HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 16- 454, Fixes Amount of Annual Road Poll Tax, and Repeals Ordinances 151, 158, 272 -..,,- i! 'I !i [I II 'I furnish to theei ty- Treasurer, a complete list of all of the perso~s eo II 11 em~iol.ea. and if any such employer shall negleot or refuse to furnish suoh,," Ii il tI 'I ;1 ii :1 'I '.iI 'i I!"~ ';',;i;'-2'~;~"...~".:':, o R DIN A Ii C E rq 0 _. 4-54. ' '.: ~. ~,~ ~\ ,\il. ~ 'H ~ " , ~ AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE AMOUNT OF THE ANNUAL ROAD POLL TAX, AIm PROVIDIIW lWR ITS COLLECTION, AND R~PEALIHG ORDINAnCES NO. 151, 158, 272, OF TEE CITY O~ BOZ~~. e,i, .-... ", .........' I >~;"" I' l:, ~!j fai" ;.: :iii .' e" ii, ;: L=:.. Ii ,....-.:: I,',' ~11 ~,t"..'"..! , , , ,,' I: b"il '-", ," ......' (: B1.. IT ORDAIIQED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 0]' THE CITY OF BOgEMAN: "-'IV ,I Repealed IJyOnliRaRca -N8._-~~'1~' SEC7ION"'T: &"tery man residing in the Oity of Bozeman ov~~ of twenty -one years and under the a~e of fifty years, must pay an .,~,.,t"J,"!::,,' ~. t'h,e e.g, ij , ","~',"".',"',',.,',',,'.,"",',"',.,'.'.."",',.".,.",',"~,I,,', annual': ',"I ~",:'\ j~ 'I li ~~ il i;j road poll tax in. the sum of two dollars. SECTION 2. The Oity Clerk must make a list of all persons liable for the payment of the annual road poll tax in the City of Bozeman,and present the same to theCi ty Counoil for inspection and correoti.otl at e. regular or special meeting to be held not later than the third Monday in May. On or before the f.irst teglller meeting of the Oouncil in June,the o~~oil must direot aoopy of such list, as correoted, certified by the olerk, to be delivered to the Oity Treasurer, and the CityT:reaeurer must forthwith oolleot suoh taxes from the persons named in the list, and from suoh other persons liable for the same, as he may add ther,et.O; provided. that any person who is assessed for a property tax in the city may pay such annual road toll tax at the time he pays his generaltu, '~::i.". and in ..such case the annual road poll tax shall be added upon the aSG.sement list to other taxes of persons liable therefor paying :ilaxes upon real and personal property, by the County Clerk upon. a list of the names of persons liable for the same being certified to. by theQ1.ty , Clerk. SECTION 3. ETery ,person having in his or its employmenta~ pers~ or persollsliable for the1 special road tax of ,two dollars men- -' tioned in this Ordinanoe", must on or before the third Monday ill Maroh in each year, and monthly thereafter until the first day of Oatobeir t '.; liQ..~, he shall forfeit to the Ci:ty of Bozeman the sum of fifty dollars to } ,I ,:; I' ,I II ~~ be:'reoovered by an,.abtion brollp:ht in the name of the City of Boz;eme.n1n ......~.,--'" ' the" Police 'Court, of the City of BOlllam.aIl, Montana, and the further sum of ..:f1fty dollarefor ea~h.efuBa.l qr neglect to furn:l.sh suoh list '----..,- ~:~~1;" :~ "::) I ii'.'I..,.!., 'I' .:jt I ~ "~ ..'1....' ", ;i' II !l' Ii 'i !' ji !: t I I ~,; I I '~I I J ii- .., " . II ii, iI Ii Ii I. Ii 'I " !i Ii 454. .':. , i 11 Ii I I Ii " II I ii ji :: Ii " Ii ,,, ., I; I, Ii i' ,I Ii " ,i II I, " ii Ii i' i II II Ii Ii' " ,"~, H iI aftel'aD.Y demand shall have been made by .the :01 ty ~reasurer therefor. SECTION 4. If any person required to pay the speoial road tax mentioned in this Ordinanoe does not pay the same and has no property subjf;lot to' taxation and the person owing the same is in the employment of any other person, co-partnership or oorporation" the Oity Treasurer must deliver to the employer, a written notioe stating the amount of tax due for suoh employee, and from the time of ~e:f)-ei vitig the said notice. the em- .. , ployer is liable to pay said' t'ax;:tn~t;ih~;;t_{,aopaid may be deduoted by suoh employ..!! from the amonnt then due ~! to "aoome due to suoh employee. Any employer failing to pay said tax of his employee, as in this seotion hereinabove provided, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion, thereof shall be punished bya fine ~ot less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or b~ im.prisonment not exceeding ninety days, or by both suoh fine end imprisonment. / I, , r I I II II ,I II I I I I ,I 'I I; II 11 Ii I! II SECTIon 5. Any pers'on refusing to pay this said tax, as herein provided, shall on oonviction be fined five dollars; and in case of his t" I , fe:ilure to pay the same, he shall be eOllllnittedto the Qity Jail unless suoh 8lWlte paid, and shall serve one dq thereln.fot" eaoh two dollars of ee.id fine. SECTION 6. Ordinanoes No. 161.158, 272 , and allOrdiJUmoeB ~d .P~ts of Ordinanoes in oonfliot with this Ordinanoe are hereby,r.,ealed. SECTION 7. This Ordinance shall be 1nforce and take effeot ~1:. trt-omarid after ita passage, approval andpublioatlon. Approved Maron 2nd, 1916. Passed Karch 2nd, 1916. t John A. Luce _or. .."teat : c. A. Spieth City Clerk. ,I.. "- WL~ ...... 464. The State of Kontana, Q.ounty of Gallatin, Oity of Boz~man. ) : BS. ) i'~ ' :/ I~ 1." I. C. A. Spieth, Oi ty Olerk .,of the Oity of , /''1!,~< Bozeman, said Oounty, and State, do hereby oertify that ,the above and I:'. j foregoing is the original of Qrdinance Ho. 454 of the Oity of Boseman; .-, that said O:r-dinanoe was passed by the elty Oouncil of. Bozeman, said County and State, on the 2nd day of Maroh, 1916, and aPPl'oved by the Mayor; that true and correot copies of said OrdinaJ;loe l~o. 454 were posted, one each in the following named places: Courier :Suilding, Ke~on-.Noble LumberOompany, Court House, Post OffiQe, and City Hall Bulletin B08.%'4s, and that the same remained posted the time required by law for such publioation. ~ j .~ II ~..' f9;r1! , ~ it ii I' il I, 'I il Ii" 'i 'I ll~ WITNESS WHEREOF, I haTe hereunto set my hand and affixed the 8,.1 of 'theOity of BOlf)man, Mont~a, th'is 6th day of March, A'.D.. 191&. C~ A. Spieth Cit1 Olerk UAL. :i i ' :1 :1, !i i! II 11 II: 'I " 'I h 'i II ii H il ;1 i1 1! ", ".... '(..;.," '.' 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