HomeMy WebLinkAbout27A Drainage Report Page 1 of 5 Storm Drainage Report The Lakes at Valley West January 27, 2015 Part 1 Introduction This report provides hydrologic and hydraulic calculations for sizing of detention storage facilities and other storm drainage structures for of all phases of The Lakes at Valley West subdivision. The site is a 65-acre residential development located south of Durston Road, between Gooch Hill Road and Cottonwood Road. Pre-development topography is gradual, sloping at about 1.1 percent from south to north. Existing ground cover is undeveloped, previously agricultural fields. The prominent features on the site are two recently constructed ponds, called the West Lake and East Lake, and constructed wetlands south of the East Lake. These features are amenities for the planned residential development, and will remain on the developed site. Phases 1 and 2 will be constructed as described in this report and in accordance with City of Bozeman Design Standards for drainage design. All subsequent phases of development are presented based on currently available information. As these future phases develop, the currently proposed drainage facilities in these areas will be re-evaluated, and any required modifications will be detailed in future addenda to this report. Pre-development and post-development drainage is shown on Figures 1 and 2 respectively. The site consists of the western portion of a previous drainage report, titled Drainage Plan, Valley West Subdivision Planned Unit Development (2001, Morrison-Maierle, Inc.). The 2001 report was used as a reference for this report. Part 2 Site Description and Design Basis The site drains from south to north, discharging to two streams: Aajker Creek along the west boundary, and Baxter Creek along the east boundary. Approximately 163 acres south of the site historically drained across the site to Durston Road, then west to Aajker Creek. The western 110 acres of this “run-on” water will be intercepted at the south property line and directed west to Aajker Creek in a new ditch. The remaining 53 acres of run-on water will be intercepted at the south property line and directed east to the onsite constructed wetlands, through the East Lake and then the West Lake, and eventually back into Aajker Creek. The Rational Method was used to calculate peak runoff and detention requirements, in accordance with City of Bozeman design standards. Runoff coefficients for Phases 1 and 2 are based on the proposed lots; runoff coefficients for future phases are based on the currently proposed residential densities and for offsite areas, on current zoning. Storm drainage infrastructure proposed for Phases 1 and 2 and infrastructure for future phases are identified on Figure 2. Part 3 Detention Basins Four detention basins are proposed for storm water treatment and control of the 10-year peak runoff. Runoff water stored in each basin will discharge through a control structure housed in a manhole. These control structures will consist of a vertical tee mounted on the discharge pipe, with a 10-year “low-flow” orifice cut into an end cap on the bottom of the tee, about a foot below the discharge pipe invert. The top of the tee, set to an elevation matching the 10-yr maximum water surface elevation (WSEL), will serve as an overflow riser. In addition to restricting outflow to the Page 2 of 5 allowable 10-year release rate, the control structures, when properly maintained, will greatly reduce the amount of floating debris and larger sediment particles discharging to offsite surface waters. To discharge runoff in excess of the control structure’s capacity, each detention basin will have an overflow weir cut into the containment berm. Permanent erosion protection, such as riprap or turf reinforcement mat, will be required at the overflow weir. Part 4 Drainage Basins Pre-development sub-basin H1 (see Figure 1) corresponds to developed sub-basins D1.1 through D1.4 (see Figure 2). The proposed use of detention and retention facilities will limit the post-development 10-year peak runoff rate (sub-basins D1.1 through D1.4) to the pre-development rate (sub-basin H1). Sub-basin D1.1 (Future Phase Construction): Sub-basin D1.1 includes 110.00 acres of “run-on” (runoff from offsite areas), plus direct runoff from the back of several onsite residential lots. All of the run-on water and about half of the onsite residential area will drain to a constructed cutoff ditch along the south property line, which discharges into Aajker Creek at the southwest corner of the site. The back side of the residential lots proposed along the east site boundary would sheet flow directly into Aajker Creek. This area is in a future phase of construction. The 10-year peak runoff was estimated to be 11.17 cfs. Sub-basin D1.2 (Future Phase Construction): Sub-basin D1.2 collects runoff from Westgate Road, the west half of the Alley and adjacent lot frontages. This area will drain to Detention Basin D1.2, which will then discharge to the existing 24” culvert under Durston Road station 9+00 (existing 24” CMP to be replaced), leading back to Aajker Creek. The Durston Road culvert replacement is discussed in Part 7 below. Sub-basin D1.3 (Future Phase Construction): Sub-basin D1.3 has been split into three parts: - Sub-basin D1.3A, which includes offsite areas, open space including onsite constructed wetlands, and direct runoff from the back of several onsite residential lots, will drain to the East Lake. - Sub-basin D1.3B, which includes open space and direct runoff from the back of several onsite residential lots, will drain to the West Lake. - Sub-basin D1.3C, which includes open space, onsite residential lots and the Alley, will drain to Detention Basin D1.3C which will then discharge into the West Lake. Although Detention Basin D1.3C is not needed for detention (see below), it will provide treatment for runoff from the center portion of the Alley and the adjacent lot frontages, before discharging into the West Lake. The East Lake, West Lake and the existing 24” Durston Road culvert are connected by two “Agri-Drain” hydraulic structures that control water elevations in the lakes. Lake water is routed from the East Lake to the West Lake through the East Lake control structure, and from the West Lake to the 24” Durston Road culvert through the West Lake control structure. Water runs to and from both control structures through 12” PVC pipe. Due to this connectivity, the total combined runoff for Sub-basin D1.3 (i.e., D1.3A+D1.3B+D1.3C) is limited to the capacity of the West Lake’s control structure and 12” PVC discharge pipe. If the total 10-year runoff from Sub-basin D1.3 is fully retained Page 3 of 5 in the West Lake, its water surface elevation would be 4745.47 and the maximum outflow would be 4.60 cfs. This value was used as a conservatively high runoff rate for the 10-year discharge out of Sub-basin D1.3. Sub-basin D1.4 (Phase 1 & 2 Construction): Sub-basin D1.4 collects runoff from Laurel Parkway, most of Westmoreland Road and the alleys north of this road, the cul-de-sac at the east end of the Alley, and all the adjacent lot frontages. This area will drain to Detention Basin D1.4 which will then discharge to the existing 24” culvert under Durston Road, leading back to Aajker Creek. Pre-development sub-basin H2 (see Figure 1) corresponds to developed sub-basins D2.1 and D2.2 (see Figure 2). The proposed use of detention and retention facilities will limit the post-development 10-year peak runoff rate (sub-basins D2.1 and D2.2) to the pre-development rate (sub-basin H2). Sub-basin D2.1 (Phase 1 & 2 Construction): Sub-basin D2.1 collects runoff from the east end of Westmoreland Road and alleys to the north, and the adjacent lots. This area will drain to Detention Basin D2.1 which will then discharge to a roadside ditch constructed along Durston Road. This ditch will drain east to Baxter Creek. Sub-basin D2.2 (Phase 1 & 2 Construction): Sub-basin D2.2 collects runoff from a small park area along the site’s east boundary. This area will sheet flow into Baxter Creek. The 10-year peak runoff was estimated to be 0.88 cfs. Drainage structures, primarily ditches and pipes, have been sized to convey the 25-year peak runoff through the site. Provisions for overland flow of larger, less frequent storms up to the 100-year storm are identified as well, and will be incorporated into the site grading. Detention volume and pipe sizing calculations are attached. Design details will be provided on the construction drawings. Detention information is summarized in Table 1. TABLE 1 - Detention Basin Data Description Detention Basin Name DET 1.2 DET 1.3C DET 1.4 DET 2.1 Maximum 10-yr Release Rate (cfs) 2.75 1.50 2.86 0.32 Minimum Detention Volume (cu. ft.) 6,509 1,448 6,485 1,571 Sizes and Dimensions: vertical tee (riser) dia. 18” 15” 24” 12” outlet pipe dia. 15” 12” 18” 12” overflow weir length 14 ft. 4 ft. 12 ft. 4 ft. orifice (two alternates): circular orifice 91/4” dia. 6¾” dia. 93/8” 31/8” rectangular orifice 83/8” x 8” 61/8” x 6” 83/8” x 81/4” 3” x 25/8” Elevations (relative to discharge pipe invert =0.00): top of containment berm 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 100-yr WSEL 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 overflow weir crest 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 top of riser (=10-yr max. WSEL) 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 discharge pipe invert at control structure 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 4 of 5 Part 6 Gutter Flows and Curb Inlet Calculations Curb inlets will be placed to limit the spread of water in the street, such that an unobstructed (un-flooded) travel lane will be available during a 10-year storm. Calculations are provided for representative curb inlets and gutter flows, based on locations where maximum flow depths are expected to occur. A total of 6 “on-grade” inlets and 11 “sag” (low point) curb inlets will be required. The storm drain system is shown on Figure 2. Calculations for gutter spread width and inlet intercept/bypass flows are attached. Part 7 Pipe Sizing Calculations The storm drain system is shown on Figure 2. Storm drain pipe was sized to convey the 25-year peak runoff to the discharge points at Durston Road. Calculations are provided for representative pipes as required to assure pipe size is adequate for all pipes. Pipe lengths and invert elevations in the calculations are approximations based on topography and preliminary road elevations. Pipe sizes will be verified during final design. This project includes pavement widening, curb & gutter construction and one curb inlet on the south side of Durston Road. Independently of this project, there are other plans for this road that include storm drainage improvements. The preliminary Durston Road culvert calculations in this report are based on the future road section and currently available topographic mapping, and are subject to coordination with future Durston Road design by others. Durston Road Culvert at Station 9+00: The 25-year peak runoff at the upstream end of the existing 24” CMP was calculated to be 38.63 cfs, which exceeds the culvert’s capacity. The culvert is too short and sloped too steeply to allow adequate cover with the proposed road section, and its upstream (south) invert is too high to drain the site’s proposed inlets at Westgate Road station 14+30. Due to minimum cover issues, double culverts are proposed as replacement culverts. Two options were considered (minimum cover is at proposed south edge of gutter): - 24” RCP circular pipes (2 required, 0.49’ min. cover) - 36¼” x 22½” RCP arch pipes (2 required, 0.53’ min. cover) The 36¼” x 22½” RCP arch pipes are recommended because the head required to pass the peak flow is about 13.5 inches below the sidewalk overflow elevation of 41.9, compared to only 5 inches for the circular pipes. Additional protection and/or the use of Class 4 RCP will be needed due to the very low cover to top of asphalt. It is recommended, as part of the Durston Road improvements, to consider reconstructing the outlet ditch to a flatter slope and dropping both ends of the culvert to a lower elevation. This would increase the minimum cover depth and improve the onsite hydraulics through the detention basins. Other ways to increase cover depth would be to increase culvert size and bury the pipe inverts to match the ditch flowline elevation, or to install a triple culvert using smaller pipes. The preferred option can be selected during final design. Part 8 Phases 1 and 2 Construction Many of the proposed drainage structures will not be needed until after Phase 1 and 2. Phasing of storm drainage improvements is indicated on Figure 2; future phase construction will be further defined as part of future phase submittals. The following drainage structures will be constructed as part of Phases 1 and 2: - Laurel Parkway curb inlets (sta. 13+90) and pipe to detention basin DET D1.4 Page 5 of 5 - Detention basin DET D1.4 including control structure and outlet pipe - Shortening of existing West Pond outlet pipe, as required to accommodate the proposed DET D1.4 outlet pipe - Cutoff ditch west of Laurel Parkway, at south property line - Westmoreland Road curb inlets (sta. 24+70) and pipe to detention basin DET D2.2 - Detention basin “DET D2.2 including control structure and outlet pipe N:\5352\002\Design Docs\Reports\Storm\Drainage Report.doc (this page left blank intentionally) PEAK RUNOFF AND DETENTION CALCULATIONS (this page left blank intentionally) The Lakes at Valley West, Phases 1 and 2 Peak Runoff and Detention Calculations MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD i = A * (Tc/60) B Qp = C i A Qp = peak runoff, cfs Design Coefficients C = runoff coefficient Storm A B i = A(Tc/60)B (Bozeman IDF curve)2-yr 0.36 -0.60 Tc = time of concentration, minutes 5-yr 0.52 -0.64 A = Area, acres 10-yr 0.64 -0.65 25-yr 0.78 -0.64 50-yr 0.92 -0.66 100-yr 1.01 -0.67 (Bozeman Design Standards, March 2004) Sub-Basin Name Area C Tc Q2 Q5 Q10 Q25 Q50 Q100 Basin 1 H1 218.30 0.20 90.60 12.27 17.44 21.38 26.16 30.60 33.46 D1.1(A+B)114.03 0.21 97.60 6.44 9.12 11.17 13.68 15.98 17.46 D1.1 offsite)110.00 0.40 86.40 12.73 18.12 22.22 27.18 31.82 34.81 D1.2 12.08 0.48 6.30 8.07 12.76 16.06 19.14 23.61 26.51 D1.3(A+B)75.60 0.32 72.70 7.76 11.13 13.67 16.69 19.61 21.48 D1.3(C)3.88 0.48 5.30 2.88 4.58 5.77 6.87 8.50 9.56 D1.3 79.99 0.33 75.60 8.27 11.84 14.54 17.76 20.85 22.84 D1.3(offsite)53.00 0.40 69.50 6.99 10.03 12.33 15.05 17.70 19.40 D1.3 (West Lake outlet pipe)1 4.60 D1.4 15.73 0.38 8.30 7.05 11.02 13.84 16.54 20.29 22.72 D1.2+D1.4 27.81 0.42 8.30 13.89 21.72 27.26 32.58 39.97 44.76 Durston Culvert2 37.18 Basin 2 H2 7.60 0.20 43.30 0.67 0.97 1.20 1.46 1.73 1.91 D2.1 3.00 0.35 5.00 1.68 2.68 3.38 4.02 4.98 5.60 D2.2 1.81 0.20 7.70 0.45 0.70 0.88 1.05 1.29 1.45 FOOTNOTES: 1 Full retention of sub-basin D1.3 was assumed to conservatively estimate the 5.14-acre lake's maximum 25-year water surface elevation (WSEL) at 104,670 cu. ft., resulting in a rise of 0.57 feet above the normal operating elevation of 44.50 to which an additional 0.5 feet was added to account for partial clogging of the 2' high fish screen. The result (WSEL=45.57) was used to calculate the 25-year peak discharge. 2 The existing 24" CMP Durston Road culvert (sta. 9+00) will collect runoff from the West Lake outlet pipe, plus discharge from sub-basin D1.2 and D1.4 detention ponds. (this page left blank intentionally) The Lakes at Valley West, Phases 1 and 2 Sub-Basin D1.2 Detention (10-yr storm) MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD Qp = C i A POST-DEVELOPMENT PRE-DEVEL. 12.08 AC Qp (Basin H1) = 21.38 cfs 0.48 6.3 MIN Matching Qp = 2.75 cfs 2.77 IN/HR TIME STEP 16.06 CFS DURATION = 5.0 min. Max. Volume, Max. Volume,Required Detention Triangle Rel. (cu. ft.) Constant Rel. (cu. ft.)Volume (cu. ft.) 7900.58 5117.88 6,509 Triangle Release Constant Release DURATION INTENSITY Qp POND VOLUME POND VOLUME (MIN) (IN/HR) (CFS) (CF) (CF) 5.99 2.86 16.60 4948.74 4107.40 12.29 1.79 10.40 6135.39 4876.89 18.59 1.37 7.95 6811.29 5117.88 24.89 1.13 6.58 7245.08 5107.05 ORIFICE CALCULATIONS 31.19 0.98 5.68 7532.24 4943.15 MATCHING Qp = 2.75 cfs 37.49 0.87 5.04 7719.25 4674.37 Max. Depth = 1.50 ft 43.79 0.79 4.55 7832.68 4328.34 50.09 0.72 4.17 7889.33 3922.55 56.39 0.67 3.86 7900.58 3468.88 62.69 0.62 3.61 7874.52 2975.81 CIRCULAR ORIFICE: 68.99 0.58 3.39 7817.18 2449.63 DIAMETER = 9.250 inches 75.29 0.55 3.20 7733.15 1895.14 Area = 0.47 ft2 81.59 0.52 3.04 7626.01 1316.12 ORIFICE FLOW = 2.75 CFS 87.89 0.50 2.90 7498.64 715.60 94.19 0.48 2.77 7353.39 96.04 100.49 0.46 2.65 7192.20 -540.51 RECTANGULAR ORIFICE: 106.79 0.44 2.55 7016.67 -1192.37 LENGTH = 8.375 inches 113.09 0.42 2.46 6828.18 -1858.07 WIDTH = 8.000 inches 119.39 0.41 2.37 6627.90 -2536.38 Area = 0.47 ft2 125.69 0.40 2.29 6416.85 -3226.24 ORIFICE FLOW = 2.74 CFS 131.99 0.38 2.22 6195.89 -3926.71 138.29 0.37 2.16 5965.80 -4636.98 144.59 0.36 2.10 5727.26 -5356.33 150.89 0.35 2.04 5480.86 -6084.12 157.19 0.34 1.98 5227.13 -6819.80 163.49 0.33 1.93 4966.57 -7562.84 169.79 0.33 1.89 4699.59 -8312.80 176.09 0.32 1.84 4426.58 -9069.26 182.39 0.31 1.80 4147.90 -9831.84 188.69 0.30 1.76 3863.87 -10600.21 194.99 0.30 1.72 3574.78 -11374.05 POND VOLUME CALCULATIONS: BASIN AREA POST = POST-DEV Tc = POST-DEV C = STORM INTENSITY = POST-DEV Qp = DURATION INTENSITY Qp POND VOLUME POND VOLUME (MIN) (IN/HR) (CFS) (CF) (CF) 201.29 0.29 1.69 3280.89 -12153.08 207.59 0.29 1.66 2982.45 -12937.04 213.89 0.28 1.62 2679.69 -13725.68 220.19 0.27 1.59 2372.81 -14518.78 226.49 0.27 1.56 2062.01 -15316.14 232.79 0.27 1.54 1747.46 -16117.57 239.09 0.26 1.51 1429.34 -16922.89 245.39 0.26 1.49 1107.79 -17731.93 251.69 0.25 1.46 782.96 -18544.54 257.99 0.25 1.44 454.98 -19360.57 264.29 0.24 1.42 123.98 -20179.90 270.59 0.24 1.39 -209.91 -21002.39 276.89 0.24 1.37 -546.60 -21827.92 283.19 0.23 1.35 -885.98 -22656.39 289.49 0.23 1.33 -1227.95 -23487.68 295.79 0.23 1.32 -1572.42 -24321.70 302.09 0.22 1.30 -1919.29 -25158.36 308.39 0.22 1.28 -2268.50 -25997.56 314.69 0.22 1.26 -2619.95 -26839.23 320.99 0.22 1.25 -2973.58 -27683.27 327.29 0.21 1.23 -3329.32 -28529.63 333.59 0.21 1.22 -3687.09 -29378.21 339.89 0.21 1.20 -4046.84 -30228.97 346.19 0.20 1.19 -4408.51 -31081.83 352.49 0.20 1.17 -4772.04 -31936.73 358.79 0.20 1.16 -5137.37 -32793.61 365.09 0.20 1.15 -5504.45 -33652.41 371.39 0.20 1.13 -5873.24 -34513.09 377.69 0.19 1.12 -6243.68 -35375.58 383.99 0.19 1.11 -6615.73 -36239.85 390.29 0.19 1.10 -6989.35 -37105.85 396.59 0.19 1.09 -7364.50 -37973.52 402.89 0.19 1.08 -7741.13 -38842.83 409.19 0.18 1.07 -8119.21 -39713.73 415.49 0.18 1.05 -8498.70 -40586.19 421.79 0.18 1.04 -8879.56 -41460.17 428.09 0.18 1.03 -9261.77 -42335.63 434.39 0.18 1.02 -9645.28 -43212.53 440.69 0.18 1.02 -10030.08 -44090.85 446.99 0.17 1.01 -10416.12 -44970.54 453.29 0.17 1.00 -10803.38 -45851.59 459.59 0.17 0.99 -11191.83 -46733.95 465.89 0.17 0.98 -11581.45 -47617.59 472.19 0.17 0.97 -11972.21 -48502.50 478.49 0.17 0.96 -12364.08 -49388.65 484.79 0.16 0.95 -12757.04 -50275.99 491.09 0.16 0.95 -13151.07 -51164.53 497.39 0.16 0.94 -13546.14 -52054.21 503.69 0.16 0.93 -13942.23 -52945.03 509.99 0.16 0.92 -14339.33 -53836.97 516.29 0.16 0.92 -14737.40 -54729.99 522.59 0.16 0.91 -15136.44 -55624.07 528.89 0.16 0.90 -15536.42 -56519.21 535.19 0.15 0.89 -15937.32 -57415.37 541.49 0.15 0.89 -16339.13 -58312.53 547.79 0.15 0.88 -16741.83 -59210.69 554.09 0.15 0.87 -17145.40 -60109.81 560.39 0.15 0.87 -17549.82 -61009.89 566.69 0.15 0.86 -17955.09 -61910.90 572.99 0.15 0.86 -18361.18 -62812.82 579.29 0.15 0.85 -18768.07 -63715.65 585.59 0.15 0.84 -19175.77 -64619.37 The Lakes at Valley West, Phases 1 and 2 Sub-Basin D1.3(C) Detention (10-yr storm) MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD Qp = C i A POST-DEVELOPMENT PRE-DEVEL. 3.88 AC Qp (Basin H1) = 21.38 cfs 0.48 5.3 MIN Matching Qp = 1.50 cfs 3.10 IN/HR TIME STEP 5.77 CFS DURATION = 5.0 min. Max. Volume, Max. Volume,Required Detention Triangle Rel. (cu. ft.) Constant Rel. (cu. ft.)Volume (cu. ft.) 1793.19 1102.74 1,448 Triangle Release Constant Release DURATION INTENSITY Qp POND VOLUME POND VOLUME (MIN) (IN/HR) (CFS) (CF) (CF) 5.04 3.20 5.97 1337.54 992.37 10.34 2.01 3.74 1614.95 1102.74 15.64 1.53 2.86 1737.94 1046.31 20.94 1.27 2.36 1787.73 909.93 ORIFICE CALCULATIONS 26.24 1.10 2.04 1793.19 724.73 MATCHING Qp = 1.50 cfs 31.54 0.97 1.81 1768.37 505.95 Max. Depth = 1.50 ft 36.84 0.88 1.64 1721.30 262.37 42.14 0.81 1.50 1657.07 -0.44 47.44 0.75 1.39 1579.11 -278.71 52.74 0.70 1.30 1489.87 -569.72 CIRCULAR ORIFICE: 58.04 0.65 1.22 1391.18 -871.47 DIAMETER = 6.750 inches 63.34 0.62 1.15 1284.41 -1182.40 Area = 0.25 ft2 68.64 0.59 1.09 1170.66 -1501.31 ORIFICE FLOW = 1.47 CFS 73.94 0.56 1.04 1050.79 -1827.23 79.24 0.53 0.99 925.51 -2159.35 84.54 0.51 0.95 795.42 -2497.03 RECTANGULAR ORIFICE: 89.84 0.49 0.92 660.99 -2839.72 LENGTH = 6.125 inches 95.14 0.47 0.88 522.64 -3186.94 WIDTH = 6.000 inches 100.44 0.46 0.85 380.73 -3538.30 Area = 0.26 ft2 105.74 0.44 0.82 235.56 -3893.45 ORIFICE FLOW = 1.50 CFS 111.04 0.43 0.80 87.40 -4252.09 116.34 0.42 0.78 -63.53 -4613.96 121.64 0.40 0.75 -217.01 -4978.81 126.94 0.39 0.73 -372.86 -5346.46 132.24 0.38 0.71 -530.93 -5716.70 137.54 0.37 0.70 -691.07 -6089.38 142.84 0.36 0.68 -853.15 -6464.35 148.14 0.36 0.66 -1017.05 -6841.47 153.44 0.35 0.65 -1182.67 -7220.62 158.74 0.34 0.63 -1349.90 -7601.69 POND VOLUME CALCULATIONS: BASIN AREA POST = POST-DEV C = POST-DEV Tc = STORM INTENSITY = POST-DEV Qp = DURATION INTENSITY Qp POND VOLUME POND VOLUME (MIN) (IN/HR) (CFS) (CF) (CF) 164.04 0.33 0.62 -1518.66 -7984.58 169.34 0.33 0.61 -1688.88 -8369.19 174.64 0.32 0.60 -1860.47 -8755.43 179.94 0.31 0.58 -2033.36 -9143.24 185.24 0.31 0.57 -2207.50 -9532.53 190.54 0.30 0.56 -2382.83 -9923.25 195.84 0.30 0.55 -2559.29 -10315.31 201.14 0.29 0.54 -2736.83 -10708.68 206.44 0.29 0.53 -2915.41 -11103.29 211.74 0.28 0.53 -3094.98 -11499.09 217.04 0.28 0.52 -3275.50 -11896.04 222.34 0.27 0.51 -3456.93 -12294.09 227.64 0.27 0.50 -3639.24 -12693.20 232.94 0.27 0.49 -3822.39 -13093.33 238.24 0.26 0.49 -4006.36 -13494.44 243.54 0.26 0.48 -4191.11 -13896.50 248.84 0.25 0.47 -4376.61 -14299.47 254.14 0.25 0.47 -4562.85 -14703.34 259.44 0.25 0.46 -4749.79 -15108.05 264.74 0.24 0.45 -4937.40 -15513.60 270.04 0.24 0.45 -5125.68 -15919.94 275.34 0.24 0.44 -5314.59 -16327.07 280.64 0.23 0.44 -5504.12 -16734.94 285.94 0.23 0.43 -5694.25 -17143.55 291.24 0.23 0.43 -5884.95 -17552.86 296.54 0.23 0.42 -6076.22 -17962.87 301.84 0.22 0.42 -6268.03 -18373.54 307.14 0.22 0.41 -6460.38 -18784.86 312.44 0.22 0.41 -6653.24 -19196.82 317.74 0.22 0.40 -6846.59 -19609.39 323.04 0.21 0.40 -7040.44 -20022.55 328.34 0.21 0.39 -7234.76 -20436.31 333.64 0.21 0.39 -7429.54 -20850.63 338.94 0.21 0.39 -7624.77 -21265.50 344.24 0.21 0.38 -7820.44 -21680.92 349.54 0.20 0.38 -8016.53 -22096.86 354.84 0.20 0.38 -8213.04 -22513.32 360.14 0.20 0.37 -8409.95 -22930.28 365.44 0.20 0.37 -8607.27 -23347.73 370.74 0.20 0.36 -8804.96 -23765.66 376.04 0.19 0.36 -9003.04 -24184.06 381.34 0.19 0.36 -9201.48 -24602.92 386.64 0.19 0.36 -9400.29 -25022.23 391.94 0.19 0.35 -9599.44 -25441.97 397.24 0.19 0.35 -9798.94 -25862.14 402.54 0.19 0.35 -9998.78 -26282.74 407.84 0.18 0.34 -10198.95 -26703.74 413.14 0.18 0.34 -10399.44 -27125.15 418.44 0.18 0.34 -10600.24 -27546.95 423.74 0.18 0.33 -10801.36 -27969.13 429.04 0.18 0.33 -11002.77 -28391.70 434.34 0.18 0.33 -11204.49 -28814.64 439.64 0.18 0.33 -11406.49 -29237.94 444.94 0.17 0.32 -11608.78 -29661.60 450.24 0.17 0.32 -11811.35 -30085.61 455.54 0.17 0.32 -12014.19 -30509.96 460.84 0.17 0.32 -12217.30 -30934.65 466.14 0.17 0.31 -12420.67 -31359.67 471.44 0.17 0.31 -12624.31 -31785.02 476.74 0.17 0.31 -12828.19 -32210.69 482.04 0.17 0.31 -13032.33 -32636.67 487.34 0.16 0.31 -13236.71 -33062.96 492.64 0.16 0.30 -13441.33 -33489.56 The Lakes at Valley West, Phases 1 and 2 Sub-Basin D1.4 Detention (10-yr storm) MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD Qp = C i A POST-DEVELOPMENT PRE-DEVEL. 15.73 AC Qp (Basin H1) = 21.38 cfs 0.38 Qp (D1.3) = 4.60 cfs = West Lake outfall 8.3 MIN Matching Qp = Basin H1 - (D1.1+ D1.3+D1.4) =2.86 cfs 2.32 IN/HR TIME STEP 13.84 CFS DURATION = 5.0 min. Max. Volume, Max. Volume,Required Detention Triangle Rel. (cu. ft.) Constant Rel. (cu. ft.)Volume (cu. ft.) 7930.83 5039.30 6,485 Triangle Release Constant Release DURATION INTENSITY Qp POND VOLUME POND VOLUME (MIN) (IN/HR) (CFS) (CF) (CF) 7.89 2.39 14.31 5382.45 4279.75 16.19 1.50 8.97 6608.70 4964.09 24.49 1.15 6.85 7255.09 5039.30 32.79 0.95 5.67 7626.61 4823.64 ORIFICE CALCULATIONS 41.09 0.82 4.89 7831.66 4430.88 MATCHING Qp = 2.86 cfs 49.39 0.73 4.34 7923.01 3916.63 Max. Depth = 1.50 ft 57.69 0.66 3.92 7930.83 3312.79 65.99 0.60 3.60 7874.18 2639.59 74.29 0.56 3.33 7765.99 1910.76 82.59 0.52 3.11 7615.45 1136.10 CIRCULAR ORIFICE: 90.89 0.49 2.92 7429.39 322.92 DIAMETER = 9.375 inches 99.19 0.46 2.76 7213.02 -523.22 Area = 0.48 ft2 107.49 0.44 2.62 6970.42 -1397.93 ORIFICE FLOW = 2.83 CFS 115.79 0.42 2.50 6704.86 -2297.72 124.09 0.40 2.39 6419.00 -3219.71 132.39 0.38 2.29 6115.03 -4161.54 RECTANGULAR ORIFICE: 140.69 0.37 2.20 5794.79 -5121.23 LENGTH = 8.375 inches 148.99 0.35 2.12 5459.84 -6097.10 WIDTH = 8.250 inches 157.29 0.34 2.04 5111.50 -7087.71 Area = 0.48 ft2 165.59 0.33 1.98 4750.93 -8091.82 ORIFICE FLOW = 2.83 CFS 173.89 0.32 1.92 4379.11 -9108.34 182.19 0.31 1.86 3996.93 -10136.32 190.49 0.30 1.81 3605.15 -11174.94 198.79 0.29 1.76 3204.44 -12223.45 207.09 0.29 1.71 2795.43 -13281.20 215.39 0.28 1.67 2378.65 -14347.57 223.69 0.27 1.63 1954.58 -15422.06 231.99 0.27 1.59 1523.68 -16504.16 240.29 0.26 1.55 1086.33 -17593.46 248.59 0.25 1.52 642.90 -18689.54 POND VOLUME CALCULATIONS: BASIN AREA POST = POST-DEV C = POST-DEV Tc = STORM INTENSITY = POST-DEV Qp = DURATION INTENSITY Qp POND VOLUME POND VOLUME (MIN) (IN/HR) (CFS) (CF) (CF) 256.89 0.25 1.49 193.73 -19792.04 265.19 0.24 1.46 -260.88 -20900.64 273.49 0.24 1.43 -720.66 -22015.02 281.79 0.23 1.40 -1185.35 -23134.92 290.09 0.23 1.37 -1654.71 -24260.05 298.39 0.23 1.35 -2128.53 -25390.19 306.69 0.22 1.32 -2606.60 -26525.11 314.99 0.22 1.30 -3088.73 -27664.61 323.29 0.21 1.28 -3574.74 -28808.48 331.59 0.21 1.26 -4064.49 -29956.56 339.89 0.21 1.24 -4557.80 -31108.67 348.19 0.20 1.22 -5054.54 -32264.65 356.49 0.20 1.20 -5554.58 -33424.36 364.79 0.20 1.18 -6057.79 -34587.65 373.09 0.20 1.17 -6564.05 -35754.40 381.39 0.19 1.15 -7073.25 -36924.48 389.69 0.19 1.13 -7585.28 -38097.78 397.99 0.19 1.12 -8100.06 -39274.19 406.29 0.18 1.10 -8617.47 -40453.59 414.59 0.18 1.09 -9137.44 -41635.90 422.89 0.18 1.08 -9659.88 -42821.02 431.19 0.18 1.06 -10184.71 -44008.86 439.49 0.18 1.05 -10711.85 -45199.34 447.79 0.17 1.04 -11241.24 -46392.38 456.09 0.17 1.02 -11772.81 -47587.90 464.39 0.17 1.01 -12306.48 -48785.83 472.69 0.17 1.00 -12842.21 -49986.10 480.99 0.17 0.99 -13379.92 -51188.65 489.29 0.16 0.98 -13919.57 -52393.40 497.59 0.16 0.97 -14461.09 -53600.31 505.89 0.16 0.96 -15004.45 -54809.31 514.19 0.16 0.95 -15549.58 -56020.35 522.49 0.16 0.94 -16096.45 -57233.38 530.79 0.16 0.93 -16645.00 -58448.34 539.09 0.15 0.92 -17195.19 -59665.19 547.39 0.15 0.91 -17746.99 -60883.88 555.69 0.15 0.90 -18300.35 -62104.36 563.99 0.15 0.89 -18855.23 -63326.60 572.29 0.15 0.88 -19411.60 -64550.55 580.59 0.15 0.87 -19969.42 -65776.17 588.89 0.15 0.87 -20528.66 -67003.42 597.19 0.14 0.86 -21089.28 -68232.27 605.49 0.14 0.85 -21651.25 -69462.68 613.79 0.14 0.84 -22214.55 -70694.61 622.09 0.14 0.84 -22779.14 -71928.04 630.39 0.14 0.83 -23344.99 -73162.93 638.69 0.14 0.82 -23912.09 -74399.25 646.99 0.14 0.82 -24480.39 -75636.97 655.29 0.14 0.81 -25049.88 -76876.06 663.59 0.13 0.80 -25620.52 -78116.50 671.89 0.13 0.80 -26192.31 -79358.25 680.19 0.13 0.79 -26765.21 -80601.30 688.49 0.13 0.78 -27339.20 -81845.61 696.79 0.13 0.78 -27914.26 -83091.16 705.08 0.13 0.77 -28490.37 -84337.93 713.38 0.13 0.77 -29067.50 -85585.89 721.68 0.13 0.76 -29645.65 -86835.02 729.98 0.13 0.75 -30224.79 -88085.31 738.28 0.13 0.75 -30804.89 -89336.73 746.58 0.12 0.74 -31385.95 -90589.25 754.88 0.12 0.74 -31967.95 -91842.86 763.18 0.12 0.73 -32550.86 -93097.55 771.48 0.12 0.73 -33134.68 -94353.28 Culvert Calculator Report West Lake outfall Title: The Lakes at Valley West n:\5352\002\design docs\reports\storm\pipes.cvm 11/25/14 11:00:53 AM Morrison Maierle Inc © Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: mhickman CulvertMaster v3.3 [] Page 1 of 1 Solve For: Discharge Culvert Summary Allowable HW Elevation 45.57 ft Headwater Depth/Height 4.07 Computed Headwater Elevation 45.57 ft Discharge 4.60 cfs Inlet Control HW Elev. 43.53 ft Tailwater Elevation 40.93 ft Outlet Control HW Elev. 45.57 ft Control Type Outlet Control Grades Upstream Invert 41.50 ft Downstream Invert 40.48 ft Length 280.00 ft Constructed Slope 0.3643 % Hydraulic Profile Profile CompositeM2PressureProfile Depth, Downstream 0.89 ft Slope Type Mild Normal Depth N/A ft Flow Regime Subcritical Critical Depth 0.89 ft Velocity Downstream 6.21 ft/s Critical Slope 1.0568 % Section Section Shape Circular Mannings Coefficient 0.011 Section MaterialCorrugated HDPE (Smooth Interior) Span 1.00 ft Section Size 12 inch Rise 1.00 ft Number Sections 1 Outlet Control Properties Outlet Control HW Elev. 45.57 ft Upstream Velocity Head 0.53 ft Ke 0.50 Entrance Loss 0.27 ft Inlet Control Properties Inlet Control HW Elev. 43.53 ft Flow Control Submerged Inlet Type Square edge w/headwall Area Full 0.8 ft² K 0.00980 HDS 5 Chart 1 M 2.00000 HDS 5 Scale 1 C 0.03980 Equation Form 1 Y 0.67000 (this page left blank intentionally) The Lakes at Valley West, Phases 1 and 2 Sub-Basin D2.1 Detention (10-yr storm) MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD Qp = C i A POST-DEVELOPMENT PRE-DEVEL. 3.00 AC Qp (Basin H2) = 1.20 cfs 0.35 Matching Qp = [Basin H2-(D2.2)] 5.0 MIN = 0.32 cfs 3.22 IN/HR TIME STEP 3.38 CFS DURATION = 5.0 min. Max. Volume, Max. Volume,Required Detention Triangle Rel. (cu. ft.) Constant Rel. (cu. ft.)Volume (cu. ft.) 1878.06 1263.94 1,571 Triangle Release Constant Release DURATION INTENSITY Qp POND VOLUME POND VOLUME (MIN) (IN/HR) (CFS) (CF) (CF) 4.75 3.33 3.49 901.42 816.00 9.75 2.09 2.19 1138.02 1009.54 14.75 1.59 1.67 1289.33 1116.86 19.75 1.32 1.38 1400.19 1183.23 ORIFICE CALCULATIONS 24.75 1.14 1.19 1486.57 1224.79 MATCHING Qp = 0.32 cfs 29.75 1.01 1.06 1556.22 1249.37 Max. Depth = 1.50 ft 34.75 0.91 0.96 1613.58 1261.47 39.75 0.84 0.88 1661.46 1263.94 44.75 0.77 0.81 1701.76 1258.69 49.75 0.72 0.76 1735.82 1247.11 CIRCULAR ORIFICE: 54.75 0.68 0.71 1764.66 1230.20 DIAMETER = 3.125 inches 59.75 0.64 0.67 1789.05 1208.76 Area = 0.05 ft 2 64.75 0.61 0.64 1809.57 1183.38 ORIFICE FLOW = 0.31 CFS 69.75 0.58 0.61 1826.72 1154.55 74.75 0.55 0.58 1840.88 1122.68 79.75 0.53 0.56 1852.37 1088.09 RECTANGULAR ORIFICE: 84.75 0.51 0.54 1861.47 1051.06 LENGTH = 3.000 inches 89.75 0.49 0.52 1868.41 1011.82 WIDTH = 2.625 inches 94.75 0.48 0.50 1873.38 970.57 Area = 0.05 ft 2 99.75 0.46 0.48 1876.55 927.47 ORIFICE FLOW = 0.32 CFS 104.75 0.45 0.47 1878.06 882.69 109.75 0.43 0.45 1878.05 836.34 114.75 0.42 0.44 1876.63 788.55 119.75 0.41 0.43 1873.90 739.42 124.75 0.40 0.42 1869.94 689.04 129.75 0.39 0.41 1864.84 637.48 134.75 0.38 0.40 1858.67 584.83 139.75 0.37 0.39 1851.49 531.15 144.75 0.36 0.38 1843.36 476.50 149.75 0.35 0.37 1834.34 420.93 154.75 0.35 0.36 1824.48 364.49 POST-DEV Qp = POND VOLUME CALCULATIONS: BASIN AREA POST = POST-DEV Tc = POST-DEV C = STORM INTENSITY = DURATION INTENSITY Qp POND VOLUME POND VOLUME (MIN) (IN/HR) (CFS) (CF) (CF) 159.75 0.34 0.36 1813.81 307.23 164.75 0.33 0.35 1802.39 249.20 169.75 0.33 0.34 1790.24 190.42 174.75 0.32 0.34 1777.40 130.94 179.75 0.31 0.33 1763.91 70.78 184.75 0.31 0.32 1749.80 9.98 189.75 0.30 0.32 1735.08 -51.43 194.75 0.30 0.31 1719.80 -113.43 199.75 0.29 0.31 1703.96 -175.99 204.75 0.29 0.30 1687.61 -239.09 209.75 0.28 0.30 1670.74 -302.71 214.75 0.28 0.29 1653.39 -366.83 219.75 0.28 0.29 1635.58 -431.43 224.75 0.27 0.28 1617.32 -496.49 229.75 0.27 0.28 1598.62 -561.99 234.75 0.26 0.28 1579.51 -627.93 239.75 0.26 0.27 1559.99 -694.27 244.75 0.26 0.27 1540.09 -761.02 249.75 0.25 0.27 1519.81 -828.16 254.75 0.25 0.26 1499.17 -895.66 259.75 0.25 0.26 1478.17 -963.54 264.75 0.24 0.26 1456.83 -1031.76 269.75 0.24 0.25 1435.17 -1100.32 274.75 0.24 0.25 1413.18 -1169.21 279.75 0.24 0.25 1390.89 -1238.42 284.75 0.23 0.24 1368.29 -1307.94 289.75 0.23 0.24 1345.40 -1377.77 294.75 0.23 0.24 1322.22 -1447.88 299.75 0.22 0.24 1298.77 -1518.28 304.75 0.22 0.23 1275.05 -1588.96 309.75 0.22 0.23 1251.07 -1659.91 314.75 0.22 0.23 1226.83 -1731.12 319.75 0.22 0.23 1202.35 -1802.59 324.75 0.21 0.22 1177.62 -1874.31 329.75 0.21 0.22 1152.66 -1946.27 334.75 0.21 0.22 1127.47 -2018.47 339.75 0.21 0.22 1102.05 -2090.89 344.75 0.21 0.22 1076.42 -2163.55 349.75 0.20 0.21 1050.57 -2236.42 354.75 0.20 0.21 1024.51 -2309.51 359.75 0.20 0.21 998.25 -2382.81 364.75 0.20 0.21 971.79 -2456.32 369.75 0.20 0.21 945.14 -2530.03 374.75 0.19 0.20 918.30 -2603.93 379.75 0.19 0.20 891.27 -2678.03 384.75 0.19 0.20 864.05 -2752.31 389.75 0.19 0.20 836.66 -2826.78 394.75 0.19 0.20 809.10 -2901.42 399.75 0.19 0.20 781.36 -2976.25 404.75 0.19 0.19 753.46 -3051.25 409.75 0.18 0.19 725.39 -3126.41 414.75 0.18 0.19 697.17 -3201.75 419.75 0.18 0.19 668.78 -3277.24 424.75 0.18 0.19 640.24 -3352.90 429.75 0.18 0.19 611.55 -3428.71 434.75 0.18 0.19 582.72 -3504.67 439.75 0.18 0.18 553.73 -3580.79 444.75 0.17 0.18 524.60 -3657.05 449.75 0.17 0.18 495.34 -3733.46 454.75 0.17 0.18 465.93 -3810.01 459.75 0.17 0.18 436.39 -3886.71 464.75 0.17 0.18 406.72 -3963.53 GUTTER FLOW CALCULATIONS (this page left blank intentionally) The Lakes at Valley West, Phases 1 and 2 Gutter Flow, Direct Runoff Calculations MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD Qp = C i A Qp = 10-yr peak runoff, cfs1 C = runoff coefficient i = 0.64(Tc/60)-0.65 (Bozeman IDF curve) Tc = time of concentration, minutes A = Area, acres1 Sub-Basin Description Area1 Tc C Qp Alley sta. 5+90 west 0.74 5.00 0.46 1.10 sta. 5+90 east 0.44 5.00 0.46 0.65 sta. 1+50 west 0.90 5.00 0.42 1.22 sta. 1+50 east 0.80 5.00 0.42 1.08 Westgate Road sta. 4+60 west 0.65 5.00 0.46 0.96 sta. 4+60 east 1.40 5.00 0.46 2.07 sta. 12+00 west 3.70 5.00 0.40 4.76 sta. 12+00 east 2.00 5.00 0.46 2.96 sta. 14+30 west 0.73 5.00 0.45 1.06 sta. 14+30 east 0.40 5.00 0.35 0.45 Laurel Parkway sta. 13+90 west 1.90 5.50 0.46 2.64 sta. 13+90 east 3.60 6.20 0.35 3.53 Westmoreland Road sta. 3+60 south 1.50 5.00 0.42 2.03 Woonerf2 south of Durston Rd. sta. 16+60 2.10 5.00 0.42 2.84 Durston Road sta. 8+50 south 1.59 10.40 0.68 2.16 FOOTNOTES: 1 Areas and flow rates are for direct runoff only and do not include inlet bypass. Inlet bypass flow is accounted for on the following page. 2 "Woonerf" refers to minor alleys north of Westmoreland Road. Typical section is an inverted crown with 2% slope toward centerline. The Lakes at Valley West, Phases 1 and 2 Gutter Spread Width Calculations 10-yr. Peak Runoff (cfs)Gutter Sub-Basin Description Direct 1 Upstream2 Total Inlet Type Bypass Spread (ft.) Alley sta. 5+90 west 1.10 0.00 1.10 on grade 0.32 5.88 sta. 5+90 east 0.65 0.00 0.65 on grade 0.16 4.75 sta. 1+50 west 1.22 0.32 1.54 --6.42 sta. 1+50 east 1.08 0.16 1.24 --5.90 Westgate Road sta. 4+60 west 0.96 0.00 0.96 on grade 0.31 5.57 sta. 4+60 east 2.07 0.00 2.07 on grade 0.70 7.53 sta. 12+00 west (double inlet)4.76 0.79 5.55 on grade 1.98 9.24 sta. 12+00 east (double inlet)2.96 0.70 3.66 on grade 1.05 7.86 sta. 14+30 west 1.06 1.98 3.04 sag 0.00 9.11 sta. 14+30 east 0.45 1.05 1.50 sag 0.00 6.25 Laurel Parkway sta. 13+90 west 2.64 0.00 2.64 sag 0.00 7.49 sta. 13+90 east 3.53 0.00 3.53 sag 0.00 8.88 Westmoreland Road sta. 3+60 south 2.03 0.48 2.51 --8.59 Woonerf3 south of Durston Rd. sta. 16+60 2.84 0.00 2.84 --16.97 Durston Road sta. 8+50 south 2.16 0.00 2.16 sag 0.00 7.60 FOOTNOTES: 1 Direct runoff is from "Gutter Flow" calculations on the previous page, and does not include runoff from upstream inlets. 2 Upstream runoff is the bypass flow from contributing upstream inlets. 4 For Woonerf section (minor alley with inverted crown), minor submergence is acceptable. The maximum submergence at the wheels of a car straddling the inverted crown centerline would be 0.11 feet (1.3 inches), which is considered acceptable for the short duration of peak runoff involved. Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope 0.80000 % Discharge 1.10 ft³/s Section Definitions Station (ft)Elevation (ft) 0+00.33 0.45 0+00.50 0.00 0+02.00 0.08 0+22.00 0.68 Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Ending Station Roughness Coefficient (0+00.33, 0.45) (0+22.00, 0.68)0.013 Options Current Roughness Weighted Method Pavlovskii's Method Open Channel Weighting Method Pavlovskii's Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Pavlovskii's Method Results Normal Depth 0.21 ft Elevation Range 0.00 to 0.68 ft Flow Area 0.54 ft² Wetted Perimeter 6.03 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.09 ft Top Width 5.88 ft Normal Depth 0.21 ft Critical Depth 0.22 ft Critical Slope 0.00552 ft/ft Alley 5+90, west gutter 11/19/2014 11:53:42 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 2of1Page Results Velocity 2.04 ft/s Velocity Head 0.06 ft Specific Energy 0.27 ft Froude Number 1.19 Flow Type Supercritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.21 ft Critical Depth 0.22 ft Channel Slope 0.80000 % Critical Slope 0.00552 ft/ft Alley 5+90, west gutter 11/19/2014 11:53:42 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 2of2Page Project Description Solve For Efficiency Input Data Discharge 1.10 ft³/s Slope 0.80000 % Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 6.30 % Road Cross Slope 4.70 % Roughness Coefficient 0.013 Local Depression 0.08 in Local Depression Width 1.00 ft Grate Width 1.00 ft Grate Length 3.00 ft Grate Type 30˚ Tilt Bar Clogging 20.00 % Curb Opening Length 3.00 ft Options Calculation Option Use Both Grate Flow Option Exclude None Results Efficiency 71.34 % Intercepted Flow 0.78 ft³/s Bypass Flow 0.32 ft³/s Spread 4.09 ft Depth 0.22 ft Flow Area 0.41 ft² Gutter Depression 0.02 ft Total Depression 0.03 ft Velocity 2.68 ft/s Splash Over Velocity 5.18 ft/s Frontal Flow Factor 1.00 Side Flow Factor 0.29 Grate Flow Ratio 0.53 Equivalent Cross Slope 0.06193 ft/ft Active Grate Length 2.40 ft Length Factor 0.06 Total Interception Length 10.54 ft Alley 5+90, west inlet 11/19/2014 12:02:17 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1of1Page Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope 0.80000 % Discharge 0.65 ft³/s Section Definitions Station (ft)Elevation (ft) 0+00.33 0.45 0+00.50 0.00 0+02.00 0.08 0+22.00 0.68 Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Ending Station Roughness Coefficient (0+00.33, 0.45) (0+22.00, 0.68)0.013 Options Current Roughness Weighted Method Pavlovskii's Method Open Channel Weighting Method Pavlovskii's Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Pavlovskii's Method Results Normal Depth 0.18 ft Elevation Range 0.00 to 0.68 ft Flow Area 0.36 ft² Wetted Perimeter 4.88 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.07 ft Top Width 4.75 ft Normal Depth 0.18 ft Critical Depth 0.18 ft Critical Slope 0.00591 ft/ft Alley 5+90, east gutter 11/19/2014 11:55:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 2of1Page Results Velocity 1.80 ft/s Velocity Head 0.05 ft Specific Energy 0.23 ft Froude Number 1.15 Flow Type Supercritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.18 ft Critical Depth 0.18 ft Channel Slope 0.80000 % Critical Slope 0.00591 ft/ft Alley 5+90, east gutter 11/19/2014 11:55:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 2of2Page Project Description Solve For Efficiency Input Data Discharge 0.65 ft³/s Slope 0.80000 % Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 6.30 % Road Cross Slope 3.00 % Roughness Coefficient 0.013 Local Depression 0.10 in Local Depression Width 1.00 ft Grate Width 1.00 ft Grate Length 3.00 ft Grate Type 30˚ Tilt Bar Clogging 20.00 % Curb Opening Length 3.00 ft Options Calculation Option Use Both Grate Flow Option Exclude None Results Efficiency 74.67 % Intercepted Flow 0.49 ft³/s Bypass Flow 0.16 ft³/s Spread 4.15 ft Depth 0.17 ft Flow Area 0.29 ft² Gutter Depression 0.05 ft Total Depression 0.06 ft Velocity 2.20 ft/s Splash Over Velocity 5.18 ft/s Frontal Flow Factor 1.00 Side Flow Factor 0.27 Grate Flow Ratio 0.58 Equivalent Cross Slope 0.05975 ft/ft Active Grate Length 2.40 ft Length Factor 0.07 Total Interception Length 8.64 ft Alley 5+90, east inlet 11/19/2014 12:01:40 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1of1Page Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope 1.00000 % Discharge 1.54 ft³/s Section Definitions Station (ft)Elevation (ft) 0+00.33 0.45 0+00.50 0.00 0+02.00 0.08 0+22.00 0.68 Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Ending Station Roughness Coefficient (0+00.33, 0.45) (0+22.00, 0.68)0.013 Options Current Roughness Weighted Method Pavlovskii's Method Open Channel Weighting Method Pavlovskii's Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Pavlovskii's Method Results Normal Depth 0.22 ft Elevation Range 0.00 to 0.68 ft Flow Area 0.64 ft² Wetted Perimeter 6.58 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.10 ft Top Width 6.42 ft Normal Depth 0.22 ft Critical Depth 0.25 ft Critical Slope 0.00528 ft/ft Alley 1+50, west gutter 11/19/2014 12:03:45 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 2of1Page Results Velocity 2.42 ft/s Velocity Head 0.09 ft Specific Energy 0.32 ft Froude Number 1.35 Flow Type Supercritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.22 ft Critical Depth 0.25 ft Channel Slope 1.00000 % Critical Slope 0.00528 ft/ft Alley 1+50, west gutter 11/19/2014 12:03:45 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 2of2Page Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope 1.00000 % Discharge 1.24 ft³/s Section Definitions Station (ft)Elevation (ft) 0+00.33 0.45 0+00.50 0.00 0+02.00 0.08 0+22.00 0.68 Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Ending Station Roughness Coefficient (0+00.33, 0.45) (0+22.00, 0.68)0.013 Options Current Roughness Weighted Method Pavlovskii's Method Open Channel Weighting Method Pavlovskii's Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Pavlovskii's Method Results Normal Depth 0.21 ft Elevation Range 0.00 to 0.68 ft Flow Area 0.54 ft² Wetted Perimeter 6.05 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.09 ft Top Width 5.90 ft Normal Depth 0.21 ft Critical Depth 0.23 ft Critical Slope 0.00543 ft/ft Alley 1+50, east gutter 11/19/2014 11:57:15 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 2of1Page Results Velocity 2.28 ft/s Velocity Head 0.08 ft Specific Energy 0.29 ft Froude Number 1.33 Flow Type Supercritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.21 ft Critical Depth 0.23 ft Channel Slope 1.00000 % Critical Slope 0.00543 ft/ft Alley 1+50, east gutter 11/19/2014 11:57:15 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 2of2Page Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope 0.80000 % Discharge 0.96 ft³/s Section Definitions Station (ft)Elevation (ft) 0+00.33 0.45 0+00.50 0.00 0+02.00 0.08 0+22.00 0.68 Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Ending Station Roughness Coefficient (0+00.33, 0.45) (0+22.00, 0.68)0.013 Options Current Roughness Weighted Method Pavlovskii's Method Open Channel Weighting Method Pavlovskii's Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Pavlovskii's Method Results Normal Depth 0.20 ft Elevation Range 0.00 to 0.68 ft Flow Area 0.49 ft² Wetted Perimeter 5.71 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.09 ft Top Width 5.57 ft Normal Depth 0.20 ft Critical Depth 0.21 ft Critical Slope 0.00562 ft/ft Westgate 4+60, west gutter 11/19/2014 11:50:55 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 2of1Page Results Velocity 1.97 ft/s Velocity Head 0.06 ft Specific Energy 0.26 ft Froude Number 1.18 Flow Type Supercritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.20 ft Critical Depth 0.21 ft Channel Slope 0.80000 % Critical Slope 0.00562 ft/ft Westgate 4+60, west gutter 11/19/2014 11:50:55 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 2of2Page Project Description Solve For Efficiency Input Data Discharge 0.96 ft³/s Slope 0.80000 % Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 6.30 % Road Cross Slope 3.00 % Roughness Coefficient 0.013 Local Depression 0.10 in Local Depression Width 0.00 ft Grate Width 1.00 ft Grate Length 3.00 ft Grate Type 30˚ Tilt Bar Clogging 20.00 % Curb Opening Length 3.00 ft Options Calculation Option Use Both Grate Flow Option Exclude None Results Efficiency 67.89 % Intercepted Flow 0.65 ft³/s Bypass Flow 0.31 ft³/s Spread 4.93 ft Depth 0.20 ft Flow Area 0.40 ft² Gutter Depression 0.05 ft Total Depression 0.06 ft Velocity 2.39 ft/s Splash Over Velocity 5.18 ft/s Frontal Flow Factor 1.00 Side Flow Factor 0.24 Grate Flow Ratio 0.51 Equivalent Cross Slope 0.05661 ft/ft Active Grate Length 2.40 ft Length Factor 0.06 Total Interception Length 10.51 ft Westgate 4+60, west inlet 11/19/2014 12:00:38 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1of1Page Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope 0.80000 % Discharge 2.07 ft³/s Section Definitions Station (ft)Elevation (ft) 0+00.33 0.45 0+00.50 0.00 0+02.00 0.08 0+22.00 0.68 Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Ending Station Roughness Coefficient (0+00.33, 0.45) (0+22.00, 0.68)0.013 Options Current Roughness Weighted Method Pavlovskii's Method Open Channel Weighting Method Pavlovskii's Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Pavlovskii's Method Results Normal Depth 0.26 ft Elevation Range 0.00 to 0.68 ft Flow Area 0.87 ft² Wetted Perimeter 7.71 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.11 ft Top Width 7.53 ft Normal Depth 0.26 ft Critical Depth 0.28 ft Critical Slope 0.00508 ft/ft Westgate 4+60, east gutter 11/19/2014 11:56:04 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 2of1Page Results Velocity 2.39 ft/s Velocity Head 0.09 ft Specific Energy 0.35 ft Froude Number 1.24 Flow Type Supercritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.26 ft Critical Depth 0.28 ft Channel Slope 0.80000 % Critical Slope 0.00508 ft/ft Westgate 4+60, east gutter 11/19/2014 11:56:04 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 2of2Page Project Description Solve For Efficiency Input Data Discharge 2.07 ft³/s Slope 0.80000 % Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 6.25 % Road Cross Slope 3.00 % Roughness Coefficient 0.013 Local Depression 0.08 in Local Depression Width 1.00 ft Grate Width 1.50 ft Grate Length 3.00 ft Grate Type 30˚ Tilt Bar Clogging 20.00 % Curb Opening Length 3.00 ft Options Calculation Option Use Both Grate Flow Option Exclude None Results Efficiency 66.23 % Intercepted Flow 1.37 ft³/s Bypass Flow 0.70 ft³/s Spread 6.81 ft Depth 0.25 ft Flow Area 0.73 ft² Gutter Depression 0.05 ft Total Depression 0.06 ft Velocity 2.82 ft/s Splash Over Velocity 5.18 ft/s Frontal Flow Factor 1.00 Side Flow Factor 0.19 Grate Flow Ratio 0.54 Equivalent Cross Slope 0.04990 ft/ft Active Grate Length 2.40 ft Length Factor 0.04 Total Interception Length 15.65 ft Westgate 4+60, east inlet 11/19/2014 12:02:57 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1of1Page Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope 2.00000 % Discharge 5.55 ft³/s Section Definitions Station (ft)Elevation (ft) 0+00.33 0.45 0+00.50 0.00 0+02.00 0.08 0+22.00 0.68 Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Ending Station Roughness Coefficient (0+00.33, 0.45) (0+22.00, 0.68)0.013 Options Current Roughness Weighted Method Pavlovskii's Method Open Channel Weighting Method Pavlovskii's Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Pavlovskii's Method Results Normal Depth 0.31 ft Elevation Range 0.00 to 0.68 ft Flow Area 1.29 ft² Wetted Perimeter 9.46 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.14 ft Top Width 9.24 ft Normal Depth 0.31 ft Critical Depth 0.40 ft Critical Slope 0.00446 ft/ft Westgate 12+00, west gutter 11/21/2014 9:12:07 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 2of1Page Results Velocity 4.29 ft/s Velocity Head 0.29 ft Specific Energy 0.60 ft Froude Number 2.02 Flow Type Supercritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.31 ft Critical Depth 0.40 ft Channel Slope 2.00000 % Critical Slope 0.00446 ft/ft Westgate 12+00, west gutter 11/21/2014 9:12:07 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 2of2Page Project Description Solve For Efficiency Input Data Discharge 5.55 ft³/s Slope 2.00000 % Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 6.30 % Road Cross Slope 3.00 % Roughness Coefficient 0.013 Local Depression 0.08 in Local Depression Width 1.50 ft Grate Width 1.50 ft Grate Length 6.00 ft Grate Type 30˚ Tilt Bar Clogging 20.00 % Curb Opening Length 6.00 ft Options Calculation Option Use Both Grate Flow Option Exclude None Results Efficiency 64.35 % Intercepted Flow 3.57 ft³/s Bypass Flow 1.98 ft³/s Spread 8.42 ft Depth 0.30 ft Flow Area 1.10 ft² Gutter Depression 0.05 ft Total Depression 0.06 ft Velocity 5.05 ft/s Splash Over Velocity 8.74 ft/s Frontal Flow Factor 1.00 Side Flow Factor 0.29 Grate Flow Ratio 0.45 Equivalent Cross Slope 0.04686 ft/ft Active Grate Length 4.80 ft Length Factor 0.04 Total Interception Length 32.37 ft Westgate 12+00 west, double inlet (10-yr) 11/25/2014 4:34:21 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 2of1Page Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope 2.00000 % Discharge 3.66 ft³/s Section Definitions Station (ft)Elevation (ft) 0+00.33 0.45 0+00.50 0.00 0+02.00 0.08 0+22.00 0.68 Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Ending Station Roughness Coefficient (0+00.33, 0.45) (0+22.00, 0.68)0.013 Options Current Roughness Weighted Method Pavlovskii's Method Open Channel Weighting Method Pavlovskii's Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Pavlovskii's Method Results Normal Depth 0.27 ft Elevation Range 0.00 to 0.68 ft Flow Area 0.94 ft² Wetted Perimeter 8.05 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.12 ft Top Width 7.86 ft Normal Depth 0.27 ft Critical Depth 0.34 ft Critical Slope 0.00471 ft/ft Westgate 12+00, east gutter 11/21/2014 9:14:12 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 2of1Page Results Velocity 3.88 ft/s Velocity Head 0.23 ft Specific Energy 0.50 ft Froude Number 1.97 Flow Type Supercritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.27 ft Critical Depth 0.34 ft Channel Slope 2.00000 % Critical Slope 0.00471 ft/ft Westgate 12+00, east gutter 11/21/2014 9:14:12 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 2of2Page Project Description Solve For Efficiency Input Data Discharge 3.66 ft³/s Slope 2.00000 % Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 6.30 % Road Cross Slope 3.00 % Roughness Coefficient 0.013 Local Depression 0.08 in Local Depression Width 1.50 ft Grate Width 1.50 ft Grate Length 6.00 ft Grate Type 30˚ Tilt Bar Clogging 20.00 % Curb Opening Length 6.00 ft Options Calculation Option Use Both Grate Flow Option Exclude None Results Efficiency 71.35 % Intercepted Flow 2.61 ft³/s Bypass Flow 1.05 ft³/s Spread 7.13 ft Depth 0.26 ft Flow Area 0.80 ft² Gutter Depression 0.05 ft Total Depression 0.06 ft Velocity 4.58 ft/s Splash Over Velocity 8.74 ft/s Frontal Flow Factor 1.00 Side Flow Factor 0.32 Grate Flow Ratio 0.52 Equivalent Cross Slope 0.04946 ft/ft Active Grate Length 4.80 ft Length Factor 0.05 Total Interception Length 26.31 ft Westgate 12+00 east, double inlet (10-yr) 11/25/2014 4:34:45 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 2of1Page Project Description Solve For Spread Input Data Discharge 3.04 ft³/s Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 6.25 % Road Cross Slope 3.00 % Local Depression 0.08 in Local Depression Width 1.50 ft Grate Width 1.50 ft Grate Length 3.00 ft Grate Type 30˚ Tilt Bar Clogging 20.00 % Curb Opening Length 3.00 ft Opening Height 0.50 ft Curb Throat Type Horizontal Throat Incline Angle 90.00 degrees Options Calculation Option Use Both Results Spread 9.11 ft Depth 0.32 ft Gutter Depression 0.05 ft Total Depression 0.06 ft Open Grate Area 1.22 ft² Active Grate Weir Length 5.40 ft Westgate 14+30, west inlet (10-yr) 11/25/2014 11:40:58 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1of1Page Project Description Solve For Spread Input Data Discharge 1.50 ft³/s Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 6.25 % Road Cross Slope 3.00 % Local Depression 0.08 in Local Depression Width 1.50 ft Grate Width 1.50 ft Grate Length 3.00 ft Grate Type 30˚ Tilt Bar Clogging 20.00 % Curb Opening Length 3.00 ft Opening Height 0.50 ft Curb Throat Type Horizontal Throat Incline Angle 90.00 degrees Options Calculation Option Use Both Results Spread 6.25 ft Depth 0.24 ft Gutter Depression 0.05 ft Total Depression 0.06 ft Open Grate Area 1.22 ft² Active Grate Weir Length 5.40 ft Westgate 14+30, east inlet (10-yr) 11/24/2014 7:38:17 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1of1Page Project Description Solve For Spread Input Data Discharge 2.64 ft³/s Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 6.25 % Road Cross Slope 3.00 % Local Depression 1.00 in Local Depression Width 1.50 ft Grate Width 1.50 ft Grate Length 3.00 ft Grate Type 30˚ Tilt Bar Clogging 20.00 % Curb Opening Length 3.00 ft Opening Height 0.50 ft Curb Throat Type Vertical Throat Incline Angle 0.00 degrees Options Calculation Option Use Both Results Spread 7.49 ft Depth 0.27 ft Gutter Depression 0.05 ft Total Depression 0.13 ft Open Grate Area 1.22 ft² Active Grate Weir Length 5.40 ft Laurel 13+90, west inlet 11/21/2014 9:17:28 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1of1Page Project Description Solve For Spread Input Data Discharge 3.53 ft³/s Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 6.25 % Road Cross Slope 3.00 % Local Depression 1.00 in Local Depression Width 1.50 ft Grate Width 1.50 ft Grate Length 3.00 ft Grate Type 30˚ Tilt Bar Clogging 20.00 % Curb Opening Length 3.00 ft Opening Height 0.50 ft Curb Throat Type Vertical Throat Incline Angle 0.00 degrees Options Calculation Option Use Both Results Spread 8.88 ft Depth 0.32 ft Gutter Depression 0.05 ft Total Depression 0.13 ft Open Grate Area 1.22 ft² Active Grate Weir Length 5.40 ft Laurel 13+90, east inlet 11/19/2014 11:59:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1of1Page Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope 0.60000 % Discharge 2.51 ft³/s Section Definitions Station (ft)Elevation (ft) 0+00.33 0.45 0+00.50 0.00 0+02.00 0.08 0+22.00 0.68 Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Ending Station Roughness Coefficient (0+00.33, 0.45) (0+22.00, 0.68)0.013 Options Current Roughness Weighted Method Pavlovskii's Method Open Channel Weighting Method Pavlovskii's Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Pavlovskii's Method Results Normal Depth 0.29 ft Elevation Range 0.00 to 0.68 ft Flow Area 1.12 ft² Wetted Perimeter 8.80 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.13 ft Top Width 8.59 ft Normal Depth 0.29 ft Critical Depth 0.30 ft Critical Slope 0.00495 ft/ft Westmoreland 3+60, south gutter 11/19/2014 12:10:56 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 2of1Page Results Velocity 2.24 ft/s Velocity Head 0.08 ft Specific Energy 0.37 ft Froude Number 1.09 Flow Type Supercritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.29 ft Critical Depth 0.30 ft Channel Slope 0.60000 % Critical Slope 0.00495 ft/ft Westmoreland 3+60, south gutter 11/19/2014 12:10:56 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 2of2Page Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.013 Channel Slope 0.80000 % Left Side Slope 2.00 % Right Side Slope 2.00 % Discharge 2.84 ft³/s Results Normal Depth 0.17 ft Flow Area 1.44 ft² Wetted Perimeter 16.98 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.08 ft Top Width 16.97 ft Critical Depth 0.18 ft Critical Slope 0.00547 ft/ft Velocity 1.97 ft/s Velocity Head 0.06 ft Specific Energy 0.23 ft Froude Number 1.19 Flow Type Supercritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.17 ft Critical Depth 0.18 ft Channel Slope 0.80000 % Critical Slope 0.00547 ft/ft "Woonerf" alley flow 11/19/2014 11:45:03 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1of1Page Project Description Solve For Spread Input Data Discharge 2.16 ft³/s Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 6.25 % Road Cross Slope 3.00 % Local Depression 0.08 in Local Depression Width 1.50 ft Grate Width 1.50 ft Grate Length 3.00 ft Grate Type 30˚ Tilt Bar Clogging 20.00 % Curb Opening Length 3.00 ft Opening Height 0.50 ft Curb Throat Type Horizontal Throat Incline Angle 90.00 degrees Options Calculation Option Use Both Results Spread 7.60 ft Depth 0.28 ft Gutter Depression 0.05 ft Total Depression 0.06 ft Open Grate Area 1.22 ft² Active Grate Weir Length 5.40 ft Durston 8+50, south inlet (10-yr) 11/25/2014 11:41:30 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1of1Page PIPE FLOW CALCULATIONS (this page left blank intentionally) The Lakes at Valley West, Phases 1 and 2 Pipe Flow Calculations MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD Qp = C i A Qp = 25-yr peak runoff, cfs C = runoff coefficient i = 0.78(Tc/60)-0.64 (Bozeman IDF curve) Tc = time of concentration, minutes A = Area, acres Sub-Basin Description Area1 Tc C Qdirect 1 Qtotal 2 Qint 3 Qbypass Qpipe 4 Pipe Dia.5 Notes Alley sta. 5+90 west 0.74 5.00 0.46 1.30 1.30 0.89 0.41 0.89 12" sta. 5+90 east 0.44 5.00 0.46 0.77 0.77 0.55 0.22 1.44 12"to Westgate 4+60 west Westgate Road sta. 4+60 west 0.65 5.00 0.46 1.14 1.14 0.74 0.40 2.18 12" sta. 4+60 east 1.40 5.00 0.46 2.46 2.46 1.55 0.91 3.73 12"outfall, to D1.3C det sta. 12+00 west (double inlet)3.70 5.00 0.40 5.66 6.70 4.10 2.60 4.10 12" sta. 12+00 east (double inlet)2.00 5.00 0.46 3.52 3.74 2.65 1.09 6.75 15"outfall, to D1.2 det sta. 14+30 west 0.73 5.00 0.45 1.26 3.86 3.86 0.00 3.86 15" sta. 14+30 east 0.40 5.00 0.35 0.54 1.63 1.63 0.00 5.48 15"outfall, to D1.2 det Laurel Parkway sta. 13+90 west 1.90 5.50 0.46 3.15 3.15 3.15 0.00 7.35 18"outfall, to D1.4 det sta. 13+90 east 3.60 6.20 0.35 4.20 4.20 4.20 0.00 4.20 15" Durston Road sta. 8+50 south 1.59 10.40 0.68 2.59 2.59 2.59 0.00 2.59 12" sta. 9+00 38.63 2-24"replace existing culvert6 FOOTNOTES: 1 Areas and Qdirect flow rates are used to calculate direct runoff to the inlet (does not include inlet bypass or bypass from upstream inlets). 2 Qtotal is total peak runoff (includes direct runoff to the inlet plus bypass flows from upstream inlets). 3 Qint is flow intercepted by the inlet. 4 Qpipe is total flow to outlet pipe (includes runoff intercepted at the inlet, plus runoff intercepted at all upstream inlets). 6 Calculations are attached where "Pipe Dia." column uses bold text. Other pipe sizes are evident based on flow rates. 5 Qtotal for replacement culvert in Durston Road = (direct runoff into inlet + D1.2 + West Lake discharge + D1.4). Replace existing 24" CMP with two 24" RCP culverts to meet elevation, capacity and minimum cover requirements of proposed site and proposed Durston Road improvements. Project Description Solve For Efficiency Input Data Discharge 1.30 ft³/s Slope 0.80000 % Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 6.30 % Road Cross Slope 4.70 % Roughness Coefficient 0.013 Local Depression 0.08 in Local Depression Width 1.00 ft Grate Width 1.00 ft Grate Length 3.00 ft Grate Type 30˚ Tilt Bar Clogging 20.00 % Curb Opening Length 3.00 ft Options Calculation Option Use Both Grate Flow Option Exclude None Results Efficiency 68.71 % Intercepted Flow 0.89 ft³/s Bypass Flow 0.41 ft³/s Spread 4.37 ft Depth 0.23 ft Flow Area 0.47 ft² Gutter Depression 0.02 ft Total Depression 0.03 ft Velocity 2.78 ft/s Splash Over Velocity 5.18 ft/s Frontal Flow Factor 1.00 Side Flow Factor 0.27 Grate Flow Ratio 0.51 Equivalent Cross Slope 0.06130 ft/ft Active Grate Length 2.40 ft Length Factor 0.05 Total Interception Length 11.38 ft Alley 5+90, west inlet (25-yr) 11/25/2014 1:18:19 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1of1Page Project Description Solve For Efficiency Input Data Discharge 0.77 ft³/s Slope 0.80000 % Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 6.30 % Road Cross Slope 3.00 % Roughness Coefficient 0.013 Local Depression 0.10 in Local Depression Width 1.00 ft Grate Width 1.00 ft Grate Length 3.00 ft Grate Type 30˚ Tilt Bar Clogging 20.00 % Curb Opening Length 3.00 ft Options Calculation Option Use Both Grate Flow Option Exclude None Results Efficiency 71.75 % Intercepted Flow 0.55 ft³/s Bypass Flow 0.22 ft³/s Spread 4.48 ft Depth 0.18 ft Flow Area 0.34 ft² Gutter Depression 0.05 ft Total Depression 0.06 ft Velocity 2.28 ft/s Splash Over Velocity 5.18 ft/s Frontal Flow Factor 1.00 Side Flow Factor 0.25 Grate Flow Ratio 0.55 Equivalent Cross Slope 0.05838 ft/ft Active Grate Length 2.40 ft Length Factor 0.06 Total Interception Length 9.40 ft Alley 5+90, east inlet (25-yr) 11/25/2014 1:18:58 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1of1Page Project Description Solve For Efficiency Input Data Discharge 1.14 ft³/s Slope 0.80000 % Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 6.30 % Road Cross Slope 3.00 % Roughness Coefficient 0.013 Local Depression 0.10 in Local Depression Width 0.00 ft Grate Width 1.00 ft Grate Length 3.00 ft Grate Type 30˚ Tilt Bar Clogging 20.00 % Curb Opening Length 3.00 ft Options Calculation Option Use Both Grate Flow Option Exclude None Results Efficiency 64.87 % Intercepted Flow 0.74 ft³/s Bypass Flow 0.40 ft³/s Spread 5.31 ft Depth 0.21 ft Flow Area 0.46 ft² Gutter Depression 0.05 ft Total Depression 0.06 ft Velocity 2.48 ft/s Splash Over Velocity 5.18 ft/s Frontal Flow Factor 1.00 Side Flow Factor 0.23 Grate Flow Ratio 0.48 Equivalent Cross Slope 0.05525 ft/ft Active Grate Length 2.40 ft Length Factor 0.05 Total Interception Length 11.46 ft Westgate 4+60, west inlet (25-yr) 11/25/2014 1:37:20 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1of1Page Project Description Solve For Efficiency Input Data Discharge 2.46 ft³/s Slope 0.80000 % Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 6.25 % Road Cross Slope 3.00 % Roughness Coefficient 0.013 Local Depression 0.08 in Local Depression Width 1.00 ft Grate Width 1.50 ft Grate Length 3.00 ft Grate Type 30˚ Tilt Bar Clogging 20.00 % Curb Opening Length 3.00 ft Options Calculation Option Use Both Grate Flow Option Exclude None Results Efficiency 63.10 % Intercepted Flow 1.55 ft³/s Bypass Flow 0.91 ft³/s Spread 7.31 ft Depth 0.27 ft Flow Area 0.84 ft² Gutter Depression 0.05 ft Total Depression 0.06 ft Velocity 2.94 ft/s Splash Over Velocity 5.18 ft/s Frontal Flow Factor 1.00 Side Flow Factor 0.18 Grate Flow Ratio 0.51 Equivalent Cross Slope 0.04877 ft/ft Active Grate Length 2.40 ft Length Factor 0.04 Total Interception Length 17.06 ft Westgate 4+60, east inlet (25-yr) 11/25/2014 1:38:09 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1of1Page Culvert Calculator Report Westgate 4+60 east (out to D1.3C det) Title: The Lakes at Valley West n:\5352\002\design docs\reports\storm\pipes.cvm 11/25/14 04:17:19 PM Morrison Maierle Inc © Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: mhickman CulvertMaster v3.3 [] Page 1 of 1 Solve For: Headwater Elevation Culvert Summary Allowable HW Elevation 54.50 ft Headwater Depth/Height 2.08 Computed Headwater Elevation 51.68 ft Discharge 3.73 cfs Inlet Control HW Elev. 51.16 ft Tailwater Elevation 49.30 ft Outlet Control HW Elev. 51.68 ft Control Type Outlet Control Grades Upstream Invert 49.60 ft Downstream Invert 48.50 ft Length 160.00 ft Constructed Slope 0.6875 % Hydraulic Profile Profile CompositeM2PressureProfile Depth, Downstream 0.82 ft Slope Type Mild Normal Depth N/A ft Flow Regime Subcritical Critical Depth 0.82 ft Velocity Downstream 5.40 ft/s Critical Slope 1.0890 % Section Section Shape Circular Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Section MaterialCorrugated HDPE (Smooth Interior) Span 1.00 ft Section Size 12 inch Rise 1.00 ft Number Sections 1 Outlet Control Properties Outlet Control HW Elev. 51.68 ft Upstream Velocity Head 0.35 ft Ke 0.50 Entrance Loss 0.18 ft Inlet Control Properties Inlet Control HW Elev. 51.16 ft Flow Control Submerged Inlet Type Square edge w/headwall Area Full 0.8 ft² K 0.00980 HDS 5 Chart 1 M 2.00000 HDS 5 Scale 1 C 0.03980 Equation Form 1 Y 0.67000 Project Description Solve For Efficiency Input Data Discharge 6.70 ft³/s Slope 2.00000 % Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 6.30 % Road Cross Slope 3.00 % Roughness Coefficient 0.013 Local Depression 0.08 in Local Depression Width 1.50 ft Grate Width 1.50 ft Grate Length 6.00 ft Grate Type 30˚ Tilt Bar Clogging 20.00 % Curb Opening Length 6.00 ft Options Calculation Option Use Both Grate Flow Option Exclude None Results Efficiency 61.21 % Intercepted Flow 4.10 ft³/s Bypass Flow 2.60 ft³/s Spread 9.07 ft Depth 0.32 ft Flow Area 1.27 ft² Gutter Depression 0.05 ft Total Depression 0.06 ft Velocity 5.28 ft/s Splash Over Velocity 8.74 ft/s Frontal Flow Factor 1.00 Side Flow Factor 0.27 Grate Flow Ratio 0.42 Equivalent Cross Slope 0.04578 ft/ft Active Grate Length 4.80 ft Length Factor 0.03 Total Interception Length 35.53 ft Westgate 12+00 west, double inlet (25-yr) 11/25/2014 4:21:08 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 2of1Page Culvert Calculator Report Westgate 12+00 west Title: The Lakes at Valley West n:\5352\002\design docs\reports\storm\pipes.cvm 11/25/14 04:23:15 PM Morrison Maierle Inc © Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: mhickman CulvertMaster v3.3 [] Page 1 of 1 Solve For: Headwater Elevation Culvert Summary Allowable HW Elevation 46.00 ft Headwater Depth/Height 2.84 Computed Headwater Elevation 45.54 ft Discharge 4.10 cfs Inlet Control HW Elev. 44.53 ft Tailwater Elevation 44.53 ft Outlet Control HW Elev. 45.54 ft Control Type Outlet Control Grades Upstream Invert 42.70 ft Downstream Invert 42.50 ft Length 28.00 ft Constructed Slope 0.7143 % Hydraulic Profile Profile PressureProfile Depth, Downstream 2.03 ft Slope Type N/A Normal Depth N/A ft Flow Regime N/A Critical Depth 0.86 ft Velocity Downstream 5.22 ft/s Critical Slope 1.2345 % Section Section Shape Circular Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Section MaterialCorrugated HDPE (Smooth Interior) Span 1.00 ft Section Size 12 inch Rise 1.00 ft Number Sections 1 Outlet Control Properties Outlet Control HW Elev. 45.54 ft Upstream Velocity Head 0.42 ft Ke 0.50 Entrance Loss 0.21 ft Inlet Control Properties Inlet Control HW Elev. 44.53 ft Flow Control Submerged Inlet Type Square edge w/headwall Area Full 0.8 ft² K 0.00980 HDS 5 Chart 1 M 2.00000 HDS 5 Scale 1 C 0.03980 Equation Form 1 Y 0.67000 Project Description Solve For Efficiency Input Data Discharge 3.74 ft³/s Slope 2.00000 % Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 6.30 % Road Cross Slope 3.00 % Roughness Coefficient 0.013 Local Depression 0.08 in Local Depression Width 1.50 ft Grate Width 1.50 ft Grate Length 6.00 ft Grate Type 30˚ Tilt Bar Clogging 20.00 % Curb Opening Length 6.00 ft Options Calculation Option Use Both Grate Flow Option Exclude None Results Efficiency 70.99 % Intercepted Flow 2.65 ft³/s Bypass Flow 1.09 ft³/s Spread 7.19 ft Depth 0.27 ft Flow Area 0.81 ft² Gutter Depression 0.05 ft Total Depression 0.06 ft Velocity 4.61 ft/s Splash Over Velocity 8.74 ft/s Frontal Flow Factor 1.00 Side Flow Factor 0.32 Grate Flow Ratio 0.52 Equivalent Cross Slope 0.04932 ft/ft Active Grate Length 4.80 ft Length Factor 0.05 Total Interception Length 26.60 ft Westgate 12+00 east, double inlet (25-yr) 11/25/2014 4:20:35 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 2of1Page Culvert Calculator Report Westgate 12+00 east (out to D1.2 det) Title: The Lakes at Valley West n:\5352\002\design docs\reports\storm\pipes.cvm 11/25/14 04:23:38 PM Morrison Maierle Inc © Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: mhickman CulvertMaster v3.3 [] Page 1 of 1 Solve For: Headwater Elevation Culvert Summary Allowable HW Elevation 46.00 ft Headwater Depth/Height 1.63 Computed Headwater Elevation 44.53 ft Discharge 6.75 cfs Inlet Control HW Elev. 44.53 ft Tailwater Elevation 40.60 ft Outlet Control HW Elev. 44.43 ft Control Type Inlet Control Grades Upstream Invert 42.50 ft Downstream Invert 39.00 ft Length 250.00 ft Constructed Slope 1.4000 % Hydraulic Profile Profile CompositePressureProfileS1S2 Depth, Downstream 0.91 ft Slope Type N/A Normal Depth 0.91 ft Flow Regime N/A Critical Depth 1.04 ft Velocity Downstream 7.03 ft/s Critical Slope 1.0569 % Section Section Shape Circular Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Section MaterialCorrugated HDPE (Smooth Interior) Span 1.25 ft Section Size 15 inch Rise 1.25 ft Number Sections 1 Outlet Control Properties Outlet Control HW Elev. 44.43 ft Upstream Velocity Head 0.59 ft Ke 0.50 Entrance Loss 0.30 ft Inlet Control Properties Inlet Control HW Elev. 44.53 ft Flow Control Submerged Inlet Type Square edge w/headwall Area Full 1.2 ft² K 0.00980 HDS 5 Chart 1 M 2.00000 HDS 5 Scale 1 C 0.03980 Equation Form 1 Y 0.67000 Project Description Solve For Spread Input Data Discharge 3.86 ft³/s Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 6.25 % Road Cross Slope 3.00 % Local Depression 0.08 in Local Depression Width 1.50 ft Grate Width 1.50 ft Grate Length 3.00 ft Grate Type 30˚ Tilt Bar Clogging 20.00 % Curb Opening Length 3.00 ft Opening Height 0.50 ft Curb Throat Type Horizontal Throat Incline Angle 90.00 degrees Options Calculation Option Use Both Results Spread 10.35 ft Depth 0.36 ft Gutter Depression 0.05 ft Total Depression 0.06 ft Open Grate Area 1.22 ft² Active Grate Weir Length 5.40 ft Westgate 14+30, west inlet (25-yr) 11/25/2014 1:44:19 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1of1Page Culvert Calculator Report Westgate 14+30 west Title: The Lakes at Valley West n:\5352\002\design docs\reports\storm\pipes.cvm 11/25/14 04:24:01 PM Morrison Maierle Inc © Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: mhickman CulvertMaster v3.3 [] Page 1 of 1 Solve For: Headwater Elevation Culvert Summary Allowable HW Elevation 41.25 ft Headwater Depth/Height 1.78 Computed Headwater Elevation 41.22 ft Discharge 3.86 cfs Inlet Control HW Elev. 40.89 ft Tailwater Elevation 40.89 ft Outlet Control HW Elev. 41.22 ft Control Type Outlet Control Grades Upstream Invert 39.00 ft Downstream Invert 38.80 ft Length 28.00 ft Constructed Slope 0.7143 % Hydraulic Profile Profile PressureProfile Depth, Downstream 2.09 ft Slope Type N/A Normal Depth 0.78 ft Flow Regime N/A Critical Depth 0.79 ft Velocity Downstream 3.15 ft/s Critical Slope 0.6662 % Section Section Shape Circular Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Section MaterialCorrugated HDPE (Smooth Interior) Span 1.25 ft Section Size 15 inch Rise 1.25 ft Number Sections 1 Outlet Control Properties Outlet Control HW Elev. 41.22 ft Upstream Velocity Head 0.15 ft Ke 0.50 Entrance Loss 0.08 ft Inlet Control Properties Inlet Control HW Elev. 40.89 ft Flow Control Unsubmerged Inlet Type Square edge w/headwall Area Full 1.2 ft² K 0.00980 HDS 5 Chart 1 M 2.00000 HDS 5 Scale 1 C 0.03980 Equation Form 1 Y 0.67000 Project Description Solve For Spread Input Data Discharge 1.63 ft³/s Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 6.25 % Road Cross Slope 3.00 % Local Depression 0.08 in Local Depression Width 1.50 ft Grate Width 1.50 ft Grate Length 3.00 ft Grate Type 30˚ Tilt Bar Clogging 20.00 % Curb Opening Length 3.00 ft Opening Height 0.50 ft Curb Throat Type Horizontal Throat Incline Angle 90.00 degrees Options Calculation Option Use Both Results Spread 6.53 ft Depth 0.24 ft Gutter Depression 0.05 ft Total Depression 0.06 ft Open Grate Area 1.22 ft² Active Grate Weir Length 5.40 ft Westgate 14+30, east inlet (25-yr) 11/25/2014 1:45:07 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1of1Page Culvert Calculator Report Westgate 14+30 east (out to D1.2 det) Title: The Lakes at Valley West n:\5352\002\design docs\reports\storm\pipes.cvm 11/25/14 04:24:24 PM Morrison Maierle Inc © Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: mhickman CulvertMaster v3.3 [] Page 1 of 1 Solve For: Headwater Elevation Culvert Summary Allowable HW Elevation 41.25 ft Headwater Depth/Height 1.41 Computed Headwater Elevation 40.92 ft Discharge 5.48 cfs Inlet Control HW Elev. 40.60 ft Tailwater Elevation 40.60 ft Outlet Control HW Elev. 40.92 ft Control Type Outlet Control Grades Upstream Invert 38.80 ft Downstream Invert 38.60 ft Length 35.00 ft Constructed Slope 0.5714 % Hydraulic Profile Profile PressureProfile Depth, Downstream 2.00 ft Slope Type N/A Normal Depth 0.92 ft Flow Regime N/A Critical Depth 0.90 ft Velocity Downstream 3.10 ft/s Critical Slope 0.5981 % Section Section Shape Circular Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Section MaterialCorrugated HDPE (Smooth Interior) Span 1.50 ft Section Size 18 inch Rise 1.50 ft Number Sections 1 Outlet Control Properties Outlet Control HW Elev. 40.92 ft Upstream Velocity Head 0.15 ft Ke 0.50 Entrance Loss 0.07 ft Inlet Control Properties Inlet Control HW Elev. 40.60 ft Flow Control Unsubmerged Inlet Type Square edge w/headwall Area Full 1.8 ft² K 0.00980 HDS 5 Chart 1 M 2.00000 HDS 5 Scale 1 C 0.03980 Equation Form 1 Y 0.67000 Project Description Solve For Spread Input Data Discharge 3.15 ft³/s Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 6.25 % Road Cross Slope 3.00 % Local Depression 1.00 in Local Depression Width 1.50 ft Grate Width 1.50 ft Grate Length 3.00 ft Grate Type 30˚ Tilt Bar Clogging 20.00 % Curb Opening Length 3.00 ft Opening Height 0.50 ft Curb Throat Type Vertical Throat Incline Angle 0.00 degrees Options Calculation Option Use Both Results Spread 8.32 ft Depth 0.30 ft Gutter Depression 0.05 ft Total Depression 0.13 ft Open Grate Area 1.22 ft² Active Grate Weir Length 5.40 ft Laurel 13+90, west inlet (25-yr) 11/25/2014 1:45:49 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1of1Page Culvert Calculator Report Laurel 13+90 west (out to D1.4 det) Title: The Lakes at Valley West n:\5352\002\design docs\reports\storm\pipes.cvm 11/25/14 04:24:45 PM Morrison Maierle Inc © Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: mhickman CulvertMaster v3.3 [] Page 1 of 1 Solve For: Headwater Elevation Culvert Summary Allowable HW Elevation 46.20 ft Headwater Depth/Height 1.17 Computed Headwater Elevation 44.75 ft Discharge 7.35 cfs Inlet Control HW Elev. 44.70 ft Tailwater Elevation 40.30 ft Outlet Control HW Elev. 44.75 ft Control Type Outlet Control Grades Upstream Invert 43.00 ft Downstream Invert 40.50 ft Length 420.00 ft Constructed Slope 0.5952 % Hydraulic Profile Profile M2 Depth, Downstream 1.05 ft Slope Type Mild Normal Depth 1.12 ft Flow Regime Subcritical Critical Depth 1.05 ft Velocity Downstream 5.56 ft/s Critical Slope 0.6982 % Section Section Shape Circular Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Section MaterialCorrugated HDPE (Smooth Interior) Span 1.50 ft Section Size 18 inch Rise 1.50 ft Number Sections 1 Outlet Control Properties Outlet Control HW Elev. 44.75 ft Upstream Velocity Head 0.42 ft Ke 0.50 Entrance Loss 0.21 ft Inlet Control Properties Inlet Control HW Elev. 44.70 ft Flow Control Unsubmerged Inlet Type Square edge w/headwall Area Full 1.8 ft² K 0.00980 HDS 5 Chart 1 M 2.00000 HDS 5 Scale 1 C 0.03980 Equation Form 1 Y 0.67000 Project Description Solve For Spread Input Data Discharge 4.20 ft³/s Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 6.25 % Road Cross Slope 3.00 % Local Depression 1.00 in Local Depression Width 1.50 ft Grate Width 1.50 ft Grate Length 3.00 ft Grate Type 30˚ Tilt Bar Clogging 20.00 % Curb Opening Length 3.00 ft Opening Height 0.50 ft Curb Throat Type Vertical Throat Incline Angle 0.00 degrees Options Calculation Option Use Both Results Spread 9.81 ft Depth 0.34 ft Gutter Depression 0.05 ft Total Depression 0.13 ft Open Grate Area 1.22 ft² Active Grate Weir Length 5.40 ft Laurel 13+90, east inlet (25-yr) 11/25/2014 1:46:17 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1of1Page Culvert Calculator Report Laurel 13+90 east Title: The Lakes at Valley West n:\5352\002\design docs\reports\storm\pipes.cvm 11/25/14 04:25:04 PM Morrison Maierle Inc © Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: mhickman CulvertMaster v3.3 [] Page 1 of 1 Solve For: Headwater Elevation Culvert Summary Allowable HW Elevation 46.20 ft Headwater Depth/Height 1.31 Computed Headwater Elevation 45.29 ft Discharge 4.20 cfs Inlet Control HW Elev. 44.96 ft Tailwater Elevation 44.77 ft Outlet Control HW Elev. 45.29 ft Control Type Outlet Control Grades Upstream Invert 43.65 ft Downstream Invert 43.25 ft Length 58.00 ft Constructed Slope 0.6897 % Hydraulic Profile Profile PressureProfile Depth, Downstream 1.52 ft Slope Type N/A Normal Depth 0.83 ft Flow Regime N/A Critical Depth 0.83 ft Velocity Downstream 3.42 ft/s Critical Slope 0.6963 % Section Section Shape Circular Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Section MaterialCorrugated HDPE (Smooth Interior) Span 1.25 ft Section Size 15 inch Rise 1.25 ft Number Sections 1 Outlet Control Properties Outlet Control HW Elev. 45.29 ft Upstream Velocity Head 0.18 ft Ke 0.50 Entrance Loss 0.09 ft Inlet Control Properties Inlet Control HW Elev. 44.96 ft Flow Control Unsubmerged Inlet Type Square edge w/headwall Area Full 1.2 ft² K 0.00980 HDS 5 Chart 1 M 2.00000 HDS 5 Scale 1 C 0.03980 Equation Form 1 Y 0.67000 Project Description Solve For Spread Input Data Discharge 2.59 ft³/s Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 6.25 % Road Cross Slope 3.00 % Local Depression 0.08 in Local Depression Width 1.50 ft Grate Width 1.50 ft Grate Length 3.00 ft Grate Type 30˚ Tilt Bar Clogging 20.00 % Curb Opening Length 3.00 ft Opening Height 0.50 ft Curb Throat Type Horizontal Throat Incline Angle 90.00 degrees Options Calculation Option Use Both Results Spread 8.37 ft Depth 0.30 ft Gutter Depression 0.05 ft Total Depression 0.06 ft Open Grate Area 1.22 ft² Active Grate Weir Length 5.40 ft Durston 8+50, south inlet (25-yr) 11/26/2014 9:04:19 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1of1Page Culvert Calculator Report Durston 9+00 2-24" RCP (25-yr) Title: The Lakes at Valley West n:\5352\002\design docs\reports\storm\pipes.cvm 11/26/14 09:00:41 AM Morrison Maierle Inc © Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: mhickman CulvertMaster v3.3 [] Page 1 of 1 Solve For: Headwater Elevation Culvert Summary Allowable HW Elevation 41.90 ft Headwater Depth/Height 1.44 Computed Headwater Elevation 41.49 ft Discharge 38.63 cfs Inlet Control HW Elev. 41.17 ft Tailwater Elevation 39.98 ft Outlet Control HW Elev. 41.49 ft Control Type Outlet Control Grades Upstream Invert 38.60 ft Downstream Invert 37.90 ft Length 110.00 ft Constructed Slope 0.6364 % Hydraulic Profile Profile PressureProfile Depth, Downstream 2.08 ft Slope Type N/A Normal Depth 1.82 ft Flow Regime N/A Critical Depth 1.58 ft Velocity Downstream 6.15 ft/s Critical Slope 0.7819 % Section Section Shape Circular Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Section Material Concrete Span 2.00 ft Section Size 24 inch Rise 2.00 ft Number Sections 2 Outlet Control Properties Outlet Control HW Elev. 41.49 ft Upstream Velocity Head 0.59 ft Ke 0.20 Entrance Loss 0.12 ft Inlet Control Properties Inlet Control HW Elev. 41.17 ft Flow Control Submerged Inlet Type Beveled ring, 33.7° bevels Area Full 6.3 ft² K 0.00180 HDS 5 Chart 3 M 2.50000 HDS 5 Scale B C 0.02430 Equation Form 1 Y 0.83000 Culvert Calculator Report Durston 9+00 2-36.25"x22.5" ARCP (25-yr) Title: The Lakes at Valley West n:\5352\002\design docs\reports\storm\pipes.cvm 11/26/14 09:01:11 AM Morrison Maierle Inc © Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: mhickman CulvertMaster v3.3 [] Page 1 of 1 Solve For: Headwater Elevation Culvert Summary Allowable HW Elevation 41.90 ft Headwater Depth/Height 1.16 Computed Headwater Elevation 40.77 ft Discharge 38.63 cfs Inlet Control HW Elev. 40.54 ft Tailwater Elevation 39.98 ft Outlet Control HW Elev. 40.77 ft Control Type Outlet Control Grades Upstream Invert 38.60 ft Downstream Invert 37.90 ft Length 110.00 ft Constructed Slope 0.6364 % Hydraulic Profile Profile CompositePressureProfileS1 Depth, Downstream 2.08 ft Slope Type N/A Normal Depth 1.08 ft Flow Regime Subcritical Critical Depth 1.17 ft Velocity Downstream 4.37 ft/s Critical Slope 0.5161 % Section Section Shape Arch Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Section Material Concrete Span 3.02 ft Section Size 36.25 x 22.5 inch Rise 1.87 ft Number Sections 2 Outlet Control Properties Outlet Control HW Elev. 40.77 ft Upstream Velocity Head 0.32 ft Ke 0.50 Entrance Loss 0.16 ft Inlet Control Properties Inlet Control HW Elev. 40.54 ft Flow Control Unsubmerged Inlet TypeSquare edge w/headwall (arch) Area Full 8.8 ft² K 0.00980 HDS 5 Chart 0 M 2.00000 HDS 5 Scale 0 C 0.03980 Equation Form 1 Y 0.67000 Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.035 Channel Slope 0.50000 % Left Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Right Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Discharge 38.63 ft³/s Results Normal Depth 2.08 ft Flow Area 12.98 ft² Wetted Perimeter 13.16 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.99 ft Top Width 12.48 ft Critical Depth 1.59 ft Critical Slope 0.02065 ft/ft Velocity 2.98 ft/s Velocity Head 0.14 ft Specific Energy 2.22 ft Froude Number 0.51 Flow Type Subcritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 2.08 ft Critical Depth 1.59 ft Channel Slope 0.50000 % Critical Slope 0.02065 ft/ft Durston 9+00 outlet ditch (25-yr) 11/25/2014 1:49:19 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution CenterBentley FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 1of1Page SDSDSDSDSD SD 0+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+009+0010+0011+0012+0013+0014+0014+510+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+009+0010+0011+0012+0013+0014+0015+0016+0017+0018+0019+0020+0021+0022+0023+0023+300+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+009+0010+0011+0012+0013+0014+0015+0016+0017+005+006+007+008+009+0010+0011+0012+0013+0014+0015+0016+0017+0018+0019+0020+0021+0022+0023+0024+0025+0026+0027+0028+0029+0030+001+002+003+00 4+00 5+00 6+007+008+009+0010+0011+0012+0013+0014+0015+0016+0017+0018+0019+0020+0021+0022+0023+0024+0025+0026+0026+05SDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSD2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702010010020050HORIZ. SCALEIN FEETSHEET NUMBERPROJECT NUMBERDRAWING NUMBERN:\5352\002\ACAD\EXHIBITS\STORM DRAINAGE\POST-DEVELOPMENT.DWG PLOTTED BY:COOPER KRAUSE ON Jan/27/2015ˆCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2015APPR. BY:DATE:DATE:BY:DSGN. BY:Q.C. 5352.002XFIG.2BOZEMANMONTANACPKMGHKDJ01/2015QCBYQCDATEPOST-DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE MAPTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WESTDURSTON ROADLEGENDLAUREL PARKWAYWESTMORLAND ROADDET 2.2DET 1.4DET 1.1DET 1.3C1.402.000.802. ROADHUFFINE LANECOTTONWOOD ROADMATCH LINEMATCH LINEPHASE 1PHASE 2FUTURE PHASESVICINITY MAPSCALE: 1"=1000'GOOCH HILL ROADAAJKER CREEKBAXTER CREEKEXISTING 24" CMP(REPLACE WITH 2-3614" x 2212" ARCP)WESTGATE AVENUEEXISTING36" CMPPROPOSEDCUTOFF DITCH(FUTURE PHASE CONSTRUCTION)SOUTH SITE BOUNDARYEXISTING RCP CULVERTBAXTERCREEKWEST LAKEEAST LAKEPROPOSEDCUTOFF DITCH(PHASE 1 AND 2 CONSTRUCTION)PHASE 1 AND 2 CONSTRUCTIONPHASE 1 AND 2 CONSTRUCTIONFUTURE PHASECONSTRUCTIONFUTURE PHASECONSTRUCTION