HomeMy WebLinkAbout4 Preapp CommentsThe Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application Pre-Application and Concept PUD Review Comments Review comments and discussion items from the Pre-Application and the Concept PUD are included in this section. Responses to comments, as necessary, are also included: Department of Community Development: 1. No waivers have been granted to the supplemental information under Section 38.41.060, BMC. Please make sure to address all other applicable supplemental information as set forth in Section 38.41.060, BMC with a formal application. Response: All required supplemental information is included in the Preliminary Plat Application materials. 2. The final plat shall conform to all requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) and the Uniform Standards for Final Subdivision Plats and shall be accompanied by all required documents, including certification from the City Engineer that as-built drawings for public improvements were received, a platting certificate, and all required certificates. The final plat application shall include three (3) signed reproducible copies on a 3 mil or heavier stable base polyester film (or equivalent); two (2) digital copies; one (1) PDF copy; and five (5) paper prints. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the BMC or State law. Response: This is the Preliminary Plat stage of review. The Final Plat will meet all requirements. Please note that interim record drawings for water and sewer infrastructure will be submitted to the City Engineer prior to Final Plat approval and per the concurrent construction plan (see Section 14). Final record drawings will be submitted to the City Engineer following completion of all improvements. A financial guarantee will be in place as noted in Section 14 as well. 3. All common open space lots shall be clearly designated on the plat with sequential incriminators such as Common Open Space A, Common Open Space B, etc. All references within covenants, application materials, etc shall clearly refer to the identified spaces. Each common open space shall have a legal description and will be required to be transferred to the property owners’ association via quit claim deed with the final plat. The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application Response: See Preliminary Plat drawings. All common open spaces are designated with letters. The owners/applicants understand the policy regarding transfer of ownership with the Final Plat. 4. All City Parkland lots shall be clearly designated on the plat with Sequential incriminators such a City Park 1, City Park 2, etc. All references within covenants application materials, etc shall clearly refer to the identified spaces. Each park lot shall have a legal description and will be required to be transferred to the City of Bozeman via a warranty deed with the final plat. Response: See Preliminary Plat drawings. One area of park is being designated and is labeled as required. The owners/applicants understand the policy regarding transfer of ownership with the Final Plat. 5. 38.08.080 “Minimum Density” – Please include with the preliminary plat explicit calculations to demonstrate how this requirement has been met. Response: Required density calculations are included in the Preliminary PUD submittal materials under Tab 1, in Section 1h under “Residential Development” (1). 6. 38.23.040.B “Block Length” –With the Preliminary Plat please provide a narrative showing how the design meets this code provision or the allowance for exceeding the distance finding that the existing conditions limit the orientation and design of the proposed blocks. Response: A relaxation is requested from this section. See the list of requested relaxations in Section 9 of the Preliminary Plat and right after the narrative in the Preliminary PUD. The list includes justification for the relaxation. 7. 38.23.040.C “Block Width” –With the Preliminary Plat please provide a narrative showing how the design meets this code provision or the allowance for exceeding the distance finding that the existing conditions limit the orientation and design of the proposed blocks. Response: A relaxation is requested from this section. See the list of requested relaxations in Section 9 of the Preliminary Plat and right after the narrative in the Preliminary PUD. The list includes justification for the relaxation. 8. 38.23.040.E – Block numbers are required. Response: The proposed lot and phase layout follows the same format as the rest of the Valley West project. Block numbers are not used in the platting which works better for the pocket neighborhood concept. If the City requires block numbers, we can change the Final Plat to meet this requirement. See relaxation #5. 9. 38.23.040 – Pedestrian right-of-way used to meet block length standards must be at least 30 feet wide or the adjacent lots must provide 15 foot yards adjacent to the right of way. Pedestrian facilities within the right-of-ways are required as a concrete sidewalk. The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application Response: Pedestrian right-of-way common open space corridors used to break longer blocks are at least 30 feet wide. Where these paths provide a primary access to a lot served by a woonerf, they are proposed as concrete. South of Westmorland Drive, a relaxation is requested to allow these paths to be fines for trail continuity. This is listed under the requested relaxations under #6. 10. Connectivity of park lands to adjacent park areas within and adjacent to the proposed development are very important. Please provide a specific connectivity plan drawing and description depicting the adjacent and internal parks and the character of the connections being provided, e.g. trail, sidewalk, and how those will be installed and maintained. Response: In Section 4 of the Preliminary PUD submittal materials and in Section 28 of the Preliminary Plat, please find an exhibit titled “Road Section Index” (Figure 1). In the Parks Plan, please find the exhibit entitled “Offsite Trail Improvements” (Sheet SD2). These exhibits clearly show connectivity both within the proposed subdivision as well as offsite. Surfacing is noted on these drawings. Maintenance is addressed in the Parks Plan as well as in Section 11 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials. 11. Any preliminary plat submittal shall clearly describe how parkland is being provided; what improvements are being constructed, address how maintenance is being implemented and who is responsible, and include the anticipated parkland improvements with the future phases of the subject property, if applicable. Response: Again, no parkland is required as part of this subdivision. As clearly noted in 1h “Parkland Exhibit” in the Preliminary PUD submittal materials, with an anticipated total Valley West build out of 917 units (617 in Phases 1-3 and 300 in The Lakes), a total of 27.51 acres of parkland is required (917 x 0.03 = 27.51 acres). With the additional parkland added to Bronken Park/Baxter Creek Natural Area, Valley West will have 67.44 total acres of parkland. Some of the extra parkland goes toward meeting the PUD points as shown in the table at the bottom of the Parkland Exhibit; however even accounting for these PUD points, there is still excess park and open space for the neighborhood. Calculations per phase are not necessary because The Lakes at Valley West is already starting with a parkland credit. Improvements and maintenance are covered in Section 11 of the Preliminary Plat and in the Parks Plan. 12. The preliminary plat submittal shall discuss irrigation methods for all open space areas and City parkland. Source of water, irrigation amount [the rest of this condition was not included in the memo]. Response: Please refer to the Parks Plan for detailed information regarding seed mixes and irrigation. The Parks Plan is located in both the Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD submittal materials. The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application 13. Before construction of any park improvements may occur all required regulatory permits shall be in hand and the contractors shall have conducted a pre-construction conference with the City of Bozeman Parks Department. Response: The owners/applicants understand and agree to this requirement. 14. 38.27.020 “Park Area and Open Space Requirements” - Based on the proposed residential lots being created for the purposes of single household detached and attached dwellings, 0.03 acres per dwelling or 1.71 acres of dedicated parkland or approximately acres of parkland or equivalent are required to be provided with the preliminary plat with phases 1 and 2. Response: Again, this subdivision is already starting with a parkland credit (see response to #12 above). No additional parkland is required for Phases 1 and 2. Parkland is being dedicated above and beyond the municipal and state requirements because the developers want to make Bronken Park and the Baxter Creek Natural Area complete. 15. 38.27.070 The plat does not specify the area of parkland proposed with Phase 1 in acres, however, these areas include watercourse corridors, wetlands or lake surface which may not count towards required parkland dedication. A specific calculation of required parkland and how it is to be met shall be provided with the preliminary plat. This needs to include calculations deducting non-qualified lands from the park area. Response: Again, no additional parkland is required. 5.08 acres is being dedicated with Phase 1. The rest of Bronken Park/Baxter Creek Natural Area will be dedicated with future phases. 16. Section 38.27.060 requires that parkland have street frontage along 100 percent of its perimeter. The City Commission can consider decreased frontage when necessary due to topography, critical lands, the provision of pedestrian access, and the provision of parking. However, park frontage can never be less than 50 percent. Calculations for off-setting land area must be provided when there is less than 100% frontage. The applicant should provide the calculation and allocations for parkland dedication with the preliminary plat application. Response: Bronken Park and the Baxter Creek Natural Area is already a dedicated park with a large on-site parking lot located near the soccer fields. The additional park being dedicated with the Lakes at Valley West is extra and increases the access, street frontage and on-street parking with the addition of Westmorland Drive and Laurel Parkway. Vaughn Drive, near the southern portion of the park, is part of a future phase and includes six planned lots on the north side. Vaughn Drive cannot continue to the east due to the presence of critical lands and needs to line up across Laurel Parkway (a collector) to meet access separation requirements for public safety. The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application Based on comments from the Pre-Application and Concept PUD, Vaughn Drive will include an easement to the south to connect to the Norton project. 17. 38.24.040 A name for the local streets will need to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer’s Office and County GIS. Response: Local streets will be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer’s Office and the County GIS Department prior to Final Plat. The team would also like to name the woonerfs. 18. 38.23.180 - Water rights or cash-in-lieu thereof, as calculated by the Director of Public Works, is due with the final plat. This may be provided in phases as described in this section. Response: The owners/applicants understand and agree to this requirement. 19. 38.38 Supplemental documents a. The first recorded phase of the subdivision shall recording of covenants include the entirety of the subdivision as within the area of the covenants for the responsibilities relating to maintenance of common areas including open space and parkland. If the property is proposed to be annexed into the existing Valley West master property owners’ association, a draft document proposing that action shall be provided. Response: See legal description at the end of the proposed covenants. b. A copy of the draft covenants and property owners’ association documents will need to be included with the preliminary plat application to address the maintenance and upkeep of all common areas, boulevards, boulevard landscape, parkland, etc. Response: See proposed covenants. c. The covenants shall include a section specifically identifying those land parcels to be owned by the property owners association and a description of maintenance for those parcels for which the property owners are responsible including any special wetland mitigation requirements. Response: See proposed covenants, Paragraph 11.5. d. There shall be a section clearly identifying those portions of the covenants to which the City is a party and which may not be changed without City approval. Response: This section can be added to the final covenants after the City identifies which specific covenants should be included. The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application e. The documents shall include a clear schedule upon which the developer will transition the control of the association to the association members. This will include the means by which notification will be made and the timing in which the transition will occur. Response: See proposed covenants, Paragraph 1.19. f. The property owners’ association documents shall include language stating the minimum provisions for one-stall and two-stall vehicle garages as outlined by Section 38.25.020.A, BMC. Response: See proposed Design Manual, Chapter 6.1 (b). g. Section 38.38.030 “Covenants” - Covenants, restrictions, and articles of incorporation for the creation of a property owners’ association shall be submitted with the final plat application for review and approval by the Planning Office and shall contain, but not be limited to the following items: 1) the orientation and setbacks for corner lots, 2) all additional setbacks required when lots are adjacent to pathway corridors and minor arterial roads, 3) provisions for fences, 4) provisions for snow removal, maintenance and upkeep of all common areas, public and private parks, trails, storm water runoff facilities, 5) guidelines that outline architectural and landscape requirements for each individual lot and/or phase of the subdivision, including placement of boulevard trees at a regular spacing for each residential lot, 6) provisions that outline the renewal of an annual contract with a certified landscape nursery person for the upkeep and maintenance of all parklands, common open space, trails, etc., 7) landscape details for detention ponds, outlet structures, boulevard trees, parkland, irrigation, etc., 8) mitigation of groundwater with established floor elevations and “no basement restriction”, 9) architectural guidelines for residential character, porches, fenestration treatment, placement of garages, boulevard trees, 10) noxious weed control, 11) parking within residential structures, and 12) assessment of existing and future Special Improvement Districts. These documents shall be submitted to the city attorney and shall not be accepted by the City until approved as to legal form and effect. A draft of these documents must be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development Department at least 30 working days prior to submitting a final plat application. These documents shall be executed and submitted with the initial final plat to be filed with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder at the time of final plat recordation. Response: See proposed covenants. The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application 20. 38.23.080 “Grading and Drainage” - Proposed storm water facilities must be constructed and contained on an individual lot as a common area lot (s) owned and maintained by the property owners’ association and noted accordingly on the plat and in the protective covenants. Response: All proposed storm water facilities are located in common open space that will be owned and maintained by the property owner’s association. 21. 38.23.130 “Fences” –A coordinated perimeter fence style is suggested if proposed and shall be installed as a subdivision improvement. If fences higher than 4 feet are permitted by the covenants, the area above 4 feet should not be solid so as to provide visual access to the outside. Response: Fences are specified in Section 6.1(e) of the Design Manual. Only one type of perimeter fence is permitted. This fence is not solid and will not exceed four feet in height. Taller fences and screening are also permitted on designated portions of specific lots. 22. 38.24.020. “Street and Road Dedication” – Street cross sections and rights of way need to comply with the standards or be proposed as a PUD relaxation. The unusual existing cross section for the modified alleys may approved provided a justification for the alternative is provided with the preliminary plat and PUD applications. Please coordinate with City Engineering. Response: See Section 28 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials and Section 4a- d of the Preliminary PUD submittal materials. 23. 38.23.150.C “Lighting” – An SLID for all local subdivision streets may be created to include all new subdivision lighting. The application for the creation of the SILD should be made immediately following the approval of the preliminary plat. Any lighting other than street lighting proposed should be provided as a separate open space or parkland lighting plans distinct from the street lighting required in the street right of ways. Response: See Section 36 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials for the proposed Lighting Plan. Also see Section 10 which includes the Design Manual. Section 6.2(o) addresses future building mounted lighting for individual residences. 24. 38.26.070 “Landscaping of Public Lands” – Installation by the developer of vegetative ground cover, boulevard trees, and irrigation system in the public right-of-way boulevard strips along all external perimeter development streets and adjacent to public parks or other open space areas is required with the final plat application. Landscaping shall be installed prior to the final plat or financially guaranteed. Landscaping plans shall be provided with the preliminary plat. The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application Response: Please refer to the Parks Plan which is included in Section 34 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials and at the end of the Preliminary PUD submittal materials. 25. If any subdivision identification signs are proposed they must be on private property. Subdivision identification signs are subject to 38.28.060. Response: One sign is anticipated in the future southwest of the intersection of Laurel Parkway and Durston Road. This sign will be incorporated in the landscaping located in the 25 foot open space corridor. The owners/applicants understand that a sign permit will be required. 26. Laurel Parkway shall be constructed in a three lane configuration per the transportation plan for a collector street. Please coordinate with City Engineering for design and timing of construction questions. The project is listed on the necessary documents to support impact fee participation in project funding. An impact fee credit request would need to precede any construction. Response: The design team has and will continue to coordinate with City Engineering. The proposed design of Laurel Parkway will be constructed in a three lane collector configuration. See Section 28 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials and Section 4 of the Preliminary PUD submittal materials. 27. The final plat shall include a transfer of private improvements certificate to read substantially as follows: CERTIFICATE OF TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP & COMPLETION OF NON-PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS The following are hereby granted and donated to the property owners association noted below for their use and enjoyment: Common Open Space lots designated with letters (A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H examples). Unless specifically listed in the Certificate of Dedication, the city accepts no responsibility for maintaining the same. I, (Subdivider), hereby further certify that the following non-public improvements, required to meet the requirements of Chapter 38 of the Bozeman Municipal Code, or as a condition(s) of approval of the subdivision plotted herewith, have been installed in conformance with any approved plans and specifications prepared in accordance with the standards of Chapter 38 or other City design standards, or have been financially guaranteed and are covered by the subdivision improvements agreement accompanying and recorded with this plat. Installed Improvements: (LIST ITEMS). Financially Guaranteed Improvements: (LIST ITEMS OR STATE NONE). The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application The subdivider hereby grants ownership of all non-public infrastructure improvements to the property owners association created by Document Number ______________________(To be filled in when recorded) By: (Subdivider) Date: _____________________________ Response: The Final Plat will include this certificate. The Preliminary Plat also includes this Certificate. STANDARD CODE PROVISIONS 1. Per Section 38.02.050 "Disposition of Water Rights” – The site has been irrigated and it has been indicated that water rights are attached to the property. The disposition of the water rights must be addressed. A related issue of municipal water rights, or cash-in-lieu thereof, as calculated by the Director of Public Works, is due with the filing of each subdivision final plat. Response: It is understood that water rights will be due for this subdivision. We will work with City Engineering to determine the Cash-in-Lieu of Water Rights, which will be due as part of the Final Plat. 2. Per Section 38.21.060.C.2, BMC, a 25-foot front yard or corner side yard shall be provided on all arterials designated in the city growth policy. Durston Road is designated as arterial streets. Response: A 25-foot open space buffer is shown along the entire perimeter of Durston Road. Individual lots will have a range of setbacks from 5-10 feet. Please refer to Exhibit C at the end of the Design Manual for detailed lot-by-lot setback requirements. 3. Per Section 38.21.060.C.1, all buildings located on a corner lot shall provide a corner side yard. Please ensure that all corner lots are large enough to provide an adequate building envelope. Response: Please refer to Exhibit C at the end of the Design Manual for detailed lot-by-lot setback requirements. 15-foot corner side yards will be provided. 4. Per Section 38.08.040.A each lot must have a buildable lot area of at least 50% of the minimum allowed lot size. This needs to be verified with the preliminary plat. Response: Please refer to Exhibit C at the end of the Design Manual for detailed lot-by-lot building footprint requirements. Depending on how this section is interpreted, a relaxation may or may not be needed. If, for example, this section requires 50 percent of the code minimum lot size of 5000 SF for a single household dwelling, then some lots do have less than 2500 SF of building footprint and a relaxation is needed (see Relaxation #3). If, however, this Section is referring to 50 The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application percent maximum lot coverage for whatever minimum lot size is approved as part of the PUD, then a relaxation is not necessary as the maximum lot coverage is 50 percent. Either way, this issue is addressed. 5. Per Section 38.23.030.D, corner lots shall have sufficient width to permit appropriate building setbacks from both streets and provide acceptable visibility for traffic safety. Further, homes on corner lots shall have the same orientation as homes on lots on the interior of the block, unless otherwise approved through an overall development plan. Covenants shall contain information regarding the orientation for all corner lots. The preliminary plat shall indicate the orientation of all corner lots. Response: Please refer to Exhibit C at the end of the Design Manual for detailed lot-by-lot setback requirements. Note that the lots are part of pocket neighborhoods and considered part of “an overall development plan,” therefore a relaxation is not required. 6. Per Section 38.23.060, Utility easements shall be provided in accordance with the UDC. The required 10-foot front yard easement is required for all lots unless written confirmation is submitted with the preliminary plat from ALL utility companies providing service indicating that front yard easements are not needed. Response: Please see the Preliminary Plat which includes 10-foot front yard easements. 7. Per Section 38.23.080.D “Grading and Drainage” - Proposed storm water facilities must be constructed and contained on an individual lot as a common area(s) or parkland owned and maintained by the property owners’ association and noted accordingly in the protective covenants. Storm water facilities are subject to minimum landscaping requirements. Response: As previously noted, stormwater facilities are located in common open spaces owned and maintained by the property owner’s association. No stormwater facilities are located in the area proposed to be added to Bronken Park/Baxter Springs Natural Area. 8. Per Section 38.23.120, if mail delivery will not be to each individual lot within the development, the developer shall provide an off-street area for mail delivery within the development in cooperation with the USPS. It shall not be the responsibility of the City to maintain or plow any mail delivery area constructed within a City right-of-way. Response: Mail will be coordinated with the USPS. The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application 9. Per Section 38.23.150.C “Lighting” – the SLID for all local subdivision streets may be created to include all new lighting. Response: An SILD will be created for all new lighting. 10. Section 38.41.050.A.8 requires that any noxious weeds be identified and mapped by a person with experience in weed management and knowledgeable in weed identification. A noxious weed management and revegetation plan, approved by the County Weed Control District, shall be submitted with the preliminary plat. Response: Please see Section 12 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials for the “Noxious Weed Management and Re-vegetation Plan.” 11. Section 38.39.030 Completion of Improvements. If it is the developer’s intent to file the plat prior to the completion of all required improvements, an Improvements Agreement shall be entered into with the City of Bozeman guaranteeing the completion of all improvements in accordance with the preliminary plat submittal information and conditions of approval. If the final plat is filed prior to the installation of all improvements, the developer shall supply the City of Bozeman with an acceptable method of security equal to 150 percent of the cost of the remaining improvements. Non- completion of required improvements may result in restriction on the issuance of building permits. Response: Concurrent construction is requested as part of the PUD. Please see Section 14 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials. 12. Section 38.39.030.B.2 Sidewalks. The final plat and property owners’ association documents shall include language stating that “upon the third anniversary of the plat recordation of any phase of the subdivision, any lot owner who has not constructed said sidewalk shall, without further notice, construct within 30 days, said sidewalk for their lot(s), regardless of whether other improvements have been made upon the lot.” Response: This language is included in the Design Manual, Section 6.1(f) and on the Preliminary Plat. 13. Section 38.24.050 – All sidewalks located along parks, common spaces, or otherwise not adjacent to a private lot shall be installed prior to final plat or financially guaranteed. Response: The owners/applicants understand and agree to this condition. 14. Section 38.41.50A.5 “Documents and Certificates” - A draft copy of the covenants, restrictions, and articles of incorporation for the creation of a homeowners’ association shall be submitted with the preliminary plat application for review and approval by the Department of Community Development and shall contain, but not be limited to, provisions for assessment, maintenance, repair and upkeep of private streets, common The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application open space areas, public parkland/open space corridors, mail delivery areas, stormwater facilities, public trails, snow removal, and other areas common to the association pursuant to Article 41 of the Bozeman Unified Development Code. Response: See proposed covenants. Note that HOAs are not required to be incorporated. 15. Section 38.41.060.A.13 requires that the preliminary plat application be accompanied by a written statement from all relevant utility companies indicating that service can be provided. Response: Please see Section 40 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials for Agency Letters. 16. Section 38.41.160 - All materials outlined in 38.41.160 shall be submitted for any variance to the Bozeman Municipal Code that is requested with the preliminary plat. Response: Relaxations and access deviations are requested as noted. No variances have been identified. 17. Section 38.41.060.A.16 describes the required contents of the Park Master Plan. Response: Please see the proposed Park Master Plan located in Section 34 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials and at the end of the Preliminary PUD submittal materials. 18. All preliminary plat requirements, as outlined in Article 41, shall be provided with the preliminary plat submittal, unless otherwise approved by the Development Review Committee via waiver. Response: All preliminary plat requirements are included. 19. A complete preliminary plat application shall be submitted to the Planning Division within one calendar year of the date the Planning Division dates, signs and places pre- application comments in the outgoing mail. Response: The Preliminary Plat has been submitted well within this timeframe. 20. All subdivision applications are reviewed against the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act, Bozeman Municipal Code, the Bozeman Community Plan and all other land use and facility plans and standards adopted by the City. The subdivision application will be routed to all local utilities and agencies for review. Response: The owners/applicants understand that the application will be routed to all local utilities and agencies for review. The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application Preliminary Plat Submittal Requirements: • Section 38.41.010 “General” - The preliminary plat application will include the necessary sets of the plans for all of the applicable information as outlined in Article 41, BMC except for as detailed in the following: o Twenty full sets of the application, plans and two digital versions on CD-ROM (JPEG or PDF). Make sure the digital versions of all the supplement information are separated into individual files not greater than 5 MB and not one large file. o Two sets of the 20 full sets shall include full size drawings of the preliminary plat and certificate page, landscape plans for open space corridor and external perimeter streets, master utility plan, master stormwater facilities master plan, street lighting plan, street profiles and all other applicable information and data necessary for a complete review of the application. The remaining 18 sets may be reduced 11” by 17” copies. o Twenty digital copies of all the drawings and supplemental information from the original preliminary plat application shall be included in each packet or folder. o The draft copy of covenants, restrictions and article of incorporation for the home owners association, along with any landscape and building design guidelines may also be included in the digital copies, with exception of five hard copies of the documents for review by the Department of Community Development and DRC members. Response: 28 sets of the application materials were submitted as required. Engineering: 1. Typical sections for the streets and should be provided with the preliminary plat application. Response: Typical sections for all streets and alleys (woonerfs) are included in Section 28 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials. 2. A traffic impact analysis will be required for the project. Response: A Traffic Impact Study is included in Section 29 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials. The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application 3. The preliminary plat application should include a preliminary stormwater plan. Response: A Grading and Drainage plan is included in Section 27 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials. 4. No direct access from will be allowed onto Durston from the lots fronting on them. Response: A note has been placed on the Plat stating the above. See Section 15 and 16 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials. 5. Road geometry should meet the criteria in the COB design standards unless a deviation can be justified. Response: The road geometry within Phases 1 and 2 meets the COB Design Standards, with a couple exceptions. The exceptions and associated PUD relaxations are included in Section 9. 6. Any alleys that contain public utilities (water and/or sewer) must have a minimum of 30' wide right of way, and cannot contain any other utilities i.e. gas, electric, ect. Response: All alleys (woonerfs) that contain water and sewer infrastructure have a right of way of 32 feet. Private utilities (gas, elec, cable, fiber, etc.) will be located on the adjacent lots within a 10 foot public utility easement. See Section 28 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials for the alley (woonerf) typical section and Sections 15 and 16 for the public utility easement. 7. The sidewalk on Durston must be 6' wide and 6" thick. Response: The sidewalks on Durston, as well as Laurel Parkway and along park frontages will be 6 feet wide and 6 inches thick. Infrastructure plans will detail these sidewalks following Preliminary Plat approval. 8. All street and alley intersections should meet the spacing criteria in section 38.24.090.D unless a deviation can be justified. The information required by 38.24.090.H must be submitted to support any spacing deviation request. Response: All spacing criteria have been met except for Durston Road, between Laurel Parkway and Westmorland Drive. The required separation distance for an Arterial is 660 feet, per Table 38.24.090-3. Durston Road will have approximately The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application 628 feet between Laurel Parkway and Westmorland (to back of curb). Critical lands (wetlands within City of Bozeman Bronken Park) prevent the required separation distance. Please refer to Section 9 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials for details on the PUD relaxation request. 9. The property owners will be responsible for a sewer surcharge for financing the costs of operation and maintenance of the sewage lift station. Response: It is understood that property owners within The Lakes at Valley West will have a sewer surcharge for the operation and maintenance of the sewage lift station. We will work with City Engineering and Finance to determine how best to structure this. 10. Water rights will be due with the subdivision. Response: It is understood that water rights will be due for this subdivision. We will work with City Engineering to determine the Cash-in-Lieu of Water Rights, which will be due as part of the Final Plat. 11. Any dead end street created by phasing that is over 1 lot deep will need to have a temporary cul-de-sac installed on the end. Response: A temporary cul-de-sac is shown at the western terminus of Westmorland Drive (for Phase 2). A temporary 100 foot diameter public access easement is shown on the Preliminary Plat at the western terminus of Westmorland Drive. A gravel surface will be installed to a diameter of 67 feet to provide a temporary turnaround for vehicles, including emergency vehicles. Please see Sections 15 and 16 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials. 12. Durston is classified as a minor arterial and requires a dedication of 50' of right of way rather than the 45 ' shown in the typical sections. Response: The Durston Road dedication, as shown on the Plat, is 50 feet. Please see Sections 15 and 16 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials. 13. Project phasing shall be clearly defined in the preliminary plat submittal including installation of infrastructure. The water mains for all phases will need to be looped. Response: The Preliminary Plat illustrates the phase lines. The concurrent The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application construction plan (Section 14) details the phasing of infrastructure. All water mains are looped (Section 26 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials). 14. The south half of Durston will need to be constructed to a minor arterial standard (mirroring the north half) along the entire frontage of the subdivision. This will need to include tapers meeting AASHTO standards to transition back to the existing roadway width on the east and west. Response: Durston will be designed to a minor arterial standard and will mirror the north half adjacent to Laurel Glen. Tapers, as necessary, will be installed per AASHTO standards. 15. All of the criteria in 38.39.030.D will need to be met to allow for concurrent construction. Response: Please refer to Section 14 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials, which covers concurrent construction. 16. In the woonerf and alley sections, all required clear distances between the City utilities and right of way lines, gutters, trees, and other utilities will need to be maintained. As currently shown, they don't appear to be meeting the requirement. Response: Water and sanitary sewer mains will be installed a minimum two (2) feet from the edge of the asphalt/concrete gutter per the City of Bozeman Design Standards and Specifications Policy Section V.D.2.a and Section V.D.3.a. Private utilities will be located within public utility easements on the lots as noted on the Preliminary Plat (See Sections 15 and/or 16 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials) and shall have ten (10) feet of separation from the water and sanitary sewer mains. Landscaping and street lighting within the Woonerf rights-of-way will occur within planter areas between designated parking areas and shall include typical landscaping/street lighting elements; including grass, trees and pedestal style street lighting. These planter areas function like a typical boulevard on a curvilinear local street where water and sanitary sewer mains are located two (2) feet from the edge of the asphalt/concrete gutter. All trees and street lights will be located a minimum of ten (10) from all water and sanitary sewer service lines. The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application 17. Although no detail is provided as to future density, it appears to be problematic that such a large area on the south side of the development is only provided access from a single alley, and unlike the woonerf blocks, not surrounded by City streets. Response: The east/west alley section between Westgate Avenue and Laurel Parkway has been changed to a 60-foot local street section. The alley section to the west of Westgate Avenue has been changed to a 32-foot woonerf section. The Better Bozeman Project - Water Resources & Conservation: 1. A key component of the Integrated Water Resource Plan (IWRP), adopted in September 2013, is a proactive water conservation plan. The DRC requested additional information about what water conservation measures are part of the overall project. The team subsequently met with the City’s Water Conservation Specialist to discuss options and recommendations in more detail. Response: For parks and open space, drought tolerant species are specified where appropriate. Four separate seed mixes encompass the park and open space areas throughout the development. The seed mixes correspond with activity use levels appropriate for the different types of ecosystems provided throughout the development. o Active park lands are a combination of Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass and Creeping Red Fescue. This irrigated mix utilizes approximately 25 percent less water than a traditional bluegrass blend, but the species respond well to heavy pedestrian traffic and provides the average citizen with a typical expectation of a traditional park area. o The Durston Road and Laurel Parkway open spaces and boulevards consist of three types of fescue along with a Canada Bluegrass blend. While these areas will be irrigated as well, the fescues provide about a 50 percent reduction of water requirements, creating a quality greenbelt. These areas will not receive as much pedestrian traffic, therefore, the fescues can be mowed less often but still project a nice green space analysis. o The upland open space and park lands consist of a four-blend wheatgrass mix, along with brome and other species. This seed mix allows for a 100 percent reduction in water consumption, as it does not require irrigation. This seed mix is in locations where minimal foot traffic is expected. In most The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application cases, these areas will not be mowed, although an annual mowing may be performed for species diversity. The detention ponds will receive a seed mix that survives with a periodic inundation of water and drought. Consisting of wheatgrass, hairgrass, mannagrass and bluegrass species, this seed mix will provide for herbaceous ground cover through multiple water events. This seed mix also has a 100 percent reduction in water consumption, as it does not require irrigation. o In terms of individual lots, the Design Manual promotes Fescue-Blend Sod, drought tolerant species, includes recommendations for efficient irrigation systems, and references resources for xeriscaping. Recreation & Parks Advisory Board: 1. The neighborhood center will be developed on the Park Lake with features consistent with the architecture in Valley West Park. The structures in Valley West Park are “award winning” features and continuing this design will bring continuity and excellent design. Response: The neighborhood park center will be developed adjacent to the lake using complementary materials and styles. Valley West has always taken a lot of pride in their parks and this will be no exception. 2. A north/south trail along the west boundary will connect the paved trail in Norton with Durston. It may have to shift to a gravel trail if it cannot be located outside the watercourse setback to Aajker Creek. While we would prefer a consistent paved trail, this is a very important connection which we strongly urge be made regardless of surface material. Response: The trail along the west boundary will be designed as a consistent 6 foot gravel fines trail, consistent with other trails throughout Valley West. 3. We suggested to the applicant, and they agreed to a 6-foot gravel/fines trail along the west end of Bronken Sports Fields. This will connect the proposed sidewalk along the south side of Durston Road near the intersection with Rosa Way with the existing trail system near the west end of Classical Way. Response: An offsite gravel fines trail, 6 foot in width, will be designed along the west end of Bronken Park Soccer fields in order to provide the suggested trail connection to Durston Road. This connection is shown on the offsite trails exhibit The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application in the Parks Plan. Wetlands Review Board Discussion Items: 1. The WRB expressed concern regarding several rear yards in Phase 3 (south of Westmorland Drive) that were less than 50 feet from the West Lake wetland boundary. Response: The curve of Westmorland Drive was changed to provide a slightly larger buffer for these lots. The following language was added to the Design Manual – see Section 6.3(g): “In careful consideration of the lakes and streams, homeowner’s that border open spaces or parks with surface water (lakes, streams, wetlands) will only be permitted to use non-chemical fertilizers / pesticide in required yard setbacks. Organic fertilizers for lawns are readily available, as are corn-based weed suppression substitutes. Non-lawn native and drought-tolerant plantings typically require no extra fertilizing at all.” Also, the design and location of the perimeter lake and stream trails will provide a topographic buffer as well. Design Review Board Main Discussion Items: • Design Guidelines – Covenants and the Design Manual are provided in both the Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD submittal materials. Appendix C of the Design Manual includes very detailed lot-by-lot diagrams to clarify setbacks, lot coverage, uses, and overall building envelopes for lot owners, builders, the Design Review Panel as well as the City. • Roundabouts – the Design Team explored roundabouts at the intersections of both Laurel Parkway and Durston Road as well as Laurel Parkway and Westmorland Drive. See Section 28 for a more detailed write-up in regards to roundabouts/traffic circles at these intersections. • Woonerfs – The ends of the woonerfs were shortened to avoid any deadends. The woonerf in Phase 3 now includes a turnaround that meets all required turning radiuses for garbage and fire trucks. Note that the Design Manual requires all garage doors to be 20 feet from the property lines to ensure extra parking and that no vehicles are encouraged to block any part of the right-of-way. Detailed studies were completed and discussed with the Fire Department to ensure adequate access for fire trucks, emergency services and delivery trucks. Maintenance is addressed in detail under Section 11 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials. Adequate snow storage areas are also specifically designated. A separated pedestrian facility is The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application included in the woonerf section to provide more options for different types of users; however, the underlying concept of the woonerf is that all types of uses can share the drive aisle. Planning Board Main Discussion Items: • Design Guidelines – Covenants and the Design Manual are provided in both the Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD submittal materials. Appendix C of the Design Manual includes very detailed lot-by-lot diagrams to clarify setbacks, lot coverage, uses, and overall building envelopes for lot owners, builders, the Design Review Panel as well as the City. • Fences – details regarding fences can be found in the Design Manual. No fences are allowed in street facing yards. Four foot fences are allowed for yards facing open spaces; however, the details are specifically outlined to provide continuity and visual access. • Woonerfs – The ends of the woonerfs were shortened to avoid any deadends. The woonerf in Phase 3 now includes a turnaround that meets all required turning radiuses for garbage and fire trucks. Note that the Design Manual requires all garage doors to be 20 feet from the property lines to ensure extra parking and that no vehicles are encouraged to block any part of the right-of-way. Detailed studies were completed and discussed with the Fire Department to ensure adequate access for fire trucks, emergency services and delivery trucks. Maintenance is addressed in detail under Section 11 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials. Adequate snow storage areas are also specifically designated. A separated pedestrian facility is included in the woonerf section to provide more options for different types of users; however, the underlying concept of the woonerf is that all types of uses can share the drive aisle. • Relaxations – See the list of requested relaxations in Section 9 of the Preliminary Plat and right after the narrative in the Preliminary PUD. • Road Connectivity to the South - The cul-de-sac proposed in Phase 5 has been altered to include additional right-of-way to allow a future connection to the Norton project to the south. A temporary cul-de-sac will serve to provide a turnaround, park access and on-street parking if the adjacent phase of the Norton project is not complete at the time of Phase 5 Preliminary Plat. Note that the location of the connection was carefully chosen to avoid wetlands to the south and to the east. The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application • Traffic – a Traffic Impact Study is included in Section 29 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials as required. This has been closely coordinated with other ongoing traffic studies and the City Engineering Division. • Construction Staging – Concurrent construction is planned for homes within the Concurrent Construction Boundary as illustrated on the attached Concurrent Construction Plan: Phase 1 and 2. The request is to allow building construction of these dwellings prior to completion of the infrastructure improvements. Municipal water distribution and sanitary sewer collection systems will be installed, tested, and approved by the City to provide service to these lots prior to the start of building construction. The City streets and alleys adjacent to the properties will be installed to all weather gravel standards prior to the start of building construction. Arrangements will be made with the providers of private utilities to ensure adequate provisions are made to provide these services when they are needed. The required improvements to be in place prior to the start of building construction are identified on the Lakes at Valley West Concurrent Construction Plan: Phase 1 and 2. See Section 14 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials for additional information. • Distance to Neighborhood Commercial – Valley West already has a commercial node designated at the intersection of West Babcock Street and Cottonwood Road. The existing and anticipated traffic on these roads make this area more appropriate and attractive to commercial uses. With the trail extensions planned for Valley West in addition to the trail that is required with the next phase of the church, this node will be approximately a half mile walk or bike ride from the neighborhood center of The Lakes at Valley West. Please refer to Section 35 in the Preliminary Plat submittal materials and Section 1c in the Preliminary PUD submittal materials. • Phasing – While the Preliminary Plat is only for Phases 1 and 2, general approval of the overall neighborhood layout is requested as part of the Preliminary PUD process. The applicants/owners and Design Team understand that adjustments to the layout will be made as necessary as the project progresses. City Commission Discussion Items: • Road Connectivity to the South - The cul-de-sac proposed in Phase 5 has been altered to include additional right-of-way to allow a future connection to the Norton project to the south. A temporary cul-de-sac will serve to provide a turnaround, park access and on-street parking if the adjacent phase of the Norton project is not complete at The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application the time of Phase 5 Preliminary Plat. Note that the location of the connection was carefully chosen to avoid wetlands to the south and to the east. • Roundabouts – the Design Team explored roundabouts at the intersections of both Laurel Parkway and Durston Road as well as Laurel Parkway and Westmorland Drive. See Section 28 for a more detailed write-up in regards to roundabouts/traffic circles at these intersections. • East/West Alley - The southern alley in Phases 6 and 7 have been changed to be a local street with 60 feet of right-of-way. Also note that the western alley in Phases 7 and 8 was revised to be a woonerf with 32 feet or right-of-way. • Woonerfs – The ends of the woonerfs were shortened to avoid any deadends. The woonerf in Phase 3 now includes a turnaround that meets all required turning radiuses for garbage and fire trucks. Note that the Design Manual requires all garage doors to be 20 feet from the property lines to ensure extra parking and that no vehicles are encouraged to block any part of the right-of-way. Detailed studies were completed and discussed with the Fire Department to ensure adequate access for fire trucks, emergency services and delivery trucks. Maintenance is addressed in detail under Section 11 of the Preliminary Plat submittal materials. Adequate snow storage areas are also specifically designated. A separated pedestrian facility is included in the woonerf section to provide more options for different types of users; however, the underlying concept of the woonerf is that all types of uses can share the drive aisle. • Fertilizing near the lakes - The curve of Westmorland Drive was changed to provide a slightly larger buffer for lots that had rear yards in close proximity to the West Lake. The following language was added to the Design Manual – see Section 6.3(g): “In careful consideration of the lakes and streams, homeowner’s that border open spaces or parks with surface water (lakes, streams, wetlands) will only be permitted to use non-chemical fertilizers / pesticide in required yard setbacks. Organic fertilizers for lawns are readily available, as are corn-based weed suppression substitutes. Non-lawn native and drought-tolerant plantings typically require no extra fertilizing at all.” Also, the design and location of the perimeter lake and stream trails will provide a topographic buffer as well. • Phasing – While the Preliminary Plat is only for Phases 1 and 2, general approval of the overall neighborhood layout is requested as part of the Preliminary PUD The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phases 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Application process. The applicants/owners and Design Team understand that adjustments to the layout will be made as necessary as the project progresses. • Pedestrian Crossings for Westmorland Drive – Phase 1 now includes two curb bulbs and crossings near the intersections of the woonerfs with Westmorland Drive to provide better access to the park. Phases 2+ will have curb bulbs where the linear trails cross this local street.