I r " :1 I' :1 Ii il II II :1 Ii ,I I I ;j :1 I "io " I I Ii Ii " " Ii .. 1 1 I, 1 1 ~ . .~. I' Ii 45 .... _... t' '" 460. ;";,il.:.: ,~ : f -3rd. Other salaries. inoluding -the auditing of pooks by the State 4th. 6th. And! tor... . . . ~ . . . . . . ... . '. ,. . . . . . . . '. . . .. . . . . '. . . . . . . . e.. . . . $ 200.00 . 300.00 Maintenanoe of OityJ3].l-Building................... Expense of heating plant :for theCi ty Hall - BU.ild.ing. .'................ e...... eoe.... *._... e.. eo-. .,.. .~.....+............. 41;10,00.00 6th. E%pensefor lighting ti1ity Hall Building............. 450.00 . , .7,th. Printing. .. .,.,..... . ....."......... .,0.. ...,..,.,...."... . . . .. . .. i,lOOO.OO 8,th. Eleotion expenses other than printing......... .". . ... $ 250.0 0 -9,th., Expenses for street light,B,..................... .,.. .. $.9000.00 Seotion 2. That the following ~ounts are hereby appropria- ted from the. atreet .ll'und forthe1!'lsctaJ. year commencing on the fir,st Monday in May, 1916, to-:wit: STREETS AND SEWERS. .Rewer, ~.partment.. lst. For the salar1 of the aerir Qommiesio:Q,er at the ,/ :tat6.of $25.00 per month.......... ..... ........... ..,. .',. .,........... l 300.00 12500.QO . 100.00 2nd. Wages for laborers,"",........ '. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .'. . ... . "I} ,3rd . ~ 0 olS. . .' ,. -. . . . .e. .. . .,. lit. .,. ... ." e, .~,., '.. .. _". ." .~ eO'., to, · · · · · · . · · -.,i. . . . · . . 8tl".et~mmi8sioner. 1st. For the salary of Sltireet Oo-rr.unj,,~~iQne:t: at the rate of $100.. 00 pormonth......................'. .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. $1200.00 ,2'nd. Wages for.laborers..........'.....,..............~... $4200.00 3rd.. Moving and constr,uotion of oonorete oross walks~... .$1000.00. 4th. L1UDber, nails and e'to................................ ~, ~ . .. .,$. 400..00 . 5th. Tools. ,blacksmi th1ng and repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... .1000.00 6th. For anow plowing................~................... t 700.00 Seoti,on 3. That the f~llowing amounts are hereby apprGpriated from the 1f'ir,e, Funi' for tbe F1soal year. commencing witk the first Monday ii~Ma', 1910, towWit: 1st. For the salary of the Ohief' of the ]'ire D,part- ,l ment at the rate ofi125.00 per mQnt~'..~.........................1500.00 2nd.' For the salaries of two: fire~en for the Fire Department at the rAte of flOO.,OO_oachper..month............:.. ..$2400.00 ., 3rd. ]'or the maintenanoe. of the F1re De:putDl8nt at the rate of $lO.OO per month.............,.......,...................... 120.00 4th. F.or lIlisoellaneous expense. of the F1re,.Dept..........l000.00 ", ~ _.... ! 4.60. Section 4. That the following amoUnts are hereby appro- I " priated from the Library l!'und for the Fiscal yee,r commenoing on - the first Monday in YaY. 1916. to-wit: IBt~ For the sa~ary ~f the librarian at the rate of - .100 per month......... '......................... .-.. .'......... ...... .$1200.00' "2nd.' For the salary of the janitor at the rate of " $40.00 per month........"......... .'.... .'. .'. .~-...'. .'.'........... ........$ 480.0,0 " '.3rd. For the pur.hase of bOOks for the Public Library.....$ 600.00 4th. For ot-her expense~, including heat and light.......... 900.00 I Section 5. That the following amounts are hereby appro- ' priated from the Water Fund for the Fiscal year commencing on the first. Monday in May, 1916, to-wit: 1st. For the salary of water ~tility man at the rate of *90.00 per month... ~. ... ~........ .':......~.......................... .$1080.00 2nd. For t,he salaT,.' of water oolleot-or at th.e rate of , ' .$125 . 00 per ~ 0 nth. . ~ . .. . .' ~. .' . '. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .'. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... · · · · . . . $1100 · 00 31.-d. "01' ,thesala-ry of the deppt:y \Vster oolleotor at .t~e 'I "rate of.100 .per mont~............................,........,........... ...:1.200.00 4th. Fpr the salary of the City Engineer at the. rate of $125.,00, per month.....'.................... ~...............,..... .$1500.00 6th. For water extension, labOr.................. .'........ .$1000.00 6th. For maintenanoe a.nd repairs of plant..........-..-.-.o;....3500.00 7th. For supplies and mat'erialsfor water' "extensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . " .. . . " . . . .. . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . · '. . · · . · · · · $2300.00' 8th. For materials for maintenance and repairs..............2200.00 9th. ,ExPense of we-ter colleotor's office...................$ 150.00 loth. Post~ge, printing and s,tationery for Yiste:r I oollector's office....:................"..... .'..................... .t200.0Q llth~ Tools for Oit~'Engineer......:....,....................$ 250.00 Seoti.on 6. The following amounts are hereby appropria- '. ted from the Park Fund for the. Fiscal year commencing on the first Monday in May, 1916, to-wit: 'let. l!'or paving assessments, including interest........... .f1270.00 2nd. For maintenanoe of parks...............................$ 600.00 '3rd'." Miscellaneous expenses, inoluding pu.Jrohase of, trees, . shrubbery and-expenses of paVing and sidewalks in I oontemplation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . .; . . . . . .. . . . . . . · · · · · · .$,1300.0'0 I I I- I 1 \...~.: ill: 460. Seotion 7. Xhat the follo.ing amount is hereby appropriated from the Water Sinking Fund for the Jrlaoal year oommencing on the first Jloncla11n lIel'. 1916, to-wit: 1st. For the payment of one ,-ear'. interest on the . Water Bonds..............................".................. '. · . · · · · . e6Z 7 6.00 Section 8. That the following amount is hereby apllropviated from the Oity Hall Sinking Fund for, the Fisoal year oommenoing ~n the first Monda,. in Kay, 1916,' to-wit: 1st. For the p$Yment or interest on the e1ty Hall Bonds and the redemption of suohOltl Ball B9ade a~ there may be funa.s for the:redemption thereof.............~.........,.....$3200.00 Se:ction 9. That the 'following amount is hereby appro- prfated from the Fun_ding Bo~dSink:.:1Jlg .JI\und f~r the 'Fisoal , ' 'year commencing on the fi:rstMonl.,-lnJla7 ,1916, _ t()-wi t; u' . . . . . H . .. .. . '.i'.' . 1st.. For the payment of thelnteres~ ,o~ suoh out- stand ing bonds........ '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . · · · · .,_ . .8300.00 . . l' ,2nd. ,For .;the redemption 0:( ~~ing laeds.... .,............'. .$1000.00 Seotion lO. T!1i.s Ordinance shall 'be published by posting at five publio plaoesln the .City of Bozeman and , ' shall take effeot and 'be ih force from and aft.r the first day of :ru.r, 1916. Passed tl:la 2Sth day of April, 1916~, Approved this 29th day ,of itpril,1916. John A. Luoe lCayor. Attest: o. A. Spieth City Clerk. SiAL. ... .' .1 ji ii ii 'I I: ,: !: I: I II v ~ .,~.. 4.:0 o. .,.,. The Sta.te of Montana, Oounty of Galla tin, O:tty of Bozeman. ) : ss. ) I, C. A. Spieth, oity Olerk of the City of Bozeman, said _C~unty and State, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is the or1gin~1 of Ord1nance.No-~""-460 of the Oi ty of BOleman; that 'sa~d. Ord1nanoe " was passed by the laity Counoil of Bozeman, said Oounty and State, on the 29th day of Apr~l. "A.D., 1916, and approved by the Mayor; that true and correot copies of said Ordinance ria. 460 were posted, one each in the following named plaoes: ..... . ' , City Hall, Ellis Brandley & Co., OldiCourier Building. B9n Ton _ I _ Bakery BIld \lour1er Building Iiul.letin Boarr' and. that 'the ....... remained posted for thet:1me, requ~re~ by law for such publioation. IN WITRESS',WREREOF, I have hereunto set "'my hand and affixed the Sea.l of ,the Ci ty of Bozeman, Montana, this let day of l(ay, . A.D.. ,,1916. c. ".&.I;.. Spieth Oity Clerk. "..BAt'.' ' ,. i II 'I Ii If !! I il I, il II II ii :1 II :1 II ' i I I 'I 11 I :; ij I' it il li I I I j II II ij !I ,i i .. il i~ '. :1 I! H it jf :; ij :1 II " Ii II I 'I !I It 'I II il 11 11 ;\ q I I t" /',1' l q " ~ I; :1 I"'. i< !I' II Ii ~I I, " i.l " :1 II :i Ii " j,; v iJ :,1" j!'