HomeMy WebLinkAbout15- Montana State University Highway Easement Revised_'ity of Bozeman-City Clerk ".0. Box 1230 3ozeman NIT 59771-1230 2507156 9 Page: 1 of 3 03/27/2015 04:09:56 PM Fee: $21.00 Charlotte Mills — Gallatin County, MT MISC ___ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILIIII Highway Easement revised This Easement, made this 20th day of January, 2015, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration now paid, the receipt of which is acknowledged, witnesses that, State of Montana, Montana State University 204 Montana Hall Bozeman, MT 59718 does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the City of Bozeman, an easement and right-of- way for highway purposes, including the construction, reconstruction and maintenance of a highway over, across, and the right of entry upon and occupation of lands, and the right to take therefrom such earth, sand, gravel, stones, and trees as may be necessary in the construction, reconstruction, and maintenance of a highway covering and embracing the following described land: A tract of land within Tract D of Certificate of Survey No. 1243A, and tracts of land situated in the SE%4NEY4 of Section14 and SW%4NWYa of Section 13, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.,M., Gallatin County, Montana, as shown by the shaded area on the plat, consisting of 1 sheet attached hereto and identified as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof, containing an area of 0.784 acres, more or less. The State of Montana Department of Transportation agrees to provide at no cost, as a part of the construction of the So. 19th Avenue and W. Garfield traffic signal, to Montana State University the following underground sleeves: i. 3-4 inch grey Schedule 40 conduits across South 19th Avenue just south of the intersection with W. Garfield Street; and across W. Garfield Street just west of the intersection with South 19th Avenue ii. 1-12 inch irrigation sleeve across W. Garfield Street at approximately Sta.78; and across S. 19th Avenue iii. 1-power conduit across W. Garfield Street at approximately Sta. 76 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all of the above-described property unto the City of Bozeman,and to its successors and assigns as long as the same is used for highway purposes. This Easement was executed on the date of its last acknowledgment. State of MONTANA County of GALLATIN MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY as President of MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY (signatur ) (Authority) (Entity) This instrument was acknowledged before me on "_(Y y N (dat ) by Waded Cruzado (name of person(s)) as PRESIDENT (type of authority, e.g.; president,trustee, member, partner, etc.) of MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY (name of entity on behalf of whom instrument was executed) Page 1 of 2 MADELEINE J ROGERS e Notary Public , �OTAR/q�N for the State of Montana otary Signature Li * Residing at: N9 SEAL P=e; Livingston, Montana j M h _J 00 g p rS oF;Mo My CoJg�__m--{{'��sssion Expires: I: Notary Printed Name Septa r 27,2016 MO11�' Pl cc. Notary Public for State of I Residing at: ��/_J�(�57�/� A 1 � DrLWDL, My Commission Expires: JS(�_ / �/201 CITY of BOZEMAN C" _ as UTV An x f of City of Bozeman (Signature) (Type of Authority) (Name of Entity) This instrument was acknowledged before me on r (date) jt (name of person(s)) i er as ( L/'r � �` ._ ` � z (type ofthority, e.g.; president,trustee, member, partner, etc.) of A, �u. } f " Y .t J, i rs. ( (name of entity on behalf of whom instrument was exec d) r i r •, f ..._ ) I tit, HEATHER BIENVE��UE ' ( t -j a- 4 ri ( _ Notary Signature Line Notary Public 9 for the State of Montana Residing at: Nam.SEAL.- Bozen�,q@,I lontan3 Notary Printed Name P; My Commission Expires: FOF Mn January 26,2018 Notary Public for State of Residing at: My Commission Expires: / /20_ Recording Information Page 2 of 2 HI TOTALXSHADED AREA I 0. 784 ACRES ( I I I Q CV o Q uri i T 2 S N R 5 E I EXISTING STATE EASE. OOC. No.231300 l 2332725 I` O NOTEtSTATIONS OFFSETS AND BEARINGS ARE BASED OH .N = AIONTANA STAi� HIGHWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY PROJECT No. STPU .201031 TOTAL SHADED AREA x 0.7B4 ACRES ■ % R/W I a 4 R/W I s 'ice s m R/M 1 a 35 m R/ML12+32.090 v M I f 4 771 o O�Om R/W I a 11 m Im R M i a 7 41 I m R/�,.. •o ' ss. ..., ^" algb.Zbum M 1 7 EXISTNG STATE EASE. - - X x ' DOC. No.2331748 m CITY OF BOZEMAN R 1 al 59. OOm GARFELO STREET FILM 124,STREET I G R I a fX R/Mml a04. 44 R IN al R/N.,.12a 12 1 R W 1 ♦m 145. Om E It ,. m m � 1 R/M 11a m R M Ilf 171 1 m EXISTING STATE EASE. I I m DOC. NO.2313001 I EXISTING STATE EASE. M W Q i DOC. No.231300 3 2332725 3 Z Z v U 10: � WW WN LA E I N N Ix ' I I 1