HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-13-15 Cerenzia Equal Pay Public Comment Stacy Ulmen From: Anna Rosenberry Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 1:38 PM To: Agenda Subject: Fwd:Advance copy of BPW Equal Pay documents Attachments: New FINAL EPEW Resolution -4-7-15.docx; ATT00001.htm; New FINAL EPEW Fact Sheet- 4-7-15.docx; ATT00002.htm Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Cyndy Andrus <CAndrusgBOZEMAN.NET> Date: April 13, 2015 at 11:30:45 AM MDT To: Jeff Krauss<Jkrauss0),BOZEMAN.NET>, Carson Taylor<CTa for a BOZEMAN.NET>, Chris Mehl <CMehl cr BOZEMAN.NET>, I-Ho Pomeroy<IPomeroBOZEMAN.NET> Cc: Anna Rosenberry<ARosenberry(�7a,BOZEMAN.NET>, Chris Kukulski <CKukul ski(a,B OZEMAN.NET> Subject: FW: Advance copy of BPW Equal Pay documents Hi all, I received this information this morning from Julie Cerenzia, representing BPW, regarding National Equal Pay Day and was asked to pass it along. They will be attending the meeting tonight. Cyndy Andrus Bozeman City Commissioner 600.0987 CandrusoBOZEMAN.NET From: Julie Cerenzia Bulie.cerenzia@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 10:51 AM To: Cyndy Andrus Subject: Advance copy of BPW Equal Pay documents Hi Cyndy, As you know,my colleagues and I from BPW will be attending tonight's City Commission meeting to recognize National Equal Pay Day(tomorrow)and to officially invite the City to partner with us in addressing the issue of gender wage gaps. To get the ball rolling,we've drafted a notional resolution that we will present tonight for the Commission's consideration.I'm attaching an advance copy of the resolution,which has evolved through our early discussions with you and City staff and differs from the version we shared previously. I'm also attaching the Fact Sheet we've developed.We've been using this to educate our own members and stakeholders(and to bring some concision to a topic that tends to be explained with a mountain of data). Thought it might be a useful executive summary for the Commission. As the Commission's point person on this topic,would you be able to forward these materials to the Mayor and the other Commissioners?Above all,we do not want to"spring"anything on the City or the Commission.We're really so excited about the positive example the City could set and the leadership that it could provide in the larger community(and the state). 1 Please do let me know that you've received this and forwarded the materials to other Commissioners.I know your schedule is crazy busy,so if I don't hear from you I'll forward directly to Mayor Krauss and all Commissioners this afternoon so that we know they ll have the background info. If you need anything,don't hesitate to give me a shout. All the best, Julie text to 4o6-548-8538 2 BOZEMAN EQUAL PAY FOR EQUAL WORK RESOLUTION FACT SHEET The facts are that women earn less than men with the same qualifications in every industry—in almost every occupation...and at every level of education. Montana women workers earn 67.5% of men's median earnings—only five U.S. states are worse.This gender wage gap continues to undermine the economic success of Montana's working families and the Montana economy. Pay differences are not fully explained by job choice, education, or experience. In 1963, President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act into law. Then, women averaged 59% of men's median earnings; 52 years later,the gap remains at 70%, with deep implications for the professional and financial success of women and their families. Closing the gap has long been key to the mission of Bozeman Business & Professional Women. . • Currently, Montana women workers earn 67.5%of men's annual median earnings ($20,575 for women, $30,472 for men). • Consequently, Montana ranks#46 (6th from the bottom) in gender pay equality(all 50 states plus D.C.). • Montana women earn less than men in almost every occupational category, including those with predominately women workers. • Montana's women are slightly more educated than its men. (Women have a higher percentage of a bachelor's or higher degree—29.3%women vs.28.5°o men.) • Federal and State of Montana government women workers are not at equal pay with their male counterparts. In fact, Federal and State women workers earn 82%of men's wages; local governments fare slightly better, with women earning an average of 84%. What this Equal Pay Resolution DOES... This Equal Pay Resolution DOES NOT... ✓ Asks the City of Bozeman to gather data that can ❑x It does not ask the City to reveal any pay identify any gender pay gaps while protecting information that could jeopardize employee the privacy of City employees. privacy. ✓ Asks the City of Bozeman to lead by example by px It does not ask businesses to reveal any pay evaluating City human resources and information. employment policies and practices against the "Thrive Index"of best practices. 0 It does not require wage reporting. ✓ Uses the work of the Governor's Equal Pay for Equal Work Taskforce as a model for positive � It does not require any cost except for the government and citizen collaboration. time of the city staff adjusting the HR data collection system and checking policies ✓ Supports the City Commission's established against the "Thrive Index". goals of liveability and workforce affordability. 0 It is not partisan to any political party in any ✓ Encourages Bozeman businesses to voluntarily way. work to identify and address gender inequities. Montana Median Earnings by Education Category $6o,Doo.00 Women $13,893 gap (7s%) $50,000.00 $40,000.00 $11,481 gap Men $12,071gap 481 $12,400 gap $30,000.00 54% $6,103 gap (70%) $20,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 -]Ul , Less thanHS HSorGED Some college or Bachelor's Graduateor Associate's Professional MONTANA Source:2011 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates T K FORCE, Breakdown of the Montana Only Some of the Federal Pay Gap Can Be Explained By ss¢ Total ; p� t , Q H Differences in Measurable Characteristics, and.the Gap ` -une)OLi unexplained" gap has not decreased over the years �� 30¢ (Source:"GAO,2009) `� C a Unexplained Paygap t1 ¢) �0--25¢ d increasedbyalmost 596 ffam-1988ao2007in Paygap resulting from differencesineducation levels. ( �' this study sample. CL n Paygap resulting from differences in education levels. ®Paygap resulting from differencesinother a 20¢ — Reducedby60%from1988,to2007 characteristics " 0Paygap resulting from differences in experience.levels v M 15¢ r1 pf a Paygap resultingfrom differences in experience levels L ■Pay gap resultingfrom'differences in occupations q=j Eliminatedby2007in this studysample, �3 ®Paygap resultingfrom differences in industry �p 10¢. — — ®Paygap resulting fromdifferences inoccupations y Reducedby7896 from1988'to2007. C. a) 50. — M LLL7 Paygap resulting from differences in other. 40 characteristics (�.. Reducedby 6596 from 1988 to 2007i 1988 1998 2001 Statistical sources:"The Wage Gap:Economic Causes and Prevalence"Barbara Wagner,Chief Economist,MT Dept of Labor&Industry.,www.equalpay.mt.gov