HomeMy WebLinkAbout04- Baxter Meadows Development LP; Tr 2A, COS 2202A - Storm Drainage Easement . , ,..., STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT ~ BAXTER MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT, L.P., whoacquiredtitleasW.B.C., L.P., a Montana Q. CD ::: Limited Partnership, of P.O. Box 11060, Bozeman, MT 59771, GRANTOR, in consideration of rt) .;; NNOSl -.... $1.00 and other valuable consideration, receipt of which is acknowledged, grants to BAXTER .... 0 g "It - ~ ..... MEADOWS HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, of P.O. Box 11060, Bozeman, MT 59771, .... _ N la_ N_N Q.0Sl GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, a non-exclusive storm drain easement, in, through, and iiiiiiiiiiiiii 0Sl ~~ -N across the land, the location of which is shown and described as follows: ~- iiiiiiiiiii A. Storm drainage easement located on a portion of Tract 2A of Certificate of Survey iiiiiiiiiii - =u -II) No" 2202A, located in the Southeast One-Quarter (SE%) of Section 34, Township -.... ===11: iiiiiiiiiii I-- 1 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, the =lE iiiiiiiiiii 0 ~u location of which is shown and more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached ==== I: -..... -- -- hereto and which by this reference are fully incorporated herein. (Davis Lane) -... ~... -- =C1 _I GRANTEE shall have the right to transport storm water runoff and drainage water over and -- _0 =1: -. across the surface of the easement. -> iiiiiiiiii ,. -- =..... GRANTOR AND GRANTEE mutually agree that neither party shall obstruct, modify, re- iiiiiiiiii .. ~.<: -II) grade, enlarge, or extend cuts or fills into the surface or existing finished grade of the easement without the consent of the other party unless such actions are necessary to restore the surface of the easement to its original condition or grade as a consequence of damage thereto. The GRANTOR states that it possesses the real property described above and that it has a lawful right to grant an easement thereon. The GRANTOR further agrees GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the GRANTOR. The terms, covenants, and provisions of this easement shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. DATED this /1+L.. ------ day of -t "b r v. n '" 1 ' 2004. GRANTOR: BAXTER MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT, L.P. formerly known as W.B.C., L.P., a Montana Limited Partnership, By: Baxter Meadows Construction, Inc., lts: ~n~a~~rmerIY known as J.G.W., Inc., BY: Gerald . Williams, PreSident Storm Drainage Easement. Page 1 H:\96037\OOlIJ3112.WPD .. IIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ~~~~r:~~p ') " ",. STATE OF MONTANA ) Sn.IIIY Vanc.-Gallatin Cc MT MIse 12.00 : ss. COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) On this ~day of"f r,ln'-^-GI. v ,2004, before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared Gerallt R. Williams known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as President of Baxter Meadows Construction, Inc., a Montana Corporation, the general partner of Baxter Meadows Development, L.P., formerly known as W.B.C., L.P, for the purpose herein contained. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. , ""I'1/'Q'~:t'I<;.~ f "i;i'~if "..". \..' i,eN' <~"" Blc for the State of ontana .', ",;-o...4!if" ....~~ ..-:\ ~1l/4i' tlO .... pr nte ame: )l,A.j)\-! L. S'C.J.lI4AyO ~''; /-~() '::-.. \ siding at: ?o l.(51'114A{, ,M.-r { {(~fr~B. \ ~ My Commission Expires: 11--(2~~./1ol,.. . I/o, ~.' "to .. \...,~~";'2E,.~~';~'1;;:,..,./ _ ./ . ~", ,,~...~~.....,..'~'\.').. \""".. 011I",.., /. r n . t., ,(\ \<. ......'" llll/I,;.; ~ j. \:".." ,,~. HU"""" Storm Drainage Easement" Page 2 H:\96037\OO 1 \J3112.WPD