HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 16- 455, Prescribing Regulations for Junk Shops and Repeals Ordinance 264 ,\ I II II ~:: ~ Ii ,,\ .l! \'\ :i , .il ~ii " ii ~311 =1; " ~;!! l~iii ~ c:a.;;. :1 --II I II II II !! ,. I I I :1 I! ,j . jl " II :; " ~l ;1 :1 " , 11 " ,; 'I I: iI !i - !~ 'I c i " o R DIN A N C E NO. 455 . ... 0 -'0 -0 ... AN ORDI1~AROE PRESCRIBING REGULA.!.CINGSFOR' JUNK SHOPS ( ABD TO REPEAL THAT, ,PART OF OiJ;lUA.NOE NO. 264.. OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, RBLATING TO ~UBX DEALERS. ,'~~" ' -I) .. 0 ... 0 - BE IT ORDAIUED BY THE 01 TY COUNCIl. OF THE 01 TY OF BOZli14AN: SECTIOlI 1. >>0 person or persons shall engage in or oarry on the business of buying ,or selling or'dealing in junk, rags, old rope, ; - paper, bagging, old iron, iron bars, oopper, brass, tin, empty bottles, rubber, lead, or any other articles orthi~g that is ordinarily bought or dealt in by persons oomrn~n11oal184 -junkdealers-, without being , \ speoially licensed for su.~~ pw;pose*!,.;llor shall any person 'or persons " oarry on any such business at any otlle'r plaoe or location than the ) one designated in ,eaoh lioense; and:under such r~gulation8 as her,eafter in this Ordinanoe provided. , Ii II I' ,I I, I) II !i SECTION 2. The 01 vOcnmcilmaygrant licenses to such persOIls as shall produoe, to i.t satisfaotory evidenoe of their good cha.raoter, -to carryon in the 01 ty of Be,e~ll. 'the business described in See't1on Oneof.thia Orilinance. ,- '- SECTION 3.' The oharge fo-r such l,laenee 8hal~ be the sum o:f Sixty dollars per annum, payable to the tit;r ,Treas-mrez" annually in H II 1\ I' il 11 II II " II II I; 1j " I: ,1 ,- ii I '1 advanoe . . SilCTION 4).1 , ,\- Avery person lioensed under the provisions of this ,':'.i'... , . OK1I1anoe. shall" at th~time of recu...lqsueh licen". and before ,- t~ same shall take effeot, e:J1terintg. w1 th two lilllffioient sureties, , , ; \a$oint'and several bond to the" "1;7,Of 'h..man, in the penal sum of 'o.e~'ousand Dollars, oGndlt1one4fozothe' fal thful and due obBe~vanoe ,::i of a};l su'oh'o~dine.noee of the .~, Qt~i._.:,,~ may then be in foroe ~" . i' ';" " ,,:,;'ot',,:,!ay thereafter bepasBed, reap-eoting pOreOJl8 ooadueting or maintaiXl:- .... .":,,,": '"\,'0':.. . , ," ' : 'Ingthe busine as, desori bed in..ot1.;.;~. rd' tliis Ordinance!:.,..;,; , ,," , om ':." , ' : ':',: : '<'<:"::':~::':"":':.\':'.:,:" ' , ":" ' ' . :.'".,:,:::;:,r,;.::",: :'+'~.:::'::':;:',,, ,," '''i,''':~ ,,,,,,:.:> SEOTION 5. &....:.;:1 '~~,d.&l~;,c; '~~.J.i kef' .this pla."'~~~~':bUSln88B ( . . a substantial, well-bound book. in "'hUsh._all 'be entered in1nk daily " ' at the time .of eaoh puroh8Be.;".~~.tllllt~.:4:~:~J."!~ptlon of~each and every ~" ,,,;' L 456. article or thing purchased or received, the precise time of suo;b. pur- chase or receipt._ the exact amount paid therefor, the name and resi.... dance. or place of business of the person or parsons from whom the article .or thing was purchased or received, and particular mention of- any prominent or deaoriptivemarks that such article or thing may bea~. 8.lC~ION 6. '.Bv~ry such dealer shall, during the ordinary hours of business or at any reasonable time, when requested by the Chief of Police' or any member of the police ,force, or any person authori.zed by him or them to make suoh request, submit and exhibit the book pro- vided for in this Ordinance, to his or theirinspec,tion and shall also upon request' exhibit any ~rticle or thing purohased or received. SECTION 7. It shall be the duty of every such dealer to make out-and deliver to the Chief of P~lice daily before the hour of 12 o'olock noon a'legible and correct oopY from said book, giving an aoe...re.tea.nd.correct account and description of eaoh and every artiole or thing purohased or raceived by him during the day preceding. ': the preoise time of suoh purohase or receip~. theexa,ct amount paid therefor, the name and residence or plaoe of business of the perBonor persons'from whom such article or thing ~as purchased or reoeived, and particular mention of any prominent "or desoriptive marks that suoh article or thing may bear. SBOTIOIl8. B6 personal property or article of any kind pur- chased or r~oei ved by any suoh deal~r shall b.e Bold or allow&d. to b$ ta.ken from the place of bu~1ness of suoh dealer for, the space,Qf one week, Sunday excepted. after the oopy and statement required by this Oriinanoe sha.ll have been delivered to the Chief of Police. And whenever the Ohief of Polioe or any member o,f the police force, - or any other person authorized bF -him or th~m, shall notify any such dealer not to sell or otherwise dispose of any article or thing pur- (Jhas~d or reoeived by him. such art~ole 'or thing shall not be SQ1-d or otherwise dispo'sed of, u:atil' the" expiration of twen:ty days aftertbe giving of suoh notifioation. SBCTION 9. No junk dealer licensed as aforesaid shall break, bruise,. burn, melt, cut. tear or mutilate any article or thing pur.. . ahased 02;' r~cei TeA by him, so as to in any way change the fo'rm.shape. appearance or oondi tionof suoh artiole or thing; nor shall he o.aus& " " " :i :! or permit the same to be done. And no junk. dealer shall buy., handle,. I I I I I I I I I 'i :! ,i :1 i '.1 " I 11 I ~ ;; ~' 'I' :! I! :; 1: !l" . :.'~r~> deal in or have in hiS posse$aionany artiole Qr thing mutilated, altered or'damaged as aforesaid. SECTION 10. No junk dealer lioensed as aforesaid shall buy or sell or deal in anyartiole of goldo:r silver, or any artiole of house- hold furniture, or any implement. tool, utensil, or other thing in a soun-d., new, or undamaq-ed oonditton;nor shall he advanoe any money or other valuable thing 011 the seouritl of suoh artiole or thing. And no junk dealer shall buy, handle, deal in or have ,in his possession any "'7 ~ ore, rock, or quartz, or any 8\QI&1g8JQ, matte" or conoentrates containing silver, gold.- oopper-or other valuable me.tals, or any metal oopper not manufac ture,d. ~CTIOli 11. No junk dealer lioensed as aforesaid shall purohase { f . or receive any goods, artiale or thing whatso8Ter ~Oql.any minor, without the written consent ~f the parentor8UB:X"dian of suoh minor, ,whioh written consent shall be reoeived 811.4 retained bysuoh junk dealer, subject to -.mination by, the proper authorit1,..;,ondeJDalld. And no junk dealer shall have ,anxbusine,ss deallngswhate",er with any minor without' the ~itten oonsent of the parent or guardian of suoh minor. " SEOTION 12. i'Yery 3unk dealer J,ioensed as aforesaid who shall rtol,te or negleot or refuse to comply with any of the provisions of r. thie Ordinanoe, shall,. for everY,Buoh of~enBe, be guilty of a miedemeanor i' aadupon oonviot1on t~ereof,8h~l,l be p'unishe4. .b7a fine of nO,t less than fwenty"'fi ve Dollars nol" mora-, tl:an' ~~..~4r.d Dollars, or by imprison... ment not exo~edingn1nety days, or 117 bot-h luch fine and imprisonment. SEC~ION 13.; Xvery 11caase ~anted' or to be granted to any .' keeper..o.f a junk 'shop ma;y" r.,.elt.4, b7 theQi ty Oouncil on satisfactory aause appearing to them for.~o doing. or for the violation of any of ' . 1 the provisions of this Or41nam~.~ No keeper of a junk shop 8S such shtU:l., QuI'Y on, or hold a lioense to Garry on, th.e business of a pawnb1"9ke-r. ~OTION l4. .ItJ.'. oase any keeper ota 3~BhQP licensed as afore- said shall remove his store or plaoeof 'bu81ne.,s from the plaoe 48S1g- nated in said license; he ahal'tt~d1atel;Y thereupon g,i ve notioe to the Gilty: Counoil and haTe the same ehc1oJ'e,(l.~,~ll1:Ph license. l (" I 1 :> ,,' ,. ' :~:' , '( -: .,,~.,. ,~t,:;::::. . , ~ I I I i i. I: ;, !; !i Ii I~ ii II I' I ! i I ]1 '! It I' ,I !i ~,t' ., "I 455. r---" -.. SECT! ONl5 . Every license granted to Bn;}T keeper of a jUllkshop shall designate the house or plaoe, together with the street and number, in which the person receiving suoh license shall be authorized to oarry on suoh business. SECTION l6. If any goods, artiole or thing shall be advertised in any daily or weekly newspaper p:z:inted in the Oity of Bozeman as having been lost or stolen. or if notice of such loss or theft be given in per- son or otherwise to any keeper of a junk shop, and 'if a.ny of the said goods, article or thing, or anything answeriI1g to the description e,f the gods, ar,ticle or thing so advertised or any part or portion thereof, shall then be or 'thereafter como into.his possession, he shall forthwith give information thereof in W1"iting at the office of the Chief of Police, and shall also state, from whom" the same was received. - SIOTION'l7. Eve'ry keeper of 8. junk' shop who shall reoei veor be in possession of any go~ds, artioles, or things whioh,~ay have been lost or stolen, shall forthwi~h. on' detp~~~.to view the same exhibit the same to the :Chief of Police CJil"" any member of the police force. or any person authorized by him or them t'o make such demand. SEC~IeN 18. Any person acting as junk dealer in the City of Bozeman or attempting to do so as the term is defined in this Ordinance. wi thout having first obtained 8. license as here,in provided for, .shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviotion thereof shall be;.pU- 1ehed b1 a fine of not less than ~enty-five dollars nor more than three ,Q.undreddbJ,.lars, or by imprisonment not exceeding ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 19. The provisions of this Ordinance shall not apply tQ persons.engage'd only in buying or collecting rags or Paper to be 118$4 exclusively in the manufaoture of paper. SECTION 20. That tha't part" of Ordinance Ho. 264 of theOit'-'of " . Bozeman ,relating to junk dealers and all other ordinances and })srts of ordinanoes so !fat' as the pro,visions thereof conflict with this ordinanoe are hereby repealed. SECTION 21. This Ordinanee shall take effeot and be in foroe , " from and after its passage. approval and publication, aooording to~aw.. Passed Kareh.'Snd. 19,.6. ApproTedMarch 2nd. 1916. Attest: John A. Luce, .yor., c. 'A. Spieth , City C18~k. SEAL. ~," .'" ~',:"; I I Ii 'Ii :1 !I :1 II II ~! ii :1 " ~ ~f "j !i " :1 t II :1 :1 ~i II II II :i < I II 11/ i, Ii ,I Ii Ii :.! '1 II " ] -". I " ~'" I I I I I I ~. -" , /:: , :i '; :I f ;! "~I i> .. . 455,,. The State of Montana, County of "Gallatin, , 'City of Bozeman. ) : es. l , I, C. .1. ,Spieth, City Clerk of the Qity of Bozeman, said County and State, do hereby certify thai the above and foregoing is the original of Ordinance No. ,466 ~f the City of Bozeman; that said Ordinance was passed by the 11ty Counoil of Boseman, said Oounty and State, on the 2nd day C)f,~ob., 1916, and approved by the { Jt&yor; that true and-' correct cop1es of said Ordinanoe Ho. 4,65 were posted, one each in the following name~ plaoes: ", Courier Building, X"on-Ncrbb L~bar Q.$mpany ,Court Houee, Post Offioe, and Ci tv Hall ~ul~,t1n ,Bo.rd~, and that the same remained posted for the time ~equired by ,law for s~oh publioation. IN WI'TN~S WHEBE01!' ",I ha-.e, hereunto set my hand and affixe4 the 'eal of the Q1 ty of Bozeman~IlQntana. ~his 6th day ',Of Keroh. A.D. ,1916. c. A"b1eth, ' C1ty CJlellk. _ S1t4L. ."~ , " ""~'" .. 1"1 " j (" II Ii WHEREAS, the Oity Counoil of the Oity of B02ieman, at's speoial held on February 2'8, 1916, duly and,regularlYPss,se4 Counoil Resolution Ii...' il. entitled, "A C,ounoil Resolution Providing for the Issuanoe of "ater Works Bonds, i11 the 8UDl of $235,000; $J.60,oOO of the fraGeeds ther-eof to ,,'be Used in Redeeming the Present OutBte.ndingW~te~ Works Bonds and the Balanoe in h:tendlng, Improving and Enlarging,the Present Water Wor:ks . ,,:-.,v_"~' ,~",:,~_,. o R D' I NAN C.E Ii 0 . .4 5. 6 . ..... .. ... .. ... c.") c....> f;; ~., , ... c=> 1~~; ~il ~/' ,,~ ~ '~ AlJ ORDINAUOE DIREOTUiG THE ISSUABCE OF WATER WORKS' BONDS OPTEEOI n OF BOUM.A+f KOlfUIA ~ TO THE AMOUNT OF., $-235.000; $100,000 qF TD P1tOO~S"1JHEREOF TO BE US~D : IN~ING THE PRES~T o UfJlBTANJH!fG, WATER WQRKS BONDS AND THE BALANOE IN EXTENDINGXMPROVING,AND ENLARGING THE PRESENT .WATER WORKSSYSTEM:4JfD ACQUIRING AN AUXILIARY all ADDITIOUAL WATER WORKS 'SYS'TEM' FaOM BOZEM.A1i CBEExFOR THE ',' oj; TY OJ!' BOZli~l(A,N: AN:{},PROVIDIUGFOR A ~.u TO BE LEVIEJ " &011 YEAR FOR THE' PURPOSE OF PAYINGTiiE IliTEREST ON SUCH BOJ1':DS AIlD TO OQATE A SINKI!iG FUliDFOR THEIR REDEMJ:'TI ON,. , ,'. . .... ' ~ '1IIIIIl ~ _ _ '~\ . ' System and Aoquiring an' J,;u%iliaryor Additiona.l Water ,Works System,frolD' Boteman Creek for the Citr of Bozeman, and Providing for the Calling and "", Holding of a SpeoialEleot~on for the Purpose of Submitting the Qnestion of Such Bond Issue to th~ Qualified Eleotors", and WHEREAS. ,the OitY,COimoil of said City in - sS1.d, Counoil Resolut~.~;1,1.uOit ...... , '695, order6uithat a speoial eleqtion be held 'in theClity' of ,Bozeman'. Montana, On the3rd dltyot.ApX'-il, 1916, and the CityCierk of said Oity " . was authorized 'snddireoted to give notioethereof as' provided by law for the purpose of sUbmitting to the ta:xpayere, of said, OJ. ty of Bozeman.-aa I " . . '! . It "j definedblSections 468 and 469 of the Re,1eed' C:ode.s of Montana ofl907. . . who were also possessed of the qualificati6na of' electors in the said Qj.ty,. of Boseman, the question Of the said City of Bozeman issuing waterworks bonds upon the oredit'of theSa:1..'0ity in the s'Wn ~f $235,000, the pro... 08ads from the sale thereof to be used in re'd'eeming the present outstanding water worksbonda e.nd the balanoe in extending, improv1nganq, enlarging 'the present water works system and acquiring atl auxiliary or additional . water works aysteEl'fromJ)eleme.n Creek 'for the1i'ty of Boz.eman; and '~',""-" .' ",~~.-",.""~,.....-"..,.:'-",,,-,,< ._'-',""'~".' 1 1 I... I I