HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 0215: Construct Public Sewer No. 1 ~'. r ,. r- 576 I , ~/~v~~~~~P-~u. /1 ~' 'd.~~ // .,.. . '/.. y- / ;J./ ,/ - ./ ;)fl:/~~ ~ ~~~/ kA/ ~~~~%:"~ ~~ Cd//~2vUC~~~~, tfc~~~~~~ ~~f .~ . L~~u~u~-' /1 07 .. ~ I ""'" - . ." /J /" - '. v .~. ~ C-~;V;7L-/;2 ~G LL-~ "# f/;- H~..-.J /1 ..c: ~ f.'. ~/. C. ( /(P.:-~a;-4 ..'~~~ h~ ;?/~R/16~~' / / ..:1.~ ~ /l~~' · ~ ~~j'L-~ a--_~ 'J ~ ~ ~,~~ ,J!z-v~-z;-~~ Zd~ ~~? ~;? , ?-;V) t2..v./,7.:;7ZJ, ./~,Afr~~~ .;?M(~~ ;?/~ . 1 ' U7f/'/ ~I I . NO~I'lCE., ': '. '. . -........ .... '.' . Chur9~Ayenue, using said .ijozetuan ': ,.N6tl.ce is hllreby'gi"\1en that' the; City Crlle~:as,'/l'!vi9U9~tth'!lret'or.. A:1s'Owit4 O'OunCll 'Of-tpeCity J:)f"B'Ozllrxfan,. by .a C,l,\t'o;;~beginmnglnofnear4/le ,eel)- C'O!lncll Res'Olution. No. 215, passed and ter bfJ:Jentral.A. vllpue 'O,n Main ~treet, lloPpruv'!ldat a regular,meetitiltheJd. on ' runnlng:,tpencenorth.~n'Central'.A'\1. tM~Othl1aYQf Decem ber, iOOO,declaredenue totPll center of~endllIlhaJl'Strllet: Itslntenti'OntaCOllstruct PUblto Sewer. thllnoe eastonMend~l1hall Street to tblj NUmbe~'One Otsti;ffillientcap4city t()lce~t8""O~"Rous!lA'V:ljnue; tbence north serve as adhJtric,t sewer forSewefDI~' ;~nH~s;ll, AVeIl~llto thecentet of __,_~vf-I trlct'~ulllb~rOue.afidtaspeci'llJ/yas..lr,.amme~t~eeP;tll\lnlle e~stl?n La,mme ' .' ./ 1 ;:J .'''' 'hn''''''''r bo",,,'" on "'" ,ub, I "'''';' to ~,mn' ~t 'l1 n,,,", "n'" . " . Hcse~er, \Vhlchp,ls~aerYflsas. a district I of Oll,ureh Av:e~?~ICOnnec~n..gW1th / .~ sew.er for Sewer Dl6triot NumberOne.: sew~r pnphur,o~"A.venue; ~mg the ~ in pro,"~nn to 1M !inoo, too' b""': I, proP""'-9\'" in ,.., Cnunoil JW,. , ,. , .1Ug'tbereon,for the amount flqual to : \Jl~t1on:Numl'~r215. . . u : the estimate costs o.f a district sewer . .. rba,tthf,llistimatedcost of construct- . capable pi.accamMOdating said prop. 1II~ SU(l~ S~werls~sfallo'!,s': .'~ '''" ""'" ........" to b, n,,' In 'Otni ~,".,.tO'}.... of "n,.,"!'n, ~ , I . defra~ s.omqch af'tllecasts of conatruct.~ubh?8ewer _~n.lll:lj>er ?M. of sufflciebt /., '.....,... I, 109 sRld,1;>ubllo/:le\Ver Number One liS capacIty to serve as a dlstrrct sewer for . .".". .' ~....., ' won" "no> th...... tba. woo" b' . th,pro,,,,, bo","n,,",,..~ 88,3621'1 tll.,,1- necessary to construct a district sewer: Est~matedcostaf... constru;ct1l1~Dis. __..........." ". . sUj;fici~uttoacc,oniiriodate the property I trict lSewtir Number Onecapal1leJof. 9C' , I borderlUgt~erean.. . .. '. . I cammo~ating tbeproperty serv:edby' ! ThattbeprOper~yto b~ s.o assessed is,. i Publlp l:iewerNumberlOne, $7,009,' all thepraperty . \Vtthin tbeboUndsof i Estlma~ed cost per linear fdot to Sewer District Number . One atid bor- I property 'bordering thereon and far deringall and acc.ommodated by said . whicb special assessiIJents arll'ta be Pnbllc Sewer NU~ber Onll, described mad",,60.cents. .'. .' . . .......... . 'asfollows:,Heglnning ata point 'One . December.29th,1900, at 7:30 Q'clock ~undred and fifty feet west. 'Of tb'e west p. ,m".at the~.()urrcilR()9~s hi ,the City hne .of :l"ifth-1venueand luar near. Ball,1n sa.ldOltY,of Bozeman,Mantana, tbellellter of Mairi Street.. running' is hereby dllSigna~ed as thlltlllJll and thellceeastonMalnStreet ta .a point place lortbe,beanng of objectioils, If at ()r near theeenterof CllurllhAven'ue.auy, to ~ht;lSald proposed imptovement~. 'thence <north 'On OhurchAvenueto~By o,r(l",r 01' the OityQounCil. Paill't.. b'etwee,n'TamaraCk and Juniper I Datl'l~'DeOember21st,'19()~),,'i;:', Streets,,:bere'Bazeman Creeklntersects 'I G~o. D.. ~EASE, Qlty 91~rk, I .., 'tr.r.t..".;!I '"._....~..'. \0 /