HomeMy WebLinkAbout19910318 9. Consent Items - Motion and vote the appropriate actions to approve, and authorize and direct persons to complete the necessary 8 Discussion - FYI Items - City Manager's report 7 6. Status report from ad hoc recycling committee cipal disposal for penalties Ordinance No 1323 - amending Chapter 8.16 of, the Bozeman Muni- Code, defining garbage, providing for the collection and thereof and defraying the costs thereof, and providing for violation thereof Motion and vote to provisionally adopt and set public hearing for April 1, 1991 5 Discussion the various format for meeting on March 20 with members of advisory boards and commissions 4 Request for classification of use - City-County Planning Staff - whether the addition of twenty gaming machines to Frederick's Family Restaurant constitutes establishment of casino, and wheth- er it is different from restaurant serving beer and wine Motion and vote e 3 Minutes - March 11 1991 2 Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence Item No I Roll Call - 3 30 p.m Previous Action by Commission Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Page 1 of 3 Pages March 18 1991 AGENDA THE COM M C I T Y I S S o F I B 0 Z E MAN o N M E E TIN G M 0 N TAN A Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission Request for deviation to Section l8.50.120.B.6. of the interim a. zoning ordinance re paving of parking lot - Matzinger Electric 907 Bridger Drive; per DRB recommendation ~ Request for permission to conduct WalkAmerica - Montana Big b. Sky Chapter of the March of Dimes - Saturday, April 27, 10:00 a.m. - begin and end at Rax; limited to sidewalks and walkways Award bid for Repurchase Agreement for the period April 1, c. 1991 through March 31, 1992 - First Security Bank of Bozeman; per staff recommendation Award bid - one new sewer inspection te1ev~sion mounted in a d. one-ton van - Aries Industries, Inc., Sussex, Wisconsin - $62,978.00 Building Inspection Division report for February 1991 e. Claims f. 10. Recess 11. Reconvene at 7:00 p.m. THE C I T Y o F B 0 Z E MAN, M 0 N TAN A COM MIS S ION M E E TIN G AGENDA March 18 1991 Page 2 of 3 Pages 16 Adjournment Public hearing - Conditional Use Per - allow expansion of outside lumber ~~~ expansion/remodeling of existing retail & W~ Lot 20, Block E, Rouse's First Addition area - Lots 10-19 501 East Main St) Motion and vote to adjourn 15 - ~""'~rage sales Uni~ed Building Center and non-structural 14 Public hearing - Conditional Use Permit - SBA Partnership - allow op~ration of a restaurant/c"asino serving beer and wine and expan- sion of existing structure on Lots A and A-I, Block 1, Kirk's Second Subdivision (120 North 19th Avenue) Conduct public hearing 13 Public hearing - variances - Dan Kamp for Marguerite four-unit residential Fourth Addition (1514 to Sections Christensen complex on Lot South 2, Block Tracy Avenue) 18.20 allow and 18.50.100 construction of 1, Thompson's a Conduct public hearing 12 - AS to B-2, R-2 and R-3 Taylor - l44.75-acre tract in TIS, R5E, and the E~, E~, Section 26, niverside Country Club, east of the Waste north of U.S Hi~hw~lOl 050 Conduct public hearing Item No Conduct public hearing Page ~ of ~ Pages Previous Action by Commission Items of Business Action Requested by Commission March 18 1991 AGE N D A THE C COM M I T Y I S S ION o F B 0 Z E MAN, M E E TIN G M 0 N TAN A