HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-13-15 Public Comment Handout at Meeting CENTER fm- $4E ll,ai 31r°},wktP,d����#q . COMMUNITY CHANGE Exww�-%1,C-%1nd*1n,g S 0,ft -to.i a I SeL, U Fits y AM Belic'no-tSm for Financiamm i Vulnerable Populations i 4 OCTOER 2013 j I t s r i C .� j f, MH r� a � F S^ x MAI v' Aboutt O ing Organizations THE CENTER FOR COMMUNITY CHANGE The mission of the Center for Community Change (CCC)is to build the power and capacity of love-income people,especially ION-'-income people of color,to have a significant impact on improving their communities and the policies and institutions that affect their lives. CCC strengthens,con- nects,and mobilizes grassroots groups to enhance their leadership,voices,and power.V/e believe that vibrant conununity-based organizations,led by the people most affected by social and economic injustice,are key to creating social change. Support for the Center's work and for the development of. this guide was generously provided by the Ford Foundation.The Campaign for Community Change is the Center's advocacy arm. Its work on Social Security has been generously supported by The Atlantic Philanthropies. OLDER 0 E 'S ECONOMIC SECURITYTASK FORCE In the fall of 1998, the National Council of Women's Organizations (NCyk'O) formed an Older Women's Economic Security(OWES)Task Force to address the critical issue of Social Security reform and to help policy makers understand women's stake in this crucial issue.The Task Force has worked with all NCWO members to carry out a public education campaign to reach women across the country,and to urge them to let their representatives and candidates know their views on Social Security reform.Task Force members work in coalition(with labor unions,senior groups,youth advocates,disability rights groups,and civil rights organizations)to ensure the programs continued solvency and to improve Social Security for women and other vulnerable people by putting benefit improvements back on the public agenda.The following organizations are all supporting members of the OWES'Task Force: 9to5 National Council of Jewish Women American Association of University Women National Council of Negro Women Black Women's Health Imperative National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Business and Professional y''omen's Foundation National Organization for Women(NONNO The Center for Advancement of Public Policy Foundation Dialogue on Diversity National Partnership for Women and Families Clearinghouse on Women's Issues National Women'-Law Center Feminist'L\Iajor7ity Organization of Chinese American Women Hadassah The-U.S.Women's Chamber of Commerce Institute for Women's Policy Research OWL-The Voice of illidlife and Older Women Jewish Women International Wider Opportunities for Women NNL;�NA National Latina Organization Women's Actions for New Directions National Alliance for Caregiving Vlomen's Institute for A Secure Retirement National Association for Female Executives Women's Research&Education Institute National Association of Mothers'Centers YAYVA National Committee to Preserve Social Security and-Medicare Acknowledgements CCC would like to thank all of the current and former staff members who worked on this report, including Theodora Gibbs-Plessl,Conor XfcGovern,Sheva Diagne,Theron Guzoto,Allegra Baider, and Steve Savner. CCC would also like to thank XIary Dailey and the entire Retirement Security team for their valuable feedback and assistance. O\XIS would like to thank Heidi Hartmann,President,Institute for`Uomen's Policy Research (IZX/PR);Jeff Hayes,Study Director,IWPR;Elyse Sha«,Special Assistant to the President,INX'PR; and Amy Wazlawik,National Academy of Social Insurance Summer Intern at IXX/PR,for their contri- butions to drafting this white paper. ONX•rES would also like to thank Terry O'Neil,President,Na- tional Organization for`XTomen(NOW)Foundation,and Jan Erickson,Director of Programs,NOW, for their timely input. OtiX'ES and CCC are very appreciative to three experts who revie-wed the draft report,Virginia Reno (National Academy of Social Insurance),Joan Entmacher(National Women's La,\v Center),and Nancy Altman (Social Security Works),for their extremely helpful comments and suggestions. ^ ° ����� ���������� mw����= w�� ��/�°��mm�� ___1________________ ...................................._____............................................... _______ IN TRODUCTION — THE IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL SECURITY TO . FINANCIALLY VULNERABLE POPULATIONS......... ......... ........-------------------2 Womenand Social Secu/ity—................................................................................. .................. ......... '3 [kx�SocJcL/Sr.cu/�Zlj 151 mo� How/Do*x !tN/ork?..... —..... ---............. --....... -------4 People of Color and Social Security........ ......... ...... — ...........— ..........—...... ...... ----........ —'f, LGBTand Social Security...............--........... .......--.................................................... .................... PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS..... -- ..............----.......... ...... ------------------9 Adda Caregiver Cnadit— ...... ..........---...... .............. ....... ............---..............---........ ---'9 ]0 RestoreStudent Benefits.... .......— ......... ....................... ------ ............ .............. ........ ..........13 �harkjeJons�............—........ ...... .................. ........ ----...... ... ----�----- ......... — 4 Ensure Benefits Accurately Reflect the True Cost of Living for Seniors -------------16 R�� Lobe��/----------------------------�---------------.|7 Increase the Special Minimum Benefit .......... ........—......----........... ....... —......— ........ .......18 HatbeKK0k�s—� ---� ----------------' ------- ------. --' --. —'1� Provide Eoue|Accoon6n U�BTFami|�m ' ------------------------------'21 ' 0bun*'-� n /en�oy........... ............... ....................................... ... ............... ....... -------2l PAYING FOR IMPROVEMENTS, HELPING TOSOLVE SOLVENCY ISSUES................................22 Make Sure Everyone Pays o Fair Share of Social Security Contributions............ ............ ...............22 Achieve Full Employment and Broadly Shared Prosperity............................. — ............ — ............ 3 Enact Comprehensive Immigration Reform...................................... ................... .......... ..................23 AdditionalRevenue Sources ................................................................................................................ C{]NCLUSkON— .... ---- ........... ........ .......--............................ — ............ ........--- ....... ... � � i Introduction Our:Social Security system has been and contin- Security is especially important. Social Security- Lies to be vitally important to the economic se- provides nearly two-thirds of retired work- curity of millions of workers and their families, ers with 50 percent or more of their income.' with approximately 57 million Americans receiv- Benefits lifted more than 15.3 million men and ing$67 billion in benefits in July 2013.'As seen women of retirement age above the poverty line in Figure 1,nearly 70 percent of these beneficia- in 2012.3 ries are retired workers and their families. Social Social Security's role in ensuring economic Security also provides essential life insurance security has become even more important in the and disability protection,with disabled workers last few years,as many Americans find them- and their families and the survivors of deceased selves dealing with the aftereffects of an eco- workers making up the remauung 30 percent of nomic recession that devastated their retirement beneficiaries.Women and children constitute the savings and the value of their homes.Despite majority(59 percent) of beneficiaries. this turn of events,some politicians continue Social Security goes to nearly*95 percent of to advance proposals that would reduce.Social Americans 65 and older and is the bedrock of Security benefits and weaken the program,even retirement security for all Americans. Our Social as so many families rely on it so heavily.One Security system is also extremely reliable;since proposal that has gotten significant attention re- it was created,Social Security has never missed cently is adopting the Chained Consumer Price a payment.For low-income retirees,Social Index for.all Urban Consumers,also known FIGURE 1: SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFICIARIES, DECEMBER 2012 Payment Status Men,Women, and Children 04 d ^t. • So€.:rce:Social Security Administration.2013.Beneficiary Data:Number of Social Security Beneficiaries at the End of December 2012. http://vA,,N�.ssa.gov/cgi-bin./currentpay.cgi> CENTER FOR COMMUNITY Ci-{ANGE&OLDER WOMEN'S ECONOMIC;SECURITY TASK FORCE 1 as the "chained CPI" to calculate annual cost seniors by: 1)increasing benefits across of living adjustments.The chained CPI would the board;and 2)using a price index that amount to a painful benefit cut for millions of accounts for seniors'typical purchases (the seniors,and be particularly damaging for vulner- Consumer Price Index for the Elderly or able seniors who are most reliant on Social Seen- CPI-E) for calculating annual cost-of-living city.Instead of advancing proposals to cut Social adjustments. Security benefits,noyv is the time to talk about I'roi-ide the lowest-wage earners who have, how we can e,pand benefits and snake sure that significant work and caregiving history-with Social Security-works even better for everyone, a guaranteed minimtun benefit tliat is at and specifically for those who need it the most. least 125 percent of the federal poverty line. Social Security benefits are especially im- <, Ensure that married same-sex couples and portant to populations that experience greater domestic partners (who are committed to economic insecurity as they age—particularly each other but do not live in states that atl- women,people of color,and same-sex couples, low sarne-sex marriage) are entitled to the These populations are often disadvantaged both same family benefits under Social Security- as workers and consumers,which contributes to as married heterosexual couples. their increased financial vulnerability in retire- ment. Social Security,from the beginning,has These critical irnprovernents will help to included features that partially offset the effects ensure that all workers including women,those of workplace disadvantages.This legacy-should in same-sex couples,and low-wage earners will be built upon by the enactment of the modest have more adequate benefits and retirement changes proposed in this white paper. security as they age. This paper outlines the following five key Social Security is extremely popular among policy changes that would help to build upon Americans,who overwhelmingly favor strength- our Social Security-system and help to make sure ening the program as opposed to cutting it. that it functions even better for women,same- According to a recent survey,84 percent of sex spouses,and low-income people: Americans believe the current benefit levels are not sufficient,75 percent think we should raise Ensure workers'retirement security is not benefits to provide a better retirement and 82 jeopardized when they must limit their time percent agree that preserving Social Security is at their paid jobs or experience reduced necessary even if it means increasing taxes for earnings in order to care for loved ones by all working Americans.' creating a caregiver credit for periods of Over the past few years there have been time when a worker,while providing care, several key reports and initiatives calling for the has no or low earrninngs. expansion of Social Security benefits. Examples T'. Provide the opportunity for vulnerable stu- include Phan for a Nov Fusin':The lq>act o�f'Social dents,whose deceased,disabled,or retired Security,Reforw ore People of Color;a Report of parents are no longer able,to support them, the Commission to Modernize Social Security; to complete their education by restoring Breaking t13e Social Seevrzly Glues Ceikitg:-4 Proposal benefits through age 24 for those in post to Moderlihv ll7or,,aeus Benefits,by the National secondary education programs. Committee to Preserve Social Security and £' lIake Social Security benefits more ac- Medicare Foundation,the National Organiza- curately reflect the actual cost of living for lion for Women Foundation and the Institute 2 EXPANDING SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS FOR FINANCIALLY VULNERABLE POPULAtIONS for'%omen's Police Research;and the National an across the board increase in benefits,providing Academy of Social Insurance report,Strenglheaiq, benefits to same-sex couples and their families,' Social Soeurily for Urllnewl)le Groarps.' and enhancing the special minimum benefit.' The Several of the policy proposals I've are recom- Older N omen's Economic Security Task Force mending to expand Social Security have already and the Center for Community Change recom- been introduced during the 112`h and the 113`h mend that policymakers adopt these reforms u1 Congresses.They include caregiver credits,using the 113`h Congress. the CPI-E to calculate cost of livuig adjustments, SocialThe ri It Importance of y to Financially NK%omen tend to outlive men,meaning they're WOMEN AND SOCIAL SECURITY living longer on less.Women who reach age 65 Although Social Security benefits are an impor- live an average of 2.1 years longer than men.''- tant source of retirement income for all older Women also have more chronic health problems Americans,they are particularly important to old- than men,resulting in Larger out-of-pocket health er wounen for a number of reasons.VIotnen tend care costs and greater use of long-term care." to have limited employment opportunities,louver Long-term care in particular can be very expen- wages,interrupted work histories, fewer sources sive for women,due to their longevity and the of retirement income,and longer life expec.- fact that sucli care is often not covered by lledi tanc5 which result in their experiencing greater care and most other insurance programs." economic insecurity during retirement.Women's Women's economic security in later life is participation in the labor force has grown sub- also affected by family structure and marriage/ stantially, since the 1950s,yet many women still divorce patterns. Differences between women earn less and workless over the course of then and men in life expectancy—and the fact that lives than men."As a result,many women receive women tend to marry older men—mean that lower wage-related Social Security benefits than more women than men will no longer be mar- men. In 2012,the average annual Social Securitytied either by the time they reach retirement income received by women 65 years and older age or at some time during their retirement was 511,999,compared with$16,295 for men.' years. For the same reason women will have Women not only earn less and receive lower fewer options regarding remariiage than men. Social Security benefits than men;they are less marriage and divorce patterns are also chang- likely to receive benefits from pensions as well, ing—divorce rates have increased over the due to the occupation or industries they've past fe-,A, decades,and many adults are worked in,the number of hours worked,the forgoing marriage altogether. In 2010, approxi- amount of time spent out of the workforce,and mately 2%percent of then aged 65 and older movement between jobs.!'Even when women do were unmarried (widowed,divorced, separated have pension income,the amount is smaller than or never married),compared with nearly 57 " percent of women in the same age group." men s. CENTER FOR COMMUNITY CHANGE&OLDER WOMEN'S ECONOMIC SECURITY TASK FORCE 3 j OUR SOCIAL T S I ? j! Workers are generally eligible for Social Security benefits when they have worked under covered employment and earned 40 quarters of coverage(now also called credits). Social Security provides monthly benefits to qualified retired and disabled workers,their qualified family members,and qualified survivors of deceased workers.Workers earn eligibility for Social Security benefits by contributing to the system through mandatory contributions on wages and salary income that are matched by employers at an equal rate.These contributions are known by the acronym "FICA,"for the authorizing legislation,the Federal Insurance p Contributions Act;the current FICA rate is 6.2 percent each for employers and employees,for Social Security's old age,survivors,and disability insurance protection.The self-employed pay the combined worker and employer FICA rate. In 2013,the earnings on which payroll taxes are paid are limited to$113,700. Earnings above that amount are not subject to FICA. RETIREMENT BENEFITS Retiree worker benefits are calculated based on the 35 highest years of taxable earnings. The benefit formula replaces a higher percentage of earnings of low earners than of high earners.For an average worker,one earning about$40,000 a year,benefits replace about 40 percent of earnings.When workers contribute to Social Security,they earn "credits"toward Social Security benefits.One credit is earned for a specific amount of annual wages.Workers can earn up to a maximum of four credits per year. In2013,the value of earnings required to earn one credit is$1,160,or$4,640 per year at four credits.This amount changes yearly with average wage changes throughout the economy. H The normal or full retirement age(the age when full benefits are available)is in 1, the process of increasing in stages from 65 to 67 for workers born in 1938 or later.The full is retirement age is 66 for those born between 1943 and 1954,and 67 for those born in 1960 or later.The earliest age of eligibility for retiree worker benefits remains 62;benefits are reduced if taken before the normal retirement age.If taken at age 62,benefits will gradually decrease from the current level of 80 percent to 70 percent of full benefits as the higher normal retirement age is fully implemented in 2027.A Delayed Retirement Credit is added to benefits for every month benefits are delayed,up through age 70,if retirement is postponed beyond the normal age;the credit increases worker benefits 8 percent per year of delay. Social Security also provides benefits to certain family members of workers who are eligible for retirement,disability,or survivor benefits,including spouses and minor children. Married persons(and eligible divorced spouses)receive the larger of their own retired worker benefit or 50 percent of their(former)spouse's retired worker benefit(individuals eligible for both their own worker benefit and benefits through a spouse are known as"dually } entitled").In either case the benefit is reduced if taken between age 62 and normal retirement age.To be eligible for these benefits a divorced person must have been married to a covered 1, worker for at least ten consecutive years and be currently not married. Married(or eligible divorced)people who wait until normal retirement age may choose to accept spousal benefits at that time and delay receiving.their own worker benefits until age 70,in order to take full advantage of Delayed Retirement Credits to their own worker benefit. Widow(er)s(and eligible divorced spouses)are entitled to a survivor benefit equal to the deceased(ex)spouse's retired worker benefit(if it is larger than their own retired worker _...................---...__...- 4 EXPANIDING SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS FOR FINANCIALLY VULNERABLE POPULATIrI)NS benefit).The minimum age for widow(er)s for receiving the survivor benefit is 60,but the benefit is reduced if taken before the normal age.Widower)and surviving divorced spouse benefits remain payable if remarriage occurs after age 60(50 if disabled).The spousal and survivor benefits are more generous to couples with unequal earnings than to those with total earnings that were more equally distributed between the members of the couple.A lifelong full-time homemaker receives a spousal benefit and survivor benefit based on the spouse's earnings,although s/he paid no contributions to receive these benefits.(It should be noted, though,that s/he will not be protected against disability since s/he has not contributed.)A spouse with low lifetime earnings may find that spousal benefits are larger than her or his own worker benefit,in which case the spousal benefit will pertain,but the contributions paid while working do not increase one's benefit over the homemakers benefit at all(though they do provide disability insurance protection).On being widowed,surviving spouses receive the higher of the couple's two benefits.The surviving spouse in an equal-earner couple will simply retain his or her own benefit,and the deceased spouse's benefit will disappear.The surviving spouse in a homemaker/single-earner couple keeps two-thirds of the couple's combined benefits(equal to 100 percent of what the retired worker received,compared with the 150 percent the couple was receiving together). Dependent children also receive family benefits when a parent or legal guardian retires. DISABILITY BENEFITS Social Security pays disability benefits to people who cannot work because they have a medi- cal condition that is expected to last at least one year or result in death.Benefits based on covered earnings are available for qualified disabled workers below normal retirement age. To qualify to receive disability benefits,an individual has to meet'a strict definition of dis- ability,as defined by statute and determined by the Social Security Administration,and must have worked long enough—and recently enough—in jobs covered by Social Security.The number of work credits needed to qualify for disability benefits depends on the age at which a worker becomes disabled.Generally,a worker needs 40 credits,20 of which were earned in the last 10 years ending with the year the worker became disabled.However,younger workers may qualify with fewer credits.For example,workers who become disabled at age 50 may qualify if they have earned 28 credits,with at least 20 of them earned in the 10 years immedi- ately before becoming disabled. Certain family members may qualify to receive benefits based on the disabled worker's record.Spouses may qualify if they are 62 or older or if they are caring for a child of the worker's that is under the age of 16 or disabled.So may unmarried children under the age of �< 18(or 19 if still in high school).An unmarried child over the age of 18,who has a disability that started before age 22,may be eligible to receive benefits on a parent's earnings record. Each family member maybe eligible for a monthly benefit of up to 50 percent of a worker's disability rate.There is a limit,however,to the amount that can be paid to families.In general,the total amount a worker and her or his family members can receive is about 150 to 180 percent of the worker's disability benefits, %. If disability continues,retired worker benefits begin at the normal age without actuarial reduction for early retirement. ; T All benefits are increased annually based on changes in the Consumer Price Index. ' a _ CENTER FOR COMMUNITY CHANGE&OLDER WOMEN'S ECONOMIC SECURITY TASK FORCE FIGURE 2: WOMEN'S ENTITLEMENT STATUS, 1960-2012 (ALL WOMEN AGED 62 AND OLDER) 100% 90% 80% 70% N 60% 50% Dependents Only a 40% Dually Entitled 30% Workers Only 20% ••< 10% 0% 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2012 Year Source:Social Security Administration,2013.Annual Statistical Supplement.;able S.AM Note:"Dually entitled"refers to women who are entitled to receive both worker benefits based on their own record and benefits based on their spouse's record. At older ages the gender difference in marital either to increase their oAvrn worker benefits or status is even more marked.In the 75-to-84 as their only means of accessing Social Security age range,28.1 percent of then are unmarried benefits. compared with 62.8 percent of women.At age 85 and older, the difference is even larger-42.3 PEOPLE OF COLOR AND SOCIAL percent of men are unmarried compared with 82.4 percent for women.16 SECURITY Women living alone,not surprisingly,have less income than married couples and their People of color are more likely than whites to incomes are often not adequate to meet their experience economic insecurity during retire- needs. This,older single women experience ment for a variety of reasons.Differences in more poverty than older married couples. educational attainment,employment discrimina- %,`omen who did not marry or whose marriages Lion and job segregation,poverty,morbidity,and were short-lived due to divorce also lack ac- mortality affect earnings and future retirement cess to spousal benefits,which for the typi- income,and have led to differences in use of cal married woman today are larger than her Social Security. Survivor and disability benefits own worker benefits."Figure 2 above shows make up nearly half of the benefits received by changes in the ways women access Social Secu- people of color,while constituting a little more city benefits across the past 50 years.Although than a quarter of benefits for whites." women have increased their access to Social Differences in employment patterns result Security through their own work records,the in lower lifetime earnings and/or Social Seen- majority(51 percent) still use spousal benefits rity benefits for many retired people of color 6 EXPANDING SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS FOR FINANCIALLY VULNERABLE POPUtAHONS as well.Vfomen of color are more likely to and Hispanics receiving less than whites from have worked in low--,vage and part-time posi- every source.These disparities leave seniors of tions,making them more vulnerable to poverty color more reliant on Social Security than white and more reliant on Social Security because seniors (Figure 4). they have fewer other sources of retirement Women of color are greatly affected by income."African American,Latino,and Native changes in marriage and divorce patterns that American men experience higher rates of unetn- impact their economic security in retirement. ployment and lower wages than white and Asian Among women age 55 and older,African Amer- men."'Latinos,who make up a large percentage ican women are the least likely to have ever been of agricultural and household workers,are often married."When they do marry,women of color disadvantaged by decisions that their employers tend to marry men of color,who often have make,such as inconsistent wage reporting,mis- lower earnings than whites.-"Married African classifying employees as independent contrac- American women are also more likely to have tors,underpaying wages and/or paying wages in worked throughout their married years than cash and not reporting them,all of which lead white women.White and African American to the underpayment of Social Security contri- women have similar divorce rates,though the butions and a reduced lifetime earnings record.21 latter are much less likely to remarry and are As seen in Figure 3,racial disparities in more likely to experience widowhood.24`while the amount of income received from earnings, African American women (and children) benefit pensions,and assets are substantial,with Blacks from disability and survivor benefits earned by FIGURE 3: SOURCES OF INCOME UPON RETIREMENT BY RACE, ETHNICITY, AND GENDER, 2011 $16,000 i-------... -----...------ —.—----- —--------....._....---- ----- ...— — $12,000 $10,000 $8,000 — — -- 0 $6,000 I T - $2,000 — — ...... — - -- -- $0T n - .__ White Black�Hispanic White ; Black Hispani whilejBlack Hispanic White Black Hispanic Social Security + Asset Income Pensions Earnings Source:Fischer,Jocelyn and Jeff Hayes.2013. "The irnportance of Social Security In the Incomes of Older Americans." Washington,DC:Institute for Women's Policy Research. Mote:These data are for Social Security Beneficiairies aged 6S and older. CENTER FOR COMMUNITY CHANGE&OLDER WOMEN'S ECONOMIC SECURITY TASK FORCE FIGURE 4: RELIANCE ON SOCIAL SECURITY FOR 80% OR 100% OF INCOME, 2011 70% 40% 30% 0 0 10% - -. — 0% Men I Women p�1Men _ Women F Men Women�� White I Black I Hispanic Source:Fischer,Jocelyn and Jeff Hayes.2013. "Tile Importance of Social Security In the Incomes of Older Americans." Washington, D) :Institute for Women's Policy Research. Note:These data are for Social Security beneficiaries aged 65 and older. their husbands (and parents),African meri- Proposition 8 is unconstitutional,this share rises can-,Wmen are less well served by some of the to 30 percent;-"if states that provide similar family provisions of Social Security because of levels of protection for domestic partnerships their high rate of singleness and more equal as for opposite sex marriage are counted,four earnings among couples. in ten Americans (41 percent)live inn a state recognizing the mutual responsibilities for care LGBT AND SOCIAL SECURITY and support of families headed by same-sex- and opposite-sex couples."Our Social SecurinT In 2030,according to National Gay and Lesbian system should be expanded to insure all families Task Force projections,72 million;americans in the event of the death,injury,or retirement will be over the age of 65,including between of working spouses. 3.6 and 7.2 million LGBT individuals."At the Social Security reform for same-sex couples same time,more states are recognizing same- becomes all the more necessary when taking sex marriages.With the addition of tlfaigne, into account that,due to past discrimination in Nfaryla nd,and Washington in November 2012 the workplace,LGBT individuals have a much and Rhode Island,Delaware,and Afinnesota higher risk of poverty than heterosexual peo- in i\iay 2013, 18 percent of Americans live in plea"Typically earning lower lifetime incomes, states (including the District of Columbia) that more than 80 percent of LGBT households also recognize sane-sex marriage.21 With the recent report raising children'31 suggesting that LGBT Supreme Court decision holding that California households incur living costs similar to those 8 EXPANDING SOCIAL.SECURITY BENEFITS FOR FINANCIALLY VULNERABLE POPULAFIONS i of heterosexual households.LGBT women are their parent's same-sex partner in states where just as likely as heterosexual women to care for their parents'marriage is recognized.While children," indicating that expanding coverage of this is an enormous gain for same-sex couples Social Security survivor,spousal,and death ben- in states where their marriages are recognized, efits to LGBT families would greatly aid theta, same-sex couples who do not live in a state In Tune 2013,the United States Supreme that recognizes same-sex marriage may, still be Court held that section three of the Defense ineligible for these benefits.This discrimination of-Marriage Act is unconstitutional.As a result, prevents the spouses and domestic partners of same-sex spouses Nvino live in a state that legally LGBT individuals who have worked and paid recognizes their marriage are eligible for Social into the Social Security system during the course Security survivor and spousal benefits when of their lifetimes from receiving benefits for their spouse has earned disability and survivor which heterosexual spouses of workers would insurance protection. Children of same-sex qualify. couples are now also eligible for benefits from Proposed Improvements to Our Social Security System ............. ADD A CAREGIVER CREDIT term care options such as ui-home attendants or nursing homes."In addition to the economic Caregiving is a fundamental part of family life costs,balancing filll-time work and part-tune and a vital service to young children,trillions caregiving comes at a health cost: one study of ill and disabled individuals,and a growing found that of caregivers with less than30,000 number of elderly Americans. For the estimated in household income,34 percent report fair or 65.7 million unpaid caregivers for the disabled poor health as compared with 3 percent of care- and elderly,who spend an average of 4.6 years givers with incomes of $100,000 or more.31 out of the labor market during their peak work- Women in particular are negatively affected ing years,providing caregiving services often by the economic costs of caregiving. Women produces significant economic stress."The make up the inajority(about 66 percent) of the long-term negative financial impact of that lost people who provide unpaid caregiver services, time is especially significant for to,\v-income and thus have fewer years on average than men families and for women,who often take on the in the paid workforce. Combined with the chal- caregiving role.Most caregivers (61 percent) lenge of persistently lower wages due to sex- provide their services in addition to working in discrimination,this large block of lost income- paid wage or salary jobs. earning time means significantly lower lifetime With caregiving consuming an average of earnings and savings overall."\When not taking 20 hours per week,many families must decide time out of the workforce, female caregivers are how best to balance paid employment and care- more likely than males to use alternative work giving responsibilities.This is particularly true arrangements such as taking more flexible or for low-income families,who often cannot af- part-tune jobs,which often entail losing job- ford the costs of childcare or professional long- related benefits as well as earnings. CENTER FOR COMMUNITY CHANGE&OLDER WOMEN'S ECONOMIC SECURITY TASK FORCE 9 The formula used to calculate Social Security, as their generally lover earnings each year they benefits (based on the 35 highest earning years) work.In 2012,the average annual Social Security means that workers who take time out of the income received by women 65 years and older workforce or reduce their paid work hours to was$11,999,compaued with$16,295 for men.;` provide care for someone receive fewer Social As the country's elderly population contin- Security benefits upon retirement.If the worker ues to grow and professional care costs continue has fewer than 35 rears of earrings,years of to rise,the need for informal caregiving will zero earnings are included among the 35 aver- intensify. Currently, 13 percent of the Atneri- aged years,which brings down the lifetime aver- can population is 65 or older and that share is age,in turn lowering the benefit amount that will expected to grow to 20 percent(or 72 million be paid to the worker.Women,who are more people) by the year 2030,Additionally,as life often caregivers,average only 32 years in the expectancy grows,the number of people age 85 workforce compared with men,who average 42, or older is expected to more than triple from 5.7 and their benefits reflect this difference as well million to 19 million by the year 2050.` &- SARA MOORS Sara will be 80 years old next year. She lives in Chicago, Illinois. Sara worked her whole life,starting out as a waitress in her teens in her hometown of Petersburg, Illinois.She then went on to work in administration for the Illinois Humane Society and Onward House for about ten years.After that she worked at a company that made jukeboxes for three years and then a law firm for about ten iE years,and later worked as a Certified Nursing Assistant. Over the r it course of her lifetime,Sara took time out of the paid workforce twice to care for family members.The first time was to stay home with her two children when they were infants. Later on,after her father had several strokes, she became his primary caretaker and ended up taking 10 years out of the paid workforce to care for him.While.Sara was taking care of her father in the late 1 1970s and early 1980s,they lived on just$300 a month—her father's Social Security check. After her father passed away in 1987,Sara became a paid caregiver with a homecare agency that worked with AIDS patients. She went on to get a certificate as a Certified Nursing Assistant(CNA),This work was very rewarding,very challenging,and very low-paid.She worked for several years taking care of AIDS patients,until the end of her career when she got cancer and could no longer work. Despite spending over thirty years in the paid workforce, and being the primary unpaid caregiver for her ailing father and her children,Sara now receives a Social Security benefit that is just$953 dollars a month,or a meager$11,436 a year, leaving her Social Security benefits below the poverty line for 2013($11,490 for a I single individual). Sara was married for seven years, and therefore does not receive a spousal benefit. It is very hard for Sara to make it on her Social Security benefits,her main source of income.Without support from her two children and food from the Lakeview Pantry and Catholic Charities,she does not know how she would make it through.As is, she can rarely buy fresh vegetables and fresh fruit,which she loves;and she never buys j steak or candy bars,which she cannot afford. 1Q EXPANDING SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS FOR FINANCIALLY VULNERABLE POPULATIONS FIGURE 5: POVERTY FOR WOMEN AND MEN AGED 65 AND OLDER BY MARITAL STATUS 1 14AA - 14 t' 1 ' 10' 1d€sr rrr ��1 ,�arrEt �1 Moo t)vo dl Source:IWPR analysis of 2012 Current Population Sur�,ey Annual Social and Economic Supplement. Note:Married includes married,spouses absent. Social Security's family benefits—those Indeed,in many countries that provide credits provided to spouses and qualifying children of for caregiving,the primary goal is to improve retired,disabled,and deceased workers—have benefit adequacy for women and thereby reduce become more available since first introduced in their poverty rate.; 1939,especially by the addition of benefits for In addition to increasing benefits for the spouses of disabled workers and for former- women(or men)who provide caregiving to ly married spouses. Social Security,unlike public children,the disabled,or the elderly outside pension systems in other OECD countries, marriage,caregiving credits can help equal-earn- however,does not provide credits for caregiv- ing spouses (who also receive little by way of ers.Thus,in the United States,unpaid caregivers Social Security's spousal benefits)receive higher are compensated in retirement only if they were benefits because of time spent giving care. Such married at least 10 years or are widowed or cur- help would be available to members of gay and gently married,which leads to some caregivers lesbian couples as well,whether their relation- receiving relatively generous benefits while oth- ship is legally recognized or not. ers receive no compensation for their caregiving Researchers at the Institute for Women's labor.sF Policy Research have noted a wide variety of Discrepancies in poverty rates between men objectives among countries'caregiver credit and women and between married and unmar- programs,including prevention and alleviation tied individuals,along wide changes in marriage/ of poverty,vusing women's employment levels, divorce rates and family structure,highlight encouraging higher birth rates,and improving the need for caregiver credits to help close the gender equality,all of which would affect how a gap in poverty-rates and modernize the system. caregiver credit its designed." CENTER FOR COMMUNITY CHANGE&OLDER WOMEN'S ECONOMIC::SECURITY TASK FORCE 11 TABLE 1: DOLLAR AMOUNTS FOR A PROPOSED NEW CAREGIVING CREDIT FOR SOCIAL SECURITY Earnings Value of Caregiving Credited Total Amount Credited (Earnings+Caregiving Value) $0 $21,000 $21,000 $5,000 $18,273 $23,273 $10,000 $15,545 $25,545 $21,000 $9,545 $30,545 $35,000 $1,909 $36,909 $38,500 $0 $38,500 FIGURE 6: ILLUSTRATION OF CREDIT AMOUNTS IN RELATION TO EARNINGS AND PROPOSED NEW CAREGIVING CREDITS FOR SOCIAL SECURITY $40,000 $35,000 W._ Total Amount, Credited(Earnings $30,000 on $20,000 ba Qj $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 _..__Caregiving Value $0 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 $35,000 $40,000 Earnings Source:Hartmann,Heidi and Jeff Hayes."What a Caregiving Credit Could Look Like." Institute for Wo€nen's Policy Research. Regardless of how a caregiving credit low-income families.Adding a caregiver credit is designed and implemented,however,it is assigns an economic value to the essential cue- imperative that our society recognizes the value giving services provided by individuals to their of these services and the difficult trade-offs children,spouses,parents,grandparents,and/ they present,especially for women and for or other family members,while mitigating the 12 EXPANDINC:i SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS FOR FINANCIALLY VULNERABLE..POPULATIONS long-term disadvantages that an individual ac- achieving the American Dream.Education pro- crues because she or he reduces paid work time duces a skilled,productive workforce and an en- in order to provide care. gaged,participatory democracy.Unfortunately, What could a caregiving credit look like?It postsecondary educational attainment remains could provide an earnings credit for every year a faraway dream for many young,to-v-and with a child under 6 (available to both parents middle-income Americans,who face the reality and/or non-married partners or single par- of falling household incomes,rising tuition bills, cuts who live with the child),a disabled family and the prospect of daunting student debt. member,or a senior in need of care,in which ',Nith private and federal financial student aid a caregiver earns less than a set maximum(for falling in comparison to rising tuition,a fam- example,$38,500,which is approximately the ily's income is often the primary determinant of average worker's eaniiings in 2010).A caregiving whether or not a student will be able to go on to credit could reward work effort so that earners postsecondary education.For students with a par- have somewhat more money on their records ent or primary provider who is retired,disabled, than non-earners. In the example shown here, or deceased,the financial barriers to postsecond- the size of the credit phases out from a maxi_ ary education are even greater.Our Social Seen- nnum of$21,000 (a value equal to approximately rity system steps in when a parent dies,becomes half of average earnings) at$0 earnings to$0 of disabled,or grows old and retires from work.It is credit at$38,500 in earnings,so that recipients the sensible candidate for distributing benefits to would receive an earnings credit of $21,000 per such young people,and did so until 1981,when year if they earned nothing through paid work. the student benefits were terminated,after more This proposed caregiving credit provides than 15 years of providing effective support to the most benefits to lower earners and those low-income youth and youth of color. who do not work at all while caregiving,but In the wake of the Great Recession, also rewards those-who combine earning and postsecondary educational attainment is more caregiving. Credits such as these,when added important than ever.Those with a high school to the regular earnings of workers,will serve diploma or less make up a disproportionate per- to increase the retirement benefits from Social centage of the unemployed population."-X1any Security of those who have had to reduce their of the jobs available that do not require postsec- earnings because of providing caregiving. ondar r education do not pay a living wage,even with a full-time schedule.The"college wage Proposal:Euszzre it not premium"—or the earnings gap between those jeoparditied when they have to care for loved ones by cre- who have a college degree and those who have atirru a caregiver credit in Social Securily for periods of only a high school degree—is far higher today fine when a av iker had no or reduced earnings because than it was when students benefits were terms- of caregiving reoon.zbiklies. nated in 1981,and it continues to grow Be- tween 1981 and 2007, the earnings gap between male college graduates and male high school RESTORE STUDENT BENEFITS graduates increased from 22 to 44 percent; for women,the gap increased from 28 to 49 Higher education increases workers'opportunity percent."In 2012,individuals who held at least to achieve economic security and social mobil- a bachelor's degree had median weekly earnings ity,and is a critical step along the path toward of $1,066,while those who had graduated from CENTER FOR COMMUNITY CHANGE c&OLDER WOMEN'S ECONOMIC SECURITY TASK FORCE 13 CHARLCIE JONES Charlcie was born and raised in Nashville,Tennessee. She lived with her mother,Theodora Etter,who had a passion for cooking and spent her career as a chef, In 2008,when Charlcie was only 14 years old,her mother tragically passed away from breast cancer. Charlcie went to live with her father.She received Survivor Benefits of$1,310 per month,which helped her father to care for her through her high school years. Since her father was a low-wage worker,these benefits were essential for taking care of Charlcie and making =I sure her needs were met. , Charlcie was a solid high school,student. In her senior year,she applied and was accepted to the University of Tennessee in Knoxville,where she planned to major in pre-law. Unfortunately,when Charlcie graduated from high I= school in 2012,her Survivor Benefits ended.Although Charlcie was paying in-state tuition,had financial aid,and received some scholarships,it was not enough to cover all of the costs associated with college(the University of Tennessee estimates that the total cost of attendance per year for an in-state student is over$25,000). Charlcie was determined to go to college,and she attended for one year, but was unable to afford to continue. She is back at home this semester working for a security company on the night shift.She is determined to save enough money to return to school next semester. if Charlde's survivor benefits had continued while she attended college,she would still be enrolled in the University of Tennessee today, pursuing the education needed for her chosen career. f high school but had not gone to college had compared to 40 percent of-wbites."These at- median weekly earnings of$652,a difference of tvnment gaps mean that thousands of bright 4-9 percent." students are being left behind,negatively affect- The value of a college degree has nearly ing not only their families and fixtures but also doubled since 1970,in terms of future earnings, the potential competiveness of the U.S.work- but the number of students from low-income force overall, families graduating from college is not keeping Sources of financial aid for low-income pace.The percentage,of low-income college students are dwindling,particularly at public. students graduating by age 24 grew by only 2.1 universities.After adjusting for inflation,a year's percentage points between 1970 and 2009,from tuition,room and board in public.four-year 6.2 percent to 8.3 percent.Among students institutions has more than doubled since 1979, from families in the highest income quartile,the reaching about$17,860 in 2012."The aver- graduation rate surged by 42,2 percentage points, age Pell Grant today will only cover 10%of doubling from 40.2 percent to 82.4 percent{ the average cost of room,board and tuition at There is also a clear gap in educational at- private four-year institutions'and 20°o of these tainment by race and socioeconomic status. In costs at public four-year institutions,Thirty 2012,among Americans aged 25 to 29,just 23 years ago, the average Pell Grant would have percent of African-Ameiicans and 15 percent covered 20%and 40°o of these costs,respec- of Hispanics had a bachelor's degree or higher, tively.4'The other primary sources of financial '111. EXPANDING SOCIAL.SECURITY BENEFITS FOR FINANCIALLY VULNERABLE POPULATIONS aid are scholarships corning directly from the new graduates before they have even earned educational institution.These have not kept up their first paycheck after graduation." with college costs either,and have shifted away In the past,some of these financial and ac- from a need-based approach towards a"inerit"- cessibility issues were eased by student benefits based approach that favors students from more from our Social Security system.Children whose affluent backgrounds.As a result,froin 1995 to parents retired,died,or were disabled could 2003 total financial aid to students with family receive benefits until the age of 22,providing incomes below$20,000 grew only 50 percent, them with financial assistmice if they chose to while total aid to students with family incomes pursue higher or vocational education.In the over$100,000 increased 277 percent." peak year of 1977,nearly 900,000 students were Because a college degree has become a the receiving these benefits,which went primarily to facto necessity to enter or remain in the ranks of children of parents with blue-collar jobs,African the noddle class,student loans have become a Americans,and students with lower incomes.'' fact of life for students lookuig to snake up the The 1976 Social Security Administration(SSA) difference between dwindling aid and skyrocket- survey of the program found that 36 percent of itng tuitions.Between 2009 and 2012, total stu- the students enrolled in college and 54 percent of dent debt nearly tripled."The average amount those in community college or vocational schools of student loan debt for the Class of 2011 was reported that they could not afford to stay in $26,600,This represents a substantial drag on school without their Social Security. benefits. FIGURE 7: MAXIMUM AND AVERAGE PELL GRANT AND AVERAGE COST OF TUITION, ROOM, AND BOARD AT FOUR-YEAR PRIVATE AND PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS, 1979 AND 2009 (CONSTANT 2009 DOLLARS) $35,636 $35,000 "I a E , N Private $20,000 r — , : x.... T:_._. _�_p_-_, E Public $14,768 $15,213 Maximum Grant $15 000MON -- _ "Average Grant $10,000 � ._� W -6,858 $5,394 $5,777 $5,000 1979 2009 Source: Hertel..Fernandez,A.2010."A New Deal for Young Adults:Social Security Benefits for Post-Secondary School Students."Washington,DC:National Academy of Social Insurance, CENTER FOR COMMUNI tY CHANGE&OLDER WOMEN'S ECONOMIC SECURITY TASK FORCE 15 Unfortunately,postsecondary student ben- Security Adrniuistration(SSA)estimated that if efits were phased out in 1981 tinder President benefits were reinstated for students through age Reagan as part of the Budget Reconciliation 22,it would cost about 0.07 percent of taxable Act,due to concerns about adnninistrative errors payroll over the 75-pear actuarial horizon.' and the financial solvency of otur Social Security Givers the positive impact of student system, benefits, the importance of obtaining a college Currently'children of a working parent degree in today's labor market,the increasing who has died,been disabled,or retired are eligi- cost of higher education,and the decreased ble to receive Social Security benefits until their availability of student aid,it is imperative that 18`'birthday(or 19t'if still in high school). vulnerable students have access to any and all The average monthly benefit for a 17-year-old resources,including Social Security benefits, beneficiary in 2012 was$852 for children of that can facilitate their access to higher educa- deceased parents,$410 for children of disabled lion. parents,and$665 for children of retired work- ers.''In recognition of the vital importance and Proposal:Exlend So ial Secrart, ebildrens benefits to rising cost of a college degree, these benefits vrrltter<rble.rtzrdents whore parentr have died, becolve should be extended through the age of 24 to a disabled or retired in order to enable them to complete student in postsecondary education.Although their education by restoring benefits thror�;h age 24 for the original program provided benefits through those parl&Oatiq in postsecondary education. the age of 22,the average age of students completing their bachelor's today is 24,so it is ENSURE BENEFITS ACCURATELYRE- appropriate to extend the age.Age 24 is also FLECT THE TRUE COST OF LIVING FOR the cutoff for inost other federal educational aid programs. SENIORS BY INCREASING BENEFITS The student benefits prograrn was an ef- ACROSS THE BOARD AND MAKING fective and valuable support for college-aged SURE THE ANNUAL COST OF LIVING students whose families were in challenging ADJUSTMENT IS BASED ON SENIOR circumstances.The two principal reasons cited in 1981 for the benefit elimination—adminis- SPENDING PATTERNS trative challenge and a Social Security shortfall —are much less relevant today. Social Security is the bedrock of financial In due past,the difficulty of verifying student security for millions of Americans;without it, enrollment and eligibility for die benefit often nearly half of all seniors would be poor.54 Half caused overpayment errors.Today,vast improve- of American workers have no retirement plan ments in electronic student verification through through their employers and,among those with tools like the Free Application for Federal Stu- 401(k) defined contribution pension plans, the dent Aid (FAFSA)—which is required for nearly median balance of these accounts is less than all schools—effectively address such concerns. $30,000.55 As stock market losses and staguat- The cost of reinstating student benefits ing wages have made it harder and harder for would be minimal relative to the economic and workers to save for retirement,Social Security social value of the benefits,Although,,ve do not has become increasingly important for millions have a revised cost estimate for providing student of Americans.Yet for many,Social Security benefits for students through age 24,the Social benefits fall short of what is needed to make 16 EXPANDING SOC:AL SECURITY BENEFITS FOR FINANCIALLY VULNERABLE POPULATIONS i RITA LOBERGER Rita is 72 years old and lives in Tigard,Oregon.She has three children.When they were were young,she took time out of the paid work force to take care of them.When they were grown up,she went to work at Pinnacle Risk Management Services for 10 years. Rita originally started working in the filing department,but injured herself moving large tax file storage boxes.After her injury,she transferred to the data entry department. Her husband Frank also worked at Pinnacle and was planning on retiring at age 65;but due to illness, he had to stop working at age 62.When they both retired,Rita's monthly check was$588 and Frank's was$1,239. Starting in May of 2013, Frank's health began to significantly deteriorate. He passed away in July of 2013. Now Rita is receiving a benefit of$1,589,on which she lives.Although she has a small 401(k)which helps s her with expenses, Rita is hardly making ends meet. She lives in a manufactured home park community;and while she owns her home,she has to pay$700 per month in rent for the lot it sits on. h. ends meet.This problem will only worsen as the INCREASE BENEFITS ACROSS THE BOARD value of Social Security benefits slowly dimin- An immediate across-the-board increase would ishes,as the result of already enacted cuts to help bring benefits up to date,particularly for Social Security;the replacement rate for lifetime lifetime loxv-wage earners,women,and other earnings is expected to drop to 39 percent of vulnerable groups.Based on Alay 2012 average median household income for those retiring in benefits,a 5 percent increase would bring annual the mid-2020s,a steep decline from 50 percent payments up from$14,400 to q515,120,In other of median household income for those retiring words, the average beneficiary would receive an in the mid-1990s.5'By 2030,the income replace- additional$55 per month."If a$55-per-month ment rate will fall to 32 percent of previous benefit were paid as a lump sum to everyone, income,due in part to a legislated increase to 67 this adjustment would raise benefits propor- years for fuB benefits.''' tionally more for those at the low end of the Ensuring that benefits are adequate and income distribution than it would for those at their value does not erode over time is particu- the high end of the income distribution.This larly important for low-income seniors,who change would cost about 0.75 percent of taxable often do not have other,sources of retirement payroll over 75 years.'' income and are extremely vulnerable to ending up in poverty in their old age. MAKE SURE BENEFITS KEEP PACE WITH THE In response to increasing reliance on RISING COST OF LIVING Social Security benefits in the wake of grow- In order to ensure that Social Security s benefits ing retirement insecurity, and the slow erosion do not erode over time,as beneficiaries age and of the value of current benefits,it is time to: 1) spend savings,the annual cost of living adjust- increase benefits across the board and 2)use a ment(COLA)must use a consumer price index more accurate measure to determine the annual that accurately reflects the spending patterns of cost of living benefit increase,moving forward. older Americans.The current measure of infla- CEMFER FOR COMMUNFfY CHANGE &OEDER WOMEN'S ECONOMIC SECURITY TASK FORCE 17 tion that is used to determine the annual COL_ , average,such as women,African Americans,and the CPI--W,is not based on seniors'unique Lati nas/Latinos.`'-According to a 2009 AARP spending patterns,which differ from those of report,older women spent between 32 and 40 other households. One key difference in senior percent of their annual income on healthcare, spending patterns is that seniors have higher whereas men spent on average between 23 and spending on health care,and health care costs 35 percent." have risen faster than prices for other goods and The SSA estimates that the CPI-E will rise services for more than three decades.For ex- about 0.2 percentage points per year faster than ample,monthly premiums for Medicare Part B the CPI-Nv,the current price index.This would have more than doubled since 2000,increasing vieid a monthly benefit that is about 6%higher from$45.50 to$104.90 in 2013. Social SecuritZT's by the time a retiree reaches age 92.If the CPI- annual COLA has not kept pace.The Medicare E switch were implemented today,a 92 year:-old trustees estimate the average premiums from retiree who is in the"low lifetime earner"cat- Niedicare Part B and Part D will be equivalent egory(average annual wages of$19,354)would to I I o of the average Social Security benefit see a nominal increase in monthly benefits in 2013,and is estimated to increase to 19"'o in of about$53 under the CPI-E cost-of-living 2087,"' calculation,"which could cover a full week of In recognition of the unique needs of groceries each and every month,05 (Because it seniors,Congress directed the Bureau of Labor is a more accurate measure of costs,the CPI-- Statistics to develop an index that reflects the E would provide no increase in real terms,of unique spending patterns of seniors.In re- course.) spouse,the BLS created a new,"experimental" CPI in 1987 that places more weight oil health proposal:Increase bone litr un#hry ly 6y j percent of care costs and more closely-reflects the spending averageay>laent and calcnlata annrraZcost of living of people with disabilities.This index—known WiPstwents rising Me CPI-E so that benefits»roje ac- as the CPI-E—is gaining more and more atten- enzately reflect Me actiad cost of living for seniors. tion as the burden of medical costs increasingly weighs on the pocketbooks of seniors. INCREASE THE SPECIAL. MINIMUM A COI A_that better reflects the true cost of health care for seniors is particularly inn- BENEFIT portatnt to to-,v--income beneficiaries.Research shows that poorer beneficiaries have higher Social Security benefits are tied to a worker's out-of-pocket health care costs relative to their earnings over the course of their working incomes,often due to the physical demands of lives,and as a result persistent low wages lead IoNv-wage work and poor environmental condi- to lower benefits in retirement.Workers in tions—a trend that will continue to worsen as low-wage jobs also often experience unem- medical costs rise.G1 Seniors in the bottom fifth ployment,take time out of the workforce,or of the income distribution currently spend a reduce their hours to provide care fora child median of 21 percent of their income on health or family member,and thus face further reduc-- care. Over the next 30 years,that income share Lions in benefits upon retirement.Though Social will rise to 39 percent. High health care costs Security benefits replace a higher percentage have a significant impact on groups of older of the earnings of low lifetime earners,current Americans who have higher poverty rates on benefits alone are not enough to assure that all 1 fi EXPANDING SOCIAL_SECURITY BENEFITS FOR FINANCIALLY VULNERABLE POPULATIONS I recipients remain above the poverty line.For In 1972,a"special minimum benefit" provi- example,an individual who worked steadily at sion Nvas added to our Social Security system to the federal minimum wage and retires at age 62 improve benefit adequacy for long-term low- would receive Social Security benefits at about wage workers,and it took effect in 1973.The three-quarters of the poverty rate."' special minimum benefit is based on a different Many seniors find themselves in poverty in formula for calculating benefits than the regular retirement because they were in or near pov- Primary Insurance Amount(PIA) formula,and erty throughout their working lives,and are less it requires a minimum of 10 years with earnings likely to have private pensions or savings,so they in Social Security covered employment above are more reliant on Social Security.As Figure 8 a certain threshold in order for a worker to be shows,A ican Americans,Latinos,and Asian eligible.If a worker has earnings in a particular _Americans experience senior poverty at over year that fall below the threshold for a"year of twice the rate that whites do.They are more likely- coverage" the worker cannot earn credit for that to depend on Social Security for 90-100 percent year.In 2012,the threshold for a year of cover- of their family income(see Figure 4)."-Women age was$12,285.7p face higher poverty rates than men across all Workers receive the special minimum racial groups (see Figure 5)."People of color benefit only if the benefits are higher under the are also much more likely to have chronic health special nninninnurn benefit formula than under problems and disabilities,which means even the regular PIA formula.Because the value greater medical cost pressures" of the regular PIA formula (which is indexed is HATTIE WILKINS � Hattie is 63 years old. She lives in Youngstown,Ohio,where she was born and raised. She worked for 35 years at Brentwood Originals,a pillow factory in I' Youngstown,as a machine operator.When she started at Brentwood in 1973, Hattie made$1.75 per hour;and after 35 years she was making $11 dollars s per hour. Hattie.received health insurance through her job and had savings, which have been exhausted since she stopped working a few years ago at the factory.After she left the factory,she struggled to find work,and started collecting Social Security at age 62. is Since Hattie has no savings,she is entirely reliant on Social Security,but her benefit is below the poverty line at$876 dollars per month. Hattie also receives food stamps and visits food pantries so that she can get vegetables,since her food stamps are insufficient to cover her food budget. Every month is a struggle for Hattie. She needs to juggle her bills so she can afford to put gas in her car. She occasionally makes pastries j and pies to sell at the farmers`market for extra money.. Despite having worked hard her whole life, Hattie faces a very insecure retirement,and is now starting to study social work so she can help people and continue to work and earn an income. Hattie is also actively organizing in,her community to protect Social Security and to n strengthen it. € CENTER FOR COMMUNITY CHANGE&OLDER WOMEN'S ECONOMIC SECURITY TASK FORCE 19 FIGURE 8: AVERAGE POVERTY RATES FOR SENIORS BY RACE/ETHNICITY, 2011 18.7% 14.0% 12.0% _ e.. .. _� 117% �>. 10.0% >...__ 8.751. v 0 8.0% 6.0% a 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% Overall White Black Asian Hispanic Source:Department of Health and Human Services,Administration on Aging.2012.A Profile of Older Americans:2012 Note:These data are for those aged 65 and older. to wages)has gone up faster than the special are robust enough to lift long term low wage minimum benefit formula (which is indexed to earners out of poverty in retirement. inflation),fewer and fewer retirees receive dhe We recommend that the special minimum special minitnum benefit.For example,in 2000, benefit be updated so that it provides benefits at about 142,000 workers received the special fuull retirement age that are at least:125 percent minimum benefit,while in 2010 the number of the poverty line for those with thirty years of people receiving the benefit had fallen to a of paid work including caregiving. In addition, meager 76,000." The special minimum benefit the threshold for establishing a year of cover- is now on the verge of disappearing entirely age should be lowered so that more low-wage In addition to reaching too few retirees,the workers can be covered.These increases would special minimum benefit does not keep benefi- provide vital support to elders who experience cifflies out of poverty. For example,in 2012,the disproportionately higher rates of poverty,such maximum special minimum benefit for a retiree as single women and people of color. with 30 years of covered earnings was$9,487.20 annually,lower than the official poverty line. Proposal:Provide the lowest wage earners zvho lyane «''orkers with a full career at low pay,includ- sgnificant nvrl-history)vitb agzraranteod mit7iv>zu>tz ing caregiving years,should not have to face benepit that is at least 125 percent of the fetJeralpoverty poverty or worse when they retire.The special lure,zvhile allorvlugfortip to ten famil,carghingyears minimum benefit should be updated so that it of credit toward the uuvtputatzon of the benefit. does not disappear and it provides benefits that 20 EXPANDING SOCIAL_SECURITY BENEFITS FOR FINANCIALLY VULNERABLE POPULATIONS i i PROVIDE EQUAL ACCESS FOR LGBT will consider individuals to be married if the FAMILIES marriage was valid in the State where it was en- tered into,even if the couple moves to a state Social Security should be expanded to ensure that does not recognize the validitjT of their that all families receive family benefits in the marriage.Determining eligibility for same-sex event of the death,injury,or retirement of a spouses should be modeled after the IRS eligi- worker.While many LGBT families will now be bility process to ensure that all LGBT couples eligible for Social Security spousal and fam- ily who are legally married will be able to rely on benefits,there are still many who will not the economic support from Social Security no qualify,because they do not live in a state that matter where they live. recognizes same-sea marriages. Since eligibility Additionally, spousal and family benefits for spousal or family benefits is currently de- should be extended to include all same-sea tertniiied by the laws of the state in which they domestic partnerships.«%hile Social Security reside, same-sex couples who are legally mar- lavv,does allow eligibility for spousal benefits for Tied in one state become ineligible for benefits those who live in a state whose laws state you if they move to a state that does not recognize can inherit personal property without a will(as their marriage.Not all federal agencies use the would a"wife"or"husband"),all same-sea do- state of residence to determine eligibilit3,. For mestic partnerships should be viewed the same example,the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as marriage for the purpose of determining E MAUREEN HENNESSEY Maureen Hennessey and Mary Beth McIntyre met and fell in love in 1984. They committed to each other and spent the next 29 years raising three children, Maureen working as a teacher and Mary Beth as an entrepreneur, and contributing to their Philadelphia community. k In 2009, Mary Beth was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Maureen left 1 her job to care for Mary Beth full-time.As Mary Beth and Maureen tried to treasure their last,months together,they also worried about Maureen's financial health after Mary Beth was gone. Because their marriage is not recognized in Pennsylvania, Maureen must pay a 15 percent inheritance tax on half of their shared property, including their home.And unless their marriage is recognized in Pennsylvania before Maureen turns 65,Maureen will not be eligible to receive Mary Beth's Social Security benefits. Pennsylvania's refusal to recognize her marriage to Mary Beth does more than cause Maureen economic hardship. In her time of grief,she is denied the comfort and dignity of being acknowledged as Mary Beth's widow. Mary Beth died in May 2013,and Maureen's economic situation is still in limbo.' j 'ACLU."Whitewood v.Corbett:Plaintiff Profiles,"<https://www.aclu.org/lgbt-rights/whitewood-v-Corbett-plaintiff-profiles#hurdle> t -...._...._ CENTER FOR COMMUNITY CHANGE&OLDER WOMEN'S ECONOMIC SECURI-Y TASK FORCE 21 eligibility for family and spousal benefits.Fur- Proposal: Inchade.tame-sev doiuesticpa>tner.+bos as thermore, same-sex couples who would enter equal to lvarriages for slates that recogni e domestic into marriages or domestic partnerships if they partrrerahips, but not same sett-marriage,and adopt the lived in states that recognize the arrangements glace of marriage"standard for determining eligibilily should be considered married for purposes of so that all emples rvho have been legally yncn tied are eli- Soci rl Security: Bible for•benefits no>natter)))hat state they lice in. GIN- mitted sane-se,1 co rples rvho have no access to marriage or do>nestic par tnowhips should be imputed as anarried rayingr Improvements, el t Solvency Issues .................................................-.......................................................................................................................................... Social Security is current-funded.Any excess of Economic Security Task Force and the Center income over benefits paid is held in trust and for Community Change propose policies to en- invested in interest-bearing obligations of the sure a full employment economy and"scrapping United States. Social Security has three sources the cap"so that everyone pays the same tax rate of income. It is primarily financed through for Social Security dedicated mandatory contributions on wages. Employers and employees each pay 6.2 percent MAKE SURE EVERYONE PAYS A FAIR of-wages up to a matimurn earnings level of SHARE OF SOCIAL SECURITY CO TRI- $113,700(in 2013),while the self-employed pay BUTIONS 12.4 percent.A second source of income is interest generated on its accumulated surplus, Right now,there is a cap on the amount of which currently equals about$2.7 trillion dol- wages that are subject to Social Security contri- lars.The third source is revenue generated from butions;this should be changed so that all wages subjecting benefits to the federal income tax and are subject to Social Security contributions. In dedicating that revenue to Social Security.Every 2013,only earnings tip to $113,700 are subjected year,Social Security's Board of Trustees reports to Social Security contributions and counted to Congress the program's projected spending toward workers'fixture Social Security benefits. and revenues for the subsequent 75 years.Using The cap is indexed to keep pace with growth in a moderate rate of future economic growth as the average earnings of workers.Prior to index- well as dozens of other economic and derno- ing the maximum,Congress stated the explicit graphic assumptions,the system's Trustees have goal of covering 90 percent of the aggregate projected that Social Security can pay all benefits wages of all workers under the maximum. Cur- in full and on time through 2033.After 2033, rently,however,the cap covers approximately income is projected to be sufficient to pay about 83 percent of aggregate earnings,due to more three-quarters of scheduled benefits through rapid growth in the earnings of those at the top 2086 (the end of the 75-year period)and be- of the economic ladder in recent decades.72 yond. In order to pay for the improvements sug- Eliminating the cap and applying Social Bested in this report and eliminate the projected Security contributions to all earrings wound help long-term solvency shortfall, the Older`omen's pay for an expansion of benefits and substan- 22 EXPANDING SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS FOR FINANCIALLY VULNERABLE POPULATIONS 4 I i tially eliminate Social Security's projected long- income taxed earnings are assessed for Social term solvency shortfall. Options for eliminating Security contributions. the cap include the following: 1) eliminate the cap and do not count additional earnings toward benefits,2) eliminate the cap and count all earn- ACHIEVE FULL EMPLOYMENT AND inngs toward benefits,3) eliminate the cap and BROADLY SHARED PROSPERITY count all earnings toward benefits Nvidn a more progressive formula. The Great Recession resulted in a dramatic rise Eliminating the cap and not counting ad- in unemployment,from which the United States ditional earnings toward benefits would pap has yet to fully recover. One way to help pay for the proposed expansion of benefits and for improvements and close the Social Secu- significantly reduce die 75-year shortfall.With city long range financing shortfall is to pursue this change,workers who earn more than die frill-employment fiscal and monetary policies current tax cap would pay more in taxes,while and a pro-worker agenda,including raising the their maximum benefit would be no higher than minimum wage and strengthening collective bar- under- current law gaining rights.Such policies would have multiple Eliminating the cap and counting earnings positive effects on Social Security's long-term toward benefits mould pay for the proposed finances:raising real wages,reducing the share expansion of benefits and reduce the 75-year of earnings above the cap,and lowering the shortfall by a little less than half. I nigh earners beneficiary-to-worker ratio,among others. and their employers would pay considerably According to the 2012 Social Security more,but these top earners would also receive trustees'report,productivity growth has aver- more in benefits. aged 2.06 percent per year in the last complete Eliminating the cap and counting earn- business cycle (2000-07), 1.75 percent in the ings toward benefits with a more progressive previous cycle (1989-2000),and 1.65 percent in formula would pay for the proposed expansion all cycles since 1966.The trustees report also of benefits and reduce the 75-year shortfall by provides a"low-cost"alternative scenario for more than half This option would avoid paying their 75-year projection,which is intended to be very high Social Security benefits to high earners optimistic but plausible,estimating that wage while retaining the traditional link between earn- growth of 1.71 percent rather than 1.12 per- ings and benefits.'; cent would reduce die projected shortfall by 34 We recommend the third option,eliminat- percent. Successful and much needed efforts to ing the cap and counting all earnings toward lower unemployment,raise wages,and connect benefits with a more progressive formula,as an wage growth more closely to past and future additional way to pay for the benefit expansions growth in productivity would have a substantial proposed in this paper and contribute to solving beneficial effect on Social Security financing. the long-term funding gap.Different proposals phase in the increase in the earnings in different ways." ENACT COMPREHENSIVE An additional way, to ensure that all work- IMMIGRATION REFORM ers pay contributions on all their earnings is to make sure that health savings accounts and Comprehensive immigration reform will other vehicles that allow workers to use pre- strengthen Social Security and extend the sol- CEN-FER FOR COMMUNITY CHANGE&OLDER WOMEN'S ECONOMIC SECURITY TASK FORCE 2.3 vency of the program while guaranteeing that pay for the benefit improvements we describe millions of currently undocumented workers above. would gain access to Social Security benefits These measures inight include: and the added economic security this would entail.There are currently 11 million undocu- >V Applying the current Social Security con- mented-workers in the United States.They make tribution rate to unearned income such as substantial contributions to our Social Security capital gains and dividends; system through payroll taxes,yet they and their Expanding the federal estate.tax and dedi- children are ineligible to receive benefits.'s eating a portion to be contributed to the Comprehensive immigration reform would Social Security Trust Fund; lead to higher wages for workers who are cur- rently undocumented,which would increase Increasing the,current Social Security overall Social Security contributions.Addition- contribution rate by a modest amount to be ally,immigrants are disproportionately young phased in over an extended period of time; and would provide favorable demographics to a Enacting a financial speculations tax,witli Social Security System that increasingly supports proceeds dedicated to Social Security; an aging population;59 percent of immigrants are between 25 and 44 years old."'Increasing Enacting a new marginal income tax rate for the share of younger workers would strengthen adjusted gross income in excess of S1 mil- Social Security, lion and dedicating the proceeds to Social Security. ADDITIONAL REVENUE SOURCES Social Security is a bedrock program that provides financial security to.ktnerican workers As needed,in combination with full employ- and their families.We cannot afford not to in- ment strategies and lifting the cap,there are a vest adequate revenue to preserve and improve number of other revenue sources that might it so that it can continue to meet our needs be pursued to enhance Social Security to make throughout the 21"century and beyond. it fully solvent over the next 75 years and to 24 EXPANDING SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS FOR FINANCIALLY VULNERABLE POPULATIONS I I Conclusion Despite the significant social,political,and firther increasing the economic disadvantages economic changes that have expanded oppor- already-experienced by same-sex couples. tunities for women and people of color,these Furthermore,the risk of inadequate retire- populations still remain disproportionately meat income has increased for all Americans, financially vulnerable,particularly during their making Social Security an even larger portion of retirement years.Women,on average,make less future retirement income.Because many Ameri- and work fewer hours than men.They often cans find themselves dealing with the afteref- face litnited employment opportunities and ex- fects of an economic recession that devastated perience interrupted work histories.They have their retirement savings and the value of their fewer sources of retirement income,and longer homes, the changes proposed above,includ- life expectancy,all of which results in women ing an across-the-board benefit increase,can experiencing greater economic insecurity during contribute to improving the adequacy of retire- retirement. ment income for all who receive Social Security People of color are also financially vulner- benefits. able truing retirement due to a number of Our Social Security system is a critical factors,including differences in educational piece of the retirement puzzle,and is essential attainment,employment discrimination and job to women,people of color,and low-income segregation,morbidity,and mortality,which af- individuals.The improvements proposed in this fect lifetime earnings,future retirement income, report will help ensure that our Social Security and survivor benefits. system remains the foundation upon which lfany same-sea couples will continue to be economic security is built for all Americans and denied-the family benefits that are available from will make it even stronger for those who most Social Security to married heterosexual couples, depend on it. CENTER FOR COMMUNITY CHANGE&OLDER WOMEN'S ECONOMIC SECURI-TY TASK FORCE 25 Mill ENDNOTEStive Nita Lowey,would establish caregiver credits for dependent relatives. 1 Social Security Administration. 8 Hartmann,Heidi,and Ashley English.2009."Older Tat,July 2013 Table 2.<11ttp://vv\-,nussa.gov/policy) 1&'omen's Economic Security:A Primer."Journal of dots/gnickEtcts/stat_snapsliot%index.htmIi'gs> IFimtert,Pol'litu•C&PoA0,30; 109-140. Fischer,Jocelyn and(eff Hayes,"'file Importance 9 IXXTR analysis of the 2013 Current Population Sur- of Social Security in the Incomes of Older Ameri- vey IlIUBIS data. cans:Differences by Gender,Age,Race/Ethnicity, 10 1artmann and English."Older\k%oinen's Economic and Marital Status" Washington,DC:Institute for Senuittc"109-140t Women's Policy Research. 1 I Fischer and I Cayes."The Importance of Social Secu- 3 Elurnacher,Joan,Katherine Gallagher Robbins,Julie rity in the Incomes of Older Americans." Vogtinan,and Lauren Frohlich.2013.Itrseane 12 Social Security Administration.2012."Social Security (hegira Potreri tAmofiq ll'ontarr card Frmiliss 2000 2012. is Important to Womerl" Washingto),DC:National Women's Law Center, 13 Hsrtnrmta and English."Older C\4xneri's Economic 4 Jasmine V.Tucker,Virginia P.Reno,and Thomas Security:"109-140. N.Bethell.2011.ShenglbenirrgSocialSeirni>7,:1P/bat Do 14 Ibid. 15 CLS.Census Bureau, 4 11111eriewis l�zet?Washington,DC:National Academy rnerrcrr Fanlilzes and h rin� of Social Insurance. ralrgentent:2010,Table Al Rockevmoore,Alava AI.ant}Lori,Ateizhu.2011.PLtu 16 Ibid, fora Nen,Fittrrre:T be hrJpad of,So6ial Sesw ly Reform 17 Hartmann and English."Older Women's Economic on People of Color:Washington,DC:Commission to Security."109-140, Modernize Social Securit. 18 U.S.Social Security Administration.2009.<-hwaal Sta- Estes,Carroll,Terry O'Neill,and Heidi Iartmann. tistical Supplenterr:',1\7tttnlrer arrd rrverrrge rnorrh5l,belreJlt,by 2012.Brecrkirrg the Social Sect?tz�Gla,'s Cell i?g:A prgboval A e 0f l e'nefrt eviel lure.Dermlber•2003.Table 5.A 1.Notc: t0 lvoderni y 11"olnenr Benefits.Washington,DC:Institute The Social Security Administration has discontinued for Women's Policy Research. using the race:breakdown in the Annual Statistical National Academy of Social Insurance.1009.Strength_ Supplement. l zng Social Secur,'t}for T�ulrtetrtble Groff.c Intl : Ill Kajikozi,Kilolo.2002."Low-wage Earrtcrs:Op- e p I //wvvw lions for Improving Their Retirement Income."In na,i:org/research/2009)report-strength erring-social- security-vulnerable-groups> D.Salisbury,P.Larson,&P.Edemaul.The Future of 6 As a result of the recent Supreme Court decision, Soriallrrsuiartiz IncreiventalAction orrwltdannaell RB forvl. United Staler✓}1 hidsor-(2013),which held uneonstitu- Washington,D(':National Academy of Social Insur- tional Section 3 of the so-called Defense of iWrriage nice. Act,same-sea couples now have greater right,than 20 Roclteymoore and Lui.Plao fora\T,,)v Fietarre. tliey did,notwithstanding tilelack of legislative nedon. 21 U.S Department of Labor Employee Benefits Secu- 7 For exaunple,in the 413"Congress,the Protecting rity Administration Advisory Council on Employee and Preserving Social Security Act sponsored lay \Vclf uc and Pension Benefits Plans.?_OI O.Zvi parties Senator Begich and Representative De tch would JO?11 Olilelr and llinorities in Ret?relrtent Sai Mgs" Washing- scrap the payroll tax clip and require die use of CPI- ton'DC: U.S.Department of I:abor, 32 E to calculate cost-of-living adjustments,Represen- is eider,Rose AT,and Renee Ellis.2011.NttmSer, tative Aloore'1 Social Security Enhancement and Illviit g,and I-)laattov Of Alari'raper'mild Divorces:2009. Protection Act of 2013 would restore the student Washington,DC:U.S,Census Bureau, benefit and improve the Special Nfiniinutn and estab- 23 Ere,Richard and D-Vera Cohn.2010,"Women,Men fish a caregiver credit for those receiving tlae Special and the New Economies of 4l uriage."\�'asliington, Minimum Benefi t vvhile removing the payroll tax DC:Pew Research Center. cap.The Iteepuig Our St)cLd Security Promi,es Act 24 Holden,1<aren,C.and Angela Fontes.2009."1 ico- sponsored by Senator Sanders and Representaative nomie Security in Retirement:How Changes in DeFazi(,would lift the payroll tax on earners above Employment and Marriage Have Altered Retirement- $250,000,The Strengthening Social Security Act of Related Economic Risks for L\%omen."Jow-norl of 2013,sponsored by Senator Markin and Representa- I!%'iWlcot Polilie o"Polig 30(2-3):173 197. tive Linda Sanchez in the House,would require the 25 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force."FAQ)Shect Ilse of CPI-E,scrap the payroll tax cap,and provide on LGBT elders&Outing Age 2010."dews release, an across die board benefit increase.Itcprescntative 2010, Linda Suichez's Social Security Equality Act of 2013 26 )oughin,Charlie.2013,"Alinnesota AlaIces"I1uce: would provide equal benefits for same-sex married Marriage Equality Passes North Star State."Human couples and domestic partners. Rights Campaign.<htt1,://vvwxvlirc..org/blog/entryt In the 112°'Congress,the Social Securit,Care- giver Credit Act of 2011,sponsored by Representa- niorth-star-siatc> __....----..._........ _._........_.._.... 26 EXPANDING SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS FOR FINANCIALLY VULNERABLE POPUI.AfIONS Will 27 Hunan Rights Campaign."Percent of Population 44 2010."Family income and Educational Attain- Living in States with Marriage EqualiM,"I Iutnan went:1970-2009."PoetsecDnda?y Education Oppor= Rights Campaign.Last modified 2013.<http://www, No.122.<htq)://wwwpostsecondary.org/ hrc.org/resources/entry/percent-of-population- lastl2/221_11-1opgt_l6.pdf> living-iu-st ourceith-marriage-equality> 45 United States Census Bureau,2012.EducationalAttairt- 28 Human Rights Campaign."Same-Sex Relationship ment in the united States:2012."'1•able 1.Educational Recognition Laws:State by State."Human Rights Attainment of the Population 18 Tears and Over,by Campaign.bast modified 2013.<http://�v�vwhrc• :\gc,Sex,Race,and Hispanic Origin:2012."<http:// org/resources/entry/same-sex-relationship-recogni_ www:census.gov/hlxes/socdemo/education/data/ non-laWS-State-bY GT itt'.> cps/2012/tnbles.html> 29 Gates,Gary.J.and prank Newport."Special Report: 46 'I•he College Board,2012.'D-en&in College Priciqk 2012, 3.4%of U.S.Adults Identify as LGB'I'."Gallup <http://advocacy.collegeboard.org/sites/deEtult/ Politics.Last modified October 19,2012.<http:// files/college-pricing-2012-full-report_O.pdf> www.gallup.com/poll/I58066/special-report-adults- 47 Hertel-Fernandez,Alexander.2010.`A New Dcal for ic]entify-lgbtasp>> Young;\dults:Social Security Benefits for Post-Sec- 30 Lofquist,Daphne."S,-uxne-Sea Couple Households", nndarl'School Students."\rashitxlton,DC:National fUnerican Connnututl,Surveg Br•ef•,United States Census Academy of Social Insurance:. Bureau,September 2011. 48 Ibid, 31 Gates and Newport."Special Report:3.49!0 of U.S. 49 Federal Reserve Bank of New Yode,February 2013. Adults Identify as LGB'1." (Quarterly Report on Hortcehold Deht and Credil.<htq):// 32 National Alliance for Caregivitng and HARP.2009. ww-\v.newyorkfed.org/research/national_economy/ Litregit=ing in the.U.S.Bethesda,NID:National Alliance houselnoldcredit/DistrictReport_Q42012.pdf> for Carclriving,and iVashington,DC:tA:\Rl? 50 institute for College Access and Success,October 33 Ibid, 2012.Student Debt and the Ckiss c)f'2011.<http://wvilu 34 7arit,Steven.2006.-Asessmeut of Family Caregiv- ticas.org/files/pub/classof2C111.pdf> ers:A Research Perspective."It,Family Caregiver 51 Ibid. Alliance(I+.ds.),CareginerAgccs?vent.• I'oice,.and hems 52 Social Security r\dnninistration Office of the Chief •otn the Freld Report from a National Consensus 1\ctuary."Social Security Beneficiary Data,December ji Developanent Conference(Vol.tI)(pp. 12-37).San 2012"<http://www.ssa.gov/Ot\C•I'/ProgData/ben- Francisco:Family Caregiver Alliance. efits.httxil> 35 National Alliance for Caregiving and A•ARP 2009. 53 Reno,Virginia,and Joni Lavers.2009.Fixnag Social Curekini gin the U.S.Bethesda,MD:National Alliance Serwibe Adepeale Benefit,Adegttale Financing.�Y%ashuxg- for Caregiving,and Washington,DC:AARP, ton,DC:National Academy of Social Insurance, 36 I\\'PR analysis of the 2013 Current Population Sur- 54 Ibid,2. vey IPI TR4S data. 55 <http://www.a E un flcio.org/About/ xec-Cocil/ 37 Federal Interagency Forurn on Agring-Related Staffs- EC-Statements/Builditng-On-1•he-Success-Of-Social- tics.2011.OlderAmericarrs 201D:Key indicalors of IP;ell- Security> Beh?g.<http://wwwagingstats.gov/agitigstatsdotnet/ 56 <htt)://ww\vnbcr.otg/programs/ag/rrc/rrc2012/ r\Iaan_Site/Data/2010_Docunnents/Does/OA_2010. slides/6.P3,o20Reno.pdf> pdt> 57 Reno and Lavery Fixing Socx(l Seeus 1),2. 38 Social Security Administration.2011."Caregiver 58 I stcti_Carroll Terry O'Neill,and Heidi Hartmann. Credits in France,Germany,and Sweden:Lessons for 2012.Breaking the Social Sea,rl,1�Glass Ceiling:A proposal the Vol.71,No.4. to moderni!Za II%rarer'+Benefals.Washington,DC:Institute 39 Ibid, for'Wonxen's Policy Research. 40 Fultz,Elaine,2011,Pension Creddting for Caregivers: 59 Reno and Lavery.Fi.inS Social Seavily;S. Policies•in Finland.,Frrtnce.Germany,Sweden,the Untied 60 Davis,Patricia A.Medicare:Part B Premiums. June Khrgdonr,Canada,and jerbe u.\Xlashington,DC:Institute 11,2013.Congressional Research Service. for Womeu's Policy Research. 61 Nonnemaker,Lynn,and Shelly Ann Sinclair.2009. 41 Lopresr,Pamela,and josh Bivens.2012."Labor Mar- "Medicare Beneficiaries'Out-of-Pocket Spending for ket and Demographic Anal)=six:A National Picture of Health Care Services"Insight on the Issues 130.Wash- Short-term Employment Growth by Skill."Washin ington,DC:AARP Public Policy Institute. ton,DC:'Fhe Urban Institute. 62 In fact,the Census Bureau's new Supplement l 42 Hertel-Fernandez,Alexander.2010."t\New Dcal for Poverty)Measure shows a high poverty rate for the Young Adults:Social Security Benefits for Post-Sec- elderly overall(15.1 percen tit,2011)compared to ondary School Students."\Vashington,DC:National the standard mean(8.7 percent)largely,due to higher lcademy of Social Insurance. health care costs.Department of IIealth and Ilurnan 43 Bureau of Labor Statistics,Current Population Sur Services,Administration on Aging 2012,A Profile q_f vev 2012. Olde)-Atnericaw.2012. <http://www:a0a.g0v/A9- ing_Stati-,6 cs/Profile/in dex.aspx> CENTER FOR COMMUNITY CHANGE&OLDER WOiMEN'S ECONOMIC SE0.1RITY TASK FORCE ?7 63 Nonncinaker and Sinclair.."Afedicare Beneficiaries' 74 For example,Senator Harkin's(D-LA)"Strengthen- Out-of-Packet Spending" ing Social Security Act of 2013"would elonimate the 64 Veghte et al."Should Social Security's Cost of-Living cap and count additional earning toward benefits at a Adjustment Be Changed?". lover replacement rate.Representative Jan Scha- 65 United States Department of Agriculture.2012, kowsky(D-IL)has proposed to scrap the cap on the "Official USDA Food Plans:Cost of Food at Hone employer's contribution in addition to raising the at Four Levels,U.S.Average,March 2012."<httth:// -vage capon employees so that it would cover 90 per- w�zr\v.cnpp.usda.gov/Pub&cations/FoodPlans 2012 / J cent of a worker's earnings.The Social Security of- Cos tofFoodltar2012.pdf> fice has also calculated the effects of eliminating the. 66 Reno and Lavers:Ftxneg Soei&Seewij,,2, cap and not counting the additional earning toward 67 Caldera,Selena."Social Security:A trey Retirement benefits as-well as eliminating the cap and counting; Income Source forhfinorities,AARP Public Policy additional carninb toward benefits using due current Institute.Fact Sheet 201,September,2010• formula.Strengthen Social Security-2013."Scrapping 68 Ibid, the Payroll Tax Cap is the Fairest VIq to Make Social 69 Halle,Michael,Cava B,I ewis,and Meena Seshamani. Security Solvent f>r the Next 75 Years"<htgh:// 12 june 2009."Health Disparities:A Case for Closing wwWstrengdhensocialsecurity.org/sites/default/files/ the Gap' " <http://w-vwsamissa.gov/Financing/ S crap_the_Cap_Fact_Sheet__2013.pdt-- post/Health-Disparities-A-Case-for-Closing-the-Gap. 75 National Committee to Preserve Social Security and aspx> Medicare,hnmigration Reform and Social Security-. 70 Shelton,Alison,Social Security:The lltinimum Ben- htq)://ww\vncpssm.org;/PtiblicPolicy/Soci dSecu- efit Provision.May 24,2012,Congressional Research iity/Documents/ArticlelD/1142./Itnnhigrrtion- Ser-dce Reform-and Social-Sectuity 71 Ibid. 76 Ibid. 72 Reno and Lavery Fzxizzg Snc%zl Sscurrty. 73 Descriptions and calculations are based on those in Reno and Lavery,F'lazrtg Social Seiu;ity. ........—.....__....... ..........—_................._.—................_....—..._..........-.... ._._. 28 EXPANDING SOCIAL_SECURITY BENEFITS FOR FINANCIALLY VULNERABLE POPULATIONS