HomeMy WebLinkAbout04- Westlake, George & Martinen, Kay; 1230 N. 7th, Famous Dave's - Pedestrian Access Easement ~1 ... ,.~ III~IIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ~:t~~r:?~p I , in:) (: .,. I. ....,~ I M"II" Sh.1I.y Y.no.~O.ll.tln Co MT MISC 24.00 ..----.... PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT This Easement agreement, made this 28th day of June , 2004, by and between Georae Westlake & Kay Martinen, hereinafter called "Grantor" and the City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called "City". RECITALS WHEREAS, the Grantor is the owner of: The property located on the SE corner of the intersection of North 7th Avenue and Oak Street. City of Bozeman. County of Gallatin. State of Montana. and s:tuated on the following described real property: Lot 1 ,Block 1 , Westlake's Second Subdivision to the City of Bozeman accordinq to the records on file in the Clerk and Recorder's Office. Gallatin County. Montana toqether with the non-exclusive parkinq easement adiacent to said property (hereinafter called " Famous Dave's Restaurant. 1230 North yth Avenue, Bozeman. MT "); WHEREAS, the Grantor is in the process of constructing and/or remodeling the above described facility; WHEREAS, the City retains a right-of-way which extends from the curb to the Grantor's property line; WHEREAS, the City's right-of-way is not wide enough to accommodate the desired boulevard and sidewalk configuration; WHEREAS, the Grantor has agreed to a request by the City to construct a sidewalk five feet wide. This sidewalk will occupy a space beginning approximately five feet from the curb and which will extend eight feet across the Grantor's property line, thus creating a boulevard between the curb and the sidewalk [attached Exhibit "A"]. AND WHEREAS, the City has otherwise approved the construction and/or remodeling to be done to the business subject to the condition that the business construct a sidewalk which extends across the property line of Grantor's property; NOW, THEREFORE, the Grantor, for and in consideration of the facts above recited and of the obligations herein contained, does hereby grant and convey unto the City and its assigns an irrevocable and perpetual easement in, to, over and upon the sidewalk and the land appurtenant thereto for pedestrian ingress and egress and the Grantor and City agree as follows: 1. The easement herein created includes the right to use the sidewalk and such land appurtenant thereto which is necessary or convenient for the exercise of this easement. 2. The Grantor agrees to construct and maintain the sidewalk at its own expense in accordance with the relevant City Ordinances, including, but not limited to, snow removal and all major and minor repair work. 3. The Grantor further agrees to allow the City to make any and all inspections of the sidewalk and land appurtenant thereto as the City reasonably deems necessary. 4. This easement shall run with the land and be fully transferable and assignable in connection with the sale or other transfer of Famous Dave's, 1230 North yth Avenue, as an appurtenance thereto and shall be binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns of the Grantor and the City, Page 1 of 3 . > 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~~t~~r:?~p . . . Shelley Vance-Gallatin Co MT MISC 24.ee IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this easement. DATED this l ~~ay of -Su Ir'I e ,2004. (x)~.z f: ~~./~~ George Westlake, GRANTOR (X)f:t=p;~ Kay Ma inen, GRANTOR STATE OF WASHINGTON ) County of (\Q)(lz. ):ss ) On this cr\--V'- day of ~ 1 "^ --€. , 2004, before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Washington, personally appeared Georqe Westlake, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. (SEAL) otary Public for the State of Washington . . . "III, ...' ~'HSV4t'II" ;' o>tP ".... oM"', l\ CS3 €- k \a~~LL ~ " '. ".' ..' .00: 'O{". 0 ...... - " ~". ~-:. (Printed Name) ~:";. / '17,,, 1..... 'tt~ .-/.... ~ ,~- Residing in fuU\cou U..e to ~ : ...~ : tf) ::- ~ S ".\ b".LON .: ; My Commission expires &2 / In /20 efl ' >.) '., '': '" . ~.. /,.....~OlSn~.,... ,,'" 0" .' i, " J. .,"i ~ 0, ' \ ," " .' . , , I I \ ' \ \ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) County of r!l It Ail ~ ):ss ) On this fJt1Lday of , 2004, before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for t State of Washington, personally appeared Kay Martinen, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. ,,1.1'\ i. 'It, ,.,\' ~'~ ", ........ ~ ...~,.'..'...~~ .'. .: ,.' -;,ri '};. '. =,l"n " ington :;, .: .~'.">..... : ~ .-- ~ ~O"; .." - f.. .. '- ~~"'~ ~o::~)" ..... ~"~" .,' ~ . ".. 0:........ It'" ,': " W V\ ' . ! I, , ,_,~, . J .' , , , ! t ' ~ l ~ 'I. ' . / /0 /20/& Page 2 of 3 __ u___n ,. . 111~11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~~t~~r:?~p . Shelley Vance-Gallatin Cc MT MISC 24.00 __...n. __.___00- CITY OF BOZEMAN by its Acting City Manager STATE OF MONTANA ) ):ss COUNTY of GALLATIN ) On this d' r~ day of , 2,AfY , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Mo a, personally appe~jd. Ron Brev and RM:l'i'~'S~ll i van . ,k own to me to be t c ~ Manager and Clerk of the CQI'li/rO\!s "R, .~tiveIY, of the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are sp~)t~ ~ th . . ,hin instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for ~~fbnt'~ toft~ ~ity of Bozeman. '; , rOo. '.' " C' a::' ~~>~ . .~ "." ~ ~ 4 ' ' ",,' . . -(.l . . It...... ~J PUbli1r s~e of Montana I 'f1J . A(!c If (Printed Name) Residing at Bozeman, Montana My Commission Expires: jp / If /20il Page 3 of 3 ~. . '. .. . " -- I EXHIBIT II A" ~ ~ PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT ~;; WITHIN . 11)'" re LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK 1 OF WESTLAKE'S SECOND SUBDIVISION, ..... ~ 1lI- CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA N~= iiiiiiiiiiiiiii s !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ -... PREPARED BY : ENGINEERING, INC. BILLINGS, MONTANA = N iiiiiiiiiiiiiii - =0 -II) BASIS OF BEARING: PLAT OF WESTLAKE'S SECOND SUBDIVISION _ E =1- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E iiiiiiiiiiiiiii 0 ~o =c \1 I ~= o 10 20 40 60 I MINOR SUB. #97 - ~ . I \ .~: SCALE: '''=40' \ _ ~ E......... LOT2 ~ ~g ."...... '., LOT 3 -!: '~I>I:::: '.::.,:~::~:.-= ....' .: .: -=:':::.' -:- ..:.:--::_'.1"___ ""_' . _ ~ .."~,,.,. ..........1 ~ ..... .............. . _. -.~ -~.~I'''~~:~~:~~~:~~' ~~,;:'.,.:;::~ ~,.::" .:.:.:;:: ;~:: c~ ~:~ :~~:' ;:~::..-, .. ~ '--...gfCT10N..LI NE .."...........................~.~(.~~~FtQ~f....~.;..............."...."...... .,.................. .......... ... _ . ~.,-..._L1A V Sli~G-c:rT ,",.. 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