HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-23-2015 Archive City Commission Minutes G q'L 8_ fee THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN,MONTANA MINUTES Monday,March 23,2015 Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Present Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: Present Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Present Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Absent Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Present Staff Present: City Manager Chris Kukulski, City Attorney Greg Sullivan, and Deputy City Clerk Pearl Michalson. A. 06:02:23 PM Call to Order—6 p.m. Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Mayor Krauss called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. B. 06:02:33 PM Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. 06:03:14 PM Changes to the Agenda Mayor Krauss asked City Manager Chris Kukulski if there were changes to the agenda. Mr. Kukulski stated that there were no changes; however Commissioner Andrus's absence will need to be excused. D. 06:03:22 PM Motion and Vote to Authorize Absence of Cr.Andrus. Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor- Carson Ta, l�pprove Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Absent Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve Page 1 of 7 March 23,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes E. 06:03:54 PM Minutes—Regular City Commission Minutes from March 16, 2015_ and User Access to Linked Minutes �a 06:03:59 PM Motion and Vote to approve the Regular City Commission Minutes from March 16, 201 S as suhmitted. Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: Motion Commissioner- Chris Mehl: 2nd Mayor-Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor- Carson Ta 1�Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Absent Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve F. 06:04:20 PM Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services (LaMeres) Ma 2. Amendment 1 to Professional Service Term Contracts for Development Review Services with Allied Engineering, TD&H Engineering, Sanderson Stewart, and KLJ (Thomas) too 3. Amendment 2 to Professional Services Agreement for the Capital Improvement Projects Field Survey with Morrison Maierle, Inc. (Murray) 'tea 4. Acknowledge Receipt of the 2014-2015 Annual Report of the Board of Ethics (Ulmen) to 5. American Simmental Association Water Pipeline and Access Easement and Agreement and Public Sidewalk Access Easement(Murray) 11�4:j 6. Findings of Fact and Order for the Sunda_nce Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat, Application P14052 (Rogers) n4= 06:04:24 PM City Manager gives an introduction of the Consent Agenda Items. Mr. Kukulski gave an overview of each Consent Item. 06:05:45 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment on the consent agenda. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 06:05:58 PM Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items 1-6 as suhmittet. Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Mayor-Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: Approve Page 2 of 7 March 23,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Absent Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve G. 06:06:15 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened general public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. H. 06:06:45 PM Special Presentation — Integrated Water Resources Plan Implementation Activities (Heaston) 'la 06:07:14 PM Staff presentation Senior Engineer Brian Heaston discussed his presentation for the Intergraded Water Resources Plan (IWRP). Mr. Heaston discussed plans to meet Bozeman's 50 year high- growth water balance deficit through a water conservation program, water supply alternatives, and improving upon current water operations. 06:09:11 PM Staff Presentation continued Bozeman's Water Conservation Specialist Laine Leoniak reviewed FY15 program accomplishments and discussed the following issues throughout her presentation; water bottle fill stations, a native grass project with MSU, water demand tracking tools, irrigation auditor classes, rebate and incentive programs as well as the current progress in creating a draught plan. Brian Heaston continued further by discussing new water supply activities and water project RFPs. 06:23:44 PM Commission questions for Staff. The Commission and Staff discussed concerns of implications to the public and competing interests. I. 07:02:37 PM Action Items 1. Continuance of the Public Hearing for the Valley Meadows Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application P 14062 (Quasi-Judicial) (Rogers) NCa 07:02:44 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 07:02:59 PM Staff presentation Associate Planner Tom Rogers request a continuance of the public hearing. Page 3 of 7 March 23,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes 07:03:14 PM City Attorney Greg Sullivan Attorney Sullivan suggested continuing the current item instead of "opening" and continuing the item. 07:03:58 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 07:04:09 PM Motion and Vote to continue the public hearing on application P14062, Valley Meadows Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat application,from March 23, 2015 to April 27, 2015. Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Deputy Mgyor- Carson Taylor: 2nd Mayor-Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Absent Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve 2. 07:05:49 PM-Continuance of Planning Fee Schedule Discussion and Possible Approval to April 6, 2015 (Thomas) Ma Director of Community Development Wendy Thomas requested to move the planning fee schedule to April 6th 07:06:15 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 07:06:33 PM Motion and Vote to continue the Planning Fee Schedule discussion and possible approval to April 6, 2015 in order to provide adequate time to advertise the public hearing in a manner compliant with MCA 7-6-4013, Fees for services, hearing and resolution. DepgtMqyor- Carson Taylor: Motion Commissioner- Chris Mehl: 2nd Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor- Carson Ta l�pprove Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Absent Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve Page 4of7 March 23,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes 3. 07:07:13 PM Preliminary Plat Application for the West Winds Major Subdivision Phase 7 and 8 to allow the Subdivision of an Existing Lot of Approximately 17.53 acres into 60 lots for Residential Development with associated Open Spaces in Two Phases, Application P14063 (Quasi- Judicial) (Rogers) 1�14z 07:07:15 PM- Staff Presentation Tom Rogers Community Development is asking for preliminary plat approval and goes into detail about the requirements and overall improvements needed to complete the improvements via the agreements already in place. 07:15:16 PM- Commission questions for Staff. 07:19:19 PM-Applicant Presentation Clint Litle Applicant Representative stated that all conditions have been reviewed and he has no comments or request of changes. These are the last two phases of the project. There are no parks with this phase as they are in phase 6. Condition 17, is addressed however the physical improvement needs to be built first before getting the building permit. 07:22:47 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 07:24:34 PM Motion and Vote that having reviewed the application materials, considered public comment, and the staff analysis, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for P14063 and move to recommend approval the preliminary plat for the West Winds Major Subdivision, Phases 7 and 8 requested in application P14063 authorizing to subdivide approximately 17.53 acres into 60 lots with the remaining area as streets and common open space. Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Mayor-Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor- Carson Ta l�or: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Absent Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy Approve 07:24:59 PM Break Mayor Krauss asked for a break and to return in 20 minutes. 07:38:00 PM Mayor Krauss called the meeting back into session. Page 5 of 7 March 23,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes 4. 07:38:02 PM Presentation from Community Service Providers interested in Applying for Funding through the Community Development_Block Grant from the Montana Department of Commerce (Thomas) Lea 07:37:58 PM Staff Presentation Director of Community Development Wendy Thomas discusses and introduced the CDBG Funding and requests a letter of support from the Commission. 07:39:34 PM Mayor Krauss clarified that we will not take action and will just listen to people talk who are interested in applying for funding from the CDBG. 07:40:29 PM HRDC President Jeff Rupp discusses the Montana Department of Commerce community development block grant funds. The HRDC suggest the city uses the current housing plan as a basis for all developments in the future. HRDC thanks the commission for their support and assistance in the past. 07:43:11 PM- Presentations Closed 5. 07:43:20 PM Appointment to the North Seventh Urban Renewal Board (NSURB) (Michalson) n4= 07:43:31 PM This appointment will be moved to a future agenda 07:44:05 PM Applicant Austin Rector Mr. Rector spoke about his company and his reasons for wanting to be a part of the North Seventh Board. 6. Appointment to the Northeast Urban Renewal Board (NURB) (Michalson) n�a Motion and Vote to appoint John Usher to one of the vacant non-voting positions with a term expiration of July 31, 2017 on the Northeast Urban Renewal Boarcb Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: 2nd Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor- Carson Ta l�pprove Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Absent Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy_Approve Page 6 of 7 March 23,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes J. 07:47:15 PM 5. Appointments to the Wetlands Review Board(Michalson) 'C Nm Motion and Vote to appoint Eric Nyquist to the Weed Consultant vacant term with an expiration of December 31, 2016 and Robert Sain to the Biologist vacant term with an expiration of December 31, 2016 on the Wetlands Review Board Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: Motion Commissioner- Chris Mehl: 2nd Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor- Carson Ta ly orApprove Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Absent Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve K. FYI/Discussion 1. No City Commission Meeting on Monday, March HP because it is a 50' Monday (Michalson) 2. Mayor Krauss discussed other issues and the replacement of the flags outside. 3. Consider a June joint meeting with the Cemetery Board. L. Adjournment 07:50:13 PM Mayor Krauss adjourned the Meeting at 7:50 p.m. jeffrey K.Krauss E g m Mayor Q ATTEST: u - ® 'Sfacktilnen,CMC C-`6 3 _ City Clerk - - PREPARED BY: Pearl Michalson Deputy City Clerk Approved on:� JD Page 7 of 7