HomeMy WebLinkAbout40A Agency Attachments PRE—PLAT PLAN FOR PR t A THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASES I & ® LOCATED IN THE NW1/4 SECTION 9,T2S,R5E, P.M.,CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY,MONTANA RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF 57 LOTS CERTIFICATE of SURVEYOR I.Daniel J.Ban,Montana Professional Land Surveyor Lianas No.14732L5,de hereby certity that the Pr�Plat of The LeKea at ZOMNO OWNER PURPOSE Valley West Phase 1.2 was—eyed under my supervision between XXX and XXX 2014.and paned the same as shown on the e c sr dTr of eozEof eo7EMIN 7NE UK[s�tvulEr wEst,uC to atFare 57 nEsa[Nt'u Lots accompanying pat and bee descdoed in accordanawith the poNsiens tithe Montana 3ubdvision and Platting Ad,§76.3-101 It-' zeeolEaa+pLODr euw.wEsl,sLLC Wou9h§731625,M.CA,andthe Bozeman UMBetl Development Ondnmce.INrther certiN that monuments which have not been atiblW+.ME 58116 set by the Bing date of that Instramorll wfll be sat by May 2015.due to pudic impovtmenls a ottrucoon pursuant to AR.M. 24.183.1101(1)(e1 tin Dated Ws day of 2014 't TIN zzimm MJiil�EI.wE J Boers PLS.CFedS MT R MT Reg.s1d732L5 VICNITY MAP Mornson-Maid Ind. RTS CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICE CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION We,the undersigned property owners,do hereby certiN that we have caused to be surveyed subdivided and paned into lots. 200 Q 100 200 I,Crag d and h,Director of someublic Service,conform m t t Bozeman.Writers.do hereby ceNN Out the accompanying the i it prat has been duty block,sheets,and alleys,and Other dw®ons and de icaaons,as shown by the plat hereunto included,the fonowng desenbetl T examinee and Ms bend the came to conform to me law,approved and hereby soceptthe eedrnoon to Ins City of Bateman for the (IN FEET) pudic use or aIy one a<I lards snows on the pat as bang dedatee m such we. had or land.to wit Trail I w(Cerdficate of Survey No 1005B,and Tied 2A of Cemficam of Survey No.10050,hereina8ar known as*The Lakes al BASIS OF(BEARING 6EAMNGBASIS F BEARIN RECIXiD. Dared this day OI .2014 Valley Vvest Subdivision-Phase 1 and Phase 2',situated in the NE Y.NW%and NW V.NE Y.of Section 9,Township 2 South, OERVED FROM lust Range 5 East,Principal Mandan,City or Bozeman,Gxuabn County,Montana,more particularly described as IdloNs. Commenting ei the Corner to Book 2. 4.a e 8,and 9.Township 2 Scum,Range 5 East Principal Mandan,as described an LJ--r 1 CeMfietl Comer Recordetion,Bale 2.Pape 1572.Document No 380678,Bled at the Gallatin County clerk and Recorder s Office L 11 CiT. NbaYard thense N 88'04'19'E.for 1337.30 led to the West On6-sixteenth Corner between Section 4 and Section 9,bemp the northwest DlmCbr of Pubic MT comer or Tract 1 d Certificate of Survey No 10050,the Print of Bepmm�g;thanes continuing N-Se'04'19'E.for 1337 30 feet to Dp 101h City of Bozeman.MT the Ono-Wrarter Corner between Section 4 and Section 9.being the n.M corner commonto Trail 1 or Cers6cate d Survey No 015 1005E and Trail 2A of Ca�cam d Survey No 10D5C;thence N.89'46'59'E IW 826.90 fast to the nadh comer common to 4 Jk 851' qJ9 6 NBF04�19�E CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER Trail 2A and Trail 3A of Certificate of SuneY No.1005C.ffOna wT,ch the Comer to Sections 3,4,9,and 10,as described on s t7e' R •,tom 45.02' _ Certified Comer Reeordailon,Book 2.Page 1577.Document NO 380613.tied d the Gallatin County perk and Reoondin s Office. 5ti0 `- NW46�59e 826.90� N89'46'S9'E 1616.68' I.lOmbeea Buchanan,Treasurer or al inui County,Montana,do hereby Carly that rho aaomparrying pat boss open d;Ay examined and bean N 89.46'59'E.181688 feet dstam:therice S 0V OZ 0S'W for 659.22 feel to an angle Won between Tract 2A and Trail N66'04�WE 129228' mat all real poperry taxes and spatial assesamerttis assesses and coned onthelaM to bang divided have been pad 3A d Certificate o/Survey No 1005C,thence S.24'W S9-W Ior437.25 fed to an angle point between Trad 2A and Tract 3A of DI1RSiON ROAD CertiBate of Survey No.1005C;thence Sol*02'06'W lot 289.84 feel to the south coral common to Trad 2A and Trad 3A W N68'04�19eE ,337.30' 8 I gr I l Dated tube daY at .2014 Cerefiam of Survey No.1005C,being a point on the mho ins d SW Y.NE%of said Seaton 9;therx;e 5B9'19 3tc W.for l] ni P 650.69 hatto the Center-North One-sixteenth Comer d said Section 9,being the south comer common to Tfad 1 of Certificate of P.O.B. Survey No.10058 aril Trad?A of Ceftifiate d Survey No.1005C,thence 5.88'28'17"W for 1337 t61ed to the Northwest O��O N. q+P One-deetah Caner of sad Section 9,being the south carrier common to Tied 1 of Certificate of Survey No 10058 and Tract 2 5 5C d Certilowe of Survey No 1581;thence N 00'5V 0Y'E.for 134186 feet to the West Ono-sMeanm Carrier between Section 4 t pR T m sw r d anon b^ xLN t TnaeWlr and Section 9,ono Pam of Beginning The Area d the above described track of and is 64 89 Acres,mtto or lee Gallatin Canty.Montana I'MORL.4NDDRIVE THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST.LLC a,l}1881 ,' tnoa ac'a — SS'. CERTIFICATE OF CLERK AND RECORDER G�5 �no wotx,Managing Palmer Dated �� M1- C I,CharloOO Mi Clerk+nil Retarder d Gallatin Canty.Momana,de heresy artily tlut the.and foregoing instrument was filed in my office at O'clock (am.,wpm),the day o1 d Re one retarded in Bak of pats on V x. page and Doc—enl9 R4arda othhe Clerk and Recorder Gaumn County,Montana. "s j svaoo oo'M ass ie' rxo5c:�e�et,1� Dated this day of 2014. State of County of a S < Cler a n Mac On tfus day d 2014,before me,the undersigned Notary Public b < I Cj� ,3 CIMk aid Recnder for the Stale of person ally appeared known to me to he the 4 Q lh,� y°' Gallatlit County,Momana Managing Palmer of THE LAKES,LLC and acknoMedged to me that said LLC atlecteed the same IC fi 1�rs Notary Public In and tor ttie Staled pP. < D noted Name 005- _. '<'1 :r Rmdng at ✓ w `n My idirg at expres 0� 3 m CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS n -CIRCLE X "-- I,XXX ant I,Kevin D.Jacobsen,a rrgistered pdessional engineer licensed to practice in the ant!of Momana,hereby centN .\ :ALLEYP -- v -- that Me IallaMnp impwements,nqund m meet 6u requrgmems of tnapn 38 d hro Bozeman Murvdpal Code a as andsons - ar epploWl Of the Final Plat of The Lakes at Valley West Phase 1-2,have been installed in amormana with the approved pans andapecieestions,or Bnanaally guaranteed and covered by the imprwementa agreement accompanying Vs.plat 0 Instance Imp nls. L CERTIFICATE OF EXCLUSION FROM MONTANA 4 v,----- Wait. 589'19�421Y 650.68 t W and Sewer Services DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW — 5B62B''71V1 1337.16' 5�L'� 2. Sit.Gndng and Drainage Pfe-flat of THE LADS AT VALLEY NEST PHASE 1.2.Gallatin County,Montana.is wsthin the City of Bozeman.Montana,a first ------ n 4 ttf class muNdpaiity,ant wtih the planning area d the Bozeman prowl policy which was adopted pursuant to section 76.1.601 e[ Qi v P�P1,5. Finanaa0y Guaranteed Imp alics s: seq.,MCA,and can be provided with adequate storm water dramatic and adequate municipal facilities Therefore under the `_ 00 a10e 1K-, `` 1 Conpete Sidewalks seq. CA, Section 76-1.125(2Hd),MCA thin survey is excluded from the requirement la Mundane Department ofprovi NOp1oH e10 Environmental iewew I The subdivider hereby wafnms against defects in these Impwements far a period of two years from the data of acceptance oy Dated this day of 2014 the Coy di Beeman su bdivider bof So grants passes,kon OI all puck infreshudure improvements to the City of Bozeman and the City Hereby accepts possession of all pudic imrostrudure improvements,subject to the above indicated warraray Craig Woolard Director of Pubic Service NOTES: XXX,Martagng Partner Dated ofm City Bouan,MT The Lakes at Valley Weal,LLC 1. NO DIRECT ACCESS HALL BE ALLOWED ONTO DURSTON FROM LOTS FRONTING ON THEM Kevin D.Jacobsen.No.13697PE Daied CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE 2 ALL LOTS ARE SUBJECT TO A 10'-WDE PUBLIC UTILITY Mornanstaied..Ine We,the undersigned modga9eas Or enambf-roars de hereby loin In and consent to the described pat releasing our respemve liens, EASEMENT ALONG FRONT LOT ONES AND A 7.5!WIDE PUBLIC calms,or encumbrances as to any portion of said lands nowbeing paned Into$Use%,avenues,parcels or other puVc areas whits are UTILITY EASEMENT ALONG REAR LOT LINES Craig Wodard Daled dedicated to the City of Bozeman for the Pubic use and enjoyment Director of Public Service City a(Bozeman,MT By Dated XXKXX State of County of AREA SUMMARY—PH.1&2 1/4 SEC. SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE LOT AREA: 6.2 ac 9MMLEllyip. MORRISON aseOn Wa day of 2014.before me,the undersigned Notary Public for the State of aQ25 SE persaalry.ppemed wrown to mombeme ofXXXXwho PUBLIC R-O-W AREA: 4.3 ac signed the foregoing Instrument and acknowledged to me that said Bank sxeurted the same. PRIVATE R-O-W AREA. 1.2 ac 4.ww.r-a�w n.�. re e.has as a.w..—te'e n-st. k m-na PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,MONTANA Notary Pudic m aril for the Stated OPEN SPACE(PUBLIC}: 3.1 all CLIENT. X c r'y`LUTIN COUNTY.MONTANA Printed Name DEDICATED PARKLAND: 5.1 Be FIELD YADRK•MMI DATE:11/2014 PLOTTED DATE: Nov/26/2014 - 1202.06 pm Residing at TOTAL AREA: IN ac VALLEY DRA BY; SCALE: DRAVANG NAME MY commission expires WEST Wn DS ,N/'�' t:,a-.,.,;..rr.\v..ni.3 CHECKED BY-DB PROD SHEET_OF PR JE REA PRE-PLAT PLAN FOR THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASES I & 2 LOCATED IN THE NWI/4 SECTION 9,T2S,R5E,P.M.,CITY OF BOZEMAN, L GALLATIN COUNTY,MONTANA RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF 57 LOTS PURPOSE B 'OL 3T. CITY BOU"'N THE IAIQH AZONINGO VME YWEST,LLC TO CREATE 57RESIOENTULL LATS R-1 2M MON40LOGY BLVD.VEST.SUM 271 8=1I AN.MT 5011a I1 so 0 30 60 i 1 { C IN FEET J I 1 BASIS OF BEARING BEAPoNGS SNDYM HEREON ARE RECORD, 111hFTNE LAN OERNED PROMxxx. VICINITY MAP 25195 -. �Ta— ----------.------ DURSTON ROAD ----- -- ------------- �— ---------- ---------- -- - r LOxO • ag 1 IF x x s g Lm t S E 7 ` E •' � Lm fa .a o w a LD it a LOT 16 � •r , ; _'�, rrrr.. 2 D / LOT 19 Lm a a Mr21 LEGEND a - - _�-'-` �!Mr _ •� r .,r r r - ---ru-� EXISTING LOT a LLOT27 :°T! a 1 V.nr 0..� I k C C D --- -ExIsr"ORwD e - . , [ j - S •rr LDvr- i>• a LOT o LOT 1. qpp r r k.T.� r b F Lott f 8- C lLm I E g a r.e•«+. r r.rr $ •nTrr k g 1 WATERLINE ' SEYlERLIlE 1 8 L „m 12 k w. .e ?" t x E raw :a / B1R:EDTEUPHONErL01ee: t i r y R , -RHEADPONER ! i 0 b .. N'A - Va we• i v•rf r / —ee50—coNTOLIRLmIwEx CDNIROL MNr6 - »+ FlRE/LYOMNT `� • H we,r5r t WATER VALVE - a y x ' «r r ur ` \ k r, nr e•r «w n F SENERVALVE f LOT t err •n S L•e0yi ® ELETRLCALAIETER :i S rr1"^` F x ) F •S t� A' POWER role - nA _ L a a _ !a LIT e V E LOT 1D r a -i LOTS k R Nu.�oz rr.f rLOT foi pLDTea i T x :t e rrre 2 MOT. t c Lo7e LOTT g , p LIGHT POLE 1•.,r.T� Irr.s-r.r.e i LOT SEWERMMaxRE TEMPORARY 'ee.ee x WATER/AANIOLE CUL•OE.SAC -_ •«aA _� - i.. m SPPoNNERCON71t VALVE ' m TELEPHONEeoz ----- ----- ------- -rr ---- L -- _ - o — WESTMORLAND DRIVE TP B TESTPIT A• �-_r-'• a _ DEGOUOm"REE PROPOSED —��—� ra = 1m29� • 5 , s N7D00001T .mre, aLmxs i 1. BLOT:b H T %gLOT xS'w�Lm71 9J,00' _ RESIDENTIAL LOTS Pl9LID PoOM OF WAY PNVATERGHTOFWAY r' 4••'r )r.Fw �rrrr _.. 1 - ' - / l , PUSUC OPEN WALE Q OEPCATEOPAPo<LAND �� - I ` .. _LOT SETBAOc URun. TO BE Aft.00NED NWDONVIT 78127 Ne000'OO�T 559.1E �-�—WATER UEE r 1 SEVER LINE I ISG WATER VALVE I 1 CULVERTFIPE ENSTING SANITARY SEWERFORCEMAIN L,�11•�I�r, MLETNC 1/4 SEC. SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE I'I `°° NW 9 ZS 5E G r mL 1s as t a�r sTn•Nr.ren evsnl r.t m-0n PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,MONTANA CLIENT:x70( GALLATIN COUNTY.MONTANA FIELD WORK•MMI DATE:T T/2014 PLOTTED DATE: NoI/26/2014 - 12.02.22 pm IA L L E Y WEST DRAWING NAME: DRAW BY; DS SCALE:1'.100• a�rye•a+..\.rw.�Ir+�L.-FV•ew+,.e.m\n..w..n.-wI n. CHECKED BY:DB pROJ NSA SHEET 2 OF 3 — R O p a r .. I • r q tot r o q r r LL If go CID !r ter, r, •. ;a yr�•I�ry�r !' � 'r co •- zr Lu C.t 0 a� t ` ei�•f ys c !!fir r. � � �cc .T�f•' o I � r �► r. y O 1 CO C i n o f o II r r � r Ir loomm p \ Wt at 0 11 :r a i ° G-s��ice• �►���� �. �,�. •i �C.S .•� � i .•♦ a f vim• � O 000 r � r r t CL NEIGHBORHOODAll CONCEPT PLAN sckE . .