HomeMy WebLinkAbout12A Subd Weed PlanDate Received NOXIOUS WEED MANAGEMENT PLAN This plan is valid and effective upon approval by the Board or it’s Representative for 3 years from date of approval. The Landowner/Responsible Party agrees that the Board shall have the right to revise this plan and any Memorandum of Understanding as necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Gallatin County Weed Management Plan or Montana Noxious Weed Control Act. If a new Landowner/Responsible Party becomes involved before expiration of this plan, the new Landowner/Responsible Party must submit a new Weed Management Plan for approval by the Weed District. The Landowner/Responsible Party will provide documentation that the Weed Management Plan has been implemented. The property owner agrees that the Weed District may inspect the property prior to granting approval of the Weed Management Plan, and if approved, such reasonable inspections as necessary to determine compliance with this plan. Weed Management Plans that have expired require a submittal of a new Weed Management Plan and documentation of completed weed control efforts. A property inspection is mandatory for reviewing the plan. There is a Review Fee of $300 for a Major Subdivision and $150 for a Minor Subdivision. These fees also apply to applications for Extensions of Preliminary Plat. Landowner/Responsible Party agrees to comply with this plan. CHECK TYPE OF WEED MANAGEMENT PLAN (check all that apply) Subdivision Telecommunications (cell tower) Roadside Maintenance (no spray) Landowner Organic Farm/Ranch Gravel Pit (attach MT DEQ Plan of Operation) I have read and understand all the relevant sections of the Gallatin County Weed Management Plan. Signature SubWMP - 08/12 Page 1 of 5 RESPONSIBLE PARTY INFORMATION Name: Phone: Mailing Address: Email Address: PROJECT LOCATION with Legal Description (Attach plat/project map) PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Please complete all that apply) Project Name: Number of Lots: Total Acres in Project: Total Road Miles in Project: NOXIOUS WEED MANAGEMENT PLAN Noxious Weed Species on Property (Provide plat map with weed inventory) METHOD OF WEED CONTROL (Mark all that apply) CHEMICAL MECHANICAL CULTURAL BIOLOGICAL Describe specific control measures and timing of control for 3 years. (If using herbicides, include type of herbicide and rates) Attach additional pages if necessary / incorporate by reference. SubWMP - 08/12 Page 2 of 5 ESTIMATED COSTS OF WEED CONTROL FOR 3 YEARS (Specify cost for each year) Indicate if work will be done by self or contracted: Self Contracted Year Herbicide Cost Cultural/ Mechanical Cost Biological Cost 1 2 3 Total REVEGETATION PLAN Are any disturbances planned? Yes No If Yes, complete the following re-vegetation section: MANDATORY REVEGETATION REQUIREMENTS: Areas disturbed during subdivision development (road construction, pond construction, service/utility/gas/electric/telephone line installation) will have a layer of topsoil redistributed onto disturbed areas. Disturbed areas will be seeded to an appropriate grass seed mix for the site. During the first and second years of grass establishment, areas seeded to grass will be mowed as appropriate to prevent weed seed development and dispersal. PLANNED DISTURBANCES (Mark all that apply) Utility/Service line Pond Road Park Trail Central Septic Other (list type) Describe in detail, the revegetation to mitigate all disturbances that will occur on this property. (List type and amount of seed/sod, seeding methods and timing, and fertilization) Attach additional pages if necessary / incorporate by reference. SubWMP - 08/12 Page 3 of 5 ESTIMATED COSTS OF REVEGETATION FOR 3 YEARS (Specify cost for each year) Indicate if work will be done by self or contracted: Self Contracted Year Revegetation Cost 1 2 3 Total PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS THAT APPLY: GRAVEL SOURCE (if using outside supply of gravel) List source of gravel/pit run/road mix/topsoil/etc. brought on-site for disturbance mitigation and/or construction. Name of Gravel Pit: Location: Contact Person: Does source of material have an approved Weed Management and Revegetation Plan on file with the Weed District? Yes No ORGANIC CERTIFICATION ORGANIZATION (for Organic Farm/Ranch only) Organic Farm/Ranch Certification Organization: Contact Person: Phone Number: Mailing Address: Email: LANDOWNER MAINTENANCE (only applies to Roadside Maintenance) The LANDOWNER/RESPONSIBLE PARTY has read the relevant sections of the Gallatin County Weed Management Plan and realizes that the WEED DISTRICT is released of liability for any losses suffered by the LANDOWNER/RESPONSIBLE PARTY in managing noxious weeds on the County road right-of-way. (initial) SubWMP - 08/12 Page 4 of 5 STATUS APPROVED NOT APPROVED RECOMMENDATIONS AND/OR CONDITIONS: Additional terms and conditions apply – see attached Compliance with laws and regulations. LANDOWNER/RESPONSIBLE PARTY has an affirmative duty to take notice of, observe, and strictly comply with all existing laws, rules and regulations and any laws, rules and regulations that may be adopted after the date of this agreement. Whether or not the same are expressly stated in the agreement, the LANDOWNER/RESPONSIBLE PARTY shall strictly comply with all applicable state, federal and local laws and regulations. LANDOWNER/RESPONSIBLE PARTY agrees that this plan is supported by good valid consideration and this plan constitutes a binding contract and may be enforced as such. Signature of Weed Board Chairman/Representative Signature of Responsible Party Type/print name of Chairman/Representative Type/print name of Responsible Party Date Date Signature of Landowner Type/print name of Landowner Date SubWMP - 08/12 Page 5 of 5