HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 16- 453, Prescribing Form of Special Improvement Lighting District Bonds . .~-'~~" -~,~ -- ,-~_.,. ~~~- _.........-~ ~"',,"- ~".,~._.~,~ ..... ~~ ,.._~.~ ..._.'.." ,._~".._.." "~,w.,,.., ..""~~'^,', .".,. .,"",.,~.'."" .~--,.." ----""... ..'._" ., ~,-, ~ ,~~_.. \<~- ~_.. '-"-"',' '-,. ~ ,_..,~ ----.......... .., ~.~ +. - .-. -- . ~".~...,.--~~_........ .~."..,"'.'_".m.."'.'_,.-...._ 'I . Ii ;; .. I ~! : n I 'I ;1 !! ORDI.NANCE .N 0 . 453. 11 Ii H " 'i , :'i AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THE FORM OF SPECIAL II IMPROVEMENT LIGHTING DISTRICT BOlmS. . t~ :.i ., BE IT ORDAINED BY THE OITX COUNCIL OJ!' THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: II !: H ! ~ , I. I' . :1 " " Seotion 1. All special improvement lighting distriot bonde here- Ii : ~ II :;: I, " 11 I "j! ;i ii after to be issued. in payment oithe oost and expense of any and all im.... ~; II prevemente mad.e in any special improvement lighting distriot within said :1 I' :1 I, Oity shall be in the followin g form and language, to~wit: :1 il II il UNITED STATES OF AMLRICA. ;'i 1 'I STATE OF MONTANA. II " it $ 'i No. ii I il l>istriot lio,. il Ii Ii SPEOIAL IMPROVEMENT LIGHTInG DISTRICT coupon BelW " , il Iesued 'by the City of :Bozeman , Montana. il I Interest at the Rate of 6 per oent.per Annum, I , , " Payable Annually. i # ..,~ 'i I' ! 1~ -0-0-0- 'I ;, ,p II l .j(' ji 1 :. 1,1 'f THE TREASURER Of THE CITY OF BOZEMAN , MOllTUA, WILL PAY J l' \, ' . ! .'.1 f TO # II l~ 'I! ,I . ...I! 'I or bearer, the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS as authtn-ized by Resolution 'I II I. :! II No. t ss passed on the . da.y of 19 , II , .i :j creating Special Improvement Lighting. Distriot No.. for the 'Construo':-" 1I II ii i! I tion of.the improvements, and the work performed as s.uthorizedb1 said I ,~, resol.ut1on to be done .in said District, and all la.ws, resolutions' and jl I H !i ~... , ;1 ordinanoes r.el..t1ng thereto~ in payment of the contraot i~ a.ooo:r'clanQe"th~e.,J il !f ' .1.. < I! 'I wi th. The prinoipal and interest of this bond are payable at the offioe' i! , Ii of the 01 ty Treasurer of 110..._. Montana. I., :l H i'l I' . ::i 11 'I II 1 : '~ :$' -. , . ., - Ii , il ::~ ? "", I I! " ii Ii if I. II I !I I ;! " ;; I' i' I ,l. """,""" !I tL~, ' .,~~ " .~ I ii ~i , . i \ t~ ;",- "t;. ,. " :':, ..II'lI"'I.....': . , ^'" ',':',1',"'. ,. ~ I - , . . ~' ,..,.,.,~. ....."., ,n". on ,..._~.,.,__.~ ,..."'"u. ~~,.,~..,...~. ~. ~ m ",~",,,,,,.,,,.,_. ."".. .._-~... 11 -, , !I II i I II . h II !I I! 'i Ii . I This bond bears interest at the rate of eix, per oent (6%) per annum from \1 :1 ,- n 'j.' .. ,~, '.". .. i' :1 . ii the date of registration of ,this bond as expressed herein, until the date " ,- n II !1 II oalled for redemption b;y the$ity Treasurer. The interest on this bond i: 11 Ii " II . I! 11 is payable annually on theflrstda.,. of January in eaoh year, unless paid II :i ' II , , " \ ' , , b i previous thereto, and as expresseA by the interest eoupons hereto attaohed. - Ii I , I: i This bon!l is payabie from a fUd, seventy-five 'per oent of which Ii I I " . '~. speoial t~ or 'assessment H I r wi.llbe obtained fr.omtheoolleetiotl of a II ~ :\ . ,". I, which is a ~ien against the real eati8.t~ wi thin said,..,improvement distriot il I 11 !i " , il Ii &8 desori~d in said resolution here1.nbefore referred to and the re- Ii I; '1 H l' maining t1tenty-five per oent to be paid into said fund'frolD the Street I, ii Ii "".-:'"'\",:''7''''' '",' .", ' I: L ij Fund/by the fitty of Bozeman. ii iJ i.i This' bond ia redeemable a'tthe op't,1on o:t: the Ci!-ty of Bozeman at !I il 'j l II I Ii any t.ime there are funds to the ore41t Qf saldSp~eial Improvement Light- I I ! ' " ! Ii ,,:t~l)istrict j;i1und ~or the _ redemption thereof, and in t~e manner provided Ii :1 ;.."..,~ ii >;'. . , 'i for the redemption' of the same. I i i: !! ',,' - . ',' - ,'\ :1 -- IT IS-HEREBY CERTIFIED AND ~EGJ;:~IJ)'.mha1:f'all things requi~ed to be r .1 ., ' . . 11 I _ ,~_~preoedent to the is'U&noe of'tlJ.t. bQndhe,ve been properly. done, I Ii I ,'.:' "<~,' ",,' ":',,:' ,,}!;t: :~,:"" I II .. ;~,i'fhfj.~ened and been performed in theQJ"anller pr8sqr1 bed by the laws of the Ii 11 11i.:te of Montana, and the resolutions and ord1nAnc,s of the Git,y of Ii It ii II f: i, Bozeiasn, Mont'ana, relating to the 1ssuanoethereof.. " I: II I' f.. ", . l: II . ~;, .': ');.7Y~-J.:~ ".. Dated at BOBeman..llonta:n.i~ tllte _lay of 19 . " - ., " 0- 'I II .. ~ 11 ,I, THI CITY OF BO~ II . " .~ ' I',:: 'i '::~'i .~ __t t ~~:\Ir~' '. J -01 ty'-Olerk. I :1 'I !1 " . ,. ),) '~. "':latered at the offioe of the 1'__ _freaaurer of loa..,n, llon~ana, .! :, 'this- dey of li . ".~ .' il " 1 .. ,"''''''' il '""',"\.. ;1 City Trtaeurer. 'I ii :l 'I ;~ , I: : ~ Seotion 2. .lJ.1 suoh bonde herea.1't'r lssuecl ehallhave attao:g..d I,i Ii E ~ .. Ii ~ . . I' i' to them interest coupons. one for ..oh Tear'a interest to beoome due , Ii ,I ;: I. ~ :i I II t'he,reon, , which ahall bear either th..orlginal or fac-Simile signatures of " II II I . II ii I i the 1Q.y,or and Ci tT Clerk of s$id ca*,'. and Bu~h COUpOtlS shall be in the, :1 \, I I ! II . I I i f9i1owing form. to-wit: . I 1, i'''''. I I i I .- I , !: if j,.~j !, ;1 ,\"-' H 'I Ii il i . :n:/;:'i'..:.J~'. , ."'.,' t - , . ..,,_,.,~',.,' "'~ n.. ..__"~._...,.~......'_~.,.... _ _ .~ ~,.._ ~._ ...... _, ...~ ._ ~.." ........ _~...'"" ~,,_.._.. ..~~"~ -~,., -,~ --.--- -<.. '"" . _. ............ - ~ ~~".. - . . --...-'..".'.'.' II 'I \1 1 I '. . , ru llBOIAL IMPROVEllENT ~~IGHTIHG DISTRICT HO. , i 11 \ II ' ! No. . Ii I' . 11 , On the 1st day of Janu~1, 19 , the City Treasurer of; 1\ ., . " .. II '. Ci ty of Bozeman, Montana, will pay to the bearer at the office of sai.d. Ii Treasurer the sum of ;Dollars, the annual interest II '. ~ on Bond No. out of Speoial Improvement Lighting Distr~ot, Ho~ jl ! b'und ,",' and' not 2therwise. Th1 B Coupon is subject to all the terms and' I oondi tiona oontained. in the bond to whioh it is annexed. 1..1.1 [1 II i! .. u..... .1 ....., er . I, '.'!.I 'I 1:' ,I II. I, City Clerk.' t II :1 aeetlon 3. All speoial improvement lighting district bonds shall 11 . .1 be signed by the l&a1'or and the OityClerk, who shall affix thereto the .I Oorporate' Seal of said 01 t;V. il II Section 4. laid bonds may be of the denomination of one 'hundred lj ,..,., ii doll~S, or Inul tiples or fraoti'onal parts thereof, ~s may be deemed wise ana!! I '... 'I , . 'I found oonvenie,nt for the purposes for which suoh bonds are issued,and 11, they aha~l ~l~r i~terest at the rate of six per oent per annum ~omtia~e!1 . ~ ~ of reglstratio~; ,of bonds.)i . !I , .1, . , Seotion 5,. All special improvement lighting distriot bonds, for 11 !~ the respeati ve distriots against whioh sue are issued, shall be num.red OOtl ! ae"ll1lively. beginning with n1llllber one for each dietriot. and designated 'alt''$,,' ", f, '/faoe of the bond the resp..ttve dis'triot to' which suoh bond is applicable \ .. . . All bonds in oall for payment ehall be redeemed in the order of their! it.1 registration. . . il . Section- 6. AU ordinances and parts of ordinances in oonnlcti! herewith, are hereby repealed. 11 I M . , II laotion 7. This Ordinanoe shall go into ef:feot and be in full ~ I i! I:'i :: for()e thirty days after it.. passage, approval and publioation. :: J'l ' ~ ~ "!1! if Passed and approved January 24th, 1916. ' .! 1'1 i J " '; . ohn .i~. Luce, Ii Attest1 .,or.! :! C. A. Spieth, ;.....1 oi ty Clerk. '1 ,j ~ \ ~ :i 'I !i . il .' ~.t ii " .~ j: ;'~ ., '~,;:i\. 'it of } .. " . ., ~. .... .. ~ ~~~ ~~,._~..., '_,U "",. , ",. ~,<.~-,~ -~_.,. ~-. ".. ____. ."-. .~.~-~~ ~...,"'~,-,. -,...., '.,,', , I I " ) I' The State of Montana, I p Gounty of Gallatin", ':.. se. p i' Q1 ty Of Bozeman. . ) II II Ii 'i Ii I I, ~~.A. .:p1.th, 01 ty Clerk of the ii ,.' r I~ ,I I' Oity of Bozeman, .88:1,d' OO\Ulty andS",ate, de hereby oertify that the I' " I' 1: I' ,I -~", I! above and foregoing is the original. ofh41nanoe No. 46Z of the I: I: \; Qity of Bozeman; that said Or<11nano..as passed by. the tI111iy COUlleil I; i i' I: ~, of Bozeman, said Oounty and&-..ta.on the 24th day of'January,1916, '... ~ ii II II I ; ~ and approved by the lIaJor; thatta-u.- andoorreot oopies of said I' p 11 Ii ~:~ . II Dttdinance Number 453 were posted, on<e eaoh iilthe Yollowing named d II il " places: _I :! :i ,. II -, 'i Ij i! . I: Courier Building, Xen.7on...Boble L.bef Company, Oou.rt House, Put :i t: " '! I) Office, and 81ty all Ball.t1n :a_...~ and. t:Q..at the ssme remained II I, ,I II Ii :! :1 posted for the time required by law tor Buell publioation . :1 11 ,. IN WITHEII WHEREOF. I have, hereun~o8et JD7 hanclandaf'fixe' the il ;; d 'I " ji it ,I .1 Seal of the 01 t:v . of Bozeun,. this 27th daJ' o:tJatlll~, A.:D., 1916. Ii 'II :1 'i " ji ,i C.-, A. Ip1eth ,I " II I " II t I 1 City Olerk. II '.- ~ ' SIAL. il i: II i II 1\ . , " ",0/(,.' 'I II ,. I' .' II !r il " 'I - .1 Ii ': ._'.......,.--~_~'\'>"'~.~:o,"., . ,~ ':1 Ii ~ ;" " ,~ Ii 11 ! ~ i ~ ,~: " I' 'I II jl ;..tiP-" I Ii .I I; " ii II I! il ,I il ,I Ii 'i ;; h Ii ii 'I -, .. ~ : 1: I' II il ;1 I Ii ), II " ,I i! II - _I ;1 il Ii I' !i 'I ~ j' \1 , il 11 II I' :1 II II I ii Ii I' I Ii 'I I! .:. i :~,. '. I I ~'>: : r ., II I . Ii II I I ji