HomeMy WebLinkAbout2_SMCP October 2014 Community Workshop Report            Page | 1   1 October 2014 Public Planning Workshop Report for the Story Mill Community Park Bozeman, Montana             Page | 2   Table of Contents: 3 Introduction 4 Summary of the Findings 7 Tabulated Survey Results 17 Poster Comments from Discussion at Public Workshop 25 Comments from Public Survey / Conversation at Public Workshop Appendix Materials: Presentation Posters from the Public Workshop Original Survey from the Public Workshop For more information please visit WWW.TPL.ORG/STORYMILL or contact: Maddy Pope Project Manager The Trust for Public Land (406) 522-7450 maddy.pope@tpl.org or Carolyn Poissant, MLA, AICP Manager of Trails, Open Space, and Parks Development City of Bozeman Department of Parks and Recreation 406.582.2908 cpoissant@bozeman.net             Page | 3   Introduction: On October 1st, 2014 over 200 community members participated in a master planning workshop for the Story Mill Community Park hosted jointly by the City of Bozeman, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and The Trust for Public Land. 136 community members provided responses to a park design questionnaire at the workshop and 33 through the city’s online website. The workshop, held at the ballroom of the Emerson Cultural Center in downtown Bozeman, offered a self-paced format with written and graphic information for participants as they moved through five park design stations. Volunteers at each station provided information and gathered further input through informal conversations with workshop participants. This report captures the results of this public input process. Project Background: The Trust for Public Land acquired the 54-acre Story Mill site in December 2012 to allow the community to consider the park proposal. The initial vision for the park conceptual plan was developed with widespread public involvement. In early 2013, 690 people took an informal online survey followed by a public workshop in February attended by 150 people. In August 2013, park designers from The Trust for Public Land came to Bozeman and worked with a local landscape architecture firm, Design 5, to develop the park conceptual plan based upon community input and City planning goals. Throughout the City of Bozeman’s Trails, Open Space and Parks (TOP) project approval process, the Story Mill Community Park proposal received the active endorsement of over 400 community members and 20+ organizations. In March 2014, the park proposal received unanimous City Commission approval and funding of $4.5 million through a TOP bond. The Vision: Story Mill Community Park will provide a flagship park and trail nexus within the City’s urban core on the north side of Bozeman. The conceptual plan includes an active park core with sustainable infrastructure, picnic pavilions, signature play structures, areas for art installation, practice ball fields, plus an array of other planned and potential park amenities. A network of trails will provide access throughout the site including enhanced, family-friendly access to the East Gallatin River. Park programming will interpret the rich natural and cultural history of the area. Protection of the site’s wetlands, rivers and natural areas has emerged as a top community priority to provide a sanctuary for birds and wildlife as well as enhanced water quality protection. Beginning in fall 2014, The Trust for Public Land has undertaken an extensive site restoration plan along the East Gallatin River and Bozeman Creek and throughout site wetlands. Much of this work was completed in 2014 with the remaining restoration work scheduled for completion in 2015. Over the next 2-3 years, The Trust for Public Land will continue to work in collaboration with partners throughout the community and the City of Bozeman to design and construct the Story Mill Community Park. The park conceptual design will be updated to reflect the ideas and interests of community members. Below is a synopsis of the public input gathered through the October 1, 2014 public workshop as part of the City’s formal Park Master Planning Process.             Page | 4   Summary of the Findings: The Story Mill Community Park public workshop (SMCP) held on October 1, 2014 in the ballroom at the Emerson Cultural Center in Bozeman had over 200 visitors during the three hour workshop. There were five (5) stations that focused on different aspects of the Conceptual Park Plan. These stations were: Trails and Connectivity, Nature Education & Interpretation, Community Gathering, Outdoor Play and Infrastructure & Sustainability. Each station had several volunteers who have been involved in the project to answer questions and discuss the details of each particular station. The community was asked to complete a survey with a total of 22 questions that related to each station to inform the next steps of the design process. Running concurrent to the public workshop at the Emerson, the City of Bozeman posted all of the materials that were included at the workshop and the same questionnaire. Through both the public workshop and the online survey, a total of 169 responses were received from the community. Below is a summary of the findings of these surveys, followed by the response data associated with each question. The full questionnaire and all materials presented at the public workshop are included in the appendix to this document. The responses to the survey can be grouped into three age group demographics each equaling approximately a third of the responses: age 24 and under, ages 25 - 54, and ages 55 plus. The largest group of respondents live north of Main Street, 33%, with 24% respondents living south of Main Street and the remainder living on the west side, Gallatin Valley or Elsewhere. 23% of the respondents did not complete this section. The general consensus from the survey is that the citizens of Bozeman value their trails and access to recreate in the outdoors in a natural setting. The survey results also identified that Park visitors are most likely to bicycle to SMCP (two thirds of respondents) and that the Bozeman Spur trail would be the primary trail connection. Below is a summary of the highest responses in several different categories that demonstrate the general findings of the public survey. 62.13% 86.98% 71.01% 66.27% 60.36% 84.62% 65.68% 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% 100.00% Bike to SMCP Walking/Jogging Bike Riding Bird/Wildlife watching XC skiing/snowshoeing Small Music Performances Ecological Restoration Select Responses from the Survey indicating  elements with high public support.             Page | 5   Respondents also demonstrated strong support for the ecological restoration of the park and that this effort will provide opportunities to watch birds and wildlife in a natural setting. This opportunity was seen as a significant feature of the SMCP and that it will provide a unique experience within the City’s trail system. There was also strong support for the access that will be provided to the East Gallatin River for water play, exploring and fly fishing. Through both the survey and conversations during the public workshop, it is clear that the residents of Bozeman want to see more trails that provide an opportunity to engage nature close to town. This is not limited to any season as more than half of those surveyed will utilize the park in the winter for cross country skiing, snowshoeing and sledding. The residents of Bozeman also supported SMCP as a cultural asset and would like to see opportunities for community engagement with the arts through programming and park amenities. Almost 85% of those surveyed want to see small musical performances in a natural amphitheatre setting within the park. Responses also indicate support for historic and nature interpretive walks highlighting the park’s history and restoration. Residents also support (50% positive) the inclusion of an edible food forest trail located within SMCP, with 32-39% also interested in other gardening and agriculture-related education opportunities. There was also a lot of support and excitement from the public in conversations surrounding the active play portion of the SMCP. The consensus from the discussions and survey is that this portion of the park will be a valued asset for the community and should be a unique place in the region. In particular, opportunities for a diverse amount of activities and a focus on play for all ages should be integrated into the natural park environment. The support for a natural park setting is also evident in the responses to the planned outdoor play activities within SMCP. Play activities that supported healthy and active learning gained far more support than play that was electronic or theme based, with incorporation of water play as a feature in the playground receiving 43% support. This was further supported by the responses from youth who participated in an additional station hosted by Bobbi Geise of Learning By Nature. Participants in this station offered input on the playground design through voting on different types of activities they would like to participate in. The approximately twenty youth participants, primarily in the age group of 10-14, enthusiastically endorsed an array of active park playground amenities including a zip line. It is our recommendation that an additional public workshop focused on input from youth and their families be conducted as part of the future planning for the playground area within SMCP. Additionally, the citizens of Bozeman supported almost all of the planned offerings currently shown in the conceptual master plan with 30% or better positive response (these can be seen following this section) to almost all items. Residents did have two common concerns about the SMCP that became clear through conversations at the public workshop. One common theme from the workshop was a conversation surrounding dogs in the park. There was significant concern that dogs present a threat to the wildlife and water quality within the restored nature areas of SMCP and that public education and enforcement of leash laws will be important. Additionally, the question about including a fully fenced dog park received mixed interest, approximately 53% of respondents would make some use of a dog park. It is our recommendation that an off-leash dog park remain under consideration as a possible park amenity, and that potential locations be assessed including inclusion within the triangle parcel in the southeast portion of the park.              Page | 6   The other common conversation involved parking at SMCP. Conversations went back and forth between a concern for not having enough parking to wanting to limit the amount of area dedicated to parking within the park. While there was significant support for biking to the park, more than a third of people will drive. There was some support for utilizing the parking lot for a ride share program to Bridger Bowl ski area. It is our recommendation that this issue be studied further with the City and Bridger Bowl to determine the appropriate size for a parking lot at SMCP to serve the community of Bozeman. Further, park design should allow room for parking lot expansion should the need arise in the future. The survey also asked participants to help inform potential opportunities within the conceptual master plan as the park is designed to accommodate future amenities. The survey asked for a ranking of six potential opportunities within the park. The Tree House, Nature Interpretive Center and Wetland Overlook all received strong support as priorities. A Splash Pad and Fire Pit received some support and the notion of an Urban Tent Campground was seen as the lowest priority. In conclusion, the responses to the survey and the conversations at the public workshop demonstrate strong support for the Story Mill Community Park and the planning process to date. Through the survey and conversations at the public planning workshop, it is clear that citizens of Bozeman value their trails and access to nature and that the conceptual park plan for SMCP has something to offer everyone. While there were several items that received a significant majority of responses, almost all items received at least a third of the respondents support. This demonstrates that the diverse activities and amenities, in a natural park setting, will provide for wide community use and engagement with this public land. Thanks to these community partners whose time and expertise helped make the workshop a success: Karin Jennings, Kathy Wade, Kelly Pohl and Gary Vodenhal (Gallatin Valley Land Trust), Paulette Epple (Sacajawea Audubon), Aubree Roth (Gallatin Valley Farm to School), Kareen Erbe (Broken Ground), Ben Lloyd (Comma Q), Troy Scherer and Bradford Watson (Design 5), Terry Cunningham (Run Dog Run), Lilly Deford and Sam Atkins (MSU Students), Montana Conservation Corps Crew Leaders, Rich McEldowney (RESPEC Consulting), Katherine Boyk (Greater Gallatin Watershed Council), Bobbi Geise (Learning by Nature), Courtney Kramer and Jamie Saitta (City of Bozeman), and Bob Wade, David Cook, Monica Rodriquez, Stephanie Gray and Matt Parsons (City of Bozeman Recreation and Parks Advisory Board).             Page | 7   Survey Results: Trails and Connectivity 36.69% 62.13% 37.28% 4.73% Walk to SMCP Bike to SMCP Drive to SMCP Public Transportation How are you most likely to travel to Story Mill Community Park? 86.98% 71.01% 31.36% 47.34% 66.27% 39.64% 60.36% 35.50% 52.66% 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% 100.00% Walking/Jogging Bike Riding Bouldering Orchard/edible forest trail Bird/Wildlife watching Interpretive trails XC skiing/snowshoeing Fitness Trail Dog Walking The Story Mill Community Park trails provide connections and  opportunities for a diverse amount of activities within the Park.   Which of the following would you likely engage in? (Check all  that apply)             Page | 8   47.93% 34.32% 25.44% 18.34% 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% Fun Run XC Run Kids XC Ski Race Cyclocross The Story Mill Park trails could accommodate a number of  potential sports event activities.  Which of the following would  you be interested in? (Check all that apply) 80.47% 69.82% 55.03% 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% Bozeman Spur Trail M/Drinking Horse Bond Street Story Mill Community Park will provide a northside trail nexus  for our Main Street to the Mountains Trail System.  Traveling to  and from the park, which trails are you most likely to utilize?             Page | 9   Nature Education and Interpretation: 60.95% 46.75% 66.86% 42.60% 40.83% 66.86% 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% Nature Interpretive Walk Historic Interpretive Walk Watch wildlife Living Classroom Teaching Farm East Gallatin River Which of the following activities would you participate in?   (Check all that apply) 28.40% 22.49% 39.64% 31.95% 49.11% 34.91% 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% Farm education for Schools Summer Camps Gardening for Adults Teaching Farm Edible Forest Gardening opportunities If a small Community Education Farm was developed in the Park,  which of the following activities would you and your family  like to participate in: (Check all that apply)             Page | 10   Community Gathering: 61.54% 72.78% 57.40% 62.13% 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% Picnics Outdoor Music/theater/movies Local Farmers and Artists Public Art Which of the following types of Community and Cultural Events  would you participate in? (Check all that apply) 41.42% 52.66% 43.79% 23.08% 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% Small  4 to 8 people Medium 10 to 20 people Large  30 to 60 people XL  100 or more people What size pavilion would you use in Story Mill Community Park?  (Check all that apply)             Page | 11   50.89% 55.62% 63.91% 57.99% 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% Seasonal Art Permanent Art Seasonal Events Local Partnerships How would you like to see art and culture incorporated into the  planning and programming of Story Mill Community Park?  (Check all that apply) 10.06% 17.75% 16.57% 30.18% 19.53% 20.71% 13.02% 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% Would use dog park daily Would use dog park weekly Would use dog park monthly Would never use dog park Only use the dog park and no other park amenities Use the dog park and then use other park amenities Use dog park while others use other park amenities If a fully‐fenced dog park is located within Story Mill Community  Park, please indicate how often and in what manner you would  use it:              Page | 12   Outdoor Play: 17.16% 14.79% 13.61% 39.05% 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% 45.00% Agility course Fetch zone Small dog /Big dog zones Water Feature If a fully‐fenced dog park is located within Story Mill Community  Park, would you be interested in any special dog / owner  amenities like:   37.28% 84.62% 65.09% 68.64% 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% Kids Programming Small Music Performances Movies Theatrical Plays If a small natural amphitheatre is located within Story Mill  Community Park, what type of programming would you be  interested in attending? 37.87% 53.85% 38.46% 41.42% 47.93% 34.91% 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% Outdoor Play Equipment Water Play in East Gallatin Fly Fishing in East Gallatin Climbing Boulders Fitness Trail Pickup Games in Fields Which of the following activities are you and your family looking  forward to experiencing in Story Mill Community Park? (Check  all that apply)             Page | 13   55.62% 43.20% 48.52% 43.20% 37.87% 52.66% 9.47% 18.93% 29.59% 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% Challenging Play Learning Play Agility Play Water Play Splash Pad Health Play Electronic Play Themed Play Zip Line What types of playground activities would you like to see  incorporated?  Please refer to the image board for descriptions.   (Check all that apply) 44.38% 81.07% 59.17% 44.38% 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% Sledding XC Skiing Ice Skating Snowshoeing Which of the following winter activities would you participate  in?             Page | 14   Potential Opportunities: 14.20% 24.85% 43.79% 11.83% 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% 45.00% 50.00% Daily  Weekly Monthly  Never If a Splash Pad or Interactive Themed Water Play area were to be  located within Story Mill Community Park, how often in the  summer would you use it? (please circle one) 17.75% 7.10% 63.91% 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% Weekly A Few times a summer Once a Year/Never If a tent only campground area were to be located within Story  Mill Community Park, how often would you use it? (please circle  one) 10.06% 25.44% 41.42% 24.85% 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% 45.00% Once a Week Once a month Few times a year Rarely or Never If a nature interpretive center were to be located within Story  Mill Community Park, how often would you use it? (please circle  one)             Page | 15   Infrastructure and Sustainability: 50.89% 65.68% 55.03% 50.89% 49.70% 44.97% 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% Stormwater Management Ecological Restoration Recycled Materials Quality/Durable Materials Renewable Energy Sustainable Education Which of the following sustainable strategies is most important  to you? (Check all that apply) 46.15% 30.18% 22.49% 13.02% 20.12% 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% 45.00% 50.00% To visit Story Mill Community Park Parking for M / Drinking Horse Ride Share to Bridger Bowl Park and Ride for Streamline I wont Drive In what ways are you likely to use the parking lot at Story Mill  Park?  (Check all that apply)             Page | 16   About You: 33.14% 24.26% 5.33% 11.24% 2.96% 23.08% 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% North of Main South of Main Westside Gallatin Valley Somewhere Else Did Not Respond Where do you live? 7 8 7 12 20 56 57 0 102030405060 3 4 to 7 8 to 12 12 to 17 18 to 24 25 to 54 55 plus What age group do you represent, including family members?   (Check all that apply)             Page | 17   Poster Comments from Discussion at Public Workshop:             Page | 18               Page | 19               Page | 20               Page | 21               Page | 22               Page | 23               Page | 24               Page | 25   Comments from Public Survey and Conversation at Public Workshop: 23 comments: Urban camping is a terrible idea--it will attract vagrants and be difficult to police/keep clean. 11 comments: Keep it natural/rural (no turf, built areas such as a splash pad, limit nature disturbance). Primarily, preserving natural areas along the river, along with habitat for rabbits, deer, birds, and cranes. Concern that the park will be over developed and contain features that are replicated elsewhere within the Bozeman Park System. At the Nature Education and Interpretation station, it was emphasized by many people that the 'heavy use' footprint ought to remain small, with a majority of space focused on wildlife and wetland areas. Likewise, there was concern that dogs would drive away wildlife and impact the quality of wetland spaces. Either a strictly enforced leash rule OR dogs shouldn't be allowed in the wetland/pond areas. It's possible that Bozeman will add a second animal control officer and educational materials for good dog ownership in the future. 10 comments: A parking area for 'park and ride' to Bridger Bowl 9 comments: Natural exploration and play instead of commercial play equipment (author Richard Louv was mentioned twice). Areas for kids that have trees, brush, rocks, and other natural features that encourage exploration and imaginative play in a natural setting. 4 commentators specifically mentioned an aversion to commercial play equipment and 'traditional' play zones, suggesting instead that the entire park should be open to play and exploration. With that said, some traditional equipment (merry go round) and benches with good sight lines for parents are desirable to some 5 comments: Quiet Contemplation (meditation/yoga/labyrinth): areas separate from 'busy' activity that encourage reflection, meditation, and contemplation. Book reading, a labyrinth, and yoga were mentioned as potential 'quiet' activities. Areas removed from fast bikers and dogs were specifically mentioned. 3 comments: Street Performers--an area for spontaneous art and productions of art 3 comments: Community Pavilion (similar to hyalite)--an area for family and community gathering 3 comments: Paintball Course General Attitude: People who liked the teaching farm were very engaged and interested, but most people felt that it wasn't a place they'd visit. General Attitude: Winter activities are underserved in current park spaces--there's an opportunity to innovate by providing winter activities for families. General Attitude: A smaller natural amphitheater would be nice, so long as it doesn't 'suck' like the one at the regional park. For more information: Maddy Pope Maddy.Pope@tpl.org 406.522.7450 www.tpl.org/storymill STORY MILL COMMUNITY PARK CONCEPTUAL PARK PLAN For more information: Maddy Pope Maddy.Pope@tpl.org 406.522.7450 www.tpl.org/storymill STORY MILL COMMUNITY PARK 7KH 6WRU\ 0LOO &RPPXQLW\ 3DUN 7UDLOVZLOOSURYLGHVDIH KHDOWK\DQGHQMR\DEOH RSSRUWXQLWLHV WR FRQQHFWZLWKQDWXUHRXUQHLJKERUV DQGRXUFRPPXQLW\7KHQHZWUDLOV ZLOOH[SDQGWKH0DLQ6WUHHWWRWKH 0RXQWDLQVWUDLOV\VWHPSURYLGLQJ D QRUWK VLGH QH[XV FRQQHFWLQJ WKHKLVWRULFGRZQWRZQDORQJWKH 6WRU\0LOO6SXUWKURXJK%R]HPDQ¶V QHLJKERUKRRGV LQWR WKH RSHQ ODQGVVXUURXQGLQJWKHFRPPXQLW\ CONNECTIVITY 7UDLOVZLWKLQWKH*DOODWLQ9DOOH\FRQQHFWLQJ0DLQ6WUHHWWRWKH0RXQWDLQV:LQWHUDFWLYLWLHVLQ6WRU\0LOO&RPPXQW\3DUN 7KHWUDLOVWKURXJKDQGDGMDFHQWWR6WRU\0LOO&RPPXQLW\3DUNZLOOOLQNWRWKHJURZLQJQHWZRUNRIWUDLOVLQWKHFRPPXQLW\ 6WRU\0LOO&RPPXQLW\3DUNZLOOEULQJDUHVWRUHGQDWXUDODUHDLQWRWRZQ DRIVEWAY ST E RSTA T E 9 0 RIVEWAYExisting Trails (Main Street to the Mountains) Story Mill Site Existing Parks & Open Space Roads Planned Trails & Paths Proposed Shared-Use Path ± Aerial photo from 2012 6WRU\0LOO&RPPXQLW\3DUN 7UDLOWR0DQG'ULQNLQJ+RUVH 6WRU\0LOO6SXU7UDLO%RQG6W For more information: Maddy Pope Maddy.Pope@tpl.org 406.522.7450 www.tpl.org/storymill STORY MILL COMMUNITY PARK 7KH WUDLO V\VWHP LQ 6WRU\0LOO&RPPXQLW\ 3DUN ZLOO SURYLGH D XQLTXH VHWWLQJ IRU FRQQHFWLQJ ZLWK QDWXUH LQ WKH QRUWKHDVW QHLJKERUKRRGVWKURXJKPXOWLSOH WUDLO H[SHULHQFHV HPEUDFLQJ D YDULHW\ RI XVHV IRU WKH FRPPXQLW\  )URP ZDONLQJ ELNLQJH[HUFLVLQJWRLQWHUSUHWLYH WUDLOVDQGHQJDJLQJQDWXUHWKH 6WRU\0LOO3DUNWUDLOVZLOORIIHU XQLTXH H[SHULHQFHV IRU DOO 7KHUHZLOOEHDGLYHUVLW\RIWUDLOV\VWHPVZLWKLQ6WRU\0LOO3DUN7UDLOVZLOODOORZIRURXWGRRUH[HUFLVHLQDQDWXUDOVHWWLQJ 7UDLOVZLWKLQ6WRU\0LOO&RPPXQLW\3DUNZLOOSURYLGHDFRQQHFWLRQWRQDWXUHLQWRZQ 7KHQHZPXOWLPRGDOWUDLOZLOOSURYLGHDFRQQHFWLRQWKURXJK6WRU\0LOO&RPPXQLW\3DUNIURP0DLQ6WUHHWWRWKH0RXQWDLQV CONNECTIVITY For more information: Maddy Pope Maddy.Pope@tpl.org 406.522.7450 www.tpl.org/storymill STORY MILL COMMUNITY PARK $WHDFKLQJIDUPDQGHGLEOHIRRGIRUHVWWUDLOZLOOSURYLGH RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU DJULFXOWXUDO GLVFRYHU\DQGHGXFDWLRQ +LVWRULFLQWHUSUHWDWLRQWUDLO :HWODQGVHGXFDWLRQDQGGLVFRYHU\([SORULQJWKH(DVW*DOODWLQ5LYHU 3URWHFWLQJUHVLGHQWDQGPLJUDWRU\ELUGVILVKDQGZLOGOLIH:LOGOLIHREVHUYDWLRQLQQDWXUDOVHWWLQJ&RQFHSWXDO3ODQIRU6WRU\0LOO&RPPXQLW\3DUN 6WRU\ 0LOO &RPPXQLW\ 3DUN KDV D ULFK DQG GLYHUVH KLVWRU\ IRU %R]HPDQ DQG WKH *DOODWLQ9DOOH\7KHSDUN ZLOOSURYLGHDFFHVVWRUHVWRUHGULYHUV DQGZHWODQGVDVDQFWXDU\IRU¿VK ELUGVDQGZLOGOLIHKLJKOLJKWWKHKLVWRULF VLJQL¿FDQFHRIWKLVDUHDDQGSURYLGH RSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUDOODJHVWRH[SORUH DQG OHDUQ DERXW WKLV XQLTXH DUHD 6WRU\0LOO&RPPXQLW\3DUNZLOOFUHDWH DSODFHIRUDOODJHVWRGLVFRYHUH[SORUH DQGLQWHUSUHWIRUJHQHUDWLRQVWRFRPH NATURE EDUCATION AND INTERPRETATION :LOGOLIH2EVHUYDWLRQ 5LYHU$FFHVV 2UFKDUG7HDFKLQJ)DUP For more information: Maddy Pope Maddy.Pope@tpl.org 406.522.7450 www.tpl.org/storymill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or more information: Maddy Pope Maddy.Pope@tpl.org 406.522.7450 www.tpl.org/storymill STORY MILL COMMUNITY PARK )LVKLQJLQWKH(DVW*DOODWLQ5LYHU:DWHUSOD\LQWKH(DVW*DOODWLQ5LYHU &OLPELQJERXOGHUVIRUDOODJHV([HUFLVHVWDWLRQVDORQJDILWQHVVWUDLOLQWKHQRUWKHUQDUHDRIWKH3DUN 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or more information: Maddy Pope Maddy.Pope@tpl.org 406.522.7450 www.tpl.org/storymill STORY MILL COMMUNITY PARK OUTDOOR PLAY For more information: Maddy Pope Maddy.Pope@tpl.org 406.522.7450 www.tpl.org/storymill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or more information: Maddy Pope Maddy.Pope@tpl.org 406.522.7450 www.tpl.org/storymill STORY MILL COMMUNITY PARK 6WRU\ 0LOO &RPPXQLW\ 3DUN ZLOO EH D VXVWDLQDEOHDQGODVWLQJ FRPPXQLW\LQYHVWPHQW LQFRUSRUDWLQJ WKRXJKWIXO DQG LQWHJUDWHG GHVLJQ SULQFLSOHVIRUWKHEXLOWDQGQDWXUDO HQYLURQPHQW7KH3DUNZLOOHPEUDFH WKH YDOXHV RI TXDOLW\ GXUDELOLW\ DQG 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RESTORING ECOLOGICAL SERVICES IN AN URBAN ENVIRONMENT Bozeman, Montana 1. Location:Northeast corner of the City Of Bozeman in southwest Montana. The site includes the confluence of Bozeman Creek and the East Gallatin River. 2. The Issues: Site degradation and loss of wetland and floodplain functions were caused by over a century of agricultural, industrial, commercial, and residential land uses. Most recently the property was slated for intense mixed-residential development, but with the economic recession the property was sold through foreclosure in November 2011. Existing wetlands occur primarily on the South Parcel and are degraded by drainage ditches, placement of fill, and invasive plant species such as cattails, canary reedgrass, and Garrison creeping foxtail. Bozeman Creek and the East Gallatin River are the two main streams that course through the City of Bozeman, the receiving waters for pollutants carried by snowmelt and stormwater runoff. The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) has listed the East Gallatin River and Bozeman Creek for not supporting primary contact recreation and aquatic life. Probable causes for this on the East Gallatin River are related to excessive nitrogen and phosphorous loads. Probable causes for this on Bozeman Creek are loss of riparian habitat, chlorophyll-a, E. coli, nitrogen, and sedimentation/siltation. 3. Opportunity: Because of its’ unique location at the confluence of these two creeks that drain the City of Bozeman, the site offers a rare and remarkable opportunity to combine ecological restoration with multiple other community benefits. Recognizing the extraordinary potential of the site, The Trust for Public Land purchased the Story Mill property in December 2012 with the intention of providing the community with sufficient time and opportunity to envision a future public park for the site. The Trust for Public Land, in partnership with the City of Bozeman and other stakeholders, is creating a new 54-acre community park at the confluence of Bozeman Creek and the East Gallatin River. The overarching vision for the Story Mill Community Park is a predominately natural park that retains the open space and scenic character of the site and that is inspired by the theme of rivers and water systems. Wetlands, riparian areas, and streams will be restored; the restoration actions themselves becoming featured elements in park educational programming. 4. Restoration Goal and Objectives: The overarching ecological goal for the project is: In consideration of site constraints and other project goals, restore and protect on-site natural processes necessary for a functioning riparian and wetland system. This goal is supported by the following five ecological objectives: E-1. Provide hydrologic connectivity between stream floodplain and wetlands to maximize riverine and wetlands habitat diversity. E-2. Remove river process constraints and non-natural features to the extent possible in the context of land ownership and access. E-3. Remove or modify drainage and excavated features that disrupt and diminish groundwater-dependent wetland extent and functioning to restore wetland functions to the extent site constraints allow. E-4. Demonstrate improved water quality (temperature, nutrients and sediment measures). E-5. Restore native plant diversity (upland, wetland and riparian communities) and minimize invasive plants. To find out more information contact:Rich McEldowney, PWSProject ManagerRESPEC-Bozeman406-599-2138rich.mceldowney@respec.com 5. Project Elements •More than double the amount of wetlands found on the site, adding roughly 7.3 acres of restored wetlands to the roughly 6.6 acres of wetlands currently occurring on the three parcels that make up the project area. This is accomplished on the South Parcel through the filling of drainage ditches and raising the bottom elevation of the existing pond to reduce the local drain effect. •Restore natural fluvial processes along 2,460 feet of the East Gallatin River through the removal of sidewalk rubble, old machinery and trash embedded in the channel and streambanks. This will allow the river to once again scour pools and create spawning and rearing habitat. •Surface water quality improvements through the creation of a new 1.5 acre backwater slough on Bozeman Creek and by creating roughly 1.6 acres of new floodplain area on the East Gallatin River. These actions will re-connect these streams with their floodplains, improving flood attenuation, trapping fine sediment that fouls fish habitat, and improving water quality by holding and infiltrating nutrients. •Increase vegetative diversity through seeding and planting of native species. Story Mill Community Park Public Workshop Questionnaire Thank you for taking the time to participate in the Story Mill Community Park master planning process. In March 2014, the City Commission approved the 54- acre Story Mill Community Park proposal to purchase land and develop an active park, trails and wildlife area including a half mile of the East Gallatin River on Bozeman's north side. Over 20 organizations and 400 residents supported the proposal. Now, as part of the formal City master planning process, public input is sought to refine the Story Mill Community Park conceptual plan with the goal of designing a park that reflects the interests, values and needs of the Bozeman community. The workshop is designed as a self-paced exercise with the questions below corresponding to five thematic stations: Trails & Connectivity; Nature Education & Interpretation; Community Gathering; Outdoor Play; and Infrastructure & Sustainability. As you move from station to station, please answer the corresponding questions on the questionnaire and feel free to discuss and provide feedback directly to community partners at each area. The range of potential park amenities and activities are reflected in the image boards at each station. Your input is very valuable in helping to create the master plan for this extraordinary new community park. Thank you! Bob Wade, Chair, Recreation & Parks Advisory Board Mitch Overton, Parks & Recreation Director, City of Bozeman Maddy Pope, Project Manager, The Trust for Public Land Page 1 of 7 Station One ► How are you most likely to travel to Story Mill Community Park? Ο Walk Ο Bicycle Ο Car Ο Public Transportation (If future Streamline route occurs) Ο Other __________ ► The Story Mill Community Park trails provide connections and opportunities for a diverse amount of activities within the Park. Which of the following would you likely engage in? (Check all that apply) Ο Walking / Jogging Ο Bicycle riding Ο Bouldering trail for climbing Ο Orchard / edible food forest trail Ο Bird and wildlife watching through wetlands on a rustic trail and boardwalk network Ο Exploring interactive nature and historical interpretive trails Ο Cross-country skiing / snowshoeing Ο Fitness equipment trail Ο Dog walking Ο Other ________ ► The Story Mill Park trails could accommodate a number of potential sports event activities. Which of the following would you be interested in? (Check all that apply) Ο Fun run Ο Cross Country run Ο Kids Cross Country Ski race Ο Cyclocross Ο Other ___________ ► Story Mill Community Park will provide a northside trail nexus for our Main Street to the Mountains Trail System. Traveling to and from the park, which trails are you most likely to utilize? Ο Story Mill Spur Trail connection to northeast neighborhood and downtown Ο Bozeman Ο New Path to the M and Drinking Horse trailheads Ο New trail connection to Bond Street and destinations such as East Gallatin Ο Recreation Area Page 2 of 7 Station Two ► Which of the following activities would you participate in? (Check all that apply) Ο Explore the nature interpretive walk to experience the importance of water and wetlands conservation Ο Engage in the historic interpretive walk about Gallatin Valley Ο Watch wildlife in its natural setting Ο Explore rivers and wetlands through living classroom programs and / or curriculum. Ο Hands-on learning about growing food through a teaching farm Ο Explore the East Gallatin River through family friendly access to the water Ο Other _____________ ► If a small Community Education Farm was developed in the Park, which of the following activities would you and your family like to participate in: (Check all that apply) Ο Farm-based educational programming for school classes and other park visitors Ο Farm-based summer camps for children Ο Hands-on gardening classes for adults Ο Hands-on learning about growing food through a teaching farm Ο A self-guided tour through an edible food forest of fruit trees and berry bushes Ο Self-guided sustainable agriculture and gardening opportunities Ο Other _____________ Station Three ► Which of the following types of Community and Cultural Events would you participate in? (Check all that apply) Ο Gather with family, friends and neighbors for picnics Ο Enjoy outdoor music, theatre or movies Ο Engage with local farmers and artists Ο Experience public art that compliments the Story Mill Community Park Ο Other __________ Page 3 of 7 ► What size pavilion would you use in Story Mill Community Park? (Check all that apply) Ο Small, 4-8 people Ο Medium, 10-20 people Ο Large, 30-60 people Ο Extra Large, 100 or more people ► How would you like to see art and culture incorporated into the planning and programming of Story Mill Community Park? (Check all that apply) Ο Through temporary (seasonal) exhibitions of art Ο Through permanent installations of art Ο Through seasonal programs and events Ο Through partnerships with local arts and cultural organizations Ο Other__________ ► If a fully-fenced dog park is located within Story Mill Community Park, please indicate how often and in what manner you would use it: Ο Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Never (Please circle one) Ο I would come to the park specifically to use the dog park, then leave when Ο I was finished exercising my dog Ο I would use the dog park, then take advantage of other park amenities without my dog Ο I would exercise my dog in the dog park as other members of my family or Ο friends engaged in other activities at the park ► If a fully-fenced dog park is located within Story Mill Community Park, would you be interested in any special dog / owner amenities like: Ο Agility Course Ο Fetch Zone Ο Small dog / Big dog zones Ο Water Feature Ο Other ___________ ► If a small natural amphitheatre is located within Story Mill Community Park, what type of programming would you be interested in attending? Ο Kids programming Ο Small music performances Ο Movies on the lawn Ο Theatrical Plays / Musicals Ο Other _____________ Page 4 of 7 Station Four ► Which of the following activities are you and your family looking forward to experiencing in Story Mill Community Park? (Check all that apply) Ο Playing on outdoor playground equipment Ο Water play in the East Gallatin River Ο Fly fishing in the East Gallatin River Ο Climbing Boulders Ο Fitness trail and equipment Ο Pickup games and practice in fields (Soccer, Frisbee, Baseball, Volleyball and others) Ο Other __________ ► What types of playground activities would you like to see incorporated? Please refer to the image board for descriptions. (Check all that apply) Ο Play that challenges children to solve problems, both mentally and physically. Ο Play that engages children in learning through fun activities. Ο Play that encourages children to use and develop their agility through multiple types of activities. Ο Play that engages children through the use of water. Ο A splash pad and other water features that provide a cool way to play in the summer. Ο Play that promotes health and activity. Ο Electronic / Interactive Play that utilizes technology to promote active play. Ο Themed Play that builds on the history of the site. Ο Zip Line that will provide travel across the Park. Ο Other___________ ► Which of the following winter activities would you participate in? Ο Sledding Ο Cross Country Skiing Ο Ice Skating Ο Snowshoeing Ο Other ____________ Page 5 of 7 The conceptual plan for the Story Mill Community Park provides for an array of incredible park amenities and activities. However, there are additional opportunities to enhance the park's offering to the community in the future. The following questions are related to potential opportunities to add to the Park. ► Please rank the potential future park amenities listed below:(1 thru 6 with 1 being most important): ___ Tree House for Wildlife Viewing ___ Nature Interpretive Center ___ Water Play or Splash Pad feature ___ Wetland overlook ___ Urban camping grounds ___ Gathering Area / Fire Pit ► If a Splash Pad or Interactive Themed Water Play area were to be located within Story Mill Community Park, how often in the summer would you use it? (please circle one) Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Never ► If a tent only campground area were to be located within Story Mill Community Park, how often would you use it? (please circle one) Once a week, A few times in the summer, Once a year or Never ► If a nature interpretive center were to be located within Story Mill Community Park, how often would you use it? (please circle one) Once a week, Once a month, A few times a year, Rarely or Never ► If there is an opportunity or amenity that you feel is important to Story Mill Park that has not been included, please describe it below: ___________________________________________________________ Page 6 of 7 Station Five ► Which of the following sustainable strategies is most important to you? (Check all that apply) Ο Stormwater management Ο Ecological restoration of wetlands and streams Ο Utilization of recycled materials Ο Investment in quality / durable materials Ο Renewable Energy Ο Education on sustainable strategies within the park Ο None of the above Ο Other __________ ► In what ways are you likely to use the parking lot at Story Mill Park? (Check all that apply) Ο To visit Story Mill Community Park Ο For parking access to the new trail to M and Drinking Horse Ο For ride sharing or bus access to Bridger Bowl Ο For park and ride if future Streamline bus stop occurs Ο I will not drive to Story Mill Park Ο Other _____________ Page 7 of 7 Thank you for taking the time to participate in the Story Mill Community Park questionnaire and workshop. Please submit your survey as you leave the workshop. Your comments are important to inform the final park design. Please take a moment to give us some additional information below about you and your household: About You ► Where do you live? Ο North of Main Street Ο South of Main Street Ο Westside neighborhoods Ο In the Gallatin Valley outside the city limits Ο Somewhere else ► What age group do you represent, including family members? (Check all that apply) Ο 0-3 Ο 4-7 Ο 8-12 Ο 13-17 Ο 18-24 Ο 25-54 Ο 55 + Name______________________________________________________________________ Street Address ______________________________________________________________ City, Zip ____________________________________________________________________ Email / Phone _______________________________________________________________