HomeMy WebLinkAbout15- Story Mill RFQRequest for Qualifications STORY MILL COMMUNITY PARK LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE & CONSTRUCTION SERVICES May 15, 2015 “In the heart of Bozeman, Montana, Story Mill Community Park will create a unique recreational opportunity that will connect people to the rich natural and cultural heritage of the Gallatin Valley. Restored river and wetland systems, innovative play opportunities, and multi-use trails will educate and inspire visitors. Story Mill Community Park will serve the entire community and be a destination for exploration and discovery.“ - Story Mill Vision Statement, developed by members of the community ABOVE: WETLANDS & NATURE EXPLORATION (SOURCE: CHRISTI KUHN-COOPER) FRONT COVER: AERIAL VIEW OF THE PARK SITE AND CITY OF BOZEMAN (SOURCE: KESTRELAERIALS.COM) BACK COVER: STORY MILL SUMMER CAMP ADVENTURES (SOURCE: SHASTA GRENIER) TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................................4 BACKGROUND .....................................................................................................................................................................6 GUIDING PRINCIPLES .....................................................................................................................................................8 PARK PROGRAM ELEMENTS ......................................................................................................................................10 PROJECT DELIVERABLES ............................................................................................................................................12 TEAM ORGANIZATION & QUALIFICATIONS ....................................................................................................16 LOCAL CONSULTANTS .................................................................................................................................................17 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................................................18 EVALUATION PROCESS & CRITERIA .....................................................................................................................20 PROJECT TIMELINE .........................................................................................................................................................24 APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................................................25 4 - Request for Qualifications: Story Mill Community Park INTRODUCTION The Trust for Public Land, in collaboration with the City of Bozeman (referred to hereafter as “the City”), is soliciting qualifications for professional planning, design, and construction administration services in the creation of a new 55-acre community park in Bozeman, Montana. The Trust for Public Land is a national, nonprofit land conservation organization that conserves land for people to enjoy as parks, community gardens, historic sites, rural lands and other natural places, ensuring livable communities for generations to come. The Trust for Public Land’s Parks for People program is a nationwide initiative that works with communities to ensure that everyone – in particular, every child – enjoys close-to-home access to a park, playground, or natural area. The Story Mill Community Park project will be managed out of The Trust for Public Land’s Northern Rockies office in Bozeman. Bozeman and greater Gallatin Valley is a growing, outdoor-oriented community whose quality of life centers on access to parks, trails, and open spaces for recreation and enjoyment. Just a short walk or bicycle ride from Bozeman’s downtown urban center along a popular community trail, the Story Mill Community Park site is envisioned as a regional park destination for both the park-poor north side of town as well as the greater Bozeman community. Authorized in 2014 with partial funding through the City’s first-ever parks and trails bond fund, Story Mill will become Bozeman’s largest natural park and a cultural destination. The site has deep connections to Gallatin Valley’s history and heritage of farming, ranching, railroads, and early settlement. The old Story Mill (adjoining the site) was founded in the 1880’s by a colorful town father, Nelson Story, who shipped locally grown wheat and flour across the world for sixty years, serviced by railroad spurs from both Northern Pacific and the Old Milwaukee Line. Stockyards, ranching, and slaughterhouse operations also grew up around the mill. The park site shows evidence of ditching, draining, filling, and other significant man-made disturbances from this 100+ year history of agricultural and industrial activities. Today, the property provides an oasis of open space linking the historic northeast neighborhood with growing residential neighborhoods to the north and east. The 20-acre northern section of the property is located along Bridger Drive, a major arterial road. The northern section is less than a mile and a half from downtown Main Street. It is defined by fairly flat topography, open fields, and mature trees, and will contain the 8-10 acre active, programmed area of Story Mill Community Park. The 35-acre southern section includes streams, wetlands, open grasslands, an aspen grove, and will provide for passive, contemplative park experiences and learning opportunities. The southern section of the park will remain virtually “untouched” by the design, aside from a light network of trails and interpretative elements. East Griffin Drive serves as the boundary between the northern and southern portions of the site, and along with the stretch of the East Gallatin River just north of the road, this area provides a critical transition zone between the passive and more active sections of the park. The southern portion of the park will connect to the heavily used Story Mill Spur Trail and will provide easy access for cyclists and pedestrians. The site’s wetland complex, connecting two headwater streams – Bozeman Creek and the East Gallatin River just above their confluence point – shelters a diverse array of resident and migratory birds and wildlife. Sacajawea Audubon has counted almost 100 species of birds, including nesting Sandhill Cranes as well as deer, beavers, mink, among other wildlife. The park’s half mile access to the East Gallatin River offers some of Bozeman’s best in-town fishing for rainbow, brown, and cutthroat trout. The theme of mountains, rivers, and wetlands, along with the natural and cultural history of the site, should provide inspiration for the overall park design tying together the active and more passive park programming and design. The Trust for Public Land - 5 Active, programmed park area (8-10 acres) 8-acre proposed pocket neighborhood redevelopment Transition zone Passive, contemplative park experience, natural reserve areas Historic Story Mill Boys & Girls Club BRIDGER DRIVE EAST GRIFFIN DRIVE EAST GALLATIN RIVER BOZEMAN CREEKSTORY MILL ROADLegend Park Boundary Waterway Story Mill Spur Trail Site Tour Meeting Point ABOVE: 55-ACRE STORY MILL COMMUNITY PARK SITE AND GENERALIZED PARK ZONES (PROPERTY LINE IN YELLOW) AND LOCATION OF HISTORIC STORY MILL BUILDINGS (NOT PART OF PARK PROPERTY, LOCATION PROVIDED FOR REFERENCE ONLY)UPPER RIGHT: CONTEXT MAP SHOWING THE APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF STORY MILL COMMUNITY PARK, NORTHEAST OF DOWNTOWN BOZEMAN. Downtown Bozeman Story Mill Legend Park Boundary Waterway Story Mill Spur Trail Site Tour Meeting Point 6 - Request for Qualifications: Story Mill Community Park BACKGROUND Routinely ranked highest for livability among small urban centers in the Rocky Mountain West, Bozeman is Montana’s fastest growing city, home to Montana State University and a vibrant high-tech economy, with access to world-class outdoor recreation and the state’s most active airport. The Story Mill Community Park represents an important new amenity for present and future generations across this growing community. In 2008, a dense residential and commercial development proposed for the Story Mill site including surrounding properties failed, but not before the closing of a 92-family trailer park community. Vestiges of the Bridger View Trailer Court can still be seen in old lampposts and asphalt drives as well as in blooming lilacs and other ornamental plantings throughout the northern section of the property. The Trust for Public Land acquired the Story Mill property in December 2012 with the intention of proposing a new city park and initiated a community- participatory design process. In March 2014, the City approved the Story Mill Community Park and dedicated $4.5 million of voter-approved bond funding towards land acquisition and park development. Additional fundraising by The Trust for Public Land will match the City’s investment with a multi-million dollar capital campaign. In December of 2014, the property was transferred to the City. The City and The Trust for Public Land entered into a Memorandum of Understanding, memorializing the public- private collaboration. The Trust for Public Land is exploring feasibility for development of a pocket neighborhood on an 8-acre parcel adjoining the Story Mill Community Park. The project will provide a model of sustainable development including market rate and affordable housing to help address workforce housing needs in the Bozeman community. Park design will consider efficiencies of shared infrastructure or other amenities between the park and adjoining development. As Bozeman’s largest natural park, Story Mill Community Park will become a flagship city park and cultural destination offering a thriving outdoor recreation resource and community gathering place for generations to come. Extensive community outreach and participatory design led to the development of the park’s conceptual plan (see opposite page) that includes park layout, draft program elements, and site amenities that reflect the desires and expectations of the community. Community stakeholders and residents are enthusiastically engaged in the future of the park. Over 20 community organizations and hundreds of area residents have already participated in the design process through two park planning workshops and surveys. Participatory park design is a hallmark of The Trust for Public Land and the selected design team and The Trust for Public Land will continue to work with the community extensively throughout the design process to ensure that the park design serves community needs, expectations, and character. ADJOINING HISTORIC STORY MILL BUILDINGS AND STORY MILL SPUR TRAILHEAD (SOURCE: CHRISTI KUHN-COOPER)POPULAR IN-TOWN FISHING ALONG A HALF MILE STRETCH OF THE EAST GALLATIN RIVER (SOURCE: CHRISTI KUHN-COOPER) The Trust for Public Land - 7 STORY MILL COMMUNITY PARK CONCEPTUAL PLAN 8 - Request for Qualifications: Story Mill Community Park GUIDING PRINCIPLES The Story Mill Community Park is intended to serve the greater Bozeman and Gallatin Valley community, attracting visitors from across the city and beyond with an arrayed palette of visitor experiences in both active and passive sections of the park. The design should take particular notice of sight lines and transition areas to promote an integrated, holistic experience for park users. The plan will endeavor to preserve mature trees and shrubs, support native plants and grassland communities, and employ water efficient, sustainable principles. A large-scale restoration of the site’s rivers, streams and wetlands is underway and will be completed in Spring 2016 by the Trust for Public Land. Park educational and interpretive programming shall emphasize habitat health for fish, birds and wildlife, as well as improvements to water quality and transformation of the landscape from restoration actions. Restoration activities on the park site yielded a surplus of 15,000 cubic yards of excavated soil. The excess soil is available for use in the design as appropriate and currently lies in the northern section of the site. The Story Mill Community Park project represents a unique collaboration between The Trust for Public Land, multiple community groups, hundreds of active residents, and the City. Integration of the expertise of both the City and The Trust for Public Land in the design process and continued input of community members in design review are key to project success. The Trust for Public Land will work with the selected firm to develop community-inspired artwork, community gathering spaces, and creative placemaking elements that ensure that the park design reflects the Bozeman community’s past, present, and future. RESTORED WETLAND HABITAT WITH A VIEW OF THE BRIDGER MOUNTAINS AND THE HISTORIC STORY MILL (SOURCE: CHRISTI KUHN-COOPER) The Trust for Public Land - 9 The following three guiding principles will inspire all aspects of park design and development but are not intended to limit the design team’s vision and creativity: COMMUNITY GATHERING The Story Mill Community Park project has received overwhelming community support, reflective of the value Bozemanites place on community and pride of place. Park design shall honor this community spirit by offering creative gathering spaces to bring people together, whether it is for a private family picnic or a larger public performance or event. Art elements shall define these spaces inspired by the site’s natural and cultural qualities from rivers, wildlife, and mountains to Bozeman’s earliest settlement and agricultural heritage. OUTDOOR PLAY Park activities for structured and unstructured outdoor play shall be diverse and varied including nature walks and birdwatching, fitness trails, sledding and cross-country skiing, fishing and river play, pick-up games of soccer or Frisbee, climbing boulders, and other flexible open spaces. The natural playground – a centerpiece park element – will inspire creative, challenging, and inclusive play (exceeding ADA minimum standards) opportunities for children of all ages and abilities. The signature play elements should take inspiration from surrounding natural landscape materials, creating a park attraction that distinguishes this playground from others throughout the city. The playground design shall also celebrate the shared community values of health, wellness, renewal, and fun. HEALTHY HABITATS The beauty and bounty of the park’s two rivers shall provide a thematic thread throughout park design. The large-scale restoration of the site will yield a healthy, active wetland system on the southern portion of the site. Any additional planting in the wetland areas shall incorporate restoration ecology techniques, utilizing the existing plant community as inspiration. This area shall provide a living classroom to explore and interpret the vital role of wetlands to keep our rivers clean for fish, birds, wildlife, and people. The parking lot and other built elements will incorporate sustainable and durable building practices and inform the public about the vital connections for stormwater management, green infrastructure, flood attenuation, clean drinking water, and other associated benefits. NESTING SANDHILL CRANE WITH NEWLY HATCHED COLT AT THE PARK (SOURCE: BRIAN BEST)STORY MILL SPUR TRAIL (SOURCE: CHRISTI KUHN-COOPER) 10 - Request for Qualifications: Story Mill Community Park PARK PROGRAM ELEMENTS Key to the success of the project is the development and implementation of an innovative park design, with elements that deliver multiple community benefits. The design shall provide for year-round use, encouraging, to the extent possible, winter activities such as sledding, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, and year-round play opportunities for an active, northern Rockies community. The design will anticipate spatial needs for future park growth including expanded parking areas, a nature center, and other elements defined during the design process. The design shall include but is not limited to: »Community gathering areas including picnic pavilions of varying sizes and a small, natural amphitheater »Centerpiece nature playground with universally accessible elements »Landscaped pathways, natural trail system, East Griffin Drive crosswalk, and East Gallatin River bridge crossings (all barrier-free and exceeding ADA accessibility standards) »Restroom and maintenance equipment storage shed »Native and drought-tolerant landscape plantings and trees »Series of climbing boulders »River access for fishing and family-friendly water play (included in north parcel restoration plan) »2-3 multi-purpose playing fields / play meadows »Edible food forest trail »Interpretive signage, educational amenities, and programming to support a living classroom experience »Central parking lot SITE OF THE FORMER BRIDGER VIEW TRAILER COURT AND THE FUTURE 8-10 ACRE ACTIVE, PROGRAMMED AREA OF STORY MILL COMMUNITY PARK, BOUND TO THE NORTH (BOTTOM OF IMAGE) BY BRIDGER DRIVE. ALSO SHOWN IS THE BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF BOZEMAN (OUTSIDE OF THE PARK BOUNDARY) AND THE SURPLUS 15,000 CUBIC YARDS OF EXCAVATED SOIL RESULTING FROM RESTORATION ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED BY THE TRUST FOR PUBLIC LAND (SOURCE: KESTRELAERIAL.COM) The Trust for Public Land - 11 Sustainable components shall include: »Stormwater to be contained on-site »Site furnishings with recycled content »Recoverable materials generated during construction will be separated and recycled to minimize construction waste »Locally-sourced materials wherever possible »Low/no VOC (if paints are used as part of the design) »High-efficiency irrigation system with rain sensor and soil moisture meter »Energy efficient, NightSky-rated light fixtures, as appropriate Other elements may also be included in the design based upon available funding and community input. These elements include: »Trailhead improvements »Additional (unpaved) parking area »Splash pad or water feature within the playground »Teaching farm or community garden »Fitness trail »Public art installations »Fully-fenced, off-leash dog park »Treehouse and wetlands overlook »Contemplative labyrinth FEBRUARY 2013 COMMUNITY WORKSHOP (SOURCE: TROY SCHERER) 12 - Request for Qualifications: Story Mill Community Park PROJECT DELIVERABLES The Trust for Public Land is inviting proposals from landscape architecture firms to take the project from the conceptual plan to final design, prepare construction documents, and manage the permitting, bidding, and construction administration processes. Throughout the duration of the contract, the design team shall confirm project scopes and current conditions to ensure that all infrastructure needs, external impacts and existing site conditions are addressed by the plan. Additionally, all teams shall include time in their proposal for ample coordination and collaboration for each design phase with The Trust for Public Land’s project management team, the City, and other team members. This coordination and collaboration includes site visits, regular coordination meetings, plan review and constructability reviews to verify design intent, construction administration, as well as any necessary revisions throughout the design and construction process. SCHEMATIC DESIGN PHASE Deliverables shall include the following but are not limited to: »Attendance at a project kick-off meeting »Attendance at kick-off meeting(s) with The Trust for Public Land’s participating groups »A preliminary package of schematic and illustrative drawings (at a reasonable minimum scale) to assist in communicating the design intent of the project to The Trust for Public Land, the City, project participants, project funders, and the public »An estimate of probable cost for the entire project budget (including landscape, civil, electrical, structural, etc.) »A written response and related revisions to all City’s and The Trust for Public Land’s comments »Attendance at one (1) public meeting »Attendance at 1-2 TPL-facilitated workshop meetings with project participants (on topics such as trails, wildlife and education, community agriculture, art, etc.) to gather local input into the park design »Public Art Overlay Plan, identifying locations for 4-6 pieces of temporary or permanent public art Approvals during Schematic Design shall include: »The Trust for Public Land and the City - Schematic Design review The Trust for Public Land - 13 MASTER PLAN / DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PHASE Deliverables shall include the following but are not limited to: »Site survey »Geotechnical report and recommendations for grading for maximum water capture on-site »Demolition plan »Site grading and utilities plans »Layout and horizontal control plans »Electrical plans and details, including photometric plans »Structural plans (architectural and site improvements) »Landscape construction plan (at a reasonable minimum scale) documenting the proposed layout, including materials types and locations, steps, ramps, walls, fencing, restroom/shed, park amenities, playground, art elements, and other amenities as applicable »An updated package of schematic and illustrative drawings (at a reasonable minimum scale) to assist in communicating the design intent of the project to The Trust for Public Land, the City, project participants, project funders, and the public »Landscape construction details »Construction specifications: all disciplines as relevant to the project scope »Irrigation plan »Irrigation details »Irrigation specifications »Planting plan »Planting details »An estimate of probable cost for the entire project budget (including landscape, electrical, structural, etc.) »Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) as required by site conditions »A written response and related revisions to all City, The Trust for Public Land, and constructability comments »Any additional relevant plans, sections, elevations, and specifications »Attendance at 2-3 TPL-facilitated focus group meetings with community members (on topics such as trails, wildlife and education, community agriculture, art, etc.) to gather local input into the park design »Participation in 5-7 City design reviews as part of the City Master Plan approval process Approvals required during Master Plan / Design Development shall include: »The Trust for Public Land and the City - Master Plan / Design Development review »Recreation & Parks Advisory Board (RPAB) - Master Plan Review (1 meeting) »Development Review Committee (DRC) - Master Plan Review(s) (~3 meetings) »City Commission - Final Master Plan / Design Development Approval (~2 meetings) 14 - Request for Qualifications: Story Mill Community Park SITE PLAN / CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTATION PHASE Deliverables shall include the following but are not limited to: »A complete set of construction documents (at a reasonable minimum scale) including, but not limited to: all landscape, civil, electrical, and structural plans, details, and specifications, including any art elements to be included in the park »An estimate of probable cost for the entire project budget (including landscape, civil, electrical, and structural) »A written response and related revisions to all City, The Trust for Public Land, and constructability comments »Attendance at 3-5 City design reviews as part of the City Master Plan approval process Approvals required during Site Plan / Construction Documentation shall include: »Development Review Committee (DRC) - Site Plan (75% CD) Review (~3 meetings) »City Commission - Site Plan (75% CD) Approval (City Commission appearance at this phase is potential but may not be required.) »Trust for Public Land and the City - Site Plan / Construction Documentation review (90% CD) »Trust for Public Land and the City - Site Plan / Construction Documentation review (100% CD) BIDDING PHASE Deliverables shall include the following but are not limited to: »A complete bid set, including all landscape, civil, electrical, and structural plans, details, and specifications »Review subcontractor’s bids for conformance with the scope of work. It remains the responsibility of the contractor to prepare a full and complete bid for the work »Assume one bid addendum during the bid process »Respond to RFIs during the bidding process »Attendance at one (1) meeting Approvals during Bidding Phase shall include: »The Trust for Public Land and the City - Bidding Phase close-out review The Trust for Public Land - 15 CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION PHASE Deliverables shall include the following but are not limited to: »Use of electronic document exchange provided by City or The Trust for Public Land »The Trust for Public Land kick-off meeting »On-site meetings, including kick-off meeting, regular construction observation, pre-maintenance punch list, maintenance check, and final walk-through »Geotechnical site inspections »Clarifications »Addendum »Shop drawings and submittals »Bulletins »Requests for information »Record drawings   Approvals during Construction Administration shall include: »The Trust for Public Land and the City - Final site walk-through review EAST GALLATIN RIVER RESTORATION: EXCAVATED FLOODPLAIN AND BANK STABILIZATION (SOURCE: MATTHEW JOHNSON, RESPEC) 16 - Request for Qualifications: Story Mill Community Park TEAM ORGANIZATION & QUALIFICATIONS The Trust for Public Land shall manage the project, acting as the primary contact with the chosen firm and coordinate involvement and project alignment with the City and community participants. The selected firm will integrate closely with The Trust for Public Land throughout the creative design development process through construction and close-out. Composition of the design team may vary, but members must have expertise in the following areas: »Large-team project management »Park, trail, and open space design »Planting design and restoration ecology »Playground design and safety certification »Site history, cultural, and creative placemaking »Municipal permitting and approvals »Lighting »Civil, geotechnical, environmental, and structural engineering »Stormwater management and green infrastructure »Community engagement »Parking and traffic design In addition, the successful respondent shall work with The Trust for Public Land, the community, and the City to select artist(s) for the project’s public art elements. NORTHERN VIEW ACROSS THE PARK SITE TOWARD THE BRIDGER MOUNTAINS (SOURCE: MADDY POPE) The Trust for Public Land - 17 LOCAL CONSULTANTS From the project’s inception, The Trust for Public Land has engaged a local project team to assist in the development of the conceptual design for the Story Mill Community Park. The Trust for Public Land requests that interested respondents to this RFQ consider the benefits of continuity by partnering with consultants that have been engaged in the conceptual design process. However, there is neither a requirement nor a scoring advantage for respondents to include the consultants described below. Design 5 Landscape Architecture (contact: Troy Scherer, info@design5la.com) has been involved in the project development to date, conducted community workshops, and created the conceptual master plan. Possible opportunities for integration of Design 5 Landscape Architecture into a design team include: »Provide bridge and continuity of information between previous work and new design team »Assist with city review process and community outreach tasks »Collaborate on park design with lead designer »Provide local expertise of construction detailing, planting, materials, and other locally specific knowledge »Provide on-site observation, coordination, and oversight in partnership with lead designer The Trust for Public Land has also engaged a local project team to provide engineering services for the preliminary design phase of Story Mill Community Park. Services provided by Stahly Engineering (contact: Cordell Pool, cpool@seaeng.com) were conceptual park planning, existing infrastructure assessment, boundary survey, and topographic survey. Possible opportunities for integration of Stahly Engineering into a design team include: »Site-civil engineering and surveying services supporting the park design. »Additional survey, as required »Water and sewer main extensions and services »Parking lots and hardscape »Storm water mitigation and bio-retention »Pedestrian bridge structural design »Engineering support as required for other park features such as building foundations, irrigation water supply, sidewalks and pathways. 18 - Request for Qualifications: Story Mill Community Park SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS Firms submitting a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) in response to this RFQ will be asked to state in no more than 25 pages their understanding and experience relating to the project and to offer their methodology for achieving the objective and producing the required deliverables for each task. Federal Form 330 and the Nondicrimination Affirmation Statement do not contribute to the page count. The finalists from the RFQ Phase will proceed to the interview phase and be requested to participate in oral interviews. The qualified firm will demonstrate a depth of experience in designing and building parks of this size and scope and have a strong and successful background and appreciation for working with community groups and cities during the design and construction process. The Trust for Public Land, under its agreement with the City, shall serve as the primary project manager and, as such, will negotiate, execute, and manage the Professional Services Agreement. The Trust for Public Land will coordinate with the City to provide reviews and to ensure that the design and ensuing contract conforms to all City laws, standards, and project requirements. Six (6) printed copies and one (1) electronic copy of the completed written response must be received by The Trust for Public Land by 4:00PM MST on Monday, June 22, 2015. Late entries will not be reviewed. RFQ SCHEDULE RFQ released May 15, 2015 Site tour (wear shoes appropriate for wetland and off-trail walking) from 1:00-2:30pm, meet at the northern park entrance off Bridger Drive (see map on page 5 for location)June 4, 2015 Pre-proposal meeting (firms are strongly encourage to attend) from 3:00-4:30pm at the Alfred M. Stiff Building, 20 East Olive Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room, Bozeman June 4, 2015 Deadline to submit questions (by email only) to maddy.pope@tpl.org June 9, 2015 Responses to questions available on www.tpl.org/storymill June 17, 2015 SOQ submissions due at The Trust for Public Land’s office by 4:00PM MST (Late entries will not be reviewed.)June 22, 2015 Notify short-listed firms June 30, 2015 Interviews July 7-9, 2015 Notice of selection July 13, 2015 Scoping meeting July 20-24, 2015 The Trust for Public Land - 19 SOQ SUBMISSION FORMAT 1. Letter of Interest 2. Qualifications A. Company overview and background B. Relevant project experience C. Federal Form 330 (required for prime and ALL subcontractors) 3. Project Team A. Provide a project team organization chart reflecting the integration of reporting structure of the team members internally and with The Trust for Public Land B. Identify project manager, all team members and sub-consultants who will play a major role on the project team i. Resumes of team members ii. Consultant team information and resumes 4. Scope of Work A. Preliminary scope of work based on project understanding and timeline B. List assumptions and exclusions, if any C. List additional project scope and services that your team could provide, if selected D. List percentage of total hours allotted to each phase of work and how subconsultants will generally be allocated to each phase E. List percentage of time each key member of the prime team shall contribute per phase (E.g. Schematic Design: Partner/Principal – X%, Senior Designer – X%, Design Staff – X%, etc.) 5. Methodology/Approach A. Provide a written summary of your firm/team’s approach to the project as outlined, and what distinguishes your firm/team B. Identify the perceived challenges and/or obstacles to successfully completing the project 6. References A. Provide three references with project description, relevancy to this project, primary contact and phone number/email 7. Nondiscrimination Affirmation Statement (see page 24) 20 - Request for Qualifications: Story Mill Community Park EVALUATION PROCESS & CRITERIA Proposals shall be evaluated by The Trust for Public Land with participation by the City. The following criteria will be used in evaluating and rating the proposals: 1. Project Experience 25% A. Experience designing and building successful parks of a similar scale, scope, and program and demonstrated innovation in recreation and nature play features B. Experience with strong community participation and coordination with local government and other public agencies C. Experience with park design that integrates complex natural systems including wetlands / rivers and incorporates environmentally sensitive practices into the design including stormwater management and green infrastructure 2. Team Qualifications 25% A. Quality of proposed team – specifically community experience and technical qualifications B. Firm’s capacity to meet target milestones 3. Project Approach and Scope 25% A. Creativity, innovation, and overall quality of project approach B. Approach for incorporating community members and local organizations into the participatory design process C. Strategy for creative placemaking and interpretation of cultural and natural components 4. Project Schedule 15% A. Success in completing projects on schedule B. Demonstrated ability to achieve value and efficiency required by project budgets 5. Quality Assurance and Other Factors 10% The Trust for Public Land - 21 Each respondent will be ranked and, if necessary, the review committee may select up to three respondents for interviews. The purpose of the interview will be to expand on the information provided in the SOQ, not to repeat information already provided. Respondents selected for interviews will be provided additional instruction by The Trust for Public Land. Respondents not selected for further consideration will be notified. The final selection will be based on an evaluation of the written responses to the RFQ and, if conducted, interviews. Award of the project will be made following contract negotiations to the most qualified respondent at a price which The Trust for Public Land determines to be fair and reasonable taking into account the estimated value of services to be rendered, as well as the scope, complexity, and professional nature thereof. Following the interviews, the review committee will determine a ranking of each firm based on the above criteria. Consideration will be given to both the written SOQ and the interview, if conducted. Requests for selection decisions shall be made in writing to The Trust for Public Land. All information submitted by firms and related review committee evaluations and rankings shall be considered confidential until after contract execution and approval by The Trust for Public Land. The Trust for Public Land will enter into negotiations with the selected respondent and upon completion of negotiations shall execute a Professional Services Agreement (PSA). If The Trust for Public Land is unsuccessful in negotiating a PSA with the highest ranked team, The Trust for Public Land may then negotiate with the second or third highest ranked team until a PSA is executed, or may decide to terminate the selection process. SUBMISSION ADDRESS Attention: Story Mill Review Committee The Trust for Public Land 1007 East Main, Suite 300 Bozeman, MT 59715 PROJECT CONTACTS - THE TRUST FOR PUBLIC LAND Maddy Pope, Project Manager Cary Simmons, Project ManagerThe Trust for Public Land The Trust for Public Land1007 East Main, Suite 300 901 5th Avenue, Suite 1520 Bozeman, MT 59715 Seattle, WA 98164 maddy.pope@tpl.org cary.simmons@tpl.org PROJECT CONTACT - CITY OF BOZEMAN Carolyn Poissant, MLA, AICP Manager of Trails, Open Space and Parks Design and Development 415 N. Bozeman Street Bozeman, MT 59715 22 - Request for Qualifications: Story Mill Community Park RESERVATION OF RIGHTS 1. The issuance of this RFQ and the acceptance of a submittal do not constitute an agreement by The Trust for Public Land or the City that any contract will actually be entered into. Any costs incurred by respondents in preparation of a response to this RFQ are the sole responsibility of the respondents. Any or all disputes arising under this RFQ and any contract negotiated as a result of this RFQ shall be governed by the State of Montana. The Trust for Public Land reserves the right to issue written notices of any change in the submittal process, if determined that such changes are necessary or desirable. 2. In addition and notwithstanding any other provision of this RFQ, The Trust for Public Land reserves the right to: A. Waive any immaterial defect or informality in a submittal; B. Extend or otherwise revise the submittal due date; C. Reject any or all submissions or portions thereof; D. Cancel this RFQ at any time; E. Reissue a new or revised RFQ; and F. Request additional information or require one or more teams to submit a more detailed submittal. 3. Submittal of terms, conditions and/or agreements may result in rejection if such terms, conditions, or agreements are deemed unacceptable by The Trust for Public Land. The Trust for Public Land reserves the right to disqualify any entity who fails to provide information or data specifically requested herein or who provides materially inaccurate or misleading information or data or who attempts to influence the selection process outside the procedures established herein. The Trust for Public Land reserves the right to disqualify any entity on the basis of any real or apparent conflict of interest. The Trust for Public Land - 23 STATEMENT OF NON-DISCRIMINATION Each entity shall include a provision requiring submitting entity to affirm in writing it will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability and recognizing the eventual contract will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and this prohibition on discrimination shall apply to the hiring and treatment or proposer’s employees and to all subcontracts. (name of entity submitting) hereby affirms it will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability and recognizing the eventual contract will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and this prohibition on discrimination shall apply to the hiring and treatment or bidder’s employees and to all subcontracts. Name and title of person authorized to sign on behalf of submitter Signature Date NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY The City of Bozeman and The Trust for Public Land are each equal opportunity employers. Each entity submitting under this RFQ shall affirm, using the form below, that it will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, sexual preference, gender identity, or disability in fulfillment of a contract entered into for the services identified herein and that this prohibition on discrimination shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the submitting entity’s employees and to all subcontracts it enters into related to fulfillment of the services identified in this RFQ. Failure to comply with the above shall be cause for The Trust for Public Land to deem the submittal non- responsive. 24 - Request for Qualifications: Story Mill Community Park PROJECT TIMELINE Project Kick-off / Scoping Meeting July 2015 Schematic Design Complete October 2015 Public Presentation of Schematic Design October 2015 Development Review Committee (DRC) - Master Plan Review February 2016 Recreation and Parks Advisory Board - Master Plan Review March 2016 Master Plan / Design Development Complete April 2016 City Commission - Master Plan Approval April 2016 Wetland Restoration Project Complete (by the Trust for Public Land) Spring 2016 Development Review Committee (DRC) - Site Plan / Construction Documentation review - 75% CD July 2016 Potential City Commission - Site Plan / Construction Documentation Approval August 2016 Site Plan / Construction Documentation review - 90% CD October 2016 Site Plan / Construction Documentation review - 100% CD November 2016 Site Plan / Construction Documentation Complete December 2016 Bid Phase Complete February 2017 Construction Phase Complete Fall 2018 Close-out Phase Complete Winter 2018 Warranty Period Complete Winter 2019   The Trust for Public Land - 25 APPENDIX The following appendix materials are available for download at www.tpl.org/storymill and are provided for reference only: »Conceptual Plan – developed August 2013 by The Trust for Public Land designers in collaboration with Design 5 Landscape Architecture »October 2014 Community Workshop Report – survey results, image boards and public comments »City Commission Resolution 4517 – March 24, 2014, resolution approved by unanimous vote with overwhelming community support »Project application to Trails, Open Space and Parks (TOP) Committee »Restoration project description and photo journal »National Register Statement of Significance and additional historical reports on the Story Mill District »February 2015 Existing Conditions Survey »Project press clips STORY MILL SPUR TRAIL INTERSECTING THE PARK (SOURCE: CHRISTI KUHN-COOPER)