HomeMy WebLinkAbout05- The Village Investment Group Inc.; Lots 4-5, Village Boulevard Minor Sub No 344 - Storm Water Easement .. ,,1, IIIII~ I~I nlllml~ IIIII~ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ III ~:t~~~:~~ . '" SMalIay Vanoa-GalIatin Co MT MISC 18.00 (jLATn.O (]; STORM WATER EASEMENT / THE VILLAGE INVESTMENT GROUP, INC., with a mailing address of 101 East Main Street, Bozeman, MT 59715, the GRANTOR, and being the owner of the following described property: Lot 4, Village Boulevard Minor Subdivision No. 344, according to the plat thereof, on file and of record in the office ofthe Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana, and located in the NE 1/4 of Sec. 7, and NW 1/4 of Sec. 8, T. 2 S., R. 6 E. ofP.M.M.. For consideration received, do hereby grant to, THE VILLAGE INVESTMENT GROUP, INC., with a mailing address of 101 East Main Street, Bozeman, MT 59715 the GRANTEE, their successors and assigns, owners of the following described property: Lot 5, Village Boulevard Minor Subdivision No. 344, according to the plat thereof, on file and of record in the office ofthe Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana, and located in the NE 1/4 of Sec. 7, and NW 1/4 of See, 8, T, 2 S" R. 6 E. ofP.M.M.. A perpetual easement for private storm water drainage purposes, for storing and transmitting storm water runoff in, through, and across a portion of said Lot 4 for the benefit and use of the owners of said Lot 5. The Easement is more particularly described and shown on the attached Exhibit A, which by this reference is made a part hereof. The GRANTOR warrants that it is lawfully seized and possessed of the real property described above, that it has a lawful right to convey the property, or any part of it, and that it will forever defend the title of the property against the claims of an persons. The GRANTOR further agrees that the GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the GRANTOR. The GRANTOR further agrees that specific approval must be provided by the GRANTEE prior to any alteration, relocation or vacation of the easement. The terms, covenants and provisions ofthe easement and agreement shalt extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. DA TED this qh dayof /(evrL. ,2005. ~ "'. Ilmlllllllll~llllllllllllIllllllllllllllll~ 11111111 g2~~2:~~ i ... Sh.ll.v V.no.~G.1I.tIn Co ~T ~ISC 18.00 GRANTOR: THE VILLAGE INVESTMENT GROUP, INe. by: U\M \M5"~ its: p (l{!.1; /.e ,,+ STATE OF MONTANA } } ss. COUNTY OF GALLATIN } On this ~ day of k4,,-/L ,2005, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Montana, personally appeared Jt(t"I7tte-/ tJ. [y b".~ known to me to be the () r>-e <J ph /1 f of The Village Investment Group, Inc., a Mo tana CorporatIOn, and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same for an on behalf of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial seal the day and year first above written. ~{......... I- t}/JrCN. ' ~,"\\"""'"1111. 6 ~"v..~\~ J. CARq. "";. Notary Public fi r the State of MONT ANA .#~.....".....4A ~ a ~. . '" Printed Name: t(t/;J:::!. .,vlfr€ SEAL:! /~OTARIAi\ '\ Residing a~ . I~ iYI<</J .' H I ~ i ~ ~ ~ My ComrmSSIOn expIres ~~.v);Jpy ~ ~ : S' ~ . SEAL . ~ ~ dl;-. ..~ ~. ~ """.. ..~ iI} , l'f'........~~~~ tlotary Public; for thlil St'it(:) of r~Mf,cml '1111',,~f M~,,\\,\''1 HESID[~J(;) hT lJO:i.~;;C.J}" !';il:,i~l'~ III" My COlllln:,~,;,;.;,; t:Afli.....~ March 'j il, 2ilOa G:\c&h\02\02026\02026.12\Office\Drainage Easement. wpd u_....__..._...._. -.----..- . \ ... 6'0 v '<.9 / LOT 5 d LOT 4 148,445 SO FT ~v, 510,757 SQ FT &-*' 3.4078 ACRES ?vJ 11.7254 ACRES 'OS'$. s S~ ~~ ~ ~'0 (J<f."} s: "1' ~0S "-0 !.A ' ::;. ), 1.,.\) o '0' I 0" ", &-~ ? . : ~ \ \ \ , LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF STORM WATER EASEMENT ~_.~_~_~~,..ft.".",._ A 20.00 foot wide eosement for storm woter purposes, over, under ond ocross 0 portion of Lot 4. VILLAGE BOULEVARD MINOR SUBDIVISION NO. 344, occording to the plot thereof. on file ond of record in the office of the Clerk ond Recorder, Gollotin County, Montono. Centerline of soid eosement is described os follows; Commencing ot the southwest corner of soid Lot 4; thence northerly 323' 14' 59", ossumed ozimuth from north 277.08 feet olong the west line of .?~ soid Lot 4, to the point of beginning of the centerline to be described; -" J thence eosterly 063' 54' 3:5' ozimuth 23.51 feet. to the end of soid eosement. ;p\~ Areo "' 470 sq ft, 0.0108 ocre . Dc? 0"\ ?\ ~ ~ ~ S"--- ' ~J' ? 0" ~ I " 17 S .....------,....,--' / \ \\ \ ~.J - -- I ?J .-> sS _ - / :: \ \\ \;'J '-.1<<:' /" - - - / OtJIm ~G /" I . \OtJI \,'-.1 /" / -l\ . \;'J ::o'V ~ /" _______--1 ~ <6 ;. ~'\5 "}S~ /" /" ~ J \;'J.. ~0S <(j-S<0 /" /" / '('\\ /" \( <o\) '\ /" \/ \J"\~ /"/"/" ?hRiZ h~~y;OJit}ri \ /"/"/" U~lh~s/\J\\\_S\'< \ /" ~~ \ '\ _ _____ /" ?\JBUC ---\ \ \ -- ~ /\ \ - - - - - 2. 40. " ~ ----- 9'01'55 1 -- ~ ,~~ -'-- \.519'01 --------------- \ -- ----&~~-~ Feet ........, TRACT 0 60 0 60 _ w m< I ~ I l,{)l()~ I 0-0 cas NO. 68 Part of . ((J ;:., 18 0 18 r--.:t..- LOT 1 ~ OJ, Scale In Meters ~r--.O ..-0 UJ '--' I I - - - - - - - - - - - - -I-- I I m~IIIIIII~1111111111111111111I1111I1111111I1I1111 ~4;~~2:~~ I I Engineering and Su in Inc. I I 205 Edelweiaa Drive · Bozeman,~ntana t9718 Shelley Vanoe-GaIIatin Co MT MISC 1e.m~ I Phone (406] 587~"'5. Fax ( ] 587- 768 I www.chengineers.com. info@ctfngineenj.com Sheet 1 of 1 #02026.12(E)