HomeMy WebLinkAboutA5. SnowfillPage 1 of 15 Z15069, Staff Report for the Snowfill Parking Lot Expansion Preliminary Site Plan Decision Date: City Commission meeting on May 4, 2015 Project Description: A Site Plan Application for the proposed construction of a 9 stall expanded parking lot with addition of trail entrance and gate and restroom facility. Project Location: The site is addressed as 2143 Story Mill Road but the project is located adjacent to McIllhattan Road 3,200 feet north of the intersection of St. Andrews Drive. The property involved is legally described as that portion of the South half of Section 30, Township 1 South Range 6 East, Gallatin County, Montana lying east of McIllhattan Road. Recommendation: Approval with recommended conditions and code provisions. Recommended Motion: “Having reviewed and considered the application materials, staff report, public comment, and all of the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application Z15069 and further move to approve the variance from Section 38.24.080 of the Bozeman Municipal Code, to defer installation of a sidewalk along McIllhattan Road.” Report Date: April 23, 2015 Staff Contact: Chris Saunders, Policy and Planning Manager Bob Murray, Project Engineer Agenda Item Type: Action (Quasi Judicial) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Unresolved Issues None Project Summary Proposed construction of a small additional parking area and addition of a vault toilet at the Snowfill trail site on McIllhattan Road. One variance is requested to defer installation of sidewalk along McIllhattan Road until the road as a whole is brought to City standards. As described in the various review criteria alternative compliance is sought on several areas relating to parking. These have been found to be acceptable by staff. Alternatives 1. Approve the application with the recommended conditions; 2. Approve the application with modifications to the recommended conditions; 3. Deny the application based on the Commission’s findings of non-compliance with the applicable criteria contained within the staff report; or 205 Z15069, Staff Report for Snowfill Parking Lot Expansion Site Plan Page 2 of 15 4. Open and continue the public hearing on the application, with specific direction to staff or the applicant to supply additional information or to address specific items. This alternative is requested if the Commission wishes to amend or add conditions of approval. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 1 Unresolved Issues ............................................................................................................... 1 Project Summary ................................................................................................................. 1 Alternatives ......................................................................................................................... 1 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES .................................................................................................... 3 SECTION 2 –REQUESTED RELAXATION/DEVIATIONS/VARIANCES ........................ 6 SECTION 3 - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ...................................... 6 SECTION 4 - CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING PLAN CORRECTIONS ................. 6 SECTION 5 - RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS ........................................ 6 SECTION 6 - STAFF ANALYSIS........................................................................................... 7 Applicable Plan Review Criteria, Section 38.19.100, BMC. .............................................. 7 Subdivision Variance Review Criteria- Section 38.35.070 .............................................. 12 APPENDIX A – PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY............................... 14 APPENDIX B – DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND.............. 14 APPENDIX C – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT ................................................... 15 APPENDIX D - OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF............................ 15 ATTACHMENTS ................................................................................................................... 15 206 Z15069, Staff Report for Snowfill Parking Lot Expansion Site Plan Page 3 of 15 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES 207 Z15069, Staff Report for Snowfill Parking Lot Expansion Site Plan Page 4 of 15 208 Z15069, Staff Report for Snowfill Parking Lot Expansion Site Plan Page 5 of 15 209 Z15069, Staff Report for Snowfill Parking Lot Expansion Site Plan Page 6 of 15 SECTION 2 –REQUESTED RELAXATION/DEVIATIONS/VARIANCES 1) A variance from Section 38.24.080 has been requested to defer installation of a sidewalk along McIllhattan Road. SECTION 3 - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Please note that these conditions are in addition to any required code provisions identified in this report. These conditions are specific to the preliminary site plan. Additional conditions will apply to the development of the property at the time of building permit. Recommended Conditions of Approval: Planning 1. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. 2. The applicant shall submit a written narrative outlining how each of the conditions of approval and code provisions has been satisfied with the final plan application. SECTION 4 - CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING PLAN CORRECTIONS A. Per Table 38.25.040-6 two accessible parking stalls are required when there are more than 25 parking spaces. Based upon the dimensions of the existing and proposed parking it appears that more than 25 total stalls will be provided. A second accessible stall shall be depicted on the final site plan with appropriate signs and markings. If determined to be necessary an adequate hard surface shall be provided for the accessible parking area. The final site plan must identify the surface type and dimensions for the accessible parking area. B. Per Section 38.25.040.A.5 requires provision of bicycle parking. Adequate bicycle parking to conform to the requirement needs to be shown on the final site plan. C. Per Article 38.26 a landscaping plan is required for all site plans. The landscaping plan must depict the required species, number of trees and shrubs, landscaping areas and protection, and other elements of the landscape plan. a. A landscaped island should be provided to protect the entrance to the proposed additional trail and divide the parking areas. b. Landscaped islands must be protected from accidental vehicle traffic. A nonstandard curb is supported to define the area but respect the rustic character of the area. A revised landscaping plan shall be submitted with the final site plan. SECTION 5 - RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS Project Name: Snowfill Parking Lot Expansion Site Plan Development Review Committee 210 Z15069, Staff Report for Snowfill Parking Lot Expansion Site Plan Page 7 of 15 The Development Review Committee (DRC) reviewed the application on September 10, 17 and October 1, 2014. The DRC recommended conditional approval of the application with the findings and conditions outlined in this report. Code provisions requiring correction were identified and are presented in Section 4. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board The Recreation and Parks Advisory Board reviewed the proposed expansion on April 3, 2015. No parkland is required. The RPAB recommended the City Commission approve the proposed site plan to provide additional parking area and restroom facility. City Commission The City Commission is scheduled for the May 4, 2015 regular agenda to conduct a public hearing and consider the preliminary site plan with subdivision variance application. SECTION 6 - STAFF ANALYSIS Analysis and resulting recommendations are based on the entirety of the application materials, municipal codes, standards, plans, public comment, and all other materials available during the review period. Collectively this information is the record of the review. This analysis is a summary of the completed review. Applicable Plan Review Criteria, Section 38.19.100, BMC. The application is a site plan and subject to the site plan review criteria. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or State law. In considering applications for plan approval under this title, the advisory boards and Director of Community Development shall consider the following: 1. Conformance to and consistency with the City’s adopted growth policy This property is designated as Public Institutions on Figure 3-1 (Future Land Use Map) of the Bozeman Community Plan. PLI, Public Lands and Institutions, is one of the implementing districts for the land use designation as shown in Appendix A. The proposal to provide parking for a recreation facility complies with the description of this land use designation. Appendix B includes a copy of the project description. A review of the future land use map and the goals and objectives of the growth policy indicates no conflicts with the growth policy. 2. Conformance to this chapter, including the cessation of any current violations Section 38.01.080 “Compliance With Regulations Required” states that to the extent reasonable, all City-owned land shall be subject to applicable regulations of the underlying zoning district. Development of such land shall be subject to approval by the City Commission if any variance or agency exception is requested. One variance has been requested and is discussed below. Therefore, the City Commission will be the decision making body on this application. No current violations are known to exist on this site. The proposed use of the site is consistent with the allowed uses of the PLI district. The proposed site layout, as conditioned, conforms to the requirements of the municipal code. Conditions 1 and 2 address 211 Z15069, Staff Report for Snowfill Parking Lot Expansion Site Plan Page 8 of 15 demonstrating compliance with future application steps. The landscaping plan will require some modification as outlined in Section 4. The site was originally approved as a parking lot to support a recreational trail area by the City Commission on November 13, 2007. It was noted in the discussion that the use of the site for recreational purposes is temporary and must remain secondary to the use of the property for the City’s Solid Waste utility. A copy of the minutes of the City Commission meeting on November 13, 2007 is available in the City’s Laserfiche archive. The discussion begins on page eight. A copy is also attached to this report. At that time, the City Commission granted several agency exemptions from development standards relating to the parking lot. As the non-standard development was approved through the necessary process it is not considered to be in violation of the code. Since that time the City has amended the municipal code to allow flexibility in addressing site needs. The proposed parking expansion is using that flexibility and is discussed below in greater detail. 3. Conformance with all other applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations No conflicts have been identified. Some additional steps are required such as application for final site plan and building permit which will be addressed as appropriate in the future. Code requirement A addresses compliance with accessible parking requirements. A building permit will be required for placement of the vault restroom. 4. Relationship of site plan elements to conditions both on and off the property The proposed restroom is sited away from the road and is near the existing entrance gate. The expanded parking area is located to the north. Stormwater facilities are located to the north and west. There appear to be no conflicts between proposed work and the existing site plan elements on or off the property. 5. The impact of the proposal on the existing and anticipated traffic and parking conditions Vehicular access to the project is provided from McIllhattan Road. McIllhattan Road is a designated collector street. In this section it is a narrow gravel road with no shoulders. There is no parking along the road. The existing and proposed parking area is elevated 3-4 feet above the grade of the road. The proposed work will expand the parking spaces to the north of the access drive. The additional spaces will require an additional accessible parking space. Per Code Requirement A, it will be necessary to provide an accessible hard surface and appropriate signs to designate the accessible parking spaces. It appears the best location for the accessible spaces is within the existing parking area close to the proposed restroom facility. This will provide a less steep site and easier access to trails and the restroom. On-site circulation is adequate to the anticipated demands. The additional parking will not of itself generate any additional traffic demand. It will provide a location for users already attracted to the facility. It is not expected that any additional trips will be generated from this project. The City standards require that all parking areas control dust and drainage and provide for protection of landscaping features. Most development proposes to use asphalt surface and concrete curbing to accomplish this. However, as part of the stormwater related code amendments adopted several years ago, alternatives to asphalt and concrete curb are allowed if approved by the City Engineer. The Director of Public Works has found that the proposed 212 Z15069, Staff Report for Snowfill Parking Lot Expansion Site Plan Page 9 of 15 grading and placement of stormwater facilities will be adequate to address drainage. The low volume of traffic on the site and adjacency to the gravel surface of McIllhattan Road means the graveled surface of the parking lot will control dust to a similar degree as existing conditions. Therefore, the proposal is acceptable under municipal code. The ability to consider alternatives to asphalt surfacing and concrete curb means that several of the agency exemptions required by the first Snowfill parking area are not required for this expansion. Also, striping is not required for parking surfaces which are not permanent. Therefore, no parking lot striping is required except for the accessible spaces. 6. Pedestrian and vehicular ingress and egress Primary vehicle access to the site is provided off of McIllhattan Road. Section 38.24.090.D requires limited access on McIllhattan Road as a collector street. The existing access to the site meets this requirement. McIllhattan Road is a petition road that has been amended several times. The most recent petition is #435. At one point the roadway was known as Bohart Road. Conversation with the County Road Office indicates that the travelled way has not been verified to be located in the route legally established by the petition. There is no safe pedestrian access to the site. McIllhattan Road north of St. Andrews Drive is a narrow, two-lane gravel road with no shoulders or separated path. The nearest pedestrian facility stops at least 3,200 feet south of the entrance to this facility. There is a substantial difference in land surface elevation between the roadway and the adjacent property with a steep drop off to the west and incline to the east. There is no viable option to extend sidewalk on the west due to grade change. On the east the City has fenced large sections for the safety of the public to separation them from the City’s Sanitation division facility which has been located on the property for several decades predating any development of the Snowfill site. The fencing and grade do not leave a viable location for a pedestrian facility on the east. The site is located approximately 3,200 feet from the end of the existing paving near St. Andrews Drive. Therefore, although there is both legal and physical vehicle access to the site it is not practical either financially or technically to expand the roadway to meet adopted City standards. The applicant has requested a variance from Section 38.24.080, Sidewalk, to defer installation of the sidewalk until such point as the overall street is expanded and brought to City standards. Analysis of this request is presented below. Article 38.24 establishes certain standards for improvements of roads. The article also includes provision and authority to determine that an existing roadway is adequate to meet the needs of a development. This is established in Section 38.24.090.B.1.b. BMC. The Director of Public Works has found that the conditions of small trip generation by the project, light existing use of McIllhattan Road, and disproportionately long distance to adjacent improved City streets justifies a finding that McIllhattan Road as presently exists is adequate to the need and no improvements are required. 213 Z15069, Staff Report for Snowfill Parking Lot Expansion Site Plan Page 10 of 15 7. Landscaping, including the enhancement of buildings, the appearance of vehicular use, open space, and pedestrian areas, and the preservation or replacement of natural vegetation The area of the site is part of the larger landfill property. It is a largely natural area with no artificially placed vegetation. The City Commission previously granted an agency exemption with the initial Snowfill parking development to not require parking lot landscaping. The current proposal includes a landscape design to comply with the requirements of Article 38.26.060, BMC, which requires a minimum of 15 points. The site is not adjacent to a residential area. The property to the west is zoned as Agricultural Suburban under Gallatin County’s zoning program and is used for farming. The applicant’s have proposed a small amount of hardy, drought tolerant trees to meet the requirement for landscaping. Placement appears adequate. There is a comparatively short overhead power line which inhibits the ability to place trees underneath it in the traditional street tree location. For this reason it appears necessary to waive the street tree requirement and instead relocate the one required street tree to the eastern edge of the parking area where it can be safely placed. Some initial irrigation will be provided to the trees by use of ‘gatorbags’ which are a time release watering system. There is no pressurized water on the site although there is a hand pump well. This appears a reasonable approach given the limitations of the site. After the trees are well established the supplemental irrigation can be removed. Section 38.26.050.C requires certain performance standards for parking lot landscaping. The Commission previously granted agency waivers to several of these requirements to the initial Snowfill parking area. The new area proposes to conform to the requirements. To do some a small adjustment in the location of the 2nd gate entry is required. The gate can be brought to the west and provide the landscaped area to divide the parking surface in to increments of less than 100 feet and to provide the necessary amount of landscaped area (20 feet per parking stall) within the parking lot. Existing entryway edging provides the balance of the required interior landscaping. 8. Open space Not applicable. 9. Building location and height The PLI district has no maximum building height limit. The proposed restroom building height is less than 10 feet to maximum roof height with a vent stack reaching 13 feet and 1 inch. The building complies. Placement is away from the roadway and to the interior of the site. The building will not be intrusive into offsite viewsheds. 10. Setbacks The site plan shows that all required setbacks have been provided and no impermissible encroachments are proposed. The setback from McIllhattan Road is inferred as the exact location of the right of way is not known as discussed under Criterion 6. 11. Lighting No lighting is required or proposed. 214 Z15069, Staff Report for Snowfill Parking Lot Expansion Site Plan Page 11 of 15 12. Provisions for utilities, including efficient public services and facilities There are no municipal water or sewer mains within a half-mile of the site. Section 38.21.030.D requires that all development sites be serviced by municipal water and sewer services. That same section also includes an alternative. There are places where water and sewer are not readily available. In that circumstance, rather than grant a variance which would permanently relieve the development from obligation to connect, the City can allow a temporary non-municipal source. The Snowfill site presently has a hand pump well. The proposed vault toilet does not require either running water or sewer service. It will require periodic pumping. Responsibility for that will be negotiated between the Gallatin Valley Land Trust and the City of Bozeman Parks Department and is beyond the scope of this report. After consideration of the criteria applicable to the alternative provision of service the Director of Public Works has determined that the alternative is appropriate and applicable. Therefore, no variance or agency exemption is required. 13. Site surface drainage The proposed drainage plan depicts how water is directed to the on-site retention pond provided to serve the property. All waters will be kept on site. 14. Loading and unloading areas Not applicable. 15. Grading The site is gently sloped. The proposed development will be fit into the grade. 16. Signage No signage is proposed. Any future project identification sign will be required to obtain a sign permit prior to installation. 17. Screening No screening of mechanical areas is necessary. Screening of the new parking area will be provided by the change of grade between the parking area and McIllhattan Road. 18. Overlay district provisions Not applicable, the site is not within an overlay district. 19. Other related matters, including relevant comment from affected parties No public comment letters have been received at this time. 215 Z15069, Staff Report for Snowfill Parking Lot Expansion Site Plan Page 12 of 15 20. If the development includes multiple lots that are interdependent for circulation or other means of addressing requirement of this title, whether the lots are either: Configured so that the sale of individual lots will not alter the approved configuration or use of the property or cause the development to become nonconforming or The subject of reciprocal and perpetual easements or other agreements to which the City is a party so that the sale of individual lots will not cause one or more elements of the development to become nonconforming. Not applicable. 21. Compliance with article 8 of chapter 10 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. Not applicable. 22. Phasing of development The project is proposed to be constructed in one phase. Due to grade limitations no additional phases are contemplated at this time. Subdivision Variance Review Criteria- Section 38.35.070 One variance is requested as part of this proposed development. The variance is to defer the installation of sidewalks required in Section 38.24.080, BMC. There is a maximum frontage of 180 linear feet along McIllhattan Road where the sidewalk would be required for this parking facility. Review criteria. The City of Bozeman has determined that all variances within the public right of way will be evaluated against the subdivision review criteria. Per MCA 76-3-506, a variance to this chapter must be based on specific variance criteria, and may not have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of this chapter. The city shall not approve subdivision variances unless it makes findings based upon the evidence presented in each specific case that: 1. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or general welfare, or be injurious to other adjoining properties; Sidewalks are required to enable the safe travel of pedestrians. Sidewalks must be continuous or expected to be continuous in a reasonable period of time in order to be effective. The City has established in Section 38.39.030.B.2 a requirement that sidewalks be installed within 3 years of platting of a subdivision. An extension of that period may be made on a case by case basis using criteria established in the section. One of the criteria to allow continued deferral is whether more than 50% of the lots on a block have installed sidewalks. In this circumstance there is no pedestrian facility for over 3,200 feet along McIllhattan Road. The installation of a sidewalk along McIllhattan would typically occur in conjunction with the widening and paving of the road. This project is not listed on the City’s capital improvement plan which looks forward 5 years. As noted above under Criterion 6, the exact 216 Z15069, Staff Report for Snowfill Parking Lot Expansion Site Plan Page 13 of 15 alignment and right of way boundary for McIllhattan Road is uncertain. There is no connection to be made within a reasonable distance or time. Placement of a sidewalk is to be done in a standard location. This location is not readily identifiable in this case. The placement of an isolated section of sidewalk without connection in any direction for thousands of feet and without confidence in its final location will not provide any substantive public benefit. The City remains the property owner and will not escape the obligation due to sale as might be expected with a private property in a developed area. Therefore, deferring installation until the road is improved will not cause detriment to the public health, safety, or general welfare, nor be injurious to adjoining properties. This criterion has been met. 2. Because of the particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the specific property involved, an undue hardship to the owner would result if strict interpretation of this chapter is enforced; The most recent pricing for sidewalk installation by the City is $7 a square foot. A standard sidewalk along a collector street is 5 feet wide so installation would cost a minimum of $35 per linear foot. Given the challenges with placement due to slope along McIllhattan Road the costs are likely to be higher. To extend a sidewalk all the way along the eastern side of McIllhattan Road to connect to the next pedestrian facility would cost an estimated $112,000. This is substantially disproportionate to any demand resulting from a small parking facility of fewer than 10 parking spaces. To place the sidewalk only along the frontage of the new parking area would cost approximately $6,300 but would still not connect to any other pedestrian facility. See discussion under variance criterion 1 above. As discussed above, the alignment of right of way of McIllhattan Road is not assured. The County has no schedule to resurvey the road to verify the location. There is a substantial slope difference which varies along the length of the road where the sidewalk might be located. The roadway expansion will be very expensive and is not scheduled on any future work plan known at this time. The very high cost, lack of reasonable ability to connect to existing pedestrian facilities, and physical topography combine to produce an undue hardship. This criterion has therefore been met. 3. The variance will not cause a substantial increase in public costs; and The City will remain obligated to install the sidewalk if the variance is approved. The request is to defer installation, not to avoid installation. Therefore, the responsibility for public costs should remain largely the same. The primary difference is that by deferring until a larger street improvement project is undertaken the sidewalk is more likely to be placed in its permanent location and take into account grade changes with road widening. This will likely reduce overall public costs by not constructing a sidewalk now and then having to replace it later. 4. The variance will not, in any manner, place the subdivision in nonconformance with any other provisions of this chapter or with the city's growth policy. If the variance is granted, the proposed development will comply with Chapter 38, BMC. The growth policy does encourage the development of the trail and pedestrian facility network in Bozeman. It also include Objective G-2.1: “Ensure that development 217 Z15069, Staff Report for Snowfill Parking Lot Expansion Site Plan Page 14 of 15 requirements and standards are efficiently implemented, fairly and consistently applied, effective, and proportionate to the concerns being addressed.” The requested variance is to timing to allow the sidewalk facility to be installed at a future time when there are connecting facilities and it can be placed in the correct location. As discussed in variance criterion 2 there are deficiencies in the McIllhattan Road right of way and lack of connection which would make the installation of a sidewalk inefficient and undesirable at this time. A deferral but not complete waiver of sidewalk installation is a balance appropriate to meet the variance criteria and Objective G-2.1 of the growth policy. Therefore, this variance does not place the project in nonconformance and the criterion is met. APPENDIX A – PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY Zoning Designation and Land Uses: The subject property is zoned “PLI” (Public Lands and Institutions District). The intent of the PLI residential high density district is established by Section 38.13.010. - Intent. “The intent of the PLI public lands and institutions district is to provide for major public and quasi-public uses outside of other districts. Not all public and quasi-public uses need to be classified PLI. Some may fit within another district, however larger areas will be designated PLI.” As this property is designated as Public Institutions in the Bozeman Community Plan (Growth Policy), the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the PLI district. Adopted Growth Policy Designation: The property is designated as “Public Institutions” in the Bozeman Community Plan. The Plan indicates that “A variety of activities are undertaken in this land use classification. Schools are a dominant use including Montana State University. Other typical uses are libraries, fire stations, and publicly operated utilities. A significant portion of Bozeman’s employment occurs within this category.” APPENDIX B – DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Project Description A Site Plan Application for the expansion of an existing parking area at the Snowfill recreation site. The property is a portion of the Landfill which has temporarily been developed with trails and fencing for use as a dog park. Project Background The City purchased the site for landfill purposes in the early 1970’s. McIllhattan Road was established by petition and has been amended by petition several times. The changes in petition and the somewhat informal nature of road petitions mean that the exact legal location of the McIllhattan Road right of way may not match the physical road location. 218 Z15069, Staff Report for Snowfill Parking Lot Expansion Site Plan Page 15 of 15 The City operated the landfill for several decades and continues to use the site for its Sanitation shop and related uses. The portion of the landfill site used for the Snowfill facility was not actively used for waste disposal. The PROST plan recognizes that the Snowfill site is located within the Landfill property. The City Commission approved the first parking area at Snowfill in 2007. APPENDIX C – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT A Site Plan application was submitted on March 17, 2015. The application was reviewed by the DRC on April 1, 2015. Public notice for this application was posted on site on April 9, 2015. Publication in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle was done on April 12th and 19th, 2015. Public notice was sent to all property owners of record within 200 feet of the subject property via first class mail, on April 10, 2015. As of the writing of this report, no public comments have been received. APPENDIX D - OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF Owner: City of Bozeman, PO Box 1230, Bozeman MT 59771 Applicant: Gallatin Valley Land Trust, PO Box 7021. Bozeman MT 59771 Representative: Allied Engineering Services, 32 Discovery Drive, Bozeman, MT 59718 Report By: Chris Saunders, Policy and Planning Manager ATTACHMENTS The full application and file of record can be viewed at the Community Development Department at 20 E. Olive Street, Bozeman, MT 59715. Application materials Commission Minutes of first Snowfill decision 219 220 221 SITE PLAN CHECKLIST These checklists shall be completed and returned as part of the submittal. Any item checked “No” or “N/A” (not applicable) must be explained in a narrative attached to the checklist. Incomplete submittals will be returned to the applicant. A. Design Review Board (DRB) Site Plan Review Thresholds. Does the proposal include one or more of the following: Design Review Board (DRB) Site Plan Review Thresholds Yes No 1. 20 or more dwelling units in a multiple household structure or structures 2. 30,000 or more square feet of office space, retail commercial space, service commercial space or industrial space 3. 20,000 or more square feet of exterior storage of materials or goods 4. Parking for more than 90 vehicles B. General Information. The following information shall be provided for site plan review: General Information Yes No N/A 1. Location map, including area within one-half mile of the site 2. List of names and addresses of property owners according to Chapter 38.40, BMC (Noticing) 3. A construction route map shall be provided showing how materials and heavy equipment will travel to and from the site. The route shall avoid, where possible, local or minor collector streets or streets where construction traffic would disrupt neighborhood residential character or pose a threat to public health and safety 4. Boundary line of property with dimensions 5. Date of plan preparation and changes 6. North point indicator 7. Suggested scale of 1 inch to 20 feet, but not less than 1 inch to 100 feet 8. Parcel size(s) in gross acres and square feet 9. Estimated total floor area and estimated ratio of floor area to lot size (floor area ratio, FAR), with a breakdown by land use 10. Location, percentage of parcel(s) and total site, and square footage for the following: a. Existing and proposed buildings and structures b. Driveway and parking c. Open space and/or landscaped area, recreational use areas, public and semipublic land, parks, school sites, etc. d. Public street right-of-way 11. Total number, type and density per type of dwelling units, and total net and gross residential density and density per residential parcel 12. Detailed plan of all parking facilities, including circulation aisles, access drives, covered and uncovered bicycle parking, compact spaces, handicapped spaces and motorcycle parking, on- street parking, number of employee and non-employee parking spaces, existing and proposed, and total square footage of each Page 3 (Site Plan Checklist – Prepared 12/05/03; revised 9/22/04; revised 7/24/07, revised 11/14/11) 222 Page 4 General Information, continued Yes No N/A 13. The information required by Section 38.41.060.L, BMC (Streets, Roads and Alleys), unless such information was previously provided through a subdivision review process, or the provision of such information was waived in writing by the City during subdivision review of the land to be developed, or the provision of such information is waived in writing by the City prior to submittal of a preliminary site plan application 14. Description and mapping of soils existing on the site, accompanied by analysis as to the suitability of such soils for the intended construction and proposed landscaping 15. Building design information (on-site): a. Building heights and elevations of all exterior walls of the building(s) or structure(s) b. Height above mean sea level of the elevation of the lowest floor and location of lot outfall when the structure is proposed to be located in a floodway or floodplain area c. Floor plans depicting location and dimensions of all proposed uses and activities 16. Temporary facilities plan showing the location of all temporary model homes, sales offices and/or construction facilities, including temporary signs and parking facilities 17. Unless already provided through a previous subdivision review, a noxious weed control plan complying with Section 38.41.050.H, BMC (Noxious Weed Management and Revegetation Plan) 18. Drafts of applicable supplementary documents as set forth in Chapter 38.38, BMC (Supplementary Documents) 19. Stormwater Management Permit Application required C. Site Plan Information. The location, identification and dimension of the following existing and proposed data, onsite and to a distance of 100 feet (200 feet for PUDs) outside the site plan boundary, exclusive of public rights-of-way, unless otherwise stated: Site Plan Information Yes No N/A 1. Topographic contours at a minimum interval of 2 feet, or as determined by the Planning Director 2. Adjacent streets and street rights-of-way to a distance of 150 feet, except for sites adjacent to major arterial streets where the distances shall be 200 feet 3. On-site streets and rights-of-way 4. Ingress and egress points 5. Traffic flow on-site 6. Traffic flow off-site 7. Utilities and utility rights-of-way or easements: a. Electric b. Natural gas c. Telephone, cable television and similar utilities d. Water e. Sewer (sanitary, treated effluent and storm) 8. Surface water, including: a. Holding ponds, streams and irrigation ditches b. Watercourses, water bodies and wetlands c. Floodplains as designated on the Federal Insurance Rate Map or that may otherwise be identified as lying within a 100-year floodplain through additional floodplain delineation, engineering analysis, topographic survey or other objective and factual basis d. A floodplain analysis report in compliance with Chapter 38.31, BMC (Bozeman Floodplain Regulations) if not previously provided with subdivision review 223 Page 5 Site Plan Information, continued Yes No N/A 9. Grading and drainage plan, including provisions for on-site retention/detention and water quality improvement facilities as required by the Engineering Department, or in compliance with B.M.C. Chapter 40 Article 4 storm drainage ordinance and best management practices manual adopted by the City 10. All drainageways, streets, arroyos, dry gullies, diversion ditches, spillways, reservoirs, etc. which may be incorporated into the storm drainage system for the property shall be designated: a. The name of the drainageway (where appropriate) b. The downstream conditions (developed, available drainageways, etc.) c. Any downstream restrictions 11. Significant rock outcroppings, slopes of greater than 15 percent or other significant topographic features 12. Sidewalks, walkways, driveways, loading areas and docks, bikeways, including typical details and interrelationships with vehicular circulation system, indicating proposed treatment of points of conflict 13. Provision for handicapped accessibility, including but not limited to, wheelchair ramps, parking spaces, handrails and curb cuts, including construction details and the applicant’s certification of ADA compliance 14. Fences and walls, including typical details 15. Exterior signs. Note – The review of signs in conjunction with this application is only review for compliance with Chapter 38.28, BMC (Signs). A sign permit must be obtained from the Department of Planning and Community Development prior to erection of any and all signs. 16. Permanent and construction period exterior refuse collection areas, including typical details 17. A site plan, complete with all structures, parking spaces, building entrances, traffic areas (both vehicular and pedestrian), vegetation that might interfere with lighting, and adjacent uses, containing a layout of all proposed fixtures by location and type. The materials required in Section, BMC (Lighting Plan), if not previously provided 18. Curb, asphalt section and drive approach construction details 19. Landscaping - detailed plan showing plantings, equipment, and other appropriate information as required in Section 38.41.100, BMC (Submittal Requirements for Landscaping Plans). If required, complete section C below 20. Unique natural features, significant wildlife areas and vegetative cover, including existing trees and shrubs having a diameter greater than 2.5 inches, by species 21. Snow storage areas 22. Location of City limit boundaries, and boundaries of Gallatin County’s Bozeman Area Zoning Jurisdiction, within or near the development 23. Existing zoning within 200 feet of the site 24. Historic, cultural and archeological resources, describe and map any designated historic structures or districts, and archeological or cultural sites 25. Major public facilities, including schools, parks, trails, etc. 26. The information necessary to complete the determination of density change and parkland provision required by Chapter 38.27, BMC, unless such information was previously determined by the City to be inapplicable and written confirmation is provided to the applicant prior to submittal of a preliminary site plan application. If a new park will be created by the development, the park plan materials of Section, BMC shall be provided. 27. Describe how the site plan will satisfy any requirements of Article 8 Section 10, BMC (Affordable Housing) which have either been established for that lot(s) through the subdivision process or if no subdivision has previously occurred are applicable to a site plan. The description shall be of adequate detail to clearly identify those lots and dwellings designated as subject to Article 8 Section 10, BMC compliance requirements and to make the obligations placed on the affected lots and dwellings readily understandable. 224 Page 6 D. Landscape Plans. If a landscape plan is required, the following information shall be provided on the landscape plan: Landscape Plan Information Yes No N/A 1. Date, scale, north arrow, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of both the property owner and the person preparing the plan 2. Location of existing boundary lines and dimensions of the lot 3. Approximate centerlines of existing watercourses, required watercourse setbacks, and the location of any 100-year floodplain; the approximate location of significant drainage features; and the location and size of existing and proposed streets and alleys, utility easements, utility lines, driveways and sidewalks on the lot and/or adjacent to the lot 4. Project name, street address, and lot and block description 5. Location, height and material of proposed screening and fencing (with berms to be delineated by one foot contours) 6. Locations and dimensions of proposed landscape buffer strips, including watercourse buffer strips 7. Complete landscape legend providing a description of plant materials shown on the plan, including typical symbols, names (common and botanical name), locations, quantities, container or caliper sizes at installation, heights, spread and spacing. The location and type of all existing trees on the lot over 6 inches in caliper must be specifically indicated 8. Complete illustration of landscaping and screening to be provided in or near off-street parking and loading areas, including information as to the amount (in square feet) of landscape area to be provided internal to parking areas and the number and location of required off-street parking and loading spaces 9. An indication of how existing healthy trees (if any) are to be retained and protected from damage during construction 10. Size, height, location and material of proposed seating, lighting, planters, sculptures, and water features 11. A description of proposed watering methods 12. Location of street vision triangles on the lot (if applicable) 13. Tabulation of points earned by the plan – see Section 38.26.060, BMC (Landscape Performance Standards) 14. Designated snow removal storage areas 15. Location of pavement, curbs, sidewalks and gutters 16. Show location of existing and/or proposed drainage facilities which are to be used for drainage control 17. Existing and proposed grade 18. Size of plantings at the time of installation and at maturity 19. Areas to be irrigated 20. Planting plan for watercourse buffers, per Section 38.23.100, BMC (Watercourse Setbacks), if not previously provided through subdivision review 21. Front and side elevations of buildings, fences and walls with height dimensions if not otherwise provided by the application. Show open stairways and other projections from exterior building walls 225 Site Plan Checklist Narrative Snowfill Parking Lot Expansion A. Site Plan Review Thresholds 1. No dwelling units for this project. 2. Vault toilet structure has 105 sq ft of floor area, less than 30,000 sq ft. 3. No storage space at site. 4. Parking for less than 90 vehicles. B. General Information 1. See Snowfill Improvements map. 2. Provided from Montana Cadastral, see list of property owners. 3. See Snowfill Improvements map. 4. See Snowfill Improvements map. 5. See site plan. 6. See site plan. 7. See site plan. 8. Landfill property 201 acres, Snowfill recreation area 37 acres. 9. Floor area 105sq ft, ratio floor area to lot size 0.001%. 10a. 105 sq ft, ratio of floor area to lot size 0.001%. 10b. Parking area 4,050 sq ft ratio to lot size .05%. 10c. Snowfill Recreation Area 37 acres ratio to lot size 18%. 10d. No public streets run through the parcel. 11. No dwelling units are planned for the site. 12. See site plan. 13. The site will not go through a subdivision review, and this information will not be submitted. 226 14. No soil investigation has been completed at this time. Assumed the soils are suitable since a parking lot was previously constructed on the site. 15a. Vault toilet vent height 13 ft. 1 inch, roof height 9 ft. 1/8 inch, wall height 7ft. 21/2 inches. 15b. The site is not in a floodplain or floodway. 15c. See plan for vault toilet. 16. No temporary facilities are planned for the site. 17. The site will not go through a subdivision review, and this information will not be submitted. 18. No supplementary documents shall be submitted. 19. A plan will be submitted before construction begins. C. Site Plan Information 1. See site plan. 2. See site plan. 3. There are no on-site streets or rights-of-ways. 4. See site plan. 5. See site plan. 6. See site plan. 7. Only overhead power and a well exist on-site. 8. There are no holding ponds, streams, irrigation ditches, watercourses, water bodies, or wetlands. Additionally, the site is not in a floodplain. 9. See site plan. 10. There are no named drainageways and no known downstream constrictions. 11. There are no significant rock outcroppings or other significant topographic features. 12. No sidewalks, walkways, or bikeways are present on site. 13. The vault toilet will be accessible and be accessed by a compacted fines path with a grade within accessible standards and one parking space marked for use by persons with disabilities. 14. A four foot woven wire fence with wooden posts will surround the parking area. 15. There will be no sign applications. 16. See site plan. 227 17. The site will not go through a subdivision review, and this information will not be submitted. 18. There is no curb or asphalt planned for the site. The driveway has already been constructed. 19. Landscaping is not required and a landscape plan will not be submitted. 20. Snowfill Recreation Area is covered with non-native pasture grasses and no shrubs or trees exceed 2.5 inches. 21. See site plan. 22. See Map for City limit boundaries, 38.16.060 says that PLI matches the yards of an adjacent district. Adjacent property is unannexed and R1 should be applied. 23. Adjacent property is unannexed in Gallatin County. 24. At this time no inventory of historical or cultural sites has been completed and none are known to exist near this site. 25. Approximately two miles of public trail are accessed from the parking area. 26. There is no increase in residential density or need to provide parkland. 27. No affordable housing is required or will be provided. D. Landscape Plans We request a waiver of requirements to landscape the parking area. This area was previously a wheat field and no shrubs or trees were growing in the area. The wheat field was reseeded to a non-native grass pasture mix. We propose replanting any disturbed areas around the new parking area and vault toilet with this same grass pasture mix. The only water on site is a hand pump and it would be very difficult and a constant maintenance problem to sustain landscape plantings at this location. 228 First Last CHARLES BOWEN JARED BRATSKY CHURN CREEK PARTNERS KRISTEN SMITH DIANNE SCHWEITZER EAST GALLATIN LLC SANNA GREEN JOHN & JANE B HODGES WILLIAM S & WANDA R HOY ERIK T KAUFMAN HARRY BRENDAN KELLEHER SLOANE & JOSEPH D KITOWSKI JUDITH E SLATE PETER J & EILEEN B MCGOVERN ROBERT L & SHARON R MCILHATTAN CARL E & SUE E OLSEN JEROME R & ALYSSAL PATTON PHIL & JOAN ROSTAD MARY RUGHEIMER WICTOR THOMAS RUSSELL DONN E & LAURA J RYDBERG JUDITH E SLATE JAMES F SMITH PETER J & EMILY M THORNBURG VALLEY VIEW VETERINARY HOSPITAL LLC THOMAS W & DARLENE M WILSON 229 Street City,State,zip 3070 MCILHATTAN RD BOZEMAN, MT 59715-8780 1044 DURHAM AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59718-5917 1007 E MAIN ST, #202 BOZEMAN, MT 59715 3295 MARKRIDGE DR RENO, NV 89509-8913 1320 MANLEY RD BOZEMAN, MT 59715-8779 1301 BANNISTER DR ANCHORAGE, AK 99508-3925 3405 WATER HOLE TRL BOZEMAN, MT 59715-9337 2610 DAISY DR BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6963 2801 SPAIN BRIDGE RD BELGRADE, MT 59714 485 ST ANDREWS DR BOZEMAN, MT 59715-8747 611 ST ANDREWS DR BOZEMAN, MT 59715 833 TURNBERRY CT BOZEMAN, MT 59715-8759 801 TURNBERRY CT BOZEMAN, MT 59715-8759 1700 MANLEY RD BOZEMAN, MT 59715-9383 PO BOX 448 BOZEMAN, MT 59771-0448 1401 HOLLY DR BOZEMAN, MT 59715-7416 226 ROSTAD RD WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, MT 59645-9501 408 228th AVE NE SAMMAMISH, WA 98074-6959 909 TURNBERRY CT BOZEMAN, MT 59715-8758 4715 MARK CT MISSOULA, MT 59803-2762 833 TURNBERRY CT BOZEMAN, MT 59715-8759 3073 MCILHATTAN RD BOZEMAN, MT 59715-8780 1781 DOGLEG RD CARSON CITY, NV 89701-2950 2717 MCILHATTAN RD BOZEMAN, MT 59715-8717 523 ST ANDREWS DR BOZEMAN, MT 59715-8748 230 Snowfill Park 4,167'2,609'2,605' 3, 2 5 3 ' Story MillLandfill MCI LHAT TAN STORY MILLMANLEYA U G U S T A DRIVEWAY ST ANDREWS TURNBERRY Legend Parcels City Government City of Bozeman ± 0 0.15 0.30.075 Miles GVLT 02.17.2015 Aerial photo from 2013 Snowfill Improvements - 2015:Install Vault Toilet & Enlarge Parking Area Landfill parcel = 201 acres Toilet footprint = 105 sq ft Ratio of toilet footprint tototal parcel = 0.001% Parking area = 4,050 sq ft Ratio of Parking Area to total parcel = 0.05% Ratio of Snowfill Park to landfill parcel = 18% Project Site 231 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OFPROPOSED FENCEEACH TREETO BE INDIVIDUALLY IRRIGATEDWITH A TREEGATOR PRO SLOWRELEASE WATERING BAGRECLAMATION SEED MIXRECLAMATION SEED MIXRECLAMATION SEED MIXEXISTING PARKING AREANEW PARKING LOTAPPROXIMATE LOCATION OFPROPOSED ENTRY GATEBARRICADE TO PREVENTPARKINGPROPOSED VAULTTOILETSYM3TREESRECLAIMATION SEED MIXJUNIPERUS SCOPULORUMROCKY MOUNTAIN JUNIPER10 GALPOTBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMEPLANT LEGENDSIZETYPENOTES#30% POTOMAC ORCHARD30% MEADOW BROME15% SPRING GREEN15% DIPLOID PERENNIAL RYEGRASS10% CLIMAX TIMOTHY9,350SQ/FTPLANTING, SITE AND IRRIGATION NOTES:A. PLACE SHRUBS AND TREES WITH LANDSCAPE ARCH. PRESENTTO GIVE DIRECTION AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS.B. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO THE CURRENTAMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK (ANSIZ60.0-1996).C. VERIFY ALL QUANTITIES. THE ILLUSTRATED LOCATION SHALLDICTATE COUNT.D. PLANTINGS TO BE IRRIGATED WITH TREEGATOR JR. PRO SLOWRELEASE WATERING BAG FOR TREES, SHRUBS ANDEVERGREENS. PLANTINGS WILL NOT BE CONNECTED TO ANUNDERGROUND IRRIGATION SYSTEM.E. NO SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT WRITTENCONSENT FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCH.F. PLANTS SHOWN REPRESENT AN AVERAGE OF INSTALLED SIZE AND MATURE/MAINTAINED SIZEG. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE WARRANTEDFOR (1) ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF INSTALLATION.H. SEED MIX TO BE PLANTED IN SPRING OR FALL FOR OPTIMALGROWING CONITIONS.LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS - PLI w/o RESIDENTIAL ADJACENCYPARKING LOT LANDSCAPINGLARGE CANOPY TREES, LARGE NONCANOPY TREES OR SMALL TREES MUST BE PROVIDED IN,OR WITHIN 20 FEET OF, THE PARKING LOT AT A MINIMUM AVERAGE DENSITY OF:(1) ONE LARGE CANOPY TREE; OR(2) ONE LARGE CANOPY TREE AND ONE SMALL TREE: OR(3) THREE SMALL TREES FOR EACH NINE PARKING SPACES REQUIRED OR PROVIDED,WHICHEVER IS GREATERNO PARKING SPACE MAY BE MORE THAN 90 FEET FROM THE TRUNK OF A TREE.3 SMALL TREES PROVIDED, NO PARKING SPACE IS MORE THAN 90 FEET FROM THE TRUNKOF A TREESNOWFILL PARKING LOT BOZEMAN, MT SNOWFILL PARKING KHM 03/30/15 SNOWFILL SNOWFILL c://design5/clients CHECKED BY: FILE: DATE: PROJECT: DIR:DESIGN 54249 Cover StreetBozeman, Montana406.600.0342L1.0SNOWFILLPARKINGADDITIONMARCH 201510'020'LANDSCAPE PLAN1L1.0NORTH245 LINKED MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA November 13,2007 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in the City Commission Room, City Hall, 411 East Main Street, on Tuesday, November 13,2007 at 6:00 pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Krauss, Cr. Sean Becker, Cr. Kaaren Jacobson, Cr. Steve Kirchhoff, City Manager Chris Kukulski, Finance Director Anna Rosenberry, Planning Director Andy Epple, City Attorney Paul Luwe, and City Clerk Stacy Ulmen. 0:04:42 A. Street Call to Order -6:00 pm -City Commission Room, City Hall, 411 East Main 0:04:57 B.Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence 0:06:05 D.Authorize the Absence of Cr. Rupp 0:06:06 Motion and Vote to authorize the absence of Cr. Rupp. It was moved by Cr. Becker. seconded by Cr. Kirchhoff. to authorize the absence of Cr. Rupp. Those votine: Ave beine: Crs. Becker. Kirchhoff. Jacobson. and Mayor Krauss. Those votine: No beine: none. The motion carried 4-0. 0:06:24 E. Minutes -June 11,2007, September 21, 2007 Joint City-County Meeting, and the September 27, 2007 Policy Meeting. 0:06:31 Motion and Vote to approve the minutes of June 11,2007, September 21, 2007 Joint City-County Meeting, and the September 27,2007 Policy Meeting. It was moved by Cr. Kirchhoff. seconded by Cr. Jacobson to approve the minutes of June 11.2007. September 21.2007 Joint City-County Meetine:. and the September 27. 2007 Policy Meetine:. Those votine: Aye beine: Crs. Kirchhoff. Jacobson. Becker. and Mayor Krauss. Those votine: No beine: none. The motion carried 4-0. 0:06:44 F.Consent 246 Linked Meeting Minutes olthe Bozeman City Commi.~'.~'ion. November 13, 20()7 1. Authorize Payment of Claims (LaMeres) 2. Approve Sub-Committee Appointments ofCrs. Jacobson and Kirchhoff to review Pledged Securities through June 30, 2007 (Clark) 3. Approve Sub-Committee Appointments ofCrs. Rupp and Becker to review Pledged Securities through September 30,2007 (Clark) 4. Authorize City Manager to sign a Trail Corridor Easement for South Towne Square Site Plan #Z-07051 (Krueger) 5. Authorize City Manager to sign a South Towne Square Sidewalk Easement Murray) 6. Authorize City Manager to sign a Conditional Irrevocable Offer of Dedication for South Towne Square Site Plan #Z-07051 (Krueger) 7. Approve a Beer and Wine License for Vino per Tutti at 315 East Main Street Neibauer) 8. Authorize City Manager to sign the Public Park Easement, Public Access Easement, Sewer and Water Pipeline and Access Easement and Agreement, Public Access and Utility Easement, and Drainage Easement for the Annie Street Cottages Development (Heaston) 0:06:46 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened the public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 0:06:58 Motion and Vote to approve Consent items F. 1-8. It was moved bv Cr. Kirchhoff. seconded bv Cr. Jacobson to approve Consent items F 1-8. Those votine; Ave beine: Crs. Kirchhoff. Jacobson. Becker. and Mavor Krauss. Those votine; No beine: none. The motion carried 4-0. 0:07:16 G. Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 0:07:44 H.Action Items 0:07:46 1. Provisional Adoption of Ordinance No. 1727, Rules of Procedure, moved from November 5, 2007 (Luwe) 0:07:56 Paul Luwe, City Attorney Mr. Luwe explained that the Bozeman Charter requires that the Rules of Procedure be in Ordinance format. 2 247 Linked Meeting Millute.\' ofthe Bozeman City Commis,sion, November 13, 2007 0:08:58 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 0:33:57 Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1727, Rules of Procedure. It was moved by Cr. Jacobson. seconded by Cr. Becker to adopt Ordinance No. 1727. Rules of Procedure. 0: 34: 15 Discussion 0:41 :00 Mayor Krauss turned the gavel over to Mayor Pro Tern Jacobson. 0:41 :06 Amendment to the Main Motion to change "will" to "may" on page 228, F. Policy Meetings. Insert in 2.04.100 Robert's Rules of Order, where it says "unless otherwise specifically provided herein or provided by statute, or as agreed upon by Commission Majority and the presiding officer". After Pledge, insert the words" of Allegiance", 2.04.110, Agenda B.l. Under 2.04.170 Order of Presentation, A.l. "The City Manager" insert the words "or Designee". Under 2.04.170 A.11, after "the City Clerk shall read into the record ", insert the words "or provide the Commission a copy of all correspondence". Under 2.04.170, also add paragraph K. which will read "except for the provisions of 2.04.160 E. Commissioners have a duty to vote". Under 2.04.190 B. eliminate the last sentence of the paragraph that starts "In the case of statutorily authorized Mayor Appointments...". G. Page 228, Insert language that "in the event of an emergency declared by the Mayor or Deputy Mayor, a meeting can be called with less than 12 hours notice by the Mayor or Deputy Mayor". Change 2.04.040, G. to "The Mayor", and any three" members of the Commission. It was moved by Cr. Pro Tern Krauss. seconded bv Cr. Becker the amendment to the main motion. to chane:e "will" to "may" on pae:e 228. F. PolicY Meetine:s. Insert in 2.04.100 Robert's Rules of Order. where it says "unless otherwise specifically provided herein or provided by statute. or as ae:reed upon by Commission Maiority and the presidine: officer". After Plede:e. insert the words "of Allee:iance". 2.04.110. Ae:enda B.l. Under 2.04.170 Order of Presentation. A.l. "The City Manae:er" insert the words "or Desie:nee". Under 2.04.170 A.ll. after "the City Clerk shall read into the record". insert the words" or provide the Commission a COpy of all correspondence". Under 2.04.170. also add parae:raph K. which will read" except for the provisions of 2.04.160 E. Commissioners have a duty to vote". Under 2.04.190 B. eliminate the last sentence of the parae:raph that starts "In the case of statutorily authorized Mayor Appointments...". G. Pae:e 228. Insert lane:uae:e that "in the event of an emere:encv declared bv the Mayor or Deputy Mayor. a meetine: can be called 3 248 LinkedMeeting Minutes ofthe Bozeman Ci(~' Commis.~ion, November 13, 2007 with less than 12 hours notice by the Mayor or DeDutv Mayor". Chan!!:e 2.04.040. G. to The Mavor". and anv "three" members of the Commission. 0:46:44 Vote on the Amendment to the Main Motion to change "will" to "may" on page 228, F. Policy Meetings. Insert in 2.04.100 Robert's Rules of Order, where it says "unless otherwise specifically provided herein or provided by statute, or as agreed upon by Commission Majority and the presiding officer". After Pledge, insert the words" of Allegiance", 2.04.110, Agenda B.l. Under 2.04.170 Order of Presentation, A.l. "The City Manager" insert the words "or Designee". Under 2.04.170 A.ll, after "the City Clerk shall read into the record ", insert the words" or provide the Commission a copy of all correspondence". Under 2.04.170, also add paragraph K. which will read "except for the provisions of 2.04.160 E. Commissioners have a duty to vote". Under 2.04.190 B. eliminate the last sentence of the paragraph that starts "In the case of statutorily authorized Mayor Appointments...". G. Page 228, Insert language that "in the event of an emergency declared by the Mayor or Deputy Mayor, a meeting can be called with less than 12 hours notice by the Mayor or Deputy Mayor". Change 2.04.040, G. to "The Mayor", and any three" members of the Commission. Those votin!!: Ave bein!!: Cr. Pro Tem Krauss. Crs. Becker. Kirchhoff. and Mavor Pro Tem Jacobson. Those votin!!: No bein!!: none. The motion carried 4-0. 0:47:33 Vote on the Main Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1727, Rules of Procedure. Those votin!!: Aye bein!!: Crs. Jacobson. Becker. Kirchhoff. and Mavor Krauss. Those votin!!: No bein!!: none. The motion carried 4-0. 0:47:51 2. Provisional Adoption of Ordinance No. 1729, Budget Administration, moved from November 5, 2007 (Rosenberry) 0:48:00 Anna Rosenberry, Director of Finance Ms. Rosenberry eXplained that Ordinance No. 1729 seeks to address the budget administration oversight issues within the Charter provisions. 0:50:00 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 4 249 Linked Meeting Minute,~ (~f't"e Bozeman City Commission. November 13. 2007 0:50:33 Discussion 0:56:21 Motion and Vote to Provisionally Adopt Ordinance No. 1729, Budget Administration. It was moved by Cr. Becker. seconded by Cr. Kirchhoff to provisionally adopt Ordinance No. 1729. Bude:et Administration. Those votine: Aye beine: Crs. Becker. Kirchhoff. Jacobson. and Mayor Krauss. Those votine: No beine: none. The motion carried 4-0. 0:56:403. Buy/Sell Agreement for Retail Space located at the Intermodal Facility Downtown Parking Garage) (Rosenberry) 0:57:00 Ms. Rosenberry Ms. Rosenberry went over the buy/sell agreement. 1 :04: 12 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss stated that he wanted to make sure that the 30 "phantom spaces" for the retail space arc clearly identified in the agreement. 1 :07:43 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. 1 :07:58 Chris Pone, Parkin!! Commission Mr. Pope of 1508 South Wilson, spoke regarding the Parking Commission's support. 1:11:33 Public Comment closed. 1 : 11 :47 Motion to authorize the City Manager to sign the agreement to Sell and Purchase the retail space associated with the Downtown Bozeman Intermodal Facility according to the terms and conditions outlined in the Agreement. It was moved by Cr. Kirchhoff. seconded bv Cr. Jacobson to authorize the City Manae:er to sie:n the ae:reement to Sell and Purchase the retail space associated with the Downtown Bozeman Intermodal Facility accordine: to the terms and conditions outlined in the Ae:reement. 1: 11 :59 Discussion 1: 12: 1 0 Vote on the Main Motion to authorize the City Manager to sign the agreement to Sell and Purchase the retail space associated with the Downtown Bozeman Intermodal Facility according to the terms and conditions outlined in the Agreement. 5 250 Linked Meeting Minutes oftire Bozemfln City Commis~'ion, November /3, 2007 Those voting Ave being Crs. Kirchhoff. Jacobson. Becker. and Mavor Krauss. Those voting No beine: none. The motion carried 4-0. 1: 12:224.Provisional Adoption of Ordinance No. 1726, Ethics (Luwe) 1 :12:34 Mr. Luwe Mr. Luwe clarified the Ordinance number and went through the proposed Ethics Ordinance. 1: 19: 15 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. 1: 19:25 Bill Havward, 325 ConcordDrive, member ofthe Local Government Studv Commission Mr. Hayward read a letter from Loren Olson who chaired the Study Commission asking that the Commission take additional citizen input. Mr. Hayward stated that he supports Mr. Olson's letter. 1 :22:44 Brian Close 1140 Cherrv Drive, member of the Local Government Studv Commission Mr. Close spoke regarding his concerns with the Ethics Ordinance. 1 :42: 18 Public Comment closed. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 1:42:24 Mr. Luwe Mr. Luwe followed up on Mr. Close's concerns. 2:08:43 Motion to provisionally adopt Ordinance No.1726. It was moved bv Cr. Kirchhoff. seconded bv Cr. Jacobson to provisionallv adopt Ordinance No.I726. 2:08:57 Discussion 2:11:18 Vote on the Motion to provisionally adopt Ordinance No.1726. Those voting Ave being Cr. Kirchhoff. Jacobson. Becker. and Mavor Krauss. Those votine: No beine: none. The motion carried 4-0. 2: 11 :46 Break 6 251 Linked Meeting Minute~' (~rt"e Bozeman City Commi~'sion, November /3, 2007 2:20:32 5. Amendments to Ordinance No. 1621, Setting the Compensation for the City Commission and Mayor (Kukulski) 2:20:51 Mr. Kukulski Mr. Kukulski asked the Commission if they wanted to amend Ordinance No. 1621, setting the compensation for the City Commission and the Mayor. 2:22:58 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss went over the amount ofmeetings other cities in the state attend and how they compare to Bozeman. Mayor Krauss went over the current stipend amounts for the City Commission. 2:25:40 Mr. Kukulski Mr. Kukulski stated that the last time the Ordinance was amended was in 2004. 2:27:02 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss suggested $900 for the Commission stipend and $1,350 for the Mayor. 2:28:21 Cr. Jacobson Cr. Jacobson stated that Bozeman is most comparable to Missoula. 2:44:17 Motion to Amend Ordinance No. 1621, Setting the Compensation for the City Commission and Mayor, and that the salary for the City Commissioners should be $900 per month and the Mayor $1,350. It was moved by Cr. Jacobson. seconded by Cr. Becker to amend Ordinance No. 1621. Settine: the Compensation for the City Commission and Mayor. and that the salary for the City Commissioners should be $900 per month and the Mayor $1.350 per month. 2:45:15 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. 2:45:31 Garv Vodehnal. Public Comment Mr. Vodehnal of614 South 7th, spoke regarding his support of the increase. 2:45:51 Public Comment closed. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 2:45:55 Motion and Vote to Amend Ordinance No. 1621, Setting the Compensation for the City Commission and Mayor, and that the salary for the City Commissioners should be 900 per month and the Mayor $1,350. 7 252 Linked Meeting Minutes ofthe Bozeman City Conuni.~sion, November 13, 2007 Those votine: Aye beine: Crs. Jacobson. Becker. Kirchhoff. and Mayor Krauss. Those votine: No beine: none. The motion carried 4-0. 2:46:076. Campiglia Rehabilitation and Addition Certificate of Appropriateness Application with Deviations #Z-07242 (Kramer) 2:46:14 Courtney Kramer, Associate Planner . Ms. Kramer provided a power point presentation regarding the Campiglia Rehabilitation and Addition Certificate of Appropriateness Application with Deviations #Z-07242. 3:01 :49 Ed Ugororwski, Design Partnership Inc. Mr. Ugororwski gave the applicant presentation. 3: 11 :48 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 3:11 :56 Motion and Vote to approve Campiglia Rehabilitation and Addition Certificate of Appropriateness Application with Deviations #Z-07242 as conditioned by staff. It was moved by Cr. Becker. seconded by Cr. Kirchhoff. to approve Campie:lia Rehabilitation and Addition Certificate of Appropriateness Application with Deviations Z-07242 as conditioned by staff. Those votine: Aye beine: Cn. Becker. Kirchhoff. Jacobson. and Mayor Krauss. Those votine: No beine: none. The motion carried 4-0. 3:12:437.Snowfill Site Parking Lot Sketch Plan #Z-07239 (Knight) 3:12:50 Mr. Epple Mr. Epple gave the staff report regarding the Snowfill Site Parking Lot Sketch Plan #Z-07239. 3: 16:36 Gary Vodehnal, Applicant Mr. Vodehnal gave the applicant report. 3:18:24 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 8 253 Linked Meeting Minute.5 (~rt"e Bozeman Ci(V Commissio/l. November 13. 2007 3:18:31 Debbie Arkell, Public Works Director Ms. Arkell reiterated that the area is landfill land and the land is simply being used as a dog park. Ms. Arkell stated her concern of storm water regulations, construction route map, compliance to the Unified Development Ordinance, compliance of the Federal ADA requirements, and coordination with the County Road department. 3 :21 :47 Motion to approve Snowfill Site Parking Lot Sketch Plan as proposed with the conditions and code provisions outlined in the Staff Report, to be completed only if funding and resources are made available. It was moved by Cr. Kirchhoff. seconded by Cr. Jacobson to approve the Snowfill Site Parkine: Lot Sketch Plan as proposed with the conditions and code provisions outlined in the Staff Renort. to be completed onlv if fundine: and resources are made available. 3:22:00 Discussion 3:22:41 Cr. Jacobson Cr. Jacobson emphasized that this is a temporary use ofthe land. 3 :23: 16 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss urged Staff to work with the applicant to make sure that Ms. Arkell's issues are addressed. 3:24:20 Vote on the Motion to approve Snowfill Site Parking Lot Sketch Plan as proposed with the conditions and code provisions outlined in the Staff Report, to be completed only if funding and resources are made available. Those voting: Ave bein!!: Crs.Kirchhoff. Jacobson. Becker. and Mayor Krauss. Those votine: No beine: none. The motion carried 4-0. 3:24:30 I.FYIlDiscussion 3:24:38 Montana Municipal Insurance Authority Safety Achievement Award. Mr. Kukulski spoke regarding the Montana Municipal Insurance Authority Safety Achievement Award that was presented to the City of Bozeman. 3:25: 59 Meeting Reminder Stacy Dlmen, City Clerk spoke regarding the joint City County meeting. 3:26:41 US Mayor's Conference in Seattle, Washington regarding Climate Protection Agreement 9 254 Linked Meeting Miltute.~ (~rthe Bozeman City Commb'.~ion, November /3, 2(J(J7 Cr. Jacobson spoke regarding the US Mayor's Conference in Seattle, Washington regarding the Climate Protection Agreement that she attended. 3:34:56 J. Adjournment Mayor Krauss adjourned the meeting at 9:36 pm. It... ._____ Je r rau s, Mayor ATTEST: u~ Stacy Ulmen ity CI rk PREPARED BY: S~y~~ Approvedon ~'~ber 10) P-007. 10 255 Walton 's Stre a m / D itch MAIN OAK 19THL7THINT E R S T A T E 9 0 DAVISBAXTER FRO N T A G E DURSTON 11THMC I L H A T T A N ROUSECOLLEGE MANLEYSTORY MILLBABCOCK WILLSONSPRINGHILLFERGUSONBRIDGER HUFFINE WALLACECHURCHGRIFFIN HA G G E R T Y Construction Route Exhibit Major Roads Publicly Owned Lands City Government Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Montana State Trust Lands ± 0 0.5 10.25 Miles bdw 2015.02.10 Aerial photo from 2013 Construction Route Exhibit Construction Route Project Site 256