HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile 7 Lakes at VW PUD Section 2 through 5 SECTION 2a: Ownership Notaons The Preliminary Plat and the adjacent owners exhibit have the proposed ownership notaons highlighted. SECTION 2b: Perimeter Treatment The following Landscape Plan includes the proposed treatment of the perimeter of the project. A 30-foot landscaped buffer is proposed along Durston Road with landscaped corners to accent the primary entrance for Laurel Parkway. Please also refer to the Design Regulaons under Se con 9 for addional informaon regarding the requirements for fencing and landscape delinea on on private lots next to the open spaces. SECTION 2c: Owner Cerficaon By signing the applicaon, the property owners, The Lakes at Valley West Bozeman, LLC, cerfy that they are the current owner of record. A copy of the tax records are also included below for reference. SECTION 3a & 3b: Viewshed Analysis The exisng topography of the site is generally flat and similar to adjacent properes. Two man-made lakes, with water levels below typical grades, dominate the central part of the site. These large open spaces result in wide muldireconal view corridors across and into the site. Future development pa2erns of The Lakes will be typical of residenal neighborhood massing and scale allowed by code, and not create any unusual visual barriers. Axon Aerial Image (Source: Google Earth) SECTION 4a-d: Streets and Alleys The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision will be served by a number of street secons; including minor arterial, collector, local and woonerf secons. The dedicated rights-of-way for each of these secons vary based on city requirements. A Road Secon Index (Fi gure 1) has been created that illustrates where each secon is located. There are street cross secon e xhibits as well for each of the roadways (Figures 2 – 5). Roadway intersecons within The Lakes will match th e design of exisng intersecons within all of Vall ey West Subdivision. Curb bulbs will be connued in or der to reduce traffic speeds and allow for safer pedestrian crossings. Curb bulbs will also be used at mid-block/trail corridor crossings. Parking will not be allowed where curb bulbs are located. An interseco n index (Figure 6) has been created to help illustrate the design of each intersecon type within the subd ivision. Individual lots in general will not access directly to the arterial streets or collector streets. “No access” strips will be placed on lots fronng Durston Road and Laurel Parkway. Access to these fronng lots wi ll be provided off of either a local street or woonerf. All streets will be paved to provide long-term dust control. Dust created during construcon will be controlled in accordance with the Montana Public Works Standard Specificaons. Surface drainage is shown on the preliminary grading and drainage plan. Surface runoff will be treated by on-site detenon/retenon facilies. Erosion contro l plans will be prepared with the construcon documents. All erosion control plans will be in accordance with state and local regulaons. A permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construcon Acvity will be required by MDEQ for all phases of the project. Construcon sediment will be controll ed in accordance with the standard pracces describ ed in the Montana Sediment and Erosion Control Handbook. The applicant will pay for construcon of all stree ts and woonerfs within the subdivision, including porons of Durston Road (Minor Arterial) and Laurel Parkway (Collector). Funding scenarios for improvements to these roadways are further discussed in Secon 30. All maintenance for public streets will be by the City of Bozeman. Maintenance in paved woonerfs will be the responsibility of the homeowner’s associaon fo r items such as snow removal, cleaning, and weed control. Major maintenance items such as asphalt repairs will need to be addressed by the homeowner’s associaon, as they are needed. A snow removal exhi bit has been created to illustrate primary locaons for snow storage. See Figure 7. A comparison between a woonerf secon and a standar d local street secon is provided to illustrate the similaries in both secons. See Figure 8 [and four (4) color graphics immediately following Figure 8]. This comparison illustrates that the woonerf has essena lly the same width as a local street secon. In response to concerns surrounding emergency access to properes with the subdivision, we have prepared fire truck turning templates for several locaons throughout the subdivision. Locaons include ; a local intersecon with curb bulbs, typical wooner f intersecons and a woonerf circle (shown in futur e Phase 3). All modeling was done ulizing an AASHTO S-BUS40 which, according to the Bozeman Fire Department, is a comparable vehicle to mimic the department’s fleet of fire trucks. See the modeling exhibits at the end of the secon labeled Fire1, Fi re 2 and Fire 3. SECTION 4a-d: Streets and Alleys (connued) The Traffic Impact Study for the subdivision addresses traffic generaon. The traffic study is included in Secon 29of the Preliminary Plat submi2al materials . The Gallan County Road and Bridge Department has b een sent a le2er requesng their input regarding the proposed subdivision. Copies of correspondence are included in Secon 40 of the Preliminary Plat submi2al materials. Offsite Roadways Modificaons to Durston Road will be made during individual phases of the project. The Applicant is interested in working with the City and other owners in the area to construct the remainder of Durston Road from North Co2onwood Road to the western edge of the project, as well as Laurel Parkway to the southern terminus of the property. Funding for these projects is always a concern and the applicant is prepared to work with the City of Bozeman to come up with a reasonable soluon that will benefit mulple users. Please refer to Secon 30 of the Pr eliminary Plat submi2al materials for further details on Durston Road and Laurel Parkway. Based on pre-applicaon review comments, the south half of Durston is to match the already constructed north half in terms of geometry, lane widths, etc. The Durston Road dedicaon on the south side will be 50 feet as oppo sed to the 45 feet dedicated on the north side. As noted in Secon 9of the Preliminary Plat submi2a l materials, and engineering access separaon relaxaon is hereby being requested from Table 38.2 4.090-3. Durston Road will have approximately 628 feet between Laurel Parkway and Westmorland Drive (to back of curb) which is slightly less than the minimum of 660 feet. The locaon of this access has been shown on mulple PUD submi2als since the early 2000’s and remains in this same locaon on th is Preliminary Plat. The reason for this access locaon is that Bronken Park is located immediately to the east, which contains Baxter Creek and the associated Baxter Creek Natural Area. The wetlands associated with this area and the Baxter Creek 50’ watercourse setback (as shown on Exhibit A in Secon 17of the P reliminary Plat submi2al materials) prevents the access from meeng the 660 feet access separaon. SECTION 4a-d: Streets and Alleys (connued) Roundabouts and Traffic Circles As part of the layout and design of the Lakes at Valley West, we looked at whether roundabouts and/or traffic circles could be a viable alternave to a more tradional intersecon. We looked at two intersecons as part of Phases 1 and 2, Durston Roa d/Laurel Parkway and Laurel Parkway/Westmorland Drive. Durston Road/Laurel Parkway · We looked at a conservavely sized roundabout right of way at this intersecon, roughly 190 - 200 feet in diameter. With this approximate size, rights of way on adjacent private property would need to be acquired, including the subdivision to the north, Laurel Glen, which does not appear to have provided right of way or easements to allow said improvements. The geometric elements of a roundabout in this locaon were not addressed pre viously, but could be if the City of Bozeman desires to construct a roundabout as part of the overall Durston Road/ N. Co2onwood Road improvement project. It would be necessary for the roundabout design and right of way/easement acquision to commence immediately, along with the rest of the subdivision design, in order to maintain construcon schedules. · The meframes associated with a roundabout (ROW acq uision, design and construcon) would most certainly be longer than the meframes associa ted with a more tradional intersecon. With that said the developer is open to a roundabout discussion with the city but would need assurances that the increased meframes associated with a roun dabout would not impinge on the developer’s construcon schedule. The increased cost of a roun dabout would also need to be discussed. · Based on the right of way needs, impacts to exisng private property, increased meframes and increased cost we feel that a roundabout is not warranted at this me. Laurel Parkway/Westmorland Drive · This is a collector/local street intersecon. We a nalyzed both a roundabout and a traffic circle at this locaon. Laurel Parkway being a collector ind icates that a large roundabout would be required due to ancipated traffic volumes, whereas the local streets would indicate that a smaller traffic circle would be appropriate in order to slow neighborhood traffic. This intersecon will also need to be designed to handle a significant amount of pedestrian traffic as it is adjacent to a large park and open space. Based on this we feel that this collector/local intersecon would be2er funcon in a more tradional layout as opposed to a roundabou t/traffic circle. The pedestrian controls associated with the tradional layout, including cu rb bulbs, will allow for safer pedestrian crossing movements. SECTION 4a-d: Streets and Alleys (connued) a. Right of Way Widths See Figure 1 for the overall key to the Secons in Figures 2-5. b. Curb and GuBers See Figures 2-5. c. Pedestrian Facilies An extensive network of pedestrian facilies will b e provided with the development of this neighborhood. See Figure 1. Offsite trail improvements are shown on Sheet SD2. d. Bikeway Systems Bicyclists will also have a variety of opons for both traveling and recreang. In addion to the ext ensive trails, also note the 5-foot bike lane as part of the Laurel Parkway road secon. A bike race in Valley West Example of a woonerf 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-67020505010025HORIZ. SCALEIN FEETROAD SECTION INDEXTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WESTSHEET NUMBERPROJECT NUMBERDRAWING NUMBERN:\5352\002\ACAD\EXHIBITS\ROADWAY SECTIONS\ROAD SECTION OVERVIEW.DWG PLOTTED BY:COOPER KRAUSE ON Jan/23/2015ˆCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2015APPR. BY:DATE:DATE:BY:DSGN. BY:Q.C. 5352.002XFIG.1BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ11/2014QCBYQCDATEDURSTON ROADLOCAL STREETWESTMORLAND DRIVELAUREL PARKWAY WESTGATE AVENUE ROADWAY SECTIONSROAD NAMESECTION TYPEFIGUREDURSTON ROADMINOR ARTERIAL2LAUREL PARKWAYCOLLECTOR3LOCAL STREETSLOCAL4RESIDENTIAL POCKETNEIGHBORHOODSWOONERF5PEDESTRIANSIDEWALKPEDESTRIANTRAIL 95.00'R.O.W.CENTER OF ROADWAY14.00'BLVD2.00'MINOR ARTERIAL SECTION15.00'TURN LANE12.00'DRIVE LANE12.00'DRIVE LANE5.00'BIKE5.00'SDWK1.00'1.00'5.00'BIKE18.00'BLVD6.00'SDWK2.00'25.00'TBC TO CL25.00'TBC TO CL20.00'25.00'15.00'8.00'23.00'23.00'EXISTINGROAD CL(APPROX.)3%3%PROPOSED ROAD SECTIONEXISTING ROAD SECTION3%2%2%45.00'50.00'2%2%8.00'15.00'3%NOTES:1. EXISTING ROADWAY DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND VARY OVER THE LENGTH OF THE PROJECT.2. EXISTING EDGE OF ASPHALT WILL BE SAWCUT 1.0' AND NEW PAVEMENT WILL BEGIN THERE.3. THE NORTH HALF OF THE ROADWAY IS IN PLACE TO THE TOP BACK CURB FOR THE ENTIRETY OF THE PROJECT, BUT ONLY PORTIONS OF THE NORTH HALF CONTAIN BOULEVARD AND SIDEWALK.4. CENTER OF RIGHT-OF-WAY IS SHOWN AS CENTER OF 90' R.O.W. EVEN THOUGH THE SOUTH HALF WILL DEDICATE 50' OF R.O.W. THE EXCESS R.O.W. ON THE SOUTH HALF WILL BE INCREASED BOULEVARD WIDTH.2880 Technology Blvd- WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702REVISIONSSHEET NUMBERPROJECT NUMBERDRAWING NUMBERVERIFY SCALE!THESE PRINTS MAY BEREDUCED. LINE BELOWMEASURES ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING. MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLY!DATEDESCRIPTIONNO.BYN:\5352\002\ACAD\EXHIBITS\ROADWAY SECTIONS\TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONS.DWG PLOTTED BY:COOPER KRAUSE ON Jan/23/2015ˆCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2015APPR. BY:DATE:DATE:BY:DSGN. BY:Q.C. 9109.VW-WingXFIG.2BOZEMANMONTANAKDJKDJKDJ01/2015MINOR ARTERIAL SECTIONTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WESTDURSTON ROAD 90.00'R.O.W.CENTER OF R.O.W.7.00'BLVD7.00'BLVD6.00'SDWK6.00'SDWK11.00' EASTBOUND TURN LANE12.50'BLVD6.00'SDWK6.00'SDWK12.50'BLVDAT TYPICAL CURB BULB LOCATIONSCOLLECTOR STREET SECTION3%3%8.00'PARKING5.00'BIKE LANE10.00'DRIVING LANE14.00'RAISED MEDIAN8.00'PARKING5.00'BIKE LANE10.00'DRIVING LANE0.50'CURB0.50'CURB2%2%2%2%62.00'TBC TO TBC11.00'WESTBOUND TURN LANE18.50'TBC-TBC12.50'BLVD6.00'SDWK6.00'SDWK12.50'BLVD5.00'BIKE LANE10.00'DRIVING LANE5.00'BIKE LANE10.00'DRIVING LANE3.00'RAISED CONCRETEMEDIAN3.00'RAISED CONCRETEMEDIAN2880 Technology Blvd- WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702REVISIONSSHEET NUMBERPROJECT NUMBERDRAWING NUMBERVERIFY SCALE!THESE PRINTS MAY BEREDUCED. LINE BELOWMEASURES ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING. MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLY!DATEDESCRIPTIONNO.BYN:\5352\002\ACAD\EXHIBITS\ROADWAY SECTIONS\TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONS.DWG PLOTTED BY:COOPER KRAUSE ON Jan/23/2015ˆCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2015APPR. BY:DATE:DATE:BY:DSGN. BY:Q.C. 9109.VW-WingXFIG.3BOZEMANMONTANAKDJKDJKDJ01/2015COLLECTOR STREET SECTIONTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WESTLAUREL PARKWAY 60.00'R.O.W.CENTER OF R.O.W.13.50'ASPHALTW/PARKING13.50'ASPHALTW/PARKING8.50'BLVD8.50'BLVD2.00'C&G5.00'SDWK2.00'C&G5.00'SDWK11.00'ASPHALT& CURB11.00'ASPHALT& CURB13.00'BLVD5.00'SDWK5.00'GRASS13.00'BLVDAT TYPICAL CURB BULB LOCATIONSLOCAL STREET SECTION3%3%7.00'PARKINGLANE8.00'PARKINGLANE8.00'PARKINGLANE7.00'PARKINGLANE2%2%2%2%0.50'CURB0.50'CURB2880 Technology Blvd- WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702REVISIONSSHEET NUMBERPROJECT NUMBERDRAWING NUMBERVERIFY SCALE!THESE PRINTS MAY BEREDUCED. LINE BELOWMEASURES ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING. MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLY!DATEDESCRIPTIONNO.BYN:\5352\002\ACAD\EXHIBITS\ROADWAY SECTIONS\TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONS.DWG PLOTTED BY:COOPER KRAUSE ON Jan/23/2015ˆCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2015APPR. BY:DATE:DATE:BY:DSGN. BY:Q.C. 9109.VW-WingXFIG.4BOZEMANMONTANAKDJKDJKDJ01/2015TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONSLOCAL STREET SECTIONTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST 32.00'R.O.W.CENTER OF ROAD17.00'ASPHALT2.00'WOONERF SECTION1.00'1.00'2%5.00'CONCRETEBORDER6.00'PARKING/ PLANTER BOXESCONCRETEBORDER/ PARKING2%2%2%2880 Technology Blvd- WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702REVISIONSSHEET NUMBERPROJECT NUMBERDRAWING NUMBERVERIFY SCALE!THESE PRINTS MAY BEREDUCED. LINE BELOWMEASURES ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING. MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLY!DATEDESCRIPTIONNO.BYN:\5352\002\ACAD\EXHIBITS\ROADWAY SECTIONS\TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONS.DWG PLOTTED BY:COOPER KRAUSE ON Feb/25/2015ˆCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2015APPR. BY:DATE:DATE:BY:DSGN. BY:Q.C. 5352.002XFIG.5BOZEMANMONTANAKDJKDJKDJ02/2015TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONSWOONERF SECTIONTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WESTALTERNATINGWITH PLANTER BOXES6.00'ON STREETPARALLEL PARKING8.00' 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702010010020050HORIZ. SCALEIN FEETSHEET NUMBERPROJECT NUMBERDRAWING NUMBERN:\5352\002\ACAD\EXHIBITS\INTERSECTIONS.DWG PLOTTED BY:COOPER KRAUSE ON Feb/25/2015ˆCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2015APPR. BY:DATE:DATE:BY:DSGN. BY:Q.C. 5352.002XFIG.6BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ01/2015QCBYQCDATEINTERSECTION INDEXTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WESTDURSTON ROADLEGENDLOCAL ROADWESTMORLAND ROADLAUREL PARKWAY WESTGATE AVENUE 90'60'60'51'29.5'18.5'31'MID-BLOCK PEDESTRIANCROSSINGS62'22'31'31'62'R15'R15'22'35'24'51'90'22'22'31'60'90'R25'24'35'62'60'31'R15'31'32'32'24'24'R21'24'22'31'R35'R35'R35'R15'R35'22'31'60'R35'60'R15'R20'R26'22'31'24'32'R 1 5 '32'29.5'18.5'24'31'R 1 5 '60' 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702SHEET NUMBERPROJECT NUMBERDRAWING NUMBERN:\5352\002\ACAD\EXHIBITS\SNOW REMOVAL.DWG PLOTTED BY:KEVIN JACOBSEN ON Jan/23/2015ˆCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2015APPR. BY:DATE:DATE:BY:DSGN. BY:Q.C. 5352.002XFIG.7BOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKKDJ01/2015QCBYQCDATESNOW REMOVAL: PHASE 1 AND 2THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST0505010025HORIZ. SCALEIN FEETLEGEND:SNOW REMOVAL STORAGE AREAPHASE 2PHASE 1NOTE: BOULEVARDS WILL BE UTILIZED FOR SNOW STORAGEAREAS ON LOCAL, COLLECTOR AND ARTERIAL STREETS.WESTMORLAND DRIVELAUREL PARKWAY DURSTON ROAD10' PUBLIC UTILITY ANDSTREET MAINTENANCE/ SNOWREMOVAL EASEMENT. 60.00'R.O.W.32.00'R.O.W.22.00'DRIVING SURFACEWITH PEDESTRIAN PRECEDENCE6.00'PARKING/ PLANTER BOXES16.00'DRIVING SURFACEFord7.00'PARKING7.00'PARKING2.00'CONCRETE BORDER/ PARKINGROAD SECTION COMPARISONTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WESTFIGURE NUMBERˆPROJECT NO.DRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Roadway Sections\Woonerf vs Local.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Feb/25/20155352.002FIG. 8BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ01/2015 Woonerf Exhibits The following diagrams graphically portray the woonerfs being used several different ways. Woonerf during a summer evening Woonerf during a typical day 22' 22' FLEX SPACE FLEX SPACE Woonerf Exhibits—connued Woonerf during peak hour Woonerf during a fire 22' FLEX SPACE 22' FLEX SPACE S-BUS- 4 0 AASHTO 2 0 1 1 ( U S )S-BUS-40AASHTO 2011 (US)FIRE TRUCK TURNING RADII EXHIBITTYPICAL LOCAL INTERSECTIONTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WESTˆPROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Fire Truck Turntemp.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jan/23/20155352.002FIRE 1BOZEMANMTKDJKDJKDJ01/2015 S-BUS-40AASHTO 2004 (US)S-BUS-40AASHTO 2004 (US)FIRE TRUCK TURNING RADII EXHIBIT"WOONERF"THE LAKES AT VALLEY WESTˆPROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Fire Truck Turntemp.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Feb/25/20155352.002FIRE 2BOZEMANMTKDJKDJKDJ02/2015 AASHTO 2011 (US)S-BUS-40AASHTO 2004 (US)S-BUS-40AASHTO 2004 (US)FIRE TRUCK TURNING RADII EXHIBITWOONERF CUL-DE-SACTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WESTˆPROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Fire Truck Turntemp.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jan/23/20155352.002FIRE 3BOZEMANMTCPKKDJKDJ01/2015 SECTION 5a: Hydrologic Condions and Site Suitabili ty Statement The site is appropriate for residenal development. The Geotechnical Report from Castle Rock Geotechnical Engineering, included in the Preliminary Plat submi2al (Secon 20), includes addional detailed informaon regarding groundwater and soils, as well as recommendaons for construcon. In summary, the report states: “Overall, the depth to good load bearing gravels is favorable for development” (Page 6). SECTION 5b: Wells Within 400 feet There are two wells within 400 feet of the subject property. Well #1 is located to the north across Durston Road and is owned by John Rosa Construcon. Well #2 is located to the east and is owned by Michael Anderson. Please see the a2ached exhibit prepared by Morrison Maierle. Addional wells to irrigate the parks and open spac es are proposed with Phases 1 and 2 as noted in the Preliminary Plat submi2al and the Parks Plan. Also, please refer to the DNRC le2er dated January 23, 2015 in this Secon. 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-67020757515050HORIZ. SCALEIN FEETSHEET NUMBERPROJECT NUMBERDRAWING NUMBERN:\5352\002\ACAD\EXHIBITS\WELLS.DWG PLOTTED BY:COOPER KRAUSE ON Jan/23/2015ˆCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2015APPR. BY:DATE:DATE:BY:DSGN. BY:Q.C. 5352.002XEX.ABOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKKDJ01/2015QCBYQCDATEPROXIMITY WELLSTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WESTOWNER:ANDERSON, MICHAELOWNER:JOHN ROSA CONSTRUCTION400 FT PROPERTY LINE OFFSET